Compare commits
No commits in common. "release/pre" and "feature/eventing-update" have entirely different histories.
@ -55,7 +55,7 @@ public class AlertManager : IAlertManager
alerts = alerts.Concat(_states[client.ClientId].AsReadOnly());
return alerts.OrderByDescending(alert => alert.OccuredAt).ToList();
return alerts.OrderByDescending(alert => alert.OccuredAt);
@ -24,7 +24,7 @@
<PackageReference Include="Jint" Version="3.0.0-beta-2049" />
<PackageReference Include="Jint" Version="3.0.0-beta-2047" />
<PackageReference Include="MaxMind.GeoIP2" Version="5.1.0" />
<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Design" Version="6.0.8">
@ -32,13 +32,11 @@
<PackageReference Include="Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection" Version="6.0.0" />
<PackageReference Include="RestEase" Version="1.5.7" />
<PackageReference Include="System.CommandLine" Version="2.0.0-beta4.22272.1" />
<PackageReference Include="System.CommandLine.DragonFruit" Version="0.4.0-alpha.22272.1" />
<PackageReference Include="System.Text.Encoding.CodePages" Version="6.0.0" />
@ -309,7 +309,6 @@ namespace IW4MAdmin.Application
#region EVENTS
IGameServerEventSubscriptions.ServerValueRequested += OnServerValueRequested;
IGameServerEventSubscriptions.ServerValueSetRequested += OnServerValueSetRequested;
IGameServerEventSubscriptions.ServerCommandExecuteRequested += OnServerCommandExecuteRequested;
await IManagementEventSubscriptions.InvokeLoadAsync(this, CancellationToken);
# endregion
@ -581,9 +580,9 @@ namespace IW4MAdmin.Application
throw lastException;
if (successServers != config.Servers.Length && !AppContext.TryGetSwitch("NoConfirmPrompt", out _))
if (successServers != config.Servers.Length)
if (!Utilities.CurrentLocalization.LocalizationIndex["MANAGER_START_WITH_ERRORS"].PromptBool())
if (!Utilities.PromptBool(Utilities.CurrentLocalization.LocalizationIndex["MANAGER_START_WITH_ERRORS"]))
throw lastException;
@ -789,63 +788,9 @@ namespace IW4MAdmin.Application
private Task OnServerValueSetRequested(ServerValueSetRequestEvent requestEvent, CancellationToken token)
private async Task OnServerValueSetRequested(ServerValueSetRequestEvent requestEvent, CancellationToken token)
return ExecuteWrapperForServerQuery(requestEvent, token, async (innerEvent) =>
if (innerEvent.DelayMs.HasValue)
await Task.Delay(innerEvent.DelayMs.Value, token);
if (innerEvent.TimeoutMs is not null)
using var timeoutTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource(innerEvent.TimeoutMs.Value);
using var linkedTokenSource =
CancellationTokenSource.CreateLinkedTokenSource(timeoutTokenSource.Token, token);
token = linkedTokenSource.Token;
await innerEvent.Server.SetDvarAsync(innerEvent.ValueName, innerEvent.Value, token);
}, (completed, innerEvent) =>
QueueEvent(new ServerValueSetCompleteEvent
Server = innerEvent.Server,
Source = innerEvent.Server,
Success = completed,
Value = innerEvent.Value,
ValueName = innerEvent.ValueName
return Task.CompletedTask;
private Task OnServerCommandExecuteRequested(ServerCommandRequestExecuteEvent executeEvent, CancellationToken token)
return ExecuteWrapperForServerQuery(executeEvent, token, async (innerEvent) =>
if (innerEvent.DelayMs.HasValue)
await Task.Delay(innerEvent.DelayMs.Value, token);
if (innerEvent.TimeoutMs is not null)
using var timeoutTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource(innerEvent.TimeoutMs.Value);
using var linkedTokenSource =
CancellationTokenSource.CreateLinkedTokenSource(timeoutTokenSource.Token, token);
token = linkedTokenSource.Token;
await innerEvent.Server.ExecuteCommandAsync(innerEvent.Command, token);
}, (_, __) => Task.CompletedTask);
private async Task ExecuteWrapperForServerQuery<TEventType>(TEventType serverEvent, CancellationToken token,
Func<TEventType, Task> action, Func<bool, TEventType, Task> complete) where TEventType : GameServerEvent
if (serverEvent.Server is not IW4MServer)
if (requestEvent.Server is not IW4MServer server)
@ -853,7 +798,20 @@ namespace IW4MAdmin.Application
var completed = false;
await action(serverEvent);
if (requestEvent.DelayMs.HasValue)
await Task.Delay(requestEvent.DelayMs.Value, token);
if (requestEvent.TimeoutMs is not null)
using var timeoutTokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource(requestEvent.TimeoutMs.Value);
using var linkedTokenSource =
CancellationTokenSource.CreateLinkedTokenSource(timeoutTokenSource.Token, token);
token = linkedTokenSource.Token;
await server.SetDvarAsync(requestEvent.ValueName, requestEvent.Value, token);
completed = true;
@ -862,7 +820,14 @@ namespace IW4MAdmin.Application
await complete(completed, serverEvent);
QueueEvent(new ServerValueSetCompleteEvent
Server = server,
Source = server,
Success = completed,
Value = requestEvent.Value,
ValueName = requestEvent.ValueName
@ -1,80 +0,0 @@
using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Data.Models.Client;
using Serilog.Core;
using Serilog.Events;
using SharedLibraryCore;
using SharedLibraryCore.Commands;
using SharedLibraryCore.Configuration;
using SharedLibraryCore.Interfaces;
namespace IW4MAdmin.Application.Commands;
public class SetLogLevelCommand : Command
private readonly Func<string, LoggingLevelSwitch> _levelSwitchResolver;
public SetLogLevelCommand(CommandConfiguration config, ITranslationLookup layout, Func<string, LoggingLevelSwitch> levelSwitchResolver) : base(config, layout)
_levelSwitchResolver = levelSwitchResolver;
Name = "loglevel";
Alias = "ll";
Description = "set minimum logging level";
Permission = EFClient.Permission.Owner;
Arguments = new CommandArgument[]
Name = "Log Level",
Required = true
Name = "Override",
Required = false
Name = "IsDevelopment",
Required = false
public override async Task ExecuteAsync(GameEvent gameEvent)
var args = gameEvent.Data.Split(" ");
if (!Enum.TryParse<LogEventLevel>(args[0], out var minLevel))
await gameEvent.Origin.TellAsync(new[]
$"Valid log values: {string.Join(",", Enum.GetValues<LogEventLevel>())}"
var context = string.Empty;
if (args.Length > 1)
context = args[1];
var loggingSwitch = _levelSwitchResolver(context);
loggingSwitch.MinimumLevel = minLevel;
if (args.Length > 2 && (args[2] == "1" || args[2].ToLower() == "true"))
AppContext.SetSwitch("IsDevelop", true);
AppContext.SetSwitch("IsDevelop", false);
await gameEvent.Origin.TellAsync(new[]
{ $"Set minimum log level to {loggingSwitch.MinimumLevel.ToString()}" });
@ -311,10 +311,6 @@
"Name": "tdm",
"Alias": "Team Deathmatch"
"Name": "zom",
"Alias": "Zombies"
@ -848,23 +844,7 @@
"Alias": "Upheaval",
"Name": "mp_suburban"
"Alias": "Nacht Der Untoten",
"Name": "nazi_zombie_prototype"
"Alias": "Verrückt",
"Name": "nazi_zombie_asylum"
"Alias": "Shi No Numa",
"Name": "nazi_zombie_sumpf"
"Alias": "Der Riese",
"Name": "nazi_zombie_factory"
@ -1234,47 +1214,7 @@
"Alias": "Zoo",
"Name": "mp_zoo"
"Alias": "Kino der Toten",
"Name": "zombie_theater"
"Alias": "Five",
"Name": "zombie_pentagon"
"Alias": "Ascension",
"Name": "zombie_cosmodrome"
"Alias": "Call of the Dead",
"Name": "zombie_coast"
"Alias": "Shangri-La",
"Name": "zombie_temple"
"Alias": "Moon",
"Name": "zombie_moon"
"Alias": "Nacht Der Untoten",
"Name": "zombie_cod5_prototype"
"Alias": "Verrückt",
"Name": "zombie_cod5_asylum"
"Alias": "Shi No Numa",
"Name": "zombie_cod5_sumpf"
"Alias": "Der Riese",
"Name": "zombie_cod5_factory"
@ -1759,7 +1699,7 @@
"Name": "zm_theater"
"Alias": "Moon",
"Alias": "Moom",
"Name": "zm_moon"
@ -141,7 +141,7 @@ namespace IW4MAdmin.Application.EventParsers
if (timeMatch.Success)
if (timeMatch.Values[0].Contains(':'))
if (timeMatch.Values[0].Contains(":"))
gameTime = timeMatch
@ -180,16 +180,6 @@ namespace IW4MAdmin.Application.EventParsers
case GameEvent.EventType.MapChange:
return ParseMatchStartEvent(logLine, gameTime);
if (logLine.StartsWith("GSE;"))
return new GameScriptEvent
ScriptData = logLine,
GameTime = gameTime,
Source = GameEvent.EventSource.Log
if (eventKey is null || !_customEventRegistrations.ContainsKey(eventKey))
@ -588,15 +578,11 @@ namespace IW4MAdmin.Application.EventParsers
return null;
var message = new string(matchResult.Values[Configuration.Say.GroupMapping[ParserRegex.GroupType.Message]]
.Where(c => !char.IsControl(c)).ToArray());
var message = matchResult.Values[Configuration.Say.GroupMapping[ParserRegex.GroupType.Message]]
.Replace(Configuration.LocalizeText, "")
if (message.StartsWith("/"))
message = message[1..];
if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(message))
if (message.Length <= 0)
return null;
@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ using Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration;
using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
using Serilog;
using Serilog.Core;
using Serilog.Events;
using SharedLibraryCore;
using SharedLibraryCore.Configuration;
@ -18,10 +17,7 @@ namespace IW4MAdmin.Application.Extensions
public static class StartupExtensions
private static ILogger _defaultLogger;
private static readonly LoggingLevelSwitch LevelSwitch = new();
private static readonly LoggingLevelSwitch MicrosoftLevelSwitch = new();
private static readonly LoggingLevelSwitch SystemLevelSwitch = new();
private static ILogger _defaultLogger = null;
public static IServiceCollection AddBaseLogger(this IServiceCollection services,
ApplicationConfiguration appConfig)
@ -33,37 +29,21 @@ namespace IW4MAdmin.Application.Extensions
var loggerConfig = new LoggerConfiguration()
LevelSwitch.MinimumLevel = Enum.Parse<LogEventLevel>(configuration["Serilog:MinimumLevel:Default"]);
MicrosoftLevelSwitch.MinimumLevel = Enum.Parse<LogEventLevel>(configuration["Serilog:MinimumLevel:Override:Microsoft"]);
SystemLevelSwitch.MinimumLevel = Enum.Parse<LogEventLevel>(configuration["Serilog:MinimumLevel:Override:System"]);
loggerConfig = loggerConfig.MinimumLevel.ControlledBy(LevelSwitch);
loggerConfig = loggerConfig.MinimumLevel.Override("Microsoft", MicrosoftLevelSwitch)
.MinimumLevel.Override("System", SystemLevelSwitch);
.MinimumLevel.Override("Microsoft", LogEventLevel.Warning);
if (Utilities.IsDevelopment)
loggerConfig = loggerConfig.WriteTo.Console(
"[{Timestamp:HH:mm:ss} {Server} {Level:u3}] {Message:lj}{NewLine}{Exception}")
.MinimumLevel.Override("Microsoft", LogEventLevel.Information)
"[{Timestamp:yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.fff} {Server} {Level:u3}] {Message:lj}{NewLine}{Exception}")
.MinimumLevel.Override("Microsoft", LogEventLevel.Information)
_defaultLogger = loggerConfig.CreateLogger();
services.AddSingleton((string context) =>
return context.ToLower() switch
"microsoft" => MicrosoftLevelSwitch,
"system" => SystemLevelSwitch,
_ => LevelSwitch
services.AddLogging(builder => builder.AddSerilog(_defaultLogger, dispose: true));
services.AddSingleton(new LoggerFactory()
.AddSerilog(_defaultLogger, true));
@ -118,8 +118,6 @@ public class BaseConfigurationHandlerV2<TConfigurationType> : IConfigurationHand
public event Action<TConfigurationType> Updated;
private async Task InternalSet(TConfigurationType configuration, bool awaitSemaphore)
@ -129,7 +127,7 @@ public class BaseConfigurationHandlerV2<TConfigurationType> : IConfigurationHand
await _onIo.WaitAsync();
await using var fileStream = File.Create(_path);
await using var fileStream = File.OpenWrite(_path);
await JsonSerializer.SerializeAsync(fileStream, configuration, _serializerOptions);
await fileStream.DisposeAsync();
_configurationInstance = configuration;
@ -165,7 +163,6 @@ public class BaseConfigurationHandlerV2<TConfigurationType> : IConfigurationHand
catch (Exception ex)
@ -53,7 +53,6 @@ namespace IW4MAdmin
private readonly CommandConfiguration _commandConfiguration;
private EFServer _cachedDatabaseServer;
private readonly StatManager _statManager;
private readonly ApplicationConfiguration _appConfig;
public IW4MServer(
ServerConfiguration serverConfiguration,
@ -78,7 +77,6 @@ namespace IW4MAdmin
_serverCache = serverCache;
_commandConfiguration = commandConfiguration;
_statManager = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService<StatManager>();
_appConfig = serviceProvider.GetService<ApplicationConfiguration>();
IGameServerEventSubscriptions.MonitoringStarted += async (gameEvent, token) =>
@ -377,6 +375,7 @@ namespace IW4MAdmin
if (E.Origin.State != ClientState.Connected)
E.Origin.State = ClientState.Connected;
E.Origin.LastConnection = DateTime.UtcNow;
E.Origin.Connections += 1;
ChatHistory.Add(new ChatInfo()
@ -539,7 +538,7 @@ namespace IW4MAdmin
E.Target.SetLevel(Permission.User, E.Origin);
await Manager.GetPenaltyService().RemoveActivePenalties(E.Target.AliasLinkId, E.Target.NetworkId,
E.Target.GameName, E.Target.CurrentAlias?.IPAddress, new[] {EFPenalty.PenaltyType.Flag});
E.Target.GameName, E.Target.CurrentAlias?.IPAddress);
await Manager.GetPenaltyService().Create(unflagPenalty);
Manager.QueueEvent(new ClientPenaltyRevokeEvent
@ -726,12 +725,12 @@ namespace IW4MAdmin
if (dict.ContainsKey("gametype"))
Gametype = dict["gametype"];
if (dict.ContainsKey("hostname"))
Hostname = dict["hostname"];
var newMapName = dict.ContainsKey("mapname")
@ -744,30 +743,29 @@ namespace IW4MAdmin
var dict = (Dictionary<string, string>)E.Extra;
if (dict.ContainsKey("g_gametype"))
Gametype = dict["g_gametype"];
if (dict.ContainsKey("sv_hostname"))
Hostname = dict["sv_hostname"];
if (dict.ContainsKey("sv_maxclients"))
MaxClients = int.Parse(dict["sv_maxclients"]);
else if (dict.ContainsKey("com_maxclients"))
MaxClients = int.Parse(dict["com_maxclients"]);
else if (dict.ContainsKey("com_maxplayers"))
MaxClients = int.Parse(dict["com_maxplayers"]);
if (dict.ContainsKey("mapname"))
@ -980,44 +978,23 @@ namespace IW4MAdmin
return id < 0 ? Math.Abs(id) : id;
private void UpdateMap(string mapName)
private void UpdateMap(string mapname)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(mapName))
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(mapname))
var foundMap = Maps.Find(m => m.Name == mapName) ?? new Map
Alias = mapName,
Name = mapName
if (foundMap == CurrentMap)
CurrentMap = foundMap;
using(LogContext.PushProperty("Server", Id))
ServerLogger.LogDebug("Updating map to {@CurrentMap}", CurrentMap);
CurrentMap = Maps.Find(m => m.Name == mapname) ?? new Map()
Alias = mapname,
Name = mapname
private void UpdateGametype(string gameType)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(gameType))
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(gameType))
Gametype = gameType;
using(LogContext.PushProperty("Server", Id))
ServerLogger.LogDebug("Updating gametype to {Gametype}", gameType);
Gametype = gameType;
@ -1028,7 +1005,7 @@ namespace IW4MAdmin
using(LogContext.PushProperty("Server", Id))
using(LogContext.PushProperty("Server", ToString()))
ServerLogger.LogDebug("Updating hostname to {HostName}", hostname);
@ -1043,7 +1020,7 @@ namespace IW4MAdmin
using(LogContext.PushProperty("Server", Id))
using(LogContext.PushProperty("Server", ToString()))
ServerLogger.LogDebug("Updating max clients to {MaxPlayers}", maxPlayers);
@ -1270,13 +1247,15 @@ namespace IW4MAdmin
private void RunServerCollection()
if (DateTime.Now - _lastPlayerCount < _appConfig?.ServerDataCollectionInterval)
var appConfig = _serviceProvider.GetService<ApplicationConfiguration>();
if (DateTime.Now - _lastPlayerCount < appConfig?.ServerDataCollectionInterval)
var maxItems = Math.Ceiling(_appConfig!.MaxClientHistoryTime.TotalMinutes /
var maxItems = Math.Ceiling(appConfig.MaxClientHistoryTime.TotalMinutes /
while (ClientHistory.ClientCounts.Count > maxItems)
@ -1627,12 +1606,6 @@ namespace IW4MAdmin
public override Task<string[]> ExecuteCommandAsync(string command, CancellationToken token = default) =>
Utilities.ExecuteCommandAsync(this, command, token);
public override Task SetDvarAsync(string name, object value, CancellationToken token = default) =>
Utilities.SetDvarAsync(this, name, value, token);
public override async Task TempBan(string reason, TimeSpan length, EFClient targetClient, EFClient originClient)
// ensure player gets kicked if command not performed on them in the same server
@ -38,7 +38,6 @@ using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
using ILogger = Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger;
using IW4MAdmin.Plugins.Stats.Client.Abstractions;
using IW4MAdmin.Plugins.Stats.Client;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Hosting;
using Stats.Client.Abstractions;
using Stats.Client;
using Stats.Config;
@ -58,30 +57,9 @@ namespace IW4MAdmin.Application
/// entrypoint of the application
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public static async Task Main(bool noConfirm = false, int? maxConcurrentRequests = 25, int? requestQueueLimit = 25)
public static async Task Main(string[] args)
AppDomain.CurrentDomain.SetData("DataDirectory", Utilities.OperatingDirectory);
AppDomain.CurrentDomain.AssemblyResolve += (sender, eventArgs) =>
var libraryName = eventArgs.Name.Split(",").First();
var overrides = new[] { nameof(SharedLibraryCore), nameof(Stats) };
if (!overrides.Contains(libraryName))
return AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies().FirstOrDefault(asm => asm.FullName == eventArgs.Name);
// added to be a bit more permissive with plugin references
return AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies()
.FirstOrDefault(asm => asm.FullName?.StartsWith(libraryName) ?? false);
if (noConfirm)
AppContext.SetSwitch("NoConfirmPrompt", true);
Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("MaxConcurrentRequests", (maxConcurrentRequests * Environment.ProcessorCount).ToString());
Environment.SetEnvironmentVariable("RequestQueueLimit", requestQueueLimit.ToString());
Console.OutputEncoding = Encoding.UTF8;
Console.ForegroundColor = ConsoleColor.Gray;
@ -94,7 +72,7 @@ namespace IW4MAdmin.Application
Console.WriteLine($" Version {Utilities.GetVersionAsString()}");
await LaunchAsync();
await LaunchAsync(args);
/// <summary>
@ -120,13 +98,13 @@ namespace IW4MAdmin.Application
/// task that initializes application and starts the application monitoring and runtime tasks
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
private static async Task LaunchAsync()
private static async Task LaunchAsync(string[] args)
ITranslationLookup translationLookup = null;
var logger = BuildDefaultLogger<Program>(new ApplicationConfiguration());
Utilities.DefaultLogger = logger;
logger.LogInformation("Begin IW4MAdmin startup. Version is {Version}", Version);
logger.LogInformation("Begin IW4MAdmin startup. Version is {Version} {@Args}", Version, args);
@ -147,7 +125,8 @@ namespace IW4MAdmin.Application
await _serverManager.Init();
_applicationTask = RunApplicationTasksAsync(logger, _serverManager, _serviceProvider);
_applicationTask = Task.WhenAll(RunApplicationTasksAsync(logger, _serviceProvider),
await _applicationTask;
logger.LogInformation("Shutdown completed successfully");
@ -206,49 +185,14 @@ namespace IW4MAdmin.Application
/// runs the core application tasks
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
private static Task RunApplicationTasksAsync(ILogger logger, ApplicationManager applicationManager,
IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
private static Task RunApplicationTasksAsync(ILogger logger, IServiceProvider serviceProvider)
var collectionService = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService<IServerDataCollector>();
var versionChecker = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService<IMasterCommunication>();
var masterCommunicator = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService<IMasterCommunication>();
var webfrontLifetime = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService<IHostApplicationLifetime>();
using var onWebfrontErrored = new ManualResetEventSlim();
var webfrontTask = _serverManager.GetApplicationSettings().Configuration().EnableWebFront
? WebfrontCore.Program.GetWebHostTask(_serverManager.CancellationToken).ContinueWith(continuation =>
if (!continuation.IsFaulted)
logger.LogCritical("Unable to start webfront task. {Message}",
logger.LogDebug(continuation.Exception, "Unable to start webfront task");
? WebfrontCore.Program.GetWebHostTask(_serverManager.CancellationToken)
: Task.CompletedTask;
if (_serverManager.GetApplicationSettings().Configuration().EnableWebFront)
// ignored when webfront successfully starts
if (onWebfrontErrored.IsSet)
return Task.CompletedTask;
var collectionService = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService<IServerDataCollector>();
var versionChecker = serviceProvider.GetRequiredService<IMasterCommunication>();
// we want to run this one on a manual thread instead of letting the thread pool handle it,
// because we can't exit early from waiting on console input, and it prevents us from restarting
@ -259,10 +203,10 @@ namespace IW4MAdmin.Application
var tasks = new[]
collectionService.BeginCollectionAsync(cancellationToken: _serverManager.CancellationToken)
@ -432,12 +376,7 @@ namespace IW4MAdmin.Application
var commandConfigHandler = new BaseConfigurationHandler<CommandConfiguration>("CommandConfiguration");
if (appConfigHandler.Configuration()?.MasterUrl == new Uri(""))
appConfigHandler.Configuration().MasterUrl = new ApplicationConfiguration().MasterUrl;
var appConfig = appConfigHandler.Configuration();
var masterUri = Utilities.IsDevelopment
? new Uri("")
@ -449,13 +388,6 @@ namespace IW4MAdmin.Application
var masterRestClient = RestClient.For<IMasterApi>(httpClient);
var translationLookup = Configure.Initialize(Utilities.DefaultLogger, masterRestClient, appConfig);
if (appConfig == null)
appConfig = (ApplicationConfiguration) new ApplicationConfiguration().Generate();
// register override level names
foreach (var (key, value) in appConfig.OverridePermissionLevelNames)
@ -13,10 +13,10 @@ namespace IW4MAdmin.Application.Misc
public class RemoteAssemblyHandler : IRemoteAssemblyHandler
private const int KeyLength = 32;
private const int TagLength = 16;
private const int NonceLength = 12;
private const int IterationCount = 10000;
private const int keyLength = 32;
private const int tagLength = 16;
private const int nonceLength = 12;
private const int iterationCount = 10000;
private readonly ApplicationConfiguration _appconfig;
private readonly ILogger _logger;
@ -30,7 +30,7 @@ namespace IW4MAdmin.Application.Misc
public IEnumerable<Assembly> DecryptAssemblies(string[] encryptedAssemblies)
return DecryptContent(encryptedAssemblies)
.Select(decryptedAssembly => Assembly.Load(decryptedAssembly));
public IEnumerable<string> DecryptScripts(string[] encryptedScripts)
@ -38,24 +38,24 @@ namespace IW4MAdmin.Application.Misc
return DecryptContent(encryptedScripts).Select(decryptedScript => Encoding.UTF8.GetString(decryptedScript));
private IEnumerable<byte[]> DecryptContent(string[] content)
private byte[][] DecryptContent(string[] content)
if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_appconfig.Id) || string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_appconfig.SubscriptionId))
_logger.LogWarning($"{nameof(_appconfig.Id)} and {nameof(_appconfig.SubscriptionId)} must be provided to attempt loading remote assemblies/scripts");
return Array.Empty<byte[]>();
return new byte[0][];
var assemblies = content.Select(piece =>
var byteContent = Convert.FromBase64String(piece);
var encryptedContent = byteContent.Take(byteContent.Length - (TagLength + NonceLength)).ToArray();
var tag = byteContent.Skip(byteContent.Length - (TagLength + NonceLength)).Take(TagLength).ToArray();
var nonce = byteContent.Skip(byteContent.Length - NonceLength).Take(NonceLength).ToArray();
var decryptedContent = new byte[encryptedContent.Length];
byte[] byteContent = Convert.FromBase64String(piece);
byte[] encryptedContent = byteContent.Take(byteContent.Length - (tagLength + nonceLength)).ToArray();
byte[] tag = byteContent.Skip(byteContent.Length - (tagLength + nonceLength)).Take(tagLength).ToArray();
byte[] nonce = byteContent.Skip(byteContent.Length - nonceLength).Take(nonceLength).ToArray();
byte[] decryptedContent = new byte[encryptedContent.Length];
var keyGen = new Rfc2898DeriveBytes(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(_appconfig.SubscriptionId), Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(_appconfig.Id), IterationCount, HashAlgorithmName.SHA512);
var encryption = new AesGcm(keyGen.GetBytes(KeyLength));
var keyGen = new Rfc2898DeriveBytes(Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(_appconfig.SubscriptionId), Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(_appconfig.Id.ToString()), iterationCount, HashAlgorithmName.SHA512);
var encryption = new AesGcm(keyGen.GetBytes(keyLength));
@ -4,7 +4,6 @@ using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Data.Abstractions;
using Data.Models;
using Data.Models.Client;
using Data.Models.Client.Stats;
using Data.Models.Server;
@ -41,31 +40,21 @@ namespace IW4MAdmin.Application.Misc
public async Task<(int?, DateTime?)>
MaxConcurrentClientsAsync(long? serverId = null, Reference.Game? gameCode = null, TimeSpan? overPeriod = null,
MaxConcurrentClientsAsync(long? serverId = null, TimeSpan? overPeriod = null,
CancellationToken token = default)
_snapshotCache.SetCacheItem(async (snapshots, ids, cancellationToken) =>
_snapshotCache.SetCacheItem(async (snapshots, cancellationToken) =>
Reference.Game? game = null;
long? id = null;
if (ids.Any())
game = (Reference.Game?)ids.First();
id = (long?)ids.Last();
var oldestEntry = overPeriod.HasValue
? DateTime.UtcNow - overPeriod.Value
: DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-1);
int? maxClients;
DateTime? maxClientsTime;
if (id != null)
if (serverId != null)
var clients = await snapshots.Where(snapshot => snapshot.ServerId == id)
.Where(snapshot => game == null || snapshot.Server.GameName == game)
var clients = await snapshots.Where(snapshot => snapshot.ServerId == serverId)
.Where(snapshot => snapshot.CapturedAt >= oldestEntry)
.OrderByDescending(snapshot => snapshot.ClientCount)
.Select(snapshot => new
@ -82,16 +71,15 @@ namespace IW4MAdmin.Application.Misc
var clients = await snapshots.Where(snapshot => snapshot.CapturedAt >= oldestEntry)
.Where(snapshot => game == null || snapshot.Server.GameName == game)
.GroupBy(snapshot => snapshot.PeriodBlock)
.Select(grp => new
ClientCount = grp.Sum(snapshot => (int?)snapshot.ClientCount),
Time = grp.Max(snapshot => (DateTime?)snapshot.CapturedAt)
ClientCount = grp.Sum(snapshot => (int?) snapshot.ClientCount),
Time = grp.Max(snapshot => (DateTime?) snapshot.CapturedAt)
.OrderByDescending(snapshot => snapshot.ClientCount)
maxClients = clients?.ClientCount;
maxClientsTime = clients?.Time;
@ -99,12 +87,11 @@ namespace IW4MAdmin.Application.Misc
_logger.LogDebug("Max concurrent clients since {Start} is {Clients}", oldestEntry, maxClients);
return (maxClients, maxClientsTime);
}, nameof(MaxConcurrentClientsAsync), new object[] { gameCode, serverId }, _cacheTimeSpan, true);
}, nameof(MaxConcurrentClientsAsync), _cacheTimeSpan, true);
return await _snapshotCache.GetCacheItem(nameof(MaxConcurrentClientsAsync),
new object[] { gameCode, serverId }, token);
return await _snapshotCache.GetCacheItem(nameof(MaxConcurrentClientsAsync), token);
catch (Exception ex)
@ -113,30 +100,22 @@ namespace IW4MAdmin.Application.Misc
public async Task<(int, int)> ClientCountsAsync(TimeSpan? overPeriod = null, Reference.Game? gameCode = null, CancellationToken token = default)
public async Task<(int, int)> ClientCountsAsync(TimeSpan? overPeriod = null, CancellationToken token = default)
_serverStatsCache.SetCacheItem(async (set, ids, cancellationToken) =>
_serverStatsCache.SetCacheItem(async (set, cancellationToken) =>
Reference.Game? game = null;
if (ids.Any())
game = (Reference.Game?)ids.First();
var count = await set.CountAsync(item => game == null || item.GameName == game,
var count = await set.CountAsync(cancellationToken);
var startOfPeriod =
DateTime.UtcNow.AddHours(-overPeriod?.TotalHours ?? -24);
var recentCount = await set.CountAsync(client => (game == null || client.GameName == game) && client.LastConnection >= startOfPeriod,
var recentCount = await set.CountAsync(client => client.LastConnection >= startOfPeriod,
return (count, recentCount);
}, nameof(_serverStatsCache), new object[] { gameCode }, _cacheTimeSpan, true);
}, nameof(_serverStatsCache), _cacheTimeSpan, true);
return await _serverStatsCache.GetCacheItem(nameof(_serverStatsCache), new object[] { gameCode }, token);
return await _serverStatsCache.GetCacheItem(nameof(_serverStatsCache), token);
catch (Exception ex)
@ -187,28 +166,21 @@ namespace IW4MAdmin.Application.Misc
public async Task<int> RankedClientsCountAsync(long? serverId = null, CancellationToken token = default)
_rankedClientsCache.SetCacheItem((set, ids, cancellationToken) =>
_rankedClientsCache.SetCacheItem(async (set, cancellationToken) =>
long? id = null;
if (ids.Any())
id = (long?)ids.First();
var fifteenDaysAgo = DateTime.UtcNow.AddDays(-15);
return set
return await set
.Where(rating => rating.Newest)
.Where(rating => rating.ServerId == id)
.Where(rating => rating.ServerId == serverId)
.Where(rating => rating.CreatedDateTime >= fifteenDaysAgo)
.Where(rating => rating.Client.Level != EFClient.Permission.Banned)
.Where(rating => rating.Ranking != null)
}, nameof(_rankedClientsCache), new object[] { serverId }, _cacheTimeSpan);
}, nameof(_rankedClientsCache), serverId is null ? null: new[] { (object)serverId }, _cacheTimeSpan);
return await _rankedClientsCache.GetCacheItem(nameof(_rankedClientsCache), new object[] { serverId }, token);
return await _rankedClientsCache.GetCacheItem(nameof(_rankedClientsCache), serverId, token);
catch (Exception ex)
@ -20,21 +20,13 @@ namespace IW4MAdmin.Application.Plugin
public class PluginImporter : IPluginImporter
private IEnumerable<PluginSubscriptionContent> _pluginSubscription;
private const string PluginDir = "Plugins";
private static readonly string PluginDir = "Plugins";
private const string PluginV2Match = "^ *((?:var|const|let) +init)|function init";
private readonly ILogger _logger;
private readonly IRemoteAssemblyHandler _remoteAssemblyHandler;
private readonly IMasterApi _masterApi;
private readonly ApplicationConfiguration _appConfig;
private static readonly Type[] FilterTypes =
public PluginImporter(ILogger<PluginImporter> logger, ApplicationConfiguration appConfig, IMasterApi masterApi,
IRemoteAssemblyHandler remoteAssemblyHandler)
@ -85,80 +77,74 @@ namespace IW4MAdmin.Application.Plugin
public (IEnumerable<Type>, IEnumerable<Type>, IEnumerable<Type>) DiscoverAssemblyPluginImplementations()
var pluginDir = $"{Utilities.OperatingDirectory}{PluginDir}{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}";
var pluginTypes = new List<Type>();
var commandTypes = new List<Type>();
var configurationTypes = new List<Type>();
var pluginTypes = Enumerable.Empty<Type>();
var commandTypes = Enumerable.Empty<Type>();
var configurationTypes = Enumerable.Empty<Type>();
if (!Directory.Exists(pluginDir))
if (Directory.Exists(pluginDir))
return (pluginTypes, commandTypes, configurationTypes);
var dllFileNames = Directory.GetFiles(pluginDir, "*.dll");
_logger.LogDebug("Discovered {Count} potential plugin assemblies", dllFileNames.Length);
var dllFileNames = Directory.GetFiles(pluginDir, "*.dll");
_logger.LogDebug("Discovered {Count} potential plugin assemblies", dllFileNames.Length);
if (!dllFileNames.Any())
return (pluginTypes, commandTypes, configurationTypes);
// we only want to load the most recent assembly in case of duplicates
var assemblies = dllFileNames.Select(Assembly.LoadFrom)
.GroupBy(assembly => assembly.FullName).Select(assembly =>
assembly.OrderByDescending(asm => asm.GetName().Version).First());
var eligibleAssemblyTypes = assemblies
.SelectMany(asm =>
if (dllFileNames.Length > 0)
return asm.GetTypes();
return Enumerable.Empty<Type>();
}).Where(type =>
FilterTypes.Any(filterType => type.GetInterface(filterType.Name, false) != null) ||
(type.IsClass && FilterTypes.Contains(type.BaseType)));
foreach (var assemblyType in eligibleAssemblyTypes)
var isPlugin =
(assemblyType.GetInterface(nameof(IPlugin), false) ??
