  "AutoMessagePeriod": 60,
  "AutoMessages": [
    "This server uses (Color::Accent)IW4M Admin v{{VERSION}} (Color::White)get it at (Color::Accent)raidmax.org/IW4MAdmin",
    "(Color::Accent)IW4M Admin (Color::White)sees (Color::Accent)YOU!",
    "This server has seen a total of (Color::Accent){{TOTALPLAYERS}} (Color::White)players!",
    "Cheaters are (Color::Red)unwelcome (Color::White)on this server",
    "Did you know 8/10 people agree with unverified statistics?"
  "GlobalRules": [
    "Cheating/Exploiting is not allowed",
    "Respect other players",
    "Administrators have the final say",
    "No racism or excessive trolling",
    "Keep grenade launcher use to a minimum",
    "Balance teams at ALL times"
  "DisallowedClientNames": [
    "Unknown Soldier",
  "QuickMessages": [
      "Game": "IW4",
      "Messages": {
        "QUICKMESSAGE_AREA_SECURE": "Area secure!",
        "QUICKMESSAGE_ARE_YOU_CRAZY": "Are you crazy?",
        "QUICKMESSAGE_ATTACK_LEFT_FLANK": "Attack left flank!",
        "QUICKMESSAGE_ATTACK_RIGHT_FLANK": "Attack right flank!",
        "QUICKMESSAGE_COME_ON": "Come on.",
        "QUICKMESSAGE_ENEMIES_SPOTTED": "Multiple contacts!",
        "QUICKMESSAGE_ENEMY_DOWN": "Enemy down!",
        "QUICKMESSAGE_ENEMY_GRENADE": "Enemy grenade!",
        "QUICKMESSAGE_FALL_BACK": "Fall back!",
        "QUICKMESSAGE_FOLLOW_ME": "On me!",
        "QUICKMESSAGE_GREAT_SHOT": "Nice shot!",
        "QUICKMESSAGE_GRENADE": "Grenade!",
        "QUICKMESSAGE_HOLD_THIS_POSITION": "Hold this position!",
        "QUICKMESSAGE_HOLD_YOUR_FIRE": "Hold your fire!",
        "QUICKMESSAGE_IM_IN_POSITION": "In position.",
        "QUICKMESSAGE_IM_ON_MY_WAY": "Moving.",
        "QUICKMESSAGE_MOVE_IN": "Move in!",
        "QUICKMESSAGE_NEED_REINFORCEMENTS": "Need reinforcements!",
        "QUICKMESSAGE_NO_SIR": "Negative.",
        "QUICKMESSAGE_ON_MY_WAY": "On my way.",
        "QUICKMESSAGE_REGROUP": "Regroup!",
        "QUICKMESSAGE_SNIPER": "Sniper!",
        "QUICKMESSAGE_SORRY": "Sorry.",
        "QUICKMESSAGE_SQUAD_ATTACK_LEFT_FLANK": "Squad, attack left flank!",
        "QUICKMESSAGE_SQUAD_ATTACK_RIGHT_FLANK": "Squad, attack right flank!",
        "QUICKMESSAGE_SQUAD_HOLD_THIS_POSITION": "Squad, hold this position!",
        "QUICKMESSAGE_SQUAD_REGROUP": "Squad, regroup!",
        "QUICKMESSAGE_SQUAD_STICK_TOGETHER": "Squad, stick together!",
        "QUICKMESSAGE_STICK_TOGETHER": "Stick together!",
        "QUICKMESSAGE_SUPPRESSING_FIRE": "Base of fire!",
        "QUICKMESSAGE_TOOK_LONG_ENOUGH": "Took long enough!",
        "QUICKMESSAGE_TOOK_YOU_LONG_ENOUGH": "Took you long enough!",
        "QUICKMESSAGE_WATCH_SIX": "Watch your six!",
        "QUICKMESSAGE_YES_SIR": "Roger.",
        "QUICKMESSAGE_YOURE_CRAZY": "You're crazy!",
        "QUICKMESSAGE_YOURE_NUTS": "You're nuts!",
        "QUICKMESSAGE_YOU_OUTTA_YOUR_MIND": "You outta your mind?"
  "Gametypes": [
      "Game": "IW4",
      "Gametypes": [
          "Name": "arena",
          "Alias": "Arena"
          "Name": "ctf",
          "Alias": "Capture The Flag"
          "Name": "dd",
          "Alias": "Demolition"
          "Name": "dm",
          "Alias": "Free For All"
          "Name": "dom",
          "Alias": "Domination"
          "Name": "gtnw",
          "Alias": "Global Thermo-Nuclear War"
          "Name": "koth",
          "Alias": "Headquarters"
          "Name": "oneflag",
          "Alias": "One-Flag CTF"
          "Name": "sab",
          "Alias": "Sabotage"
          "Name": "sd",
          "Alias": "Search & Destroy"
          "Name": "war",
          "Alias": "Team Deathmatch"
      "Game": "T4",
      "Gametypes": [
          "Name": "ctf",
          "Alias": "Capture The Flag"
          "Name": "dom",
          "Alias": "Domination"
          "Name": "dm",
          "Alias": "Free For All"
          "Name": "koth",
          "Alias": "Headquarters"
          "Name": "tdm",
          "Alias": "Team Deathmatch"
          "Name": "sab",
          "Alias": "Sabotage"
          "Name": "sd",
          "Alias": "Search & Destroy"
          "Name": "twar",
          "Alias": "War"
      "Game": "IW5",
      "Gametypes": [
          "Name": "tdm",
          "Alias": "Team Deathmatch"
          "Name": "dom",
          "Alias": "Domination"
          "Name": "ctf",
          "Alias": "Capture The Flag"
          "Name": "dd",
          "Alias": "Demolition"
          "Name": "dz",
          "Alias": "Drop Zone"
          "Name": "ffa",
          "Alias": "Free For All"
          "Name": "gg",
          "Alias": "Gun Game"
          "Name": "hq",
          "Alias": "Headquarters"
          "Name": "koth",
          "Alias": "Headquarters"
          "Name": "inf",
          "Alias": "Infected"
          "Name": "jug",
          "Alias": "Juggernaut"
          "Name": "kc",
          "Alias": "Kill Confirmed"
          "Name": "oic",
          "Alias": "One In The Chamber"
          "Name": "sab",
          "Alias": "Sabotage"
          "Name": "sd",
          "Alias": "Search & Destroy"
          "Name": "tdef",
          "Alias": "Team Defender"
          "Name": "tj",
