102 lines
2.9 KiB
Executable File
102 lines
2.9 KiB
Executable File
#include "addr_utils.hpp"
#include <cctype>
#include <string>
#include <windows.h>
struct Addresses {
uintptr_t ModuleBase;
uintptr_t jmp_rbx;
Addresses g_Addrs{};
void initAddrUtils() {
g_Addrs.ModuleBase = (uintptr_t)(GetModuleHandle(0));
size_t _b(const size_t val) { return g_Addrs.ModuleBase + val; }
size_t operator"" _b(const size_t val) { return _b(val); }
size_t reverse_b(const size_t val) { return val - g_Addrs.ModuleBase; }
size_t reverse_b(const void* val) { return reverse_b(reinterpret_cast<size_t>(val)); }
size_t _g(const size_t val) { return g_Addrs.ModuleBase + (val - 0x140000000); }
size_t operator"" _g(const size_t val) { return _g(val); }
size_t reverse_g(const size_t val) { return (val - g_Addrs.ModuleBase) + 0x140000000; }
size_t reverse_g(const void* val) { return reverse_g(reinterpret_cast<size_t>(val)); }
namespace {
DWORD get_module_size(uintptr_t module_base) {
return reinterpret_cast<PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS>(
module_base +
inline byte hex_nibble_to_byte(const char* hexNibble) {
if (not (std::isxdigit(hexNibble[0]) and std::isxdigit(hexNibble[1]))) {
return 0;
return std::stoi(std::string(hexNibble, hexNibble + 1), nullptr, 16);
uintptr_t findPattern(const char* pattern, const char* module_name) {
return findPattern(pattern, (uintptr_t)GetModuleHandle(module_name));
uintptr_t findPattern(const char* pattern, uintptr_t module_start) {
if (module_start == 0ULL) {
return 0ULL;
const auto module_end = module_start + get_module_size(module_start);
const char* pattern_current{ pattern };
uintptr_t current_match{ 0ULL };
MEMORY_BASIC_INFORMATION64 page_information{};
for (auto current_page = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(module_start);
current_page < reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(module_end);
current_page = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(page_information.BaseAddress + page_information.RegionSize)) {
if (VirtualQuery(reinterpret_cast<LPCVOID>(current_page),
if (page_information.Protect == PAGE_NOACCESS or page_information.State != MEM_COMMIT or
(page_information.Protect & PAGE_GUARD)) {
for (auto current_address = reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(page_information.BaseAddress);
current_address < reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(page_information.BaseAddress + page_information.RegionSize - 0x8);
current_address++) {
if (*pattern_current != '\?' and *current_address != hex_nibble_to_byte(pattern_current)) {
current_match = 0ULL;
pattern_current = pattern;
if (not current_match)
current_match = reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(current_address);
pattern_current += 3;
if (pattern_current[-1] == NULL)
return current_match;
return 0ULL;