# IW4MAdmin ### Quick Start Guide ### Version 2.2 _______ ### About **IW4MAdmin** is an administration tool for [IW4x](https://iw4xcachep26muba.onion.link/), [Pluto T6](https://forum.plutonium.pw/category/33/plutonium-t6), [Pluto IW5](https://forum.plutonium.pw/category/5/plutonium-iw5), and most Call of DutyŽ dedicated servers. It allows complete control of your server; from changing maps, to banning players, **IW4MAdmin** monitors and records activity on your server(s). With plugin support, extending its functionality is a breeze. ### Download Latest binary builds are always available at https://raidmax.org/IW4MAdmin ### Setup **IW4MAdmin** requires minimal configuration to run. There is only one prerequisite. * [.NET Core 2.1 Runtime](https://www.microsoft.com/net/download) *or newer* 1. Extract `IW4MAdmin-.zip` 2. Run `StartIW4MAdmin.cmd` ___ ### Configuration #### Initial Configuration When **IW4MAdmin** is launched for the _first time_, you will be prompted to setup your configuration. `Enable webfront` * Enables you to monitor and control your server(s) through a web interface [defaults to ``] `Enable multiple owners` * Enables more than one client to be promoted to level of `Owner` `Enable stepped privilege hierarchy` * Allows privileged clients to promote other clients to the level below their current level `Enable custom say name` * Shows a prefix to every message send by **IW4MAdmin** -- `[Admin] message` * _This feature requires you specify a custom say name_ `Enable client VPNs` * Allow clients to use a [VPN](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virtual_private_network) * _This feature requires an active api key on [iphub.info](https://iphub.info/)_ `Enable social link` * Shows a link to your community's social media/website on the webfront `Use Custom Encoding Parser` * Allows alternative encodings to be used for parsing game information and events * **Russian users should use this and then specify** `windows-1251` **as the encoding string** #### Server Configuration After initial configuration is finished, you will be prompted to configure your servers for **IW4MAdmin**. `Enter server IP Address` * For almost all scenarios `` is sufficient `Enter server port` * The port that your server is listening on (can be obtained via `net_port`) `Enter server RCon password` * The *\(R\)emote (Con)sole* password set in your server configuration (can be obtained via `rcon_password`) `Use Pluto T6 parser` * Used if setting up a server for Plutonium T6 (BO2) `Use Pluto IW5 parser` * Used if setting a server for Plutonium IW5 (MW3) `Enter number of reserved slots` * The number of client slots reserver for privileged players (unavailable for regular users to occupy) #### Advanced Configuration If you wish to further customize your experience of **IW4MAdmin**, the following configuration file(s) will allow you to changes core options using any text-editor. #### `IW4MAdminSettings.json`-- _this file is created after initial setup_ * This file uses the [JSON](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/JSON#JSON_sample) specification, so please validate it before running **IW4MAdmin** `WebfrontBindUrl` * Specifies the address and port the webfront will listen on. * The value can be an [IP Address](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IP_address):port or [Domain Name](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Domain_name):port * Example http://gameserver.com:8080 `CustomLocale` * Specifies a [locale name](https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/39cwe7zf.aspx) to use instead of system default * Locale must be from the `Equivalent Locale Name` column `ConnectionString` * Specifies the [connection string](https://www.connectionstrings.com/mysql/) to a MySQL server that is used instead of SQLite `RConPollRate` * Specifies (in milliseconds) how often to poll each server for updates `VpnExceptionIds` * Specifies the list of `Client IDs` exempt from the VPN check (if enabled) `Servers` * Specifies the list of servers **IW4MAdmin** will monitor * `IPAddress` * Specifies the IP Address of the particular server * `Port` * Specifies the port of the particular server * `Password` * Specifies the `rcon_password` of the