using System; using System.Linq; using System.Net; using System.Net.Sockets; using System.Threading; using System.Threading.Tasks; using Integrations.Source.Extensions; using Integrations.Source.Interfaces; using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging; using RconSharp; using Serilog.Context; using SharedLibraryCore; using SharedLibraryCore.Exceptions; using SharedLibraryCore.Interfaces; using SharedLibraryCore.RCon; using ILogger = Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger; namespace Integrations.Source { public class SourceRConConnection : IRConConnection { private readonly ILogger _logger; private readonly string _password; private readonly IPEndPoint _ipEndPoint; private readonly IRConClientFactory _rconClientFactory; private readonly SemaphoreSlim _activeQuery; private static readonly TimeSpan FloodDelay = TimeSpan.FromMilliseconds(250); private static readonly TimeSpan ConnectionTimeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30); private DateTime _lastQuery = DateTime.Now; private RconClient _rconClient; private bool _authenticated; private bool _needNewSocket = true; public SourceRConConnection(ILogger<SourceRConConnection> logger, IRConClientFactory rconClientFactory, IPEndPoint ipEndPoint, string password) { _rconClientFactory = rconClientFactory; _password = password; _logger = logger; _ipEndPoint = ipEndPoint; _activeQuery = new SemaphoreSlim(1, 1); } ~SourceRConConnection() { _activeQuery.Dispose(); } public async Task<string[]> SendQueryAsync(StaticHelpers.QueryType type, string parameters = "") { try { await _activeQuery.WaitAsync(); await WaitForAvailable(); if (_needNewSocket) { try { _rconClient?.Disconnect(); } catch { // ignored } await Task.Delay(ConnectionTimeout); _rconClient = _rconClientFactory.CreateClient(_ipEndPoint); _authenticated = false; _needNewSocket = false; } using (LogContext.PushProperty("Server", _ipEndPoint.ToString())) { _logger.LogDebug("Connecting to RCon socket"); } await TryConnectAndAuthenticate().WithTimeout(ConnectionTimeout); var multiPacket = false; if (type == StaticHelpers.QueryType.COMMAND_STATUS) { parameters = "status"; multiPacket = true; } parameters = parameters.ReplaceUnfriendlyCharacters(); parameters = parameters.StripColors(); using (LogContext.PushProperty("Server", _ipEndPoint.ToString())) { _logger.LogDebug("Sending query {Type} with parameters \"{Parameters}\"", type, parameters); } var response = await _rconClient.ExecuteCommandAsync(parameters, multiPacket) .WithTimeout(ConnectionTimeout); using (LogContext.PushProperty("Server", $"{_ipEndPoint}")) { _logger.LogDebug("Received RCon response {Response}", response); } var split = response.TrimEnd('\n').Split('\n'); return split.Take(split.Length - 1).ToArray(); } catch (TaskCanceledException) { _needNewSocket = true; throw new NetworkException("Timeout while attempting to communicate with server"); } catch (SocketException ex) { using (LogContext.PushProperty("Server", _ipEndPoint.ToString())) { _logger.LogError(ex, "Socket exception encountered while attempting to communicate with server"); } _needNewSocket = true; throw new NetworkException("Socket exception encountered while attempting to communicate with server"); } catch (Exception ex) when (ex.GetType() != typeof(NetworkException) && ex.GetType() != typeof(ServerException)) { using (LogContext.PushProperty("Server", _ipEndPoint.ToString())) { _logger.LogError(ex, "Could not execute RCon query {Parameters}", parameters); } throw new NetworkException("Unable to communicate with server"); } finally { if (_activeQuery.CurrentCount == 0) { _activeQuery.Release(); } _lastQuery = DateTime.Now; } } private async Task WaitForAvailable() { var diff = DateTime.Now - _lastQuery; if (diff < FloodDelay) { await Task.Delay(FloodDelay - diff); } } private async Task TryConnectAndAuthenticate() { if (!_authenticated) { using (LogContext.PushProperty("Server", _ipEndPoint.ToString())) { _logger.LogDebug("Authenticating to RCon socket"); } await _rconClient.ConnectAsync().WithTimeout(ConnectionTimeout); _authenticated = await _rconClient.AuthenticateAsync(_password).WithTimeout(ConnectionTimeout); if (!_authenticated) { using (LogContext.PushProperty("Server", _ipEndPoint.ToString())) { _logger.LogError("Could not login to server"); } throw new ServerException("Could not authenticate to server with provided password"); } } } public void SetConfiguration(IRConParser config) { } } }