          "Alias": "Team Juggernaut"
      "Game": "T5",
      "Gametypes": [
          "Name": "ctf",
          "Alias": "Capture The Flag"
          "Name": "dem",
          "Alias": "Demolition"
          "Name": "dom",
          "Alias": "Domination"
          "Name": "dm",
          "Alias": "Free For All"
          "Name": "gun",
          "Alias": "Gun Game"
          "Name": "hlnd",
          "Alias": "Sticks & Stones"
          "Name": "koth",
          "Alias": "Headquarters"
          "Name": "oic",
          "Alias": "One In The Chamber"
          "Name": "sab",
          "Alias": "Sabotage"
          "Name": "sd",
          "Alias": "Search & Destroy"
          "Name": "shrp",
          "Alias": "Sharpshooter"
          "Name": "tdm",
          "Alias": "Team Deathmatch"
      "Game": "IW6",
      "Gametypes": [
          "Name": "blitz",
          "Alias": "Blitz"
          "Name": "conf",
          "Alias": "Kill Confirmed"
          "Name": "cranked",
          "Alias": "Cranked"
          "Name": "dm",
          "Alias": "Free For All"
          "Name": "dom",
          "Alias": "Domination"
          "Name": "grind",
          "Alias": "Grind"
          "Name": "grnd",
          "Alias": "Drop Zone"
          "Name": "gun",
          "Alias": "Gun Game"
          "Name": "horde",
          "Alias": "Safeguard"
          "Name": "infect",
          "Alias": "Infected"
          "Name": "sd",
          "Alias": "Search & Destroy"
          "Name": "siege",
          "Alias": "Reinforce"
          "Name": "sotf",
          "Alias": "Hunted"
          "Name": "sotf_ffa",
          "Alias": "Hunted FFA"
          "Name": "sr",
          "Alias": "Search & Rescue"
          "Name": "war",
          "Alias": "Team Deathmatch"
      "Game": "T6",
      "Gametypes": [
          "Name": "conf",
          "Alias": "Kill Confirmed"
          "Name": "ctf",
          "Alias": "Capture The Flag"
          "Name": "dem",
          "Alias": "Demolition"
          "Name": "dm",
          "Alias": "Free For All"
          "Name": "dom",
          "Alias": "Domination"
          "Name": "gun",
          "Alias": "Gun Game"
          "Name": "hq",
          "Alias": "Headquarters"
          "Name": "koth",
          "Alias": "Hardpoint"
          "Name": "oic",
          "Alias": "One In The Chamber"
          "Name": "oneflag",
          "Alias": "One-Flag CTF"
          "Name": "sas",
          "Alias": "Sticks & Stones"
          "Name": "sd",
          "Alias": "Search & Destroy"
          "Name": "shrp",
          "Alias": "Sharpshooter"
          "Name": "tdm",
          "Alias": "Team Deathmatch"
      "Game": "T7",
      "Gametypes": [
          "Name": "ball",
          "Alias": "Uplink"
          "Name": "clean",
          "Alias": "Fracture"
          "Name": "conf",
          "Alias": "Kill Confirmed"
          "Name": "ctf",
          "Alias": "Capture The Flag"
          "Name": "dom",
          "Alias": "Domination"
          "Name": "dem",
          "Alias": "Demolition"
          "Name": "dm",
          "Alias": "Free For All"
          "Name": "escort",
          "Alias": "Safeguard"
          "Name": "gun",
          "Alias": "Gun Game"
          "Name": "koth",
          "Alias": "Hardpoint"
          "Name": "sd",
          "Alias": "Search & Destroy"
          "Name": "tdm",
          "Alias": "Team Deathmatch"
          "Name": "hc_ball",
          "Alias": "Hardcore Uplink"
          "Name": "hc_clean",
          "Alias": "Hardcore Fracture"
          "Name": "hc_conf",
          "Alias": "Hardcore Kill Confirmed"
          "Name": "hc_ctf",
          "Alias": "Hardcore Capture The Flag"
          "Name": "hc_dom",
          "Alias": "Hardcore Domination"
          "Name": "hc_dem",
          "Alias": "Hardcore Demolition"
          "Name": "hc_dm",
          "Alias": "Hardcore Free For All"
          "Name": "hc_escort",
          "Alias": "Hardcore Safeguard"
          "Name": "hc_gun",
          "Alias": "Hardcore Gun Game"
          "Name": "hc_koth",
          "Alias": "Hardcore Hardpoint"
          "Name": "hc_sd",
          "Alias": "Hardcore Search & Destroy"
          "Name": "hc_tdm",
          "Alias": "Hardcore Team Deathmatch"
      "Game": "SHG1",
      "Gametypes": [
          "Name": "ball",
          "Alias": "Uplink"
          "Name": "conf",
          "Alias": "Kill Confirmed"
          "Name": "ctf",
          "Alias": "Capture The Flag"
          "Name": "dom",
          "Alias": "Domination"
          "Name": "dm",
          "Alias": "Free For All"
          "Name": "gun",
          "Alias": "Gun Game"
          "Name": "hp",
          "Alias": "Hardpoint"
          "Name": "infect",
          "Alias": "Infected"
          "Name": "sd",
          "Alias": "Search & Destroy"
          "Name": "sr",
          "Alias": "Search & Rescue"
          "Name": "war",
          "Alias": "Team Deathmatch"
          "Name": "twar",
          "Alias": "Momentum"
      "Game": "H1",
      "Gametypes": [
          "Name": "conf",
          "Alias": "Kill Confirmed"
          "Name": "ctf",
          "Alias": "Capture The Flag"
