188 lines
6.6 KiB
188 lines
6.6 KiB
import json
import warnings
from calendar import timegm
from collections import Mapping
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from .api_jws import PyJWS
from .algorithms import Algorithm, get_default_algorithms # NOQA
from .compat import string_types, timedelta_total_seconds
from .exceptions import (
DecodeError, ExpiredSignatureError, ImmatureSignatureError,
InvalidAudienceError, InvalidIssuedAtError,
InvalidIssuerError, MissingRequiredClaimError
from .utils import merge_dict
class PyJWT(PyJWS):
header_type = 'JWT'
def _get_default_options():
return {
'verify_signature': True,
'verify_exp': True,
'verify_nbf': True,
'verify_iat': True,
'verify_aud': True,
'verify_iss': True,
'require_exp': False,
'require_iat': False,
'require_nbf': False
def encode(self, payload, key, algorithm='HS256', headers=None,
# Check that we get a mapping
if not isinstance(payload, Mapping):
raise TypeError('Expecting a mapping object, as JWT only supports '
'JSON objects as payloads.')
# Payload
for time_claim in ['exp', 'iat', 'nbf']:
# Convert datetime to a intDate value in known time-format claims
if isinstance(payload.get(time_claim), datetime):
payload[time_claim] = timegm(payload[time_claim].utctimetuple())
json_payload = json.dumps(
separators=(',', ':'),
return super(PyJWT, self).encode(
json_payload, key, algorithm, headers, json_encoder
def decode(self, jwt, key='', verify=True, algorithms=None, options=None,
payload, signing_input, header, signature = self._load(jwt)
decoded = super(PyJWT, self).decode(jwt, key, verify, algorithms,
options, **kwargs)
payload = json.loads(decoded.decode('utf-8'))
except ValueError as e:
raise DecodeError('Invalid payload string: %s' % e)
if not isinstance(payload, Mapping):
raise DecodeError('Invalid payload string: must be a json object')
if verify:
merged_options = merge_dict(self.options, options)
self._validate_claims(payload, merged_options, **kwargs)
return payload
def _validate_claims(self, payload, options, audience=None, issuer=None,
leeway=0, **kwargs):
if 'verify_expiration' in kwargs:
options['verify_exp'] = kwargs.get('verify_expiration', True)
warnings.warn('The verify_expiration parameter is deprecated. '
'Please use options instead.', DeprecationWarning)
if isinstance(leeway, timedelta):
leeway = timedelta_total_seconds(leeway)
if not isinstance(audience, (string_types, type(None))):
raise TypeError('audience must be a string or None')
self._validate_required_claims(payload, options)
now = timegm(datetime.utcnow().utctimetuple())
if 'iat' in payload and options.get('verify_iat'):
self._validate_iat(payload, now, leeway)
if 'nbf' in payload and options.get('verify_nbf'):
self._validate_nbf(payload, now, leeway)
if 'exp' in payload and options.get('verify_exp'):
self._validate_exp(payload, now, leeway)
if options.get('verify_iss'):
self._validate_iss(payload, issuer)
if options.get('verify_aud'):
self._validate_aud(payload, audience)
def _validate_required_claims(self, payload, options):
if options.get('require_exp') and payload.get('exp') is None:
raise MissingRequiredClaimError('exp')
if options.get('require_iat') and payload.get('iat') is None:
raise MissingRequiredClaimError('iat')
if options.get('require_nbf') and payload.get('nbf') is None:
raise MissingRequiredClaimError('nbf')
def _validate_iat(self, payload, now, leeway):
iat = int(payload['iat'])
except ValueError:
raise DecodeError('Issued At claim (iat) must be an integer.')
if iat > (now + leeway):
raise InvalidIssuedAtError('Issued At claim (iat) cannot be in'
' the future.')
def _validate_nbf(self, payload, now, leeway):
nbf = int(payload['nbf'])
except ValueError:
raise DecodeError('Not Before claim (nbf) must be an integer.')
if nbf > (now + leeway):
raise ImmatureSignatureError('The token is not yet valid (nbf)')
def _validate_exp(self, payload, now, leeway):
exp = int(payload['exp'])
except ValueError:
raise DecodeError('Expiration Time claim (exp) must be an'
' integer.')
if exp < (now - leeway):
raise ExpiredSignatureError('Signature has expired')
def _validate_aud(self, payload, audience):
if audience is None and 'aud' not in payload:
if audience is not None and 'aud' not in payload:
# Application specified an audience, but it could not be
# verified since the token does not contain a claim.
raise MissingRequiredClaimError('aud')
audience_claims = payload['aud']
if isinstance(audience_claims, string_types):
audience_claims = [audience_claims]
if not isinstance(audience_claims, list):
raise InvalidAudienceError('Invalid claim format in token')
if any(not isinstance(c, string_types) for c in audience_claims):
raise InvalidAudienceError('Invalid claim format in token')
if audience not in audience_claims:
raise InvalidAudienceError('Invalid audience')
def _validate_iss(self, payload, issuer):
if issuer is None:
if 'iss' not in payload:
raise MissingRequiredClaimError('iss')
if payload['iss'] != issuer:
raise InvalidIssuerError('Invalid issuer')
_jwt_global_obj = PyJWT()
encode = _jwt_global_obj.encode
decode = _jwt_global_obj.decode
register_algorithm = _jwt_global_obj.register_algorithm
unregister_algorithm = _jwt_global_obj.unregister_algorithm
get_unverified_header = _jwt_global_obj.get_unverified_header