particular server * `AutoMessages` * Specifies the list of messages that are broadcasted to the particular server * `Rules` * Specifies the list of rules that apply to the particular server * `ReservedSlotNumber` * Specifies the number of client slots to reserve for privileged users `AutoMessagePeriod` * Specifies (in seconds) how often messages should be broadcasted to each server `AutoMessages` * Specifies the list of messages that are broadcasted to **all** servers * Specially formatted **tokens** can be used to broadcast dynamic information * `{{TOTALPLAYERS}}` — displays how many players have connected * `{{TOPSTATS}}` — displays the top 5 players on the server based on performance * `{{MOSTPLAYED}}` — displays the top 5 players based on number of kills * `{{TOTALPLAYTIME}}` — displays the cumulative play time (in man-hours) on all monitored servers * `{{VERSION}}` — displays the version of **IW4MAdmin** * `{{ADMINS}}` — displays the currently connected and *unmasked* privileged users online * `{{NEXTMAP}}` — displays the next map and gametype in rotation `GlobalRules` * Specifies the list of rules that apply to **all** servers` `Maps` * Specifies the list of maps for each supported game * `Name` * Specifies the name of the map as returned by the game (usually the file name sans the file extension) * `Alias` * Specifies the display name of the map (as seen while loading in) ___ ### Commands |Name |Alias|Description |Requires Target|Syntax |Required Level| |--------------| -----| --------------------------------------------------------| -----------------| -------------| ----------------| |prune|pa|demote any privileged clients that have not connected recently (defaults to 30 days)|False|!pa \|Owner| |quit|q|quit IW4MAdmin|False|!q |Owner| |rcon|rcon|send rcon command to server|False|!rcon \|Owner| |ban|b|permanently ban a client from the server|True|!b \ \|SeniorAdmin| |unban|ub|unban client by client id|True|!ub \ \|SeniorAdmin| |find|f|find client in database|False|!f \|Administrator| |killserver|kill|kill the game server|False|!kill |Administrator| |map|m|change to specified map|False|!m \|Administrator| |maprotate|mr|cycle to the next map in rotation|False|!mr |Administrator| |plugins|p|view all loaded plugins|False|!p |Administrator| |tempban|tb|temporarily ban a client for specified time (defaults to 1 hour)|True|!tb \ \ \|Administrator| |alias|known|get past aliases and ips of a client|True|!known \|Moderator| |baninfo|bi|get information about a ban for a client|True|!bi \|Moderator| |fastrestart|fr|fast restart current map|False|!fr |Moderator| |flag|fp|flag a suspicious client and announce to admins on join|True|!fp \ \|Moderator| |kick|k|kick a client by name|True|!k \ \|Moderator| |list|l|list active clients|False|!l |Moderator| |mask|hide|hide your presence as a privileged client|False|!hide |Moderator| |reports|reps|get or clear recent reports|False|!reps \|Moderator| |say|s|broadcast message to all clients|False|!s \|Moderator| |setlevel|sl|set client to specified privilege level|True|!sl \ \|Moderator| |setpassword|sp|set your authentication password|False|!sp \|Moderator| |unflag|uf|Remove flag for client|True|!uf \|Moderator| |uptime|up|get current application running time|False|!up |Moderator| |usage|us|get application memory usage|False|!us |Moderator| |balance|bal|balance teams|False|!bal |Trusted| |login|li|login using password|False|!li \|Trusted| |warn|w|warn client for infringing rules|True|!w \ \|Trusted| |warnclear|wc|remove all warnings for a client|True|!wc \|Trusted| |admins|a|list currently connected privileged clients|False|!a |User| |getexternalip|ip|view your external IP address|False|!ip |User| |help|h|list all available commands|False|!h \|User| |mostplayed|mp|view the top 5 dedicated players on the server|False|!mp |User| |owner|iamgod|claim ownership of the server|False|!iamgod |User| |ping|pi|get client's latency|False|!pi \|User| |privatemessage|pm|send message to other client|True|!pm \ \|User| |report|rep|report a client for suspicious behavior|True|!rep \ \|User| |resetstats|rs|reset your stats to factory-new|False|!rs |User| |rules|r|list server rules|False|!r |User| |stats|xlrstats|view your stats|False|!xlrstats \|User| |topstats|ts|view the top 5 players in this server|False|!ts |User| |whoami|who|give information about yourself|False|!who |User| _These commands include all shipped plugin commands._ --- #### Player Identification All players are identified 5 separate ways 1. `npID/GUID/XUID` - The ID corresponding to the player's hardware or forum account 2. `IP` - The player's IP Address 3. `Client ID` - The internal reference to a player, generated by **IW4MAdmin** 4. `Name` - The visible player name as it appears in game 5. `Client Number` - The slot the client occupies on a server. (The number ranges between 0 and the max number of clients allowed on the server) For most commands players are identified by their `Name` However, if they are currently offline, or their name contains un-typable characters, their `Client ID` must be used The `Client ID` is specified by prefixing a player's reference number with `@`. For example, `@123` would reference the player with a `Client ID` of 123. **All commands that require a `target` look at the `first argument` for a form of player identification** --- #### Additional Command Examples `setlevel` - _shortcut_ - `sl` - _Parameter 1_ - Player to modify level of - _Parameter 2_ - Level to set the player to ```[ User, Trusted, Moderator, Administrator, SeniorAdmin, Owner ]``` - _Example_ - `!setlevel Player1 SeniorAdmin`, `!sl @123 Moderator` - **NOTE** - An `owner` cannot set another player's level to `owner` unless the configuration option is enabled during setup `ban` - _Shortcut_ - `b` - _Parameter 1_ - Player to ban - _Parameter 2_ - Reason for ban - _Example_ - `!ban Player1 caught cheating`, `!b @123 GUID Spoofing` `tempban` - _Shortcut_ - `tb` - _Parameter 1_ - Player to ban - _Parameter 2_ - Ban length (minutes|hours|days|weeks|years) - _Parameter 3_ - Reason for ban - _Example_ - `!tempban Player1 3w racism`, `!tb @123 8h Abusive behaivor` `reports` - _Shortcut_ - `reps` - _Optional Parameter 1_ - `clear` (erases reports for current server) ___ ### Plugins #### Welcome - This plugin uses geo-location data to welcome a player based on their country of origin - All privileged users ( Trusted or higher ) receive a specialized welcome message as well - Welcome messages can be customized in `WelcomePluginSettings.json` #### Stats - This plugin calculates basic player performance, skill approximation, and kill/death ratio **Commands added by this plugin** |Name |Alias|Description |Requires Target|Syntax |Required Level| |--------------| -----| --------------------------------------------------------| -----------------| -------------| ----------------| |resetstats|rs|reset your stats to factory-new|False|!rs |User| |stats|xlrstats|view your stats|False|!xlrstats \|User| |topstats|ts|view the top 5 players on this server|False|!ts |User| |mostplayed|mp|view the top 5 dedicated players on the server|False|!mp |User| - To qualify for top stats, a client must have played for at least `1 hour` and connected within the past `30 days`. #### Login - This plugin deters GUID spoofing by requiring privileged users to login with their password before executing commands - A password must be set using the `setpassword` command before logging in **Commands added by this plugin** |Name |Alias|Description |Requires Target|Syntax |Required Level| |--------------| -----| --------------------------------------------------------| -----------------| -------------| ----------------| |login|l|login using password|False|!l \|Trusted| #### Profanity Determent - This plugin warns and kicks players for using profanity - Profane words and warning message can be specified in `ProfanityDetermentSettings.json` - If a client's name contains a word listed in the settings, they will immediately be kicked ___ ### Webfront `Home` * Shows an overview of the monitored server(s) `Penalties` * Shows a chronological ordered list of client penalties (scrolling down loads older penalties) `Admins` * Shows a list of privileged clients `Login` * Allows privileged users to login using their `Client ID` and password set via `setpassword` * `ClientID` is a number that can be found by using `!find ` or find the client on the webfront and copy the ID following `ProfileAsync/` `Profile` * Shows a