using SharedLibraryCore; using SharedLibraryCore.Dtos; using SharedLibraryCore.Objects; using System; using System.Collections.Generic; namespace WebfrontCore.Application.API { class EventAPI { public static Queue Events = new Queue(); static DateTime LastFlagEvent; static string[] FlaggedMessageContains = { " wh ", "hax", "cheat", " hack ", "aim", "wall", "cheto", "hak", "bot" }; static int FlaggedMessageCount; public static void OnServerEventOccurred(object sender, Event E) { if (E.Type == Event.GType.Say && E.Origin.Level < Player.Permission.Trusted) { bool flaggedMessage = false; foreach (string msg in FlaggedMessageContains) flaggedMessage = flaggedMessage ? flaggedMessage : E.Data.ToLower().Contains(msg); if (flaggedMessage) FlaggedMessageCount++; if (FlaggedMessageCount > 3) { if (Events.Count > 20) Events.Dequeue(); FlaggedMessageCount = 0; E.Owner.Broadcast("If you suspect someone of ^5CHEATING ^7use the ^5!report ^7command").Wait(); Events.Enqueue(new EventInfo( EventInfo.EventType.ALERT, EventInfo.EventVersion.IW4MAdmin, "Chat indicates there may be a cheater", "Alert", E.Owner.Hostname, "")); } if ((DateTime.UtcNow - LastFlagEvent).Minutes >= 3) { FlaggedMessageCount = 0; LastFlagEvent = DateTime.Now; } } if (E.Type == Event.GType.Report) { Events.Enqueue(new EventInfo( EventInfo.EventType.ALERT, EventInfo.EventVersion.IW4MAdmin, $"**{E.Origin.Name}** has reported **{E.Target.Name}** for: {E.Data.Trim()}", E.Target.Name, E.Origin.Name, "")); } } } }