# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- """Utility classes and values used for marshalling and unmarshalling objects to and from primitive types. .. warning:: This module is treated as private API. Users should not need to use this module directly. """ from __future__ import unicode_literals from marshmallow.utils import is_collection, missing, set_value from marshmallow.compat import text_type, iteritems from marshmallow.exceptions import ( ValidationError, ) __all__ = [ 'Marshaller', 'Unmarshaller', ] # Key used for field-level validation errors on nested fields FIELD = '_field' class ErrorStore(object): def __init__(self): #: Dictionary of errors stored during serialization self.errors = {} #: List of `Field` objects which have validation errors self.error_fields = [] #: List of field_names which have validation errors self.error_field_names = [] #: True while (de)serializing a collection self._pending = False #: Dictionary of extra kwargs from user raised exception self.error_kwargs = {} def reset_errors(self): self.errors = {} self.error_field_names = [] self.error_fields = [] self.error_kwargs = {} def get_errors(self, index=None): if index is not None: errors = self.errors.get(index, {}) self.errors[index] = errors else: errors = self.errors return errors def call_and_store(self, getter_func, data, field_name, field_obj, index=None): """Call ``getter_func`` with ``data`` as its argument, and store any `ValidationErrors`. :param callable getter_func: Function for getting the serialized/deserialized value from ``data``. :param data: The data passed to ``getter_func``. :param str field_name: Field name. :param FieldABC field_obj: Field object that performs the serialization/deserialization behavior. :param int index: Index of the item being validated, if validating a collection, otherwise `None`. """ try: value = getter_func(data) except ValidationError as err: # Store validation errors self.error_kwargs.update(err.kwargs) self.error_fields.append(field_obj) self.error_field_names.append(field_name) errors = self.get_errors(index=index) # Warning: Mutation! if isinstance(err.messages, dict): errors[field_name] = err.messages elif isinstance(errors.get(field_name), dict): errors[field_name].setdefault(FIELD, []).extend(err.messages) else: errors.setdefault(field_name, []).extend(err.messages) # When a Nested field fails validation, the marshalled data is stored # on the ValidationError's valid_data attribute value = err.valid_data or missing return value class Marshaller(ErrorStore): """Callable class responsible for serializing data and storing errors. :param str prefix: Optional prefix that will be prepended to all the serialized field names. """ def __init__(self, prefix=''): self.prefix = prefix ErrorStore.__init__(self) def serialize(self, obj, fields_dict, many=False, accessor=None, dict_class=dict, index_errors=True, index=None): """Takes raw data (a dict, list, or other object) and a dict of fields to output and serializes the data based on those fields. :param obj: The actual object(s) from which the fields are taken from :param dict fields_dict: Mapping of field names to :class:`Field` objects. :param bool many: Set to `True` if ``data`` should be serialized as a collection. :param callable accessor: Function to use for getting values from ``obj``. :param type dict_class: Dictionary class used to construct the output. :param bool index_errors: Whether to store the index of invalid items in ``self.errors`` when ``many=True``. :param int index: Index of the item being serialized (for storing errors) if serializing a collection, otherwise `None`. :return: A dictionary of the marshalled data .. versionchanged:: 1.0.0 Renamed from ``marshal``. """ # Reset errors dict if not serializing a collection if not self._pending: self.reset_errors() if many and obj is not None: self._pending = True ret = [self.serialize(d, fields_dict, many=False, dict_class=dict_class, accessor=accessor, index=idx, index_errors=index_errors) for idx, d in enumerate(obj)] self._pending = False if self.errors: raise ValidationError( self.errors, field_names=self.error_field_names, fields=self.error_fields, data=ret, ) return ret items = [] for attr_name, field_obj in iteritems(fields_dict): if getattr(field_obj, 'load_only', False): continue key = ''.join([self.prefix or '', field_obj.data_key or attr_name]) getter = lambda d: field_obj.serialize(attr_name, d, accessor=accessor) value = self.call_and_store( getter_func=getter, data=obj, field_name=key, field_obj=field_obj, index=(index if index_errors