client's information and history `Web Console` * Allows logged in privileged users to execute commands as if they are in-game --- ### Extending Plugins #### Code IW4Madmin functionality can be extended by writing additional plugins in C#. #### JavaScript IW4MAdmin functionality can be extended using JavaScript. The JavaScript parser supports [some](https://github.com/sebastienros/jint/issues/343) of ECMAScript 6's new features. #### Plugin Object Template In order to be properly parsed by the JavaScript engine, every plugin must conform to the following template. ```js const plugin = { author: 'YourHandle', version: 1.0, name: 'Sample JavaScript Plugin', onEventAsync(gameEvent, server) { }, onLoadAsync(manager) { }, onUnloadAsync() { }, onTickAsync(server) { } } ``` #### Required Properties - `author` — [string] Author of the plugin (usually your name or online name/alias) - `version` — [float] Version number of your plugin (useful if you release several different versions) - `name` — [string] Name of your plugin (be descriptive!) - `onEventAsync` — [function] Handler executed when an event occurs - `gameEvent` — [parameter object] Object containing event type, origin, target, and other info (see the GameEvent class declaration) - `server` — [parameter object] Object containing information and methods about the server the event occured on (see the Server class declaration) - `onLoadAsync` — [function] Handler executed when the plugin is loaded by code - `manager` — [parameter object] Object reference to the application manager (see the IManager interface definition) - `onUnloadAsync` — [function] Handler executed when the plugin is unloaded by code (see live reloading) - `onTickAsync` — [function] Handler executed approximately once per second by code *(unimplemented as of version 2.1)* - `server` — [parameter object] Object containing information and methods about the server the event occured on (see the Server class declaration) ### Live Reloading Thanks to JavaScript's flexibility and parsability, the plugin importer scans the plugins folder and reloads the JavaScript plugins on demand as they're modified. This allows faster development/testing/debugging. --- ### Discord Webhook If you'd like to receive notifications on your Discord guild, configure and start `DiscordWebhook.py` #### Requirements - [Python 3.6](https://www.python.org/downloads/) or newer - The following [PIP](https://pypi.org/project/pip/) packages (provided in `requirements.txt`) ```certifi>=2018.4.16 chardet>=3.0.4 idna>=2.7 pip>=18.0 requests>=2.19.1 setuptools>=39.0.1 urllib3>=1.23 ``` #### Configuration Options - `IW4MAdminUrl` — Base url corresponding to your IW4MAdmin `WebfrontBindUrl`. Example - `DiscordWebhookNotificationUrl` — [required] Discord generated URL to send notifications/alerts to; this includes **Reports** and **Bans** Example https://discordapp.com/api/webhooks/id/token - `DiscordWebhookInformationUrl` — [optional] Discord generated URL to send information to; this includes information such as player messages - `NotifyRoleIds` — [optional] List of [discord role ids](https://discordhelp.net/role-id) to mention when notification hook is sent #### Launching With Python installed, open a terminal/command prompt window open in the `Webhook` folder and execute `python DiscordWebhook.py` --- ## Misc #### Anti-cheat This is an [IW4x](https://iw4xcachep26muba.onion.link/) only feature (wider game support planned), that uses analytics to detect aimbots and aim-assist tools. To utilize anti-cheat, enable it during setup **and** copy `_customcallbacks.gsc` from `userraw` into your `IW4x Server\userraw\scripts` folder. The anti-cheat feature is a work in progress and as such will be constantly tweaked and may not be 100% accurate, however the goal is to deter as many cheaters as possible from IW4x. #### Database Storage By default, all **IW4MAdmin** information is stored in `Database.db`. Should you need to reset your database, this file can simply be deleted. Additionally, this file should be preserved during updates to retain client information. Setting the `ConnectionString` property in `IW4MAdminSettings.json` will cause **IW4MAdmin** to attempt to use a MySQL connection for database storage.