2019-07-13 20:45:25 -05:00
Version 2.4:
-added "live radar" feature
-added chat message to server on server list view
2019-07-16 15:27:19 -05:00
-added recently connected players dropdown option on webfront
2019-07-13 20:45:25 -05:00
2018-10-15 19:51:04 -05:00
Version 2.3:
-added configuration option to ignore bots
2018-11-05 21:01:29 -06:00
-updated anticheat slightly
2019-07-13 20:45:25 -05:00
-lots more
2018-10-15 19:51:04 -05:00
2018-06-01 23:48:10 -05:00
Version 2.2:
2018-08-26 19:20:47 -05:00
-upgraded projects to .NET 2.1
2018-06-01 23:48:10 -05:00
-added top player stats page
2018-08-26 19:20:47 -05:00
-added JavaScript plugin support
-added webhook script to send notifications to discord
2018-10-12 21:32:30 -05:00
-added remote log server to read log files on external machines
2018-08-26 19:20:47 -05:00
-added abillity to exempt specific clients from VPN check
2018-10-12 21:32:30 -05:00
-added ability to tempban through webfront with customizable times
2018-08-26 19:20:47 -05:00
-added reserved slots for privileged users
-added support for localized permission levels
-added linux support!
-added {{NEXTMAP}}, {{ADMINS}}, and {{MOSTPLAYED}} automessage tokens
2018-10-12 21:32:30 -05:00
-added link to profile on client chat
-added shared GUID kicker plugin
-added PostgreSQL support
-updated welcome plugin to use webapi instead of hardcoded file
2018-08-26 19:20:47 -05:00
-updated event api
-updated webfront tweak
-update client search by IP
-updated event management and client authentication
2018-10-12 21:32:30 -05:00
-refactor RCon queries
-cleaned up the folder structure of the application
2018-08-26 19:20:47 -05:00
-fixed some namespace discrepancies
-fixed parsing of certain chat messages
-fixed various bugs
-introduced new bugs to fix in the next version
2018-06-01 23:48:10 -05:00
2018-04-22 15:04:18 -05:00
Version 2.1:
2018-05-20 21:35:56 -05:00
-add support for localization (Russian, Spanish, and Portuguese)
2018-04-23 16:03:50 -05:00
-upgraded projects to .NET Core 2.0.7
2018-05-20 21:35:56 -05:00
-added support for MySQL provider via "ConnectionString" in IW4MAdminSettings.json
-refactored some stats code to provide a better representation of player skill as "performance"
-added most played command which shows players who have played the most
-added unflag command to more intuitively unflag a client
-added multi-line tokens: {{TOPSTATS}} {{MOSTPLAYED}}
-able to view linked accounts on webfront via dropdown (privileged only)
2018-05-21 16:09:27 -05:00
-multiple privileged accounts are consolidated in the admin list
2018-05-20 21:35:56 -05:00
-Added IW5m/Pluto IW5, T5m/V2, CoD4, and WaW support
-changed event system to use a better pipeline
-IW4x anti-cheat further refined
2018-05-21 16:09:27 -05:00
-kick and tempban required privileges adjusted
2018-05-20 21:35:56 -05:00
-fixed issues with RCon responding improperly
-improved IW4x frequency of IW4x servers going offline
-profanity plugin now kicks players with offensive names (if enabled)
-fixed critical bug with CPU usage over time
-discord link has been generalized into a "social link" (website/facebook/vk etc...)
-untold bug fixes
-introduced new bugs to fix in the next version
2018-04-22 15:04:18 -05:00
2018-04-11 17:24:21 -05:00
Version 2.0:
-migrated all projects and remaining plugins to .NET Core 2
-database provider = SQLite
2018-02-27 22:19:54 -06:00
Version 1.6:
-migrated from SQLite to EntityFramework
-migrated from kayak to ASP.Net Core MVC
2018-03-18 21:25:11 -05:00
-webfront redone using bootstrap and now mobile-friendly
-moved configuration files into IW4MAdminSettings.json
2018-02-27 22:19:54 -06:00
-added profile page to view client history
-got rid of pesky "error on character" message
-optimizations to commands
-report reason doesn't truncate if there's a space in the target name
-If multiple matches are found when finding a player, a list of matches is shown
-"special" characters are allowed in names and messages
-prune command demotes inactive admins (defaults to 30 days if no days are specified)
-confirmation message sent after kick
-paginated players page
-fixed aliases
Version 1.5
-added back player history graphs (past 12 hours every 15 minutes)
-fixed issue with configurationmanager files and threading
-servers on webfront listed in descending player count
-fixed resolution of tempban times from console feedback
-reconfigured solution and projects to be correct debug/release and files copy properly
-started working on more advanced statistics
-all chat is stored
-word cloud displays most commonly used words on the server
-fixed misc issues
-works: with COD, WaW, MW3, BO1 (preliminary without extensive testing)
-fixed the issue with webfront chat history
-fixed console issue of spamming 'polling rate decreased' when server goes offline
-'unknown' admin in webfront defaults to 'IW4MAdmin' (refactoring mistake)
-streamlined the async server initialization
-added !ip command (prints a client's external IP)
-fixed up the findall command
-moved aliases to the manager
-added admins page to view privileged users
-fixed refactoring mistake with messages
-removes flag penality when unflagging a player
-fixed 'just now ago' on webfront
-webfront playerlist level colors are hidden to non admin users
-tempban length can now be specified (<int>m, <int>h, <int>d, <int>y)
-complete rewrite of lots of parts
-async EVERYTHING!!!
