Finally stopped the "error on character" printout (removed console.writeline in Kayak submodule)

Fixed console execute button cascading on IE/Edge
Fixed reports truncating reason if space in target name
If multiple matches are found when finding a player, a list of matches is shown
Reallowed special characters in names/chat
stats command player isn't required
Added prune command
This commit is contained in:
RaidMax 2017-11-16 17:09:19 -06:00
parent a56f386644
commit cdeb7e8eaf
18 changed files with 177 additions and 115 deletions

View File

@ -367,8 +367,8 @@ copy /Y "$(ProjectDir)lib\Kayak.dll" "$(SolutionDir)BUILD\lib"
xcopy /Y /I /E "$(ProjectDir)webfront\*" "$(SolutionDir)BUILD\Webfront"
xcopy /Y /I /E "$(SolutionDir)Admin\Config\*" "$(SolutionDir)BUILD\Config"
if $(ConfigurationName) == Release-Nightly powershell.exe -file "$(SolutionDir)DEPLOY\publish_nightly.ps1" 1.5
if $(ConfigurationName) == Release-Stable powershell.exe -file "$(SolutionDir)DEPLOY\publish_stable.ps1" 1.5
if $(ConfigurationName) == Release-Nightly powershell.exe -file "$(SolutionDir)DEPLOY\publish_nightly.ps1" 1.6
if $(ConfigurationName) == Release-Stable powershell.exe -file "$(SolutionDir)DEPLOY\publish_stable.ps1" 1.6

View File

@ -37,19 +37,19 @@ namespace IW4MAdmin
class Request : IHttpRequestDelegate
public void OnRequest(HttpRequestHead request, IDataProducer requestBody, IHttpResponseDelegate response, string IP)
public void OnRequest(HttpRequestHead request, IDataProducer requestBody, IHttpResponseDelegate response)
var logger = ApplicationManager.GetInstance().GetLogger();
logger.WriteInfo($"HTTP request {request.Path}");
logger.WriteInfo($"QueryString: {request.QueryString}");
logger.WriteInfo($"IP: {IP}");
logger.WriteDebug($"HTTP request {request.Path}");
logger.WriteDebug($"QueryString: {request.QueryString}");
logger.WriteDebug($"IP: {request.IPAddress}");
NameValueCollection querySet = new NameValueCollection();
if (request.QueryString != null)
querySet = System.Web.HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(SharedLibrary.Utilities.StripIllegalCharacters(request.QueryString));
querySet = System.Web.HttpUtility.ParseQueryString(request.QueryString);
querySet.Set("IP", IP);
querySet.Set("IP", request.IPAddress);

View File

@ -15,7 +15,7 @@ namespace IW4MAdmin
static void Main(string[] args)
Version = 1.5;
Version = 1.6;
handler = new ConsoleEventDelegate(OnProcessExit);
SetConsoleCtrlHandler(handler, true);

View File

@ -257,11 +257,33 @@ namespace IW4MAdmin
E.Target = Players[cNum];
List<Player> matchingPlayers;
if (E.Target == null) // Find active player including quotes (multiple words)
E.Target = GetClientByName(E.Data.Trim());
matchingPlayers = GetClientByName(E.Data.Trim());
if (matchingPlayers.Count > 1)
await E.Origin.Tell("Multiple players match that name");
throw new SharedLibrary.Exceptions.CommandException($"{E.Origin} had multiple players found for {C.Name}");
else if (matchingPlayers.Count == 1)
E.Target = matchingPlayers.First();
if (E.Target == null) // Find active player as single word
E.Target = GetClientByName(Args[0]);
matchingPlayers = GetClientByName(Args[0]);
if (matchingPlayers.Count > 1)
await E.Origin.Tell("Multiple players match that name");
foreach (var p in matchingPlayers)
await E.Origin.Tell($"[^3{p.ClientID}^7] {p.Name}");
throw new SharedLibrary.Exceptions.CommandException($"{E.Origin} had multiple players found for {C.Name}");
else if (matchingPlayers.Count == 1)
E.Target = matchingPlayers.First();
if (E.Target == null && C.RequiresTarget)
@ -600,7 +622,7 @@ namespace IW4MAdmin
else // Not a command
E.Data = E.Data.StripColors().CleanChars();
E.Data = E.Data.StripColors();
// this should not be done for all messages.
//if (E.Data.Length > 50)
// E.Data = E.Data.Substring(0, 50) + "...";

Binary file not shown.

