using System; using System.Collections.Concurrent; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Threading.Tasks; using SharedLibraryCore; using SharedLibraryCore.Helpers; using SharedLibraryCore.Interfaces; using SharedLibraryCore.Objects; using SharedLibraryCore.Commands; using IW4MAdmin.Plugins.Stats.Models; namespace IW4MAdmin.Plugins.Stats.Helpers { public class StatManager { private ConcurrentDictionary Servers; private ConcurrentDictionary ContextThreads; private ILogger Log; private IManager Manager; public StatManager(IManager mgr) { Servers = new ConcurrentDictionary(); ContextThreads = new ConcurrentDictionary(); Log = mgr.GetLogger(); Manager = mgr; } ~StatManager() { Servers.Clear(); Log = null; Servers = null; } /// /// Add a server to the StatManager server pool /// /// public void AddServer(Server sv) { try { int serverId = sv.GetHashCode(); var statsSvc = new ThreadSafeStatsService(); ContextThreads.TryAdd(serverId, statsSvc); // get the server from the database if it exists, otherwise create and insert a new one var server = statsSvc.ServerSvc.Find(c => c.ServerId == serverId).FirstOrDefault(); if (server == null) { server = new EFServer() { Port = sv.GetPort(), Active = true, ServerId = serverId }; statsSvc.ServerSvc.Insert(server); } // this doesn't need to be async as it's during initialization statsSvc.ServerSvc.SaveChanges(); // check to see if the stats have ever been initialized InitializeServerStats(sv); statsSvc.ServerStatsSvc.SaveChanges(); var serverStats = statsSvc.ServerStatsSvc.Find(c => c.ServerId == serverId).FirstOrDefault(); Servers.TryAdd(serverId, new ServerStats(server, serverStats)); } catch (Exception e) { Log.WriteError($"{Utilities.CurrentLocalization.LocalizationIndex["PLUGIN_STATS_ERROR_ADD"]} - {e.Message}"); } } /// /// Add Player to the player stats /// /// Player to add/retrieve stats for /// EFClientStatistic of specified player public async Task AddPlayer(Player pl) { int serverId = pl.CurrentServer.GetHashCode(); if (!Servers.ContainsKey(serverId)) { Log.WriteError($"[Stats::AddPlayer] Server with id {serverId} could not be found"); return null; } var playerStats = Servers[serverId].PlayerStats; var statsSvc = ContextThreads[serverId]; var detectionStats = Servers[serverId].PlayerDetections; if (playerStats.ContainsKey(pl.ClientId)) { Log.WriteWarning($"Duplicate ClientId in stats {pl.ClientId}"); return null; } // get the client's stats from the database if it exists, otherwise create and attach a new one // if this fails we want to throw an exception var clientStatsSvc = statsSvc.ClientStatSvc; var clientStats = clientStatsSvc.Find(c => c.ClientId == pl.ClientId && c.ServerId == serverId).FirstOrDefault(); if (clientStats == null) { clientStats = new EFClientStatistics() { Active = true, ClientId = pl.ClientId, Deaths = 0, Kills = 0, ServerId = serverId, Skill = 0.0, SPM = 0.0, HitLocations = Enum.GetValues(typeof(IW4Info.HitLocation)).OfType().Select(hl => new EFHitLocationCount() { Active = true, HitCount = 0, Location = hl }) .ToList() }; // insert if they've not been added clientStats = clientStatsSvc.Insert(clientStats); await clientStatsSvc.SaveChangesAsync(); } // migration for previous existing stats if (clientStats.HitLocations.Count == 0) { clientStats.HitLocations = Enum.GetValues(typeof(IW4Info.HitLocation)).OfType().Select(hl => new EFHitLocationCount() { Active = true, HitCount = 0, Location = hl }) .ToList(); //await statsSvc.ClientStatSvc.SaveChangesAsync(); } // set these on connecting clientStats.LastActive = DateTime.UtcNow; clientStats.LastStatCalculation = DateTime.UtcNow; clientStats.SessionScore = pl.Score; Log.WriteInfo($"Adding {pl} to stats"); if (!playerStats.TryAdd(pl.ClientId, clientStats)) Log.WriteDebug($"Could not add client to stats {pl}"); if (!detectionStats.TryAdd(pl.ClientId, new Cheat.Detection(Log, clientStats))) Log.WriteDebug("Could not add client to detection"); return clientStats; } /// /// Perform stat updates for disconnecting client /// /// Disconnecting client /// public async Task RemovePlayer(Player pl) { Log.WriteInfo($"Removing {pl} from stats"); int serverId = pl.CurrentServer.GetHashCode(); var playerStats = Servers[serverId].PlayerStats; var detectionStats = Servers[serverId].PlayerDetections; var serverStats = Servers[serverId].ServerStatistics; var statsSvc = ContextThreads[serverId]; if (!playerStats.ContainsKey(pl.ClientId)) { Log.WriteWarning($"Client disconnecting not in stats {pl}"); // remove the client from the stats dictionary as they're leaving playerStats.TryRemove(pl.ClientId, out EFClientStatistics removedValue1); detectionStats.TryRemove(pl.ClientId, out Cheat.Detection removedValue2); return; } // get individual client's stats var clientStats = playerStats[pl.ClientId]; // remove the client from the stats dictionary as they're leaving playerStats.TryRemove(pl.ClientId, out EFClientStatistics removedValue3); detectionStats.TryRemove(pl.ClientId, out Cheat.Detection removedValue4); // sync their stats before they leave var clientStatsSvc = statsSvc.ClientStatSvc; clientStats = UpdateStats(clientStats); clientStatsSvc.Update(clientStats); await clientStatsSvc.SaveChangesAsync(); // increment the total play time serverStats.TotalPlayTime += (int)(DateTime.UtcNow - pl.LastConnection).TotalSeconds; } public void AddDamageEvent(string eventLine, int clientId, int serverId) { /* string regex = @"^(D);((?:bot[0-9]+)|(?:[A-Z]|[0-9])+);([0-9]+);(axis|allies);(.+);((?:[A-Z]|[0-9])+);([0-9]+);(axis|allies);(.+);((?:[0-9]+|[a-z]+|_)+);([0-9]+);((?:[A-Z]|_)+);((?:[a-z]|_)+)$"; var match = Regex.Match(damageLine, regex, RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); if (match.Success) { var meansOfDeath = ParseEnum.Get(match.Groups[12].Value, typeof(IW4Info.MeansOfDeath)); var hitLocation = ParseEnum.Get(match.Groups[13].Value, typeof(IW4Info.HitLocation)); if (meansOfDeath == IW4Info.MeansOfDeath.MOD_PISTOL_BULLET || meansOfDeath == IW4Info.MeansOfDeath.MOD_RIFLE_BULLET || meansOfDeath == IW4Info.MeansOfDeath.MOD_HEAD_SHOT) { ClientStats.HitLocations.First(hl => hl.Location == hitLocation).HitCount += 1; } }*/ } /// /// Process stats for kill event /// /// public async Task AddScriptHit(bool isDamage, DateTime time, Player attacker, Player victim, int serverId, string map, string hitLoc, string type, string damage, string weapon, string killOrigin, string deathOrigin, string viewAngles, string offset, string isKillstreakKill, string Ads, string snapAngles) { var statsSvc = ContextThreads[serverId]; Vector3 vDeathOrigin = null; Vector3 vKillOrigin = null; Vector3 vViewAngles = null; try { vDeathOrigin = Vector3.Parse(deathOrigin); vKillOrigin = Vector3.Parse(killOrigin); vViewAngles = Vector3.Parse(viewAngles).FixIW4Angles(); } catch (FormatException) { Log.WriteWarning("Could not parse kill or death origin or viewangle vectors"); Log.WriteDebug($"Kill - {killOrigin} Death - {deathOrigin} ViewAngle - {viewAngles}"); await AddStandardKill(attacker, victim); return; } var snapshotAngles = new List(); try { foreach (string angle in snapAngles.Split(':', StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries)) { snapshotAngles.Add(Vector3.Parse(angle).FixIW4Angles()); } } catch (FormatException) { Log.WriteWarning("Could not