-designed to work with IW4X (funny how the GitHub description is now 100% accurate after almost 3 years)
-gsc features deprecated
-didn't think you'd see me again did you?
-lots of cleanup
-event api @ /events (documentation soon)
-gsc features work again ( excluding goto )
-reworked plugin interface
-added automatic restart plugin
-fixed server stop event truncation
-penalty reasons don't show appeal website or "Player kicked" anymore
-fixed ban spacing issue
-masked flag now saved to database
-masked users level now hidden from !list
-fixed (crash?) with `!` in penalty reason
-remove repz features as now defunct
-banning from console now kicks the player if they are currently in game
-updating permissions from console now saves for in game players
-heartbeats re-enabled
-public banlist is now json format.. why didn't I do this originally?
-admins can execute commands directly from the web front
-better build management
-stats actually seems to be consistent
-fixed ban sorting ( and an overlooked bug )
-added kicks, warnings and temp-bans to penalty list
-bans are now named penalties
-readded pubbans page
-updated RepZ profile link
-added trusted group ( will need a new database or manual update )
-reports capture screenshot (maybe)
-no more server duplicates on webfront when the server crashes ( was intentional )
-warn reasons no longer show player's name
-first official stable release
-fixed last known error (due to web front passing invalid sql syntax)
-re-added stats. though still not working 100%
-added welcome plugin
-Major refactoring to support plugins
-*web front redux*
-lots of little fixes and stability improvements
-temporary removal of stats plugin as I perfect it
-fixed issues with crashing IW4 Servers
VERSION: 0.9.1
-fixed issue with `history` timelime
-fixed issue with mapname not being updated
-fixed rare crash related to !list
-fixed topstats issues ( prevents cheaters from jumping to the top )
-fixed webfront banlist not updating until tool restart
-now reads memory for player info!
-webfront now displays player info and link to repz account
-webfront shows ips for authed admin ( determined by ip )
-webfront now show chat and allows authed players to send ingame messages
-webfront now has public ban list
-webfront now shows player history
-fixed time span issue in webfront
-fixed most recent ban always missing
-fixed crash when RCON stops responding and removing a player
-version on footer
2018-10-12 21:32:30 -05:00
VERSION: 0.8.1
2018-02-27 22:19:54 -06:00
-no longer have `world` client handle broken events
-hopefully fixed an issue with clients missing connection event
-fixed ban order in webfront
-fixed alias output duplicating
-fixed missing evade reason
-cleaned up project files
-added mask command
-added baninfo command
-added alias command and removed redundant output from `find`
-added rcon command
-added webfront (
-true skill is officially implemented
-find now shows last connect time
-noise on pm (if gsc_enabled)
-force 8 line chat height (if gsc_enabled)
-tell admins the number of reports on join
-enhanced ban tracking
-ip wait timeout added
-remove report on ban
-can't report yourself
-remove reported players when banned
-fixed rare crash with toadmins backend
-fixed crash when finding player stats that don't exist
-fixed a bug that caused owner command to reactivate only `creator` rank player existed
-fixed a bug that caused certain notifications to be sent to all players
-various small fixes
-rcon tweaks
-so much stuff cant remember
-stability fixes
-welcome has post-fixed connection indicator
2018-10-12 21:32:30 -05:00
2018-02-27 22:19:54 -06:00
-close config files after reading oops
-added reload command
-added macros! (Denoted by {{MACRO}} in server config right now only {{WISDOM}} and {{TOTALPLAYERS}})
-added IP's (tracks and rebans new accounts on same banned ip)!
-reworked database classes
-heartbeat gives running version
-player banned in find gives last ban reason
-reworked rcon yet again