assemblyType.GetInterface(nameof(IPluginV2), false)) != null &&
(!assemblyType.Namespace?.StartsWith(nameof(SharedLibraryCore)) ?? false);
// we only want to load the most recent assembly in case of duplicates
var assemblies = dllFileNames.Select(name => Assembly.LoadFrom(name))
.GroupBy(assembly => assembly.FullName).Select(assembly => assembly.OrderByDescending(asm => asm.GetName().Version).First());
if (isPlugin)
pluginTypes = assemblies
.SelectMany(asm =>
return asm.GetTypes();
return Enumerable.Empty<Type>();
.Where(assemblyType => (assemblyType.GetInterface(nameof(IPlugin), false) ?? assemblyType.GetInterface(nameof(IPluginV2), false)) != null)
.Where(assemblyType => !assemblyType.Namespace?.StartsWith(nameof(SharedLibraryCore)) ?? false);
var isCommand = assemblyType.IsClass && assemblyType.BaseType == typeof(Command) &&
(!assemblyType.Namespace?.StartsWith(nameof(SharedLibraryCore)) ?? false);
_logger.LogDebug("Discovered {count} plugin implementations", pluginTypes.Count());
if (isCommand)
commandTypes = assemblies
.SelectMany(asm =>{
return asm.GetTypes();
return Enumerable.Empty<Type>();
.Where(assemblyType => assemblyType.IsClass && assemblyType.BaseType == typeof(Command))
.Where(assemblyType => !assemblyType.Namespace?.StartsWith(nameof(SharedLibraryCore)) ?? false);
var isConfiguration = assemblyType.IsClass &&
assemblyType.GetInterface(nameof(IBaseConfiguration), false) != null &&
(!assemblyType.Namespace?.StartsWith(nameof(SharedLibraryCore)) ?? false);
_logger.LogDebug("Discovered {Count} plugin commands", commandTypes.Count());
if (isConfiguration)
configurationTypes = assemblies
.SelectMany(asm => {
return asm.GetTypes();
return Enumerable.Empty<Type>();
.Where(asmType =>
asmType.IsClass && asmType.GetInterface(nameof(IBaseConfiguration), false) != null)
.Where(assemblyType => !assemblyType.Namespace?.StartsWith(nameof(SharedLibraryCore)) ?? false);
_logger.LogDebug("Discovered {Count} configuration implementations", configurationTypes.Count());
_logger.LogDebug("Discovered {Count} plugin implementations", pluginTypes.Count);
_logger.LogDebug("Discovered {Count} plugin command implementations", commandTypes.Count);
_logger.LogDebug("Discovered {Count} plugin configuration implementations", configurationTypes.Count);
return (pluginTypes, commandTypes, configurationTypes);
@ -166,11 +152,10 @@ namespace IW4MAdmin.Application.Plugin
_pluginSubscription ??= _masterApi
.GetPluginSubscription(Guid.Parse(_appConfig.Id), _appConfig.SubscriptionId).Result;
if (_pluginSubscription == null)
_pluginSubscription = _masterApi.GetPluginSubscription(Guid.Parse(_appConfig.Id), _appConfig.SubscriptionId).Result;
return _remoteAssemblyHandler.DecryptAssemblies(_pluginSubscription
.Where(sub => sub.Type == PluginType.Binary).Select(sub => sub.Content).ToArray());
return _remoteAssemblyHandler.DecryptAssemblies(_pluginSubscription.Where(sub => sub.Type == PluginType.Binary).Select(sub => sub.Content).ToArray());
catch (Exception ex)
@ -184,11 +169,9 @@ namespace IW4MAdmin.Application.Plugin
_pluginSubscription ??= _masterApi
.GetPluginSubscription(Guid.Parse(_appConfig.Id), _appConfig.SubscriptionId).Result;
_pluginSubscription ??= _masterApi.GetPluginSubscription(Guid.Parse(_appConfig.Id), _appConfig.SubscriptionId).Result;
return _remoteAssemblyHandler.DecryptScripts(_pluginSubscription
.Where(sub => sub.Type == PluginType.Script).Select(sub => sub.Content).ToArray());
return _remoteAssemblyHandler.DecryptScripts(_pluginSubscription.Where(sub => sub.Type == PluginType.Script).Select(sub => sub.Content).ToArray());
catch (Exception ex)
@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text.Json;
@ -7,20 +6,15 @@ using System.Threading.Tasks;
using IW4MAdmin.Application.Configuration;
using Jint;
using Jint.Native;
using Jint.Native.Json;
using SharedLibraryCore.Interfaces;
namespace IW4MAdmin.Application.Plugin.Script;
public class ScriptPluginConfigurationWrapper
public event Action<JsValue, Delegate> ConfigurationUpdated;
private readonly ScriptPluginConfiguration _config;
private readonly IConfigurationHandlerV2<ScriptPluginConfiguration> _configHandler;
private readonly Engine _scriptEngine;
private readonly JsonParser _engineParser;
private readonly List<(string, Delegate)> _updateCallbackActions = new();
private string _pluginName;
public ScriptPluginConfigurationWrapper(string pluginName, Engine scriptEngine, IConfigurationHandlerV2<ScriptPluginConfiguration> configHandler)
@ -28,16 +22,9 @@ public class ScriptPluginConfigurationWrapper
_pluginName = pluginName;
_scriptEngine = scriptEngine;
_configHandler = configHandler;
_configHandler.Updated += OnConfigurationUpdated;
_config = configHandler.Get("ScriptPluginSettings", new ScriptPluginConfiguration()).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
_engineParser = new JsonParser(_scriptEngine);
_configHandler.Updated -= OnConfigurationUpdated;
public void SetName(string name)
_pluginName = name;
@ -76,10 +63,8 @@ public class ScriptPluginConfigurationWrapper
await _configHandler.Set(_config);
public JsValue GetValue(string key) => GetValue(key, null);
public JsValue GetValue(string key, Delegate updateCallback)
public JsValue GetValue(string key)
if (!_config.ContainsKey(_pluginName))
@ -98,20 +83,6 @@ public class ScriptPluginConfigurationWrapper
item = jElem.Deserialize<List<dynamic>>();
if (updateCallback is not null)
_updateCallbackActions.Add((key, updateCallback));
return _engineParser.Parse(item!.ToString()!);
// ignored
return JsValue.FromObject(_scriptEngine, item);
@ -119,12 +90,4 @@ public class ScriptPluginConfigurationWrapper
return int.TryParse(value.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture), out var parsed) ? parsed : null;
private void OnConfigurationUpdated(ScriptPluginConfiguration config)
foreach (var callback in _updateCallbackActions)
ConfigurationUpdated?.Invoke(GetValue(callback.Item1), callback.Item2);
@ -14,8 +14,8 @@ public class ScriptPluginHelper
private readonly IManager _manager;
private readonly ScriptPluginV2 _scriptPlugin;
private readonly SemaphoreSlim _onRequestRunning = new(1, 1);
private const int RequestTimeout = 5000;
private readonly SemaphoreSlim _onRequestRunning = new(1, 5);
private const int RequestTimeout = 500;
public ScriptPluginHelper(IManager manager, ScriptPluginV2 scriptPlugin)
@ -28,17 +28,14 @@ public class ScriptPluginHelper
RequestUrl(new ScriptPluginWebRequest(url), callback);
public void GetUrl(string url, string bearerToken, Delegate callback)
public void GetUrl(string url, Dictionary<string, string> headers, Delegate callback)
var headers = new Dictionary<string, string> { { "Authorization", $"Bearer {bearerToken}" } };
RequestUrl(new ScriptPluginWebRequest(url, Headers: headers), callback);
public void PostUrl(string url, string body, string bearerToken, Delegate callback)
public void PostUrl(string url, Dictionary<string, string> headers, Delegate callback)
var headers = new Dictionary<string, string> { { "Authorization", $"Bearer {bearerToken}" } };
new ScriptPluginWebRequest(url, body, "POST", Headers: headers), callback);
RequestUrl(new ScriptPluginWebRequest(url, null, "POST", Headers: headers), callback);
public void RequestUrl(ScriptPluginWebRequest request, Delegate callback)
@ -67,7 +64,7 @@ public class ScriptPluginHelper
await Task.Delay(delayMs, _manager.CancellationToken);
_scriptPlugin.ExecuteWithErrorHandling(_ => callback.DynamicInvoke(JsValue.Undefined, new[] { JsValue.Undefined }));
_scriptPlugin.ExecuteWithErrorHandling(_ => callback.DynamicInvoke(JsValue.Undefined));
@ -76,15 +73,11 @@ public class ScriptPluginHelper
public void RegisterDynamicCommand(JsValue command)
private object RequestInternal(ScriptPluginWebRequest request)
var entered = false;
using var tokenSource = new CancellationTokenSource(RequestTimeout);
using var client = new HttpClient();
@ -47,7 +47,6 @@ public class ScriptPluginV2 : IPluginV2
private readonly List<string> _registeredCommandNames = new();
private readonly List<string> _registeredInteractions = new();
private readonly Dictionary<MethodInfo, List<object>> _registeredEvents = new();
private IManager _manager;
private bool _firstInitialization = true;
private record ScriptPluginDetails(string Name, string Author, string Version,
@ -113,15 +112,8 @@ public class ScriptPluginV2 : IPluginV2
}, _logger, _fileName, _onProcessingScript);
public void RegisterDynamicCommand(object command)
var parsedCommand = ParseScriptCommandDetails(command);
RegisterCommand(_manager, parsedCommand.First());
private async Task OnLoad(IManager manager, CancellationToken token)
_manager = manager;
var entered = false;
@ -261,12 +253,8 @@ public class ScriptPluginV2 : IPluginV2
command.Permission, command.TargetRequired,
command.Arguments, Execute, command.SupportedGames);
if (!_registeredCommandNames.Contains(scriptCommand.Name))
private void ResetEngineState()
@ -290,7 +278,7 @@ public class ScriptPluginV2 : IPluginV2
typeof(ScriptPluginExtensions), typeof(LoggerExtensions))
.AllowClr(typeof(System.Net.Http.HttpClient).Assembly, typeof(EFClient).Assembly,
typeof(Utilities).Assembly, typeof(Encoding).Assembly, typeof(CancellationTokenSource).Assembly,
typeof(Data.Models.Client.EFClient).Assembly, typeof(IW4MAdmin.Plugins.Stats.Plugin).Assembly, typeof(ScriptPluginWebRequest).Assembly)
typeof(Data.Models.Client.EFClient).Assembly, typeof(IW4MAdmin.Plugins.Stats.Plugin).Assembly)
.AddObjectConverter(new EnumsToStringConverter()));
@ -303,15 +291,6 @@ public class ScriptPluginV2 : IPluginV2
_scriptPluginConfigurationWrapper =
new ScriptPluginConfigurationWrapper(_fileName.Split(Path.DirectorySeparatorChar).Last(), ScriptEngine,
_scriptPluginConfigurationWrapper.ConfigurationUpdated += (configValue, callbackAction) =>
WrapJavaScriptErrorHandling(() =>
callbackAction.DynamicInvoke(JsValue.Undefined, new[] { configValue });
return Task.CompletedTask;
}, _logger, _fileName, _onProcessingScript);
private void UnregisterScriptEntities(IManager manager)
@ -492,33 +471,6 @@ public class ScriptPluginV2 : IPluginV2
private static ScriptPluginDetails AsScriptPluginInstance(dynamic source)
var commandDetails = ParseScriptCommandDetails(source);
var interactionDetails = Array.Empty<ScriptPluginInteractionDetails>();
if (HasProperty(source, "interactions") && source.interactions is dynamic[])
interactionDetails = ((dynamic[])source.interactions).Select(interaction =>
var name = HasProperty(interaction, "name") && is string
? (string)
: string.Empty;
var action = HasProperty(interaction, "action") && interaction.action is Delegate
? (Delegate)interaction.action
: null;
return new ScriptPluginInteractionDetails(name, action);
var name = HasProperty(source, "name") && is string ? (string) : string.Empty;
var author = HasProperty(source, "author") && is string ? (string) : string.Empty;
var version = HasProperty(source, "version") && source.version is string ? (string) : string.Empty;
return new ScriptPluginDetails(name, author, version, commandDetails, interactionDetails);
private static ScriptPluginCommandDetails[] ParseScriptCommandDetails(dynamic source)
var commandDetails = Array.Empty<ScriptPluginCommandDetails>();
if (HasProperty(source, "commands") && source.commands is dynamic[])
@ -552,7 +504,7 @@ public class ScriptPluginV2 : IPluginV2
var supportedGames =
HasProperty(command, "supportedGames") && command.supportedGames is IEnumerable<object>
? ((IEnumerable<object>)command.supportedGames).Where(game => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(game?.ToString()))
? ((IEnumerable<object>)command.supportedGames).Where(game => game?.ToString() is not null)
.Select(game =>
: Array.Empty<Reference.Game>();
@ -562,10 +514,31 @@ public class ScriptPluginV2 : IPluginV2
return new ScriptPluginCommandDetails(name, description, alias, permission, isTargetRequired,
commandArgs, supportedGames, execute);
return commandDetails;
var interactionDetails = Array.Empty<ScriptPluginInteractionDetails>();
if (HasProperty(source, "interactions") && source.interactions is dynamic[])
interactionDetails = ((dynamic[])source.interactions).Select(interaction =>
var name = HasProperty(interaction, "name") && is string
? (string)
: string.Empty;
var action = HasProperty(interaction, "action") && interaction.action is Delegate
? (Delegate)interaction.action
: null;
return new ScriptPluginInteractionDetails(name, action);
var name = HasProperty(source, "name") && is string ? (string) : string.Empty;
var author = HasProperty(source, "author") && is string ? (string) : string.Empty;
var version = HasProperty(source, "version") && source.version is string ? (string) : string.Empty;
return new ScriptPluginDetails(name, author, version, commandDetails, interactionDetails);
private static bool HasProperty(dynamic source, string name)
@ -8,11 +8,9 @@ using Data.Abstractions;
using Data.Models;
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore;
using SharedLibraryCore;
using SharedLibraryCore.Configuration;
using SharedLibraryCore.Dtos;
using SharedLibraryCore.Helpers;
using SharedLibraryCore.Interfaces;
using WebfrontCore.Permissions;
using WebfrontCore.QueryHelpers.Models;
using EFClient = Data.Models.Client.EFClient;
@ -20,7 +18,6 @@ namespace IW4MAdmin.Application.QueryHelpers;
public class ClientResourceQueryHelper : IResourceQueryHelper<ClientResourceRequest, ClientResourceResponse>
public ApplicationConfiguration _appConfig { get; }
private readonly IDatabaseContextFactory _contextFactory;
private readonly IGeoLocationService _geoLocationService;
@ -30,10 +27,8 @@ public class ClientResourceQueryHelper : IResourceQueryHelper<ClientResourceRequ
public EFAlias Alias { get; set; }
public ClientResourceQueryHelper(IDatabaseContextFactory contextFactory, IGeoLocationService geoLocationService,
ApplicationConfiguration appConfig)
public ClientResourceQueryHelper(IDatabaseContextFactory contextFactory, IGeoLocationService geoLocationService)
_appConfig = appConfig;
_contextFactory = contextFactory;
_geoLocationService = geoLocationService;
@ -80,9 +75,7 @@ public class ClientResourceQueryHelper : IResourceQueryHelper<ClientResourceRequ
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(query.ClientIp))
clientAliases = SearchByIp(query, clientAliases,
_appConfig.HasPermission(query.RequesterPermission, WebfrontEntity.ClientIPAddress,
clientAliases = SearchByIp(query, clientAliases);
var iqGroupedClientAliases = clientAliases.GroupBy(a => new { a.Client.ClientId, a.Client.LastConnection });
@ -210,7 +203,7 @@ public class ClientResourceQueryHelper : IResourceQueryHelper<ClientResourceRequ
private static IQueryable<ClientAlias> SearchByIp(ClientResourceRequest query,
IQueryable<ClientAlias> clientAliases, bool canSearchIP)
IQueryable<ClientAlias> clientAliases)
var ipString = query.ClientIp.Trim();
var ipAddress = ipString.ConvertToIP();
@ -220,7 +213,7 @@ public class ClientResourceQueryHelper : IResourceQueryHelper<ClientResourceRequ
clientAliases = clientAliases.Where(clientAlias =>
clientAlias.Alias.IPAddress != null && clientAlias.Alias.IPAddress == ipAddress);
else if(canSearchIP)
clientAliases = clientAliases.Where(clientAlias =>
EF.Functions.Like(clientAlias.Alias.SearchableIPAddress, $"{ipString}%"));
@ -194,14 +194,10 @@ namespace IW4MAdmin.Application.RConParsers
foreach (var line in response)
var regex = Regex.Match(line, parserRegex.Pattern);
if (!regex.Success || !parserRegex.GroupMapping.ContainsKey(groupType))
if (regex.Success && parserRegex.GroupMapping.ContainsKey(groupType))
value = regex.Groups[parserRegex.GroupMapping[groupType]].ToString();
value = regex.Groups[parserRegex.GroupMapping[groupType]].ToString();
if (value == null)
@ -308,7 +304,7 @@ namespace IW4MAdmin.Application.RConParsers
networkIdString = match.Values[Configuration.Status.GroupMapping[ParserRegex.GroupType.RConNetworkId]];
networkId = networkIdString.IsBotGuid() || (ip == null && ping is 999 or 0) ?
networkId = networkIdString.IsBotGuid() || (ip == null && ping == 999) ?
name.GenerateGuidFromString() :
@ -11,11 +11,10 @@ namespace Data.Abstractions
void SetCacheItem(Func<DbSet<TEntityType>, CancellationToken, Task<TReturnType>> itemGetter, string keyName,
TimeSpan? expirationTime = null, bool autoRefresh = false);
void SetCacheItem(Func<DbSet<TEntityType>, IEnumerable<object>, CancellationToken, Task<TReturnType>> itemGetter, string keyName,
void SetCacheItem(Func<DbSet<TEntityType>, CancellationToken, Task<TReturnType>> itemGetter, string keyName,
IEnumerable<object> ids = null, TimeSpan? expirationTime = null, bool autoRefresh = false);
Task<TReturnType> GetCacheItem(string keyName, CancellationToken token = default);
Task<TReturnType> GetCacheItem(string keyName, IEnumerable<object> ids = null, CancellationToken token = default);
Task<TReturnType> GetCacheItem(string keyName, object id = null, CancellationToken token = default);
@ -153,8 +153,6 @@ namespace Data.Context
modelBuilder.Entity<EFClientConnectionHistory>(ent => ent.HasIndex(history => history.CreatedDateTime));
modelBuilder.Entity<EFServerSnapshot>(ent => ent.HasIndex(snapshot => snapshot.CapturedAt));
// force full name for database conversion
@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ namespace Data.Helpers
private readonly IDatabaseContextFactory _contextFactory;
private readonly ConcurrentDictionary<string, Dictionary<object, CacheState<TReturnType>>> _cacheStates = new();
private readonly string _defaultKey = null;
private readonly object _defaultKey = new();
private bool _autoRefresh;
private const int DefaultExpireMinutes = 15;
@ -29,7 +29,7 @@ namespace Data.Helpers
public string Key { get; set; }
public DateTime LastRetrieval { get; set; }
public TimeSpan ExpirationTime { get; set; }
public Func<DbSet<TEntityType>, IEnumerable<object>, CancellationToken, Task<TCacheType>> Getter { get; set; }
public Func<DbSet<TEntityType>, CancellationToken, Task<TCacheType>> Getter { get; set; }
public TCacheType Value { get; set; }
public bool IsSet { get; set; }
@ -53,58 +53,60 @@ namespace Data.Helpers
public void SetCacheItem(Func<DbSet<TEntityType>, CancellationToken, Task<TReturnType>> getter, string key,
TimeSpan? expirationTime = null, bool autoRefresh = false)
SetCacheItem((set, _, token) => getter(set, token), key, null, expirationTime, autoRefresh);
SetCacheItem(getter, key, null, expirationTime, autoRefresh);
public void SetCacheItem(Func<DbSet<TEntityType>, IEnumerable<object>, CancellationToken, Task<TReturnType>> getter, string key,
public void SetCacheItem(Func<DbSet<TEntityType>, CancellationToken, Task<TReturnType>> getter, string key,
IEnumerable<object> ids = null, TimeSpan? expirationTime = null, bool autoRefresh = false)
ids ??= new[] { _defaultKey };
if (!_cacheStates.ContainsKey(key))
_cacheStates.TryAdd(key, new Dictionary<object, CacheState<TReturnType>>());
var cacheInstance = _cacheStates[key];
var id = GenerateKeyFromIds(ids);
lock (_cacheStates)
foreach (var id in ids)
if (cacheInstance.ContainsKey(id))
var cacheInstance = _cacheStates[key];
lock (_cacheStates)
if (cacheInstance.ContainsKey(id))
var state = new CacheState<TReturnType>
Key = key,
Getter = getter,
ExpirationTime = expirationTime ?? TimeSpan.FromMinutes(DefaultExpireMinutes)
lock (_cacheStates)
cacheInstance.Add(id, state);
_autoRefresh = autoRefresh;
if (!_autoRefresh || expirationTime == TimeSpan.MaxValue)
_timer = new Timer(state.ExpirationTime.TotalMilliseconds);
_timer.Elapsed += async (sender, args) => await RunCacheUpdate(state, CancellationToken.None);
var state = new CacheState<TReturnType>
Key = key,
Getter = getter,
ExpirationTime = expirationTime ?? TimeSpan.FromMinutes(DefaultExpireMinutes)
lock (_cacheStates)
cacheInstance.Add(id, state);
_autoRefresh = autoRefresh;
if (!_autoRefresh || expirationTime == TimeSpan.MaxValue)
_timer = new Timer(state.ExpirationTime.TotalMilliseconds);
_timer.Elapsed += async (sender, args) => await RunCacheUpdate(state, ids, CancellationToken.None);
public Task<TReturnType> GetCacheItem(string keyName, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default) =>
GetCacheItem(keyName, null, cancellationToken);
public async Task<TReturnType> GetCacheItem(string keyName, IEnumerable<object> ids = null,
public async Task<TReturnType> GetCacheItem(string keyName, object id = null,
CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
if (!_cacheStates.ContainsKey(keyName))
@ -118,27 +120,27 @@ namespace Data.Helpers
lock (_cacheStates)
state = ids is null ? cacheInstance.Values.First() : _cacheStates[keyName][GenerateKeyFromIds(ids)];
state = id is null ? cacheInstance.Values.First() : _cacheStates[keyName][id];
// when auto refresh is off we want to check the expiration and value
// when auto refresh is on, we want to only check the value, because it'll be refreshed automatically
if ((state.IsExpired || !state.IsSet) && !_autoRefresh || _autoRefresh && !state.IsSet)
await RunCacheUpdate(state, ids, cancellationToken);
await RunCacheUpdate(state, cancellationToken);
return state.Value;
private async Task RunCacheUpdate(CacheState<TReturnType> state, IEnumerable<object> ids, CancellationToken token)
private async Task RunCacheUpdate(CacheState<TReturnType> state, CancellationToken token)
_logger.LogDebug("Running update for {ClassName} {@State}", GetType().Name, state);
await using var context = _contextFactory.CreateContext(false);
var set = context.Set<TEntityType>();
var value = await state.Getter(set, ids, token);
var value = await state.Getter(set, token);
state.Value = value;
state.IsSet = true;
state.LastRetrieval = DateTime.Now;
@ -148,8 +150,5 @@ namespace Data.Helpers
_logger.LogError(ex, "Could not get cached value for {Key}", state.Key);
private static string GenerateKeyFromIds(IEnumerable<object> ids) =>
string.Join("_", ids.Select(id => id?.ToString() ?? "null"));
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Migrations;
#nullable disable
namespace Data.Migrations.MySql
public partial class AddIndexToEFServerSnapshotCapturedAt : Migration
protected override void Up(MigrationBuilder migrationBuilder)
name: "IX_EFServerSnapshot_CapturedAt",
table: "EFServerSnapshot",
column: "CapturedAt");
protected override void Down(MigrationBuilder migrationBuilder)
name: "IX_EFServerSnapshot_CapturedAt",
table: "EFServerSnapshot");
@ -814,7 +814,6 @@ namespace Data.Migrations.MySql
.HasComputedColumnSql("((IPAddress & 255) || '.' || ((IPAddress >> 8) & 255)) || '.' || ((IPAddress >> 16) & 255) || '.' || ((IPAddress >> 24) & 255)", true);
@ -1111,8 +1110,6 @@ namespace Data.Migrations.MySql
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,52 +0,0 @@
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Migrations;
#nullable disable
namespace Data.Migrations.Postgresql
public partial class AddIndexToEFServerSnapshotCapturedAt : Migration
protected override void Up(MigrationBuilder migrationBuilder)
name: "SearchableIPAddress",
table: "EFAlias",
type: "character varying(255)",
maxLength: 255,
nullable: true,
computedColumnSql: "((IPAddress & 255) || '.' || ((IPAddress >> 8) & 255)) || '.' || ((IPAddress >> 16) & 255) || '.' || ((IPAddress >> 24) & 255)",
stored: true,
oldClrType: typeof(string),
oldType: "text",
oldNullable: true,
oldComputedColumnSql: "((IPAddress & 255) || '.' || ((IPAddress >> 8) & 255)) || '.' || ((IPAddress >> 16) & 255) || '.' || ((IPAddress >> 24) & 255)",
oldStored: true);
name: "IX_EFServerSnapshot_CapturedAt",
table: "EFServerSnapshot",
column: "CapturedAt");
protected override void Down(MigrationBuilder migrationBuilder)
name: "IX_EFServerSnapshot_CapturedAt",
table: "EFServerSnapshot");
name: "SearchableIPAddress",
table: "EFAlias",
type: "text",
nullable: true,
computedColumnSql: "((IPAddress & 255) || '.' || ((IPAddress >> 8) & 255)) || '.' || ((IPAddress >> 16) & 255) || '.' || ((IPAddress >> 24) & 255)",
stored: true,
oldClrType: typeof(string),
oldType: "character varying(255)",
oldMaxLength: 255,
oldNullable: true,
oldComputedColumnSql: "((IPAddress & 255) || '.' || ((IPAddress >> 8) & 255)) || '.' || ((IPAddress >> 16) & 255) || '.' || ((IPAddress >> 24) & 255)",
oldStored: true);
@ -853,8 +853,7 @@ namespace Data.Migrations.Postgresql
.HasColumnType("character varying(255)")
.HasComputedColumnSql("((IPAddress & 255) || '.' || ((IPAddress >> 8) & 255)) || '.' || ((IPAddress >> 16) & 255) || '.' || ((IPAddress >> 24) & 255)", true);
@ -1164,8 +1163,6 @@ namespace Data.Migrations.Postgresql
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
@ -1,24 +0,0 @@
using Microsoft.EntityFrameworkCore.Migrations;
#nullable disable
namespace Data.Migrations.Sqlite
public partial class AddIndexToEFServerSnapshotCapturedAt : Migration
protected override void Up(MigrationBuilder migrationBuilder)
name: "IX_EFServerSnapshot_CapturedAt",
table: "EFServerSnapshot",
column: "CapturedAt");
protected override void Down(MigrationBuilder migrationBuilder)
name: "IX_EFServerSnapshot_CapturedAt",
table: "EFServerSnapshot");
@ -812,7 +812,6 @@ namespace Data.Migrations.Sqlite
.HasComputedColumnSql("((IPAddress & 255) || '.' || ((IPAddress >> 8) & 255)) || '.' || ((IPAddress >> 16) & 255) || '.' || ((IPAddress >> 24) & 255)", true);
@ -1109,8 +1108,6 @@ namespace Data.Migrations.Sqlite
@ -16,8 +16,7 @@
T7 = 8,
SHG1 = 9,
CSGO = 10,
H1 = 11,
L4D2 = 12,
H1 = 11
public enum ConnectionType
@ -6,7 +6,6 @@ trigger:
- release/pre
- master
- develop
pr: none
@ -21,233 +20,227 @@ variables:
buildConfiguration: Stable
isPreRelease: false
- job: Build_Deploy
- task: UseDotNet@2
displayName: 'Install .NET Core 6 SDK'
packageType: 'sdk'
version: '6.0.x'
includePreviewVersions: true
- task: NuGetToolInstaller@1
- task: PowerShell@2
displayName: 'Setup Pre-Release configuration'
condition: or(eq(variables['Build.SourceBranch'], 'refs/heads/release/pre'), eq(variables['Build.SourceBranch'], 'refs/heads/develop'))
targetType: 'inline'
script: |
echo '##vso[task.setvariable variable=releaseType]prerelease'
echo '##vso[task.setvariable variable=buildConfiguration]Prerelease'
echo '##vso[task.setvariable variable=isPreRelease]true'
failOnStderr: true
- task: UseDotNet@2
displayName: 'Install .NET Core 6 SDK'
packageType: 'sdk'
version: '6.0.x'
includePreviewVersions: true
- task: NuGetToolInstaller@1
- task: PowerShell@2
displayName: 'Setup Pre-Release configuration'
condition: eq(variables['Build.SourceBranch'], 'refs/heads/release/pre')
targetType: 'inline'
script: |
echo '##vso[task.setvariable variable=releaseType]prerelease'
echo '##vso[task.setvariable variable=buildConfiguration]Prerelease'
echo '##vso[task.setvariable variable=isPreRelease]true'
failOnStderr: true
- task: NuGetCommand@2
displayName: 'Restore nuget packages'
restoreSolution: '$(solution)'
- task: PowerShell@2
displayName: 'Preload external resources'
targetType: 'inline'
script: |
Write-Host 'Build Configuration is $(buildConfiguration), Release Type is $(releaseType)'
md -Force lib\open-iconic\font\css
wget -o lib\open-iconic\font\css\open-iconic-bootstrap-override.scss
cd lib\open-iconic\font\css
(Get-Content open-iconic-bootstrap-override.scss).replace('../fonts/', '/font/') | Set-Content open-iconic-bootstrap-override.scss
failOnStderr: true
workingDirectory: '$(Build.Repository.LocalPath)\WebfrontCore\wwwroot'
- task: VSBuild@1
displayName: 'Build projects'
solution: '$(solution)'
msbuildArgs: '/p:DeployOnBuild=false /p:PackageAsSingleFile=false /p:SkipInvalidConfigurations=true /p:PackageLocation="$(build.artifactStagingDirectory)" /p:Version=$(Build.BuildNumber)'
platform: '$(buildPlatform)'
configuration: '$(buildConfiguration)'
- task: NuGetCommand@2
displayName: 'Restore nuget packages'
restoreSolution: '$(solution)'
- task: PowerShell@2
displayName: 'Preload external resources'
targetType: 'inline'
script: |
Write-Host 'Build Configuration is $(buildConfiguration), Release Type is $(releaseType)'
md -Force lib\open-iconic\font\css
wget -o lib\open-iconic\font\css\open-iconic-bootstrap-override.scss
cd lib\open-iconic\font\css
(Get-Content open-iconic-bootstrap-override.scss).replace('../fonts/', '/font/') | Set-Content open-iconic-bootstrap-override.scss
failOnStderr: true
workingDirectory: '$(Build.Repository.LocalPath)\WebfrontCore\wwwroot'
- task: VSBuild@1
displayName: 'Build projects'
solution: '$(solution)'
msbuildArgs: '/p:DeployOnBuild=false /p:PackageAsSingleFile=false /p:SkipInvalidConfigurations=true /p:PackageLocation="$(build.artifactStagingDirectory)" /p:Version=$(Build.BuildNumber)'
platform: '$(buildPlatform)'
configuration: '$(buildConfiguration)'
- task: PowerShell@2
displayName: 'Bundle JS Files'
targetType: 'inline'
script: |
Write-Host 'Getting dotnet bundle'
wget -o $(Build.Repository.LocalPath)\
Write-Host 'Unzipping download'
Expand-Archive -LiteralPath $(Build.Repository.LocalPath)\ -DestinationPath $(Build.Repository.LocalPath)
Write-Host 'Executing dotnet-bundle'
$(Build.Repository.LocalPath)\dotnet-bundle.exe clean $(Build.Repository.LocalPath)\WebfrontCore\bundleconfig.json
$(Build.Repository.LocalPath)\dotnet-bundle.exe $(Build.Repository.LocalPath)\WebfrontCore\bundleconfig.json
failOnStderr: true
workingDirectory: '$(Build.Repository.LocalPath)\WebfrontCore'
- task: DotNetCoreCLI@2
displayName: 'Publish projects'
command: 'publish'
publishWebProjects: false
projects: |
arguments: '-c $(buildConfiguration) -o $(outputFolder) /p:Version=$(Build.BuildNumber)'
zipAfterPublish: false
modifyOutputPath: false
- task: PowerShell@2
displayName: 'Run publish script 1'
filePath: 'DeploymentFiles/PostPublish.ps1'
arguments: '$(outputFolder)'
failOnStderr: true
workingDirectory: '$(Build.Repository.LocalPath)'
- task: BatchScript@1
displayName: 'Run publish script 2'
filename: 'Application\BuildScripts\PostPublish.bat'
workingFolder: '$(Build.Repository.LocalPath)'
arguments: '$(outputFolder) $(Build.Repository.LocalPath)'
failOnStandardError: true
- task: PowerShell@2
displayName: 'Download dos2unix for line endings'
targetType: 'inline'
script: 'wget'
failOnStderr: true
workingDirectory: '$(Build.Repository.LocalPath)\Application\BuildScripts'
- task: CmdLine@2
displayName: 'Convert Linux start script line endings'
script: |
echo changing to encoding for linux start script
dos2unix $(outputFolder)\
dos2unix $(outputFolder)\
echo creating website version filename
@echo IW4MAdmin-$(Build.BuildNumber) > $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)\version_$(releaseType).txt
workingDirectory: '$(Build.Repository.LocalPath)\Application\BuildScripts'
- task: CopyFiles@2
displayName: 'Move script plugins into publish directory'
SourceFolder: '$(Build.Repository.LocalPath)\Plugins\ScriptPlugins'
Contents: '*.js'
TargetFolder: '$(outputFolder)\Plugins'
- task: CopyFiles@2
displayName: 'Move binary plugins into publish directory'
SourceFolder: '$(Build.Repository.LocalPath)\BUILD\Plugins\'
Contents: '*.dll'
TargetFolder: '$(outputFolder)\Plugins'
- task: CmdLine@2
displayName: 'Move webfront resources into publish directory'
script: 'xcopy /s /y /f wwwroot $(outputFolder)\wwwroot'
workingDirectory: '$(Build.Repository.LocalPath)\BUILD\Plugins'
failOnStderr: true
- task: CmdLine@2
displayName: 'Move gamescript files into publish directory'
script: 'echo d | xcopy /s /y /f GameFiles $(outputFolder)\GameFiles'
workingDirectory: '$(Build.Repository.LocalPath)'
failOnStderr: true
- task: PowerShell@2
displayName: 'Bundle JS Files'
targetType: 'inline'
script: |
Write-Host 'Getting dotnet bundle'
wget -o $(Build.Repository.LocalPath)\
Write-Host 'Unzipping download'
Expand-Archive -LiteralPath $(Build.Repository.LocalPath)\ -DestinationPath $(Build.Repository.LocalPath)
Write-Host 'Executing dotnet-bundle'
$(Build.Repository.LocalPath)\dotnet-bundle.exe clean $(Build.Repository.LocalPath)\WebfrontCore\bundleconfig.json
$(Build.Repository.LocalPath)\dotnet-bundle.exe $(Build.Repository.LocalPath)\WebfrontCore\bundleconfig.json
failOnStderr: true
workingDirectory: '$(Build.Repository.LocalPath)\WebfrontCore'
- task: ArchiveFiles@2
displayName: 'Generate final zip file'
rootFolderOrFile: '$(outputFolder)'
includeRootFolder: false
archiveType: 'zip'
archiveFile: '$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/IW4MAdmin-$(Build.BuildNumber).zip'
replaceExistingArchive: true
- task: DotNetCoreCLI@2
displayName: 'Publish projects'
command: 'publish'
publishWebProjects: false
projects: |
arguments: '-c $(buildConfiguration) -o $(outputFolder) /p:Version=$(Build.BuildNumber)'
zipAfterPublish: false
modifyOutputPath: false
- task: PublishPipelineArtifact@1
targetPath: '$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/IW4MAdmin-$(Build.BuildNumber).zip'
artifact: 'IW4MAdmin-$(Build.BuildNumber).zip'
- task: PublishPipelineArtifact@1
displayName: 'Publish artifact for analysis'
targetPath: '$(outputFolder)'
artifact: 'IW4MAdmin.$(buildConfiguration)'
publishLocation: 'pipeline'
- task: PowerShell@2
displayName: 'Run publish script 1'
filePath: 'DeploymentFiles/PostPublish.ps1'
arguments: '$(outputFolder)'
failOnStderr: true
workingDirectory: '$(Build.Repository.LocalPath)'
- task: FtpUpload@2
condition: ne(variables['Build.SourceBranch'], 'refs/heads/develop')
displayName: 'Upload zip file to website'
credentialsOption: 'inputs'
serverUrl: '$(FTPUrl)'
username: '$(FTPUsername)'
password: '$(FTPPassword)'
rootDirectory: '$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)'
filePatterns: '*.zip'
remoteDirectory: 'IW4MAdmin/Download'
clean: false
cleanContents: false
preservePaths: false
trustSSL: false
- task: FtpUpload@2
condition: ne(variables['Build.SourceBranch'], 'refs/heads/develop')
displayName: 'Upload version info to website'
credentialsOption: 'inputs'
serverUrl: '$(FTPUrl)'
username: '$(FTPUsername)'
password: '$(FTPPassword)'
rootDirectory: '$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)'
filePatterns: 'version_$(releaseType).txt'
remoteDirectory: 'IW4MAdmin'
clean: false
cleanContents: false
preservePaths: false
trustSSL: false
- task: GitHubRelease@1
condition: ne(variables['Build.SourceBranch'], 'refs/heads/develop')
displayName: 'Make GitHub release'
gitHubConnection: 'github.com_RaidMax'
repositoryName: 'RaidMax/IW4M-Admin'
action: 'create'
target: '$(Build.SourceVersion)'
tagSource: 'userSpecifiedTag'
tag: '$(Build.BuildNumber)-$(releaseType)'
title: 'IW4MAdmin $(Build.BuildNumber) ($(releaseType))'
assets: '$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/*.zip'
isPreRelease: $(isPreRelease)
releaseNotesSource: 'inline'
releaseNotesInline: 'Automated rolling release - changelog below. [Updating Instructions]('
changeLogCompareToRelease: 'lastNonDraftRelease'
changeLogType: 'commitBased'
- task: PowerShell@2
condition: ne(variables['Build.SourceBranch'], 'refs/heads/develop')
displayName: 'Update master version'
targetType: 'inline'
script: |
$payload = @{
'current-version-$(releaseType)' = '$(Build.BuildNumber)'
'jwt-secret' = '$(JWTSecret)'
} | ConvertTo-Json
$params = @{
Uri = ''
Method = 'POST'
Body = $payload
ContentType = 'application/json'
Invoke-RestMethod @params
- task: BatchScript@1
displayName: 'Run publish script 2'
filename: 'Application\BuildScripts\PostPublish.bat'
workingFolder: '$(Build.Repository.LocalPath)'
arguments: '$(outputFolder) $(Build.Repository.LocalPath)'
failOnStandardError: true
- task: PowerShell@2
displayName: 'Download dos2unix for line endings'
targetType: 'inline'
script: 'wget'
failOnStderr: true
workingDirectory: '$(Build.Repository.LocalPath)\Application\BuildScripts'
- task: CmdLine@2
displayName: 'Convert Linux start script line endings'
script: |
echo changing to encoding for linux start script
dos2unix $(outputFolder)\
dos2unix $(outputFolder)\
echo creating website version filename
@echo IW4MAdmin-$(Build.BuildNumber) > $(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)\version_$(releaseType).txt
workingDirectory: '$(Build.Repository.LocalPath)\Application\BuildScripts'
- task: CopyFiles@2
displayName: 'Move script plugins into publish directory'
SourceFolder: '$(Build.Repository.LocalPath)\Plugins\ScriptPlugins'
Contents: '*.js'
TargetFolder: '$(outputFolder)\Plugins'
- task: CopyFiles@2
displayName: 'Move binary plugins into publish directory'
SourceFolder: '$(Build.Repository.LocalPath)\BUILD\Plugins\'
Contents: '*.dll'
TargetFolder: '$(outputFolder)\Plugins'
- task: CmdLine@2
displayName: 'Move webfront resources into publish directory'
script: 'xcopy /s /y /f wwwroot $(outputFolder)\wwwroot'
workingDirectory: '$(Build.Repository.LocalPath)\BUILD\Plugins'
failOnStderr: true
- task: CmdLine@2
displayName: 'Move gamescript files into publish directory'
script: 'echo d | xcopy /s /y /f GameFiles $(outputFolder)\GameFiles'
workingDirectory: '$(Build.Repository.LocalPath)'
failOnStderr: true
- task: ArchiveFiles@2
displayName: 'Generate final zip file'
rootFolderOrFile: '$(outputFolder)'
includeRootFolder: false
archiveType: 'zip'
archiveFile: '$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/IW4MAdmin-$(Build.BuildNumber).zip'
replaceExistingArchive: true
- task: PublishPipelineArtifact@1
targetPath: '$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/IW4MAdmin-$(Build.BuildNumber).zip'
artifact: 'IW4MAdmin-$(Build.BuildNumber).zip'
- task: FtpUpload@2
displayName: 'Upload zip file to website'
credentialsOption: 'inputs'
serverUrl: '$(FTPUrl)'
username: '$(FTPUsername)'
password: '$(FTPPassword)'
rootDirectory: '$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)'
filePatterns: '*.zip'
remoteDirectory: 'IW4MAdmin/Download'
clean: false
cleanContents: false
preservePaths: false
trustSSL: false
- task: FtpUpload@2
displayName: 'Upload version info to website'
credentialsOption: 'inputs'
serverUrl: '$(FTPUrl)'
username: '$(FTPUsername)'
password: '$(FTPPassword)'
rootDirectory: '$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)'
filePatterns: 'version_$(releaseType).txt'
remoteDirectory: 'IW4MAdmin'
clean: false
cleanContents: false
preservePaths: false
trustSSL: false
- task: GitHubRelease@1
displayName: 'Make GitHub release'
gitHubConnection: 'github.com_RaidMax'
repositoryName: 'RaidMax/IW4M-Admin'
action: 'create'
target: '$(Build.SourceVersion)'
tagSource: 'userSpecifiedTag'
tag: '$(Build.BuildNumber)-$(releaseType)'
title: 'IW4MAdmin $(Build.BuildNumber) ($(releaseType))'
assets: '$(Build.ArtifactStagingDirectory)/*.zip'
isPreRelease: $(isPreRelease)
releaseNotesSource: 'inline'
releaseNotesInline: 'todo'
changeLogCompareToRelease: 'lastNonDraftRelease'
changeLogType: 'commitBased'
- task: PowerShell@2
displayName: 'Update master version'
targetType: 'inline'
script: |
$payload = @{
'current-version-$(releaseType)' = '$(Build.BuildNumber)'
'jwt-secret' = '$(JWTSecret)'
} | ConvertTo-Json
$params = @{
Uri = ''
Method = 'POST'
Body = $payload
ContentType = 'application/json'
Invoke-RestMethod @params
- task: PublishPipelineArtifact@1
displayName: 'Publish artifact for analysis'
targetPath: '$(outputFolder)'
artifact: 'IW4MAdmin.$(buildConfiguration)'
publishLocation: 'pipeline'
Binary file not shown.
