287 lines
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287 lines
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// This file is part of AsmJit project <https://asmjit.com>
// See asmjit.h or LICENSE.md for license and copyright information
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Zlib
#include "../core/api-build_p.h"
#include "../core/archtraits.h"
#include "../core/func.h"
#include "../core/operand.h"
#include "../core/type.h"
#include "../core/funcargscontext_p.h"
#if !defined(ASMJIT_NO_X86)
#include "../x86/x86func_p.h"
#if !defined(ASMJIT_NO_AARCH64)
#include "../arm/a64func_p.h"
// CallConv - Init & Reset
// =======================
ASMJIT_FAVOR_SIZE Error CallConv::init(CallConvId ccId, const Environment& environment) noexcept {
#if !defined(ASMJIT_NO_X86)
if (environment.isFamilyX86())
return x86::FuncInternal::initCallConv(*this, ccId, environment);
#if !defined(ASMJIT_NO_AARCH64)
if (environment.isFamilyAArch64())
return a64::FuncInternal::initCallConv(*this, ccId, environment);
return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorInvalidArgument);
// FuncDetail - Init / Reset
// =========================
ASMJIT_FAVOR_SIZE Error FuncDetail::init(const FuncSignature& signature, const Environment& environment) noexcept {
CallConvId ccId = signature.callConvId();
uint32_t argCount = signature.argCount();
if (ASMJIT_UNLIKELY(argCount > Globals::kMaxFuncArgs))
return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorInvalidArgument);
CallConv& cc = _callConv;
ASMJIT_PROPAGATE(cc.init(ccId, environment));
uint32_t registerSize = Environment::registerSizeFromArch(cc.arch());
uint32_t deabstractDelta = TypeUtils::deabstractDeltaOfSize(registerSize);
const TypeId* signatureArgs = signature.args();
for (uint32_t argIndex = 0; argIndex < argCount; argIndex++) {
FuncValuePack& argPack = _args[argIndex];
argPack[0].initTypeId(TypeUtils::deabstract(signatureArgs[argIndex], deabstractDelta));
_argCount = uint8_t(argCount);
_vaIndex = uint8_t(signature.vaIndex());
TypeId ret = signature.ret();
if (ret != TypeId::kVoid)
_rets[0].initTypeId(TypeUtils::deabstract(ret, deabstractDelta));
#if !defined(ASMJIT_NO_X86)
if (environment.isFamilyX86())
return x86::FuncInternal::initFuncDetail(*this, signature, registerSize);
#if !defined(ASMJIT_NO_AARCH64)
if (environment.isFamilyAArch64())
return a64::FuncInternal::initFuncDetail(*this, signature, registerSize);
// We should never bubble here as if `cc.init()` succeeded then there has to be an implementation for the current
// architecture. However, stay safe.
return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorInvalidArgument);
// FuncFrame - Init
// ================
ASMJIT_FAVOR_SIZE Error FuncFrame::init(const FuncDetail& func) noexcept {
Arch arch = func.callConv().arch();
if (!Environment::isValidArch(arch))
return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorInvalidArch);
const ArchTraits& archTraits = ArchTraits::byArch(arch);
// Initializing FuncFrame means making a copy of some properties of `func`. Properties like `_localStackSize` will
// be set by the user before the frame is finalized.
_arch = arch;
_spRegId = uint8_t(archTraits.spRegId());
_saRegId = uint8_t(BaseReg::kIdBad);
uint32_t naturalStackAlignment = func.callConv().naturalStackAlignment();
uint32_t minDynamicAlignment = Support::max<uint32_t>(naturalStackAlignment, 16);
if (minDynamicAlignment == naturalStackAlignment)
minDynamicAlignment <<= 1;
_naturalStackAlignment = uint8_t(naturalStackAlignment);
_minDynamicAlignment = uint8_t(minDynamicAlignment);
_redZoneSize = uint8_t(func.redZoneSize());
_spillZoneSize = uint8_t(func.spillZoneSize());
_finalStackAlignment = uint8_t(_naturalStackAlignment);
if (func.hasFlag(CallConvFlags::kCalleePopsStack)) {
_calleeStackCleanup = uint16_t(func.argStackSize());
// Initial masks of dirty and preserved registers.
for (RegGroup group : RegGroupVirtValues{}) {
_dirtyRegs[group] = func.usedRegs(group);
_preservedRegs[group] = func.preservedRegs(group);
// Exclude stack pointer - this register is never included in saved GP regs.
