235 lines
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235 lines
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# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# This file is part of pygal
# A python svg graph plotting library
# Copyright © 2012-2016 Kozea
# This library is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under
# the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by the Free
# Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any
# later version.
# This library is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT
# ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS
# FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU Lesser General Public License for more
# details.
# You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License
# along with pygal. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
"""Base for pygal charts"""
from __future__ import division
import os
from functools import reduce
from uuid import uuid4
from pygal._compat import is_list_like
from pygal.adapters import decimal_to_float, not_zero, positive
from pygal.config import Config, SerieConfig
from pygal.serie import Serie
from pygal.state import State
from pygal.svg import Svg
from pygal.util import compose, ident
from pygal.view import Box, Margin
class BaseGraph(object):
"""Chart internal behaviour related functions"""
_adapters = []
def __init__(self, config=None, **kwargs):
"""Config preparation and various initialization"""
if config:
if isinstance(config, type):
config = config()
config = config.copy()
config = Config()
self.config = config
self.state = None
self.uuid = str(uuid4())
self.raw_series = []
self.xml_filters = []
def __setattr__(self, name, value):
"""Set an attribute on the class or in the state if there is one"""
if name.startswith('__') or getattr(self, 'state', None) is None:
super(BaseGraph, self).__setattr__(name, value)
setattr(self.state, name, value)
def __getattribute__(self, name):
"""Get an attribute from the class or from the state if there is one"""
if name.startswith('__') or name == 'state' or getattr(
self, 'state', None
) is None or name not in self.state.__dict__:
return super(BaseGraph, self).__getattribute__(name)
return getattr(self.state, name)
def prepare_values(self, raw, offset=0):
"""Prepare the values to start with sane values"""
from pygal.graph.map import BaseMap
from pygal import Histogram
if self.zero == 0 and isinstance(self, BaseMap):
self.zero = 1
if self.x_label_rotation:
self.x_label_rotation %= 360
if self.y_label_rotation:
self.y_label_rotation %= 360
for key in ('x_labels', 'y_labels'):
if getattr(self, key):
setattr(self, key, list(getattr(self, key)))
if not raw:
adapters = list(self._adapters) or [lambda x:x]
if self.logarithmic:
for fun in not_zero, positive:
if fun in adapters:
adapters = adapters + [positive, not_zero]
adapters = adapters + [decimal_to_float]
self._adapt = reduce(compose, adapters) if not self.strict else ident
self._x_adapt = reduce(
compose, self._x_adapters) if not self.strict and getattr(
self, '_x_adapters', None) else ident
series = []
raw = [(
list(raw_values) if not isinstance(
raw_values, dict) else raw_values,
) for raw_values, serie_config_kwargs in raw]
width = max([len(values) for values, _ in raw] +
[len(self.x_labels or [])])
for raw_values, serie_config_kwargs in raw:
metadata = {}
values = []
if isinstance(raw_values, dict):
if isinstance(self, BaseMap):
raw_values = list(raw_values.items())
value_list = [None] * width
for k, v in raw_values.items():
if k in (self.x_labels or []):
value_list[self.x_labels.index(k)] = v
raw_values = value_list
for index, raw_value in enumerate(
raw_values + (
(width - len(raw_values)) * [None] # aligning values
if len(raw_values) < width else [])):
if isinstance(raw_value, dict):
raw_value = dict(raw_value)
value = raw_value.pop('value', None)
metadata[index] = raw_value
value = raw_value
# Fix this by doing this in charts class methods
if isinstance(self, Histogram):
if value is None:
value = (None, None, None)
elif not is_list_like(value):
value = (value, self.zero, self.zero)
elif len(value) == 2:
value = (1, value[0], value[1])
value = list(map(self._adapt, value))
elif self._dual:
if value is None:
value = (None, None)
elif not is_list_like(value):
value = (value, self.zero)
if self._x_adapt:
value = (
if isinstance(self, BaseMap):
value = (self._adapt(value[0]), value[1])
value = list(map(self._adapt, value))
value = self._adapt(value)
serie_config = SerieConfig()
serie_config(**dict((k, v) for k, v in self.state.__dict__.items()
if k in dir(serie_config)))
Serie(offset + len(series), values, serie_config, metadata))
return series
def setup(self, **kwargs):
"""Set up the transient state prior rendering"""
# Keep labels in case of map
if getattr(self, 'x_labels', None) is not None:
self.x_labels = list(self.x_labels)
if getattr(self, 'y_labels', None) is not None:
self.y_labels = list(self.y_labels)
self.state = State(self, **kwargs)
if isinstance(self.style, type):
self.style = self.style()
self.series = self.prepare_values(
[rs for rs in self.raw_series if not rs[1].get('secondary')]) or []
self.secondary_series = self.prepare_values(
[rs for rs in self.raw_series if rs[1].get('secondary')],
len(self.series)) or []
self.horizontal = getattr(self, 'horizontal', False)
self.svg = Svg(self)
self._x_labels = None
self._y_labels = None
self._x_2nd_labels = None
self._y_2nd_labels = None
self.nodes = {}
self.margin_box = Margin(
self.margin_top or self.margin,
self.margin_right or self.margin,
self.margin_bottom or self.margin,
self.margin_left or self.margin)
self._box = Box()
self.view = None
if self.logarithmic and self.zero == 0:
# Explicit min to avoid interpolation dependency
positive_values = list(filter(
lambda x: x > 0,
[val[1] or 1 if self._dual else val
for serie in self.series for val in serie.safe_values]))
self.zero = min(positive_values or (1,)) or 1
if self._len < 3:
self.interpolate = None
def teardown(self):
"""Remove the transient state after rendering"""
if os.getenv('PYGAL_KEEP_STATE'):
del self.state
self.state = None
def _repr_svg_(self):
"""Display svg in IPython notebook"""
return self.render(disable_xml_declaration=True)
def _repr_png_(self):
"""Display png in IPython notebook"""
return self.render_to_png()