          "Name": "dd",
          "Alias": "Demolition"
          "Name": "dm",
          "Alias": "Free For All"
          "Name": "dom",
          "Alias": "Domination"
          "Name": "gun",
          "Alias": "Gun Game"
          "Name": "hp",
          "Alias": "Hardpoint"
          "Name": "koth",
          "Alias": "Headquarters"
          "Name": "sab",
          "Alias": "Sabotage"
          "Name": "sd",
          "Alias": "Search & Destroy"
          "Name": "war",
          "Alias": "Team Deathmatch"
  "Maps": [
      "Game": "IW3",
      "Maps": [
          "Alias": "Ambush",
          "Name": "mp_convoy"
          "Alias": "Backlot",
          "Name": "mp_backlot"
          "Alias": "Bloc",
          "Name": "mp_bloc"
          "Alias": "Bog",
          "Name": "mp_bog"
          "Alias": "Countdown",
          "Name": "mp_countdown"
          "Alias": "Crash",
          "Name": "mp_crash"
          "Alias": "Crossfire",
          "Name": "mp_crossfire"
          "Alias": "District",
          "Name": "mp_citystreets"
          "Alias": "Downpour",
          "Name": "mp_farm"
          "Alias": "Overgrown",
          "Name": "mp_overgrown"
          "Alias": "Pipeline",
          "Name": "mp_pipeline"
          "Alias": "Shipment",
          "Name": "mp_shipment"
          "Alias": "Showdown",
          "Name": "mp_showdown"
          "Alias": "Strike",
          "Name": "mp_strike"
          "Alias": "Vacant",
          "Name": "mp_vacant"
          "Alias": "Wet Work",
          "Name": "mp_cargoship"
          "Alias": "Winter Crash",
          "Name": "mp_crash_snow"
          "Alias": "Broadcast",
          "Name": "mp_broadcast"
          "Alias": "Creek",
          "Name": "mp_creek"
          "Alias": "Chinatown",
          "Name": "mp_carentan"
          "Alias": "Killhouse",
          "Name": "mp_killhouse"
      "Game": "T4",
      "Maps": [
          "Alias": "Airfield",
          "Name": "mp_airfield"
          "Alias": "Asylum",
          "Name": "mp_asylum"
          "Alias": "Banzai",
          "Name": "mp_kwai"
          "Alias": "Battery",
          "Name": "mp_drum"
          "Alias": "Breach",
          "Name": "mp_bgate"
          "Alias": "Castle",
          "Name": "mp_castle"
          "Alias": "Cliffside",
          "Name": "mp_shrine"
          "Alias": "Corrosion",
          "Name": "mp_stalingrad"
          "Alias": "Courtyard",
          "Name": "mp_courtyard"
          "Alias": "Dome",
          "Name": "mp_dome"
          "Alias": "Downfall",
          "Name": "mp_downfall"
          "Alias": "Hangar",
          "Name": "mp_hangar"
          "Alias": "Knee Deep",
          "Name": "mp_kneedeep"
          "Alias": "Makin",
          "Name": "mp_makin"
          "Alias": "Makin Day",
          "Name": "mp_makin_day"
          "Alias": "Nightfire",
          "Name": "mp_nachtfeuer"
          "Alias": "Outskirts",
          "Name": "mp_outskirts"
          "Alias": "Revolution",
          "Name": "mp_vodka"
          "Alias": "Roundhouse",
          "Name": "mp_roundhouse"
          "Alias": "Seelow",
          "Name": "mp_seelow"
          "Alias": "Station",
          "Name": "mp_subway"
          "Alias": "Sub Pens",
          "Name": "mp_docks"
          "Alias": "Upheaval",
          "Name": "mp_suburban"
      "Game": "IW4",
      "Maps": [
          "Alias": "Rust",
          "Name": "mp_rust"
          "Alias": "Terminal",
          "Name": "mp_terminal"
          "Alias": "Crash",
          "Name": "mp_crash"
          "Alias": "Afghan",
          "Name": "mp_afghan"
          "Alias": "Derail",
          "Name": "mp_derail"
          "Alias": "Estate",
          "Name": "mp_estate"
          "Alias": "Favela",
          "Name": "mp_favela"
          "Alias": "Highrise",
          "Name": "mp_highrise"
          "Alias": "Invasion",
          "Name": "mp_invasion"
          "Alias": "Karachi",
          "Name": "mp_checkpoint"
          "Alias": "Quarry",
          "Name": "mp_quarry"
          "Alias": "Rundown",
          "Name": "mp_rundown"
          "Alias": "Scrapyard",
          "Name": "mp_boneyard"
          "Alias": "Skidrow",
          "Name": "mp_nightshift"
          "Alias": "Sub Base",
          "Name": "mp_subbase"
          "Alias": "Underpass",
          "Name": "mp_underpass"
          "Alias": "Wasteland",
          "Name": "mp_brecourt"
          "Alias": "Overgrown",
          "Name": "mp_overgrown"
          "Alias": "Strike",
          "Name": "mp_strike"
          "Alias": "Vacant",
          "Name": "mp_vacant"
          "Alias": "Carnival",
          "Name": "mp_abandon"
          "Alias": "Trailer Park",
          "Name": "mp_trailerpark"
          "Alias": "Fuel",
          "Name": "mp_fuel2"
          "Alias": "Storm",
          "Name": "mp_storm"
          "Alias": "Bailout",
          "Name": "mp_complex"
          "Alias": "Salvage",
          "Name": "mp_compact"
          "Alias": "Nuketown",
          "Name": "mp_nuked"
          "Alias": "Test map",
          "Name": "iw4_credits"
          "Alias": "Killhouse",
          "Name": "mp_killhouse"
