using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

using SharedLibrary;
using SharedLibrary.Network;
using SharedLibrary.Interfaces;
using SharedLibrary.Objects;

namespace Votemap_Plugin
    /// <summary>
    /// Allow clients to vote for the next map at the end of a round
    /// Map choices are defined in the server
    /// </summary>
    public class VoteMap : Command
        public VoteMap() : base("vote", "vote for the next map", "v", Player.Permission.User, false, new CommandArgument[]
                new CommandArgument()
                    Name = "map",
                    Required = true
        { }

        /// <summary>
        /// Properties of Event E
        /// Owner: The server the event came from
        /// Origin: The player generating the event
        /// Target: Optional target the player specified
        /// Data: Chat message which triggered the command event
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="E">This is the `say` event that comes from the server</param>
        public override async Task ExecuteAsync(Event E)
            var voting = Vote.GetServerVotes(E.Owner.GetPort());

            // we only want to allow a vote during a vote session
            if (voting.voteInSession)
                if (voting.ClientHasVoted(E.Origin.NetworkId))
                    await E.Origin.Tell("You have already voted. Use ^5!vc ^7to ^5cancel ^7your vote");
                    string mapSearch = E.Data.ToLower().Trim();
                    // probably not the most optimized way to match the map.. but nothing is time critical here
                    Map votedMap = E.Owner.Maps.Find(m => (m.Alias.ToLower().Contains(mapSearch) || m.Name.Contains(mapSearch)));
                    if (votedMap == null)
                       await  E.Origin.Tell("^1" + E.Data + " is not a recognized map");
                        voting.CastClientVote(E.Origin.NetworkId, votedMap);
                        await E.Origin.Tell("You voted for ^5" + votedMap.Alias);

                await E.Origin.Tell("There is no vote in session");

    public class VoteCancel : Command
        public VoteCancel() : base("votecancel", "cancel your vote for the next map", "vc", Player.Permission.User, false) { }

        public override async Task  ExecuteAsync(Event E)
            var voting = Vote.GetServerVotes(E.Owner.GetPort());

            if (voting.voteInSession)
                if (voting.ClientHasVoted(E.Origin.NetworkId))
                    await E.Origin.Tell("Vote cancelled");
                    await E.Origin.Tell("You have no vote to cancel");

                await E.Origin.Tell("There is no vote in session");

    public class Vote : IPlugin
        public class VoteData
            public string guid;
            public Map map;

        public class MapResult
            public Map map;
            public int voteNum;

        public class ServerVoting
            public int ServerId
                get; private set;
            public bool voteInSession;
            public bool matchEnded;
            public bool votePassed;
            public bool waitForLoad;
            public DateTime voteTimeStart;
            public DateTime loadStartTime;
            public List<VoteData> VoteList
                get; private set;

            public ServerVoting(int id)
                ServerId        = id;
                voteInSession   = false;
                votePassed      = false;
                matchEnded      = false;
                waitForLoad     = true;
                VoteList        = new List<VoteData>();

            public int GetTotalVotes()
                return VoteList.Count;

            public bool ClientHasVoted(string guid)
                return VoteList.Exists(x => (x.guid == guid));

            public void CastClientVote(string guid, Map map)
                var vote = new VoteData()
                    guid = guid,
                    map = map

            public void CancelClientVote(string guid)
                VoteList.RemoveAll(x => (x.guid == guid));

            public MapResult GetTopVotedMap()
                List<MapResult> results = new List<MapResult>();
                MapResult result = new MapResult()
                    map = new Map("Remain", "Remain"),
                    voteNum = 0
                foreach (var vote in VoteList)
                    if (!results.Exists(x => ( ==
                        MapResult newResult = new MapResult()
                            map =,
                            voteNum = 1

                        var map = results.Find(x => ==;
                        map.voteNum += 1;

                foreach (var map in results)
                    if (map.voteNum > result.voteNum)
                        result = map;

                return result;


        private static List<ServerVoting> serverVotingList;
        public static int minVotes = 3;

        public string Author => "RaidMax";

        public float Version => 1.0f;

        public string Name => "Votemap Plugin";

        public async Task OnLoadAsync(IManager manager)
            serverVotingList = new List<ServerVoting>();

        public async Task OnUnloadAsync()

        /// <summary>
        /// The server monitor thread calls this about every 1 second
        /// This is not high-precision, but will run 1 time per second
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="S"></param>
        public async Task OnTickAsync(Server S)
            var serverVotes = GetServerVotes(S.GetPort());

            if (serverVotes != null)

                if ((DateTime.Now - serverVotes.loadStartTime).TotalSeconds < 30 /* || S.getPlayers().Count < 3*/)
                    serverVotes.waitForLoad = false;

                // dvar that is set & updated by the game script...
                serverVotes.matchEnded = (await S.GetDvarAsync<int>("scr_gameended")).Value == 1;

                Console.WriteLine("Match ended->" + serverVotes.matchEnded);
                Console.WriteLine("Vote in session->" + serverVotes.voteInSession);
                Console.WriteLine("Vote passed->" + serverVotes.votePassed);*/

                if (!serverVotes.voteInSession && serverVotes.matchEnded && serverVotes.voteTimeStart == DateTime.MinValue)
                    await S.Broadcast("Voting has started for the ^5next map");
                    await S.Broadcast("Type ^5!v <map> ^7to vote for the nextmap!");
                    serverVotes.voteInSession = true;
                    serverVotes.voteTimeStart = DateTime.Now;

                if (!serverVotes.voteInSession && serverVotes.votePassed && (DateTime.Now - serverVotes.voteTimeStart).TotalSeconds > 30)
                    await S.LoadMap(serverVotes.GetTopVotedMap().map.Name);
                    serverVotes.votePassed  = false;

                if (serverVotes.voteInSession)
                    if ((DateTime.Now - serverVotes.voteTimeStart).TotalSeconds > 25)
                        serverVotes.voteInSession = false;

                        MapResult m = serverVotes.GetTopVotedMap();
                        await S.Broadcast("Voting has ended!");

                        if (m.voteNum < minVotes && S.GetPlayersAsList().Count > 4)
                            await S.Broadcast("Vote map failed. At least ^5" + minVotes + " ^7people must choose the same map");
                            await S.Broadcast(String.Format("Next map is ^5{0} ^7- [^2{1}/{2}^7] votes",, m.voteNum, serverVotes.GetTotalVotes()));
                            serverVotes.votePassed = true;

        public async Task OnEventAsync(Event E, Server S)
            if (E.Type == Event.GType.Start)
                serverVotingList.Add(new ServerVoting(S.GetPort()));

            if (E.Type == Event.GType.Stop)
                serverVotingList.RemoveAll(x => x.ServerId == S.GetPort());

            if (E.Type == Event.GType.MapEnd || E.Type == Event.GType.MapChange)
                var serverVotes = GetServerVotes(S.GetPort());
                serverVotes.voteTimeStart   = DateTime.MinValue;
                serverVotes.loadStartTime   = DateTime.Now;
                serverVotes.waitForLoad     = true;
        public static ServerVoting GetServerVotes(int serverID)
            return serverVotingList.Find(x => (x.ServerId == serverID));