Small anti-cheat update
This commit is contained in:
@ -46,40 +46,40 @@ namespace IW4MAdmin.Plugins.Stats.Cheat
/// <summary>
/// Analyze kill and see if performed by a cheater
/// </summary>
/// <param name="kill">kill performed by the player</param>
/// <param name="hit">kill performed by the player</param>
/// <returns>true if detection reached thresholds, false otherwise</returns>
public DetectionPenaltyResult ProcessKill(EFClientKill kill, bool isDamage)
public DetectionPenaltyResult ProcessHit(EFClientKill hit, bool isDamage)
if ((kill.DeathType != IW4Info.MeansOfDeath.MOD_PISTOL_BULLET &&
kill.DeathType != IW4Info.MeansOfDeath.MOD_RIFLE_BULLET &&
kill.DeathType != IW4Info.MeansOfDeath.MOD_HEAD_SHOT) ||
kill.HitLoc == IW4Info.HitLocation.none || kill.TimeOffset - LastOffset < 0 ||
if ((hit.DeathType != IW4Info.MeansOfDeath.MOD_PISTOL_BULLET &&
hit.DeathType != IW4Info.MeansOfDeath.MOD_RIFLE_BULLET &&
hit.DeathType != IW4Info.MeansOfDeath.MOD_HEAD_SHOT) ||
hit.HitLoc == IW4Info.HitLocation.none || hit.TimeOffset - LastOffset < 0 ||
// hack: prevents false positives
(LastWeapon != kill.Weapon && (kill.TimeOffset - LastOffset) == 50))
(LastWeapon != hit.Weapon && (hit.TimeOffset - LastOffset) == 50))
return new DetectionPenaltyResult()
ClientPenalty = Penalty.PenaltyType.Any,
DetectionPenaltyResult result = null;
LastWeapon = kill.Weapon;
LastWeapon = hit.Weapon;
if (!isDamage)
if (kill.AnglesList.Count >= 2)
if (hit.AnglesList.Count >= 2)
double realAgainstPredict = Vector3.ViewAngleDistance(kill.AnglesList[0], kill.AnglesList[1], kill.ViewAngles);
double realAgainstPredict = Vector3.ViewAngleDistance(hit.AnglesList[0], hit.AnglesList[1], hit.ViewAngles);
var hitLoc = ClientStats.HitLocations
.First(hl => hl.Location == kill.HitLoc);
.First(hl => hl.Location == hit.HitLoc);
float previousAverage = hitLoc.HitOffsetAverage;
double newAverage = (previousAverage * (hitLoc.HitCount - 1) + realAgainstPredict) / hitLoc.HitCount;
@ -88,11 +88,11 @@ namespace IW4MAdmin.Plugins.Stats.Cheat
if (hitLoc.HitOffsetAverage > Thresholds.MaxOffset(hitLoc.HitCount) &&
hitLoc.HitCount > 100)
Log.WriteDebug("*** Reached Max Lifetime Average for Angle Difference ***");
Log.WriteDebug($"Lifetime Average = {newAverage}");
Log.WriteDebug($"Bone = {hitLoc.Location}");
Log.WriteDebug($"HitCount = {hitLoc.HitCount}");
Log.WriteDebug($"ID = {kill.AttackerId}");
//Log.WriteDebug("*** Reached Max Lifetime Average for Angle Difference ***");
//Log.WriteDebug($"Lifetime Average = {newAverage}");
//Log.WriteDebug($"Bone = {hitLoc.Location}");
//Log.WriteDebug($"HitCount = {hitLoc.HitCount}");
//Log.WriteDebug($"ID = {hit.AttackerId}");
result = new DetectionPenaltyResult()
@ -110,10 +110,10 @@ namespace IW4MAdmin.Plugins.Stats.Cheat
if (sessAverage > Thresholds.MaxOffset(HitCount) &&
HitCount > 30)
Log.WriteDebug("*** Reached Max Session Average for Angle Difference ***");
Log.WriteDebug($"Session Average = {sessAverage}");
Log.WriteDebug($"HitCount = {HitCount}");
Log.WriteDebug($"ID = {kill.AttackerId}");
//Log.WriteDebug("*** Reached Max Session Average for Angle Difference ***");
//Log.WriteDebug($"Session Average = {sessAverage}");
//Log.WriteDebug($"HitCount = {HitCount}");
//Log.WriteDebug($"ID = {hit.AttackerId}");
result = new DetectionPenaltyResult()
@ -130,17 +130,20 @@ namespace IW4MAdmin.Plugins.Stats.Cheat
double currentStrain = Strain.GetStrain(isDamage, kill.Damage, kill.Distance / 0.0254, kill.ViewAngles, Math.Max(50, kill.TimeOffset - LastOffset));