@ -0,0 +1,263 @@
#include maps\mp\_utility;
#include maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_util;
#include common_scripts\utility;
SetDvarIfUninitialized( "sv_customcallbacks", true );
SetDvarIfUninitialized( "sv_framewaittime", 0.05 );
SetDvarIfUninitialized( "sv_additionalwaittime", 0.1 );
SetDvarIfUninitialized( "sv_maxstoredframes", 12 );
SetDvarIfUninitialized( "sv_printradarupdates", 0 );
SetDvarIfUninitialized( "sv_printradar_updateinterval", 500 );
SetDvarIfUninitialized( "sv_iw4madmin_url", "" );
level thread onPlayerConnect();
if (getDvarInt("sv_printradarupdates") == 1)
level thread runRadarUpdates();
level waittill( "prematch_over" );
level.callbackPlayerKilled = ::Callback_PlayerKilled;
level.callbackPlayerDamage = ::Callback_PlayerDamage;
level.callbackPlayerDisconnect = ::Callback_PlayerDisconnect;
//It's called slightly different in T6
//set_dvar_if_unset(dvar, val, reset)
SetDvarIfUninitialized(dvar, val)
onPlayerConnect( player )
for( ;; )
level waittill( "connected", player );
player thread waitForFrameThread();
player thread waitForAttack();
//Got added to T6 on April 2020
self endon( "disconnect" );
self notifyOnPlayerCommand( "player_shot", "+attack" );
self.lastAttackTime = 0;
for( ;; )
self waittill( "player_shot" );
self.lastAttackTime = getTime();
interval = getDvarInt( "sv_printradar_updateinterval" );
for ( ;; )
for ( i = 0; i <= 17; i++ )
player = level.players[i];
if ( isDefined( player ) )
payload = player.guid + ";" + player.origin + ";" + player getPlayerAngles() + ";" + + ";" + player.kills + ";" + player.deaths + ";" + player.score + ";" + player GetCurrentWeapon() + ";" + + ";" + isAlive(player) + ";" + player.timePlayed["total"];
logPrint( "LiveRadar;" + payload + "\n" );
wait( interval / 1000 );
hitLocationToBone( hitloc )
switch( hitloc )
case "helmet":
return "j_helmet";
case "head":
return "j_head";
case "neck":
return "j_neck";
case "torso_upper":
return "j_spineupper";
case "torso_lower":
return "j_spinelower";
case "right_arm_upper":
return "j_shoulder_ri";
case "left_arm_upper":
return "j_shoulder_le";
case "right_arm_lower":
return "j_elbow_ri";
case "left_arm_lower":
return "j_elbow_le";
case "right_hand":
return "j_wrist_ri";
case "left_hand":
return "j_wrist_le";
case "right_leg_upper":
return "j_hip_ri";
case "left_leg_upper":
return "j_hip_le";
case "right_leg_lower":
return "j_knee_ri";
case "left_leg_lower":
return "j_knee_le";
case "right_foot":
return "j_ankle_ri";
case "left_foot":
return "j_ankle_le";
return "tag_origin";
self endon( "disconnect" );
self.currentAnglePosition = 0;
self.anglePositions = [];
for (i = 0; i < getDvarInt( "sv_maxstoredframes" ); i++)
self.anglePositions[i] = self getPlayerAngles();
for( ;; )
self.anglePositions[self.currentAnglePosition] = self getPlayerAngles();
wait( getDvarFloat( "sv_framewaittime" ) );
self.currentAnglePosition = (self.currentAnglePosition + 1) % getDvarInt( "sv_maxstoredframes" );
waitForAdditionalAngles( logString, beforeFrameCount, afterFrameCount )
currentIndex = self.currentAnglePosition;
wait( 0.05 * afterFrameCount );
self.angleSnapshot = [];
for( j = 0; j < self.anglePositions.size; j++ )
self.angleSnapshot[j] = self.anglePositions[j];
anglesStr = "";
collectedFrames = 0;
i = currentIndex - beforeFrameCount;
while (collectedFrames < beforeFrameCount)
fixedIndex = i;
if (i < 0)
fixedIndex = self.angleSnapshot.size - abs(i);
anglesStr += self.angleSnapshot[int(fixedIndex)] + ":";
if (i == currentIndex)
anglesStr += self.angleSnapshot[i] + ":";
collectedFrames = 0;
while (collectedFrames < afterFrameCount)
fixedIndex = i;
if (i > self.angleSnapshot.size - 1)
fixedIndex = i % self.angleSnapshot.size;
anglesStr += self.angleSnapshot[int(fixedIndex)] + ":";
lastAttack = getTime() - self.lastAttackTime;
isAlive = isAlive(self);
logPrint(logString + ";" + anglesStr + ";" + isAlive + ";" + lastAttack + "\n" );
vectorScale( vector, scale )
return ( vector[0] * scale, vector[1] * scale, vector[2] * scale );
Process_Hit( type, attacker, sHitLoc, sMeansOfDeath, iDamage, sWeapon )
if (sMeansOfDeath == "MOD_FALLING" || !isPlayer(attacker))
victim = self;
_attacker = attacker;
if ( !isPlayer( attacker ) && isDefined( attacker.owner ) )
_attacker = attacker.owner;
else if( !isPlayer( attacker ) && sMeansOfDeath == "MOD_FALLING" )
_attacker = victim;
location = victim GetTagOrigin( hitLocationToBone( sHitLoc ) );
isKillstreakKill = false;
isKillstreakKill = true;
isKillstreakKill = true;
logLine = "Script" + type + ";" + _attacker.guid + ";" + victim.guid + ";" + _attacker GetTagOrigin("tag_eye") + ";" + location + ";" + iDamage + ";" + sWeapon + ";" + sHitLoc + ";" + sMeansOfDeath + ";" + _attacker getPlayerAngles() + ";" + int(gettime()) + ";" + isKillstreakKill + ";" + _attacker playerADS() + ";0;0";
attacker thread waitForAdditionalAngles( logLine, 2, 2 );
Callback_PlayerDamage( eInflictor, attacker, iDamage, iDFlags, sMeansOfDeath, sWeapon, vPoint, vDir, sHitLoc, psOffsetTime, boneIndex )
if ( level.teamBased && isDefined( attacker ) && ( self != attacker ) && isDefined( ) && ( self.pers[ "team" ] == ) )
if ( - iDamage > 0 )
self Process_Hit( "Damage", attacker, sHitLoc, sMeansOfDeath, iDamage, sWeapon );
self [[maps/mp/gametypes/_globallogic_player::callback_playerdamage]]( eInflictor, attacker, iDamage, iDFlags, sMeansOfDeath, sWeapon, vPoint, vDir, sHitLoc, psOffsetTime, boneIndex );
Callback_PlayerKilled(eInflictor, attacker, iDamage, sMeansOfDeath, sWeapon, vDir, sHitLoc, psOffsetTime, deathAnimDuration)
Process_Hit( "Kill", attacker, sHitLoc, sMeansOfDeath, iDamage, sWeapon );
self [[maps/mp/gametypes/_globallogic_player::callback_playerkilled]]( eInflictor, attacker, iDamage, sMeansOfDeath, sWeapon, vDir, sHitLoc, psOffsetTime, deathAnimDuration );
level notify( "disconnected", self );
self [[maps/mp/gametypes/_globallogic_player::callback_playerdisconnect]]();
@ -1,4 +1,6 @@
#include common_scripts\utility;
#include maps\mp\_utility;
#include maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_util;
@ -8,7 +10,7 @@ Init()
level endon( "game_ended" );
// setup default vars
level.eventBus = spawnstruct();
level.eventBus.inVar = "sv_iw4madmin_in";
@ -16,54 +18,29 @@ Setup()
level.eventBus.failKey = "fail";
level.eventBus.timeoutKey = "timeout";
level.eventBus.timeout = 30;
level.commonFunctions = spawnstruct();
level.commonFunctions.setDvar = "SetDvarIfUninitialized";
level.commonFunctions.getPlayerFromClientNum = "GetPlayerFromClientNum";
level.commonFunctions.waittillNotifyOrTimeout = "WaittillNotifyOrTimeout";
level.commonFunctions.getInboundData = "GetInboundData";
level.commonFunctions.getOutboundData = "GetOutboundData";
level.commonFunctions.setInboundData = "SetInboundData";
level.commonFunctions.setOutboundData = "SetOutboundData";
level.overrideMethods = [];
level.overrideMethods[level.commonFunctions.setDvar] = scripts\_integration_base::NotImplementedFunction;
level.overrideMethods[level.commonFunctions.getPlayerFromClientNum] = ::_GetPlayerFromClientNum;
level.overrideMethods[level.commonFunctions.getInboundData] = ::_GetInboundData;
level.overrideMethods[level.commonFunctions.getOutboundData] = ::_GetOutboundData;
level.overrideMethods[level.commonFunctions.setInboundData] = ::_SetInboundData;
level.overrideMethods[level.commonFunctions.setOutboundData] = ::_SetOutboundData;
level.busMethods = [];
level.busMethods[level.commonFunctions.getInboundData] = ::_GetInboundData;
level.busMethods[level.commonFunctions.getOutboundData] = ::_GetOutboundData;
level.busMethods[level.commonFunctions.setInboundData] = ::_SetInboundData;
level.busMethods[level.commonFunctions.setOutboundData] = ::_SetOutboundData;
level.commonFunctions = spawnstruct();
level.commonFunctions.setDvar = "SetDvarIfUninitialized";
level.commonFunctions.isBot = "IsBot";
level.commonKeys = spawnstruct();
level.commonKeys.enabled = "sv_iw4madmin_integration_enabled";
level.commonKeys.busMode = "sv_iw4madmin_integration_busmode";
level.commonKeys.busDir = "sv_iw4madmin_integration_busdir";
level.eventBus.inLocation = "";
level.eventBus.outLocation = "";
level.notifyTypes = spawnstruct();
level.notifyTypes.gameFunctionsInitialized = "GameFunctionsInitialized";
level.notifyTypes.sharedFunctionsInitialized = "SharedFunctionsInitialized";
level.notifyTypes.integrationBootstrapInitialized = "IntegrationBootstrapInitialized";
level.clientDataKey = "clientData";
level.eventTypes = spawnstruct();
level.eventTypes.eventAvailable = "EventAvailable";
level.eventTypes.localClientEvent = "client_event";
level.eventTypes.clientDataReceived = "ClientDataReceived";
level.eventTypes.clientDataRequested = "ClientDataRequested";
level.eventTypes.setClientDataRequested = "SetClientDataRequested";
level.eventTypes.setClientDataCompleted = "SetClientDataCompleted";
level.eventTypes.executeCommandRequested = "ExecuteCommandRequested";
level.iw4madminIntegrationDebug = 0;
// map the event type to the handler
level.eventCallbacks = [];
level.eventCallbacks[level.eventTypes.clientDataReceived] = ::OnClientDataReceived;
@ -73,71 +50,177 @@ Setup()
level.clientCommandCallbacks = [];
level.clientCommandRusAsTarget = [];
level.logger = spawnstruct();
level.overrideMethods = [];
level.iw4madminIntegrationDebug = GetDvarInt( "sv_iw4madmin_integration_debug" );
wait ( 0.05 * 2 ); // needed to give script engine time to propagate notifies
wait ( 0.05 ); // needed to give script engine time to propagate notifies
level notify( level.notifyTypes.integrationBootstrapInitialized );
level waittill( level.notifyTypes.gameFunctionsInitialized );
LogDebug( "Integration received notify that game functions are initialized" );
_SetDvarIfUninitialized( level.eventBus.inVar, "" );
_SetDvarIfUninitialized( level.eventBus.outVar, "" );
_SetDvarIfUninitialized( level.commonKeys.enabled, 1 );
_SetDvarIfUninitialized( level.commonKeys.busMode, "rcon" );
_SetDvarIfUninitialized( level.commonKeys.busdir, "" );
_SetDvarIfUninitialized( "sv_iw4madmin_integration_enabled", 1 );
_SetDvarIfUninitialized( "sv_iw4madmin_integration_debug", 0 );
_SetDvarIfUninitialized( "GroupSeparatorChar", "" );
_SetDvarIfUninitialized( "RecordSeparatorChar", "" );
_SetDvarIfUninitialized( "UnitSeparatorChar", "" );
if ( GetDvarInt( level.commonKeys.enabled ) != 1 )
if ( GetDvarInt( "sv_iw4madmin_integration_enabled" ) != 1 )
// start long running tasks
thread MonitorEvents();
thread MonitorBus();
level thread MonitorClientEvents();
level thread MonitorBus();
level thread OnPlayerConnect();
// Client Methods
level endon( level.eventTypes.gameEnd );
level endon ( "game_ended" );
for ( ;; )
level waittill( "connected", player );
if ( _IsBot( player ) )
// we don't want to track bots
if ( !IsDefined( player.pers[level.clientDataKey] ) )
player.pers[level.clientDataKey] = spawnstruct();
player thread OnPlayerSpawned();
player thread OnPlayerJoinedTeam();
player thread OnPlayerJoinedSpectators();
player thread PlayerTrackingOnInterval();
self endon( "disconnect" );
for ( ;; )
self waittill( "spawned_player" );
self PlayerSpawnEvents();
self endon( "disconnect" );
for( ;; )
self waittill( "joined_team" );
// join spec and join team occur at the same moment - out of order logging would be problematic
wait( 0.25 );
LogPrint( GenerateJoinTeamString( false ) );
self endon( "disconnect" );
for( ;; )
self waittill( "joined_spectators" );
LogPrint( GenerateJoinTeamString( true ) );
for ( ;; )
level waittill( "game_ended" );
// note: you can run data code here but it's possible for
// data to get truncated, so we will try a timer based approach for now
self endon( "disconnect" );
clientData = self.pers[level.clientDataKey];
if ( clientData.permissionLevel == "User" || clientData.permissionLevel == "Flagged" )
self IPrintLnBold( "Welcome, your level is ^5" + clientData.permissionLevel );
wait( 2.0 );
self IPrintLnBold( "You were last seen ^5" + clientData.lastConnection );
self endon( "disconnect" );
clientData = self.pers[level.clientDataKey];
// this gives IW4MAdmin some time to register the player before making the request;
// although probably not necessary some users might have a slow database or poll rate
wait ( 2 );
if ( IsDefined( clientData.state ) && clientData.state == "complete" )
self RequestClientBasicData();
self endon( "disconnect" );
for ( ;; )
wait ( 120 );
if ( IsAlive( self ) )
self SaveTrackingMetrics();
level endon( "game_ended" );
for ( ;; )
level waittill( level.eventTypes.eventAvailable, event );
level waittill( level.eventTypes.localClientEvent, client );
LogDebug( "Processing Event " + event.type + "-" + event.subtype );
eventHandler = level.eventCallbacks[event.type];
LogDebug( "Processing Event " + client.event.type + "-" + client.event.subtype );
eventHandler = level.eventCallbacks[client.event.type];
if ( IsDefined( eventHandler ) )
if ( IsDefined( event.entity ) )
event.entity [[eventHandler]]( event );
[[eventHandler]]( event );
if ( IsDefined( event.entity ) )
LogDebug( "Notify client for " + event.type );
event.entity notify( event.type, event );
LogDebug( "Notify level for " + event.type );
level notify( event.type, event );
client [[eventHandler]]( client.event );
LogDebug( "notify client for " + client.event.type );
client notify( level.eventTypes.localClientEvent, client.event );
client.eventData = [];
@ -145,13 +228,11 @@ MonitorEvents()
// Helper Methods
NotImplementedFunction( a, b, c, d, e, f )
_IsBot( entity )
LogWarning( "Function not implemented" );
if ( IsDefined ( a ) )
LogWarning( a );
// there already is a cgame function exists as "IsBot", for IW4, but unsure what all titles have it defined,
// so we are defining it here
return IsDefined( entity.pers["isBot"] ) && entity.pers["isBot"];
_SetDvarIfUninitialized( dvarName, dvarValue )
@ -159,44 +240,9 @@ _SetDvarIfUninitialized( dvarName, dvarValue )
[[level.overrideMethods[level.commonFunctions.setDvar]]]( dvarName, dvarValue );
_GetPlayerFromClientNum( clientNum )
NotImplementedFunction( a, b, c, d, e, f )
assertEx( clientNum >= 0, "clientNum cannot be negative" );
if ( clientNum < 0 )
return undefined;
for ( i = 0; i < level.players.size; i++ )
if ( level.players[i] getEntityNumber() == clientNum )
return level.players[i];
return undefined;
_GetInboundData( location )
return GetDvar( level.eventBus.inVar );
_GetOutboundData( location )
return GetDvar( level.eventBus.outVar );
_SetInboundData( location, data )
return SetDvar( level.eventBus.inVar, data );
_SetOutboundData( location, data )
return SetDvar( level.eventBus.outVar, data );
LogWarning( "Function not implemented" );
// Not every game can output to console or even game log.
