import datetime import uuid from calendar import timegm import jwt from import safe_str_cmp from flask_jwt_extended.exceptions import JWTDecodeError, CSRFError def _create_csrf_token(): return str(uuid.uuid4()) def _encode_jwt(additional_token_data, expires_delta, secret, algorithm, json_encoder=None): uid = str(uuid.uuid4()) now = datetime.datetime.utcnow() token_data = { 'iat': now, 'nbf': now, 'jti': uid, } # If expires_delta is False, the JWT should never expire # and the 'exp' claim is not set. if expires_delta: token_data['exp'] = now + expires_delta token_data.update(additional_token_data) encoded_token = jwt.encode(token_data, secret, algorithm, json_encoder=json_encoder).decode('utf-8') return encoded_token def encode_access_token(identity, secret, algorithm, expires_delta, fresh, user_claims, csrf, identity_claim_key, user_claims_key, json_encoder=None): """ Creates a new encoded (utf-8) access token. :param identity: Identifier for who this token is for (ex, username). This data must be json serializable :param secret: Secret key to encode the JWT with :param algorithm: Which algorithm to encode this JWT with :param expires_delta: How far in the future this token should expire (set to False to disable expiration) :type expires_delta: datetime.timedelta or False :param fresh: If this should be a 'fresh' token or not. If a datetime.timedelta is given this will indicate how long this token will remain fresh. :param user_claims: Custom claims to include in this token. This data must be json serializable :param csrf: Whether to include a csrf double submit claim in this token (boolean) :param identity_claim_key: Which key should be used to store the identity :param user_claims_key: Which key should be used to store the user claims :return: Encoded access token """ if isinstance(fresh, datetime.timedelta): now = datetime.datetime.utcnow() fresh = timegm((now + fresh).utctimetuple()) token_data = { identity_claim_key: identity, 'fresh': fresh, 'type': 'access', } # Don't add extra data to the token if user_claims is empty. if user_claims: token_data[user_claims_key] = user_claims if csrf: token_data['csrf'] = _create_csrf_token() return _encode_jwt(token_data, expires_delta, secret, algorithm, json_encoder=json_encoder) def encode_refresh_token(identity, secret, algorithm, expires_delta, csrf, identity_claim_key, json_encoder=None): """ Creates a new encoded (utf-8) refresh token. :param identity: Some identifier used to identify the owner of this token :param secret: Secret key to encode the JWT with :param algorithm: Which algorithm to use for the toek :param expires_delta: How far in the future this token should expire (set to False to disable expiration) :type expires_delta: datetime.timedelta or False :param csrf: Whether to include a csrf double submit claim in this token (boolean) :param identity_claim_key: Which key should be used to store the identity :return: Encoded refresh token """ token_data = { identity_claim_key: identity, 'type': 'refresh', } if csrf: token_data['csrf'] = _create_csrf_token() return _encode_jwt(token_data, expires_delta, secret, algorithm, json_encoder=json_encoder) def decode_jwt(encoded_token, secret, algorithm, identity_claim_key, user_claims_key, csrf_value=None): """ Decodes an encoded JWT :param encoded_token: The encoded JWT string to decode :param secret: Secret key used to encode the JWT :param algorithm: Algorithm used to encode the JWT :param identity_claim_key: expected key that contains the identity :param user_claims_key: expected key that contains the user claims :param csrf_value: Expected double submit csrf value :return: Dictionary containing contents of the JWT """ # This call verifies the ext, iat, and nbf claims data = jwt.decode(encoded_token, secret, algorithms=[algorithm]) # Make sure that any custom claims we expect in the token are present if 'jti' not in data: raise JWTDecodeError("Missing claim: jti") if identity_claim_key not in data: raise JWTDecodeError("Missing claim: {}".format(identity_claim_key)) if 'type' not in data or data['type'] not in ('refresh', 'access'): raise JWTDecodeError("Missing or invalid claim: type") if data['type'] == 'access': if 'fresh' not in data: raise JWTDecodeError("Missing claim: fresh") if user_claims_key not in data: data[user_claims_key] = {} if csrf_value: if 'csrf' not in data: raise JWTDecodeError("Missing claim: csrf") if not safe_str_cmp(data['csrf'], csrf_value): raise CSRFError("CSRF double submit tokens do not match") return data