[application] update readme & branch for 2.1
This commit is contained in:
@ -12,8 +12,7 @@ _______
* [.NET Core 2.0.7 Runtime](https://www.microsoft.com/net/download/dotnet-core/runtime-2.0.7) *or newer*
1. Extract `IW4MAdmin-<version>.zip`
2. Open command prompt or terminal in the extracted folder
3. Run `dotnet IW4MAdmin.dll`
2. Run `StartIW4MAdmin.cmd`
### Configuration
@ -37,9 +36,8 @@ When **IW4MAdmin** is launched for the _first time_, you will be prompted to set
* Allow clients to use a [VPN](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Virtual_private_network)
* _This feature requires an active api key on [iphub.info](https://iphub.info/)_
`Enable discord link`
* Shows a link to your server's discord on the webfront
* _This feature requires an invite link to your discord server_
`Enable social link`
* Shows a link to your community's social media/website on the webfront
`Use Custom Encoding Parser`
* Allows alternative encodings to be used for parsing game information and events
@ -55,6 +53,13 @@ If you wish to further customize your experience of **IW4MAdmin**, the following
* Specifies the address and port the webfront will listen on.
* The value can be an [IP Address](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/IP_address):port or [Domain Name](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Domain_name):port
* Specifies a [locale name](https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/39cwe7zf.aspx) to use instead of system default
* Locale must be from the `Equivalent Locale Name` column
* Specifies the [connection string](https://www.connectionstrings.com/mysql/) to a MySQL server to be used instead of SQLite
* Specifies the list of servers **IW4MAdmin** will monitor
* `IPAddress`
@ -73,6 +78,12 @@ If you wish to further customize your experience of **IW4MAdmin**, the following
* Specifies the list of messages that are broadcasted to **all** servers
* Specially formatted tokens can be used to broadcast dynamic information
* `{{TOTALPLAYERS}}` — displays how many players have connected
* `{{TOPSTATS}}` — displays the top 5 players on the server based on performance
* `{{MOSTPLAYED}}` — displays the top 5 players based on number of kills
* `{{TOTALPLAYTIME}}` — displays the cumulative play time (in man-hours) on all monitored servers
* `{{VERSION}}` — displays the version of **IW4MAdmin**
* Specifies the list of rules that apply to **all** servers`
@ -88,44 +99,48 @@ ___
### Commands
|Name |Alias|Description |Requires Target|Syntax |Required Level|
|--------------| -----| --------------------------------------------------------| -----------------| -------------| ----------------|
|prune|pa|demote any admins that have not connected recently (defaults to 30 days)|False|!pa \<optional inactive days\>|Owner|
|prune|pa|demote any privileged clients that have not connected recently (defaults to 30 days)|False|!pa \<optional inactive days\>|Owner|
|quit|q|quit IW4MAdmin|False|!q |Owner|
|rcon|rcon|send rcon command to server|False|!rcon \<command\>|Owner|
|ban|b|permanently ban a player from the server|True|!b \<player\> \<reason\>|SeniorAdmin|
|unban|ub|unban player by database id|True|!ub \<databaseID\> \<reason\>|SeniorAdmin|
|find|f|find player in database|False|!f \<player\>|Administrator|
|rcon|rcon|send rcon command to server|False|!rcon \<commands\>|Owner|
|ban|b|permanently ban a client from the server|True|!b \<player\> \<reason\>|SeniorAdmin|
|unban|ub|unban client by client id|True|!ub \<client id\> \<reason\>|SeniorAdmin|
|find|f|find client in database|False|!f \<player\>|Administrator|
|killserver|kill|kill the game server|False|!kill |Administrator|
|map|m|change to specified map|False|!m \<map\>|Administrator|
|maprotate|mr|cycle to the next map in rotation|False|!mr |Administrator|
|plugins|p|view all loaded plugins|False|!p |Administrator|
|alias|known|get past aliases and ips of a player|True|!known \<player\>|Moderator|
|baninfo|bi|get information about a ban for a player|True|!bi \<player\>|Moderator|
|tempban|tb|temporarily ban a client for specified time (defaults to 1 hour)|True|!tb \<player\> \<duration (m\|h\|d\|w\|y)\> \<reason\>|Administrator|
|alias|known|get past aliases and ips of a client|True|!known \<player\>|Moderator|
|baninfo|bi|get information about a ban for a client|True|!bi \<player\>|Moderator|
|fastrestart|fr|fast restart current map|False|!fr |Moderator|
|flag|fp|flag a suspicious player and announce to admins on join|True|!fp \<player\> \<reason\>|Moderator|
|flag|fp|flag a suspicious client and announce to admins on join|True|!fp \<player\> \<reason\>|Moderator|
|kick|k|kick a client by name|True|!k \<player\> \<reason\>|Moderator|
|list|l|list active clients|False|!l |Moderator|
|mask|hide|hide your presence as an administrator|False|!hide |Moderator|
|mask|hide|hide your presence as a privileged client|False|!hide |Moderator|
|reports|reps|get or clear recent reports|False|!reps \<optional clear\>|Moderator|
|say|s|broadcast message to all players|False|!s \<message\>|Moderator|