@ -217,7 +263,7 @@ _Log( LogLevel, message )
for( i = 0; i < level.logger._logger.size; i++ )
[[level.logger._logger[i]]]( LogLevel, GetSubStr( message, 0, 1000 ) );
[[level.logger._logger[i]]]( LogLevel, message );
@ -279,13 +325,13 @@ RegisterLogger( logger )
RequestClientMeta( metaKey )
getClientMetaEvent = BuildEventRequest( true, level.eventTypes.clientDataRequested, "Meta", self, metaKey );
thread QueueEvent( getClientMetaEvent, level.eventTypes.clientDataRequested, self );
level thread QueueEvent( getClientMetaEvent, level.eventTypes.clientDataRequested, self );
getClientDataEvent = BuildEventRequest( true, level.eventTypes.clientDataRequested, "None", self, "" );
thread QueueEvent( getClientDataEvent, level.eventTypes.clientDataRequested, self );
level thread QueueEvent( getClientDataEvent, level.eventTypes.clientDataRequested, self );
IncrementClientMeta( metaKey, incrementValue, clientId )
@ -298,22 +344,51 @@ DecrementClientMeta( metaKey, decrementValue, clientId )
SetClientMeta( metaKey, decrementValue, clientId, "decrement" );
GenerateJoinTeamString( isSpectator )
team =;
if ( IsDefined( self.joining_team ) )
team = self.joining_team;
if ( isSpectator || !IsDefined( team ) )
team = "spectator";
guid = self GetXuid();
if ( guid == "0" )
guid = self.guid;
if ( !IsDefined( guid ) || guid == "0" )
guid = "undefined";
return "JT;" + guid + ";" + self getEntityNumber() + ";" + team + ";" + + "\n";
SetClientMeta( metaKey, metaValue, clientId, direction )
data = [];
data["key"] = metaKey;
data["value"] = metaValue;
data = "key=" + metaKey + "|value=" + metaValue;
clientNumber = -1;
if ( IsDefined ( clientId ) )
data["clientId"] = clientId;
data = data + "|clientId=" + clientId;
clientNumber = -1;
if ( IsDefined( direction ) )
data["direction"] = direction;
data = data + "|direction=" + direction;
if ( IsPlayer( self ) )
@ -322,7 +397,40 @@ SetClientMeta( metaKey, metaValue, clientId, direction )
setClientMetaEvent = BuildEventRequest( true, level.eventTypes.setClientDataRequested, "Meta", clientNumber, data );
thread QueueEvent( setClientMetaEvent, level.eventTypes.setClientDataRequested, self );
level thread QueueEvent( setClientMetaEvent, level.eventTypes.setClientDataRequested, self );
if ( !IsDefined( self.persistentClientId ) )
LogDebug( "Saving tracking metrics for " + self.persistentClientId );
if ( !IsDefined( self.lastShotCount ) )
self.lastShotCount = 0;
currentShotCount = self [[level.overrideMethods["GetTotalShotsFired"]]]();
change = currentShotCount - self.lastShotCount;
self.lastShotCount = currentShotCount;
LogDebug( "Total Shots Fired increased by " + change );
if ( !IsDefined( change ) )
change = 0;
if ( change == 0 )
IncrementClientMeta( "TotalShotsFired", change, self.persistentClientId );
BuildEventRequest( responseExpected, eventType, eventSubtype, entOrId, data )
@ -331,97 +439,79 @@ BuildEventRequest( responseExpected, eventType, eventSubtype, entOrId, data )
data = "";
if ( !IsDefined( eventSubtype ) )
eventSubtype = "None";
if ( !IsDefined( entOrId ) )
entOrId = "-1";
if ( IsPlayer( entOrId ) )
entOrId = entOrId getEntityNumber();
request = "0";
if ( responseExpected )
request = "1";
data = BuildDataString( data );
groupSeparator = GetSubStr( GetDvar( "GroupSeparatorChar" ), 0, 1 );
request = request + groupSeparator + eventType + groupSeparator + eventSubtype + groupSeparator + entOrId + groupSeparator + data;
request = request + ";" + eventType + ";" + eventSubtype + ";" + entOrId + ";" + data;
return request;
level endon( level.eventTypes.gameEnd );
level.eventBus.inLocation = level.eventBus.inVar + "_" + GetDvar( "net_port" );
level.eventBus.outLocation = level.eventBus.outVar + "_" + GetDvar( "net_port" );
[[level.overrideMethods[level.commonFunctions.SetInboundData]]]( level.eventBus.inLocation, "" );
[[level.overrideMethods[level.commonFunctions.SetOutboundData]]]( level.eventBus.outLocation, "" );
level endon( "game_ended" );
for( ;; )
wait ( 0.1 );
// check to see if IW4MAdmin is ready to receive more data
inVal = [[level.busMethods[level.commonFunctions.getInboundData]]]( level.eventBus.inLocation );
if ( !IsDefined( inVal ) || inVal == "" )
if ( getDvar( level.eventBus.inVar ) == "" )
level notify( "bus_ready" );
eventString = [[level.busMethods[level.commonFunctions.getOutboundData]]]( level.eventBus.outLocation );
if ( !IsDefined( eventString ) || eventString == "" )
eventString = getDvar( level.eventBus.outVar );
if ( eventString == "" )
LogDebug( "-> " + eventString );
groupSeparator = GetSubStr( GetDvar( "GroupSeparatorChar" ), 0, 1 );
NotifyEvent( strtok( eventString, groupSeparator ) );
[[level.busMethods[level.commonFunctions.SetOutboundData]]]( level.eventBus.outLocation, "" );
NotifyClientEvent( strtok( eventString, ";" ) );
SetDvar( level.eventBus.outVar, "" );
QueueEvent( request, eventType, notifyEntity )
level endon( level.eventTypes.gameEnd );
level endon( "game_ended" );
start = GetTime();
maxWait = level.eventBus.timeout * 1000; // 30 seconds
timedOut = "";
while ( [[level.busMethods[level.commonFunctions.getInboundData]]]( level.eventBus.inLocation ) != "" && ( GetTime() - start ) < maxWait )
while ( GetDvar( level.eventBus.inVar ) != "" && ( GetTime() - start ) < maxWait )
level [[level.overrideMethods[level.commonFunctions.waittillNotifyOrTimeout]]]( "bus_ready", 1 );
level [[level.overrideMethods["waittill_notify_or_timeout"]]]( "bus_ready", 1 );
if ( [[level.busMethods[level.commonFunctions.getInboundData]]]( level.eventBus.inLocation ) != "" )
if ( GetDvar( level.eventBus.inVar ) != "" )
LogDebug( "A request is already in progress..." );
timedOut = "set";
timedOut = "unset";
if ( timedOut == "set" )
if ( timedOut == "set")
LogDebug( "Timed out waiting for response..." );
@ -430,14 +520,14 @@ QueueEvent( request, eventType, notifyEntity )
notifyEntity NotifyClientEventTimeout( eventType );
[[level.busMethods[level.commonFunctions.SetInboundData]]]( level.eventBus.inLocation, "" );
SetDvar( level.eventBus.inVar, "" );
LogDebug( "<- " + request );
[[level.busMethods[level.commonFunctions.setInboundData]]]( level.eventBus.inLocation, request );
LogDebug("<- " + request );
SetDvar( level.eventBus.inVar, request );
ParseDataString( data )
@ -447,43 +537,23 @@ ParseDataString( data )
LogDebug( "No data to parse" );
return [];
dataParts = strtok( data, GetSubStr( GetDvar( "RecordSeparatorChar" ), 0, 1 ) );
dataParts = strtok( data, "|" );
dict = [];
for ( i = 0; i < dataParts.size; i++ )
part = dataParts[i];
splitPart = strtok( part, GetSubStr( GetDvar( "UnitSeparatorChar" ), 0, 1 ) );
splitPart = strtok( part, "=" );
key = splitPart[0];
value = splitPart[1];
dict[key] = value;
dict[i] = key;
return dict;
BuildDataString( data )
if ( IsString( data ) )
return data;
dataString = "";
keys = GetArrayKeys( data );
unitSeparator = GetSubStr( GetDvar( "UnitSeparatorChar" ), 0, 1 );
recordSeparator = GetSubStr( GetDvar( "RecordSeparatorChar" ), 0, 1 );
for ( i = 0; i < keys.size; i++ )
dataString = dataString + keys[i] + unitSeparator + data[keys[i]] + recordSeparator;
return dataString;
NotifyClientEventTimeout( eventType )
// todo: make this actual eventing
@ -493,18 +563,23 @@ NotifyClientEventTimeout( eventType )
NotifyEvent( eventInfo )
NotifyClientEvent( eventInfo )
origin = [[level.overrideMethods[level.commonFunctions.getPlayerFromClientNum]]]( int( eventInfo[3] ) );
target = [[level.overrideMethods[level.commonFunctions.getPlayerFromClientNum]]]( int( eventInfo[4] ) );
origin = getPlayerFromClientNum( int( eventInfo[3] ) );
target = getPlayerFromClientNum( int( eventInfo[4] ) );
event = spawnstruct();
event.type = eventInfo[1];
event.subtype = eventInfo[2];
|||| = ParseDataString( eventInfo[5] );
|||| = eventInfo[5];
event.origin = origin;
|||| = target;
if ( IsDefined( ) )
LogDebug( "NotifyClientEvent->" + );
if ( int( eventInfo[3] ) != -1 && !IsDefined( origin ) )
LogDebug( "origin is null but the slot id is " + int( eventInfo[3] ) );
@ -514,15 +589,41 @@ NotifyEvent( eventInfo )
LogDebug( "target is null but the slot id is " + int( eventInfo[4] ) );
client = event.origin;
if ( !IsDefined( client ) )
if ( IsDefined( target ) )
client =;
else if ( IsDefined( origin ) )
client = event.origin;
LogDebug( "Neither origin or target are set but we are a Client Event, aborting" );
client.event = event;
level notify( level.eventTypes.localClientEvent, client );
event.entity = client;
level notify( level.eventTypes.eventAvailable, event );
GetPlayerFromClientNum( clientNum )
if ( clientNum < 0 )
return undefined;
for ( i = 0; i < level.players.size; i++ )
if ( level.players[i] getEntityNumber() == clientNum )
return level.players[i];
return undefined;
AddClientCommand( commandName, shouldRunAsTarget, callback, shouldOverwrite )
@ -531,7 +632,7 @@ AddClientCommand( commandName, shouldRunAsTarget, callback, shouldOverwrite )
level.clientCommandCallbacks[commandName] = callback;
level.clientCommandRusAsTarget[commandName] = shouldRunAsTarget == true; //might speed up things later in case someone gives us a string or number instead of a boolean
@ -542,7 +643,7 @@ AddClientCommand( commandName, shouldRunAsTarget, callback, shouldOverwrite )
OnClientDataReceived( event )
assertEx( isDefined( self ), "player entity is not defined");
|||| = ParseDataString( );
clientData = self.pers[level.clientDataKey];
if ( event.subtype == "Fail" )
@ -558,15 +659,15 @@ OnClientDataReceived( event )
clientData.meta = [];
metaKey =[0];
clientData.meta[metaKey] =[metaKey];
LogDebug( "Meta Key=" + CoerceUndefined( metaKey ) + ", Meta Value=" + CoerceUndefined([metaKey] ) );
LogDebug( "Meta Key=" + metaKey + ", Meta Value=" +[metaKey] );
clientData.permissionLevel =["level"];
clientData.clientId =["clientId"];
clientData.lastConnection =["lastConnection"];
@ -574,13 +675,15 @@ OnClientDataReceived( event )
clientData.performance =["performance"];
clientData.state = "complete";
self.persistentClientId =["clientId"];
self thread DisplayWelcomeData();
OnExecuteCommand( event )
data =;
data = ParseDataString( );
response = "";
command = level.clientCommandCallbacks[event.subtype];
runAsTarget = level.clientCommandRusAsTarget[event.subtype];
executionContextEntity = event.origin;
@ -589,23 +692,16 @@ OnExecuteCommand( event )
executionContextEntity =;
if ( IsDefined( command ) )
if ( IsDefined( executionContextEntity ) )
response = executionContextEntity thread [[command]]( event, data );
thread [[command]]( event );
response = executionContextEntity [[command]]( event, data );
LogDebug( "Unknown Client command->" + event.subtype );
// send back the response to the origin, but only if they're not the target
if ( IsDefined( response ) && response != "" && IsPlayer( event.origin ) && event.origin != )
@ -615,15 +711,6 @@ OnExecuteCommand( event )
OnSetClientDataCompleted( event )
LogDebug( "Set Client Data -> subtype = " + CoerceUndefined( event.subType ) + ", status = " + CoerceUndefined(["status"] ) );
CoerceUndefined( object )
if ( !IsDefined( object ) )
return "undefined";
return object;
// IW4MAdmin let us know it persisted (success or fail)
LogDebug( "Set Client Data -> subtype = " + event.subType + " status = " +["status"] );
@ -2,23 +2,24 @@
level.eventBus.gamename = "IW4";
thread Setup();
level endon( "game_ended" );
level waittill( level.notifyTypes.sharedFunctionsInitialized );
level.eventBus.gamename = "IW4";
// it's possible that the notify type has not been defined yet so we have to hard code it
level waittill( "IntegrationBootstrapInitialized" );
scripts\_integration_base::RegisterLogger( ::Log2Console );
level.overrideMethods[level.commonFunctions.getTotalShotsFired] = ::GetTotalShotsFired;
level.overrideMethods[level.commonFunctions.setDvar] = ::SetDvarIfUninitializedWrapper;
level.overrideMethods[level.commonFunctions.isBot] = ::IsBotWrapper;
level.overrideMethods[level.commonFunctions.getXuid] = ::GetXuidWrapper;
level.overrideMethods["GetTotalShotsFired"] = ::GetTotalShotsFired;
level.overrideMethods[level.commonFunctions.setDvar] = ::_SetDvarIfUninitialized;
level.overrideMethods[level.commonFunctions.isBot] = ::IsTestClient;
level.overrideMethods["waittill_notify_or_timeout"] = ::_waittill_notify_or_timeout;
level.overrideMethods[level.commonFunctions.changeTeam] = ::ChangeTeam;
level.overrideMethods[level.commonFunctions.getTeamCounts] = ::CountPlayers;
level.overrideMethods[level.commonFunctions.getMaxClients] = ::GetMaxClients;
@ -27,25 +28,17 @@ Setup()
level.overrideMethods[level.commonFunctions.getClientKillStreak] = ::GetClientKillStreak;
level.overrideMethods[level.commonFunctions.backupRestoreClientKillStreakData] = ::BackupRestoreClientKillStreakData;
level.overrideMethods[level.commonFunctions.waitTillAnyTimeout] = ::WaitTillAnyTimeout;
level.overrideMethods[level.commonFunctions.waittillNotifyOrTimeout] = ::WaitillNotifyOrTimeoutWrapper;
level.overrideMethods[level.commonFunctions.getInboundData] = ::GetInboundData;
level.overrideMethods[level.commonFunctions.getOutboundData] = ::GetOutboundData;
level.overrideMethods[level.commonFunctions.setInboundData] = ::SetInboundData;
level.overrideMethods[level.commonFunctions.setOutboundData] = ::SetOutboundData;
level notify( level.notifyTypes.gameFunctionsInitialized );
scripts\_integration_base::_SetDvarIfUninitialized( level.commonKeys.busdir, GetDvar( "fs_homepath" ) + "userraw/" + "scriptdata" );
if ( GetDvarInt( level.commonKeys.enabled ) != 1 )
if ( GetDvarInt( "sv_iw4madmin_integration_enabled" ) != 1 )
thread OnPlayerConnect();
level thread OnPlayerConnect();
@ -56,12 +49,12 @@ OnPlayerConnect()
level waittill( "connected", player );
if ( player IsTestClient() )
if ( player call [[ level.overrideMethods[ level.commonFunctions.isBot ] ]]() )
// we don't want to track bots
player thread SetPersistentData();
player thread WaitForClientEvents();
@ -92,7 +85,7 @@ WaitForClientEvents()
for ( ;; )
self waittill( level.eventTypes.eventAvailable, event );
self waittill( level.eventTypes.localClientEvent, event );
scripts\_integration_base::LogDebug( "Received client event " + event.type );
@ -104,26 +97,6 @@ WaitForClientEvents()
GetInboundData( location )
return FileRead( location );
GetOutboundData( location )
return FileRead( location );
SetInboundData( location, data )
FileWrite( location, data, "write" );
SetOutboundData( location, data )
FileWrite( location, data, "write" );
return level.maxClients;
@ -211,7 +184,12 @@ GetTotalShotsFired()
return maps\mp\_utility::getPlayerStat( "mostshotsfired" );
WaitillNotifyOrTimeoutWrapper( _notify, timeout )
_SetDvarIfUninitialized( dvar, value )
SetDvarIfUninitialized( dvar, value );
_waittill_notify_or_timeout( _notify, timeout )
common_scripts\utility::waittill_notify_or_timeout( _notify, timeout );
@ -221,21 +199,6 @@ Log2Console( logLevel, message )
PrintConsole( "[" + logLevel + "] " + message + "\n" );
SetDvarIfUninitializedWrapper( dvar, value )
SetDvarIfUninitialized( dvar, value );
return self GetXUID();
IsBotWrapper( client )
return client IsTestClient();
// GUID helpers
@ -549,7 +512,11 @@ HideImpl()
AlertImpl( event, data )
self thread maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::oldNotifyMessage( data["alertType"], data["message"], "compass_waypoint_target", ( 1, 0, 0 ), "ui_mp_nukebomb_timer", 7.5 );
if ( level.eventBus.gamename == "IW4" )
self thread maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::oldNotifyMessage( data["alertType"], data["message"], "compass_waypoint_target", ( 1, 0, 0 ), "ui_mp_nukebomb_timer", 7.5 );
return "Sent alert to " +;
@ -1,46 +1,92 @@
#include common_scripts\utility;
#inline scripts\_integration_utility;
level.eventBus.gamename = "IW5";
thread Setup();
level endon( "game_ended" );
level waittill( level.notifyTypes.sharedFunctionsInitialized );
level.eventBus.gamename = "IW5";
scripts\_integration_base::RegisterLogger( ::Log2Console );
level.overrideMethods[level.commonFunctions.getTotalShotsFired] = ::GetTotalShotsFired;
level.overrideMethods[level.commonFunctions.setDvar] = ::SetDvarIfUninitializedWrapper;
level.overrideMethods[level.commonFunctions.waittillNotifyOrTimeout] = ::WaitillNotifyOrTimeoutWrapper;
level.overrideMethods[level.commonFunctions.isBot] = ::IsBotWrapper;
level.overrideMethods[level.commonFunctions.getXuid] = ::GetXuidWrapper;
level.overrideMethods[level.commonFunctions.waitTillAnyTimeout] = ::WaitTillAnyTimeout;
// it's possible that the notify type has not been defined yet so we have to hard code it
level waittill( "IntegrationBootstrapInitialized" );
scripts\mp\_integration_base::RegisterLogger( ::Log2Console );
level.overrideMethods["GetTotalShotsFired"] = ::GetTotalShotsFired;
level.overrideMethods["SetDvarIfUninitialized"] = ::_SetDvarIfUninitialized;
level.overrideMethods["waittill_notify_or_timeout"] = ::_waittill_notify_or_timeout;
level.overrideMethods[level.commonFunctions.isBot] = ::IsTestClient;
level notify( level.notifyTypes.gameFunctionsInitialized );
if ( GetDvarInt( "sv_iw4madmin_integration_enabled" ) != 1 )
level thread OnPlayerConnect();
level endon ( "game_ended" );
for ( ;; )
level waittill( "connected", player );
if ( player call [[ level.overrideMethods[ level.commonFunctions.isBot ] ]]() )
// we don't want to track bots
player thread SetPersistentData();
player thread WaitForClientEvents();
scripts\_integration_base::AddClientCommand( "GiveWeapon", true, ::GiveWeaponImpl );
scripts\_integration_base::AddClientCommand( "TakeWeapons", true, ::TakeWeaponsImpl );
scripts\_integration_base::AddClientCommand( "SwitchTeams", true, ::TeamSwitchImpl );
scripts\_integration_base::AddClientCommand( "Hide", false, ::HideImpl );
scripts\_integration_base::AddClientCommand( "Alert", true, ::AlertImpl );
scripts\_integration_base::AddClientCommand( "Goto", false, ::GotoImpl );
scripts\_integration_base::AddClientCommand( "Kill", true, ::KillImpl );
scripts\_integration_base::AddClientCommand( "SetSpectator", true, ::SetSpectatorImpl );
scripts\_integration_base::AddClientCommand( "LockControls", true, ::LockControlsImpl );
scripts\_integration_base::AddClientCommand( "PlayerToMe", true, ::PlayerToMeImpl );
scripts\_integration_base::AddClientCommand( "NoClip", false, ::NoClipImpl );
scripts\mp\_integration_base::AddClientCommand( "GiveWeapon", true, ::GiveWeaponImpl );
scripts\mp\_integration_base::AddClientCommand( "TakeWeapons", true, ::TakeWeaponsImpl );
scripts\mp\_integration_base::AddClientCommand( "SwitchTeams", true, ::TeamSwitchImpl );
scripts\mp\_integration_base::AddClientCommand( "Hide", false, ::HideImpl );
scripts\mp\_integration_base::AddClientCommand( "Alert", true, ::AlertImpl );
scripts\mp\_integration_base::AddClientCommand( "Goto", false, ::GotoImpl );
scripts\mp\_integration_base::AddClientCommand( "Kill", true, ::KillImpl );
scripts\mp\_integration_base::AddClientCommand( "SetSpectator", true, ::SetSpectatorImpl );
scripts\mp\_integration_base::AddClientCommand( "LockControls", true, ::LockControlsImpl );
scripts\mp\_integration_base::AddClientCommand( "PlayerToMe", true, ::PlayerToMeImpl );
scripts\mp\_integration_base::AddClientCommand( "NoClip", false, ::NoClipImpl );
self endon( "disconnect" );
// example of requesting a meta value
lastServerMetaKey = "LastServerPlayed";
// self scripts\mp\_integration_base::RequestClientMeta( lastServerMetaKey );
for ( ;; )
self waittill( level.eventTypes.localClientEvent, event );
scripts\mp\_integration_base::LogDebug( "Received client event " + event.type );
if ( event.type == level.eventTypes.clientDataReceived &&[0] == lastServerMetaKey )
clientData = self.pers[level.clientDataKey];
lastServerPlayed = clientData.meta[lastServerMetaKey];
@ -48,12 +94,12 @@ GetTotalShotsFired()
return maps\mp\_utility::getPlayerStat( "mostshotsfired" );
SetDvarIfUninitializedWrapper( dvar, value )
_SetDvarIfUninitialized( dvar, value )
SetDvarIfUninitialized( dvar, value );
WaitillNotifyOrTimeoutWrapper( _notify, timeout )
_waittill_notify_or_timeout( _notify, timeout )
common_scripts\utility::waittill_notify_or_timeout( _notify, timeout );
@ -63,19 +109,135 @@ Log2Console( logLevel, message )
Print( "[" + logLevel + "] " + message + "\n" );
IsBotWrapper( client )
// GUID helpers
return client IsTestClient();
self endon( "disconnect" );
guidHigh = self GetPlayerData( "bests", "none" );
guidLow = self GetPlayerData( "awards", "none" );
persistentGuid = guidHigh + "," + guidLow;
guidIsStored = guidHigh != 0 && guidLow != 0;
if ( guidIsStored )
// give IW4MAdmin time to collect IP
wait( 15 );
scripts\mp\_integration_base::LogDebug( "Uploading persistent guid " + persistentGuid );
scripts\mp\_integration_base::SetClientMeta( "PersistentClientGuid", persistentGuid );
guid = self SplitGuid();
scripts\mp\_integration_base::LogDebug( "Persisting client guid " + guidHigh + "," + guidLow );
self SetPlayerData( "bests", "none", guid["high"] );
self SetPlayerData( "awards", "none", guid["low"] );
return self GetXUID();
guid = self GetGuid();
if ( isDefined( self.guid ) )
guid = self.guid;
firstPart = 0;
secondPart = 0;
stringLength = 17;
firstPartExp = 0;
secondPartExp = 0;
for ( i = stringLength - 1; i > 0; i-- )
char = GetSubStr( guid, i - 1, i );
if ( char == "" )
char = "0";
if ( i > stringLength / 2 )
value = GetIntForHexChar( char );
power = Pow( 16, secondPartExp );
secondPart = secondPart + ( value * power );
value = GetIntForHexChar( char );
power = Pow( 16, firstPartExp );
firstPart = firstPart + ( value * power );
split = [];
split["low"] = int( secondPart );
split["high"] = int( firstPart );
return split;
WaitTillAnyTimeout( timeOut, string1, string2, string3, string4, string5 )
Pow( num, exponent )
return common_scripts\utility::waittill_any_timeout( timeOut, string1, string2, string3, string4, string5 );
result = 1;
while( exponent != 0 )
result = result * num;
return result;
GetIntForHexChar( char )
char = ToLower( char );
// generated by co-pilot because I can't be bothered to make it more "elegant"
switch( char )
case "0":
return 0;
case "1":
return 1;
case "2":
return 2;
case "3":
return 3;
case "4":
return 4;
case "5":
return 5;
case "6":
return 6;
case "7":
return 7;
case "8":
return 8;
case "9":
return 9;
case "a":
return 10;
case "b":
return 11;
case "c":
return 12;
case "d":
return 13;
case "e":
return 14;
case "f":
return 15;
return 0;
@ -84,36 +246,45 @@ WaitTillAnyTimeout( timeOut, string1, string2, string3, string4, string5 )
GiveWeaponImpl( event, data )
_IS_ALIVE( self );
if ( !IsAlive( self ) )
return + "^7 is not alive";
self IPrintLnBold( "You have been given a new weapon" );
self GiveWeapon( data["weaponName"] );
self SwitchToWeapon( data["weaponName"] );
return + "^7 has been given ^5" + data["weaponName"];
_IS_ALIVE( self );
if ( !IsAlive( self ) )
return + "^7 is not alive";
self TakeAllWeapons();
self IPrintLnBold( "All your weapons have been taken" );
return "Took weapons from " +;
_IS_ALIVE( self );
if ( !IsAlive( self ) )
return self + "^7 is not alive";
team = level.allies;
if ( == "allies" )
team = level.axis;
self IPrintLnBold( "You are being team switched" );
wait( 2 );
self [[team]]();
@ -123,7 +294,10 @@ TeamSwitchImpl()
_IS_ALIVE( self );
if ( !IsAlive( self ) )
return + "^7 is not alive";
if ( !IsDefined ( self.isControlLocked ) )
@ -139,11 +313,11 @@ LockControlsImpl()
info = [];
info[ "alertType" ] = "Alert!";
info[ "message" ] = "You have been frozen!";
self AlertImpl( undefined, info );
self.isControlLocked = true;
return + "\'s controls are locked";
@ -160,13 +334,11 @@ LockControlsImpl()
if ( !IsAlive( self ) )
self IPrintLnBold( "You are not alive" );
if ( !IsDefined ( self.isNoClipped ) )
self.isNoClipped = false;
@ -176,29 +348,29 @@ NoClipImpl()
SetDvar( "sv_cheats", 1 );
self SetClientDvar( "cg_thirdperson", 1 );
self God();
self Noclip();
self Hide();
SetDvar( "sv_cheats", 0 );
self.isNoClipped = true;
self IPrintLnBold( "NoClip enabled" );
SetDvar( "sv_cheats", 1 );
self SetClientDvar( "cg_thirdperson", 0 );
self God();
self Noclip();
self Hide();
SetDvar( "sv_cheats", 0 );
self.isNoClipped = false;
self IPrintLnBold( "NoClip disabled" );
@ -207,13 +379,12 @@ NoClipImpl()
if ( !IsAlive( self ) )
self IPrintLnBold( "You are not alive" );
if ( !IsDefined ( self.isHidden ) )
self.isHidden = false;
@ -223,33 +394,36 @@ HideImpl()
SetDvar( "sv_cheats", 1 );
self SetClientDvar( "cg_thirdperson", 1 );
self God();
self Hide();
SetDvar( "sv_cheats", 0 );
self.isHidden = true;
self IPrintLnBold( "Hide enabled" );
SetDvar( "sv_cheats", 1 );
self SetClientDvar( "cg_thirdperson", 0 );
self God();
self Show();
SetDvar( "sv_cheats", 0 );
self.isHidden = false;
self IPrintLnBold( "Hide disabled" );
AlertImpl( event, data )
self thread maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::oldNotifyMessage( data["alertType"], data["message"], undefined, ( 1, 0, 0 ), "ui_mp_nukebomb_timer", 7.5 );
if ( level.eventBus.gamename == "IW5" ) {
self thread maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::oldNotifyMessage( data["alertType"], data["message"], undefined, ( 1, 0, 0 ), "ui_mp_nukebomb_timer", 7.5 );
return "Sent alert to " +;
@ -267,8 +441,6 @@ GotoImpl( event, data )
GotoCoordImpl( data )
if ( !IsAlive( self ) )
self IPrintLnBold( "You are not alive" );
@ -282,8 +454,6 @@ GotoCoordImpl( data )
GotoPlayerImpl( target )
if ( !IsAlive( target ) )
self IPrintLnBold( + " is not alive" );
@ -296,7 +466,10 @@ GotoPlayerImpl( target )
PlayerToMeImpl( event )
_IS_ALIVE( self );
if ( !IsAlive( self ) )
return + " is not alive";
self SetOrigin( event.origin GetOrigin() );
return "Moved here " +;
@ -304,7 +477,10 @@ PlayerToMeImpl( event )
_IS_ALIVE( self );
if ( !IsAlive( self ) )
return + " is not alive";
self Suicide();
self IPrintLnBold( "You were killed by " + );
@ -314,15 +490,13 @@ KillImpl()
if ( self.pers["team"] == "spectator" )
return + " is already spectating";
self [[level.spectator]]();
self IPrintLnBold( "You have been moved to spectator" );
return + " has been moved to spectator";
@ -1,3 +1,4 @@
thread Setup();
@ -5,11 +6,8 @@ Init()
wait ( 0.05 );
level endon( "game_ended" );
level waittill( level.notifyTypes.integrationBootstrapInitialized );
level.commonFunctions.changeTeam = "ChangeTeam";
level.commonFunctions.getTeamCounts = "GetTeamCounts";
level.commonFunctions.getMaxClients = "GetMaxClients";
@ -17,10 +15,7 @@ Setup()
level.commonFunctions.getClientTeam = "GetClientTeam";
level.commonFunctions.getClientKillStreak = "GetClientKillStreak";
level.commonFunctions.backupRestoreClientKillStreakData = "BackupRestoreClientKillStreakData";
level.commonFunctions.getTotalShotsFired = "GetTotalShotsFired";
level.commonFunctions.waitTillAnyTimeout = "WaitTillAnyTimeout";
level.commonFunctions.isBot = "IsBot";
level.commonFunctions.getXuid = "GetXuid";
level.overrideMethods[level.commonFunctions.changeTeam] = scripts\_integration_base::NotImplementedFunction;
level.overrideMethods[level.commonFunctions.getTeamCounts] = scripts\_integration_base::NotImplementedFunction;
@ -30,52 +25,31 @@ Setup()
level.overrideMethods[level.commonFunctions.getClientKillStreak] = scripts\_integration_base::NotImplementedFunction;
level.overrideMethods[level.commonFunctions.backupRestoreClientKillStreakData] = scripts\_integration_base::NotImplementedFunction;
level.overrideMethods[level.commonFunctions.waitTillAnyTimeout] = scripts\_integration_base::NotImplementedFunction;
level.overrideMethods[level.commonFunctions.getXuid] = scripts\_integration_base::NotImplementedFunction;
level.overrideMethods[level.commonFunctions.isBot] = scripts\_integration_base::NotImplementedFunction;
// these can be overridden per game if needed
level.commonKeys.team1 = "allies";
level.commonKeys.team2 = "axis";
level.commonKeys.teamSpectator = "spectator";
level.commonKeys.autoBalance = "sv_iw4madmin_autobalance";
level.eventTypes.connect = "connected";
level.eventTypes.disconnect = "disconnect";
level.eventTypes.joinTeam = "joined_team";
level.eventTypes.joinSpec = "joined_spectators";
level.eventTypes.spawned = "spawned_player";
level.eventTypes.gameEnd = "game_ended";
level.eventTypes.urlRequested = "UrlRequested";
level.eventTypes.urlRequestCompleted = "UrlRequestCompleted";
level.eventTypes.registerCommandRequested = "RegisterCommandRequested";
level.eventTypes.getCommandsRequested = "GetCommandsRequested";
level.eventTypes.getBusModeRequested = "GetBusModeRequested";
level.eventCallbacks[level.eventTypes.urlRequestCompleted] = ::OnUrlRequestCompletedCallback;
level.eventCallbacks[level.eventTypes.getCommandsRequested] = ::OnCommandsRequestedCallback;
level.eventCallbacks[level.eventTypes.getBusModeRequested] = ::OnBusModeRequestedCallback;
level.iw4madminIntegrationDefaultPerformance = 200;
level.notifyEntities = [];
level.customCommands = [];
level notify( level.notifyTypes.sharedFunctionsInitialized );
level waittill( level.notifyTypes.gameFunctionsInitialized );
if ( GetDvarInt( "sv_iw4madmin_integration_enabled" ) != 1 )
scripts\_integration_base::_SetDvarIfUninitialized( level.commonKeys.autoBalance, 0 );
if ( GetDvarInt( level.commonKeys.enabled ) != 1 )
if ( GetDvarInt( "sv_iw4madmin_autobalance" ) != 1 )
thread OnPlayerConnect();
_IsBot( player )
return [[level.overrideMethods[level.commonFunctions.isBot]]]( player );
level thread OnPlayerConnect();
@ -85,28 +59,7 @@ OnPlayerConnect()
for ( ;; )
level waittill( level.eventTypes.connect, player );
if ( _IsBot( player ) )
// we don't want to track bots
if ( !IsDefined( player.pers[level.clientDataKey] ) )
player.pers[level.clientDataKey] = spawnstruct();
player thread OnPlayerSpawned();
player thread OnPlayerJoinedTeam();
player thread OnPlayerJoinedSpectators();
player thread PlayerTrackingOnInterval();
if ( GetDvarInt( level.commonKeys.autoBalance ) != 1 || !IsDefined( [[level.overrideMethods[level.commonFunctions.getTeamBased]]]() ) )
if ( ![[level.overrideMethods[level.commonFunctions.getTeamBased]]]() )
@ -115,341 +68,13 @@ OnPlayerConnect()
teamToJoin = player GetTeamToJoin();
player [[level.overrideMethods[level.commonFunctions.changeTeam]]]( teamToJoin );
player thread OnPlayerFirstSpawn();
player thread OnPlayerDisconnect();
player thread OnClientFirstSpawn();
player thread OnClientJoinedTeam();
player thread OnClientDisconnect();
self endon( level.eventTypes.disconnect );
clientData = self.pers[level.clientDataKey];
// this gives IW4MAdmin some time to register the player before making the request;
// although probably not necessary some users might have a slow database or poll rate
wait ( 2 );
if ( IsDefined( clientData.state ) && clientData.state == "complete" )
self scripts\_integration_base::RequestClientBasicData();
self waittill( level.eventTypes.clientDataReceived, clientEvent );
if ( clientData.permissionLevel == "User" || clientData.permissionLevel == "Flagged" )
self IPrintLnBold( "Welcome, your level is ^5" + clientData.permissionLevel );
wait( 2.0 );
self IPrintLnBold( "You were last seen ^5" + clientData.lastConnection + " ago" );
self endon( level.eventTypes.disconnect );
for ( ;; )
wait ( 120 );
if ( IsAlive( self ) )
self SaveTrackingMetrics();
if ( !IsDefined( self.persistentClientId ) )
scripts\_integration_base::LogDebug( "Saving tracking metrics for " + self.persistentClientId );
if ( !IsDefined( self.lastShotCount ) )
self.lastShotCount = 0;
currentShotCount = self [[level.overrideMethods["GetTotalShotsFired"]]]();
change = currentShotCount - self.lastShotCount;
self.lastShotCount = currentShotCount;
scripts\_integration_base::LogDebug( "Total Shots Fired increased by " + change );
if ( !IsDefined( change ) )
change = 0;
if ( change == 0 )
scripts\_integration_base::IncrementClientMeta( "TotalShotsFired", change, self.persistentClientId );
OnBusModeRequestedCallback( event )
data = [];
data["mode"] = GetDvar( level.commonKeys.busMode );
data["directory"] = GetDvar( level.commonKeys.busDir );
data["inLocation"] = level.eventBus.inLocation;
data["outLocation"] = level.eventBus.outLocation;
scripts\_integration_base::LogDebug( "Bus mode requested" );
busModeRequest = scripts\_integration_base::BuildEventRequest( false, level.eventTypes.getBusModeRequested, "", undefined, data );
scripts\_integration_base::QueueEvent( busModeRequest, level.eventTypes.getBusModeRequested, undefined );
scripts\_integration_base::LogDebug( "Bus mode updated" );
if ( GetDvar( level.commonKeys.busMode ) == "file" && GetDvar( level.commonKeys.busDir ) != "" )
level.busMethods[level.commonFunctions.getInboundData] = level.overrideMethods[level.commonFunctions.getInboundData];
level.busMethods[level.commonFunctions.getOutboundData] = level.overrideMethods[level.commonFunctions.getOutboundData];
level.busMethods[level.commonFunctions.setInboundData] = level.overrideMethods[level.commonFunctions.setInboundData];
level.busMethods[level.commonFunctions.setOutboundData] = level.overrideMethods[level.commonFunctions.setOutboundData];
// #region register script command
OnCommandsRequestedCallback( event )
scripts\_integration_base::LogDebug( "Get commands requested" );
thread SendCommands(["name"] );
SendCommands( commandName )
level endon( level.eventTypes.gameEnd );
for ( i = 0; i < level.customCommands.size; i++ )
data = level.customCommands[i];
if ( IsDefined( commandName ) && commandName != data["name"] )
scripts\_integration_base::LogDebug( "Sending custom command " + ( i + 1 ) + "/" + level.customCommands.size + ": " + data["name"] );
commandRegisterRequest = scripts\_integration_base::BuildEventRequest( false, level.eventTypes.registerCommandRequested, "", undefined, data );
// not threading here as there might be a lot of commands to register
scripts\_integration_base::QueueEvent( commandRegisterRequest, level.eventTypes.registerCommandRequested, undefined );
RegisterScriptCommandObject( command )
RegisterScriptCommand( command.eventKey,, command.alias, command.description, command.minPermission, command.supportedGames, command.requiresTarget, command.handler );
RegisterScriptCommand( eventKey, name, alias, description, minPermission, supportedGames, requiresTarget, handler )
if ( !IsDefined( eventKey ) )