          "Alias": "Bog",
          "Name": "mp_bog_sh"
          "Alias": "Freighter",
          "Name": "mp_cargoship_sh"
          "Alias": "Cargoship",
          "Name": "mp_cargoship"
          "Alias": "Shipment",
          "Name": "mp_shipment"
          "Alias": "Shipment - Long",
          "Name": "mp_shipment_long"
          "Alias": "Rust - Long",
          "Name": "mp_rust_long"
          "Alias": "Firing Range",
          "Name": "mp_firingrange"
          "Alias": "Chemical Plant",
          "Name": "mp_storm_spring"
          "Alias": "Tropical Favela",
          "Name": "mp_fav_tropical"
          "Alias": "Tropical Estate",
          "Name": "mp_estate_tropical"
          "Alias": "Tropical Crash",
          "Name": "mp_crash_tropical"
          "Alias": "Forgotten City",
          "Name": "mp_bloc_sh"
          "Alias": "Crossfire",
          "Name": "mp_cross_fire"
          "Alias": "Bloc",
          "Name": "mp_bloc"
          "Alias": "Oilrig",
          "Name": "oilrig"
          "Alias": "Village",
          "Name": "co_hunted"
      "Game": "T5",
      "Maps": [
          "Alias": "Array",
          "Name": "mp_array"
          "Alias": "Berlin Wall",
          "Name": "mp_berlinwall2"
          "Alias": "Convoy",
          "Name": "mp_gridlock"
          "Alias": "Cracked",
          "Name": "mp_cracked"
          "Alias": "Crisis",
          "Name": "mp_crisis"
          "Alias": "Discovery",
          "Name": "mp_discovery"
          "Alias": "Drive-In",
          "Name": "mp_drivein"
          "Alias": "Firing Range",
          "Name": "mp_firingrange"
          "Alias": "Grid",
          "Name": "mp_duga"
          "Alias": "Hangar 18",
          "Name": "mp_area51"
          "Alias": "Hanoi",
          "Name": "mp_hanoi"
          "Alias": "Havana",
          "Name": "mp_cairo"
          "Alias": "Hazard",
          "Name": "mp_golfcourse"
          "Alias": "Hotel",
          "Name": "mp_hotel"
          "Alias": "Jungle",
          "Name": "mp_havoc"
          "Alias": "Kowloon",
          "Name": "mp_kowloon"
          "Alias": "Launch",
          "Name": "mp_cosmodrome"
          "Alias": "Nuketown",
          "Name": "mp_nuked"
          "Alias": "Radiation",
          "Name": "mp_radiation"
          "Alias": "Silo",
          "Name": "mp_silo"
          "Alias": "Stadium",
          "Name": "mp_stadium"
          "Alias": "Stockpile",
          "Name": "mp_outskirts"
          "Alias": "Summit",
          "Name": "mp_mountain"
          "Alias": "Villa",
          "Name": "mp_villa"
          "Alias": "WMD",
          "Name": "mp_russianbase"
          "Alias": "Zoo",
          "Name": "mp_zoo"
      "Game": "IW5",
      "Maps": [
          "Alias": "Seatown",
          "Name": "mp_seatown"
          "Alias": "Lockdown",
          "Name": "mp_alpha"
          "Alias": "Mission",
          "Name": "mp_bravo"
          "Alias": "Carbon",
          "Name": "mp_carbon"
          "Alias": "Dome",
          "Name": "mp_dome"
          "Alias": "Arkaden",
          "Name": "mp_plaza2"
          "Alias": "Downturn",
          "Name": "mp_exchange"
          "Alias": "Bootleg",
          "Name": "mp_bootleg"
          "Alias": "Hardhat",
          "Name": "mp_hardhat"
          "Alias": "Interchange",
          "Name": "mp_interchange"
          "Alias": "Fallen",
          "Name": "mp_lambeth"
          "Alias": "Outpost",
          "Name": "mp_radar"
          "Alias": "Bakaara",
          "Name": "mp_mogadishu"
          "Alias": "Resistance",
          "Name": "mp_paris"
          "Alias": "Underground",
          "Name": "mp_underground"
          "Alias": "Village",
          "Name": "mp_village"
          "Alias": "Aground",
          "Name": "mp_aground_ss"
          "Alias": "Boardwalk",
          "Name": "mp_boardwalk"
          "Alias": "U-turn",
          "Name": "mp_burn_ss"
          "Alias": "Foundation",
          "Name": "mp_cement"
          "Alias": "Erosion",
          "Name": "mp_courtyard_ss"
          "Alias": "Intersection",
          "Name": "mp_crosswalk_ss"
          "Alias": "Getaway",
          "Name": "mp_hillside_ss"
          "Alias": "Piazza",
          "Name": "mp_italy"
          "Alias": "Sanctuary",
          "Name": "mp_meteora"
          "Alias": "Gulch",
          "Name": "mp_moab"
          "Alias": "Black Box",
          "Name": "mp_morningwood"
          "Alias": "Parish",
          "Name": "mp_nola"
          "Alias": "Overwatch",
          "Name": "mp_overwatch"
          "Alias": "Liberation",
          "Name": "mp_park"
          "Alias": "Oasis",
          "Name": "mp_qadeem"
          "Alias": "Lookout",
          "Name": "mp_restrepo_ss"
          "Alias": "Off Shore",
          "Name": "mp_roughneck"
          "Alias": "Decommission",
          "Name": "mp_shipbreaker"
          "Alias": "Vortex",
          "Name": "mp_six_ss"
          "Alias": "Terminal",
          "Name": "mp_terminal_cls"
          "Alias": "Rust",
          "Name": "mp_rust"
          "Alias": "Highrise",
          "Name": "mp_highrise"
          "Alias": "Favela",
          "Name": "mp_favela"