Binary file not shown.

View File

@ -1,4 +1,13 @@
Version 1.5
Version 1.6:
-got rid of pesky "error on character" message
-optimizations to commands
-report reason doesn't truncate if there's a space in the target name
-If multiple matches are found when finding a player, a list of matches is shown
-"special" characters are allowed in names and messages
-prune command demotes inactive admins (defaults to 30 days if no days are specified)
Version 1.5
-added back player history graphs (past 12 hours every 15 minutes)
-fixed issue with configurationmanager files and threading
@ -8,7 +17,7 @@ CHANGELOG:
-started working on more advanced statistics
-all chat is stored
-word cloud displays most commonly used words on the server
-fixed misc issuess
-fixed misc issues
@ -27,7 +36,6 @@ CHANGELOG:
-webfront playerlist level colors are hidden to non admin users
-tempban length can now be specified (<int>m, <int>h, <int>d, <int>y)
-complete rewrite of lots of parts

View File

@ -25,7 +25,7 @@ div#content .serverTitle { width: calc( 100% / 3); background-color: #007ACC; }
div#content .serverPlayers { text-align: right; width: calc( 100% / 3); background-color: #007ACC; }
div#content .serverMap { text-align: center; width: calc( 100% / 3); background-color: #007ACC; }
div#content .serverPlayerList {float: right; margin: 0.5em; }
div#content .serverChatList { float: left; margin: 0.5em }
div#content .serverChatList { float: left; margin: 0.5em; max-width: 60%; overflow:hidden }
div#content .playerName { font-size: 1.1vw; color: rgba(78, 140, 77, 0.64); width: 10em; text-align: right; }
div#content .playerName:hover { color: rgb(0, 122, 204) !important; }
div#content .chatPlayerName { font-weight: bold; font-size: 1.1vw; color:#fff; padding-right: 0.5em; opacity: 0.5; }
@ -60,7 +60,7 @@ div#content .hiddenWrapper { color: #007ACC;}
div#content #consoleWrap { width: 60%; margin: 0 auto; }
div#content #console { padding: 1em; height: 35vh; background-color: #181818; }
div#content #consoleWrap .search { width: calc(80% - 10px); }
div#content #consoleWrap .search { width: calc(80% - 10px); float: left; }
div#consoleWrap .playerSearchWrap input[type="text"]:focus, select:focus { border-width: 0; outline: none; }
div#consoleWrap .playerSearchWrap { margin: 0 !important; width: 100%; }
div#consoleWrap .searchButton { width: calc(20% - 10px); }

View File

@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ namespace StatsPlugin
new CommandArgument()
Name = "player",
Required = true
Required = false
{ }
@ -100,6 +100,39 @@ namespace StatsPlugin
public class CPruneAdmins : Command
public CPruneAdmins() : base("prune", "demote any admins that have not connected recently (defaults to 30 days)", "p", Player.Permission.Owner, false, new CommandArgument[]
new CommandArgument()
Name = "inactive days",
Required = false
{ }
public override async Task ExecuteAsync(Event E)
int inactiveDays = 30;
inactiveDays = Int32.Parse(E.Data);
if (inactiveDays < 1)
throw new FormatException();
catch (FormatException)
await E.Origin.Tell("Invalid number of inactive days");
/// <summary>
/// Each server runs from the same plugin ( for easier reloading and reduced memory usage ).
/// So, to have multiple stat tracking, we must store a stat struct for each server
@ -420,7 +453,7 @@ namespace StatsPlugin
// calculate the players Score Per Minute for the current session
double SessionSPM = curServer.Kills[P.ClientID] * 100 / Math.Max(1, newPlayTime);
// calculate how much the KDR should way
// 0.81829 is a Eddie-Generated number that weights the KDR nicely
// 1.637 is a Eddie-Generated number that weights the KDR nicely
double KDRWeight = Math.Round(Math.Pow(DisconnectingPlayerStats.KDR, 1.637 / Math.E), 3);
double SPMWeightAgainstAverage;
@ -428,7 +461,6 @@ namespace StatsPlugin
SPMWeightAgainstAverage = (DisconnectingPlayerStats.scorePerMinute == 1) ? 1 : SessionSPM / DisconnectingPlayerStats.scorePerMinute;
// calculate the weight of the new play time againmst lifetime playtime
double SPMAgainstPlayWeight = newPlayTime / Math.Min(600, DisconnectingPlayerStats.TotalPlayTime + newPlayTime);
// calculate the new weight against average times the weight against play time
double newSkillFactor = SPMWeightAgainstAverage * SPMAgainstPlayWeight * SessionSPM;
@ -436,7 +468,7 @@ namespace StatsPlugin
// if the weight is greater than 1, add, else subtract
DisconnectingPlayerStats.scorePerMinute += (SPMWeightAgainstAverage >= 1) ? newSkillFactor : -newSkillFactor;
DisconnectingPlayerStats.Skill = DisconnectingPlayerStats.scorePerMinute * KDRWeight / 10;
DisconnectingPlayerStats.Skill = DisconnectingPlayerStats.scorePerMinute * KDRWeight * 10;
DisconnectingPlayerStats.TotalPlayTime += newPlayTime;
curServer.playerStats.UpdateStats(P, DisconnectingPlayerStats);