scripts\_integration_base::LogError( "eventKey must be provided for script command" );
data = [];
data["eventKey"] = eventKey;
if ( IsDefined( name ) )
data["name"] = name;
scripts\_integration_base::LogError( "name must be provided for script command" );
if ( IsDefined( alias ) )
data["alias"] = alias;
if ( IsDefined( description ) )
data["description"] = description;
if ( IsDefined( minPermission ) )
data["minPermission"] = minPermission;
if ( IsDefined( supportedGames ) )
data["supportedGames"] = supportedGames;
data["requiresTarget"] = false;
if ( IsDefined( requiresTarget ) )
data["requiresTarget"] = requiresTarget;
if ( IsDefined( handler ) )
level.clientCommandCallbacks[eventKey + "Execute"] = handler;
level.clientCommandRusAsTarget[eventKey + "Execute"] = data["requiresTarget"];
scripts\_integration_base::LogWarning( "handler not defined for script command " + name );
level.customCommands[level.customCommands.size] = data;
// #end region
// #region web requests
RequestUrlObject( request )
return RequestUrl( request.url, request.method, request.body, request.headers, request );
RequestUrl( url, method, body, headers, webNotify )
if ( !IsDefined( webNotify ) )
webNotify = SpawnStruct();
webNotify.url = url;
webNotify.method = method;
webNotify.body = body;
webNotify.headers = headers;
webNotify.index = GetNextNotifyEntity();
scripts\_integration_base::LogDebug( "next notify index is " + webNotify.index );
level.notifyEntities[webNotify.index] = webNotify;
data = [];
data["url"] = webNotify.url;
data["entity"] = webNotify.index;
if ( IsDefined( method ) )
data["method"] = method;
if ( IsDefined( body ) )
data["body"] = body;
if ( IsDefined( headers ) )
headerString = "";
keys = GetArrayKeys( headers );
for ( i = 0; i < keys.size; i++ )
headerString = headerString + keys[i] + ":" + headers[keys[i]] + ",";
data["headers"] = headerString;
webNotifyEvent = scripts\_integration_base::BuildEventRequest( true, level.eventTypes.urlRequested, "", webNotify.index, data );
thread scripts\_integration_base::QueueEvent( webNotifyEvent, level.eventTypes.urlRequested, webNotify );
webNotify thread WaitForUrlRequestComplete();
return webNotify;
level endon( level.eventTypes.gameEnd );
timeoutResult = self [[level.overrideMethods[level.commonFunctions.waitTillAnyTimeout]]]( 30, level.eventTypes.urlRequestCompleted );
if ( timeoutResult == level.eventBus.timeoutKey )
scripts\_integration_base::LogWarning( "Request to " + self.url + " timed out" );
self notify ( level.eventTypes.urlRequestCompleted, "error" );
scripts\_integration_base::LogDebug( "Request to " + self.url + " completed" );
level.notifyEntities[self.index] = undefined;
OnUrlRequestCompletedCallback( event )
if ( !IsDefined( event ) || !IsDefined( ) )
scripts\_integration_base::LogWarning( "Incomplete data for url request callback. [1]" );
notifyEnt =["entity"];
response =["response"];
if ( !IsDefined( notifyEnt ) || !IsDefined( response ) )
scripts\_integration_base::LogWarning( "Incomplete data for url request callback. [2] " + scripts\_integration_base::CoerceUndefined( notifyEnt ) + " , " + scripts\_integration_base::CoerceUndefined( response ) );
webNotify = level.notifyEntities[int( notifyEnt )];
if ( !IsDefined( webNotify.response ) )
webNotify.response = response;
webNotify.response = webNotify.response + response;
if ( int(["remaining"] ) != 0 )
scripts\_integration_base::LogDebug( "Additional data available for url request " + notifyEnt + " (" +["remaining"] + " chunks remaining)" );
scripts\_integration_base::LogDebug( "Notifying " + notifyEnt + " that url request completed" );
webNotify notify( level.eventTypes.urlRequestCompleted, webNotify.response );
max = level.notifyEntities.size + 1;
for ( i = 0; i < max; i++ )
if ( !IsDefined( level.notifyEntities[i] ) )
return i;
return max;
// #end region
// #region team balance
level endon( level.eventTypes.gameEnd );
self endon( "disconnect_logic_end" );
@ -464,7 +89,7 @@ OnPlayerDisconnect()
self endon( level.eventTypes.disconnect );
@ -472,14 +97,6 @@ OnPlayerJoinedTeam()
self waittill( level.eventTypes.joinTeam );
wait( 0.25 );
LogPrint( GenerateJoinTeamString( false ) );
if ( GetDvarInt( level.commonKeys.autoBalance ) != 1 )
if ( IsDefined( self.wasAutoBalanced ) && self.wasAutoBalanced )
self.wasAutoBalanced = false;
@ -492,7 +109,7 @@ OnPlayerJoinedTeam()
if ( newTeam != level.commonKeys.team1 && newTeam != level.commonKeys.team2 )
scripts\_integration_base::LogDebug( "not force balancing " + + " because they switched to spec" );
scripts\_integration_base::LogDebug( "not force balancing " + + " because they switched to spec" );
@ -507,34 +124,12 @@ OnPlayerJoinedTeam()
self endon( level.eventTypes.disconnect );
for ( ;; )
self waittill( level.eventTypes.spawned );
self thread PlayerSpawnEvents();
self endon( level.eventTypes.disconnect );
for( ;; )
self waittill( level.eventTypes.joinSpec );
LogPrint( GenerateJoinTeamString( true ) );
self endon( level.eventTypes.disconnect );
timeoutResult = self [[level.overrideMethods[level.commonFunctions.waitTillAnyTimeout]]]( 30, level.eventTypes.spawned );
if ( timeoutResult != level.eventBus.timeoutKey )
if ( timeoutResult != "timeout" )
@ -729,7 +324,7 @@ GetClosestPerformanceClientForTeam( sourceTeam, excluded )
else if ( candidateValue < closest )
scripts\_integration_base::LogDebug( candidateValue + " is the new best value " );
scripts\_integration_base::LogDebug( candidateValue + " is the new best value ");
choice = players[i];
closest = candidateValue;
@ -854,36 +449,3 @@ GetClientPerformanceOrDefault()
return performance;
GenerateJoinTeamString( isSpectator )
team =;
if ( IsDefined( self.joining_team ) )
team = self.joining_team;
if ( isSpectator || !IsDefined( team ) )
team = "spectator";
guid = self [[level.overrideMethods[level.commonFunctions.getXuid]]]();
if ( guid == "0" )
guid = self.guid;
if ( !IsDefined( guid ) || guid == "0" )
guid = "undefined";
return "JT;" + guid + ";" + self getEntityNumber() + ";" + team + ";" + + "\n";
// #end region
@ -2,43 +2,90 @@
level.eventBus.gamename = "T5";
thread Setup();
level endon( "game_ended" );
level waittill( level.notifyTypes.sharedFunctionsInitialized );
level.eventBus.gamename = "T5";
// it's possible that the notify type has not been defined yet so we have to hard code it
level waittill( "IntegrationBootstrapInitialized" );
scripts\_integration_base::RegisterLogger( ::Log2Console );
scripts\mp\_integration_base::RegisterLogger( ::Log2Console );
level.overrideMethods[level.commonFunctions.getTotalShotsFired] = ::GetTotalShotsFired;
level.overrideMethods[level.commonFunctions.setDvar] = ::SetDvarIfUninitializedWrapper;
level.overrideMethods[level.commonFunctions.waittillNotifyOrTimeout] = ::WaitillNotifyOrTimeoutWrapper;
level.overrideMethods[level.commonFunctions.isBot] = ::IsBotWrapper;
level.overrideMethods[level.commonFunctions.getXuid] = ::GetXuidWrapper;
level.overrideMethods["GetTotalShotsFired"] = ::GetTotalShotsFired;
level.overrideMethods["SetDvarIfUninitialized"] = ::_SetDvarIfUninitialized;
level.overrideMethods["waittill_notify_or_timeout"] = ::_waittill_notify_or_timeout;
level notify( level.notifyTypes.gameFunctionsInitialized );
if ( GetDvarInt( "sv_iw4madmin_integration_enabled" ) != 1 )
level thread OnPlayerConnect();
level endon ( "game_ended" );
for ( ;; )
level waittill( "connected", player );
if ( scripts\mp\_integration_base::_IsBot( player ) )
// we don't want to track bots
//player thread SetPersistentData();
player thread WaitForClientEvents();
scripts\_integration_base::AddClientCommand( "GiveWeapon", true, ::GiveWeaponImpl );
scripts\_integration_base::AddClientCommand( "TakeWeapons", true, ::TakeWeaponsImpl );
scripts\_integration_base::AddClientCommand( "SwitchTeams", true, ::TeamSwitchImpl );
scripts\_integration_base::AddClientCommand( "Hide", false, ::HideImpl );
scripts\_integration_base::AddClientCommand( "Alert", true, ::AlertImpl );
scripts\_integration_base::AddClientCommand( "Goto", false, ::GotoImpl );
scripts\_integration_base::AddClientCommand( "Kill", true, ::KillImpl );
scripts\_integration_base::AddClientCommand( "SetSpectator", true, ::SetSpectatorImpl );
scripts\_integration_base::AddClientCommand( "LockControls", true, ::LockControlsImpl );
scripts\_integration_base::AddClientCommand( "PlayerToMe", true, ::PlayerToMeImpl );
scripts\_integration_base::AddClientCommand( "NoClip", false, ::NoClipImpl );
scripts\mp\_integration_base::AddClientCommand( "GiveWeapon", true, ::GiveWeaponImpl );
scripts\mp\_integration_base::AddClientCommand( "TakeWeapons", true, ::TakeWeaponsImpl );
scripts\mp\_integration_base::AddClientCommand( "SwitchTeams", true, ::TeamSwitchImpl );
scripts\mp\_integration_base::AddClientCommand( "Hide", false, ::HideImpl );
scripts\mp\_integration_base::AddClientCommand( "Alert", true, ::AlertImpl );
scripts\mp\_integration_base::AddClientCommand( "Goto", false, ::GotoImpl );
scripts\mp\_integration_base::AddClientCommand( "Kill", true, ::KillImpl );
scripts\mp\_integration_base::AddClientCommand( "SetSpectator", true, ::SetSpectatorImpl );
scripts\mp\_integration_base::AddClientCommand( "LockControls", true, ::LockControlsImpl );
scripts\mp\_integration_base::AddClientCommand( "PlayerToMe", true, ::PlayerToMeImpl );
scripts\mp\_integration_base::AddClientCommand( "NoClip", false, ::NoClipImpl );
self endon( "disconnect" );
// example of requesting a meta value
lastServerMetaKey = "LastServerPlayed";
// self scripts\mp\_integration_base::RequestClientMeta( lastServerMetaKey );
for ( ;; )
self waittill( level.eventTypes.localClientEvent, event );
scripts\mp\_integration_base::LogDebug( "Received client event " + event.type );
if ( event.type == level.eventTypes.clientDataReceived &&[0] == lastServerMetaKey )
clientData = self.pers[level.clientDataKey];
lastServerPlayed = clientData.meta[lastServerMetaKey];
@ -46,12 +93,12 @@ GetTotalShotsFired()
return maps\mp\gametypes\_persistence::statGet( "total_shots" );
SetDvarIfUninitializedWrapper( dvar, value )
_SetDvarIfUninitialized(dvar, value)
maps\mp\_utility::set_dvar_if_unset( dvar, value );
maps\mp\_utility::set_dvar_if_unset(dvar, value);
WaitillNotifyOrTimeoutWrapper( msg, timer )
_waittill_notify_or_timeout( msg, timer )
self endon( msg );
wait( timer );
@ -64,6 +111,7 @@ Log2Console( logLevel, message )
if ( !IsDefined( self.godmode ) )
self.godmode = false;
@ -81,16 +129,137 @@ God()
IsBotWrapper( client )
// GUID helpers
return client maps\mp\_utility::is_bot();
self endon( "disconnect" );
guidHigh = self GetPlayerData( "bests", "none" );
guidLow = self GetPlayerData( "awards", "none" );
persistentGuid = guidHigh + "," + guidLow;
guidIsStored = guidHigh != 0 && guidLow != 0;
if ( guidIsStored )
// give IW4MAdmin time to collect IP
wait( 15 );
scripts\mp\_integration_base::LogDebug( "Uploading persistent guid " + persistentGuid );
scripts\mp\_integration_base::SetClientMeta( "PersistentClientGuid", persistentGuid );
guid = self SplitGuid();
scripts\mp\_integration_base::LogDebug( "Persisting client guid " + guidHigh + "," + guidLow );
self SetPlayerData( "bests", "none", guid["high"] );
self SetPlayerData( "awards", "none", guid["low"] );
return self GetGuid();
guid = self GetGuid();
if ( isDefined( self.guid ) )
guid = self.guid;
firstPart = 0;
secondPart = 0;
stringLength = 17;
firstPartExp = 0;
secondPartExp = 0;
for ( i = stringLength - 1; i > 0; i-- )
char = GetSubStr( guid, i - 1, i );
if ( char == "" )
char = "0";
if ( i > stringLength / 2 )
value = GetIntForHexChar( char );
power = Pow( 16, secondPartExp );
secondPart = secondPart + ( value * power );
value = GetIntForHexChar( char );
power = Pow( 16, firstPartExp );
firstPart = firstPart + ( value * power );
split = [];
split["low"] = int( secondPart );
split["high"] = int( firstPart );
return split;
Pow( num, exponent )
result = 1;
while( exponent != 0 )
result = result * num;
return result;
GetIntForHexChar( char )
char = ToLower( char );
// generated by co-pilot because I can't be bothered to make it more "elegant"
switch( char )
case "0":
return 0;
case "1":
return 1;
case "2":
return 2;
case "3":
return 3;
case "4":
return 4;
case "5":
return 5;
case "6":
return 6;
case "7":
return 7;
case "8":
return 8;
case "9":
return 9;
case "a":
return 10;
case "b":
return 11;
case "c":
return 12;
case "d":
return 13;
case "e":
return 14;
case "f":
return 15;
return 0;
// Command Implementations
@ -226,7 +395,7 @@ NoClipImpl( event, data )
self IPrintLnBold( "NoClip enabled" );*/
scripts\_integration_base::LogWarning( "NoClip is not supported on T5!" );
scripts\mp\_integration_base::LogWarning( "NoClip is not supported on T5!" );
@ -1,384 +0,0 @@
#include common_scripts\utility;
thread Setup();
level endon( "end_game" );
level waittill( level.notifyTypes.sharedFunctionsInitialized );
level.eventBus.gamename = "T5";
level.eventTypes.gameEnd = "end_game";
scripts\_integration_base::RegisterLogger( ::Log2Console );
level.overrideMethods[level.commonFunctions.getTotalShotsFired] = ::GetTotalShotsFired;
level.overrideMethods[level.commonFunctions.setDvar] = ::SetDvarIfUninitializedWrapper;
level.overrideMethods[level.commonFunctions.waittillNotifyOrTimeout] = ::WaitillNotifyOrTimeoutWrapper;
level.overrideMethods[level.commonFunctions.isBot] = ::IsBotWrapper;
level.overrideMethods[level.commonFunctions.getXuid] = ::GetXuidWrapper;
level.overrideMethods[level.commonFunction.getPlayerFromClientNum] = ::_GetPlayerFromClientNum;
level notify( level.notifyTypes.gameFunctionsInitialized );
scripts\_integration_base::AddClientCommand( "GiveWeapon", true, ::GiveWeaponImpl );
scripts\_integration_base::AddClientCommand( "TakeWeapons", true, ::TakeWeaponsImpl );
scripts\_integration_base::AddClientCommand( "SwitchTeams", true, ::TeamSwitchImpl );
scripts\_integration_base::AddClientCommand( "Hide", false, ::HideImpl );
scripts\_integration_base::AddClientCommand( "Alert", true, ::AlertImpl );
scripts\_integration_base::AddClientCommand( "Goto", false, ::GotoImpl );
scripts\_integration_base::AddClientCommand( "Kill", true, ::KillImpl );
scripts\_integration_base::AddClientCommand( "SetSpectator", true, ::SetSpectatorImpl );
scripts\_integration_base::AddClientCommand( "LockControls", true, ::LockControlsImpl );
scripts\_integration_base::AddClientCommand( "PlayerToMe", true, ::PlayerToMeImpl );
scripts\_integration_base::AddClientCommand( "NoClip", false, ::NoClipImpl );
return 0; //ZM has no shot tracking. TODO: add tracking function for event weapon_fired
SetDvarIfUninitializedWrapper( dvar, value )
if ( GetDvar( dvar ) == "" )
SetDvar( dvar, value );
return value;
return GetDvar( dvar );
WaitillNotifyOrTimeoutWrapper( msg, timer )
self endon( msg );
wait( timer );
Log2Console( logLevel, message )
Print( "[" + logLevel + "] " + message + "\n" );
if ( !IsDefined( self.godmode ) )
self.godmode = false;
if (!self.godmode )
self enableInvulnerability();
self.godmode = true;
self.godmode = false;
self disableInvulnerability();
IsBotWrapper( client )
return ( IsDefined ( client.pers["isBot"] ) && client.pers["isBot"] != 0 );
return self GetXUID();
_GetPlayerFromClientNum( clientNum )
if ( clientNum < 0 )
return undefined;
players = GetPlayers( "all" );
for ( i = 0; i < players.size; i++ )
scripts\_integration_base::LogDebug( i+"/"+players.size+ "=" + players[i].name );
if ( players[i] getEntityNumber() == clientNum )
return players[i];
return undefined;
// Command Implementations
GiveWeaponImpl( event, data )
if ( !IsAlive( self ) )
return + "^7 is not alive";
self IPrintLnBold( "You have been given a new weapon" );
self GiveWeapon( data["weaponName"] );
self SwitchToWeapon( data["weaponName"] );
return + "^7 has been given ^5" + data["weaponName"];
TakeWeaponsImpl( event, data )
if ( !IsAlive( self ) )
return + "^7 is not alive";
self TakeAllWeapons();
self IPrintLnBold( "All your weapons have been taken" );
return "Took weapons from " +;
TeamSwitchImpl( event, data )
if ( !IsAlive( self ) )
return self + "^7 is not alive";
team = level.allies;
if ( == "allies" )
team = level.axis;
self IPrintLnBold( "You are being team switched" );
wait( 2 );
self [[team]]();
return + "^7 switched to " +;
LockControlsImpl( event, data )
if ( !IsAlive( self ) )
return + "^7 is not alive";
if ( !IsDefined ( self.isControlLocked ) )
self.isControlLocked = false;
if ( !self.isControlLocked )
self freezeControls( true );
self God();
self Hide();
info = [];
info[ "alertType" ] = "Alert!";
info[ "message" ] = "You have been frozen!";
self AlertImpl( undefined, info );
self.isControlLocked = true;
return + "\'s controls are locked";
self freezeControls( false );
self God();
self Show();
self.isControlLocked = false;
return + "\'s controls are unlocked";
NoClipImpl( event, data )
/*if ( !IsAlive( self ) )
self IPrintLnBold( "You are not alive" );
if ( !IsDefined ( self.isNoClipped ) )
self.isNoClipped = false;
if ( !self.isNoClipped )
self SetClientDvar( "sv_cheats", 1 );
self SetClientDvar( "cg_thirdperson", 1 );
self SetClientDvar( "sv_cheats", 0 );
self God();
self Noclip();
self Hide();
self.isNoClipped = true;
self IPrintLnBold( "NoClip enabled" );
self SetClientDvar( "sv_cheats", 1 );
self SetClientDvar( "cg_thirdperson", 1 );
self SetClientDvar( "sv_cheats", 0 );
self God();
self Noclip();
self Hide();
self.isNoClipped = false;
self IPrintLnBold( "NoClip disabled" );
self IPrintLnBold( "NoClip enabled" );*/
scripts\_integration_base::LogWarning( "NoClip is not supported on T5!" );
HideImpl( event, data )
if ( !IsAlive( self ) )
self IPrintLnBold( "You are not alive" );
if ( !IsDefined ( self.isHidden ) )
self.isHidden = false;
if ( !self.isHidden )
self SetClientDvar( "sv_cheats", 1 );
self SetClientDvar( "cg_thirdperson", 1 );
self SetClientDvar( "sv_cheats", 0 );
self God();
self Hide();
self.isHidden = true;
self IPrintLnBold( "Hide enabled" );
self SetClientDvar( "sv_cheats", 1 );
self SetClientDvar( "cg_thirdperson", 0 );
self SetClientDvar( "sv_cheats", 0 );
self God();
self Show();
self.isHidden = false;
self IPrintLnBold( "Hide disabled" );
AlertImpl( event, data )
//self thread maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_message::oldNotifyMessage( data["alertType"], data["message"], undefined, ( 1, 0, 0 ), "mpl_sab_ui_suitcasebomb_timer", 7.5 );
self IPrintLnBold( data["message"] );
return "Sent alert to " +;
GotoImpl( event, data )
if ( IsDefined( ) )
return self GotoPlayerImpl( );
return self GotoCoordImpl( data );
GotoCoordImpl( data )
if ( !IsAlive( self ) )
self IPrintLnBold( "You are not alive" );
position = ( int( data["x"] ), int( data["y"] ), int( data["z"]) );
self SetOrigin( position );
self IPrintLnBold( "Moved to " + "("+ position[0] + "," + position[1] + "," + position[2] + ")" );
GotoPlayerImpl( target )
if ( !IsAlive( target ) )
self IPrintLnBold( + " is not alive" );
self SetOrigin( target GetOrigin() );
self IPrintLnBold( "Moved to " + );
PlayerToMeImpl( event, data )
if ( !IsAlive( self ) )
return + " is not alive";
self SetOrigin( event.origin GetOrigin() );
return "Moved here " +;
KillImpl( event, data )
if ( !IsAlive( self ) )
return + " is not alive";
self Suicide();
self IPrintLnBold( "You were killed by " + );
return "You killed " +;
SetSpectatorImpl( event, data )
if ( self.pers["team"] == "spectator" )
return + " is already spectating";
self [[level.spectator]]();
self IPrintLnBold( "You have been moved to spectator" );
return + " has been moved to spectator";
@ -1,395 +0,0 @@
#include common_scripts\utility;
#include maps\mp\_utility;
thread Setup();
level endon( "game_ended" );
level endon( "end_game" );
level waittill( level.notifyTypes.sharedFunctionsInitialized );
level.eventBus.gamename = "T6";
if ( sessionmodeiszombiesgame() )
level.eventTypes.gameEnd = "end_game";
scripts\_integration_base::RegisterLogger( ::Log2Console );
level.overrideMethods[level.commonFunctions.getTotalShotsFired] = ::GetTotalShotsFired;
level.overrideMethods[level.commonFunctions.setDvar] = ::SetDvarIfUninitializedWrapper;
level.overrideMethods[level.commonFunctions.waittillNotifyOrTimeout] = ::WaitillNotifyOrTimeoutWrapper;
level.overrideMethods[level.commonFunctions.isBot] = ::IsBotWrapper;
level.overrideMethods[level.commonFunctions.getXuid] = ::GetXuidWrapper;
level.overrideMethods[level.commonFunctions.waitTillAnyTimeout] = ::WaitTillAnyTimeout;
level notify( level.notifyTypes.gameFunctionsInitialized );
scripts\_integration_base::AddClientCommand( "GiveWeapon", true, ::GiveWeaponImpl );
scripts\_integration_base::AddClientCommand( "TakeWeapons", true, ::TakeWeaponsImpl );
scripts\_integration_base::AddClientCommand( "SwitchTeams", true, ::TeamSwitchImpl );
scripts\_integration_base::AddClientCommand( "Hide", false, ::HideImpl );
scripts\_integration_base::AddClientCommand( "Alert", true, ::AlertImpl );
scripts\_integration_base::AddClientCommand( "Goto", false, ::GotoImpl );
scripts\_integration_base::AddClientCommand( "Kill", true, ::KillImpl );
scripts\_integration_base::AddClientCommand( "SetSpectator", true, ::SetSpectatorImpl );
scripts\_integration_base::AddClientCommand( "LockControls", true, ::LockControlsImpl );
scripts\_integration_base::AddClientCommand( "PlayerToMe", true, ::PlayerToMeImpl );
scripts\_integration_base::AddClientCommand( "NoClip", false, ::NoClipImpl );
return self.pers["total_shots"];
SetDvarIfUninitializedWrapper( dvar, value )
maps\mp\_utility::set_dvar_if_unset( dvar, value );
WaitillNotifyOrTimeoutWrapper( msg, timer )
self endon( msg );
wait( timer );
Log2Console( logLevel, message )
Print( "[" + logLevel + "] " + message + "\n" );
if ( !IsDefined( self.godmode ) )
self.godmode = false;
if (!self.godmode )
self enableInvulnerability();
self.godmode = true;
self.godmode = false;
self disableInvulnerability();
IsBotWrapper( client )
return client maps\mp\_utility::is_bot();
return self GetXUID();
WaitTillAnyTimeout( timeOut, string1, string2, string3, string4, string5 )
return common_scripts\utility::waittill_any_timeout( timeOut, string1, string2, string3, string4, string5 );
// Command Implementations
GiveWeaponImpl( event, data )
if ( !IsAlive( self ) )
return + "^7 is not alive";
if ( isDefined( level.player_too_many_weapons_monitor ) && level.player_too_many_weapons_monitor )
level.player_too_many_weapons_monitor = false;
self notify( "stop_player_too_many_weapons_monitor" );
self IPrintLnBold( "You have been given a new weapon" );
self GiveWeapon( data["weaponName"] );
self SwitchToWeapon( data["weaponName"] );
return + "^7 has been given ^5" + data["weaponName"];
TakeWeaponsImpl( event, data )
if ( !IsAlive( self ) )
return + "^7 is not alive";
self TakeAllWeapons();
self IPrintLnBold( "All your weapons have been taken" );
return "Took weapons from " +;
TeamSwitchImpl( event, data )
if ( !IsAlive( self ) )
return self + "^7 is not alive";
team = level.allies;
if ( == "allies" )
team = level.axis;
self IPrintLnBold( "You are being team switched" );
wait( 2 );
self [[team]]();
return + "^7 switched to " +;
LockControlsImpl( event, data )
if ( !IsAlive( self ) )
return + "^7 is not alive";
if ( !IsDefined ( self.isControlLocked ) )
self.isControlLocked = false;
if ( !self.isControlLocked )
self freezeControls( true );
self God();
self Hide();
info = [];
info[ "alertType" ] = "Alert!";
info[ "message" ] = "You have been frozen!";
self AlertImpl( undefined, info );
self.isControlLocked = true;
return + "\'s controls are locked";
self freezeControls( false );
self God();
self Show();
self.isControlLocked = false;
return + "\'s controls are unlocked";
NoClipImpl( event, data )
/*if ( !IsAlive( self ) )
self IPrintLnBold( "You are not alive" );
if ( !IsDefined ( self.isNoClipped ) )
self.isNoClipped = false;
if ( !self.isNoClipped )
self SetClientDvar( "sv_cheats", 1 );
self SetClientDvar( "cg_thirdperson", 1 );
self SetClientDvar( "sv_cheats", 0 );
self God();
self Noclip();
self Hide();
self.isNoClipped = true;
self IPrintLnBold( "NoClip enabled" );
self SetClientDvar( "sv_cheats", 1 );
self SetClientDvar( "cg_thirdperson", 1 );
self SetClientDvar( "sv_cheats", 0 );
self God();
self Noclip();
self Hide();
self.isNoClipped = false;
self IPrintLnBold( "NoClip disabled" );
self IPrintLnBold( "NoClip enabled" );*/
scripts\_integration_base::LogWarning( "NoClip is not supported on T6!" );
HideImpl( event, data )
if ( !IsAlive( self ) )
self IPrintLnBold( "You are not alive" );
if ( !IsDefined ( self.isHidden ) )
self.isHidden = false;
if ( !self.isHidden )
self SetClientDvar( "sv_cheats", 1 );
self SetClientDvar( "cg_thirdperson", 1 );
self SetClientDvar( "sv_cheats", 0 );
self God();
self Hide();
self.isHidden = true;
self IPrintLnBold( "Hide enabled" );
self SetClientDvar( "sv_cheats", 1 );
self SetClientDvar( "cg_thirdperson", 0 );
self SetClientDvar( "sv_cheats", 0 );
self God();
self Show();
self.isHidden = false;
self IPrintLnBold( "Hide disabled" );
AlertImpl( event, data )
self thread oldNotifyMessage( data["alertType"], data["message"], undefined, ( 1, 0, 0 ), "mpl_sab_ui_suitcasebomb_timer", 7.5 );
return "Sent alert to " +;
GotoImpl( event, data )
if ( IsDefined( ) )
return self GotoPlayerImpl( );
return self GotoCoordImpl( data );
GotoCoordImpl( data )
if ( !IsAlive( self ) )
self IPrintLnBold( "You are not alive" );
position = ( int( data["x"] ), int( data["y"] ), int( data["z"]) );
self SetOrigin( position );
self IPrintLnBold( "Moved to " + "("+ position[0] + "," + position[1] + "," + position[2] + ")" );
GotoPlayerImpl( target )
if ( !IsAlive( target ) )
self IPrintLnBold( + " is not alive" );
self SetOrigin( target GetOrigin() );
self IPrintLnBold( "Moved to " + );
PlayerToMeImpl( event, data )
if ( !IsAlive( self ) )
return + " is not alive";
self SetOrigin( event.origin GetOrigin() );
return "Moved here " +;
KillImpl( event, data )
if ( !IsAlive( self ) )
return + " is not alive";
self Suicide();
self IPrintLnBold( "You were killed by " + );
return "You killed " +;
SetSpectatorImpl( event, data )
if ( self.pers["team"] == "spectator" )
return + " is already spectating";
self [[level.spectator]]();
self IPrintLnBold( "You have been moved to spectator" );
return + " has been moved to spectator";
// T6 specific functions
1:1 the same on MP and ZM but in different includes. Since we probably want to be able to send Alerts on non teambased wagermatches use our own copy.
oldnotifymessage( titletext, notifytext, iconname, glowcolor, sound, duration )
/*if ( level.wagermatch && !level.teambased )
notifydata = spawnstruct();
notifydata.titletext = titletext;
notifydata.notifytext = notifytext;
notifydata.iconname = iconname;
notifydata.sound = sound;
notifydata.duration = duration;
self.startmessagenotifyqueue[ self.startmessagenotifyqueue.size ] = notifydata;
self notify( "received award" );
@ -1,73 +0,0 @@
* *
* This script is optional and not required for *
* standard functionality. To use this script, a third-party *
* plugin named "t6-gsc-utils" must be installed on the *
* game server in the "*\storage\t6\plugins" folder *
* *
* The "t6-gsc-utils" plugin can be obtained from the GitHub *
* repository at: *
* *
* *
* Please make sure to install the plugin before running this *
* script. *
* *
* This script extends the game interface to support the "file" *
* bus mode for Plutonium T6, which allows the game server and IW4M-Admin *
* to communicate via files, rather than over rcon using *
* dvars. *
* *
* By enabling the "file" bus mode, IW4M-Admin can send *
* commands and receive responses from the game server by *
* reading and writing to specific files. This provides a *
* flexible and efficient communication channel. *
* *
* Make sure to configure the server to use the "file" bus *
* mode and set the appropriate file path to *
* establish the communication between IW4M-Admin and the *
* game server. *
* *
* The wiki page for the setup of the game interface, and the bus mode *
* can be found on GitHub at: *
* *
thread Setup();
level waittill( level.notifyTypes.sharedFunctionsInitialized );
level.overrideMethods[level.commonFunctions.getInboundData] = ::GetInboundData;
level.overrideMethods[level.commonFunctions.getOutboundData] = ::GetOutboundData;
level.overrideMethods[level.commonFunctions.setInboundData] = ::SetInboundData;
level.overrideMethods[level.commonFunctions.setOutboundData] = ::SetOutboundData;
scripts\_integration_base::_SetDvarIfUninitialized( level.commonKeys.busdir, GetDvar( "fs_homepath" ) );
GetInboundData( location )
return readFile( location );
GetOutboundData( location )
return readFile( location );
SetInboundData( location, data )
writeFile( location, data );
SetOutboundData( location, data )
writeFile( location, data );
@ -1,93 +0,0 @@
level.startmessagedefaultduration = 2;
level.regulargamemessages = spawnstruct();
level.regulargamemessages.waittime = 6;
thread OnPlayerConnect();
for ( ;; )
level waittill( "connecting", player );
player thread DisplayPopupsWaiter();
self endon( "disconnect" );
self.ranknotifyqueue = [];
if ( !IsDefined( self.pers[ "challengeNotifyQueue" ] ) )
self.pers[ "challengeNotifyQueue" ] = [];
if ( !IsDefined( self.pers[ "contractNotifyQueue" ] ) )
self.pers[ "contractNotifyQueue" ] = [];
self.messagenotifyqueue = [];
self.startmessagenotifyqueue = [];
self.wagernotifyqueue = [];
while ( !level.gameended )
if ( self.startmessagenotifyqueue.size == 0 && self.messagenotifyqueue.size == 0 )
self waittill( "received award" );
if ( level.gameended )
if ( self.startmessagenotifyqueue.size > 0 )
nextnotifydata = self.startmessagenotifyqueue[ 0 ];
arrayremoveindex( self.startmessagenotifyqueue, 0, 0 );
if ( IsDefined( nextnotifydata.duration ) )
duration = nextnotifydata.duration;
duration = level.startmessagedefaultduration;
self maps\mp\gametypes_zm\_hud_message::shownotifymessage( nextnotifydata, duration );
wait ( duration );
else if ( self.messagenotifyqueue.size > 0 )
nextnotifydata = self.messagenotifyqueue[ 0 ];
arrayremoveindex( self.messagenotifyqueue, 0, 0 );
if ( IsDefined( nextnotifydata.duration ) )
duration = nextnotifydata.duration;
duration = level.regulargamemessages.waittime;
self maps\mp\gametypes_zm\_hud_message::shownotifymessage( nextnotifydata, duration );
wait ( 1 );
@ -1,40 +0,0 @@
* This file contains reusable preprocessor directives meant to be used on
* Plutonium & AlterWare clients that are up to date with the latest version.
* Older versions of Plutonium or other clients do not have support for loading
* or parsing "gsh" files.
* Turn off assertions by removing the following define
* gsc-tool will only emit assertions if developer_script dvar is set to 1
* In short, you should not need to remove this define. Just turn them off
* by using the dvar
#define _VERIFY( cond, msg ) \
assertEx( cond, msg )
// This works as an "empty" define here with gsc-tool
#define _VERIFY( cond, msg )
// This function is meant to be used inside "client commands"
// If the client is not alive it shall return an error message
#define _IS_ALIVE( ent ) \
_VERIFY( ent, "player entity is not defined" ); \
if ( !IsAlive( ent ) ) \
{ \
return + "^7 is not alive"; \
// This function should be used to verify if a player entity is defined
#define _VERIFY_PLAYER_ENT( ent ) \
_VERIFY( ent, "player entity is not defined" )
@ -1,88 +0,0 @@
// this gives the game interface time to setup
thread ModuleSetup();
// waiting until the game specific functions are ready
level waittill( level.notifyTypes.gameFunctionsInitialized );
command = SpawnStruct();
// unique key for each command (how iw4madmin identifies the command)
command.eventKey = "PrintLineCommand";
// name of the command (cannot conflict with existing command names)
|||| = "println";
// short version of the command (cannot conflcit with existing command aliases)
command.alias = "pl";
// description of what the command does
command.description = "prints line to game";
// minimum permision required to execute
// valid values: User, Trusted, Moderator, Administrator, SeniorAdmin, Owner
command.minPermission = "Trusted";
// games the command is supported on
// separate with comma or don't define for all
// valid values: IW3, IW4, IW5, IW6, T4, T5, T6, T7, SHG1, CSGO, H1
command.supportedGames = "IW4,IW5,T5,T6";
// indicates if a target player must be provided to execvute on
command.requiresTarget = false;
// code to run when the command is executed
command.handler = ::PrintLnCommandCallback;
// register the command with integration to be send to iw4madmin
scripts\_integration_shared::RegisterScriptCommandObject( command );
// you can also register via parameters
scripts\_integration_shared::RegisterScriptCommand( "AffirmationCommand", "affirm", "af", "provide affirmations", "User", undefined, false, ::AffirmationCommandCallback );
PrintLnCommandCallback( event )
if ( IsDefined(["args"] ) )
IPrintLnBold(["args"] );
scripts\_integration_base::LogDebug( "No data was provided for PrintLnCallback" );
AffirmationCommandCallback( event, _ )
level endon( level.eventTypes.gameEnd );
request = SpawnStruct();
request.url = "";
request.method = "GET";
// If making a post request you can also provide more data
// request.body = "Body of the post message";
// request.headers = [];
// request.headers["Authorization"] = "api-key";
scripts\_integration_shared::RequestUrlObject( request );
request waittill( level.eventTypes.urlRequestCompleted, response );
// horrible json parsing.. but it's just an example
parsedResponse = strtok( response, "\"" );
if ( IsPlayer( self ) )
self IPrintLnBold ( "^5" + parsedResponse[parsedResponse.size - 2] );
@ -3,7 +3,14 @@
Allows integration of IW4M-Admin to GSC, mainly used for special commands that need to use GSC in order to work.
But can also be used to read / write metadata from / to a profile and to get the player permission level.
## Installation Guide
## Installation Plutonium IW5
The documentation can be found here: [GameInterface](
Move `_integration.gsc` to `%localappdata%\Plutonium\storage\iw5\scripts\`
## Installation IW4x
Move `_integration.gsc` to `IW4x/userraw/scripts`, `IW4x` being the root folder of your game server.