          "Alias": "Nuketown",
          "Name": "mp_nuked"
          "Alias": "Skidrow",
          "Name": "mp_nightshift"
      "Game": "T6",
      "Maps": [
          "Alias": "Aftermath",
          "Name": "mp_la"
          "Alias": "Cargo",
          "Name": "mp_dockside"
          "Alias": "Carrier",
          "Name": "mp_carrier"
          "Alias": "Drone",
          "Name": "mp_drone"
          "Alias": "Express",
          "Name": "mp_express"
          "Alias": "Hijacked",
          "Name": "mp_hijacked"
          "Alias": "Meltdown",
          "Name": "mp_meltdown"
          "Alias": "Overflow",
          "Name": "mp_overflow"
          "Alias": "Plaza",
          "Name": "mp_nightclub"
          "Alias": "Raid",
          "Name": "mp_raid"
          "Alias": "Slums",
          "Name": "mp_slums"
          "Alias": "Standoff",
          "Name": "mp_village"
          "Alias": "Turbine",
          "Name": "mp_turbine"
          "Alias": "Yemen",
          "Name": "mp_socotra"
          "Alias": "Nuketown 2025",
          "Name": "mp_nuketown_2020"
          "Alias": "Downhill",
          "Name": "mp_downhill"
          "Alias": "Mirage",
          "Name": "mp_mirage"
          "Alias": "Hydro",
          "Name": "mp_hydro"
          "Alias": "Grind",
          "Name": "mp_skate"
          "Alias": "Encore",
          "Name": "mp_concert"
          "Alias": "Magma",
          "Name": "mp_magma"
          "Alias": "Vertigo",
          "Name": "mp_vertigo"
          "Alias": "Studio",
          "Name": "mp_studio"
          "Alias": "Uplink",
          "Name": "mp_uplink"
          "Alias": "Detour",
          "Name": "mp_bridge"
          "Alias": "Cove",
          "Name": "mp_castaway"
          "Alias": "Rush",
          "Name": "mp_paintball"
          "Alias": "Dig",
          "Name": "mp_dig"
          "Alias": "Frost",
          "Name": "mp_frostbite"
          "Alias": "Pod",
          "Name": "mp_pod"
          "Alias": "Takeoff",
          "Name": "mp_takeoff"
          "Alias": "Buried/Resolution 1295",
          "Name": "zm_buried"
          "Alias": "Die Rise/Great Leap Forward",
          "Name": "zm_highrise"
          "Alias": "Nuketown",
          "Name": "zm_nuked"
          "Alias": "Mob of the Dead",
          "Name": "zm_prison"
          "Alias": "Origins",
          "Name": "zm_tomb"
          "Alias": "Diner",
          "Name": "zm_transit_dr"
          "Alias": "Green Run/Bus Depot/Farm/Town",
          "Name": "zm_transit"
      "Game": "T7",
      "Maps": [
          "Alias": "Evac",
          "Name": "mp_apartments"
          "Alias": "Aquarium",
          "Name": "mp_biodome"
          "Alias": "Exodus",
          "Name": "mp_chinatown"
          "Alias": "Hunted",
          "Name": "mp_ethiopia"
          "Alias": "Havoc",
          "Name": "mp_havoc"
          "Alias": "Infection",
          "Name": "mp_infection"
          "Alias": "Metro",
          "Name": "mp_metro"
          "Alias": "Redwood",
          "Name": "mp_redwood"
          "Alias": "Combine",
          "Name": "mp_sector"
          "Alias": "Breach",
          "Name": "mp_spire"
          "Alias": "Stronghold",
          "Name": "mp_stronghold"
          "Alias": "Fringe",
          "Name": "mp_veiled"
          "Alias": "Nuk3town",
          "Name": "mp_nuketown_x"
          "Alias": "Gauntlet",
          "Name": "mp_crucible"
          "Alias": "Rise",
          "Name": "mp_rise"
          "Alias": "Skyjacked",
          "Name": "mp_skyjacked"
          "Alias": "Splash",
          "Name": "mp_waterpark"
          "Alias": "Spire",
          "Name": "mp_aerospace"
          "Alias": "Verge",
          "Name": "mp_banzai"
          "Alias": "Rift",
          "Name": "mp_conduit"
          "Alias": "Knockout",
          "Name": "mp_kung_fu"
          "Alias": "Rumble",
          "Name": "mp_arena"
          "Alias": "Cyrogen",
          "Name": "mp_cryogen"
          "Alias": "Empire",
          "Name": "mp_rome"
          "Alias": "Berserk",
          "Name": "mp_shrine"
          "Alias": "Rupture",
          "Name": "mp_city"
          "Alias": "Micro",
          "Name": "mp_miniature"
          "Alias": "Citadel",
          "Name": "mp_ruins"
          "Alias": "Outlaw",
          "Name": "mp_western"
      "Game": "IW6",
      "Maps": [
          "Alias": "Prison Break",
          "Name": "mp_prisonbreak"
          "Alias": "Octane",
          "Name": "mp_dart"
          "Alias": "Tremor",
          "Name": "mp_lonestar"
          "Alias": "Freight",
          "Name": "mp_frag"
          "Alias": "Whiteout",
          "Name": "mp_snow"
          "Alias": "Stormfront",
          "Name": "mp_fahrenheit"
          "Alias": "Siege",
          "Name": "mp_hashima"
          "Alias": "Warhawk",
          "Name": "mp_warhawk"
          "Alias": "Sovereign",
          "Name": "mp_sovereign"
          "Alias": "Overload",
          "Name": "mp_zebra"
          "Alias": "Stonehaven",
          "Name": "mp_skeleton"
          "Alias": "Chasm",
          "Name": "mp_chasm"
          "Alias": "Flooded",
          "Name": "mp_flooded"
          "Alias": "Strikezone",