View File

@ -42,10 +42,11 @@ namespace IW4MAdmin.Plugins
Console.WriteLine("|Name |Alias|Description |Requires Target|Syntax |Required Level|");
Console.WriteLine("|--------------| -----| --------------------------------------------------------| -----------------| -------------| ----------------|");
foreach (var command in S.Manager.GetCommands().OrderByDescending(c => c.Permission).ThenBy(c => c.Name))
//|Name|Alias|Description|Requires Target|Syntax|Required Level|
@ -62,7 +63,7 @@ namespace IW4MAdmin.Plugins
var rand = new Random();
int index = rand.Next(0, 17);
var p = new Player($"Test_{index}", $"_test{index}", index, (int)Player.Permission.User)
var p = new Player($"?!'\"\"'<>Test_{index}", $"_test{index}", index, (int)Player.Permission.User)
Ping = 1

View File

@ -37,49 +37,49 @@ _If you wish to customize your experience of IW4MAdmin, the following configurat
### Commands
|Name |Alias|Description |Requires Target|Arguments |Required Level|
|disabletrusted|dt|disable trusted player group for the server|False|0|Owner|
|enabletrusted|et|enable trusted player group for the server|False|0|Owner|
|quit|q|quit IW4MAdmin|False|0|Owner|
|rcon|rcon|send rcon command to server|False|1|Owner|
|setlevel|sl|set player to specified administration level|True|2|Owner|
|ban|b|permanently ban a player from the server|True|2|SeniorAdmin|
|find|f|find player in database|False|1|SeniorAdmin|
|fredisable|frd|disable fast restarting at the end of a map|False|0|SeniorAdmin|
|frenable|fre|enable fast restarting at the end of a map|False|0|SeniorAdmin|
|unban|ub|unban player by database id|True|1|SeniorAdmin|
|map|m|change to specified map|False|1|Administrator|
|maprotate|mr|cycle to the next map in rotation|False|0|Administrator|
|mask|hide|hide your online presence from online admin list|False|0|Administrator|
|plugins|p|view all loaded plugins|False|0|Administrator|
|alias|known|get past aliases and ips of a player|True|1|Moderator|
|baninfo|bi|get information about a ban for a player|True|1|Moderator|
|fastrestart|fr|fast restart current map|False|0|Moderator|
|findall|fa|find a player by their aliase(s)|False|1|Moderator|
|flag|fp|flag a suspicious player and announce to admins on join|True|2|Moderator|
|list|l|list active clients|False|0|Moderator|
|reports|reps|get most recent reports|False|0|Moderator|
|say|s|broadcast message to all players|False|1|Moderator|
|tempban|tb|temporarily ban a player for for specified time (defaults to 1 hour)|True|2|Moderator|
|uptime|up|get current application running time|False|0|Moderator|
|usage|us|get current application memory usage|False|0|Moderator|
|kick|k|kick a player by name|True|2|Trusted|
|warn|w|warn player for infringing rules|True|2|Trusted|
|warnclear|wc|remove all warning for a player|True|1|Trusted|
|admins|a|list currently connected admins|False|0|User|
|getexternalip|ip|view your external IP address|False|0|User|
|help|h|list all available commands|False|0|User|
|owner|o|claim ownership of the server|False|0|User|
|privatemessage|pm|send message to other player|True|2|User|
|report|rep|report a player for suspicious behaivor|True|2|User|
|resetstats|rs|reset your stats to factory-new|False|0|User|
|rules|r|list server rules|False|0|User|
|stats|xlrstats|view your stats|False|0|User|
|topstats|ts|view the top 5 players on this server|False|0|User|
|vote|v|vote for the next map|False|1|User|
|votecancel|vc|cancel your vote for the next map|False|0|User|
|whoami|who|give information about yourself|False|0|User|
|Name |Alias|Description |Requires Target|Syntax |Required Level|
|--------------| -----| --------------------------------------------------------| -----------------| -------------| ----------------|
|disabletrusted|dt|disable trusted player group for the server|False|!dt |Owner|
|enabletrusted|et|enable trusted player group for the server|False|!et |Owner|
|prune|p|demote any admins that have not connected recently (defaults to 30 days)|False|!p \<optional inactive days\>|Owner|
|quit|q|quit IW4MAdmin|False|!q |Owner|