@ -1,21 +1,14 @@
@echo off
ECHO "Pluto IW5"
xcopy /y .\GameInterface\_integration_base.gsc "%LOCALAPPDATA%\Plutonium\storage\iw5\scripts"
xcopy /y .\GameInterface\_integration_shared.gsc "%LOCALAPPDATA%\Plutonium\storage\iw5\scripts"
xcopy /y .\GameInterface\_integration_iw5.gsc "%LOCALAPPDATA%\Plutonium\storage\iw5\scripts"
xcopy /y .\GameInterface\_integration_utility.gsh "%LOCALAPPDATA%\Plutonium\storage\iw5\scripts"
xcopy /y .\GameInterface\_integration_base.gsc "%LOCALAPPDATA%\Plutonium\storage\iw5\scripts\mp"
xcopy /y .\GameInterface\_integration_iw5.gsc "%LOCALAPPDATA%\Plutonium\storage\iw5\scripts\mp"
xcopy /y .\AntiCheat\IW5\storage\iw5\scripts\_customcallbacks.gsc "%LOCALAPPDATA%\Plutonium\storage\iw5\scripts\mp"
ECHO "Pluto T5"
xcopy /y .\GameInterface\_integration_base.gsc "%LOCALAPPDATA%\Plutonium\storage\t5\scripts"
xcopy /y .\GameInterface\_integration_shared.gsc "%LOCALAPPDATA%\Plutonium\storage\t5\scripts"
xcopy /y .\GameInterface\_integration_base.gsc "%LOCALAPPDATA%\Plutonium\storage\t5\scripts\mp"
xcopy /y .\GameInterface\_integration_t5.gsc "%LOCALAPPDATA%\Plutonium\storage\t5\scripts\mp"
xcopy /y .\GameInterface\_integration_t5zm.gsc "%LOCALAPPDATA%\Plutonium\storage\t5\scripts\sp\zom"
ECHO "Pluto T6"
xcopy /y .\GameInterface\_integration_base.gsc "%LOCALAPPDATA%\Plutonium\storage\t6\scripts"
xcopy /y .\GameInterface\_integration_shared.gsc "%LOCALAPPDATA%\Plutonium\storage\t6\scripts"
xcopy /y .\GameInterface\_integration_t6.gsc "%LOCALAPPDATA%\Plutonium\storage\t6\scripts"
xcopy /y .\GameInterface\_integration_t6zm_helper.gsc "%LOCALAPPDATA%\Plutonium\storage\t6\scripts\zm"
xcopy /y .\AntiCheat\PT6\storage\t6\scripts\mp\_customcallbacks.gsc "%LOCALAPPDATA%\Plutonium\storage\t6\scripts\mp"
xcopy /y .\AntiCheat\PT6\storage\t6\scripts\mp\_customcallbacks.gsc.src "%LOCALAPPDATA%\Plutonium\storage\t6\scripts\mp"
@ -52,8 +52,6 @@ Project("{2150E333-8FDC-42A3-9474-1A3956D46DE8}") = "ScriptPlugins", "ScriptPlug
Plugins\ScriptPlugins\ParserH1MOD.js = Plugins\ScriptPlugins\ParserH1MOD.js
Plugins\ScriptPlugins\ParserPlutoniumT5.js = Plugins\ScriptPlugins\ParserPlutoniumT5.js
Plugins\ScriptPlugins\ServerBanner.js = Plugins\ScriptPlugins\ServerBanner.js
Plugins\ScriptPlugins\ParserBOIII.js = Plugins\ScriptPlugins\ParserBOIII.js
Plugins\ScriptPlugins\ParserL4D2SM.js = Plugins\ScriptPlugins\ParserL4D2SM.js
Project("{9A19103F-16F7-4668-BE54-9A1E7A4F7556}") = "AutomessageFeed", "Plugins\AutomessageFeed\AutomessageFeed.csproj", "{F5815359-CFC7-44B4-9A3B-C04BACAD5836}"
@ -73,9 +71,6 @@ EndProject
Project("{FAE04EC0-301F-11D3-BF4B-00C04F79EFBC}") = "Mute", "Plugins\Mute\Mute.csproj", "{259824F3-D860-4233-91D6-FF73D4DD8B18}"
Project("{2150E333-8FDC-42A3-9474-1A3956D46DE8}") = "GameFiles", "GameFiles", "{6CBF412C-EFEE-45F7-80FD-AC402C22CDB9}"
ProjectSection(SolutionItems) = preProject
GameFiles\deploy.bat = GameFiles\deploy.bat
Project("{2150E333-8FDC-42A3-9474-1A3956D46DE8}") = "GameInterface", "GameInterface", "{5C2BE2A8-EA1D-424F-88E1-7FC33EEC2E55}"
ProjectSection(SolutionItems) = preProject
@ -84,11 +79,6 @@ Project("{2150E333-8FDC-42A3-9474-1A3956D46DE8}") = "GameInterface", "GameInterf
GameFiles\GameInterface\_integration_iw5.gsc = GameFiles\GameInterface\_integration_iw5.gsc
GameFiles\GameInterface\_integration_shared.gsc = GameFiles\GameInterface\_integration_shared.gsc
GameFiles\GameInterface\_integration_t5.gsc = GameFiles\GameInterface\_integration_t5.gsc
GameFiles\GameInterface\_integration_t5zm.gsc = GameFiles\GameInterface\_integration_t5zm.gsc
GameFiles\GameInterface\_integration_t6.gsc = GameFiles\GameInterface\_integration_t6.gsc
GameFiles\GameInterface\_integration_t6zm_helper.gsc = GameFiles\GameInterface\_integration_t6zm_helper.gsc
GameFiles\GameInterface\example_module.gsc = GameFiles\GameInterface\example_module.gsc
GameFiles\GameInterface\_integration_t6_file_bus.gsc = GameFiles\GameInterface\_integration_t6_file_bus.gsc
Project("{2150E333-8FDC-42A3-9474-1A3956D46DE8}") = "AntiCheat", "AntiCheat", "{AB83BAC0-C539-424A-BF00-78487C10753C}"
@ -8,7 +8,6 @@ using System.Text;
using System.Text.RegularExpressions;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Integrations.Cod.SecureRcon;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
using Serilog.Context;
using SharedLibraryCore;
@ -25,7 +24,6 @@ namespace Integrations.Cod
public class CodRConConnection : IRConConnection
private static readonly ConcurrentDictionary<EndPoint, ConnectionState> ActiveQueries = new();
private const string PkPattern = "-----BEGIN PRIVATE KEY-----";
public IPEndPoint Endpoint { get; }
public string RConPassword { get; }
@ -127,7 +125,7 @@ namespace Integrations.Cod
catch (OperationCanceledException)
_log.LogDebug("Waiting for flood protect did not complete before timeout {Count}",
_log.LogDebug("Waiting for flood protect did not complete before timeout timeout {Count}",
throw new RConException("Timed out waiting for flood protect to expire", true);
@ -154,28 +152,32 @@ namespace Integrations.Cod
case StaticHelpers.QueryType.GET_DVAR:
waitForResponse = true;
payload = BuildPayload(_config.CommandPrefixes.RConGetDvar, convertedRConPassword,
payload = string
.Format(_config.CommandPrefixes.RConGetDvar, convertedRConPassword,
convertedParameters + '\0').Select(Convert.ToByte).ToArray();
case StaticHelpers.QueryType.SET_DVAR:
payload = BuildPayload(_config.CommandPrefixes.RConSetDvar, convertedRConPassword,
payload = string
.Format(_config.CommandPrefixes.RConSetDvar, convertedRConPassword,
convertedParameters + '\0').Select(Convert.ToByte).ToArray();
case StaticHelpers.QueryType.COMMAND:
payload = BuildPayload(_config.CommandPrefixes.RConCommand, convertedRConPassword,
payload = string
.Format(_config.CommandPrefixes.RConCommand, convertedRConPassword,
convertedParameters + '\0').Select(Convert.ToByte).ToArray();
case StaticHelpers.QueryType.GET_STATUS:
waitForResponse = true;
payload = (_config.CommandPrefixes.RConGetStatus + '\0').Select(Helpers.SafeConversion).ToArray();
payload = (_config.CommandPrefixes.RConGetStatus + '\0').Select(Convert.ToByte).ToArray();
case StaticHelpers.QueryType.GET_INFO:
waitForResponse = true;
payload = (_config.CommandPrefixes.RConGetInfo + '\0').Select(Helpers.SafeConversion).ToArray();
payload = (_config.CommandPrefixes.RConGetInfo + '\0').Select(Convert.ToByte).ToArray();
case StaticHelpers.QueryType.COMMAND_STATUS:
waitForResponse = true;
payload = BuildPayload(_config.CommandPrefixes.RConCommand, convertedRConPassword, "status");
payload = string.Format(_config.CommandPrefixes.RConCommand, convertedRConPassword, "status\0")
@ -320,27 +322,6 @@ namespace Integrations.Cod
return validatedResponse;
private byte[] BuildPayload(string queryTemplate, string convertedRConPassword, string convertedParameters)
byte[] payload;
if (!RConPassword.StartsWith(PkPattern))
payload = string
.Format(queryTemplate, convertedRConPassword,
convertedParameters + '\0').Select(Helpers.SafeConversion).ToArray();
var textContent = string
.Format(queryTemplate, "", convertedParameters)
.Replace("rcon", "rconSafe ")
.Replace(" ", "").Split(" ");
payload = Helpers.BuildSafeRconPayload(textContent[0], textContent[1], RConPassword);
return payload;
private async Task<byte[][]> SendPayloadAsync(Socket rconSocket, byte[] payload, bool waitForResponse,
CancellationToken token = default)
@ -377,7 +358,7 @@ namespace Integrations.Cod
await ReceiveAndStoreSocketData(rconSocket, token, connectionState);
if (_parser.GameName is Server.Game.IW3 or Server.Game.T4)
if (_parser.GameName == Server.Game.IW3)
await Task.Delay(100, token); // CoD4x shenanigans
@ -394,18 +375,8 @@ namespace Integrations.Cod
private async Task ReceiveAndStoreSocketData(Socket rconSocket, CancellationToken token,
ConnectionState connectionState)
SocketReceiveFromResult result;
result = await rconSocket.ReceiveFromAsync(connectionState.ReceiveBuffer,
SocketFlags.None, Endpoint, token);
// windows quirk that occurs when remote server returns ICMP port unreachable
catch (SocketException ex) when (ex.SocketErrorCode == SocketError.ConnectionReset)
await Task.Delay(Timeout.Infinite, token);
var result = await rconSocket.ReceiveFromAsync(connectionState.ReceiveBuffer,
SocketFlags.None, Endpoint, token);
if (result.ReceivedBytes == 0)
@ -487,7 +458,7 @@ namespace Integrations.Cod
return string.Join("", splitStatusStrings);
/// <summary>
/// Recombines multiple game messages into one
/// </summary>
@ -520,7 +491,7 @@ namespace Integrations.Cod
return connectionState.ReceivedBytes.ToArray();
@ -16,8 +16,4 @@
<ProjectReference Include="..\..\SharedLibraryCore\SharedLibraryCore.csproj" />
<PackageReference Include="protobuf-net" Version="3.2.26" />
@ -1,57 +0,0 @@
using System;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Security.Cryptography;
using ProtoBuf;
namespace Integrations.Cod.SecureRcon;
public static class Helpers
private static byte[] ToSerializedMessage(this SecureCommand command)
using var ms = new MemoryStream();
Serializer.Serialize(ms, command);
return ms.ToArray();
private static byte[] SignData(byte[] data, string privateKey)
using var rsa = new RSACryptoServiceProvider();
var rsaFormatter = new RSAPKCS1SignatureFormatter(rsa);
var hash = SHA512.Create();
var hashedData = hash.ComputeHash(data);
var signature = rsaFormatter.CreateSignature(hashedData);
return signature;
public static byte SafeConversion(char c)
return Convert.ToByte(c);
return (byte)'.';
public static byte[] BuildSafeRconPayload(string prefix, string command, string signingKey)
var message = command.Select(SafeConversion).ToArray();
var header = (prefix + "\n").Select(SafeConversion).ToArray();
var secureCommand = new SecureCommand
SecMessage = message,
Signature = SignData(message, signingKey)
return header.Concat(secureCommand.ToSerializedMessage()).ToArray();
@ -1,13 +0,0 @@
using ProtoBuf;
namespace Integrations.Cod.SecureRcon;
public class SecureCommand
public byte[] SecMessage { get; set; }
public byte[] Signature { get; set; }
@ -104,7 +104,7 @@ namespace Integrations.Source
var split = response.TrimEnd('\n').Split('\n');
return split.Take(Math.Max(1, split.Length - 1)).ToArray();
return split.Take(split.Length - 1).ToArray();
catch (TaskCanceledException)
@ -48,7 +48,7 @@ public class Plugin : IPluginV2
private Task GameEventSubscriptionsOnClientMessaged(ClientMessageEvent clientEvent, CancellationToken token)
if (!(_configuration?.EnableProfanityDeterment ?? false))
if (!_configuration?.EnableProfanityDeterment ?? false)
return Task.CompletedTask;
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
const init = (registerEventCallback, serviceResolver, configWrapper) => {
plugin.onLoad(serviceResolver, configWrapper);
const init = (registerEventCallback, serviceResolver, _) => {
registerEventCallback('IManagementEventSubscriptions.ClientPenaltyAdministered', (penaltyEvent, _) => {
@ -10,20 +10,21 @@ const init = (registerEventCallback, serviceResolver, configWrapper) => {
const plugin = {
author: 'RaidMax',
version: '2.1',
version: '2.0',
name: 'Action on Report',
config: {
enabled: false, // indicates if the plugin is enabled
reportAction: 'TempBan', // can be TempBan or Ban
maxReportCount: 5, // how many reports before action is taken
tempBanDurationMinutes: 60 // how long to temporarily ban the player
enabled: false, // indicates if the plugin is enabled
reportAction: 'TempBan', // can be TempBan or Ban
maxReportCount: 5, // how many reports before action is taken
tempBanDurationMinutes: 60, // how long to temporarily ban the player
penaltyType: {
'report': 0
onPenalty: function (penaltyEvent) {
if (!this.config.enabled || penaltyEvent.penalty.type !== 'Report') {
if (!this.enabled || penaltyEvent.penalty.type !== this.penaltyType['report']) {
if (!penaltyEvent.client.isIngame || (penaltyEvent.client.level !== 'User' && penaltyEvent.client.level !== 'Flagged')) {
this.logger.logInformation(`Ignoring report for client (id) ${penaltyEvent.client.clientId} because they are privileged or not in-game`);
@ -33,11 +34,11 @@ const plugin = {
this.reportCounts[penaltyEvent.client.networkId] = reportCount;
if (reportCount >= this.config.maxReportCount) {
switch (this.config.reportAction) {
if (reportCount >= this.maxReportCount) {
switch (this.reportAction) {
case 'TempBan':
this.logger.logInformation(`TempBanning client (id) ${penaltyEvent.client.clientId} because they received ${reportCount} reports`);
penaltyEvent.client.tempBan(this.translations['PLUGINS_REPORT_ACTION'], System.TimeSpan.FromMinutes(this.config.tempBanDurationMinutes), penaltyEvent.Client.CurrentServer.asConsoleClient());
penaltyEvent.client.tempBan(this.translations['PLUGINS_REPORT_ACTION'], System.TimeSpan.FromMinutes(this.tempBanDurationMinutes), penaltyEvent.Client.CurrentServer.asConsoleClient());
case 'Ban':
this.logger.logInformation(`Banning client (id) ${penaltyEvent.client.clientId} because they received ${reportCount} reports`);
@ -47,25 +48,10 @@ const plugin = {
onLoad: function (serviceResolver, configWrapper) {
onLoad: function (serviceResolver) {
this.translations = serviceResolver.resolveService('ITranslationLookup');
this.logger = serviceResolver.resolveService('ILogger', ['ScriptPluginV2']);
this.configWrapper = configWrapper;
const storedConfig = this.configWrapper.getValue('config', newConfig => {
if (newConfig) {
plugin.logger.logInformation('ActionOnReport config reloaded. Enabled={Enabled}', newConfig.enabled);
plugin.config = newConfig;
if (storedConfig != null) {
this.config = storedConfig
} else {
this.configWrapper.setValue('config', this.config);
this.logger.logInformation('ActionOnReport {version} by {author} loaded. Enabled={Enabled}', this.version,, this.config.enabled);
this.logger.logInformation('ActionOnReport {version} by {author} loaded. Enabled={enabled}', this.version,, this.enabled);
this.reportCounts = {};
@ -7,16 +7,15 @@ const init = (registerNotify, serviceResolver, config) => {
const plugin = {
author: 'Amos, RaidMax',
version: '2.1',
version: '2.0',
name: 'Broadcast Bans',
config: null,
logger: null,
translations: null,
manager: null,
enableBroadcastBans: false,
onClientPenalty: function (penaltyEvent) {
if (!this.enableBroadcastBans || penaltyEvent.penalty.type !== 'Ban') {
if (!this.enableBroadcastBans || penaltyEvent.penalty.type !== 5) {
@ -44,10 +43,7 @@ const plugin = {
onLoad: function (serviceResolver, config) {
this.config = config;
this.enableBroadcastBans = this.config.getValue('EnableBroadcastBans', newConfig => {
plugin.logger.logInformation('{Name} config reloaded. Enabled={Enabled}',, newConfig);
plugin.enableBroadcastBans = newConfig;
this.enableBroadcastBans = this.config.getValue('EnableBroadcastBans');
this.manager = serviceResolver.resolveService('IManager');
this.logger = serviceResolver.resolveService('ILogger', ['ScriptPluginV2']);
@ -58,7 +54,7 @@ const plugin = {
this.config.setValue('EnableBroadcastBans', this.enableBroadcastBans);
this.logger.logInformation('{Name} {Version} by {Author} loaded. Enabled={Enabled}',, this.version,
this.logger.logInformation('{Name} {Version} by {Author} loaded. Enabled={enabled}',, this.version,
||||, this.enableBroadcastBans);
@ -2,61 +2,34 @@
const inDvar = 'sv_iw4madmin_in';
const outDvar = 'sv_iw4madmin_out';
const integrationEnabledDvar = 'sv_iw4madmin_integration_enabled';
const groupSeparatorChar = '\x1d';
const recordSeparatorChar = '\x1e';
const unitSeparatorChar = '\x1f';
const pollingRate = 300;
let busFileIn = '';
let busFileOut = '';
let busMode = 'rcon';
let busDir = '';
const init = (registerNotify, serviceResolver, config, scriptHelper) => {
const init = (registerNotify, serviceResolver, config) => {
registerNotify('IManagementEventSubscriptions.ClientStateInitialized', (clientEvent, _) => plugin.onClientEnteredMatch(clientEvent));
registerNotify('IGameServerEventSubscriptions.ServerValueReceived', (serverValueEvent, _) => plugin.onServerValueReceived(serverValueEvent));
registerNotify('IGameServerEventSubscriptions.ServerValueSetCompleted', (serverValueEvent, _) => plugin.onServerValueSetCompleted(serverValueEvent));
registerNotify('IGameServerEventSubscriptions.MonitoringStarted', (monitorStartEvent, _) => plugin.onServerMonitoringStart(monitorStartEvent));
registerNotify('IGameEventSubscriptions.MatchStarted', (matchStartEvent, _) => plugin.onMatchStart(matchStartEvent));
registerNotify('IManagementEventSubscriptions.ClientPenaltyAdministered', (penaltyEvent, _) => plugin.onPenalty(penaltyEvent));
plugin.onLoad(serviceResolver, config, scriptHelper);
plugin.onLoad(serviceResolver, config);
return plugin;
const plugin = {
author: 'RaidMax',
version: '2.1',
version: '2.0',
name: 'Game Interface',
serviceResolver: null,
eventManager: null,
logger: null,
commands: null,
scriptHelper: null,
configWrapper: null,
config: {
pollingRate: 300
onLoad: function (serviceResolver, configWrapper, scriptHelper) {
onLoad: function (serviceResolver, config) {
this.serviceResolver = serviceResolver;
this.eventManager = serviceResolver.resolveService('IManager');
this.logger = serviceResolver.resolveService('ILogger', ['ScriptPluginV2']);
this.commands = commands;
this.configWrapper = configWrapper;
this.scriptHelper = scriptHelper;
const storedConfig = this.configWrapper.getValue('config', newConfig => {
if (newConfig) {
plugin.logger.logInformation('{Name} config reloaded.',;
plugin.config = newConfig;
if (storedConfig != null) {
this.config = storedConfig
} else {
this.configWrapper.setValue('config', this.config);
this.config = config;
onClientEnteredMatch: function (clientEvent) {
@ -92,9 +65,6 @@ const plugin = {
onServerValueSetCompleted: async function (serverValueEvent) {
this.logger.logDebug('Set {dvarName}={dvarValue} success={success} from {server}', serverValueEvent.valueName,
serverValueEvent.value, serverValueEvent.success,;
if (serverValueEvent.valueName !== inDvar && serverValueEvent.valueName !== outDvar) {
this.logger.logDebug('Ignoring set complete of {name}', serverValueEvent.valueName);
@ -117,22 +87,15 @@ const plugin = {
const input = serverState.inQueue.shift();
// if we queued an event then the next loop will be at the value set complete
await this.processEventMessage(input, serverValueEvent.server);
if (await this.processEventMessage(input, serverValueEvent.server)) {
// return;
this.logger.logDebug('loop complete');
// loop restarts
this.requestGetDvar(inDvar, serverValueEvent.server);
onServerMonitoringStart: function (monitorStartEvent) {
onMatchStart: function (matchStartEvent) {
busMode = 'rcon';
this.sendEventMessage(matchStartEvent.server, true, 'GetBusModeRequested', null, null, null, {});
initializeServer: function (server) {
servers[] = {
@ -162,12 +125,7 @@ const plugin = {
serverState.enabled = true;
serverState.running = true;
serverState.initializationInProgress = false;
// todo: this might not work for all games
responseEvent.server.rconParser.configuration.floodProtectInterval = 150;
this.sendEventMessage(responseEvent.server, true, 'GetBusModeRequested', null, null, null, {});
this.sendEventMessage(responseEvent.server, true, 'GetCommandsRequested', null, null, null, {});
this.requestGetDvar(inDvar, responseEvent.server);
@ -178,9 +136,7 @@ const plugin = {
const serverState = servers[];
const utilities = importNamespace('SharedLibraryCore.Utilities');
if (responseEvent.server.connectedClients.count === 0 && !utilities.isDevelopment) {
if (responseEvent.server.connectedClients.count === 0) {
// no clients connected so we don't need to query
serverState.running = false;
@ -223,8 +179,8 @@ const plugin = {
let messageQueued = false;
const event = parseEvent(input);
this.logger.logDebug('Processing input... {eventType} {subType} {@data} {clientNumber}', event.eventType,
event.subType,, event.clientNumber);
this.logger.logDebug('Processing input... {eventType} {subType} {data} {clientNumber}', event.eventType,
event.subType,, event.clientNumber);
const metaService = this.serviceResolver.ResolveService('IMetaServiceV2');
const threading = importNamespace('System.Threading');
@ -252,7 +208,7 @@ const plugin = {
data = {
level: client.level,
clientId: client.clientId,
lastConnection: client.timeSinceLastConnectionString,
lastConnection: client.lastConnection,
tag: tagMeta?.value ?? '',
performance: clientStats?.performance ?? 200.0
@ -331,74 +287,17 @@ const plugin = {
if (event.eventType === 'UrlRequested') {
const urlRequest = this.parseUrlRequest(event);
this.logger.logDebug('Making gamescript web request {@Request}', urlRequest);
this.scriptHelper.requestUrl(urlRequest, response => {
this.logger.logDebug('Got response for gamescript web request - {Response}', response);
if (typeof response !== 'string' && !(response instanceof String)) {
response = JSON.stringify(response);
const max = 10;
this.logger.logDebug(`response length ${response.length}`);
let quoteReplace = '\\"';
// todo: may be more than just T6
if (server.gameCode === 'T6') {
quoteReplace = '\\\\"';
let chunks = chunkString(response.replace(/"/gm, quoteReplace).replace(/[\n|\t]/gm, ''), 800);
if (chunks.length > max) {
this.logger.logWarning(`Response chunks greater than max (${max}). Data truncated!`);
chunks = chunks.slice(0, max);
this.logger.logDebug(`chunk size ${chunks.length}`);
for (let i = 0; i < chunks.length; i++) {
this.sendEventMessage(server, false, 'UrlRequestCompleted', null, null,
null, { entity:, remaining: chunks.length - (i + 1), response: chunks[i]});
if (event.eventType === 'RegisterCommandRequested') {
if (event.eventType === 'GetBusModeRequested') {
if ( && {
busMode =;
busDir ='\'', '').replace('"', '');
if ( && {
busFileIn =;
busFileOut =;
this.logger.logDebug('Setting bus mode to {mode} {dir}', busMode, busDir);
return messageQueued;
sendEventMessage: function (server, responseExpected, event, subtype, origin, target, data) {
let targetClientNumber = -1;
let originClientNumber = -1;
if (target != null) {
targetClientNumber = target.clientNumber;
targetClientNumber = target.ClientNumber;
if (origin != null) {
originClientNumber = origin.clientNumber
const output = `${responseExpected ? '1' : '0'}${groupSeparatorChar}${event}${groupSeparatorChar}${subtype}${groupSeparatorChar}${originClientNumber}${groupSeparatorChar}${targetClientNumber}${groupSeparatorChar}${buildDataString(data)}`;
const output = `${responseExpected ? '1' : '0'};${event};${subtype};${origin.ClientNumber};${targetClientNumber};${buildDataString(data)}`;
this.logger.logDebug('Queuing output for server {output}', output);
@ -406,40 +305,9 @@ const plugin = {
requestGetDvar: function (dvarName, server) {
const serverState = servers[];
if (dvarName !== integrationEnabledDvar && busMode === 'file') {
this.scriptHelper.requestNotifyAfterDelay(250, () => {
const io = importNamespace('System.IO');
try {
const content = io.File.ReadAllText(`${busDir}/${fileForDvar(dvarName)}`);
server: server,
source: server,
success: true,
response: {
name: dvarName,
value: content
} catch (e) {
plugin.logger.logError('Could not get bus data {exception}', e.toString());
server: server,
success: false,
response: {
name: dvarName
const serverEvents = importNamespace('SharedLibraryCore.Events.Server');
const requestEvent = new serverEvents.ServerValueRequestEvent(dvarName, server);
requestEvent.delayMs = this.config.pollingRate;
requestEvent.delayMs = pollingRate;
requestEvent.timeoutMs = 2000;
requestEvent.source =;
@ -449,7 +317,7 @@ const plugin = {
const diff = new Date().getTime() - end.getTime();
if (diff < extraDelay) {
requestEvent.delayMs = (extraDelay - diff) + this.config.pollingRate;
requestEvent.delayMs = (extraDelay - diff) + pollingRate;
this.logger.logDebug('Increasing delay time to {Delay}ms due to recent map change', requestEvent.delayMs);
@ -467,39 +335,10 @@ const plugin = {
requestSetDvar: function (dvarName, dvarValue, server) {
const serverState = servers[];
if ( busMode === 'file' ) {
this.scriptHelper.requestNotifyAfterDelay(250, async () => {
const io = importNamespace('System.IO');
try {
const path = `${busDir}/${fileForDvar(dvarName)}`;
plugin.logger.logDebug('writing {value} to {file}', dvarValue, path);
io.File.WriteAllText(path, dvarValue);
await plugin.onServerValueSetCompleted({
server: server,
source: server,
success: true,
value: dvarValue,
valueName: dvarName,
} catch (e) {
plugin.logger.logError('Could not set bus data {exception}', e.toString());
await plugin.onServerValueSetCompleted({
server: server,
success: false,
valueName: dvarName,
value: dvarValue
const serverEvents = importNamespace('SharedLibraryCore.Events.Server');
const requestEvent = new serverEvents.ServerValueSetRequestEvent(dvarName, dvarValue, server);
requestEvent.delayMs = this.config.pollingRate;
requestEvent.delayMs = pollingRate;
requestEvent.timeoutMs = 2000;
requestEvent.source =;
@ -509,7 +348,7 @@ const plugin = {
const diff = new Date().getTime() - end.getTime();
if (diff < extraDelay) {
requestEvent.delayMs = (extraDelay - diff) + this.config.pollingRate;
requestEvent.delayMs = (extraDelay - diff) + pollingRate;
this.logger.logDebug('Increasing delay time to {Delay}ms due to recent map change', requestEvent.delayMs);
@ -526,64 +365,8 @@ const plugin = {
parseUrlRequest: function(event) {
const url =;
if (url === undefined) {
this.logger.logWarning('No url provided for gamescript web request - {Event}', event);
const body =;
const method = || 'GET';
const contentType = || 'text/plain';
const headers =;
const dictionary = System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary(System.String, System.String);
const headerDict = new dictionary();
if (headers) {
const eachHeader = headers.split(',');
for (let eachKeyValue of eachHeader) {
const keyValueSplit = eachKeyValue.split(':');
if (keyValueSplit.length === 2) {
headerDict.add(keyValueSplit[0], keyValueSplit[1]);
const script = importNamespace('IW4MAdmin.Application.Plugin.Script');
return new script.ScriptPluginWebRequest(url, body, method, contentType, headerDict);
registerDynamicCommand: function(event) {
const commandWrapper = {
commands: [{
name:['name'] || 'DEFAULT',
description:['description'] || 'DEFAULT',
alias:['alias'] || 'DEFAULT',
permission:['minPermission'] || 'DEFAULT',
targetRequired: (['targetRequired'] || '0') === '1',
supportedGames: (['supportedGames'] || '').split(','),
execute: (gameEvent) => {
if (!validateEnabled(gameEvent.owner, gameEvent.origin)) {
if ( === '--reload' && gameEvent.origin.level === 'Owner') {
this.sendEventMessage(gameEvent.owner, true, 'GetCommandsRequested', null, null, null, { name: });
} else {
sendScriptCommand(gameEvent.owner, `${['eventKey']}Execute`, gameEvent.origin,, {
onServerMonitoringStart: function (monitorStartEvent) {
@ -602,7 +385,7 @@ const commands = [{
required: true
supportedGames: ['IW4', 'IW5', 'T5', 'T6'],
supportedGames: ['IW4', 'IW5', 'T5'],
execute: (gameEvent) => {
if (!validateEnabled(gameEvent.owner, gameEvent.origin)) {
@ -622,7 +405,7 @@ const commands = [{
name: 'player',
required: true
supportedGames: ['IW4', 'IW5', 'T5', 'T6'],
supportedGames: ['IW4', 'IW5', 'T5'],
execute: (gameEvent) => {
if (!validateEnabled(gameEvent.owner, gameEvent.origin)) {
@ -640,7 +423,7 @@ const commands = [{
name: 'player',
required: true
supportedGames: ['IW4', 'IW5', 'T5', 'T6'],
supportedGames: ['IW4', 'IW5', 'T5'],
execute: (gameEvent) => {
if (!validateEnabled(gameEvent.owner, gameEvent.origin)) {
@ -658,7 +441,7 @@ const commands = [{
name: 'player',
required: true
supportedGames: ['IW4', 'IW5', 'T5', 'T6'],
supportedGames: ['IW4', 'IW5', 'T5'],
execute: (gameEvent) => {
if (!validateEnabled(gameEvent.owner, gameEvent.origin)) {
@ -688,7 +471,7 @@ const commands = [{
permission: 'SeniorAdmin',
targetRequired: false,
arguments: [],
supportedGames: ['IW4', 'IW5', 'T5', 'T6'],
supportedGames: ['IW4', 'IW5', 'T5'],
execute: (gameEvent) => {
if (!validateEnabled(gameEvent.owner, gameEvent.origin)) {
@ -711,7 +494,7 @@ const commands = [{
required: true
supportedGames: ['IW4', 'IW5', 'T5', 'T6'],
supportedGames: ['IW4', 'IW5', 'T5'],
execute: (gameEvent) => {
if (!validateEnabled(gameEvent.owner, gameEvent.origin)) {
@ -732,7 +515,7 @@ const commands = [{
name: 'player',
required: true
supportedGames: ['IW4', 'IW5', 'T5', 'T6'],
supportedGames: ['IW4', 'IW5', 'T5'],
execute: (gameEvent) => {
if (!validateEnabled(gameEvent.owner, gameEvent.origin)) {
@ -750,7 +533,7 @@ const commands = [{
name: 'player',
required: true
supportedGames: ['IW4', 'IW5', 'T5', 'T6'],
supportedGames: ['IW4', 'IW5', 'T5'],
execute: (gameEvent) => {
if (!validateEnabled(gameEvent.owner, gameEvent.origin)) {
@ -777,7 +560,7 @@ const commands = [{
required: true
supportedGames: ['IW4', 'IW5', 'T5', 'T6'],
supportedGames: ['IW4', 'IW5', 'T5'],
execute: (gameEvent) => {
if (!validateEnabled(gameEvent.owner, gameEvent.origin)) {
@ -801,7 +584,7 @@ const commands = [{
name: 'player',
required: true
supportedGames: ['IW4', 'IW5', 'T5', 'T6'],
supportedGames: ['IW4', 'IW5', 'T5'],
execute: (gameEvent) => {
if (!validateEnabled(gameEvent.owner, gameEvent.origin)) {
@ -819,7 +602,7 @@ const commands = [{
name: 'player',
required: true
supportedGames: ['IW4', 'IW5', 'T5', 'T6'],
