using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Text; using System.Net; using System.Net.Sockets; using System.Threading; //DILEMMA -- Seperate intance of RCON for each server or no? namespace IW4MAdmin { class RCON { enum Type { Query, Execute, } public RCON(Server I) { //sv_connection = new UdpClient(); // sv_connection.Client.SendTimeout = 1000; //sv_connection.Client.ReceiveTimeout = 1000; Instance = I; toSend = new Queue(); } //We want to read the reponse public String[] responseSendRCON(String message) { try { String STR_REQUEST = String.Empty; if (message != "getstatus") STR_REQUEST = String.Format("ÿÿÿÿrcon {0} {1}", Instance.getPassword(), message); else STR_REQUEST = String.Format("ÿÿÿÿ getstatus"); Byte[] Request_ = Encoding.Unicode.GetBytes(STR_REQUEST); Byte[] Request = new Byte[Request_.Length/2]; int count = 0; //This is kinda hacky but Unicode -> ASCII doesn't seem to be working correctly for this. foreach (Byte b in Request_) { if (b != 0) Request[count/2] = b; count++; } System.Net.IPAddress IP = System.Net.IPAddress.Parse(Instance.getIP()); IPEndPoint endPoint = new IPEndPoint(IP, Instance.getPort()); sv_connection.Connect(endPoint); sv_connection.Send(Request, Request.Length); String incoming = String.Empty; byte[] bufferRecv = new byte[65536]; do { // loop on receiving the bytes bufferRecv = sv_connection.Receive(ref endPoint); // only decode the bytes received incoming += (Encoding.ASCII.GetString(bufferRecv, 0, bufferRecv.Length)); } while (sv_connection.Available > 0); int num = int.Parse("0a", System.Globalization.NumberStyles.AllowHexSpecifier); String[] response = incoming.Split(new char[] {(char)num} , StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); if(response[1] == "Invalid password.") { Instance.Log.Write("Invalid RCON password specified", Log.Level.Debug); return null; } return response; } catch (SocketException) { Instance.Log.Write("Unable to reach server for sending RCON", Log.Level.Debug); return null; } catch (System.InvalidOperationException) { Instance.Log.Write("RCON Connection terminated by server. Uh-OH", Log.Level.Debug); sv_connection.Close(); sv_connection = new UdpClient(); return null; } } public String[] addRCON(String Message) { RCON_Request newReq = new RCON_Request(Message); toSend.Enqueue(newReq); return newReq.waitForResponse(); } public void Reset() { sv_connection.Close(); sv_connection = new UdpClient(); } public void ManageRCONQueue() { while (Instance.isRunning) { if (toSend.Count > 0) { RCON_Request Current = toSend.Peek(); //Current.Response = responseSendRCON(Current.Request); Utilities.executeCommand(Instance.pID(), Current.Request); toSend.Dequeue(); Utilities.Wait(0.567); } else Utilities.Wait(0.01); } } private UdpClient sv_connection; private Server Instance; private Queue toSend; } class RCON_Request { public RCON_Request(String IN) { Request = IN; Response = null; } public String[] waitForResponse() { DateTime Start = DateTime.Now; DateTime Current = DateTime.Now; while (Response == null && (Current-Start).TotalMilliseconds < 1000) { Thread.Sleep(1); Current = DateTime.Now; } return Response; } public String Request; public String[] Response; } }