LastOffset = kill.TimeOffset;
double currentStrain = Strain.GetStrain(isDamage, hit.Damage, hit.Distance / 0.0254, hit.ViewAngles, Math.Max(50, hit.TimeOffset - LastOffset));
#if DEBUG == true
Log.WriteDebug($"Current Strain: {currentStrain}");
LastOffset = hit.TimeOffset;
if (currentStrain > ClientStats.MaxStrain)
ClientStats.MaxStrain = currentStrain;
// flag
if (currentStrain > Thresholds.MaxStrainFlag &&
HitCount >= 10)
if (currentStrain > Thresholds.MaxStrainFlag)
result = new DetectionPenaltyResult()
@ -153,7 +156,7 @@ namespace IW4MAdmin.Plugins.Stats.Cheat
// ban
if (currentStrain > Thresholds.MaxStrainBan &&
HitCount >= 15)
HitCount >= 5)
result = new DetectionPenaltyResult()
@ -163,11 +166,6 @@ namespace IW4MAdmin.Plugins.Stats.Cheat
Type = DetectionType.Strain
Log.WriteDebug($"Current Strain: {currentStrain}");
@ -197,7 +195,7 @@ namespace IW4MAdmin.Plugins.Stats.Cheat
if (currentHeadshotRatio > maxHeadshotLerpValueForBan)
Log.WriteDebug("**Maximum Headshot Ratio Reached For Ban**");
Log.WriteDebug($"ClientId: {kill.AttackerId}");
Log.WriteDebug($"ClientId: {hit.AttackerId}");
Log.WriteDebug($"**HitCount: {HitCount}");
Log.WriteDebug($"**Ratio {currentHeadshotRatio}");
Log.WriteDebug($"**MaxRatio {maxHeadshotLerpValueForFlag}");
@ -218,7 +216,7 @@ namespace IW4MAdmin.Plugins.Stats.Cheat
Log.WriteDebug("**Maximum Headshot Ratio Reached For Flag**");
Log.WriteDebug($"ClientId: {kill.AttackerId}");
Log.WriteDebug($"ClientId: {hit.AttackerId}");
Log.WriteDebug($"**HitCount: {HitCount}");
Log.WriteDebug($"**Ratio {currentHeadshotRatio}");
Log.WriteDebug($"**MaxRatio {maxHeadshotLerpValueForFlag}");
@ -247,7 +245,7 @@ namespace IW4MAdmin.Plugins.Stats.Cheat
if (currentMaxBoneRatio > maxBoneRatioLerpValueForBan)
Log.WriteDebug("**Maximum Bone Ratio Reached For Ban**");
Log.WriteDebug($"ClientId: {kill.AttackerId}");
Log.WriteDebug($"ClientId: {hit.AttackerId}");
Log.WriteDebug($"**HitCount: {HitCount}");
Log.WriteDebug($"**Ratio {currentMaxBoneRatio}");
Log.WriteDebug($"**MaxRatio {maxBoneRatioLerpValueForBan}");
@ -268,7 +266,7 @@ namespace IW4MAdmin.Plugins.Stats.Cheat
Log.WriteDebug("**Maximum Bone Ratio Reached For Flag**");
Log.WriteDebug($"ClientId: {kill.AttackerId}");
Log.WriteDebug($"ClientId: {hit.AttackerId}");
Log.WriteDebug($"**HitCount: {HitCount}");
Log.WriteDebug($"**Ratio {currentMaxBoneRatio}");
Log.WriteDebug($"**MaxRatio {maxBoneRatioLerpValueForFlag}");
@ -309,7 +307,7 @@ namespace IW4MAdmin.Plugins.Stats.Cheat
if (currentChestAbdomenRatio > chestAbdomenLerpValueForBan && chestHits >= Thresholds.MediumSampleMinKills + 30)
Log.WriteDebug("**Maximum Chest/Abdomen Ratio Reached For Ban**");
Log.WriteDebug($"ClientId: {kill.AttackerId}");
Log.WriteDebug($"ClientId: {hit.AttackerId}");
Log.WriteDebug($"**Chest Hits: {chestHits}");
Log.WriteDebug($"**Ratio {currentChestAbdomenRatio}");
Log.WriteDebug($"**MaxRatio {chestAbdomenLerpValueForBan}");
@ -330,7 +328,7 @@ namespace IW4MAdmin.Plugins.Stats.Cheat
Log.WriteDebug("**Maximum Chest/Abdomen Ratio Reached For Flag**");
Log.WriteDebug($"ClientId: {kill.AttackerId}");
Log.WriteDebug($"ClientId: {hit.AttackerId}");
Log.WriteDebug($"**Chest Hits: {chestHits}");
Log.WriteDebug($"**Ratio {currentChestAbdomenRatio}");
Log.WriteDebug($"**MaxRatio {chestAbdomenRatioLerpValueForFlag}");
@ -356,31 +354,31 @@ namespace IW4MAdmin.Plugins.Stats.Cheat
