using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Globalization; using System.Linq; using System.Text.Json; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Data.Models; using Data.Models.Client; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authorization; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Http; using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc; using SharedLibraryCore; using SharedLibraryCore.Commands; using SharedLibraryCore.Configuration; using SharedLibraryCore.Dtos; using SharedLibraryCore.Dtos.Meta.Responses; using SharedLibraryCore.Helpers; using SharedLibraryCore.Interfaces; using WebfrontCore.ViewModels; namespace WebfrontCore.Controllers { public class ActionController : BaseController { private readonly ApplicationConfiguration _appConfig; private readonly IMetaServiceV2 _metaService; private readonly IInteractionRegistration _interactionRegistration; private readonly IRemoteCommandService _remoteCommandService; private readonly string _banCommandName; private readonly string _tempbanCommandName; private readonly string _unbanCommandName; private readonly string _sayCommandName; private readonly string _kickCommandName; private readonly string _offlineMessageCommandName; private readonly string _flagCommandName; private readonly string _unflagCommandName; private readonly string _setLevelCommandName; private readonly string _setClientTagCommandName; private readonly string _addClientNoteCommandName; public ActionController(IManager manager, IEnumerable registeredCommands, ApplicationConfiguration appConfig, IMetaServiceV2 metaService, IInteractionRegistration interactionRegistration, IRemoteCommandService remoteCommandService) : base(manager) { _appConfig = appConfig; _metaService = metaService; _interactionRegistration = interactionRegistration; _remoteCommandService = remoteCommandService; foreach (var cmd in registeredCommands) { var type = cmd.GetType().Name; switch (type) { case nameof(BanCommand): _banCommandName = cmd.Name; break; case nameof(TempBanCommand): _tempbanCommandName = cmd.Name; break; case nameof(UnbanCommand): _unbanCommandName = cmd.Name; break; // todo: this should be flag driven case "SayCommand": _sayCommandName = cmd.Name; break; case nameof(KickCommand): _kickCommandName = cmd.Name; break; case nameof(FlagClientCommand): _flagCommandName = cmd.Name; break; case nameof(UnflagClientCommand): _unflagCommandName = cmd.Name; break; case nameof(SetLevelCommand): _setLevelCommandName = cmd.Name; break; case "OfflineMessageCommand": _offlineMessageCommandName = cmd.Name; break; case "SetClientTagCommand": _setClientTagCommandName = cmd.Name; break; case "AddClientNoteCommand": _addClientNoteCommandName = cmd.Name; break; } } } public IActionResult DynamicActionForm(int? id, string meta) { var metaDict = JsonSerializer.Deserialize>(meta); if (metaDict is null) { return BadRequest(); } metaDict.TryGetValue(nameof(ActionInfo.ActionButtonLabel), out var label); metaDict.TryGetValue(nameof(ActionInfo.Name), out var name); metaDict.TryGetValue(nameof(ActionInfo.ShouldRefresh), out var refresh); metaDict.TryGetValue("Data", out var data); metaDict.TryGetValue("InteractionId", out var interactionId); metaDict.TryGetValue("Inputs", out var template); List additionalInputs = null; var inputKeys = string.Empty; if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(template)) { additionalInputs = JsonSerializer.Deserialize>(template); } if (additionalInputs is not null) { inputKeys = string.Join(",", additionalInputs.Select(input => input.Name)); } bool.TryParse(refresh, out var shouldRefresh); var inputs = new List { new() { Name = "InteractionId", Value = interactionId, Type = "hidden" }, new() { Name = "data", Value = data, Type = "hidden" }, new() { Name = "TargetId", Value = id?.ToString(), Type = "hidden" }, new() { Name = "CustomInputKeys", Value = inputKeys, Type = "hidden" } }; if (additionalInputs?.Any() ?? false) { inputs.AddRange(additionalInputs); } var info = new ActionInfo { ActionButtonLabel = label, Name = name, Action = nameof(DynamicActionAsync), ShouldRefresh = shouldRefresh, Inputs = inputs }; return View("_ActionForm", info); } public async Task DynamicActionAsync(CancellationToken token = default) { HttpContext.Request.Query.TryGetValue("InteractionId", out var interactionId); HttpContext.Request.Query.TryGetValue("CustomInputKeys", out var inputKeys); HttpContext.Request.Query.TryGetValue("Data", out var data); HttpContext.Request.Query.TryGetValue("TargetId", out var targetIdString); var inputs = new Dictionary(); if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(inputKeys.ToString())) { foreach (var key in inputKeys.ToString().Split(",")) { HttpContext.Request.Query.TryGetValue(key, out var input); if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(input)) { continue; } inputs.Add(key, HttpContext.Request.Query[key]); } } var game = (Reference.Game?)null; var targetId = (int?)null; if (int.TryParse(targetIdString.ToString().Split(",").Last(), out var parsedTargetId)) { targetId = parsedTargetId; } if (targetId.HasValue) { game = (await Manager.GetClientService().Get(targetId.Value))?.GameName; } if (interactionId.ToString() != "command") { return Ok(await _interactionRegistration.ProcessInteraction(interactionId, Client.ClientId, targetId, game, inputs, token)); } var server = Manager.GetServers().First(); return Ok(await _remoteCommandService.Execute(Client.ClientId, targetId, data, inputs.Values.Select(input => input), server)); } public IActionResult BanForm() { var info = new ActionInfo { ActionButtonLabel = Localization["WEBFRONT_ACTION_BAN_NAME"], Name = Localization["WEBFRONT_ACTION_BAN_NAME"], Inputs = new List { new() { Name = "Reason", Label = Localization["WEBFRONT_ACTION_LABEL_REASON"], }, new() { Name = "PresetReason", Type = "select", Label = Localization["WEBFRONT_ACTION_LABEL_PRESET_REASON"], Values = GetPresetPenaltyReasons() }, new() { Name = "Duration", Label = Localization["WEBFRONT_ACTION_LABEL_DURATION"], Type = "select", Values = _appConfig.BanDurations .Select((item, index) => new { Id = (index + 1).ToString(), Value = item.HumanizeForCurrentCulture() } ) .Append(new { Id = (_appConfig.BanDurations.Length + 1).ToString(), Value = Localization["WEBFRONT_ACTION_SELECTION_PERMANENT"] }).ToDictionary(duration => duration.Id, duration => duration.Value), } }, Action = "BanAsync", ShouldRefresh = true }; return View("_ActionForm", info); } public async Task BanAsync(int targetId, string reason, int duration, string presetReason = null) { var fallthroughReason = presetReason ?? reason; string command; // permanent if (duration > _appConfig.BanDurations.Length) { command = $"{_appConfig.CommandPrefix}{_banCommandName} @{targetId} {fallthroughReason}"; } // temporary ban else { var durationSpan = _appConfig.BanDurations[duration - 1]; var durationValue = durationSpan.TotalHours.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + Localization["GLOBAL_TIME_HOURS"][0]; command = $"{_appConfig.CommandPrefix}{_tempbanCommandName} @{targetId} {durationValue} {fallthroughReason}"; } var server = Manager.GetServers().First(); return await Task.FromResult(RedirectToAction("Execute", "Console", new { serverId = server.EndPoint, command })); } public IActionResult UnbanForm(long? id) { var info = new ActionInfo { ActionButtonLabel = Localization["WEBFRONT_ACTION_UNBAN_NAME"], Name = Localization["WEBFRONT_ACTION_UNBAN_NAME"], Inputs = new List { new() { Name = "Reason", Label = Localization["WEBFRONT_ACTION_LABEL_REASON"], } }, Action = "UnbanAsync", ShouldRefresh = true }; if (id is not null) { info.Inputs.Add(new() { Name = "targetId", Value = id.ToString(), Type = "hidden" }); } return View("_ActionForm", info); } public async Task UnbanAsync(int targetId, string reason) { var server = Manager.GetServers().First(); return await Task.FromResult(RedirectToAction("Execute", "Console", new { serverId = server.EndPoint, command = $"{_appConfig.CommandPrefix}{_unbanCommandName} @{targetId} {reason}" })); } public IActionResult LoginForm() { var login = new ActionInfo { ActionButtonLabel = Localization["WEBFRONT_ACTION_LOGIN_NAME"], Name = Localization["WEBFRONT_ACTION_LOGIN_NAME"], Inputs = new List { new() { Name = "clientId", Label = Localization["WEBFRONT_ACTION_LABEL_ID"], Required = true }, new() { Name = "Password", Label = Localization["WEBFRONT_ACTION_LABEL_PASSWORD"], Type = "password", Required = true } }, Action = "Login" }; return View("_ActionForm", login); } public async Task Login(int clientId, string password) { return await Task.FromResult(RedirectToAction("Login", "Account", new { clientId, password })); } public IActionResult EditForm() { var info = new ActionInfo { ActionButtonLabel = Localization["WEBFRONT_ACTION_LABEL_EDIT"], Name = Localization["WEBFRONT_ACTION_LABEL_EDIT"], Inputs = new List { new() { Name = "level", Label = Localization["WEBFRONT_PROFILE_LEVEL"], Type = "select", Values = Enum.GetValues(typeof(EFClient.Permission)).OfType() .Where(p => p <= Client.Level) .Where(p => p != EFClient.Permission.Banned) .Where(p => p != EFClient.Permission.Flagged) .ToDictionary(p => p.ToString(), p => p.ToLocalizedLevelName()) }, }, Action = "EditAsync", ShouldRefresh = true }; return View("_ActionForm", info); } public async Task EditAsync(int targetId, string level) { var server = Manager.GetServers().First(); return await Task.FromResult(RedirectToAction("Execute", "Console", new { serverId = server.EndPoint, command = $"{_appConfig.CommandPrefix}{_setLevelCommandName} @{targetId} {level}" })); } public IActionResult GenerateLoginTokenForm() { var info = new ActionInfo { ActionButtonLabel = Localization["WEBFRONT_ACTION_LABEL_GENERATE_TOKEN"], Name = "GenerateLoginToken", Action = "GenerateLoginTokenAsync", Inputs = new List() }; return View("_ActionForm", info); } [Authorize] public string GenerateLoginTokenAsync() { var state = Manager.TokenAuthenticator.GenerateNextToken(new TokenIdentifier { ClientId = Client.ClientId }); return string.Format(Utilities.CurrentLocalization.LocalizationIndex["COMMANDS_GENERATETOKEN_SUCCESS"], state.Token, $"{state.RemainingTime} {Utilities.CurrentLocalization.LocalizationIndex["GLOBAL_MINUTES"]}", Client.ClientId); } public IActionResult ChatForm(long id) { var info = new ActionInfo { ActionButtonLabel = Localization["WEBFRONT_ACTION_LABEL_SUBMIT_MESSAGE"], Name = Localization["WEBFRONT_ACTION_LABEL_SUBMIT_MESSAGE"], Inputs = new List { new() { Name = "message", Type = "text", Label = Localization["WEBFRONT_ACTION_LABEL_MESSAGE"] }, new() { Name = "id", Value = id.ToString(), Type = "hidden" } }, Action = "ChatAsync" }; return View("_ActionForm", info); } public async Task ChatAsync(long id, string message) { var server = Manager.GetServers().First(server => server.EndPoint == id); server.ChatHistory.Add(new SharedLibraryCore.Dtos.ChatInfo() { ClientId = Client.ClientId, Message = message, Name = Client.Name, ServerGame = server.GameName, Time = DateTime.Now }); return await Task.FromResult(RedirectToAction("Execute", "Console", new { serverId = server.EndPoint, command = $"{_appConfig.CommandPrefix}{_sayCommandName} {message}" })); } public async Task RecentClientsForm(PaginationRequest request) { ViewBag.First = request.Offset == 0; if (request.Count > 20) { request.Count = 20; } var clients = await Manager.GetClientService().GetRecentClients(request); return request.Offset == 0 ? View("~/Views/Shared/Components/Client/_RecentClientsContainer.cshtml", clients) : View("~/Views/Shared/Components/Client/_RecentClients.cshtml", clients); } public