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Fix Game Interface / AC Callbacks + support for T5ZM, T6MP and T6ZM for the Game Interface. (#288) * Fix trying to write to a struct before its initialized. Same issue on IW4, IW5 and T5 game modules. * Fix path issues in the scripts + add support for t5zm. * Fix deploy.bat * Change paths inside the gsc scripts used to call functions in other scripts * Remove mp includes from base gsc file. #include maps\mp\_utility; #include maps\mp\gametypes\_hud_util; * Define GetXuid as overrideMethod as t5zm doesn't have it. * Define GetPlayerFromClientNum as getting all players is slightly different on t5zm. * Remove the precompiled gsc file for T6 as PlutoT6 can load uncompiled GSC now. * Fix _customcallbacks.gsc for T6 * Add T6 support to the game interface. * Update _integration_base.gsc use camelCase for functionName * Make sure the Setup functions are always called in the right order. Base -> shared -> game Otherwise we might write to structs before they are created. * Move functions interacting with the game from _base to _shared GetPlayerFromClientNum OnPlayerJoinedTeam OnPlayerJoinedSpectators GenerateJoinTeamString PlayerTrackingOnInterval SaveTrackingMetrics * Block execution until game specific setup is done Block _shared execution until the game specific file finished. This allows the game specific file to override the events in _shared. * Fix setup event flow Move check of sv_iw4madmin_integration_enabled dvar after waittill in _shared so _base has a chance to set it to 1. Move check of sv_iw4madmin_autobalance dvar to OnPlayerConnect in _shared so the game specific script has a chance to set the dvar. * ignore bots * add more spaces
2023-05-29 03:15:52 +02:00
#include common_scripts\utility;
#include maps\mp\_utility;
thread Setup();
level endon( "game_ended" );
// it's possible that the notify type has not been defined yet so we have to hard code it
level waittill( "SharedFunctionsInitialized" );
level.eventBus.gamename = "T6";
scripts\_integration_base::RegisterLogger( ::Log2Console );
level.overrideMethods["GetTotalShotsFired"] = ::GetTotalShotsFired;
level.overrideMethods["SetDvarIfUninitialized"] = ::_SetDvarIfUninitialized;
level.overrideMethods["waittill_notify_or_timeout"] = ::_waittill_notify_or_timeout;
level.overrideMethods[level.commonFunctions.getXuid] = ::_GetXUID;
_SetDvarIfUninitialized( "sv_iw4madmin_autobalance", 0 );
level notify( level.notifyTypes.gameFunctionsInitialized );
if ( GetDvarInt( "sv_iw4madmin_integration_enabled" ) != 1 )
level thread OnPlayerConnect();
level endon ( "game_ended" );
for ( ;; )
level waittill( "connected", player );
if ( scripts\_integration_base::_IsBot( player ) )
// we don't want to track bots
//player thread SetPersistentData();
player thread WaitForClientEvents();
scripts\_integration_base::AddClientCommand( "GiveWeapon", true, ::GiveWeaponImpl );
scripts\_integration_base::AddClientCommand( "TakeWeapons", true, ::TakeWeaponsImpl );
scripts\_integration_base::AddClientCommand( "SwitchTeams", true, ::TeamSwitchImpl );
scripts\_integration_base::AddClientCommand( "Hide", false, ::HideImpl );
scripts\_integration_base::AddClientCommand( "Alert", true, ::AlertImpl );
scripts\_integration_base::AddClientCommand( "Goto", false, ::GotoImpl );
scripts\_integration_base::AddClientCommand( "Kill", true, ::KillImpl );
scripts\_integration_base::AddClientCommand( "SetSpectator", true, ::SetSpectatorImpl );
scripts\_integration_base::AddClientCommand( "LockControls", true, ::LockControlsImpl );
scripts\_integration_base::AddClientCommand( "PlayerToMe", true, ::PlayerToMeImpl );
scripts\_integration_base::AddClientCommand( "NoClip", false, ::NoClipImpl );
self endon( "disconnect" );
// example of requesting a meta value
lastServerMetaKey = "LastServerPlayed";
// self scripts\_integration_base::RequestClientMeta( lastServerMetaKey );