          "Name": "mp_strikezone"
          "Alias": "Free Fall",
          "Name": "mp_descent_new"
          "Alias": "Unearthed",
          "Name": "mp_dome_ns"
          "Alias": "Collision",
          "Name": "mp_ca_impact"
          "Alias": "Behemoth",
          "Name": "mp_ca_behemoth"
          "Alias": "Ruins",
          "Name": "mp_battery3"
          "Alias": "Pharaoh",
          "Name": "mp_dig"
          "Alias": "Favela",
          "Name": "mp_favela_iw6"
          "Alias": "Mutiny",
          "Name": "mp_pirate"
          "Alias": "Departed",
          "Name": "mp_zulu"
          "Alias": "Dynasty",
          "Name": "mp_conflict"
          "Alias": "Goldrush",
          "Name": "mp_mine"
          "Alias": "Showtime",
          "Name": "mp_shipment_ns"
          "Alias": "Subzero",
          "Name": "mp_zerosub"
          "Alias": "Ignition",
          "Name": "mp_boneyard_ns"
          "Alias": "Containment",
          "Name": "mp_ca_red_river"
          "Alias": "Bayview",
          "Name": "mp_ca_rumble"
          "Alias": "Fog",
          "Name": "mp_swamp"
          "Alias": "Point of Contact",
          "Name": "mp_alien_town"
          "Alias": "Nightfall",
          "Name": "mp_alien_armory"
          "Alias": "Mayday",
          "Name": "mp_alien_beacon"
          "Alias": "Awakening",
          "Name": "mp_alien_dlc3"
          "Alias": "Exodus",
          "Name": "mp_alien_last"
      "Game": "SHG1",
      "Maps": [
          "Alias": "Ascend",
          "Name": "mp_refraction"
          "Alias": "Bio Lab",
          "Name": "mp_lab2"
          "Alias": "Comeback",
          "Name": "mp_comeback"
          "Alias": "Defender",
          "Name": "mp_laser2"
          "Alias": "Detroit",
          "Name": "mp_detroit"
          "Alias": "Greenband",
          "Name": "mp_greenband"
          "Alias": "Horizon",
          "Name": "mp_levity"
          "Alias": "Instinct",
          "Name": "mp_instinct"
          "Alias": "Recovery",
          "Name": "mp_recovery"
          "Alias": "Retreat",
          "Name": "mp_venus"
          "Alias": "Riot",
          "Name": "mp_prison"
          "Alias": "Solar",
          "Name": "mp_solar"
          "Alias": "Terrace",
          "Name": "mp_terrace"
          "Alias": "Atlas Gorge",
          "Name": "mp_dam"
          "Alias": "Chop Shop",
          "Name": "mp_spark"
          "Alias": "Climate",
          "Name": "mp_climate_3"
          "Alias": "Compound",
          "Name": "mp_sector17"
          "Alias": "Core",
          "Name": "mp_lost"
          "Alias": "Drift",
          "Name": "mp_torqued"
          "Alias": "Fracture",
          "Name": "mp_fracture"
          "Alias": "Kremlin",
          "Name": "mp_kremlin"
          "Alias": "Overload",
          "Name": "mp_lair"
          "Alias": "Parliament",
          "Name": "mp_bigben2"
          "Alias": "Perplex",
          "Name": "mp_perplex_1"
          "Alias": "Quarantine",
          "Name": "mp_liberty"
          "Alias": "Sideshow",
          "Name": "mp_clowntown3"
          "Alias": "Site 244",
          "Name": "mp_blackbox"
          "Alias": "Skyrise",
          "Name": "mp_highrise2"
          "Alias": "Swarn",
          "Name": "mp_seoul2"
          "Alias": "Urban",
          "Name": "mp_urban"
      "Game": "H1",
      "Maps": [
          "Alias": "Ambush",
          "Name": "mp_convoy"
          "Alias": "Backlot",
          "Name": "mp_backlot"
          "Alias": "Bloc",
          "Name": "mp_bloc"
          "Alias": "Bog",
          "Name": "mp_bog"
          "Alias": "Countdown",
          "Name": "mp_countdown"
          "Alias": "Crash",
          "Name": "mp_crash"
          "Alias": "Crossfire",
          "Name": "mp_crossfire"
          "Alias": "District",
          "Name": "mp_citystreets"
          "Alias": "Downpour",
          "Name": "mp_farm"
          "Alias": "Overgrown",
          "Name": "mp_overgrown"
          "Alias": "Pipeline",
          "Name": "mp_pipeline"
          "Alias": "Shipment",
          "Name": "mp_shipment"
          "Alias": "Showdown",
          "Name": "mp_showdown"
          "Alias": "Strike",
          "Name": "mp_strike"
          "Alias": "Vacant",
          "Name": "mp_vacant"
          "Alias": "Wet Work",
          "Name": "mp_cargoship"
          "Alias": "Winter Crash",
          "Name": "mp_crash_snow"
          "Alias": "Broadcast",
          "Name": "mp_broadcast"
          "Alias": "Creek",
          "Name": "mp_creek"
          "Alias": "Chinatown",
          "Name": "mp_carentan"
          "Alias": "Killhouse",
          "Name": "mp_killhouse"
          "Alias": "Day Break",
          "Name": "mp_farm_spring"
          "Alias": "Beach Bog",
          "Name": "mp_bog_summer"
      "Game": "CSGO",
      "Maps": [
          "Name": "ar_baggage",
          "Alias": "Baggage"
          "Name": "ar_dizzy",
          "Alias": "Dizzy"
          "Name": "ar_lunacy",
          "Alias": "Lunacy"
          "Name": "ar_monastery",
          "Alias": "Monastery"
          "Name": "ar_shoots",
          "Alias": "Shoots"
          "Name": "cs_agency",