parse snapshot angles"); return; } var kill = new EFClientKill() { Active = true, AttackerId = attacker.ClientId, VictimId = victim.ClientId, ServerId = serverId, Map = ParseEnum.Get(map, typeof(IW4Info.MapName)), DeathOrigin = vDeathOrigin, KillOrigin = vKillOrigin, DeathType = ParseEnum.Get(type, typeof(IW4Info.MeansOfDeath)), Damage = Int32.Parse(damage), HitLoc = ParseEnum.Get(hitLoc, typeof(IW4Info.HitLocation)), Weapon = ParseEnum.Get(weapon, typeof(IW4Info.WeaponName)), ViewAngles = vViewAngles, TimeOffset = Int64.Parse(offset), When = time, IsKillstreakKill = isKillstreakKill[0] != '0', AdsPercent = float.Parse(Ads), AnglesList = snapshotAngles }; if (kill.DeathType == IW4Info.MeansOfDeath.MOD_SUICIDE && kill.Damage == 100000) { // suicide by switching teams so let's not count it against them return; } if (!isDamage) { await AddStandardKill(attacker, victim); } if (kill.IsKillstreakKill) { return; } var clientDetection = Servers[serverId].PlayerDetections[attacker.ClientId]; var clientStats = Servers[serverId].PlayerStats[attacker.ClientId]; var clientStatsSvc = statsSvc.ClientStatSvc; clientStatsSvc.Update(clientStats); // increment their hit count if (kill.DeathType == IW4Info.MeansOfDeath.MOD_PISTOL_BULLET || kill.DeathType == IW4Info.MeansOfDeath.MOD_RIFLE_BULLET || kill.DeathType == IW4Info.MeansOfDeath.MOD_HEAD_SHOT) { clientStats.HitLocations.Single(hl => hl.Location == kill.HitLoc).HitCount += 1; //statsSvc.ClientStatSvc.Update(clientStats); // await statsSvc.ClientStatSvc.SaveChangesAsync(); } //statsSvc.KillStatsSvc.Insert(kill); //await statsSvc.KillStatsSvc.SaveChangesAsync(); if (Plugin.Config.Configuration().EnableAntiCheat) { async Task executePenalty(Cheat.DetectionPenaltyResult penalty) { // prevent multiple bans from occuring if (attacker.Level == Player.Permission.Banned) { return; } switch (penalty.ClientPenalty) { case Penalty.PenaltyType.Ban: await attacker.Ban(Utilities.CurrentLocalization.LocalizationIndex["PLUGIN_STATS_CHEAT_DETECTED"], new Player() { ClientId = 1 }); break; case Penalty.PenaltyType.Flag: if (attacker.Level != Player.Permission.User) break; var e = new GameEvent() { Data = penalty.Type == Cheat.Detection.DetectionType.Bone ? $"{penalty.Type}-{(int)penalty.Location}-{Math.Round(penalty.Value, 2)}@{penalty.HitCount}" : $"{penalty.Type}-{Math.Round(penalty.Value, 2)}@{penalty.HitCount}", Origin = new Player() { ClientId = 1, Level = Player.Permission.Console, ClientNumber = -1, CurrentServer = attacker.CurrentServer }, Target = attacker, Owner = attacker.CurrentServer, Type = GameEvent.EventType.Flag }; await new CFlag().ExecuteAsync(e); break; } } await executePenalty(clientDetection.ProcessKill(kill, isDamage)); await executePenalty(clientDetection.ProcessTotalRatio(clientStats)); await clientStatsSvc.SaveChangesAsync(); } } public async Task AddStandardKill(Player attacker, Player victim) { int serverId = attacker.CurrentServer.GetHashCode(); EFClientStatistics attackerStats = null; try { attackerStats = Servers[serverId].PlayerStats[attacker.ClientId]; } catch (KeyNotFoundException) { // happens when the client has disconnected before the last status update Log.WriteWarning($"[Stats::AddStandardKill] kill attacker ClientId is invalid {attacker.ClientId}-{attacker}"); return; } EFClientStatistics victimStats = null; try { victimStats = Servers[serverId].PlayerStats[victim.ClientId]; } catch (KeyNotFoundException) { Log.WriteWarning($"[Stats::AddStandardKill] kill victim ClientId is invalid {victim.ClientId}-{victim}"); return; } #if DEBUG Log.WriteDebug("Calculating standard kill"); #endif // update the total stats