#include "lui_cod.h" #include "game_inc.h" void LUI_CoD_RegisterDvars_Detour() { printf("registering lui dvars\n"); player_name = Dvar_RegisterString("player_name", "Player1", 0, "Sets the player name."); sv_cheats = Dvar_RegisterBool("sv_cheats", false, 0, "Enables cheats to be used on a server"); spawn_br_gas = Dvar_RegisterBool("spawn_br_gas", true, 0, "Disables gas in battle royale maps"); show_watermark = Dvar_RegisterBool("show_watermark", false, 0, "Shows the watermark for codUPLOADER"); player_sustainammo = Dvar_RegisterBool("player_sustainAmmo", false, 0, "Firing weapon will not decrease clip ammo."); lui_cod_registerdvars.stub(); } int LuaShared_LuaCall_IsDemoBuild_Detour(uintptr_t luaVM) { lua_pushboolean(luaVM, 1); return 1; } int LUI_CoD_LuaCall_GetBlueprintData_impl_Detour(uintptr_t luaState) { SaveInventory(); return 0; }