else None) ) if value is missing: continue items.append((key, value)) ret = dict_class(items) if self.errors and not self._pending: raise ValidationError( self.errors, field_names=self.error_field_names, fields=self.error_fields, data=ret ) return ret # Make an instance callable __call__ = serialize # Key used for schema-level validation errors SCHEMA = '_schema' class Unmarshaller(ErrorStore): """Callable class responsible for deserializing data and storing errors. .. versionadded:: 1.0.0 """ default_schema_validation_error = 'Invalid data.' def run_validator(self, validator_func, output, original_data, fields_dict, index=None, many=False, pass_original=False): try: if pass_original: # Pass original, raw data (before unmarshalling) res = validator_func(output, original_data) else: res = validator_func(output) if res is False: raise ValidationError(self.default_schema_validation_error) except ValidationError as err: errors = self.get_errors(index=index) self.error_kwargs.update(err.kwargs) # Store or reraise errors if err.field_names: field_names = err.field_names field_objs = [fields_dict[each] if each in fields_dict else None for each in field_names] else: field_names = [SCHEMA] field_objs = [] self.error_field_names = field_names self.error_fields = field_objs for field_name in field_names: if isinstance(err.messages, (list, tuple)): # self.errors[field_name] may be a dict if schemas are nested if isinstance(errors.get(field_name), dict): errors[field_name].setdefault( SCHEMA, [] ).extend(err.messages) else: errors.setdefault(field_name, []).extend(err.messages) elif isinstance(err.messages, dict): errors.setdefault(field_name, []).append(err.messages) else: errors.setdefault(field_name, []).append(text_type(err)) def deserialize(self, data, fields_dict, many=False, partial=False, dict_class=dict, index_errors=True, index=None): """Deserialize ``data`` based on the schema defined by ``fields_dict``. :param dict data: The data to deserialize. :param dict fields_dict: Mapping of field names to :class:`Field` objects. :param bool many: Set to `True` if ``data`` should be deserialized as a collection. :param bool|tuple partial: Whether to ignore missing fields. If its value is an iterable, only missing fields listed in that iterable will be ignored. :param type dict_class: Dictionary class used to construct the output. :param bool index_errors: Whether to store the index of invalid items in ``self.errors`` when ``many=True``. :param int index: Index of the item being serialized (for storing errors) if serializing a collection, otherwise `None`. :return: A dictionary of the deserialized data. """ # Reset errors if not deserializing a collection if not self._pending: self.reset_errors() if many and data is not None: self._pending = True ret = [self.deserialize(d, fields_dict, many=False, partial=partial, dict_class=dict_class, index=idx, index_errors=index_errors) for idx, d in enumerate(data)] self._pending = False if self.errors: raise ValidationError( self.errors, field_names=self.error_field_names, fields=self.error_fields, data=ret, ) return ret partial_is_collection = is_collection(partial) ret = dict_class() for attr_name, field_obj in iteritems(fields_dict): if field_obj.dump_only: continue field_name = attr_name if field_obj.data_key: field_name = field_obj.data_key try: raw_value = data.get(field_name, missing) except AttributeError: # Input data is not a dict errors = self.get_errors(index=index) msg = field_obj.error_messages['type'].format( input=data, input_type=data.__class__.__name__ ) self.error_field_names = [SCHEMA] self.error_fields = [] errors = self.get_errors() errors.setdefault(SCHEMA, []).append(msg) # Input data type is incorrect, so we can bail out early break if raw_value is missing: # Ignore missing field if we're allowed to. if ( partial is True or (partial_is_collection and attr_name in partial) ): continue _miss = field_obj.missing raw_value = _miss() if callable(_miss) else _miss if raw_value is missing and not field_obj.required: continue getter = lambda val: field_obj.deserialize(val, field_name, data) value = self.call_and_store( getter_func=getter, data=raw_value, field_name=field_name, field_obj=field_obj, index=(index if index_errors else None) ) if value is not missing: key = fields_dict[attr_name].attribute or attr_name set_value(ret, key, value) if self.errors and not self._pending: raise ValidationError( self.errors, field_names=self.error_field_names, fields=self.error_fields, data=ret, ) return ret # Make an instance callable __call__ = deserialize