using System; using SharedLibraryCore.Interfaces; using SharedLibraryCore.RCon; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Globalization; using SharedLibraryCore.Formatting; namespace IW4MAdmin.Application.RConParsers { /// <summary> /// generic implementation of the IRConParserConfiguration /// allows script plugins to generate dynamic RCon configurations /// </summary> public class DynamicRConParserConfiguration : IRConParserConfiguration { public CommandPrefix CommandPrefixes { get; set; } public ParserRegex Status { get; set; } public ParserRegex MapStatus { get; set; } public ParserRegex GametypeStatus { get; set; } public ParserRegex HostnameStatus { get; set; } public ParserRegex MaxPlayersStatus { get; set; } public ParserRegex Dvar { get; set; } public ParserRegex StatusHeader { get; set; } public string ServerNotRunningResponse { get; set; } public bool WaitForResponse { get; set; } = true; public NumberStyles GuidNumberStyle { get; set; } = NumberStyles.HexNumber; public IDictionary<string, string> OverrideDvarNameMapping { get; set; } = new Dictionary<string, string>(); public IDictionary<string, string> DefaultDvarValues { get; set; } = new Dictionary<string, string>(); public int NoticeMaximumLines { get; set; } = 8; public int NoticeMaxCharactersPerLine { get; set; } = 50; public string NoticeLineSeparator { get; set; } = Environment.NewLine; public int? DefaultRConPort { get; set; } public string DefaultInstallationDirectoryHint { get; set; } public short FloodProtectInterval { get; set; } = 750; public ColorCodeMapping ColorCodeMapping { get; set; } = new ColorCodeMapping { // this is the default mapping (IW4), but can be overridden as needed in the parsers {ColorCodes.Black.ToString(), "^0"}, {ColorCodes.Red.ToString(), "^1"}, {ColorCodes.Green.ToString(), "^2"}, {ColorCodes.Yellow.ToString(), "^3"}, {ColorCodes.Blue.ToString(), "^4"}, {ColorCodes.Cyan.ToString(), "^5"}, {ColorCodes.Pink.ToString(), "^6"}, {ColorCodes.White.ToString(), "^7"}, {ColorCodes.Map.ToString(), "^8"}, {ColorCodes.Grey.ToString(), "^9"}, {ColorCodes.Wildcard.ToString(), ":^"}, }; public DynamicRConParserConfiguration(IParserRegexFactory parserRegexFactory) { Status = parserRegexFactory.CreateParserRegex(); MapStatus = parserRegexFactory.CreateParserRegex(); GametypeStatus = parserRegexFactory.CreateParserRegex(); Dvar = parserRegexFactory.CreateParserRegex(); StatusHeader = parserRegexFactory.CreateParserRegex(); HostnameStatus = parserRegexFactory.CreateParserRegex(); MaxPlayersStatus = parserRegexFactory.CreateParserRegex(); } } }