2023-06-06 12:08:58 -05:00
// this gives the game interface time to setup
thread ModuleSetup();
// waiting until the game specific functions are ready
level waittill( level.notifyTypes.gameFunctionsInitialized );
command = SpawnStruct();
// unique key for each command (how iw4madmin identifies the command)
command.eventKey = "PrintLineCommand";
// name of the command (cannot conflict with existing command names)
command.name = "println";
// short version of the command (cannot conflcit with existing command aliases)
command.alias = "pl";
// description of what the command does
command.description = "prints line to game";
// minimum permision required to execute
// valid values: User, Trusted, Moderator, Administrator, SeniorAdmin, Owner
command.minPermission = "Trusted";
// games the command is supported on
// separate with comma or don't define for all
// valid values: IW3, IW4, IW5, IW6, T4, T5, T6, T7, SHG1, CSGO, H1
command.supportedGames = "IW4,IW5,T5,T6";
// indicates if a target player must be provided to execvute on
command.requiresTarget = false;
// code to run when the command is executed
command.handler = ::PrintLnCommandCallback;
// register the command with integration to be send to iw4madmin
scripts\_integration_shared::RegisterScriptCommandObject( command );
// you can also register via parameters
scripts\_integration_shared::RegisterScriptCommand( "AffirmationCommand", "affirm", "af", "provide affirmations", "User", undefined, false, ::AffirmationCommandCallback );
PrintLnCommandCallback( event )
if ( IsDefined( event.data["args"] ) )
IPrintLnBold( event.data["args"] );
scripts\_integration_base::LogDebug( "No data was provided for PrintLnCallback" );
AffirmationCommandCallback( event, _ )
level endon( level.eventTypes.gameEnd );
request = SpawnStruct();
request.url = "https://www.affirmations.dev";
request.method = "GET";
// If making a post request you can also provide more data
// request.body = "Body of the post message";
// request.headers = [];
// request.headers["Authorization"] = "api-key";
scripts\_integration_shared::RequestUrlObject( request );
request waittill( level.eventTypes.urlRequestCompleted, response );
// horrible json parsing.. but it's just an example
parsedResponse = strtok( response, "\"" );
2023-06-06 17:56:12 -05:00
if ( IsPlayer( self ) )
self IPrintLnBold ( "^5" + parsedResponse[parsedResponse.size - 2] );
2023-06-06 12:08:58 -05:00