supportedGames: ['IW4', 'IW5', 'T5'],
execute: (gameEvent) => {
if (!validateEnabled(gameEvent.owner, gameEvent.origin)) {
@ -851,7 +634,7 @@ const parseEvent = (input) => {
return {};
const eventInfo = input.split(groupSeparatorChar);
const eventInfo = input.split(';');
return {
eventType: eventInfo[1],
@ -869,7 +652,7 @@ const buildDataString = data => {
let formattedData = '';
for (let [key, value] of Object.entries(data)) {
formattedData += `${key}${unitSeparatorChar}${value}${recordSeparatorChar}`;
formattedData += `${key}=${value}|`;
return formattedData.slice(0, -1);
@ -881,11 +664,11 @@ const parseDataString = data => {
const dict = {};
const split = data.split(recordSeparatorChar);
const split = data.split('|');
for (let i = 0; i < split.length; i++) {
const segment = split[i];
const keyValue = segment.split(unitSeparatorChar);
const keyValue = segment.split('=');
if (keyValue.length !== 2) {
@ -906,20 +689,3 @@ const validateEnabled = (server, origin) => {
const isEmpty = (value) => {
return value == null || false || value === '' || value === 'null';
const chunkString = (str, chunkSize) => {
const result = [];
for (let i = 0; i < str.length; i += chunkSize) {
result.push(str.slice(i, i + chunkSize));
return result;
const fileForDvar = (dvar) => {
if (dvar === inDvar) {
return busFileIn;
return busFileOut;
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ var eventParser;
var plugin = {
author: 'Diamante',
version: 0.3,
version: 0.2,
name: 'BOIII Parser',
isParser: true,
@ -15,9 +15,9 @@ var plugin = {
rconParser.Configuration.Status.Pattern = '^ *([0-9]+) +-?([0-9]+) +((?:[A-Z]+|[0-9]+)) +((?:[a-z]|[0-9]){8,32}|(?:[a-z]|[0-9]){8,32}|bot[0-9]+|(?:[0-9]+)) *(.{0,32}) +(\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+.\\d+\\:-*\\d{1,5}|0+.0+:-*\\d{1,5}|loopback|unknown)(?:\\(\\d+\\))? +(-*[0-9]+) *$';
rconParser.Configuration.StatusHeader.Pattern = 'num +score +ping +xuid +name +address +qport *';
rconParser.Configuration.CommandPrefixes.Kick = 'clientkick_for_reason {0} "{1}"';
rconParser.Configuration.CommandPrefixes.Ban = 'clientkick_for_reason {0} "{1}"';
rconParser.Configuration.CommandPrefixes.TempBan = 'clientkick_for_reason {0} "{1}"';
rconParser.Configuration.CommandPrefixes.Kick = 'clientkick {0}';
rconParser.Configuration.CommandPrefixes.Ban = 'clientkick {0}';
rconParser.Configuration.CommandPrefixes.TempBan = 'clientkick {0}';
rconParser.Configuration.CommandPrefixes.RConResponse = '\xff\xff\xff\xff(\1|print) ?';
rconParser.Configuration.GametypeStatus.Pattern = 'Gametype: (.+)';
rconParser.Configuration.MapStatus.Pattern = 'Map: (.+)';
@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ var plugin = {
eventParser.Version = '[local] ship win64 CODBUILD8-764 (3421987) Mon Dec 16 10:44:20 2019 10d27bef';
eventParser.GameName = 8; // BO3
eventParser.Configuration.GameDirectory = 'usermaps';
eventParser.Configuration.Say.Pattern = '^(chat|chatteam);(?:[0-9]+);([a-f0-9]+);([0-9]+);(.+);(.*)$';
eventParser.Configuration.Say.Pattern = '^(chat|chatteam);(?:[0-9]+);([0-9]+);([0-9]+);(.+);(.*)$';
onUnloadAsync: function() {},
@ -22,10 +22,10 @@ const plugin = {
rconParser.Configuration.MapStatus.AddMapping(111, 1);
rconParser.Configuration.HostnameStatus.Pattern = '^hostname: +(.+)$';
rconParser.Configuration.HostnameStatus.AddMapping(113, 1);
rconParser.Configuration.MapStatus.AddMapping(113, 1);
rconParser.Configuration.MaxPlayersStatus.Pattern = '^players *: +\\d+ humans, \\d+ bots \\((\\d+).+';
rconParser.Configuration.MaxPlayersStatus.AddMapping(114, 1);
rconParser.Configuration.MapStatus.AddMapping(114, 1);
rconParser.Configuration.Dvar.Pattern = '^"(.+)" = "(.+)" (?:\\( def. "(.*)" \\))?(?: |\\w)+- (.+)$';
rconParser.Configuration.Dvar.AddMapping(106, 1);
@ -3,7 +3,7 @@ let eventParser;
const plugin = {
author: 'RaidMax',
version: 0.7,
version: 0.6,
name: 'CS:GO (SourceMod) Parser',
engine: 'Source',
isParser: true,
@ -22,10 +22,10 @@ const plugin = {
rconParser.Configuration.MapStatus.AddMapping(111, 1);
rconParser.Configuration.HostnameStatus.Pattern = '^hostname: +(.+)$';
rconParser.Configuration.HostnameStatus.AddMapping(113, 1);
rconParser.Configuration.MapStatus.AddMapping(113, 1);
rconParser.Configuration.MaxPlayersStatus.Pattern = '^players *: +\\d+ humans, \\d+ bots \\((\\d+).+';
rconParser.Configuration.MaxPlayersStatus.AddMapping(114, 1);
rconParser.Configuration.MapStatus.AddMapping(114, 1);
rconParser.Configuration.Dvar.Pattern = '^"(.+)" = "(.+)" (?:\\( def. "(.*)" \\))?(?: |\\w)+- (.+)$';
rconParser.Configuration.Dvar.AddMapping(106, 1);
@ -1,135 +0,0 @@
let rconParser;
let eventParser;
const plugin = {
author: 'RaidMax',
version: 0.1,
name: 'L4D2 (SourceMod) Parser',
engine: 'Source',
isParser: true,
onEventAsync: function (gameEvent, server) {
onLoadAsync: function (manager) {
rconParser = manager.GenerateDynamicRConParser(;
eventParser = manager.GenerateDynamicEventParser(;
rconParser.RConEngine = this.engine;
rconParser.Configuration.StatusHeader.Pattern = '# userid name uniqueid connected ping loss state rate adr';
rconParser.Configuration.MapStatus.Pattern = '^map *: +(.+)$';
rconParser.Configuration.MapStatus.AddMapping(111, 1);
rconParser.Configuration.HostnameStatus.Pattern = '^hostname: +(.+)$';
rconParser.Configuration.HostnameStatus.AddMapping(113, 1);
rconParser.Configuration.MaxPlayersStatus.Pattern = '^players *: +\\d+ humans, \\d+ bots \\((\\d+).+';
rconParser.Configuration.MaxPlayersStatus.AddMapping(114, 1);
rconParser.Configuration.Dvar.Pattern = '^\\"(.+)\\" (?:=|is) \\"(.+)\\"(?: (?:\\( def. \\"(.*)\\" \\)))?$';
rconParser.Configuration.Dvar.AddMapping(106, 1);
rconParser.Configuration.Dvar.AddMapping(107, 2);
rconParser.Configuration.Dvar.AddMapping(108, 3);
rconParser.Configuration.Dvar.AddMapping(109, 3);
rconParser.Configuration.Status.Pattern = '^#\\s*(\\d+) (\\d+) "(.+)" (\\S+) +(\\d+:\\d+(?::\\d+)?) (\\d+) (\\S+) (\\S+) (\\d+) (\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+:\\d+)$';
rconParser.Configuration.Status.AddMapping(100, 2);
rconParser.Configuration.Status.AddMapping(101, -1);
rconParser.Configuration.Status.AddMapping(102, 6);
rconParser.Configuration.Status.AddMapping(103, 4)
rconParser.Configuration.Status.AddMapping(104, 3);
rconParser.Configuration.Status.AddMapping(105, 10);
rconParser.Configuration.Status.AddMapping(200, 1);
rconParser.Configuration.DefaultDvarValues.Add('sv_running', '1');
rconParser.Configuration.DefaultDvarValues.Add('bugfix_no_version', this.engine);
rconParser.Configuration.DefaultDvarValues.Add('fs_basepath', '');
rconParser.Configuration.DefaultDvarValues.Add('fs_basegame', '');
rconParser.Configuration.DefaultDvarValues.Add('fs_homepath', '');
rconParser.Configuration.DefaultDvarValues.Add('g_log', '');
rconParser.Configuration.DefaultDvarValues.Add('net_ip', 'localhost');
rconParser.Configuration.DefaultDvarValues.Add('g_gametype', '');
rconParser.Configuration.DefaultDvarValues.Add('fs_game', '');
rconParser.Configuration.OverrideDvarNameMapping.Add('sv_hostname', 'hostname');
rconParser.Configuration.OverrideDvarNameMapping.Add('mapname', 'host_map');
rconParser.Configuration.OverrideDvarNameMapping.Add('sv_maxclients', 'maxplayers');
rconParser.Configuration.OverrideDvarNameMapping.Add('g_password', 'sv_password');
rconParser.Configuration.OverrideDvarNameMapping.Add('version', 'bugfix_no_version');
rconParser.Configuration.ColorCodeMapping.Add('White', '\x01');
rconParser.Configuration.ColorCodeMapping.Add('Red', '\x07');
rconParser.Configuration.ColorCodeMapping.Add('LightRed', '\x0F');
rconParser.Configuration.ColorCodeMapping.Add('DarkRed', '\x02');
rconParser.Configuration.ColorCodeMapping.Add('Blue', '\x0B');
rconParser.Configuration.ColorCodeMapping.Add('DarkBlue', '\x0C');
rconParser.Configuration.ColorCodeMapping.Add('Purple', '\x03');
rconParser.Configuration.ColorCodeMapping.Add('Orchid', '\x0E');
rconParser.Configuration.ColorCodeMapping.Add('Yellow', '\x09');
rconParser.Configuration.ColorCodeMapping.Add('Gold', '\x10');
rconParser.Configuration.ColorCodeMapping.Add('LightGreen', '\x05');
rconParser.Configuration.ColorCodeMapping.Add('Green', '\x04');
rconParser.Configuration.ColorCodeMapping.Add('Lime', '\x06');
rconParser.Configuration.ColorCodeMapping.Add('Grey', '\x08');
rconParser.Configuration.ColorCodeMapping.Add('Grey2', '\x0D');
// only adding there here for the default accent color
rconParser.Configuration.ColorCodeMapping.Add('Cyan', '\x0B');
rconParser.Configuration.NoticeLineSeparator = '. ';
rconParser.Configuration.DefaultRConPort = 27015;
rconParser.CanGenerateLogPath = false;
rconParser.Configuration.CommandPrefixes.RConGetInfo = undefined;
rconParser.Configuration.CommandPrefixes.Kick = 'sm_kick #{0} {1}';
rconParser.Configuration.CommandPrefixes.Ban = 'sm_kick #{0} {1}';
rconParser.Configuration.CommandPrefixes.TempBan = 'sm_kick #{0} {1}';
rconParser.Configuration.CommandPrefixes.Say = 'sm_say {0}';
rconParser.Configuration.CommandPrefixes.Tell = 'sm_psay #{0} "{1}"';
eventParser.Configuration.Say.Pattern = '^"(.+)<(\\d+)><(.+)><(.*?)>" (?:say|say_team) "(.*)"$';
eventParser.Configuration.Say.AddMapping(5, 1);
eventParser.Configuration.Say.AddMapping(3, 2);
eventParser.Configuration.Say.AddMapping(1, 3);
eventParser.Configuration.Say.AddMapping(7, 4);
eventParser.Configuration.Say.AddMapping(13, 5);
eventParser.Configuration.Kill.Pattern = '^"(.+)<(\\d+)><(.+)><(.*)>" \\[-?\\d+ -?\\d+ -?\\d+\\] killed "(.+)<(\\d+)><(.+)><(.*)>" \\[-?\\d+ -?\\d+ -?\\d+\\] with "(\\S*)" *(?:\\((\\w+)((?: ).+)?\\))?$';
eventParser.Configuration.Kill.AddMapping(5, 1);
eventParser.Configuration.Kill.AddMapping(3, 2);
eventParser.Configuration.Kill.AddMapping(1, 3);
eventParser.Configuration.Kill.AddMapping(7, 4);
eventParser.Configuration.Kill.AddMapping(6, 5);
eventParser.Configuration.Kill.AddMapping(4, 6);
eventParser.Configuration.Kill.AddMapping(2, 7);
eventParser.Configuration.Kill.AddMapping(8, 8);
eventParser.Configuration.Kill.AddMapping(9, 9);
eventParser.Configuration.Kill.AddMapping(12, 10);
eventParser.Configuration.MapEnd.Pattern = '^World triggered "Match_Start" on "(.+)"$';
eventParser.Configuration.JoinTeam.Pattern = '^"(.+)<(\\d+)><(.*)>" switched from team <(.+)> to <(.+)>$';
eventParser.Configuration.JoinTeam.AddMapping(5, 1);
eventParser.Configuration.JoinTeam.AddMapping(3, 2);
eventParser.Configuration.JoinTeam.AddMapping(1, 3);
eventParser.Configuration.JoinTeam.AddMapping(7, 5);
eventParser.Configuration.TeamMapping.Add('CT', 2);
eventParser.Configuration.TeamMapping.Add('TERRORIST', 3);
eventParser.Configuration.Time.Pattern = '^L [01]\\d/[0-3]\\d/\\d+ - [0-2]\\d:[0-5]\\d:[0-5]\\d:';
rconParser.Version = 'L4D2SM';
rconParser.GameName = 12; // L4D2
eventParser.Version = 'L4D2SM';
eventParser.GameName = 12; // L4D2
eventParser.URLProtocolFormat = 'steam://connect/{{ip}}:{{port}}';
onUnloadAsync: function () {
onTickAsync: function (server) {
@ -2,8 +2,8 @@
var eventParser;
var plugin = {
author: 'RaidMax, Chase, Future',
version: 0.5,
author: 'RaidMax, Chase',
version: 0.4,
name: 'Plutonium T4 MP Parser',
isParser: true,
@ -14,9 +14,9 @@ var plugin = {
rconParser = manager.GenerateDynamicRConParser(;
eventParser = manager.GenerateDynamicEventParser(;
rconParser.Configuration.CommandPrefixes.Kick = 'clientkick {0} "{1}"';
rconParser.Configuration.CommandPrefixes.Ban = 'clientkick {0} "{1}"';
rconParser.Configuration.CommandPrefixes.TempBan = 'clientkick {0} "{1}"';
rconParser.Configuration.CommandPrefixes.Kick = 'clientkick {0}';
rconParser.Configuration.CommandPrefixes.Ban = 'clientkick {0}';
rconParser.Configuration.CommandPrefixes.TempBan = 'clientkick {0}';
rconParser.Configuration.CommandPrefixes.RConResponse = '\xff\xff\xff\xffprint\n';
rconParser.Configuration.GuidNumberStyle = 7; // Integer
rconParser.Configuration.DefaultRConPort = 28960;
@ -2,8 +2,8 @@ var rconParser;
var eventParser;
var plugin = {
author: 'RaidMax, Future',
version: 0.6,
author: 'RaidMax',
version: 0.5,
name: 'Black Ops 3 Parser',
isParser: true,
@ -16,8 +16,8 @@ var plugin = {
rconParser.Configuration.Status.Pattern = '^ *([0-9]+) +-?([0-9]+) +((?:[A-Z]+|[0-9]+)) +((?:[a-z]|[0-9]){8,32}|(?:[a-z]|[0-9]){8,32}|bot[0-9]+|(?:[0-9]+)) *(.{0,32}) +(\\d+\\.\\d+\\.\\d+.\\d+\\:-*\\d{1,5}|0+.0+:-*\\d{1,5}|loopback|unknown)(?:\\([0-9]+\\)) +(-*[0-9]+) *$';
rconParser.Configuration.StatusHeader.Pattern = 'num +score +ping +xuid +name +address +qport|---------- Live ----------';
rconParser.Configuration.CommandPrefixes.Kick = 'clientkick_for_reason {0} "{1}"';
rconParser.Configuration.CommandPrefixes.Ban = 'clientkick_for_reason {0} "{1}"';
rconParser.Configuration.CommandPrefixes.Kick = 'clientkick {0}';
rconParser.Configuration.CommandPrefixes.Ban = 'clientkick {0}';
rconParser.Configuration.CommandPrefixes.TempBan = 'tempbanclient {0}';
rconParser.Configuration.CommandPrefixes.RConCommand = '\xff\xff\xff\xff\x00{0} {1}';
rconParser.Configuration.CommandPrefixes.RConGetDvar = '\xff\xff\xff\xff\x00{0} {1}';
@ -41,7 +41,6 @@ const plugin = {
serverOrderCache[startEvent.server.gameCode].sort((a, b) => b.clientNum - a.clientNum);
serverOrderCache.sort((a, b) => b[Object.keys(b)[0].clientNum] - b[Object.keys(a)[0].clientNum]);
if (lookupComplete) {
@ -50,9 +49,9 @@ const plugin = {
const lookupIp = startEvent.server.resolvedIpEndPoint.address.isInternal() ?
this.manager.externalIPAddress :
this.logger.logInformation('Looking up server location for IP {IP}', lookupIp);
this.scriptHelper.getUrl(`${lookupIp}/country`, (result) => {
let error = true;
@ -81,9 +80,8 @@ const plugin = {
interactionData.interactionType = 1;
interactionData.source =;
interactionData.scriptAction = (sourceId, targetId, game, meta, _) => {
const serverId = meta.serverId;
const isSmall = meta.size !== undefined && meta.size === 'small';
interactionData.scriptAction = (sourceId, targetId, game, meta, token) => {
const serverId = meta['serverId'];
let server;
let colorLeft = 'color: #f5f5f5; text-shadow: -1px 1px 8px #000000cc;';
@ -146,185 +144,97 @@ const plugin = {
colorRight = colorMappingOverride[gameCode]?.right || colorRight;
const font = 'Noto Sans Mono';
let status = isSmall ? '<div class="status small online-checkmark"></div>' : '<div class="status-online subtitle">ONLINE</div>';
let status = '<div class="status-online subtitle">ONLINE</div>';
if (server.throttled) {
status = isSmall ? '<div class="status small offline-x"></div>' : '<div class="status-offline subtitle">OFFLINE</div>';
status = '<div class="status-offline subtitle">OFFLINE</div>';
const displayIp = server.resolvedIpEndPoint.address.isInternal() ?
plugin.manager.externalIPAddress :
const head = `<head>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="${font}">
* {
padding: 0;
margin: 0;
.server-container {
font-family: '${font}';
background: url('${gameCode}.jpg') no-repeat;
align-items: center;
.server-container.large {
padding-left: 1rem;
padding-right: 1rem;
width: calc(750px - 2rem);
height: 120px;
display: flex;
background-position: center center;
.server-container.small {
padding: 0.5rem;
background-position: left center;
.game-icon {
background: url('${gameCode}.jpg') no-repeat;
background-size: contain;
.game-icon.large {
width: 64px;
height: 64px;
border-radius: 10px;
.game-icon.small {
width: 20px;
height: 20px;
border-radius: 5px;
.first-line.small, .second-line.small {
display: flex;
flex-direction: row;
.first-line.small .header {
font-size: 10pt;
font-weight: bold;
margin-left: 0.5rem;
align-self: center;
.second-line.small {
align-self: center;
.game-info.small {
margin-left: 0.5rem;
font-size: 9pt;
.game-info.large {
padding: 0 0.75em;
.game-info .header {
font-weight: bold;
img.location-image {
width: 20px;
align-self: center;
.game-info.large .subtitle {
font-size: 0.9rem;
.text-weight-lighter {
font-weight: lighter
.status-online {
color: green;
.status-offline {
color: red;
.players-flag-section {
flex: 1;
flex-direction: row;
align-items: center;
.players-flag-section img {
margin: 0 0.5rem;
height: 0.75rem;
.status.small:after {
position: absolute;
width: 20px;
height: 15px;
text-align: center;
border-radius: 2px;
font-size: 8pt;
margin-top: 0.1rem;
margin-left: -0.5rem;
.online-checkmark:after {
content: '\\2714';
color: white;
background: rgba(0, 128, 0, 0.5);
.offline-x:after {
content: '\\2715';
color: white;
background: rgba(128, 0, 0, 0.5);
h3, .server-container.large div {
line-height: 1.5rem;
h2 {
line-height: 2rem;
if (isSmall) {
return `<html lang="en">
<div class="server-container small" id="server">
<div class="first-line small">
<div class="game-icon small"></div>
<div class="header" style="${colorLeft}">${server.serverName.stripColors()}</div>
<div class="third-line game-info small">
<div style="${colorLeft}; margin-left: 20px;">${displayIp}:${server.listenPort}</div>
<div class="second-line small">
<img src="${serverLocationCache[server.listenAddress]?.toLowerCase()}.png"
alt="${serverLocationCache[server.listenAddress]}" class="location-image">
<div class="game-info small" style="${colorLeft}">
<span>${server.throttled ? '-' : server.clientNum}/${server.maxClients}</span>
return `<html>
<link rel="stylesheet" href="${font}">
* {
padding: 0;
margin: 0;
.server-container {
padding-left: 1rem;
padding-right: 1rem;
width: calc(750px - 2rem);
height: 120px;
display: flex;
font-family: '${font}';
background: url('${gameCode}.jpg') no-repeat;
align-items: center;
.contrast {
background-color: rgba(0, 0, 0, 0.5);
.game-icon {
border-radius: 10px;
width: 64px;
height: 64px;
.game-info {
padding: 0 0.75em;
.game-info .header {
font-weight: bold;
.game-info .subtitle {
font-size: 0.9rem;
.text-weight-lighter {
font-weight: lighter
.status-online {
color: green;
.status-offline {
color: red;
.players-flag-section {
flex: 1;
flex-direction: row;
align-items: center;
.players-flag-section img {
margin: 0 0.5rem;
height: 0.75rem;
h3, div {
line-height: 1.5rem;
h2 {
line-height: 2rem;
<div class="server-container contrast" id="server">
<div class="game-icon"
style="background: url('${gameCode}.jpg');">
return `<html lang="en">
<div class="server-container large" id="server">
<div class="game-icon large"
style="background: url('${gameCode}.jpg');">
<div style="flex: 1; ${colorLeft}" class="game-info">
<div class="header">${server.serverName.stripColors()}</div>
<div class="text-weight-lighter subtitle">${displayIp}:${server.listenPort}</div>
<div class="players-flag-section">
<div class="subtitle">${server.throttled ? '-' : server.clientNum}/${server.maxClients} Players</div>
<img src="${serverLocationCache[server.listenAddress]?.toLowerCase()}.png"
<div style="flex: 1; ${colorLeft}" class="game-info large">
<div class="header">${server.serverName.stripColors()}</div>
<div class="text-weight-lighter subtitle">${displayIp}:${server.listenPort}</div>
<div class="players-flag-section">
<div class="subtitle">${server.throttled ? '-' : server.clientNum}/${server.maxClients} Players</div>
<img src="${serverLocationCache[server.listenAddress]?.toLowerCase()}.png"
<div style="${colorRight}; text-align: right;" class="game-info">
<div class="header">${}</div>
<div class="text-weight-lighter subtitle">${server.gametypeName}</div>
<div style="${colorRight}; text-align: right;" class="game-info">
<div class="header">${}</div>
<div class="text-weight-lighter subtitle">${server.gametypeName}</div>
@ -358,36 +268,18 @@ const plugin = {
const servers = serverOrderCache[key];
servers.forEach(eachServer => {
response += `<div class="w-full w-xl-half">
<div class="card m-10 p-20">
<div class="font-size-16 mb-10">
<div class="badge ml-10 float-right font-size-16">${eachServer.gameCode}</div>
<div class="card m-10 p-20">
<div class="font-size-16 mb-10"> <div class="badge ml-10 float-right font-size-16">${eachServer.gameCode}</div>${eachServer.serverName.stripColors()}</div>
<div style="overflow: hidden">
<iframe src="/Interaction/Render/Banner?serverId=${}" width="750"
height="120" style="border-width: 0; overflow: hidden;" class="rounded mb-5"
<div class="btn mb-10" onclick="$(document.getElementById('showCode${}')).toggleClass('d-flex')">Show Embed</div>
<div class="code p-5 mb-10" id="showCode${}" style="display:none;">
<br/> src="${plugin.webfrontUrl}/Interaction/Render/Banner?serverId=${}"
<br/> width="750" height="120" style="border-width: 0; overflow: hidden;"><br/>
<iframe src="/Interaction/Render/Banner?serverId=${}&size=small" width="400"
height="70" style="border-width: 0; overflow: hidden;" class="rounded mb-5"
<div class="btn mb-10" onclick="$(document.getElementById('showCode${}Small')).toggleClass('d-flex')">Show Embed</div>
<div class="code p-5" id="showCode${}Small" style="display:none;">
<br/> src="${plugin.webfrontUrl}/Interaction/Render/Banner?serverId=${}&size=small"
<br/> width="400" height="70" style="border-width: 0; overflow: hidden;"><br/>
<div style="overflow: hidden">
<iframe src="/Interaction/Render/Banner?serverId=${}" width="750" height="120" style="border-width: 0; overflow: hidden;" class="rounded mb-5" ></iframe>
<div class="btn mb-10" onclick="document.getElementById('showCode${}').style.removeProperty('display')">Show Embed</div>
<div class="code p-5" id="showCode${}" style="display:none;"><iframe
<br/> src="${plugin.webfrontUrl}/Interaction/Render/Banner?serverId=${}"
<br/> width="750" height="120" style="border-width: 0; overflow: hidden;"><br/>
@ -2,24 +2,23 @@ let vpnExceptionIds = [];
const vpnAllowListKey = 'Webfront::Nav::Admin::VPNAllowList';
const vpnWhitelistKey = 'Webfront::Profile::VPNWhitelist';
const init = (registerNotify, serviceResolver, configWrapper, pluginHelper) => {
const init = (registerNotify, serviceResolver, config, pluginHelper) => {
registerNotify('IManagementEventSubscriptions.ClientStateAuthorized', (authorizedEvent, token) => plugin.onClientAuthorized(authorizedEvent, token));
plugin.onLoad(serviceResolver, configWrapper, pluginHelper);
plugin.onLoad(serviceResolver, config, pluginHelper);
return plugin;
const plugin = {
author: 'RaidMax',
version: '2.1',
version: '2.0',
name: 'VPN Detection Plugin',
manager: null,
configWrapper: null,
config: null,
logger: null,
serviceResolver: null,
translations: null,
pluginHelper: null,
enabled: true,
commands: [{
name: 'whitelistvpn',
@ -33,7 +32,7 @@ const plugin = {
execute: (gameEvent) => {
plugin.configWrapper.setValue('vpnExceptionIds', vpnExceptionIds);
plugin.config.setValue('vpnExceptionIds', vpnExceptionIds);
gameEvent.origin.tell(`Successfully whitelisted ${}`);
@ -50,7 +49,7 @@ const plugin = {
execute: (gameEvent) => {
vpnExceptionIds = vpnExceptionIds.filter(exception => parseInt(exception) !== parseInt(gameEvent.Target.ClientId));
plugin.configWrapper.setValue('vpnExceptionIds', vpnExceptionIds);
plugin.config.setValue('vpnExceptionIds', vpnExceptionIds);
gameEvent.origin.tell(`Successfully disallowed ${} from connecting with VPN`);
@ -149,45 +148,30 @@ const plugin = {
onClientAuthorized: async function (authorizeEvent, token) {
if (authorizeEvent.client.isBot || !this.enabled) {
if (authorizeEvent.client.isBot) {
await this.checkForVpn(authorizeEvent.client, token);
onLoad: function (serviceResolver, configWrapper, pluginHelper) {
onLoad: function (serviceResolver, config, pluginHelper) {
this.serviceResolver = serviceResolver;
this.configWrapper = configWrapper;
this.config = config;
this.pluginHelper = pluginHelper;
this.manager = this.serviceResolver.resolveService('IManager');
this.logger = this.serviceResolver.resolveService('ILogger', ['ScriptPluginV2']);
this.translations = this.serviceResolver.resolveService('ITranslationLookup');
this.configWrapper.setName(; // use legacy key
this.configWrapper.getValue('vpnExceptionIds').forEach(element => vpnExceptionIds.push(parseInt(element)));
this.config.setName(; // use legacy key
this.config.getValue('vpnExceptionIds').forEach(element => vpnExceptionIds.push(parseInt(element)));
this.logger.logInformation(`Loaded ${vpnExceptionIds.length} ids into whitelist`);
this.enabled = this.configWrapper.getValue('enabled', newValue => {
if (newValue) {
plugin.logger.logInformation('{Name} configuration updated. Enabled={Enabled}', newValue);
plugin.enabled = newValue;
if (this.enabled === undefined) {
this.configWrapper.setValue('enabled', true);
this.enabled = true;
this.interactionRegistration = this.serviceResolver.resolveService('IInteractionRegistration');
this.logger.logInformation('{Name} {Version} by {Author} loaded. Enabled={Enabled}',, this.version,
||||, this.enabled);
checkForVpn: async function (origin, _) {
checkForVpn: async function (origin, token) {
let exempt = false;
// prevent players that are exempt from being kicked
vpnExceptionIds.forEach(function (id) {
@ -207,15 +191,13 @@ const plugin = {
const userAgent = `IW4MAdmin-${this.manager.getApplicationSettings().configuration().id}`;
const stringDict = System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary(System.String, System.String);
const headers = new stringDict();
headers.add('User-Agent', userAgent);
const pluginScript = importNamespace('IW4MAdmin.Application.Plugin.Script');
const request = new pluginScript.ScriptPluginWebRequest(`${origin.IPAddressString}`,
null, 'GET', 'application/json', headers);
const headers = {
'User-Agent': userAgent
try {
this.pluginHelper.requestUrl(request, (response) => this.onVpnResponse(response, origin));
this.pluginHelper.getUrl(`${origin.IPAddressString}`, headers,
(response) => this.onVpnResponse(response, origin));
} catch (ex) {
this.logger.logWarning('There was a problem checking client IP ({IP}) for VPN - {message}',
@ -25,25 +25,11 @@ namespace Stats.Dtos
/// </summary>
public DateTime? SentAfter { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// The time associated with SentAfter date
/// </summary>
public string SentAfterTime { get; set; }
public DateTime? SentAfterDateTime => SentAfter?.Add(string.IsNullOrEmpty(SentAfterTime) ? TimeSpan.Zero : TimeSpan.Parse(SentAfterTime));
/// <summary>
/// only look for messages sent before this date0
/// </summary>
public DateTime SentBefore { get; set; } = DateTime.UtcNow.Date;
public DateTime SentBefore { get; set; } = DateTime.UtcNow;
public string SentBeforeTime { get; set; }
public DateTime? SentBeforeDateTime =>
SentBefore.Add(string.IsNullOrEmpty(SentBeforeTime) ? TimeSpan.Zero : TimeSpan.Parse(SentBeforeTime));
public bool IsExactMatch { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// indicates if the chat is on the meta page
/// </summary>
@ -13,6 +13,7 @@ namespace IW4MAdmin.Plugins.Stats
private const int ZScoreRange = 3;
private const int RankIconDivisions = 24;
private const int MaxMessages = 100;
public class LogParams
@ -126,5 +127,70 @@ namespace IW4MAdmin.Plugins.Stats
return 0;
/// <summary>
/// todo: lets abstract this out to a generic buildable query
/// this is just a dirty PoC
/// </summary>
/// <param name="query"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
public static ChatSearchQuery ParseSearchInfo(this string query, int count, int offset)
string[] filters = query.Split('|');
var searchRequest = new ChatSearchQuery
Filter = query,
Count = count,
Offset = offset
// sanity checks
searchRequest.Count = Math.Min(searchRequest.Count, MaxMessages);
searchRequest.Count = Math.Max(searchRequest.Count, 0);
searchRequest.Offset = Math.Max(searchRequest.Offset, 0);
if (filters.Length > 1)
if (filters[0].ToLower() != "chat")
throw new ArgumentException("Query is not compatible with chat");
foreach (string filter in filters.Skip(1))
string[] args = filter.Split(' ');
if (args.Length > 1)
string recombinedArgs = string.Join(' ', args.Skip(1));
switch (args[0].ToLower())
case "before":
searchRequest.SentBefore = DateTime.Parse(recombinedArgs);
case "after":
searchRequest.SentAfter = DateTime.Parse(recombinedArgs);
case "server":
searchRequest.ServerId = args[1];
case "client":
searchRequest.ClientId = int.Parse(args[1]);
case "contains":
searchRequest.MessageContains = string.Join(' ', args.Skip(1));
case "sort":
searchRequest.Direction = Enum.Parse<SortDirection>(args[1], ignoreCase: true);
return searchRequest;
throw new ArgumentException("No filters specified for chat search");
@ -53,11 +53,11 @@ namespace Stats.Helpers
var iqMessages = context.Set<EFClientMessage>()
.Where(message => message.TimeSent < query.SentBeforeDateTime);
.Where(message => message.TimeSent < query.SentBefore);
if (query.SentAfterDateTime is not null)
if (query.SentAfter is not null)
iqMessages = iqMessages.Where(message => message.TimeSent >= query.SentAfterDateTime);
iqMessages = iqMessages.Where(message => message.TimeSent >= query.SentAfter);
if (query.ClientId is not null)
@ -72,10 +72,7 @@ namespace Stats.Helpers
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(query.MessageContains))
iqMessages = query.IsExactMatch
? iqMessages.Where(message => message.Message.ToLower() == query.MessageContains.ToLower())
: iqMessages.Where(message =>
EF.Functions.Like(message.Message.ToLower(), $"%{query.MessageContains.ToLower()}%"));
iqMessages = iqMessages.Where(message => EF.Functions.Like(message.Message.ToLower(), $"%{query.MessageContains.ToLower()}%"));
