using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc; using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore; using SharedLibraryCore; using SharedLibraryCore.Database; using SharedLibraryCore.Database.Models; using SharedLibraryCore.Dtos; using SharedLibraryCore.Services; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; using System.Linq; using System.Threading.Tasks; using WebfrontCore.ViewComponents; namespace WebfrontCore.Controllers { public class PenaltyController : BaseController { public IActionResult List(int showOnly = (int)SharedLibraryCore.Objects.Penalty.PenaltyType.Any) { ViewBag.Description = "List of all the recent penalties (bans, kicks, warnings) on IW4MAdmin"; ViewBag.Title = Localization["WEBFRONT_PENALTY_TITLE"]; ViewBag.Keywords = "IW4MAdmin, penalties, ban, kick, warns"; return View((SharedLibraryCore.Objects.Penalty.PenaltyType)showOnly); } public async Task ListAsync(int offset = 0, int showOnly = (int)SharedLibraryCore.Objects.Penalty.PenaltyType.Any) { return await Task.FromResult(View("_List", new ViewModels.PenaltyFilterInfo() { Offset = offset, ShowOnly = (SharedLibraryCore.Objects.Penalty.PenaltyType)showOnly })); } /// /// retrieves all permanent bans ordered by ban date /// if request is authorized, it will include the client's ip address. /// /// public async Task PublicAsync() { IList penalties; using (var ctx = new DatabaseContext(disableTracking: true)) { // todo: this seems like it's pulling unnecessary info from LINQ to entities. var iqPenalties = ctx.Penalties .Where(p => p.Type == SharedLibraryCore.Objects.Penalty.PenaltyType.Ban && p.Active) .OrderByDescending(_penalty => _penalty.When) .Select(p => new PenaltyInfo() { Id = p.PenaltyId, OffenderId = p.OffenderId, Offense = p.Offense, PunisherId = p.PunisherId, Type = p.Type.ToString(), TimePunished = p.When.ToString(), TimeRemaining = "", AutomatedOffense = Authorized ? p.AutomatedOffense : "", NetworkId = (ulong)p.Offender.NetworkId, IPAddress = Authorized ? p.Offender.IPAddressString : "" }); #if DEBUG == true var querySql = iqPenalties.ToSql(); #endif penalties = await iqPenalties.ToListAsync(); } return Json(penalties); } } }