Servers[serverId].ServerStatistics.TotalKills += 1; // this happens when the round has changed if (attackerStats.SessionScore == 0) attackerStats.LastScore = 0; if (victimStats.SessionScore == 0) victimStats.LastScore = 0; attackerStats.SessionScore = attacker.Score; victimStats.SessionScore = victim.Score; // calculate for the clients CalculateKill(attackerStats, victimStats); // this should fix the negative SPM // updates their last score after being calculated attackerStats.LastScore = attacker.Score; victimStats.LastScore = victim.Score; // show encouragement/discouragement string streakMessage = (attackerStats.ClientId != victimStats.ClientId) ? StreakMessage.MessageOnStreak(attackerStats.KillStreak, attackerStats.DeathStreak) : StreakMessage.MessageOnStreak(-1, -1); if (streakMessage != string.Empty) await attacker.Tell(streakMessage); // fixme: why? if (double.IsNaN(victimStats.SPM) || double.IsNaN(victimStats.Skill)) { Log.WriteDebug($"[StatManager::AddStandardKill] victim SPM/SKILL {victimStats.SPM} {victimStats.Skill}"); victimStats.SPM = 0.0; victimStats.Skill = 0.0; } if (double.IsNaN(attackerStats.SPM) || double.IsNaN(attackerStats.Skill)) { Log.WriteDebug($"[StatManager::AddStandardKill] attacker SPM/SKILL {victimStats.SPM} {victimStats.Skill}"); attackerStats.SPM = 0.0; attackerStats.Skill = 0.0; } // todo: do we want to save this immediately? var clientStatsSvc = ContextThreads[serverId].ClientStatSvc; clientStatsSvc.Update(attackerStats); clientStatsSvc.Update(victimStats); await clientStatsSvc.SaveChangesAsync(); } /// /// Performs the incrementation of kills and deaths for client statistics /// /// Stats of the attacker /// Stats of the victim public void CalculateKill(EFClientStatistics attackerStats, EFClientStatistics victimStats) { bool suicide = attackerStats.ClientId == victimStats.ClientId; // only update their kills if they didn't kill themselves if (!suicide) { attackerStats.Kills += 1; attackerStats.SessionKills += 1; attackerStats.KillStreak += 1; attackerStats.DeathStreak = 0; } victimStats.Deaths += 1; victimStats.SessionDeaths += 1; victimStats.DeathStreak += 1; victimStats.KillStreak = 0; // process the attacker's stats after the kills attackerStats = UpdateStats(attackerStats); // update after calculation attackerStats.TimePlayed += (int)(DateTime.UtcNow - attackerStats.LastActive).TotalSeconds; victimStats.TimePlayed += (int)(DateTime.UtcNow - victimStats.LastActive).TotalSeconds; attackerStats.LastActive = DateTime.UtcNow; victimStats.LastActive = DateTime.UtcNow; } /// /// Update the client stats (skill etc) /// /// Client statistics /// private EFClientStatistics UpdateStats(EFClientStatistics clientStats) { // prevent NaN or inactive time lowering SPM if ((DateTime.UtcNow - clientStats.LastStatCalculation).TotalSeconds / 60.0 < 0.01 || (DateTime.UtcNow - clientStats.LastActive).TotalSeconds / 60.0 > 3 || clientStats.SessionScore == 0) { // prevents idle time counting clientStats.LastStatCalculation = DateTime.UtcNow; return clientStats; } double timeSinceLastCalc = (DateTime.UtcNow - clientStats.LastStatCalculation).TotalSeconds / 60.0; double timeSinceLastActive = (DateTime.UtcNow - clientStats.LastActive).TotalSeconds / 60.0; int scoreDifference = 0; // this means they've been tking or suicide and is the only time they can have a negative SPM if (clientStats.RoundScore < 0) { scoreDifference = clientStats.RoundScore + clientStats.LastScore; } else if (clientStats.RoundScore > 0 && clientStats.LastScore < clientStats.RoundScore) { scoreDifference = clientStats.RoundScore - clientStats.LastScore; } double killSPM = scoreDifference / timeSinceLastCalc; // calculate