using IW4MAdmin.Plugins.Stats.Models; using SharedLibraryCore; using SharedLibraryCore.Database.Models; using SharedLibraryCore.Helpers; using SharedLibraryCore.Interfaces; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Text; using System.Text.RegularExpressions; namespace IW4MAdmin.Plugins.Stats.Cheat { class Detection { public enum DetectionType { Bone, Chest, Offset, Strain, Recoil, Snap }; public ChangeTracking Tracker { get; private set; } public const int MIN_HITS_TO_RUN_DETECTION = 5; private const int MIN_ANGLE_COUNT = 5; public List TrackedHits { get; set; } int Kills; int HitCount; Dictionary HitLocationCount; double AngleDifferenceAverage; EFClientStatistics ClientStats; long LastOffset; IW4Info.WeaponName LastWeapon; ILogger Log; Strain Strain; readonly DateTime ConnectionTime = DateTime.UtcNow; private double sessionAverageRecoilAmount; private double sessionAverageSnapAmount; private int sessionSnapHits; private EFClientKill lastHit; private int validRecoilHitCount; private class HitInfo { public int Count { get; set; } public double Offset { get; set; } }; public Detection(ILogger log, EFClientStatistics clientStats) { Log = log; HitLocationCount = new Dictionary(); foreach (var loc in Enum.GetValues(typeof(IW4Info.HitLocation))) { HitLocationCount.Add((IW4Info.HitLocation)loc, new HitInfo()); } ClientStats = clientStats; Strain = new Strain(); Tracker = new ChangeTracking(); TrackedHits = new List(); } /// /// Analyze kill and see if performed by a cheater /// /// kill performed by the player /// true if detection reached thresholds, false otherwise public DetectionPenaltyResult ProcessHit(EFClientKill hit, bool isDamage) { var results = new List(); if ((hit.DeathType != IW4Info.MeansOfDeath.MOD_PISTOL_BULLET && hit.DeathType != IW4Info.MeansOfDeath.MOD_RIFLE_BULLET && hit.DeathType != IW4Info.MeansOfDeath.MOD_HEAD_SHOT) || hit.HitLoc == IW4Info.HitLocation.none || hit.TimeOffset - LastOffset < 0 || // hack: prevents false positives (LastWeapon != hit.Weapon && (hit.TimeOffset - LastOffset) == 50)) { return new DetectionPenaltyResult() { ClientPenalty = EFPenalty.PenaltyType.Any, }; } LastWeapon = hit.Weapon; HitLocationCount[hit.HitLoc].Count++; HitCount++; if (!isDamage) { Kills++; } #region SNAP if (hit.AnglesList.Count == MIN_ANGLE_COUNT) { if (lastHit == null) { lastHit = hit; } bool areAnglesInvalid = hit.AnglesList[0].Equals(hit.AnglesList[1]) && hit.AnglesList[3].Equals(hit.AnglesList[4]); if ((lastHit == hit || lastHit.VictimId != hit.VictimId || (hit.TimeOffset - lastHit.TimeOffset) >= 1000) && !areAnglesInvalid) { ClientStats.SnapHitCount++; sessionSnapHits++; var currentSnapDistance = Vector3.SnapDistance(hit.AnglesList[0], hit.AnglesList[1], hit.ViewAngles); double previousAverage = ClientStats.AverageSnapValue; ClientStats.AverageSnapValue = (previousAverage * (ClientStats.SnapHitCount - 1) + currentSnapDistance) / ClientStats.SnapHitCount; double previousSessionAverage = sessionAverageSnapAmount; sessionAverageSnapAmount = (previousSessionAverage * (sessionSnapHits - 1) + currentSnapDistance) / sessionSnapHits; lastHit = hit; if (sessionSnapHits > Thresholds.LowSampleMinKills && sessionAverageSnapAmount > Thresholds.SnapFlagValue) { results.Add(new DetectionPenaltyResult() { ClientPenalty = EFPenalty.PenaltyType.Flag, Value = sessionAverageSnapAmount, HitCount = ClientStats.SnapHitCount, Type = DetectionType.Snap }); } if (sessionSnapHits > Thresholds.LowSampleMinKills && sessionAverageSnapAmount > Thresholds.SnapBanValue) { results.Add(new DetectionPenaltyResult() { ClientPenalty = EFPenalty.PenaltyType.Ban, Value = sessionAverageSnapAmount, HitCount = ClientStats.SnapHitCount, Type = DetectionType.Snap }); } } } #endregion #region VIEWANGLES int totalUsableAngleCount = hit.AnglesList.Count - 1; int angleOffsetIndex = totalUsableAngleCount / 2; if (hit.AnglesList.Count == 5) { double realAgainstPredict = Vector3.ViewAngleDistance(hit.AnglesList[angleOffsetIndex - 1], hit.AnglesList[angleOffsetIndex + 1], hit.ViewAngles); // LIFETIME var hitLoc = ClientStats.HitLocations .First(hl => hl.Location == hit.HitLoc); float previousAverage = hitLoc.HitOffsetAverage; double newAverage = (previousAverage * (hitLoc.HitCount - 1) + realAgainstPredict) / hitLoc.HitCount; hitLoc.HitOffsetAverage = (float)newAverage; int totalHits = ClientStats.HitLocations.Sum(_hit => _hit.HitCount); var weightedLifetimeAverage = ClientStats.HitLocations.Where(_hit => _hit.HitCount > 0) .Sum(_hit => _hit.HitOffsetAverage * _hit.HitCount) / totalHits; if (weightedLifetimeAverage > Thresholds.MaxOffset(totalHits) && hitLoc.HitCount > 100) { Log.WriteDebug("*** Reached Max Lifetime Average for Angle Difference ***"); Log.WriteDebug($"Lifetime Average = {newAverage}"); Log.WriteDebug($"Bone = {hitLoc.Location}"); Log.WriteDebug($"HitCount = {hitLoc.HitCount}"); Log.WriteDebug($"ID = {hit.AttackerId}"); results.Add(new DetectionPenaltyResult() { ClientPenalty = EFPenalty.PenaltyType.Flag, Value = hitLoc.HitOffsetAverage, HitCount = hitLoc.HitCount, Type = DetectionType.Offset }); } // SESSION var sessionHitLoc = HitLocationCount[hit.HitLoc]; sessionHitLoc.Offset = (sessionHitLoc.Offset * (sessionHitLoc.Count - 1) + realAgainstPredict) / sessionHitLoc.Count; int totalSessionHits = HitLocationCount.Sum(_hit => _hit.Value.Count); var weightedSessionAverage = HitLocationCount.Where(_hit => _hit.Value.Count > 0) .Sum(_hit => _hit.Value.Offset * _hit.Value.Count) / totalSessionHits; AngleDifferenceAverage = weightedSessionAverage; if (weightedSessionAverage > Thresholds.MaxOffset(totalSessionHits) && totalSessionHits >= (Thresholds.MediumSampleMinKills * 2)) { Log.WriteDebug("*** Reached Max Session Average for Angle Difference ***"); Log.WriteDebug($"Session Average = {weightedSessionAverage}"); Log.WriteDebug($"HitCount = {HitCount}"); Log.WriteDebug($"ID = {hit.AttackerId}"); results.Add(new DetectionPenaltyResult() { ClientPenalty = EFPenalty.PenaltyType.Flag, Value = weightedSessionAverage, HitCount = HitCount, Type = DetectionType.Offset, Location = hitLoc.Location }); } #if DEBUG Log.WriteDebug($"PredictVsReal={realAgainstPredict}"); #endif } #endregion #region STRAIN double currentStrain = Strain.GetStrain(hit.Distance / 0.0254, hit.ViewAngles, Math.Max(50, hit.TimeOffset - LastOffset)); #if DEBUG == true Log.WriteDebug($"Current Strain: {currentStrain}"); #endif LastOffset = hit.TimeOffset; if (currentStrain > ClientStats.MaxStrain) { ClientStats.MaxStrain = currentStrain; } // flag if (currentStrain > Thresholds.MaxStrainFlag) { results.Add(new DetectionPenaltyResult() { ClientPenalty = EFPenalty.PenaltyType.Flag, Value = currentStrain, HitCount = HitCount, Type = DetectionType.Strain }); } // ban if (currentStrain > Thresholds.MaxStrainBan && HitCount >= 5) { results.Add(new DetectionPenaltyResult() { ClientPenalty = EFPenalty.PenaltyType.Ban, Value = currentStrain, HitCount = HitCount, Type = DetectionType.Strain }); } #endregion #region RECOIL float hitRecoilAverage = 0; if (!Plugin.Config.Configuration().RecoilessWeapons.Any(_weaponRegex => Regex.IsMatch(hit.Weapon.ToString(), _weaponRegex))) { validRecoilHitCount++; hitRecoilAverage = (hit.AnglesList.Sum(_angle => _angle.Z) + hit.ViewAngles.Z) / (hit.AnglesList.Count + 1); sessionAverageRecoilAmount = (sessionAverageRecoilAmount * (validRecoilHitCount - 1) + hitRecoilAverage) / validRecoilHitCount; if (validRecoilHitCount >= Thresholds.LowSampleMinKills && Kills > Thresholds.LowSampleMinKillsRecoil && sessionAverageRecoilAmount == 0) { results.Add(new DetectionPenaltyResult() { ClientPenalty = EFPenalty.PenaltyType.Ban, Value = sessionAverageRecoilAmount, HitCount = HitCount, Type = DetectionType.Recoil }); } } #endregion #region SESSION_RATIOS if (Kills >= Thresholds.LowSampleMinKills) { double marginOfError = Thresholds.GetMarginOfError(HitCount); // determine what the max headshot percentage can be for current number of kills double lerpAmount = Math.Min(1.0, (HitCount - Thresholds.LowSampleMinKills) / (double)(/*Thresholds.HighSampleMinKills*/ 60 - Thresholds.LowSampleMinKills)); double maxHeadshotLerpValueForFlag = Thresholds.Lerp(Thresholds.HeadshotRatioThresholdLowSample(2.0), Thresholds.HeadshotRatioThresholdHighSample(2.0), lerpAmount) + marginOfError; double maxHeadshotLerpValueForBan = Thresholds.Lerp(Thresholds.HeadshotRatioThresholdLowSample(3.5), Thresholds.HeadshotRatioThresholdHighSample(3.5), lerpAmount) + marginOfError; // determine what the max bone percentage can be for current number of kills double maxBoneRatioLerpValueForFlag = Thresholds.Lerp(Thresholds.BoneRatioThresholdLowSample(2.25), Thresholds.BoneRatioThresholdHighSample(2.25), lerpAmount) + marginOfError; double maxBoneRatioLerpValueForBan = Thresholds.Lerp(Thresholds.BoneRatioThresholdLowSample(3.25), Thresholds.BoneRatioThresholdHighSample(3.25), lerpAmount) + marginOfError; // calculate headshot ratio double currentHeadshotRatio = ((HitLocationCount[IW4Info.HitLocation.head].Count + HitLocationCount[IW4Info.HitLocation.helmet].Count + HitLocationCount[IW4Info.HitLocation.neck].Count) / (double)HitCount); // calculate maximum bone double currentMaxBoneRatio = (HitLocationCount.Values.Select(v => v.Count / (double)HitCount).Max()); var bone = HitLocationCount.FirstOrDefault(b => b.Value.Count == HitLocationCount.Values.Max(_hit => _hit.Count)).Key; #region HEADSHOT_RATIO // flag on headshot if (currentHeadshotRatio > maxHeadshotLerpValueForFlag) { // ban on headshot if (currentHeadshotRatio > maxHeadshotLerpValueForBan) { results.Add(new DetectionPenaltyResult() { ClientPenalty = EFPenalty.PenaltyType.Ban, Value = currentHeadshotRatio, Location = IW4Info.HitLocation.head, HitCount = HitCount, Type = DetectionType.Bone }); } else { results.Add(new DetectionPenaltyResult() { ClientPenalty = EFPenalty.PenaltyType.Flag, Value = currentHeadshotRatio, Location = IW4Info.HitLocation.head, HitCount = HitCount, Type = DetectionType.Bone }); } } #endregion #region BONE_RATIO // flag on bone ratio else if (currentMaxBoneRatio > maxBoneRatioLerpValueForFlag) { // ban on bone ratio if (currentMaxBoneRatio > maxBoneRatioLerpValueForBan) { results.Add(new DetectionPenaltyResult() { ClientPenalty = EFPenalty.PenaltyType.Ban, Value = currentMaxBoneRatio, Location = bone, HitCount = HitCount, Type = DetectionType.Bone }); } else { results.Add(new DetectionPenaltyResult() { ClientPenalty = EFPenalty.PenaltyType.Flag, Value = currentMaxBoneRatio, Location = bone, HitCount = HitCount, Type = DetectionType.Bone }); } } #endregion } #region CHEST_ABDOMEN_RATIO_SESSION int chestHits = HitLocationCount[IW4Info.HitLocation.torso_upper].Count; if (chestHits >= Thresholds.MediumSampleMinKills) { double marginOfError = Thresholds.GetMarginOfError(chestHits); double lerpAmount = Math.Min(1.0, (chestHits - Thresholds.MediumSampleMinKills) / (double)(Thresholds.HighSampleMinKills - Thresholds.LowSampleMinKills)); // determine max acceptable ratio of chest to abdomen kills double chestAbdomenRatioLerpValueForFlag = Thresholds.Lerp(Thresholds.ChestAbdomenRatioThresholdLowSample(3), Thresholds.ChestAbdomenRatioThresholdHighSample(3), lerpAmount) + marginOfError; double chestAbdomenLerpValueForBan = Thresholds.Lerp(Thresholds.ChestAbdomenRatioThresholdLowSample(4), Thresholds.ChestAbdomenRatioThresholdHighSample(4), lerpAmount) + marginOfError; double currentChestAbdomenRatio = HitLocationCount[IW4Info.HitLocation.torso_upper].Count / (double)HitLocationCount[IW4Info.HitLocation.torso_lower].Count; if (currentChestAbdomenRatio > chestAbdomenRatioLerpValueForFlag) { if (currentChestAbdomenRatio > chestAbdomenLerpValueForBan && chestHits >= Thresholds.MediumSampleMinKills * 2) { results.Add(new DetectionPenaltyResult() { ClientPenalty = EFPenalty.PenaltyType.Ban, Value = currentChestAbdomenRatio, Location = IW4Info.HitLocation.torso_upper, Type = DetectionType.Chest, HitCount = chestHits }); } else { results.Add(new DetectionPenaltyResult() { ClientPenalty = EFPenalty.PenaltyType.Flag, Value = currentChestAbdomenRatio, Location = IW4Info.HitLocation.torso_upper, Type = DetectionType.Chest, HitCount = chestHits }); } } } #endregion #endregion var snapshot = new EFACSnapshot() { When = hit.When, ClientId = ClientStats.ClientId, SessionAngleOffset = AngleDifferenceAverage, RecoilOffset = hitRecoilAverage, CurrentSessionLength = (int)(DateTime.UtcNow - ConnectionTime).TotalSeconds, CurrentStrain = currentStrain, CurrentViewAngle = new Vector3(hit.ViewAngles.X, hit.ViewAngles.Y, hit.ViewAngles.Z), Hits = HitCount, Kills = Kills, Deaths = ClientStats.SessionDeaths, //todo[9.1.19]: why does this cause unique failure? HitDestination = new Vector3(hit.DeathOrigin.X, hit.DeathOrigin.Y, hit.DeathOrigin.Z), HitOrigin = new Vector3(hit.KillOrigin.X, hit.KillOrigin.Y, hit.KillOrigin.Z), EloRating = ClientStats.EloRating, HitLocation = hit.HitLoc, LastStrainAngle = new Vector3(Strain.LastAngle.X, Strain.LastAngle.Y, Strain.LastAngle.Z), // this is in "meters" Distance = hit.Distance, SessionScore = ClientStats.SessionScore, HitType = hit.DeathType, SessionSPM = ClientStats.SessionSPM, StrainAngleBetween = Strain.LastDistance, TimeSinceLastEvent = (int)Strain.LastDeltaTime, WeaponId = hit.Weapon }; snapshot.PredictedViewAngles = hit.AnglesList .Select(_angle => new EFACSnapshotVector3() { Vector = _angle, Snapshot = snapshot }) .ToList(); Tracker.OnChange(snapshot); return results.FirstOrDefault(_result => _result.ClientPenalty == EFPenalty.PenaltyType.Ban) ?? results.FirstOrDefault(_result => _result.ClientPenalty == EFPenalty.PenaltyType.Flag) ?? new DetectionPenaltyResult() { ClientPenalty = EFPenalty.PenaltyType.Any, }; } } }