Tracker.OnChange(new EFACSnapshot()
When = kill.When,
When = hit.When,
ClientId = ClientStats.ClientId,
SessionAngleOffset = AngleDifferenceAverage,
CurrentSessionLength = (int)(DateTime.UtcNow - ConnectionTime).TotalSeconds,
CurrentStrain = currentStrain,
CurrentViewAngle = kill.ViewAngles,
CurrentViewAngle = hit.ViewAngles,
Hits = HitCount,
Kills = Kills,
Deaths = ClientStats.SessionDeaths,
HitDestinationId = kill.DeathOrigin.Vector3Id,
HitDestination = kill.DeathOrigin,
HitOriginId = kill.KillOrigin.Vector3Id,
HitOrigin = kill.KillOrigin,
HitDestinationId = hit.DeathOrigin.Vector3Id,
HitDestination = hit.DeathOrigin,
HitOriginId = hit.KillOrigin.Vector3Id,
HitOrigin = hit.KillOrigin,
EloRating = ClientStats.EloRating,
HitLocation = kill.HitLoc,
HitLocation = hit.HitLoc,
LastStrainAngle = Strain.LastAngle,
PredictedViewAngles = kill.AnglesList,
PredictedViewAngles = hit.AnglesList,
// this is in "meters"
Distance = kill.Distance,
Distance = hit.Distance,
SessionScore = ClientStats.SessionScore,
HitType = kill.DeathType,
HitType = hit.DeathType,
SessionSPM = ClientStats.SessionSPM,
StrainAngleBetween = Strain.LastDistance,
TimeSinceLastEvent = (int)Strain.LastDeltaTime,
WeaponId = kill.Weapon
WeaponId = hit.Weapon
return result ?? new DetectionPenaltyResult()
@ -14,8 +14,6 @@ namespace IW4MAdmin.Plugins.Stats.Cheat
public Vector3 LastAngle { get; private set; }
public double LastDeltaTime { get; private set; }
public int TimesReachedMaxStrain { get; private set; }
public double GetStrain(bool isDamage, int damage, double killDistance, Vector3 newAngle, double deltaTime)
if (LastAngle == null)
@ -33,6 +31,10 @@ namespace IW4MAdmin.Plugins.Stats.Cheat
double[] distance = Helpers.Extensions.AngleStuff(newAngle, LastAngle);
LastDistance = distance[0] + distance[1];
#if DEBUG == true
Console.WriteLine($"Last Distance = {LastDistance}");
// this happens on first kill
if ((distance[0] == 0 && distance[1] == 0) ||
deltaTime == 0 ||
@ -41,14 +43,11 @@ namespace IW4MAdmin.Plugins.Stats.Cheat
return CurrentStrain;
double newStrain = Math.Pow(distance[0] + distance[1], 0.99) / deltaTime;
double newStrain = Math.Pow(LastDistance, 0.99) / deltaTime;
newStrain *= killDistance / 1000.0;
CurrentStrain += newStrain;
if (CurrentStrain > Thresholds.MaxStrainBan)
LastAngle = newAngle;
return CurrentStrain;
@ -27,9 +27,8 @@ namespace IW4MAdmin.Plugins.Stats.Cheat
public const int HighSampleMinKills = 100;
public const double KillTimeThreshold = 0.2;
public const double MaxStrainBan = 1.12;
public const double MaxStrainBan = 0.9;
public static double MaxOffset(int sampleSize) => Math.Exp(Math.Max(-3.07 + (-3.07 / Math.Sqrt(sampleSize)), -3.07 - (-3.07 / Math.Sqrt(sampleSize))) + 4 * (0.869));
public const double MaxStrainFlag = 0.36;
@ -548,7 +548,7 @@ namespace IW4MAdmin.Plugins.Stats.Helpers
if (Plugin.Config.Configuration().EnableAntiCheat)
ApplyPenalty(clientDetection.ProcessKill(hit, isDamage), clientDetection, attacker, ctx);
ApplyPenalty(clientDetection.ProcessHit(hit, isDamage), clientDetection, attacker, ctx);
ApplyPenalty(clientDetection.ProcessTotalRatio(clientStats), clientDetection, attacker, ctx);
@ -119,7 +119,9 @@ namespace SharedLibraryCore
string formattedMessage = String.Format(RconParser.GetCommandPrefixes().Say, $"{(CustomSayEnabled ? $"{CustomSayName}: " : "")}{message}");
#if DEBUG == true
var e = new GameEvent()
Reference in New Issue
Block a user