2023-11-01 18:27:28 +01:00
#include "addr_utils.hpp"
2023-10-24 16:16:45 +02:00
#include "script.h"
#include "game_inc.h"
void ProcessScriptFile(void* scrContext, ScriptFile* scriptfile)
if (scriptfile)
printf("loading gsc: %s\n", scriptfile->name);
if (!strcmp(scriptfile->name, "1892"))
printf("WAR GSC ASSET - %llX\nGSC - BYTECODE %llx\n", scriptfile, scriptfile->bytecode);
std::ifstream script;
script.open("script.gscbin", std::ios::binary | std::ios::ate);
int size = (int)script.tellg();
script.seekg(0, std::ios::beg);
if (script.fail())
printf("Couldn't find file to inject");
process_script_file.stub<void>(scrContext, scriptfile);
auto Load_scriptFileAsset = reinterpret_cast<void* (*)(size_t size, size_t alignment, int pool, int stack, const char* hint)>(0x140F134D0_g);
char* allocMemAddress = (char*)Load_scriptFileAsset(size, 4, 0, 0, nullptr);
script.read(allocMemAddress, size);
script.seekg(0, std::ios::beg);
while (script.get() != '\0') //read past the name
int vars[3] = { 0 };
script.read((char*)vars, sizeof(int) * 3); //read header info
printf("vars[0] %X\n", vars[0]);
printf("vars[1] %X\n", vars[1]);
printf("vars[2] %X\n", vars[2]);
printf("buffer 0x%llX\n", allocMemAddress + (int)script.tellg());
printf("bytecode 0x%llX\n", allocMemAddress + vars[0] + script.tellg());
scriptfile->compressedLen = vars[0];
scriptfile->len = vars[1];
scriptfile->bytecodeLen = vars[2];
scriptfile->buffer = allocMemAddress + (int)script.tellg();
//scriptfile->bytecode = (unsigned char*)(allocMemAddress + vars[0] + (int)script.tellg());
memcpy(scriptfile->bytecode, allocMemAddress + vars[0] + (int)script.tellg(), vars[2]);
process_script_file.stub<void>(scrContext, scriptfile);