for ( ;; )
self waittill( level.eventTypes.localClientEvent, event );
scripts\_integration_base::LogDebug( "Received client event " + event.type );
if ( event.type == level.eventTypes.clientDataReceived && event.data[0] == lastServerMetaKey )
clientData = self.pers[level.clientDataKey];
lastServerPlayed = clientData.meta[lastServerMetaKey];
return self.pers[ "total_shots" ];
_SetDvarIfUninitialized(dvar, value)
maps\mp\_utility::set_dvar_if_unset(dvar, value);
_waittill_notify_or_timeout( msg, timer )
self endon( msg );
wait( timer );
Log2Console( logLevel, message )
Print( "[" + logLevel + "] " + message + "\n" );
if ( !IsDefined( self.godmode ) )
self.godmode = false;
if (!self.godmode )
self enableInvulnerability();
self.godmode = true;
self.godmode = false;
self disableInvulnerability();
return self GetXUID();
// GUID helpers
self endon( "disconnect" );
guidHigh = self GetPlayerData( "bests", "none" );
guidLow = self GetPlayerData( "awards", "none" );
persistentGuid = guidHigh + "," + guidLow;
guidIsStored = guidHigh != 0 && guidLow != 0;
if ( guidIsStored )
// give IW4MAdmin time to collect IP
wait( 15 );
scripts\_integration_base::LogDebug( "Uploading persistent guid " + persistentGuid );
scripts\_integration_base::SetClientMeta( "PersistentClientGuid", persistentGuid );
guid = self SplitGuid();
scripts\_integration_base::LogDebug( "Persisting client guid " + guidHigh + "," + guidLow );
self SetPlayerData( "bests", "none", guid["high"] );
self SetPlayerData( "awards", "none", guid["low"] );
guid = self GetGuid();
if ( isDefined( self.guid ) )
guid = self.guid;
firstPart = 0;
secondPart = 0;
stringLength = 17;
firstPartExp = 0;
secondPartExp = 0;
for ( i = stringLength - 1; i > 0; i-- )
char = GetSubStr( guid, i - 1, i );
if ( char == "" )
char = "0";
if ( i > stringLength / 2 )
value = GetIntForHexChar( char );
power = Pow( 16, secondPartExp );
secondPart = secondPart + ( value * power );
value = GetIntForHexChar( char );
power = Pow( 16, firstPartExp );
firstPart = firstPart + ( value * power );
split = [];
split["low"] = int( secondPart );
split["high"] = int( firstPart );
return split;
Pow( num, exponent )
result = 1;
while( exponent != 0 )
result = result * num;
return result;
GetIntForHexChar( char )
char = ToLower( char );
// generated by co-pilot because I can't be bothered to make it more "elegant"
switch( char )
case "0":
return 0;
case "1":
return 1;
case "2":
return 2;
case "3":
return 3;
case "4":
return 4;
case "5":
return 5;
case "6":
return 6;
case "7":
return 7;
case "8":
return 8;
case "9":
return 9;
case "a":
return 10;
case "b":
return 11;
case "c":
return 12;
case "d":
return 13;
case "e":
return 14;
case "f":
return 15;
return 0;
// Command Implementations
GiveWeaponImpl( event, data )
if ( !IsAlive( self ) )
return self.name + "^7 is not alive";
if ( isDefined( level.player_too_many_weapons_monitor ) && level.player_too_many_weapons_monitor )
level.player_too_many_weapons_monitor = false;
self notify( "stop_player_too_many_weapons_monitor" );
self IPrintLnBold( "You have been given a new weapon" );
self GiveWeapon( data["weaponName"] );
self SwitchToWeapon( data["weaponName"] );
return self.name + "^7 has been given ^5" + data["weaponName"];
TakeWeaponsImpl( event, data )
if ( !IsAlive( self ) )
return self.name + "^7 is not alive";
self TakeAllWeapons();
self IPrintLnBold( "All your weapons have been taken" );
return "Took weapons from " + self.name;
TeamSwitchImpl( event, data )
if ( !IsAlive( self ) )
return self + "^7 is not alive";
team = level.allies;
if ( self.team == "allies" )
team = level.axis;
self IPrintLnBold( "You are being team switched" );
wait( 2 );
self [[team]]();
return self.name + "^7 switched to " + self.team;
LockControlsImpl( event, data )
if ( !IsAlive( self ) )
return self.name + "^7 is not alive";
if ( !IsDefined ( self.isControlLocked ) )
self.isControlLocked = false;
