fixed forum decoding of thread content
fixed escaping html "special" characters in player names on webfront
fixed findall not always informing if no matches found.
Prune confirms completion
Findall display previous name
confirmation message sent after kick
tempban/ban confirmation wording changes
players page is now paginated
Fixed console execute button cascading on IE/Edge
Fixed reports truncating reason if space in target name
If multiple matches are found when finding a player, a list of matches is shown
Reallowed special characters in names/chat
stats command player isn't required
Added prune command
hopefully fixed skipping the logging of Kayak library issue.
I'm an idiot, 59 in playerhistory, not 60
added IW4 callback gsc for custom scriptkills.
Fixed duplicate death events
Trusted group can be enabled/disabled with !enable/disabletrusted
fixed unrepresentable datetime when minute rounded to 60 (forgot to copy changes to release code)
fixed the player graph render time (apparently canvasjs doesn't like big numbers
hopefully fixed duplicate 'stats' pages from appearing.
-fixed issue with configurationmanager files and threading
-servers on webfront listed in descending player count
-fixed resolution of tempban times from console feedback
-Added tests plugin to simulate functionality
-fixed 'just now ago' on webfront
-webfront playerlist level colors are hidden to non admin users
-tempban length can now be specified (<int>m, <int>h, <int>d, <int>y)
-works: with COD, WaW, MW3, BO1 (preliminary without extensive testing)
-fixed the issue with webfront chat history
-fixed console issue of spamming 'polling rate decreased' when server goes offline
-'unknown' admin in webfront defaults to 'IW4MAdmin'
Hopefully this is the final fix for chat remaining on empty servers. (order matters!)
Configuration setting to allow multiple owners.
Fixed setlevel issues.
Organized Server class variables