how much the KDR should weigh // 1.637 is a Eddie-Generated number that weights the KDR nicely double kdr = clientStats.Deaths == 0 ? clientStats.Kills : clientStats.KDR; double KDRWeight = Math.Round(Math.Pow(kdr, 1.637 / Math.E), 3); // calculate the weight of the new play time against last 10 hours of gameplay int totalPlayTime = (clientStats.TimePlayed == 0) ? (int)(DateTime.UtcNow - clientStats.LastActive).TotalSeconds : clientStats.TimePlayed + (int)(DateTime.UtcNow - clientStats.LastActive).TotalSeconds; double SPMAgainstPlayWeight = timeSinceLastCalc / Math.Min(600, (totalPlayTime / 60.0)); // calculate the new weight against average times the weight against play time clientStats.SPM = (killSPM * SPMAgainstPlayWeight) + (clientStats.SPM * (1 - SPMAgainstPlayWeight)); if (clientStats.SPM < 0) { Log.WriteWarning("[StatManager:UpdateStats] clientStats SPM < 0"); Log.WriteDebug($"{scoreDifference}-{clientStats.RoundScore} - {clientStats.LastScore} - {clientStats.SessionScore}"); clientStats.SPM = 0; } clientStats.SPM = Math.Round(clientStats.SPM, 3); clientStats.Skill = Math.Round((clientStats.SPM * KDRWeight), 3); // fixme: how does this happen? if (double.IsNaN(clientStats.SPM) || double.IsNaN(clientStats.Skill)) { Log.WriteWarning("[StatManager::UpdateStats] clientStats SPM/Skill NaN"); Log.WriteDebug($"{killSPM}-{KDRWeight}-{totalPlayTime}-{SPMAgainstPlayWeight}-{clientStats.SPM}-{clientStats.Skill}-{scoreDifference}"); clientStats.SPM = 0; clientStats.Skill = 0; } clientStats.LastStatCalculation = DateTime.UtcNow; //clientStats.LastScore = clientStats.SessionScore; return clientStats; } public void InitializeServerStats(Server sv) { int serverId = sv.GetHashCode(); var statsSvc = ContextThreads[serverId]; var serverStats = statsSvc.ServerStatsSvc.Find(s => s.ServerId == serverId).FirstOrDefault(); if (serverStats == null) { Log.WriteDebug($"Initializing server stats for {sv}"); // server stats have never been generated before serverStats = new EFServerStatistics() { Active = true, ServerId = serverId, TotalKills = 0, TotalPlayTime = 0, }; var ieClientStats = statsSvc.ClientStatSvc.Find(cs => cs.ServerId == serverId); // set these incase we've imported settings serverStats.TotalKills = ieClientStats.Sum(cs => cs.Kills); serverStats.TotalPlayTime = Manager.GetClientService().GetTotalPlayTime().Result; statsSvc.ServerStatsSvc.Insert(serverStats); } } public void ResetKillstreaks(int serverId) { var serverStats = Servers[serverId]; foreach (var stat in serverStats.PlayerStats.Values) stat.StartNewSession(); } public void ResetStats(int clientId, int serverId) { var stats = Servers[serverId].PlayerStats[clientId]; stats.Kills = 0; stats.Deaths = 0; stats.SPM = 0; stats.Skill = 0; stats.TimePlayed = 0; } public async Task AddMessageAsync(int clientId, int serverId, string message) { // the web users can have no account if (clientId < 1) return; var messageSvc = ContextThreads[serverId].MessageSvc; messageSvc.Insert(new EFClientMessage() { Active = true, ClientId = clientId, Message = message, ServerId = serverId, TimeSent = DateTime.UtcNow }); await messageSvc.SaveChangesAsync(); } public async Task Sync(Server sv) { int serverId = sv.GetHashCode(); var statsSvc = ContextThreads[serverId]; Log.WriteDebug("Syncing stats contexts"); await statsSvc.ServerStatsSvc.SaveChangesAsync(); //await statsSvc.ClientStatSvc.SaveChangesAsync(); await statsSvc.KillStatsSvc.SaveChangesAsync(); await statsSvc.ServerSvc.SaveChangesAsync(); statsSvc = null; // this should prevent the gunk for having a long lasting context. ContextThreads[serverId] = new ThreadSafeStatsService(); } } }