IActionResult RecentReportsForm() { var serverInfo = Manager.GetServers().Select(server => new ServerInfo { Name = server.Hostname, Reports = server.Reports.Where(report => (DateTime.UtcNow - report.ReportedOn).TotalHours <= 24) .ToList() }); return View("Partials/_Reports", serverInfo); } public IActionResult FlagForm() { var info = new ActionInfo { ActionButtonLabel = Localization["WEBFRONT_ACTION_FLAG_NAME"], Name = Localization["WEBFRONT_ACTION_FLAG_NAME"], Inputs = new List { new() { Name = "reason", Label = Localization["WEBFRONT_ACTION_LABEL_REASON"], }, new() { Name = "PresetReason", Type = "select", Label = Localization["WEBFRONT_ACTION_LABEL_PRESET_REASON"], Values = GetPresetPenaltyReasons() }, }, Action = "FlagAsync", ShouldRefresh = true }; return View("_ActionForm", info); } public async Task FlagAsync(int targetId, string reason, string presetReason = null) { var server = Manager.GetServers().First(); return await Task.FromResult(RedirectToAction("Execute", "Console", new { serverId = server.EndPoint, command = $"{_appConfig.CommandPrefix}{_flagCommandName} @{targetId} {presetReason ?? reason}" })); } public IActionResult UnflagForm() { var info = new ActionInfo { ActionButtonLabel = Localization["WEBFRONT_ACTION_UNFLAG_NAME"], Name = Localization["WEBFRONT_ACTION_UNFLAG_NAME"], Inputs = new List { new() { Name = "reason", Label = Localization["WEBFRONT_ACTION_LABEL_REASON"], } }, Action = "UnflagAsync", ShouldRefresh = true }; return View("_ActionForm", info); } public async Task UnflagAsync(int targetId, string reason) { var server = Manager.GetServers().First(); return await Task.FromResult(RedirectToAction("Execute", "Console", new { serverId = server.EndPoint, command = $"{_appConfig.CommandPrefix}{_unflagCommandName} @{targetId} {reason}" })); } public IActionResult KickForm(int id) { var info = new ActionInfo { ActionButtonLabel = Localization["WEBFRONT_ACTION_KICK_NAME"], Name = Localization["WEBFRONT_ACTION_KICK_NAME"], Inputs = new List { new() { Name = "reason", Label = Localization["WEBFRONT_ACTION_LABEL_REASON"], }, new() { Name = "PresetReason", Type = "select", Label = Localization["WEBFRONT_ACTION_LABEL_PRESET_REASON"], Values = GetPresetPenaltyReasons() }, new() { Name = "targetId", Type = "hidden", Value = id.ToString() } }, Action = "KickAsync", ShouldRefresh = true }; return View("_ActionForm", info); } public async Task KickAsync(int targetId, string reason, string presetReason = null) { var client = Manager.GetActiveClients().FirstOrDefault(client => client.ClientId == targetId); if (client == null) { return BadRequest(Localization["WEBFRONT_ACTION_KICK_DISCONNECT"]); } return await Task.FromResult(RedirectToAction("Execute", "Console", new { serverId = client.CurrentServer.EndPoint, command = $"{_appConfig.CommandPrefix}{_kickCommandName} {client.ClientNumber} {presetReason ?? reason}" })); } public IActionResult DismissAlertForm(Guid id) { var info = new ActionInfo { ActionButtonLabel = Localization["WEBFRONT_ACTION_DISMISS_ALERT_FORM_SUBMIT"], Name = Localization["WEBFRONT_ACTION_DISMISS_ALERT_SINGLE"], Inputs = new List { new() { Name = "alertId", Type = "hidden", Value = id.ToString() } }, Action = nameof(DismissAlert), ShouldRefresh = true }; return View("_ActionForm", info); } public IActionResult DismissAlert(Guid alertId) { AlertManager.MarkAlertAsRead(alertId); return Json(new[] { new CommandResponseInfo { Response = Localization["WEBFRONT_ACTION_DISMISS_ALERT_SINGLE_RESPONSE"] } }); } public IActionResult DismissAllAlertsForm() { var info = new ActionInfo { ActionButtonLabel = Localization["WEBFRONT_ACTION_DISMISS_ALERT_FORM_SUBMIT"], Name = Localization["WEBFRONT_ACTION_DISMISS_ALERT_MANY"], Inputs = new List { new() { Name = "targetId", Type = "hidden", Value = Client.ClientId.ToString() } }, Action = nameof(DismissAllAlerts), ShouldRefresh = true }; return View("_ActionForm", info); } public IActionResult DismissAllAlerts(int targetId) { AlertManager.MarkAllAlertsAsRead(targetId); return Json(new[] { new CommandResponseInfo { Response = Localization["WEBFRONT_ACTION_DISMISS_ALERT_MANY_RESPONSE"] } }); } public IActionResult OfflineMessageForm() { var info = new ActionInfo { ActionButtonLabel = Localization["WEBFRONT_ACTION_OFFLINE_MESSAGE_FORM_SUBMIT"], Name = Localization["WEBFRONT_ACTION_OFFLINE_MESSAGE_BUTTON_COMPOSE"], Inputs = new List { new() { Name = "message", Label = Localization["WEBFRONT_ACTION_OFFLINE_MESSAGE_FORM_CONTENT"], }, }, Action = "OfflineMessage", ShouldRefresh = true }; return View("_ActionForm", info); } public async Task OfflineMessage(int targetId, string message) { var server = Manager.GetServers().First(); return await Task.FromResult(RedirectToAction("Execute", "Console", new { serverId = server.EndPoint, command = $"{_appConfig.CommandPrefix}{_offlineMessageCommandName} @{targetId} {message.CapClientName(500)}" })); } public async Task SetClientTagForm(int id, CancellationToken token) { var tags = await _metaService.GetPersistentMetaValue>>(EFMeta.ClientTagNameV2, token) ?? new List>(); var existingTag = await _metaService.GetPersistentMetaByLookup(EFMeta.ClientTagV2, EFMeta.ClientTagNameV2, id, Manager.CancellationToken); var info = new ActionInfo { ActionButtonLabel = Localization["WEBFRONT_ACTION_SET_CLIENT_TAG_SUBMIT"], Name = Localization["WEBFRONT_PROFILE_CONTEXT_MENU_TAG"], Inputs = new List { new() { Name = "clientTag", Type = "select", Label = Localization["WEBFRONT_ACTION_SET_CLIENT_TAG_FORM_TAG"], Values = tags.ToDictionary( item => item.Value == existingTag?.Value ? $"!selected!{item.Value}" : item.Value, item => item.Value) } }, Action = nameof(SetClientTag), ShouldRefresh = true }; return View("_ActionForm", info); } public async Task SetClientTag(int targetId, string clientTag) { if (targetId <= 0 || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(clientTag)) { return Json(new[] { new CommandResponseInfo { Response = Localization["WEBFRONT_ACTION_SET_CLIENT_TAG_NONE"] } }); } var server = Manager.GetServers().First(); return await Task.FromResult(RedirectToAction("Execute", "Console", new { serverId = server.EndPoint, command = $"{_appConfig.CommandPrefix}{_setClientTagCommandName} @{targetId} {clientTag}" })); } public async Task AddClientNoteForm(int id) { var existingNote = await _metaService.GetPersistentMetaValue("ClientNotes", id); var info = new ActionInfo { ActionButtonLabel = Localization["WEBFRONT_CONFIGURATION_BUTTON_SAVE"], Name = Localization["WEBFRONT_PROFILE_CONTEXT_MENU_NOTE"], Inputs = new List { new() { Name = "note", Label = Localization["WEBFRONT_ACTION_NOTE_FORM_NOTE"], Value = existingNote?.Note, Type = "textarea" } }, Action = nameof(AddClientNote), ShouldRefresh = true }; return View("_ActionForm", info); } public async Task AddClientNote(int targetId, string note) { if (note?.Length > 350 || note?.Count(c => c == '\n') > 4) { return StatusCode(StatusCodes.Status400BadRequest, new[] { new CommandResponseInfo { Response = Localization["WEBFRONT_ACTION_NOTE_INVALID_LENGTH"] } }); } var server = Manager.GetServers().First(); return await Task.FromResult(RedirectToAction("Execute", "Console", new { serverId = server.EndPoint, command = $"{_appConfig.CommandPrefix}{_addClientNoteCommandName} @{targetId} {note}" })); } private Dictionary GetPresetPenaltyReasons() => _appConfig.PresetPenaltyReasons.Values .Concat(_appConfig.GlobalRules) .Concat(_appConfig.Servers.SelectMany(server => server.Rules ?? Array.Empty())) .Distinct() .Select((value, _) => new { Value = value }) // this is used for the default empty optional value .Prepend(new { Value = "" }) .ToDictionary(item => item.Value, item => item.Value); } }