          "Alias": "Agency"
          "Name": "cs_assault",
          "Alias": "Assault"
          "Name": "cs_italy",
          "Alias": "Italy"
          "Name": "cs_militia",
          "Alias": "Militia"
          "Name": "cs_office",
          "Alias": "Office"
          "Name": "de_ancient",
          "Alias": "Ancient"
          "Name": "de_bank",
          "Alias": "Bank"
          "Name": "de_cache",
          "Alias": "Cache"
          "Name": "de_calavera",
          "Alias": "Calavera"
          "Name": "de_canals",
          "Alias": "Canals"
          "Name": "de_cbble",
          "Alias": "Cobblestone"
          "Name": "de_dust2",
          "Alias": "Dust II"
          "Name": "de_grind",
          "Alias": "Grind"
          "Name": "de_inferno",
          "Alias": "Inferno"
          "Name": "de_lake",
          "Alias": "Lake"
          "Name": "de_mirage",
          "Alias": "Mirage"
          "Name": "de_mocha",
          "Alias": "Mocha"
          "Name": "de_nuke",
          "Alias": "Nuke"
          "Name": "de_overpass",
          "Alias": "Overpass"
          "Name": "de_pitstop",
          "Alias": "Pitstop"
          "Name": "de_safehouse",
          "Alias": "Safehouse"
          "Name": "de_shortdust",
          "Alias": "Shortdust"
          "Name": "de_shortnuke",
          "Alias": "Shortnuke"
          "Name": "de_stmarc",
          "Alias": "St. Marc"
          "Name": "de_sugarcane",
          "Alias": "Sugarcane"
          "Name": "de_train",
          "Alias": "Train"
          "Name": "de_vertigo",
          "Alias": "Vertigo"
          "Name": "dz_blacksite",
          "Alias": "Blacksite"
          "Name": "dz_frostbite",
          "Alias": "Frostbite"
          "Name": "dz_sirocco",
          "Alias": "Sirocco"
  "GameStrings": {
    "IW4": {
      "torso_upper": "Upper Torso",
      "torso_lower": "Lower Torso",
      "right_leg_upper": "Upper Right Leg",
      "right_leg_lower": "Lower Right Leg",
      "right_hand": "Right Hand",
      "right_foot": "Right Foot",
      "right_arm_upper": "Upper Right Arm",
      "right_arm_lower": "Lower Right Arm",
      "left_leg_upper": "Upper Left Leg",
      "left_leg_lower": "Lower Left Leg",
      "left_hand": "Left Hand",
      "left_foot": "Left Foot",
      "left_arm_upper": "Upper Left Arm",
      "left_arm_lower": "Lower Left Arm",
      "acog": "ACOG Sight",
      "eotech": "Holographic Sight",
      "fmj": "FMJ",
      "gl": "Grenade Launcher",
      "heartbeat": "Heartbeat Sensor",
      "reflex": "Red Dot Sight",
      "rof": "Rapid Fire",
      "thermal": "Thermal",
      "xmags": "Extended Mags",
      "m4": "M4A1",
      "m40a3": "M40A3",
      "ak47": "AK-47",
      "ak47classic": "AK-47 Classic",
      "fn2000": "F2000",
      "masada": "ACR",
      "famas": "FAMAS",
      "fal": "FAL",
      "scar": "SCAR-H",
      "tavor": "TAR-21",
      "m16": "M16A4",
      "mp5k": "MP5K",
      "ump45": "UMP45",
      "kriss": "Vector",
      "uzi": "Mini-Uzi",
      "rpd": "RPD",
      "sa80": "L86 LSW",
      "mg4": "MG4",
      "aug": "AUG HBAR",
      "cheytac": "Intervention",
      "barrett": "Barrett .50cal",
      "wa2000": "WA2000",
      "m21": "M21 EBR",
      "pp2000": "PP2000",
      "glock": "G18",
      "beretta": "M93 Raffica",
      "tmp": "TMP",
      "spas12": "SPAS-12",
      "aa12": "AA-12",
      "model1887": "Model 1887",
      "usp": "USP .45",
      "coltanaconda": ".44 Magnum",
      "deserteagle": "Desert Eagle",
      "deserteaglegold": "Desert Eagle Gold",
      "at4": "AT4-HS",
      "m79": "Thumper",
      "rpg": "RPG-7",
      "concussion": "Stun",
      "throwingknife": "Throwing Knife",
      "ffar": "Airstrike",
      "pavelow": "Pave Low",
      "cobra": "Attack Helicopter",
      "ac130": "AC-130",
      "remotemissile": "Predator Missile",
      "artillery": "Precision Airstrike",
      "player": "",
      "attach": ""
    "IW3": {
      "torso_upper": "Upper Torso",
      "torso_lower": "Lower Torso",
      "right_leg_upper": "Upper Right Leg",
      "right_leg_lower": "Lower Right Leg",
      "right_hand": "Right Hand",
      "right_foot": "Right Foot",
      "right_arm_upper": "Upper Right Arm",
      "right_arm_lower": "Lower Right Arm",
      "left_leg_upper": "Upper Left Leg",
      "left_leg_lower": "Lower Left Leg",
      "left_hand": "Left Hand",
      "left_foot": "Left Foot",
      "left_arm_upper": "Upper Left Arm",
      "left_arm_lower": "Lower Left Arm",
      "acog": "ACOG Sight",
      "gl": "Grenade Launcher",
      "reflex": "Red Dot Sight",
      "grip": "Grip",
      "m4": "M4 Carbine",
      "m40a3": "M40A3",
      "ak47": "AK-47",
      "ak74u": "AK-74u",
      "rpg": "RPG-7",
      "deserteagle": "Desert Eagle",
      "deserteaglegold": "Desert Eagle Gold",
      "m16": "M16A4",
      "g36c": "G36C",
      "uzi": "Mini-Uzi",
      "m60e4": "M60E4",
      "mp5": "MP5",
      "barrett": "Barrett .50cal",
      "mp44": "MP44",
      "remington700": "R700",
      "rpd": "RPD",
      "saw": " M249 SAW",
      "usp": "USP .45",
      "winchester1200": "W1200",
      "concussion": "Stun",
      "melee": "Knife",
