using Jint; using Microsoft.CSharp.RuntimeBinder; using SharedLibraryCore; using SharedLibraryCore.Database.Models; using SharedLibraryCore.Interfaces; using System.IO; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; namespace IW4MAdmin.Application.Misc { /// /// implementation of IPlugin /// used to proxy script plugin requests /// public class ScriptPlugin : IPlugin { public string Name { get; set; } public float Version { get; set; } public string Author { get; set; } public FileSystemWatcher Watcher { get; private set; } private Engine _scriptEngine; private readonly string _fileName; private readonly SemaphoreSlim _onProcessing; private bool successfullyLoaded; public ScriptPlugin(string filename) { _fileName = filename; Watcher = new FileSystemWatcher() { Path = $"{Utilities.OperatingDirectory}Plugins{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}", NotifyFilter = NotifyFilters.Size, Filter = _fileName.Split(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar).Last() }; Watcher.EnableRaisingEvents = true; _onProcessing = new SemaphoreSlim(1, 1); } ~ScriptPlugin() { Watcher.Dispose(); _onProcessing.Dispose(); } public async Task Initialize(IManager manager) { await _onProcessing.WaitAsync(); try { // for some reason we get an event trigger when the file is not finished being modified. // this must have been a change in .NET CORE 3.x // so if the new file is empty we can't process it yet if (new FileInfo(_fileName).Length == 0L) { return; } bool firstRun = _scriptEngine == null; // it's been loaded before so we need to call the unload event if (!firstRun) { await OnUnloadAsync(); } successfullyLoaded = false; string script; using (var stream = new FileStream(_fileName, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read, FileShare.ReadWrite)) { using (var reader = new StreamReader(stream, Encoding.Default)) { script = await reader.ReadToEndAsync(); } } _scriptEngine = new Engine(cfg => cfg.AllowClr(new[] { typeof(System.Net.Http.HttpClient).Assembly, typeof(EFClient).Assembly, typeof(Utilities).Assembly, typeof(Encoding).Assembly }) .CatchClrExceptions()); _scriptEngine.Execute(script); _scriptEngine.SetValue("_localization", Utilities.CurrentLocalization); dynamic pluginObject = _scriptEngine.GetValue("plugin").ToObject(); Author =; Name =; Version = (float)pluginObject.version; await OnLoadAsync(manager); try { if (pluginObject.isParser) { IEventParser eventParser = (IEventParser)_scriptEngine.GetValue("eventParser").ToObject(); IRConParser rconParser = (IRConParser)_scriptEngine.GetValue("rconParser").ToObject(); manager.AdditionalEventParsers.Add(eventParser); manager.AdditionalRConParsers.Add(rconParser); } } catch (RuntimeBinderException) { } if (!firstRun) { await OnLoadAsync(manager); } successfullyLoaded = true; } catch { throw; } finally { if (_onProcessing.CurrentCount == 0) { _onProcessing.Release(1); } } } public async Task OnEventAsync(GameEvent E, Server S) { if (successfullyLoaded) { await _onProcessing.WaitAsync(); try { _scriptEngine.SetValue("_gameEvent", E); _scriptEngine.SetValue("_server", S); _scriptEngine.SetValue("_IW4MAdminClient", Utilities.IW4MAdminClient(S)); await Task.FromResult(_scriptEngine.Execute("plugin.onEventAsync(_gameEvent, _server)").GetCompletionValue()); } catch { throw; } finally { if (_onProcessing.CurrentCount == 0) { _onProcessing.Release(1); } } } } public Task OnLoadAsync(IManager manager) { manager.GetLogger(0).WriteDebug($"OnLoad executing for {Name}"); _scriptEngine.SetValue("_manager", manager); return Task.FromResult(_scriptEngine.Execute("plugin.onLoadAsync(_manager)").GetCompletionValue()); } public Task OnTickAsync(Server S) { _scriptEngine.SetValue("_server", S); return Task.FromResult(_scriptEngine.Execute("plugin.onTickAsync(_server)").GetCompletionValue()); } public async Task OnUnloadAsync() { if (successfullyLoaded) { await Task.FromResult(_scriptEngine.Execute("plugin.onUnloadAsync()").GetCompletionValue()); } } } }