jint version downgraded for better stability (also locked the engine instance as it's not thread safe)
updated readme
remove vpn detection from application configuration as it's now in a seperate plugin
defaulted webfront bind URl to all interfaces
readd the custom say name
added visibility percentage to AC
updated VPN plugin to use WebClient
message is sent to client trying to execute commands before they are authenticated
fixed rare issue with ToAdmins failing
record bullet distance fraction for client kills (_customcallbacks)
change client level/permissions through webfront
ability to tempban through webfront
invalid client id results in 404 rather than exception page
performance based on traditional elo rating
fixed @ (broadcast commands)
added reports to penalty list and profile
prevent null say event from executing when exiting
adjusted rcon and socket timeout
fixed bug with login/setpassword not working after claiming ownership
GameEventHandler uses ConcurrentQueue for events
exception handlers for events and log reading
added IW4ScriptCommands plugin
fixed stats
lots of little fixes