var iqResponse = iqMessages
@ -469,8 +469,6 @@ public class Plugin : IPluginV2
ClientId = request.ClientId,
Before = request.Before,
SentBefore = request.Before ?? DateTime.UtcNow,
SentAfter = request.After,
After = request.After,
Count = request.Count,
IsProfileMeta = true
@ -56,4 +56,4 @@ Feel free to join the **IW4MAdmin** [Discord](
If you come across an issue, bug, or feature request please post an [issue](
#### Explore the [wiki]( to find more information.
#### Explore the [wiki]( to find more information.
@ -178,8 +178,7 @@ namespace SharedLibraryCore
ViewBag.ReportCount = Manager.GetServers().Sum(server =>
server.Reports.Count(report => DateTime.UtcNow - report.ReportedOn <= TimeSpan.FromHours(24)));
ViewBag.PermissionsSet = PermissionsSet;
ViewBag.Alerts = AlertManager.RetrieveAlerts(Client);
ViewBag.Manager = Manager;
ViewBag.Alerts = AlertManager.RetrieveAlerts(Client).ToList();
@ -206,7 +206,7 @@ namespace SharedLibraryCore.Configuration
: ManualWebfrontUrl;
[ConfigurationIgnore] public bool IgnoreServerConnectionLost { get; set; }
[ConfigurationIgnore] public Uri MasterUrl { get; set; } = new("");
[ConfigurationIgnore] public Uri MasterUrl { get; set; } = new("");
public IBaseConfiguration Generate()
@ -67,7 +67,7 @@ namespace SharedLibraryCore.Configuration.Validation
RuleFor(_app => _app.MasterUrl)
.Must(_url => _url != null && (_url.Scheme == Uri.UriSchemeHttp || _url.Scheme == Uri.UriSchemeHttps));
.Must(_url => _url != null && _url.Scheme == Uri.UriSchemeHttp);
RuleFor(_app => _app.CommandPrefix)
@ -80,4 +80,4 @@ namespace SharedLibraryCore.Configuration.Validation
.SetValidator(new ServerConfigurationValidator());
@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Text.Json.Serialization;
namespace SharedLibraryCore.Dtos
@ -12,17 +11,11 @@ namespace SharedLibraryCore.Dtos
public class ClientCountSnapshot
public DateTime Time { get; set; }
public string TimeString => Time.ToString("yyyy-MM-ddTHH:mm:ssZ");
public int ClientCount { get; set; }
public bool ConnectionInterrupted { get;set; }
public string Map { get; set; }
public string MapAlias { get; set; }
@ -1,5 +1,5 @@
using System;
using Data.Models;
using static SharedLibraryCore.Server;
namespace SharedLibraryCore.Dtos
@ -15,11 +15,11 @@ namespace SharedLibraryCore.Dtos
/// <summary>
/// specifies the game name filter
/// </summary>
public Reference.Game? Game { get; set; }
public Game? Game { get; set; }
/// <summary>
/// collection of unique game names being monitored
/// </summary>
public Reference.Game[] ActiveServerGames { get; set; }
public Game[] ActiveServerGames { get; set; }
@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
using System;
namespace SharedLibraryCore.Events.Management;
public class NotifyAfterDelayCompleteEvent : ManagementEvent
public Delegate Action { get; init; }
@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
using System;
namespace SharedLibraryCore.Events.Management;
public class NotifyAfterDelayRequestEvent : ManagementEvent
public int DelayMs { get; init; }
public Action Action { get; init; }
@ -1,16 +0,0 @@
using SharedLibraryCore.Interfaces;
namespace SharedLibraryCore.Events.Server;
public class ServerCommandRequestExecuteEvent : GameServerEvent
public ServerCommandRequestExecuteEvent(string command, IGameServer server)
Command = command;
Server = server;
public string Command { get; init; }
public int? DelayMs { get; init; }
public int? TimeoutMs { get; init; }
@ -38,11 +38,6 @@ public interface IGameServerEventSubscriptions
/// </summary>
static event Func<ClientDataUpdateEvent, CancellationToken, Task> ClientDataUpdated;
/// <summary>
/// Raised when a command is requested to be executed on a game server
/// </summary>
static event Func<ServerCommandRequestExecuteEvent, CancellationToken, Task> ServerCommandExecuteRequested;
/// <summary>
/// Raised when a command was executed on a game server
/// <value><see cref="ServerCommandExecuteEvent"/></value>
@ -72,17 +67,16 @@ public interface IGameServerEventSubscriptions
/// <value><see cref="ServerValueSetRequestEvent"/></value>
/// </summary>
static event Func<ServerValueSetCompleteEvent, CancellationToken, Task> ServerValueSetCompleted;
static Task InvokeEventAsync(CoreEvent coreEvent, CancellationToken token)
return coreEvent switch
MonitorStartEvent monitoringStartEvent => MonitoringStarted?.InvokeAsync(monitoringStartEvent, token) ?? Task.CompletedTask,
MonitorStopEvent monitorStopEvent => MonitoringStopped?.InvokeAsync(monitorStopEvent, CancellationToken.None) ?? Task.CompletedTask,
MonitorStopEvent monitorStopEvent => MonitoringStopped?.InvokeAsync(monitorStopEvent, token) ?? Task.CompletedTask,
ConnectionInterruptEvent connectionInterruptEvent => ConnectionInterrupted?.InvokeAsync(connectionInterruptEvent, token) ?? Task.CompletedTask,
ConnectionRestoreEvent connectionRestoreEvent => ConnectionRestored?.InvokeAsync(connectionRestoreEvent, token) ?? Task.CompletedTask,
ClientDataUpdateEvent clientDataUpdateEvent => ClientDataUpdated?.InvokeAsync(clientDataUpdateEvent, token) ?? Task.CompletedTask,
ServerCommandRequestExecuteEvent serverCommandRequestExecuteEvent => ServerCommandExecuteRequested?.InvokeAsync(serverCommandRequestExecuteEvent, token) ?? Task.CompletedTask,
ServerCommandExecuteEvent dataReceiveEvent => ServerCommandExecuted?.InvokeAsync(dataReceiveEvent, token) ?? Task.CompletedTask,
ServerValueRequestEvent serverValueRequestEvent => ServerValueRequested?.InvokeAsync(serverValueRequestEvent, token) ?? Task.CompletedTask,
ServerValueReceiveEvent serverValueReceiveEvent => ServerValueReceived?.InvokeAsync(serverValueReceiveEvent, token) ?? Task.CompletedTask,
@ -99,7 +93,6 @@ public interface IGameServerEventSubscriptions
ConnectionInterrupted = null;
ConnectionRestored = null;
ClientDataUpdated = null;
ServerCommandExecuteRequested = null;
ServerCommandExecuted = null;
ServerValueReceived = null;
ServerValueRequested = null;
@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace SharedLibraryCore.Interfaces;
@ -8,5 +7,4 @@ public interface IConfigurationHandlerV2<TConfigurationType> where TConfiguratio
Task<TConfigurationType> Get(string configurationName, TConfigurationType defaultConfiguration = null);
Task Set(TConfigurationType configuration);
Task Set();
event Action<TConfigurationType> Updated;
@ -1,6 +1,5 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Data.Models;
using SharedLibraryCore.Database.Models;
@ -18,23 +17,6 @@ namespace SharedLibraryCore.Interfaces
/// <param name="previousPenalty">previous penalty the kick is occuring for (if applicable)</param>
/// <returns></returns>
Task Kick(string reason, EFClient target, EFClient origin, EFPenalty previousPenalty = null);
/// <summary>
/// Execute a server command
/// </summary>
/// <param name="command">Server command to execute</param>
/// <param name="token"><see cref="CancellationToken"/></param>
/// <returns>Collection of console command output lines</returns>
Task<string[]> ExecuteCommandAsync(string command, CancellationToken token = default);
/// <summary>
/// Set value for server dvar
/// </summary>
/// <param name="name">Name of the server value to set</param>
/// <param name="value">Value of the server value</param>
/// <param name="token"><see cref="CancellationToken"/></param>
/// <returns></returns>
Task SetDvarAsync(string name, object value, CancellationToken token = default);
/// <summary>
/// Time the most recent match ended
@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Data.Models;
using SharedLibraryCore.Dtos;
namespace SharedLibraryCore.Interfaces
@ -16,21 +15,19 @@ namespace SharedLibraryCore.Interfaces
/// Retrieves the max concurrent clients over a give time period for all servers or given server id
/// </summary>
/// <param name="serverId">ServerId to query on</param>
/// <param name="gameCode"><see cref="Reference.Game"/></param>
/// <param name="overPeriod">how far in the past to search</param>
/// <param name="token">CancellationToken</param>
/// <returns></returns>
Task<(int?, DateTime?)> MaxConcurrentClientsAsync(long? serverId = null, Reference.Game? gameCode = null, TimeSpan? overPeriod = null,
Task<(int?, DateTime?)> MaxConcurrentClientsAsync(long? serverId = null, TimeSpan? overPeriod = null,
CancellationToken token = default);
/// <summary>
/// Gets the total number of clients connected and total clients connected in the given time frame
/// </summary>
/// <param name="overPeriod">how far in the past to search</param>
/// <param name="gameCode"><see cref="Reference.Game"/></param>
/// <param name="token">CancellationToken</param>
/// <returns></returns>
Task<(int, int)> ClientCountsAsync(TimeSpan? overPeriod = null, Reference.Game? gameCode = null, CancellationToken token = default);
Task<(int, int)> ClientCountsAsync(TimeSpan? overPeriod = null, CancellationToken token = default);
/// <summary>
/// Retrieves the client count and history over the given period
@ -117,9 +117,6 @@ namespace SharedLibraryCore.Database.Models
[NotMapped] public TeamType Team { get; set; }
[NotMapped] public string TeamName { get; set; }
public string TimeSinceLastConnectionString => (DateTime.UtcNow - LastConnection).HumanizeForCurrentCulture();
// this is kinda dirty, but I need localizable level names
public ClientPermission ClientPermission => new ClientPermission
@ -35,8 +35,7 @@ namespace SharedLibraryCore
T7 = 8,
SHG1 = 9,
CSGO = 10,
H1 = 11,
L4D2 = 12
H1 = 11
// only here for performance
@ -164,8 +163,6 @@ namespace SharedLibraryCore
public int Port { get; protected set; }
public int ListenPort => Port;
public abstract Task Kick(string reason, EFClient target, EFClient origin, EFPenalty originalPenalty);
public abstract Task<string[]> ExecuteCommandAsync(string command, CancellationToken token = default);
public abstract Task SetDvarAsync(string name, object value, CancellationToken token = default);
/// <summary>
/// Returns list of all current players
@ -173,10 +170,7 @@ namespace SharedLibraryCore
/// <returns></returns>
public List<EFClient> GetClientsAsList()
lock (Clients)
return Clients.FindAll(client => client is not null && client.NetworkId != 0);
return Clients.FindAll(x => x != null && x.NetworkId != 0);
/// <summary>
@ -215,8 +215,7 @@ namespace SharedLibraryCore.Services
return await activePenaltiesIds.Select(ids => ids.Penalty).ToListAsync();
public virtual async Task RemoveActivePenalties(int aliasLinkId, long networkId, Reference.Game game, int? ipAddress = null,
EFPenalty.PenaltyType[] penaltyTypes = null)
public virtual async Task RemoveActivePenalties(int aliasLinkId, long networkId, Reference.Game game, int? ipAddress = null)
await using var context = _contextFactory.CreateContext();
var now = DateTime.UtcNow;
@ -227,7 +226,6 @@ namespace SharedLibraryCore.Services
var ids = activePenalties.Select(penalty => penalty.PenaltyId);
await context.Penalties.Where(penalty => ids.Contains(penalty.PenaltyId))
.Where(pen => penaltyTypes == null || penaltyTypes.Contains(pen.Type))
.ForEachAsync(penalty =>
penalty.Active = false;
@ -25,7 +25,6 @@ using SharedLibraryCore.Helpers;
using SharedLibraryCore.Interfaces;
using SharedLibraryCore.Localization;
using SharedLibraryCore.RCon;
using static System.Threading.Tasks.Task;
using static SharedLibraryCore.Server;
using static Data.Models.Client.EFClient;
using static Data.Models.EFPenalty;
@ -50,8 +49,8 @@ namespace SharedLibraryCore
public static char[] DirectorySeparatorChars = { '\\', '/' };
public static char CommandPrefix { get; set; } = '!';
public static string ToStandardFormat(this DateTime? time) => time?.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss UTC");
public static string ToStandardFormat(this DateTime time) => time.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss UTC");
public static string ToStandardFormat(this DateTime? time) => time?.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd H:mm:ss UTC");
public static string ToStandardFormat(this DateTime time) => time.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd H:mm:ss UTC");
public static EFClient IW4MAdminClient(Server server = null)
@ -195,7 +194,7 @@ namespace SharedLibraryCore
var output = str;
var colorCodeMatches = Regex.Matches(output, @"\(Color::(\w{1,16})\)",
var colorCodeMatches = Regex.Matches(output, @"\(Color::(.{1,16})\)",
RegexOptions.IgnoreCase | RegexOptions.Compiled);
foreach (var match in colorCodeMatches.Where(m => m.Success))
@ -887,7 +886,7 @@ namespace SharedLibraryCore
if (delay != null)
await Delay(delay.Value);
await Task.Delay(delay.Value);
var response = await server.RemoteConnection.SendQueryAsync(StaticHelpers.QueryType.GET_INFO);
@ -1054,7 +1053,7 @@ namespace SharedLibraryCore
public static async Task WithWaitCancellation(this Task task,
CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var completedTask = await WhenAny(task, Delay(Timeout.Infinite, cancellationToken));
var completedTask = await Task.WhenAny(task, Task.Delay(Timeout.Infinite, cancellationToken));
if (completedTask == task)
await task;
@ -1069,7 +1068,7 @@ namespace SharedLibraryCore
public static async Task<T> WithWaitCancellation<T>(this Task<T> task,
CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var completedTask = await WhenAny(task, Delay(Timeout.Infinite, cancellationToken));
var completedTask = await Task.WhenAny(task, Task.Delay(Timeout.Infinite, cancellationToken));
if (completedTask == task)
return await task;
@ -1081,13 +1080,13 @@ namespace SharedLibraryCore
public static async Task<T> WithTimeout<T>(this Task<T> task, TimeSpan timeout)
await WhenAny(task, Delay(timeout));
await Task.WhenAny(task, Task.Delay(timeout));
return await task;
public static async Task WithTimeout(this Task task, TimeSpan timeout)
await WhenAny(task, Delay(timeout));
await Task.WhenAny(task, Task.Delay(timeout));
public static bool ShouldHideLevel(this Permission perm)
@ -1145,7 +1144,7 @@ namespace SharedLibraryCore
/// </summary>
/// <returns></returns>
public static bool IsDevelopment =>
Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT") == "Development" || AppContext.TryGetSwitch("IsDevelop", out _);
Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("ASPNETCORE_ENVIRONMENT") == "Development";
/// <summary>
/// replaces any directory separator chars with the platform specific character
@ -1304,7 +1303,7 @@ namespace SharedLibraryCore
var configuration =
Run(() => configurationHandler.Get(fileName ?? typeof(TConfigurationType).Name, defaultConfig))
Task.Run(() => configurationHandler.Get(fileName ?? typeof(TConfigurationType).Name, defaultConfig))
if (typeof(TConfigurationType).GetInterface(nameof(IBaseConfiguration)) is not null &&
@ -1317,7 +1316,7 @@ namespace SharedLibraryCore
if (defaultConfig is not null && configuration is null)
Run(() => configurationHandler.Set(defaultConfig)).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
Task.Run(() => configurationHandler.Set(defaultConfig)).GetAwaiter().GetResult();
configuration = defaultConfig;
@ -1333,20 +1332,17 @@ namespace SharedLibraryCore
return serviceCollection;
public static void ExecuteAfterDelay(TimeSpan duration, Func<CancellationToken, Task> action, CancellationToken token = default) =>
ExecuteAfterDelay((int)duration.TotalMilliseconds, action, token);
public static void NotifyAfterDelay(TimeSpan duration, Func<Task> action) =>
NotifyAfterDelay((int)duration.TotalMilliseconds, action);
public static void ExecuteAfterDelay(int delayMs, Func<CancellationToken, Task> action, CancellationToken token = default)
public static void NotifyAfterDelay(int delayMs, Func<Task> action)
// ReSharper disable once MethodSupportsCancellation
#pragma warning disable CA2016
_ = Run(async () =>
#pragma warning restore CA2016
Task.Run(async () =>
await Delay(delayMs, token);
await action(token);
await Task.Delay(delayMs);
await action();
@ -1354,8 +1350,5 @@ namespace SharedLibraryCore
public static void ExecuteAfterDelay(this Func<CancellationToken, Task> action, int delayMs,
CancellationToken token = default) => ExecuteAfterDelay(delayMs, action, token);
@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Data.Models;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
using SharedLibraryCore;
using SharedLibraryCore.Interfaces;
@ -22,13 +21,13 @@ public class Info : BaseController
public async Task<IActionResult> Get(int period = 24, Reference.Game? game = null, CancellationToken token = default)
public async Task<IActionResult> Get(int period = 24, CancellationToken token = default)
// todo: this is hardcoded currently because the cache doesn't take into consideration the duration, so
// we could impact the webfront usage too
var duration = TimeSpan.FromHours(24);
var (totalClients, totalRecentClients) =
await _serverDataViewer.ClientCountsAsync(duration, game, token);
await _serverDataViewer.ClientCountsAsync(duration, token);
var (maxConcurrent, maxConcurrentTime) = await _serverDataViewer.MaxConcurrentClientsAsync(overPeriod: duration, token: token);
var response = new InfoResponse
@ -1,12 +1,8 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
using SharedLibraryCore;
using SharedLibraryCore.Configuration;
using SharedLibraryCore.Dtos;
using SharedLibraryCore.Interfaces;
using WebfrontCore.Controllers.API.Models;
@ -16,14 +12,9 @@ namespace WebfrontCore.Controllers.API
public class Server : BaseController
private readonly IServerDataViewer _serverDataViewer;
private readonly ApplicationConfiguration _applicationConfiguration;
public Server(IManager manager, IServerDataViewer serverDataViewer,
ApplicationConfiguration applicationConfiguration) : base(manager)
public Server(IManager manager) : base(manager)
_serverDataViewer = serverDataViewer;
_applicationConfiguration = applicationConfiguration;
@ -119,48 +110,5 @@ namespace WebfrontCore.Controllers.API
public async Task<IActionResult> GetClientHistory(string id)
var foundServer = Manager.GetServers().FirstOrDefault(server => server.Id == id);
if (foundServer == null)
return new NotFoundResult();
var clientHistory = (await _serverDataViewer.ClientHistoryAsync(_applicationConfiguration.MaxClientHistoryTime,
.FirstOrDefault(history => history.ServerId == foundServer.LegacyDatabaseId) ??
new ClientHistoryInfo
ServerId = foundServer.LegacyDatabaseId,
ClientCounts = new List<ClientCountSnapshot>()
var counts = clientHistory.ClientCounts?.AsEnumerable() ?? Enumerable.Empty<ClientCountSnapshot>();
if (foundServer.ClientHistory.ClientCounts.Any())
counts = counts.Union(foundServer.ClientHistory.ClientCounts.Where(history =>
history.Time > (clientHistory.ClientCounts?.LastOrDefault()?.Time ?? DateTime.MinValue)))
.Where(history => history.Time >= DateTime.UtcNow - _applicationConfiguration.MaxClientHistoryTime);
if (ViewBag.Maps?.Count == 0)
return Json(counts.ToList());
var clientCountSnapshots = counts.ToList();
foreach (var count in clientCountSnapshots)
count.MapAlias = foundServer.Maps.FirstOrDefault(map => map.Name == count.Map)?.Alias ??
return Json(clientCountSnapshots);
@ -249,8 +249,7 @@ namespace WebfrontCore.Controllers
ViewBag.Title = Localization["WEBFRONT_SEARCH_RESULTS_TITLE"];
ViewBag.ClientResourceRequest = request;
request.RequesterPermission = Client.Level;
var response = await _clientResourceHelper.QueryResource(request);
return request.Offset > 0
? PartialView("Find/_AdvancedFindList", response.Results)
@ -17,7 +17,6 @@ using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
using ILogger = Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger;
using Data.Abstractions;
using Stats.Config;
using WebfrontCore.QueryHelpers.Models;
namespace IW4MAdmin.Plugins.Web.StatsWeb.Controllers
@ -122,7 +121,7 @@ namespace IW4MAdmin.Plugins.Web.StatsWeb.Controllers
public async Task<IActionResult> FindMessage([FromQuery] ChatResourceRequest query)
public async Task<IActionResult> FindMessage([FromQuery] string query)
ViewBag.Localization = _translationLookup;
ViewBag.EnableColorCodes = _manager.GetApplicationSettings().Configuration().EnableColorCodes;
@ -131,15 +130,53 @@ namespace IW4MAdmin.Plugins.Web.StatsWeb.Controllers
ViewBag.Title = _translationLookup["WEBFRONT_STATS_MESSAGES_TITLE"];
ViewBag.Error = null;
ViewBag.IsFluid = true;
var result = query != null ? await _chatResourceQueryHelper.QueryResource(query) : null;
ChatSearchQuery searchRequest = null;
searchRequest = query.ParseSearchInfo(int.MaxValue, 0);
catch (ArgumentException e)
_logger.LogWarning(e, "Could not parse chat message search query {query}", query);
ViewBag.Error = e;
catch (FormatException e)
_logger.LogWarning(e, "Could not parse chat message search query filter format {query}", query);
ViewBag.Error = e;
var result = searchRequest != null ? await _chatResourceQueryHelper.QueryResource(searchRequest) : null;
return View("~/Views/Client/Message/Find.cshtml", result);
public async Task<IActionResult> FindNextMessages(ChatResourceRequest query)
public async Task<IActionResult> FindNextMessages([FromQuery] string query, [FromQuery] int count,
[FromQuery] int offset)
var result = await _chatResourceQueryHelper.QueryResource(query);
ChatSearchQuery searchRequest;
searchRequest = query.ParseSearchInfo(count, offset);
catch (ArgumentException e)
_logger.LogWarning(e, "Could not parse chat message search query {query}", query);
catch (FormatException e)
_logger.LogWarning(e, "Could not parse chat message search query filter format {query}", query);
var result = await _chatResourceQueryHelper.QueryResource(searchRequest);
return PartialView("~/Views/Client/Message/_Item.cshtml", result.Results);
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,50 @@
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
using SharedLibraryCore;
using SharedLibraryCore.Interfaces;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.IO;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace WebfrontCore.Controllers
public class DynamicFileController : BaseController
private static readonly IDictionary<string, string> _fileCache = new Dictionary<string, string>();
public DynamicFileController(IManager manager) : base(manager)
public async Task<IActionResult> Css(string fileName)
if (fileName.EndsWith(".css"))
if (Utilities.IsDevelopment)
var path = Path.Join(Utilities.OperatingDirectory, "..", "..", "..", "..", "WebfrontCore", "wwwroot", "css", fileName);
string cssData = await System.IO.File.ReadAllTextAsync(path);
cssData = await Manager.MiddlewareActionHandler.Execute(cssData, "custom_css_accent");
return Content(cssData, "text/css");
if (!_fileCache.ContainsKey(fileName))
string path = $"wwwroot{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}css{Path.DirectorySeparatorChar}{fileName}";
string data = await System.IO.File.ReadAllTextAsync(path);
data = await Manager.MiddlewareActionHandler.Execute(data, "custom_css_accent");
_fileCache.Add(fileName, data);
return Content(_fileCache[fileName], "text/css");
return StatusCode(400);
@ -1,5 +1,4 @@
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Diagnostics;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
using SharedLibraryCore;
@ -8,8 +7,8 @@ using SharedLibraryCore.Interfaces;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Data.Models;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
using static SharedLibraryCore.Server;
using ILogger = Microsoft.Extensions.Logging.ILogger;
namespace WebfrontCore.Controllers
@ -19,44 +18,35 @@ namespace WebfrontCore.Controllers
private readonly ITranslationLookup _translationLookup;
private readonly ILogger _logger;
private readonly IServerDataViewer _serverDataViewer;
private readonly ILookup<Type, string> _pluginTypeNames;
public HomeController(ILogger<HomeController> logger, IManager manager, ITranslationLookup translationLookup,
IServerDataViewer serverDataViewer, IEnumerable<IPlugin> v1Plugins, IEnumerable<IPluginV2> v2Plugins) : base(manager)
IServerDataViewer serverDataViewer) : base(manager)
_logger = logger;
_translationLookup = translationLookup;
_serverDataViewer = serverDataViewer;
_pluginTypeNames = v1Plugins.Select(plugin => (plugin.GetType(), plugin.Name))
.Concat(v2Plugins.Select(plugin => (plugin.GetType(), plugin.Name)))
.ToLookup(selector => selector.Item1, selector => selector.Name);
public async Task<IActionResult> Index(Reference.Game? game = null,
CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
public async Task<IActionResult> Index(Game? game = null, CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
ViewBag.Description = Localization["WEBFRONT_DESCRIPTION_HOME"];
ViewBag.Title = Localization["WEBFRONT_HOME_TITLE"];
ViewBag.Keywords = Localization["WEBFRONT_KEWORDS_HOME"];
var servers = Manager.GetServers().Where(server => game is null || server.GameName == (Server.Game?)game)
var (clientCount, time) =
await _serverDataViewer.MaxConcurrentClientsAsync(gameCode: game, token: cancellationToken);
var (count, recentCount) =
await _serverDataViewer.ClientCountsAsync(gameCode: game, token: cancellationToken);
var servers = Manager.GetServers().Where(_server => !game.HasValue || _server.GameName == game);
var (clientCount, time) = await _serverDataViewer.MaxConcurrentClientsAsync(token: cancellationToken);
var (count, recentCount) = await _serverDataViewer.ClientCountsAsync(token: cancellationToken);
var model = new IW4MAdminInfo
var model = new IW4MAdminInfo()
TotalAvailableClientSlots = servers.Sum(server => server.MaxClients),
TotalOccupiedClientSlots = servers.SelectMany(server => server.GetClientsAsList()).Count(),
TotalAvailableClientSlots = servers.Sum(_server => _server.MaxClients),
TotalOccupiedClientSlots = servers.SelectMany(_server => _server.GetClientsAsList()).Count(),
TotalClientCount = count,
RecentClientCount = recentCount,
MaxConcurrentClients = clientCount ?? 0,
MaxConcurrentClientsTime = time ?? DateTime.UtcNow,
Game = game,
ActiveServerGames = Manager.GetServers().Select(server => (Reference.Game)server.GameName).Distinct()
ActiveServerGames = Manager.GetServers().Select(_server => _server.GameName).Distinct().ToArray()
return View(model);
@ -101,9 +91,9 @@ namespace WebfrontCore.Controllers
var pluginType = command.GetType().Assembly.GetTypes()
.FirstOrDefault(type => typeof(IPlugin).IsAssignableFrom(type) || typeof(IPluginV2).IsAssignableFrom(type));
return _pluginTypeNames[pluginType].FirstOrDefault() ?? _translationLookup["WEBFRONT_HELP_COMMAND_NATIVE"];
.FirstOrDefault(type => typeof(IPlugin).IsAssignableFrom(type));
return Manager.Plugins.FirstOrDefault(plugin => plugin.GetType() == pluginType)?.Name ??
.Select(group => (group.Key, group.AsEnumerable()));
Normal file
Normal file
@ -0,0 +1,104 @@
using SharedLibraryCore.Interfaces;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Drawing;
using System.Globalization;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
namespace WebfrontCore.Middleware
public class CustomCssAccentMiddlewareAction : IMiddlewareAction<string>
private readonly List<ColorMap> ColorReplacements = new List<ColorMap>();
private class ColorMap
public Color Original { get; set; }
public Color Replacement { get; set; }
public CustomCssAccentMiddlewareAction(string originalPrimaryColor, string originalSecondaryColor, string primaryColor, string secondaryColor)
primaryColor = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(primaryColor) ? originalPrimaryColor : primaryColor;
secondaryColor = string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(secondaryColor) ? originalSecondaryColor : secondaryColor;
new ColorMap()
Original = Color.FromArgb(Convert.ToInt32(originalPrimaryColor.Substring(1).ToString(), 16)),
Replacement = Color.FromArgb(Convert.ToInt32(primaryColor.Substring(1).ToString(), 16))
new ColorMap()
Original = Color.FromArgb(Convert.ToInt32(originalSecondaryColor.Substring(1).ToString(), 16)),
Replacement = Color.FromArgb(Convert.ToInt32(secondaryColor.Substring(1).ToString(), 16))
catch (FormatException)
public Task<string> Invoke(string original)
foreach (var color in ColorReplacements)
foreach (var shade in new[] { 0, -19, -25 })
original = original
.Replace(ColorToHex(LightenDarkenColor(color.Original, shade)), ColorToHex(LightenDarkenColor(color.Replacement, shade)), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase)
.Replace(ColorToDec(LightenDarkenColor(color.Original, shade)), ColorToDec(LightenDarkenColor(color.Replacement, shade)), StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
return Task.FromResult(original);
/// <summary>
/// converts color to the hex string representation
/// </summary>
/// <param name="color"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
private string ColorToHex(Color color) => $"#{color.R.ToString("X2")}{color.G.ToString("X2")}{color.B.ToString("X2")}";
/// <summary>
/// converts color to the rgb tuples representation
/// </summary>
/// <param name="color"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
private string ColorToDec(Color color) => $"{(int)color.R}, {(int)color.G}, {(int)color.B}";
/// <summary>
/// lightens or darkens a color on the given amount
/// Based off SASS darken/lighten function
/// </summary>
/// <param name="color"></param>
/// <param name="amount"></param>
/// <returns></returns>
private Color LightenDarkenColor(Color color, float amount)
int r = color.R + (int)((amount / 100.0f) * color.R);
if (r > 255) r = 255;
else if (r < 0) r = 0;
int g = color.G + (int)((amount / 100.0f) * color.G);
if (g > 255) g = 255;
else if (g < 0) g = 0;
int b = color.B + (int)((amount / 100.0f) * color.B);
if (b > 255) b = 255;
else if (b < 0) b = 0;
return Color.FromArgb(r, g, b);
@ -6,6 +6,7 @@ using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting;
using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
using SharedLibraryCore.Configuration;
using SharedLibraryCore.Interfaces;
using WebfrontCore.Middleware;
namespace WebfrontCore
@ -23,6 +24,11 @@ namespace WebfrontCore
public static Task GetWebHostTask(CancellationToken cancellationToken)
var config = _webHost.Services.GetRequiredService<ApplicationConfiguration>();
new CustomCssAccentMiddlewareAction("#007ACC", "#fd7e14", config.WebfrontPrimaryColor,
config.WebfrontSecondaryColor), "custom_css_accent");
return _webHost?.RunAsync(cancellationToken);
@ -35,12 +41,7 @@ namespace WebfrontCore
.UseKestrel(cfg =>
cfg.Limits.MaxConcurrentConnections =
int.Parse(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("MaxConcurrentRequests") ?? "1");
cfg.Limits.KeepAliveTimeout = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(30);
@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
using Stats.Dtos;
namespace WebfrontCore.QueryHelpers.Models;
public class ChatResourceRequest : ChatSearchQuery
public bool HasData => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(MessageContains) || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(ServerId) ||
ClientId is not null || SentAfterDateTime is not null;
@ -16,9 +16,4 @@ public class ClientResourceRequest : ClientPaginationRequest
public EFClient.Permission? ClientLevel { get; set; }
public Reference.Game? GameName { get; set; }
public bool IncludeGeolocationData { get; set; } = true;
public EFClient.Permission RequesterPermission { get; set; } = EFClient.Permission.User;
public bool HasData => !string.IsNullOrEmpty(ClientName) || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(ClientIp) ||
!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ClientGuid) || ClientLevel is not null || GameName is not null;
@ -4,6 +4,7 @@ using FluentValidation.AspNetCore;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Authentication.Cookies;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Builder;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Hosting;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.ApplicationParts;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc.Razor;
using Microsoft.Extensions.DependencyInjection;
using Microsoft.Extensions.Logging;
@ -23,6 +24,9 @@ using System.Reflection;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
using Data.Abstractions;
using Data.Helpers;
using IW4MAdmin.Plugins.Stats.Helpers;
using Stats.Client.Abstractions;
using Stats.Config;
using WebfrontCore.Controllers.API.Validation;
using WebfrontCore.Middleware;
using WebfrontCore.QueryHelpers;
@ -46,12 +50,6 @@ namespace WebfrontCore
services.AddStackPolicy(options =>
options.MaxConcurrentRequests = int.Parse(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("MaxConcurrentRequests") ?? "1");
options.RequestQueueLimit = int.Parse(Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("RequestQueueLimit") ?? "1");
IEnumerable<Assembly> pluginAssemblies()
@ -134,7 +132,6 @@ namespace WebfrontCore
app.UseMiddleware<IPWhitelist>(serviceProvider.GetService<ILogger<IPWhitelist>>(), serviceProvider.GetRequiredService<ApplicationConfiguration>().WebfrontConnectionWhitelist);
@ -1,43 +1,70 @@
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using Microsoft.AspNetCore.Mvc;
using SharedLibraryCore;
using SharedLibraryCore.Dtos;
using System.Linq;
using System.Threading;
using Data.Models;
using Data.Models.Client.Stats;
using IW4MAdmin.Plugins.Stats.Helpers;
using SharedLibraryCore.Configuration;
using SharedLibraryCore.Interfaces;
using static SharedLibraryCore.Server;
namespace WebfrontCore.ViewComponents
public class ServerListViewComponent : ViewComponent
private readonly IServerDataViewer _serverDataViewer;
private readonly ApplicationConfiguration _appConfig;
private readonly DefaultSettings _defaultSettings;
public ServerListViewComponent(DefaultSettings defaultSettings)
public ServerListViewComponent(IServerDataViewer serverDataViewer,
ApplicationConfiguration applicationConfiguration, DefaultSettings defaultSettings)
_serverDataViewer = serverDataViewer;
_appConfig = applicationConfiguration;
_defaultSettings = defaultSettings;
public IViewComponentResult Invoke(Reference.Game? game)
public IViewComponentResult Invoke(Game? game)
if (game.HasValue)
ViewBag.Maps = _defaultSettings.Maps?.FirstOrDefault(map => map.Game == (Server.Game)game)?.Maps
?.ToList() ?? new List<Map>();
ViewBag.Maps = _defaultSettings.Maps.FirstOrDefault(map => map.Game == game)?.Maps.ToList() ??
new List<Map>();
ViewBag.Maps = _defaultSettings.Maps?.SelectMany(maps => maps.Maps).ToList();
ViewBag.Maps = _defaultSettings.Maps.SelectMany(maps => maps.Maps).ToList();
var servers = Program.Manager.GetServers()
.Where(server => game is null || server.GameName == (Server.Game)game);
var servers = Program.Manager.GetServers().Where(server => !game.HasValue || server.GameName == game);
var serverInfo = new List<ServerInfo>();
foreach (var server in servers)
var serverId = server.GetIdForServer().Result;
var clientHistory = _serverDataViewer.ClientHistoryAsync(_appConfig.MaxClientHistoryTime,
.FirstOrDefault(history => history.ServerId == serverId) ??
new ClientHistoryInfo
ServerId = serverId,
ClientCounts = new List<ClientCountSnapshot>()
var counts = clientHistory.ClientCounts?.AsEnumerable() ?? Enumerable.Empty<ClientCountSnapshot>();
if (server.ClientHistory.ClientCounts.Any())
counts = counts.Union(server.ClientHistory.ClientCounts.Where(history =>
history.Time > (clientHistory.ClientCounts?.LastOrDefault()?.Time ?? DateTime.MinValue)))
.Where(history => history.Time >= DateTime.UtcNow - _appConfig.MaxClientHistoryTime);
serverInfo.Add(new ServerInfo
Name = server.Hostname,
@ -49,7 +76,11 @@ namespace WebfrontCore.ViewComponents
MaxClients = server.MaxClients,
PrivateClientSlots = server.PrivateClientSlots,
GameType = server.GametypeName,
ClientHistory = new ClientHistoryInfo(),
ClientHistory = new ClientHistoryInfo
ServerId = server.EndPoint,
ClientCounts = counts.ToList()
Players = server.GetClientsAsList()
.Select(client => new PlayerInfo
@ -70,7 +70,7 @@
var start = 1;
<h5 class="text-primary mt-0 mb-0">
<h5 class="text-primary mt-0">
<color-code value="@serverName"></color-code>
@foreach (var rule in rules)
@ -86,7 +86,6 @@
<div class="mb-20"></div>
@ -26,14 +26,14 @@ else
<div id="loaderLoad" class="mt-10 m-auto text-center">
<div id="loaderLoad" class="mt-10 m-auto text-center d-none d-lg-block">
<i class="loader-load-more oi oi-chevron-bottom"></i>
@section scripts {
$(document).ready(function () {
initLoader(`/Message/FindNext${}`, '#message_table_body', @Model.RetrievedResultCount, 30);
initLoader('/Message/FindNext?query=@ViewBag.Query', '#message_table_body', @Model.RetrievedResultCount, @ViewBag.QueryLimit);
Some files were not shown because too many files have changed in this diff Show More
Reference in New Issue
Block a user