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2023-11-26 08:54:06 -05:00

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// This file is part of AsmJit project <>
// See asmjit.h or for license and copyright information
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Zlib
#include "../core/support.h"
#include "../core/zone.h"
//! \addtogroup asmjit_utilities
//! \{
//! Format flags used by \ref String API.
enum class StringFormatFlags : uint32_t {
//! No flags.
kNone = 0x00000000u,
//! Show sign.
kShowSign = 0x00000001u,
//! Show space.
kShowSpace = 0x00000002u,
//! Alternate form (use 0x when formatting HEX number).
kAlternate = 0x00000004u,
//! The input is signed.
kSigned = 0x80000000u
//! Fixed string - only useful for strings that would never exceed `N - 1` characters; always null-terminated.
template<size_t N>
union FixedString {
//! \name Constants
//! \{
// This cannot be constexpr as GCC 4.8 refuses constexpr members of unions.
enum : uint32_t {
kNumUInt32Words = uint32_t((N + sizeof(uint32_t) - 1) / sizeof(uint32_t))
//! \}
//! \name Members
//! \{
char str[kNumUInt32Words * sizeof(uint32_t)];
uint32_t u32[kNumUInt32Words];
//! \}
//! \name Utilities
//! \{
inline bool eq(const char* other) const noexcept {
return strcmp(str, other) == 0;
//! \}
//! A simple non-reference counted string that uses small string optimization (SSO).
//! This string has 3 allocation possibilities:
//! 1. Small - embedded buffer is used for up to `kSSOCapacity` characters. This should handle most small
//! strings and thus avoid dynamic memory allocation for most use-cases.
//! 2. Large - string that doesn't fit into an embedded buffer (or string that was truncated from a larger
//! buffer) and is owned by AsmJit. When you destroy the string AsmJit would automatically
//! release the large buffer.
//! 3. External - like Large (2), however, the large buffer is not owned by AsmJit and won't be released when
//! the string is destroyed or reallocated. This is mostly useful for working with larger temporary
//! strings allocated on stack or with immutable strings.
class String {
//! String operation.
enum class ModifyOp : uint32_t {
//! Assignment - a new content replaces the current one.
kAssign = 0,
//! Append - a new content is appended to the string.
kAppend = 1
//! \cond INTERNAL
enum : uint32_t {
kLayoutSize = 32,
kSSOCapacity = kLayoutSize - 2
//! String type.
enum Type : uint8_t {
//! Large string (owned by String).
kTypeLarge = 0x1Fu,
//! External string (zone allocated or not owned by String).
kTypeExternal = 0x20u
union Raw {
uint8_t u8[kLayoutSize];
uint64_t u64[kLayoutSize / sizeof(uint64_t)];
uintptr_t uptr[kLayoutSize / sizeof(uintptr_t)];
struct Small {
uint8_t type;
char data[kSSOCapacity + 1u];
struct Large {
uint8_t type;
uint8_t reserved[sizeof(uintptr_t) - 1];
size_t size;
size_t capacity;
char* data;
union {
uint8_t _type;
Raw _raw;
Small _small;
Large _large;
//! \endcond
//! \name Construction & Destruction
//! \{
//! Creates a default-initialized string if zero length.
inline String() noexcept
: _small {} {}
//! Creates a string that takes ownership of the content of the `other` string.
inline String(String&& other) noexcept {
_raw = other._raw;
inline ~String() noexcept {
//! Reset the string into a construction state.
ASMJIT_API Error reset() noexcept;
//! \}
//! \name Overloaded Operators
//! \{
inline String& operator=(String&& other) noexcept {
return *this;
inline bool operator==(const char* other) const noexcept { return eq(other); }
inline bool operator!=(const char* other) const noexcept { return !eq(other); }
inline bool operator==(const String& other) const noexcept { return eq(other); }
inline bool operator!=(const String& other) const noexcept { return !eq(other); }
//! \}
//! \name Accessors
//! \{
inline bool isExternal() const noexcept { return _type == kTypeExternal; }
inline bool isLargeOrExternal() const noexcept { return _type >= kTypeLarge; }
//! Tests whether the string is empty.
inline bool empty() const noexcept { return size() == 0; }
//! Returns the size of the string.
inline size_t size() const noexcept { return isLargeOrExternal() ? size_t(_large.size) : size_t(_type); }
//! Returns the capacity of the string.
inline size_t capacity() const noexcept { return isLargeOrExternal() ? _large.capacity : size_t(kSSOCapacity); }
//! Returns the data of the string.
inline char* data() noexcept { return isLargeOrExternal() ? :; }
//! \overload
inline const char* data() const noexcept { return isLargeOrExternal() ? :; }
inline char* start() noexcept { return data(); }
inline const char* start() const noexcept { return data(); }
inline char* end() noexcept { return data() + size(); }
inline const char* end() const noexcept { return data() + size(); }
//! \}
//! \name String Operations
//! \{
//! Swaps the content of this string with `other`.
inline void swap(String& other) noexcept {
std::swap(_raw, other._raw);
//! Clears the content of the string.
ASMJIT_API Error clear() noexcept;
ASMJIT_API char* prepare(ModifyOp op, size_t size) noexcept;
ASMJIT_API Error _opString(ModifyOp op, const char* str, size_t size = SIZE_MAX) noexcept;
ASMJIT_API Error _opChar(ModifyOp op, char c) noexcept;
ASMJIT_API Error _opChars(ModifyOp op, char c, size_t n) noexcept;
ASMJIT_API Error _opNumber(ModifyOp op, uint64_t i, uint32_t base = 0, size_t width = 0, StringFormatFlags flags = StringFormatFlags::kNone) noexcept;
ASMJIT_API Error _opHex(ModifyOp op, const void* data, size_t size, char separator = '\0') noexcept;
ASMJIT_API Error _opFormat(ModifyOp op, const char* fmt, ...) noexcept;
ASMJIT_API Error _opVFormat(ModifyOp op, const char* fmt, va_list ap) noexcept;
//! Replaces the current of the string with `data` of the given `size`.