if ( !self.isControlLocked )
self freezeControls( true );
self God();
self Hide();
info = [];
info[ "alertType" ] = "Alert!";
info[ "message" ] = "You have been frozen!";
self AlertImpl( undefined, info );
self.isControlLocked = true;
return self.name + "\'s controls are locked";
self freezeControls( false );
self God();
self Show();
self.isControlLocked = false;
return self.name + "\'s controls are unlocked";
NoClipImpl( event, data )
/*if ( !IsAlive( self ) )
self IPrintLnBold( "You are not alive" );
if ( !IsDefined ( self.isNoClipped ) )
self.isNoClipped = false;
if ( !self.isNoClipped )
self SetClientDvar( "sv_cheats", 1 );
self SetClientDvar( "cg_thirdperson", 1 );
self SetClientDvar( "sv_cheats", 0 );
self God();
self Noclip();
self Hide();
self.isNoClipped = true;
self IPrintLnBold( "NoClip enabled" );
self SetClientDvar( "sv_cheats", 1 );
self SetClientDvar( "cg_thirdperson", 1 );
self SetClientDvar( "sv_cheats", 0 );
self God();
self Noclip();
self Hide();
self.isNoClipped = false;
self IPrintLnBold( "NoClip disabled" );
self IPrintLnBold( "NoClip enabled" );*/
scripts\_integration_base::LogWarning( "NoClip is not supported on T6!" );
HideImpl( event, data )
if ( !IsAlive( self ) )
self IPrintLnBold( "You are not alive" );
if ( !IsDefined ( self.isHidden ) )
self.isHidden = false;
if ( !self.isHidden )
self SetClientDvar( "sv_cheats", 1 );
self SetClientDvar( "cg_thirdperson", 1 );
self SetClientDvar( "sv_cheats", 0 );
self God();
self Hide();
self.isHidden = true;
self IPrintLnBold( "Hide enabled" );
self SetClientDvar( "sv_cheats", 1 );
self SetClientDvar( "cg_thirdperson", 0 );
self SetClientDvar( "sv_cheats", 0 );
self God();
self Show();
self.isHidden = false;
self IPrintLnBold( "Hide disabled" );
AlertImpl( event, data )
/*if ( !sessionmodeiszombiesgame() )
self thread oldNotifyMessage( data["alertType"], data["message"], undefined, ( 1, 0, 0 ), "mpl_sab_ui_suitcasebomb_timer", 7.5 );
self IPrintLnBold( data["alertType"] );
self IPrintLnBold( data["message"] );
return "Sent alert to " + self.name;
GotoImpl( event, data )
if ( IsDefined( event.target ) )
return self GotoPlayerImpl( event.target );
return self GotoCoordImpl( data );
GotoCoordImpl( event, data )
if ( !IsAlive( self ) )
self IPrintLnBold( "You are not alive" );
position = ( int( data["x"] ), int( data["y"] ), int( data["z"]) );
self SetOrigin( position );
self IPrintLnBold( "Moved to " + "("+ position[0] + "," + position[1] + "," + position[2] + ")" );
GotoPlayerImpl( target )
if ( !IsAlive( target ) )
self IPrintLnBold( target.name + " is not alive" );
self SetOrigin( target GetOrigin() );
self IPrintLnBold( "Moved to " + target.name );
PlayerToMeImpl( event, data )
if ( !IsAlive( self ) )
return self.name + " is not alive";
self SetOrigin( event.origin GetOrigin() );
return "Moved here " + self.name;
KillImpl( event, data )
if ( !IsAlive( self ) )
return self.name + " is not alive";
self Suicide();
self IPrintLnBold( "You were killed by " + self.name );
return "You killed " + self.name;
SetSpectatorImpl( event, data )
if ( self.pers["team"] == "spectator" )
return self.name + " is already spectating";
self [[level.spectator]]();
self IPrintLnBold( "You have been moved to spectator" );
return self.name + " has been moved to spectator";
// T6 specific functions
1:1 the same on MP and ZM but in different includes. Since we probably want to be able to send Alerts on non teambased wagermatechs use our own copy.
oldnotifymessage( titletext, notifytext, iconname, glowcolor, sound, duration )
/*if ( level.wagermatch && !level.teambased )
notifydata = spawnstruct();
notifydata.titletext = titletext;
notifydata.notifytext = notifytext;
notifydata.iconname = iconname;
notifydata.sound = sound;
notifydata.duration = duration;
self.startmessagenotifyqueue[ self.startmessagenotifyqueue.size ] = notifydata;
self notify( "received award" );