      "Frag": "Grenade",
      "airstrike": "Airstrike",
      "helicopter": "Attack Helicopter",
      "player": "",
      "attach": ""
    "T4": {
      "torso_upper": "Upper Torso",
      "torso_lower": "Lower Torso",
      "right_leg_upper": "Upper Right Leg",
      "right_leg_lower": "Lower Right Leg",
      "right_hand": "Right Hand",
      "right_foot": "Right Foot",
      "right_arm_upper": "Upper Right Arm",
      "right_arm_lower": "Lower Right Arm",
      "left_leg_upper": "Upper Left Leg",
      "left_leg_lower": "Lower Left Leg",
      "left_hand": "Left Hand",
      "left_foot": "Left Foot",
      "left_arm_upper": "Upper Left Arm",
      "left_arm_lower": "Lower Left Arm",
      "gl": "Rifle Grenade",
      "bigammo": "Round Drum",
      "scoped": "Sniper Scope",
      "telescopic": "Telescopic Sight",
      "aperture": "Aperture Sight",
      "flash": "Flash Hider",
      "silenced": "Silencer",
      "molotov": "Molotov Cocktail",
      "sticky": "N° 74 ST",
      "m2": "M2 Flamethrower",
      "artillery": "Artillery Strike",
      "dog": "Attack Dogs",
      "colt": "Colt M1911",
      "357magnum": ".357 Magnum",
      "walther": "Walther P38",
      "tokarev": "Tokarev TT-33",
      "shotgun": "M1897 Trench Gun",
      "doublebarreledshotgun": "Double-Barreled Shotgun",
      "mp40": "MP40",
      "type100smg": "Type 100",
      "ppsh": "PPSh-41",
      "svt40": "SVT-40",
      "gewehr43": "Gewehr 43",
      "m1garand": "M1 Garand",
      "stg44": "STG-44",
      "m1carbine": "M1A1 Carbine",
      "type99lmg": "Type 99",
      "bar": "BAR",
      "dp28": "DP-28",
      "mg42": "MG42",
      "fg42": "FG42",
      "30cal": "Browning M1919",
      "type99rifle": "Arisaka",
      "mosinrifle": "Mosin-Nagant",
      "ptrs41": "PTRS-41"
	"T6" : {
        "mp7": "MP7",
        "pdw57": "PDW-57",
        "vector": "Vector K10",
        "insas": "MSMC",
        "qcw05": "Chicom CQB",
        "evoskorpion": "Skorpion EVO",
        "peacekeeper": "Peacekeeper",
        "tar21": "MTAR",
        "type95": "Type 25",
        "sig556": "SWAT-556",
        "sa58": "FAL-OSW",
        "hk416": "M27",
        "scar": "SCAR-H",
        "saritch": "SMR",
        "xm8": "M8A1",
        "an94": "AN-94",
        "870mcs": "Remington-870 MCS",
        "saiga12": "S12",
        "ksg": "KSG",
        "srm1216": "M1216",
        "mk48": "MK 48",
        "qbb95": "QBB LSW",
        "lsat": "LSAT",
        "hamr": "HAMR",
        "svu": "SVU-AS",
        "dsr50": "DSR 50",
        "ballista": "Ballista",
        "as50": "XPR-50",
        "fiveseven": "Five-Seven",
        "fnp45": "TAC-45",
        "beretta93r": "B23R",
        "judge": "Executioner",
        "kard": "KAP-40",
        "smaw": "SMAW",
        "fhj18": "FHJ-18 AA",
        "usrpg": "RPG",
        "riotshield": "Assault Shield",
        "crossbow": "Crossbow",
        "knife_ballistic": "Ballistic Knife",
        "knife_held": "Knife",
        "knife": "Knife",
        "frag_grenade": "Grenade",
        "hatchet": "Combat Axe",
        "sticky_grenade": "Semtex",
        "satchel_charge": "C4",
        "bouncingbetty": "Bouncing Betty",
        "claymore": "Claymore",
        "smoke_center": "Smoke Grenade",
        "concussion_grenade": "Concussion",
        "emp_grenade": "EMP Grenade",
        "sensor_grenade": "Sensor Grenade",
        "flash_grenade": "Flashbang",
        "proximity_grenade": "Shock Charge",
        "pda_hack": "Black Hat",
        "trophy_system": "Trophy System",
        "tactical_insertion": "Tactical Insertion",
        "acog": "ACOG",
        "stalker": "Stock",
        "swayreduc": "Ballistics CPU",
        "ir": "Dual Band",
        "dw": "Dual Wield",
        "extclip": "Extended Clip",
        "halo": "EOTech",
        "dualclip": "Fast Mag",
        "fmj": "FMJ",
        "grip": "Fore Grip",
        "gl": "Grenade Launcher",
        "dualoptic": "Hybrid Optic",
        "is": "Iron Sights",
        "steadyaim": "Laser Sight",
        "extbarrel": "Long Barrel",
        "mms": "MMS",
        "fastads": "Quickdraw",
        "rf": "Rapid Fire",
        "reflex": "Reflex Sight",
        "sf": "Select Fire",
        "silencer": "Suppressor",
        "tacknife": "Tactical Knife",
        "stackfire": "Tri-Bolt",
        "rangefinder": "Target Finder",
        "vzoom": "Variable Zoom",
        "spyplane": "UAV",
        "rcbomb": "RC-XD",
        "missile_drone": "Hunter Killer",
        "supplydrop": "Care Package",
        "counteruav": "Counter-UAV",
        "microwave_turret": "Guardian",
        "remote_missile": "Hellstorm Missile",
        "planemortar": "Lightning Strike",
        "auto_turret": "Sentry Gun",
        "minigun": "Death Machine",
        "m32": "War Machine",
        "qrdrone": "Dragonfire",
        "ai_tank_drop": "AGR",
        "comlink": "Stealth Chopper",
        "spyplane_direction": "Orbital VSAT",
        "helicopter_guard": "Escort Drone",
        "emp": "EMP",
        "straferun": "Warthog",
        "remote_mortar": "Lodestar",
        "player_gunner": "VTOL Warship",
        "dogs": "K9 Unit",
        "missile_swarm": "Swarm"