|rcon|rcon|send rcon command to server|False|!rcon \<command\>|Owner|
|reload|rl|reload configuration files|False|!rl |Owner|
|setlevel|sl|set player to specified administration level|True|!sl \<player\> \<level\>|Owner|
|ban|b|permanently ban a player from the server|True|!b \<player\> \<reason\>|SeniorAdmin|
|fredisable|frd|disable fast restarting at the end of a map|False|!frd |SeniorAdmin|
|frenable|fre|enable fast restarting at the end of a map|False|!fre |SeniorAdmin|
|unban|ub|unban player by database id|True|!ub \<databaseID\>|SeniorAdmin|
|find|f|find player in database|False|!f \<player\>|Administrator|
|findall|fa|find a player by their aliase(s)|False|!fa \<player\>|Administrator|
|map|m|change to specified map|False|!m \<map\>|Administrator|
|maprotate|mr|cycle to the next map in rotation|False|!mr |Administrator|
|plugins|p|view all loaded plugins|False|!p |Administrator|
|alias|known|get past aliases and ips of a player|True|!known \<player\>|Moderator|
|baninfo|bi|get information about a ban for a player|True|!bi \<player\>|Moderator|
|fastrestart|fr|fast restart current map|False|!fr |Moderator|
|flag|fp|flag a suspicious player and announce to admins on join|True|!fp \<player\> \<reason\>|Moderator|
|list|l|list active clients|False|!l |Moderator|
|reports|reps|get or clear recent reports|False|!reps \<optional clear\>|Moderator|
|say|s|broadcast message to all players|False|!s \<message\>|Moderator|
|tempban|tb|temporarily ban a player for specified time (defaults to 1 hour)|True|!tb \<player\> \<duration (m\|h\|d\|w\|y)\> \<reason\>|Moderator|
|uptime|up|get current application running time|False|!up |Moderator|
|usage|us|get current application memory usage|False|!us |Moderator|
|kick|k|kick a player by name|True|!k \<player\> \<reason\>|Trusted|
|warn|w|warn player for infringing rules|True|!w \<player\> \<reason\>|Trusted|
|warnclear|wc|remove all warning for a player|True|!wc \<player\>|Trusted|
|admins|a|list currently connected admins|False|!a |User|
|getexternalip|ip|view your external IP address|False|!ip |User|
|help|h|list all available commands|False|!h \<optional command\>|User|
|privatemessage|pm|send message to other player|True|!pm \<player\> \<message\>|User|
|report|rep|report a player for suspicious behavior|True|!rep \<player\> \<reason\>|User|
|resetstats|rs|reset your stats to factory-new|False|!rs |User|
|rules|r|list server rules|False|!r |User|
|stats|xlrstats|view your stats|False|!xlrstats \<optional player\>|User|
|topstats|ts|view the top 5 players on this server|False|!ts |User|
|vote|v|vote for the next map|False|!v \<map\>|User|
|votecancel|vc|cancel your vote for the next map|False|!vc |User|
|whoami|who|give information about yourself.|False|!who |User|
#### Player Identification
All players are identified 4 seperate ways
@ -159,13 +159,14 @@ ___
**Commands added by this plugin**
|Name |Alias|Description |Requires Target|Arguments |Required Level|
|disabletrusted|dt|disable trusted player group for the server|False|0|Owner|
|enabletrusted|et|enable trusted player group for the server|False|0|Owner|
|resetstats|rs|reset your stats to factory-new|False|0|User|
|stats|xlrstats|view your stats|False|0|User|
|topstats|ts|view the top 5 players on this server|False|0|User|
|Name |Alias|Description |Requires Target|Syntax |Required Level|
|--------------| -----| --------------------------------------------------------| -----------------| -------------| ----------------|
|disabletrusted|dt|disable trusted player group for the server|False|!dt |Owner|
|enabletrusted|et|enable trusted player group for the server|False|!et |Owner|
|prune|p|demote any admins that have not connected recently (defaults to 30 days)|False|!p \<optional inactive days\>|Owner|
|resetstats|rs|reset your stats to factory-new|False|!rs |User|
|stats|xlrstats|view your stats|False|!xlrstats \<optional player\>|User|
|topstats|ts|view the top 5 players on this server|False|!ts |User|
- To qualify for top stats, a player must meet the following criteria
* `Skill` > 10