//! Null terminated strings can set `size` to `SIZE_MAX`.
ASMJIT_API Error assign(const char* data, size_t size = SIZE_MAX) noexcept;
//! Replaces the current of the string with `other` string.
inline Error assign(const String& other) noexcept {
return assign(, other.size());
//! Replaces the current of the string by a single `c` character.
inline Error assign(char c) noexcept {
return _opChar(ModifyOp::kAssign, c);
//! Replaces the current of the string by a `c` character, repeated `n` times.
inline Error assignChars(char c, size_t n) noexcept {
return _opChars(ModifyOp::kAssign, c, n);
//! Replaces the current of the string by a formatted integer `i` (signed).
inline Error assignInt(int64_t i, uint32_t base = 0, size_t width = 0, StringFormatFlags flags = StringFormatFlags::kNone) noexcept {
return _opNumber(ModifyOp::kAssign, uint64_t(i), base, width, flags | StringFormatFlags::kSigned);
//! Replaces the current of the string by a formatted integer `i` (unsigned).
inline Error assignUInt(uint64_t i, uint32_t base = 0, size_t width = 0, StringFormatFlags flags = StringFormatFlags::kNone) noexcept {
return _opNumber(ModifyOp::kAssign, i, base, width, flags);
//! Replaces the current of the string by the given `data` converted to a HEX string.
inline Error assignHex(const void* data, size_t size, char separator = '\0') noexcept {
return _opHex(ModifyOp::kAssign, data, size, separator);
//! Replaces the current of the string by a formatted string `fmt`.
template<typename... Args>
inline Error assignFormat(const char* fmt, Args&&... args) noexcept {
return _opFormat(ModifyOp::kAssign, fmt, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
//! Replaces the current of the string by a formatted string `fmt` (va_list version).
inline Error assignVFormat(const char* fmt, va_list ap) noexcept {
return _opVFormat(ModifyOp::kAssign, fmt, ap);
//! Appends `str` having the given size `size` to the string.
//! Null terminated strings can set `size` to `SIZE_MAX`.
inline Error append(const char* str, size_t size = SIZE_MAX) noexcept {
return _opString(ModifyOp::kAppend, str, size);
//! Appends `other` string to this string.
inline Error append(const String& other) noexcept {
return append(, other.size());
//! Appends a single `c` character.
inline Error append(char c) noexcept {
return _opChar(ModifyOp::kAppend, c);
//! Appends `c` character repeated `n` times.
inline Error appendChars(char c, size_t n) noexcept {
return _opChars(ModifyOp::kAppend, c, n);
//! Appends a formatted integer `i` (signed).
inline Error appendInt(int64_t i, uint32_t base = 0, size_t width = 0, StringFormatFlags flags = StringFormatFlags::kNone) noexcept {
return _opNumber(ModifyOp::kAppend, uint64_t(i), base, width, flags | StringFormatFlags::kSigned);
//! Appends a formatted integer `i` (unsigned).
inline Error appendUInt(uint64_t i, uint32_t base = 0, size_t width = 0, StringFormatFlags flags = StringFormatFlags::kNone) noexcept {
return _opNumber(ModifyOp::kAppend, i, base, width, flags);
//! Appends the given `data` converted to a HEX string.
inline Error appendHex(const void* data, size_t size, char separator = '\0') noexcept {
return _opHex(ModifyOp::kAppend, data, size, separator);
//! Appends a formatted string `fmt` with `args`.
template<typename... Args>
inline Error appendFormat(const char* fmt, Args&&... args) noexcept {
return _opFormat(ModifyOp::kAppend, fmt, std::forward<Args>(args)...);
//! Appends a formatted string `fmt` (va_list version).
inline Error appendVFormat(const char* fmt, va_list ap) noexcept {
return _opVFormat(ModifyOp::kAppend, fmt, ap);
ASMJIT_API Error padEnd(size_t n, char c = ' ') noexcept;
//! Truncate the string length into `newSize`.
ASMJIT_API Error truncate(size_t newSize) noexcept;
ASMJIT_API bool eq(const char* other, size_t size = SIZE_MAX) const noexcept;
inline bool eq(const String& other) const noexcept { return eq(, other.size()); }
//! \}
//! \name Internal Functions
//! \{
//! Resets string to embedded and makes it empty (zero length, zero first char)
//! \note This is always called internally after an external buffer was released as it zeroes all bytes
//! used by String's embedded storage.
inline void _resetInternal() noexcept {
for (size_t i = 0; i < ASMJIT_ARRAY_SIZE(_raw.uptr); i++)
_raw.uptr[i] = 0;
inline void _setSize(size_t newSize) noexcept {
if (isLargeOrExternal())
_large.size = newSize;
_small.type = uint8_t(newSize);
//! \}
//! Temporary string builder, has statically allocated `N` bytes.
template<size_t N>
class StringTmp : public String {
//! Embedded data.
char _embeddedData[Support::alignUp(N + 1, sizeof(size_t))];
//! \name Construction & Destruction
//! \{
inline StringTmp() noexcept {
inline void _resetToTemporary() noexcept {
_large.type = kTypeExternal;
_large.capacity = ASMJIT_ARRAY_SIZE(_embeddedData) - 1; = _embeddedData;
_embeddedData[0] = '\0';
//! \}
//! \}