|setlevel|sl|set player to specified administration level|True|!sl \<player\> \<level\>|Moderator|
|say|s|broadcast message to all clients|False|!s \<message\>|Moderator|
|setlevel|sl|set client to specified privilege level|True|!sl \<player\> \<level\>|Moderator|
|setpassword|sp|set your authentication password|False|!sp \<password\>|Moderator|
|tempban|tb|temporarily ban a player for specified time (defaults to 1 hour)|True|!tb \<player\> \<duration (m\|h\|d\|w\|y)\> \<reason\>|Moderator|
|unflag|uf|Remove flag for client|True|!uf \<player\>|Moderator|
|uptime|up|get current application running time|False|!up |Moderator|
|usage|us|get current application memory usage|False|!us |Moderator|
|kick|k|kick a player by name|True|!k \<player\> \<reason\>|Trusted|
|login|l|login using password|False|!l \<password\>|Trusted|
|warn|w|warn player for infringing rules|True|!w \<player\> \<reason\>|Trusted|
|warnclear|wc|remove all warning for a player|True|!wc \<player\>|Trusted|
|admins|a|list currently connected admins|False|!a |User|
|usage|us|get application memory usage|False|!us |Moderator|
|balance|bal|balance teams|False|!bal |Trusted|
|login|li|login using password|False|!li \<password\>|Trusted|
|warn|w|warn client for infringing rules|True|!w \<player\> \<reason\>|Trusted|
|warnclear|wc|remove all warnings for a client|True|!wc \<player\>|Trusted|
|admins|a|list currently connected privileged clients|False|!a |User|
|getexternalip|ip|view your external IP address|False|!ip |User|
|help|h|list all available commands|False|!h \<optional command\>|User|
|ping|pi|get client's ping|False|!pi \<optional client\>|User|
|privatemessage|pm|send message to other player|True|!pm \<player\> \<message\>|User|
|report|rep|report a player for suspicious behavior|True|!rep \<player\> \<reason\>|User|
|help|h|list all available commands|False|!h \<optional commands\>|User|
|mostplayed|mp|view the top 5 dedicated players on the server|False|!mp |User|
|owner|iamgod|claim ownership of the server|False|!iamgod |User|
|ping|pi|get client's latency|False|!pi \<optional player\>|User|
|privatemessage|pm|send message to other client|True|!pm \<player\> \<message\>|User|
|report|rep|report a client for suspicious behavior|True|!rep \<player\> \<reason\>|User|
|resetstats|rs|reset your stats to factory-new|False|!rs |User|
|rules|r|list server rules|False|!r |User|
|stats|xlrstats|view your stats|False|!xlrstats \<optional player\>|User|
|topstats|ts|view the top 5 players on this server|False|!ts |User|
|whoami|who|give information about yourself.|False|!who |User|
|topstats|ts|view the top 5 players in this server|False|!ts |User|
|whoami|who|give information about yourself|False|!who |User|
_These commands include all shipped plugin commands._
@ -192,6 +207,7 @@ ___
|resetstats|rs|reset your stats to factory-new|False|!rs |User|
|stats|xlrstats|view your stats|False|!xlrstats \<optional player\>|User|
|topstats|ts|view the top 5 players on this server|False|!ts |User|
|mostplayed|mp|view the top 5 dedicated players on the server|False|!mp |User|
- To qualify for top stats, a client must have played for at least `1 hour` and connected within the past `30 days`.
@ -208,6 +224,7 @@ ___
#### Profanity Determent
- This plugin warns and kicks players for using profanity
- Profane words and warning message can be specified in `ProfanityDetermentSettings.json`
- If a client's name contains a word listed in the settings, they will immediately be kicked
### Webfront
@ -221,6 +238,7 @@ ___
* Allows privileged users to login using their `Client ID` and password set via `setpassword`
* `ClientID` is a number that can be found by using `!find <client name>` or find the client on the webfront and copy the ID following `ProfileAsync/`
* Shows a client's information and history
@ -231,5 +249,10 @@ ___
### Misc
#### Anti-cheat
This is an [IW4x](https://iw4xcachep26muba.onion.link/) only feature (wider game support planned), that uses analytics to detect aimbots and aim-assist tools.
To utilize anti-cheat, enable it during setup **and** copy `_customcallbacks.gsc` from `userraw` into your `IW4x Server\userraw\scripts` folder.
The anti-cheat feature is a work in progress and as such will be constantly tweaked and may not be 100% accurate, however the goal is to deter as many cheaters as possible from IW4x.
#### Database Storage
All **IW4MAdmin** information is stored in `Database.db`. Should you need to reset your database, this file can simply be deleted. Additionally, this file should be preserved during updates to retain client information.
By default, all **IW4MAdmin** information is stored in `Database.db`. Should you need to reset your database, this file can simply be deleted. Additionally, this file should be preserved during updates to retain client information.
Setting the `ConnectionString` property in `IW4MAdminSettings.json` will cause **IW4MAdmin** to attempt to use a MySQL connection for database storage.
Reference in New Issue
Block a user