View File

@ -151,7 +151,7 @@ namespace SharedLibrary.Commands
new CommandArgument()
Name = "duration (m|d|w|y|)",
Name = "duration (m|h|d|w|y)",
Required = true,
new CommandArgument()
@ -247,7 +247,7 @@ namespace SharedLibrary.Commands
public override async Task ExecuteAsync(Event E)
String You = String.Format("{0} [^3#{1}^7] {2} [^3@{3}^7] [{4}^7] IP: {5}", E.Origin.Name, E.Origin.ClientID, E.Origin.NetworkID, E.Origin.DatabaseID, SharedLibrary.Utilities.ConvertLevelToColor(E.Origin.Level), E.Origin.IP);
String You = String.Format("{0} [^3#{1}^7] {2} [^3@{3}^7] [{4}^7] IP: {5}", E.Origin.Name, E.Origin.ClientID, E.Origin.NetworkID, E.Origin.DatabaseID, Utilities.ConvertLevelToColor(E.Origin.Level), E.Origin.IP);
await E.Origin.Tell(You);
@ -664,7 +664,8 @@ namespace SharedLibrary.Commands
public class CReload : Command
public CReload() :
base("reload", "reload configuration files", "rl", Player.Permission.Owner, false) { }
base("reload", "reload configuration files", "rl", Player.Permission.Owner, false)
{ }
public override async Task ExecuteAsync(Event E)
@ -755,14 +756,14 @@ namespace SharedLibrary.Commands
if (E.Target.Level > E.Origin.Level)
await E.Origin.Tell("You cannot report " + E.Target.Name);
await E.Origin.Tell($"You cannot report {E.Target.Name}");
E.Data = E.Data.RemoveWords(1);
E.Owner.Reports.Add(new Report(E.Target, E.Origin, E.Data));
await E.Origin.Tell("Successfully reported " + E.Target.Name);
await E.Origin.Tell($"Successfully reported {E.Target.Name}");
await E.Owner.ExecuteEvent(new Event(Event.GType.Report, E.Data, E.Origin, E.Target, E.Owner));
await E.Owner.ToAdmins(String.Format("^5{0}^7->^1{1}^7: {2}", E.Origin.Name, E.Target.Name, E.Data));

View File

@ -564,7 +564,7 @@ namespace SharedLibrary
Dictionary<String, object> newPlayer = new Dictionary<String, object>
{ "Name", Utilities.StripIllegalCharacters(P.Name) },
{ "Name", P.Name },
{ "npID", P.NetworkID },
{ "Level", (int)P.Level },
{ "LastOffense", "" },
@ -596,12 +596,17 @@ namespace SharedLibrary
public void PruneAdmins(int inactiveDays)
ExecuteNonQuery($"UPDATE CLIENTS SET Level={(int)Player.Permission.User} WHERE LastConnection < '{Utilities.DateTimeSQLite(DateTime.Now.AddDays(-inactiveDays))}'");
//Add specified ban to database
public void AddPenalty(Penalty B)
Dictionary<String, object> newBan = new Dictionary<String, object>
{ "Reason", Utilities.StripIllegalCharacters(B.Reason) },
{ "Reason", B.Reason },
{ "npID", B.OffenderID },
{ "bannedByID", B.PenaltyOriginID },
{ "IP", B.IP },
@ -712,7 +717,7 @@ namespace SharedLibrary
Dictionary<String, object> newPlayer = new Dictionary<String, object>
{ "Number", Alias.Number },
{ "NAMES", Utilities.StripIllegalCharacters(String.Join(";", Alias.Names)) },
{ "NAMES", String.Join(";", Alias.Names) },
{ "IPS", String.Join(";", Alias.IPS) }
Insert("ALIASES", newPlayer);

View File

@ -29,10 +29,10 @@ namespace SharedLibrary
Type = Ty;
Version = V;
Message = M;
Message = System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(M);
Title = T;
Origin = O;
Target = Ta;
Origin = System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(O);
Target = System.Web.HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(Ta);
ID = Math.Abs(DateTime.Now.GetHashCode());
@ -124,7 +124,7 @@ namespace SharedLibrary
Regex rgx = new Regex("[^a-zA-Z0-9 -! -_]");
string message = rgx.Replace(line[4], "");
return new Event(GType.Say, Utilities.StripIllegalCharacters(message).StripColors(), SV.ParseClientFromString(line, 2), null, SV) { Message = Utilities.StripIllegalCharacters(message).StripColors() };
return new Event(GType.Say, message.StripColors(), SV.ParseClientFromString(line, 2), null, SV) { Message = message };
if (removeTime.Contains("ScriptKill"))

View File

@ -7,7 +7,7 @@ namespace SharedLibrary
public Penalty(Type BType, String Reas, String TargID, String From, DateTime time, String ip, DateTime exp)
Reason = Reas.CleanChars().StripColors();
Reason = Reas.StripColors();
OffenderID = TargID;
PenaltyOriginID = From;
When = time;

View File

@ -91,12 +91,19 @@ namespace SharedLibrary
/// </summary>
/// <param name="pName">Player name to search for</param>
/// <returns>Matching player if found</returns>
public Player GetClientByName(String pName)
public List<Player> GetClientByName(String pName)
string[] QuoteSplit = pName.Split('"');
bool literal = false;
if (QuoteSplit.Length > 1)
pName = QuoteSplit[1];
return Players.FirstOrDefault(p => p != null && p.Name.ToLower().Contains(pName.ToLower()));
literal = true;
if (literal)
return Players.Where(p => p != null && p.Name.ToLower().Equals(pName.ToLower())).ToList();
return Players.Where(p => p != null && p.Name.ToLower().Contains(pName.ToLower())).ToList();
/// <summary>

View File

@ -75,6 +75,7 @@
<Reference Include="System.Web" />
<Reference Include="System.Xml.Linq" />
<Reference Include="System.Data.DataSetExtensions" />
<Reference Include="Microsoft.CSharp" />

View File

@ -80,27 +80,6 @@ namespace SharedLibrary
return Player.Permission.Banned;
public static String StripIllegalCharacters(String str)
if (str != null)
return str.Replace("`", "").Replace("\\", "").Replace("\"", "").Replace("&quot;", "").Replace("&amp;", "&").Replace("\"", "''").Replace("'", "").Replace("?", "");
return String.Empty;
public static String CleanChars(this string S)
if (S == null)
return "";
StringBuilder Cleaned = new StringBuilder();
foreach (char c in S)
if (c < 127 && c > 31 && c != 37 && c != 34 && c != 92) Cleaned.Append(c);
return Cleaned.ToString();
/// <summary>
/// Remove all IW Engine color codes
/// </summary>
@ -314,5 +293,10 @@ namespace SharedLibrary
return "1 hour";
public static string EscapeMarkdown(this string markdownString)
return markdownString.Replace("<", "\\<").Replace(">", "\\>").Replace("|", "\\|");