_preservedRegs[RegGroup::kGp] &= ~Support::bitMask(archTraits.spRegId());
// The size and alignment of save/restore area of registers for each virtual register group
_saveRestoreRegSize = func.callConv()._saveRestoreRegSize;
_saveRestoreAlignment = func.callConv()._saveRestoreAlignment;
return kErrorOk;
// FuncFrame - Finalize
// ====================
ASMJIT_FAVOR_SIZE Error FuncFrame::finalize() noexcept {
if (!Environment::isValidArch(arch()))
return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorInvalidArch);
const ArchTraits& archTraits = ArchTraits::byArch(arch());
uint32_t registerSize = _saveRestoreRegSize[RegGroup::kGp];
uint32_t vectorSize = _saveRestoreRegSize[RegGroup::kVec];
uint32_t returnAddressSize = archTraits.hasLinkReg() ? 0u : registerSize;
// The final stack alignment must be updated accordingly to call and local stack alignments.
uint32_t stackAlignment = _finalStackAlignment;
ASMJIT_ASSERT(stackAlignment == Support::max(_naturalStackAlignment,
bool hasFP = hasPreservedFP();
bool hasDA = hasDynamicAlignment();
uint32_t kSp = archTraits.spRegId();
uint32_t kFp = archTraits.fpRegId();
uint32_t kLr = archTraits.linkRegId();
// Make frame pointer dirty if the function uses it.
if (hasFP) {
_dirtyRegs[RegGroup::kGp] |= Support::bitMask(kFp);
// Currently required by ARM, if this works differently across architectures we would have to generalize most
// likely in CallConv.
if (kLr != BaseReg::kIdBad)
_dirtyRegs[RegGroup::kGp] |= Support::bitMask(kLr);
// These two are identical if the function doesn't align its stack dynamically.
uint32_t saRegId = _saRegId;
if (saRegId == BaseReg::kIdBad)
saRegId = kSp;
// Fix stack arguments base-register from SP to FP in case it was not picked before and the function performs
// dynamic stack alignment.
if (hasDA && saRegId == kSp)
saRegId = kFp;
// Mark as dirty any register but SP if used as SA pointer.
if (saRegId != kSp)
_dirtyRegs[RegGroup::kGp] |= Support::bitMask(saRegId);
_spRegId = uint8_t(kSp);
_saRegId = uint8_t(saRegId);
// Setup stack size used to save preserved registers.
uint32_t saveRestoreSizes[2] {};
for (RegGroup group : RegGroupVirtValues{})
+= Support::alignUp(Support::popcnt(savedRegs(group)) * saveRestoreRegSize(group), saveRestoreAlignment(group));
_pushPopSaveSize = uint16_t(saveRestoreSizes[0]);
_extraRegSaveSize = uint16_t(saveRestoreSizes[1]);
uint32_t v = 0; // The beginning of the stack frame relative to SP after prolog.
v += callStackSize(); // Count 'callStackSize' <- This is used to call functions.
v = Support::alignUp(v, stackAlignment); // Align to function's stack alignment.
_localStackOffset = v; // Store 'localStackOffset' <- Function's local stack starts here.
v += localStackSize(); // Count 'localStackSize' <- Function's local stack ends here.
// If the function's stack must be aligned, calculate the alignment necessary to store vector registers, and set
// `FuncAttributes::kAlignedVecSR` to inform PEI that it can use instructions that perform aligned stores/loads.
if (stackAlignment >= vectorSize && _extraRegSaveSize) {
v = Support::alignUp(v, vectorSize); // Align 'extraRegSaveOffset'.
_extraRegSaveOffset = v; // Store 'extraRegSaveOffset' <- Non-GP save/restore starts here.
v += _extraRegSaveSize; // Count 'extraRegSaveSize' <- Non-GP save/restore ends here.
// Calculate if dynamic alignment (DA) slot (stored as offset relative to SP) is required and its offset.
if (hasDA && !hasFP) {
_daOffset = v; // Store 'daOffset' <- DA pointer would be stored here.
v += registerSize; // Count 'daOffset'.
else {
_daOffset = FuncFrame::kTagInvalidOffset;
// Link Register
// -------------
// The stack is aligned after the function call as the return address is stored in a link register. Some
// architectures may require to always have aligned stack after PUSH/POP operation, which is represented
// by ArchTraits::stackAlignmentConstraint().
// No Link Register (X86/X64)
// --------------------------
// The return address should be stored after GP save/restore regs. It has the same size as `registerSize`
// (basically the native register/pointer size). We don't adjust it now as `v` now contains the exact size
// that the function requires to adjust (call frame + stack frame, vec stack size). The stack (if we consider
// this size) is misaligned now, as it's always aligned before the function call - when `call()` is executed
// it pushes the current EIP|RIP onto the stack, and misaligns it by 12 or 8 bytes (depending on the
// architecture). So count number of bytes needed to align it up to the function's CallFrame (the beginning).
if (v || hasFuncCalls() || !returnAddressSize)
v += Support::alignUpDiff(v + pushPopSaveSize() + returnAddressSize, stackAlignment);
_pushPopSaveOffset = v; // Store 'pushPopSaveOffset' <- Function's push/pop save/restore starts here.
_stackAdjustment = v; // Store 'stackAdjustment' <- SA used by 'add SP, SA' and 'sub SP, SA'.
v += _pushPopSaveSize; // Count 'pushPopSaveSize' <- Function's push/pop save/restore ends here.
_finalStackSize = v; // Store 'finalStackSize' <- Final stack used by the function.
if (!archTraits.hasLinkReg())
v += registerSize; // Count 'ReturnAddress' <- As CALL pushes onto stack.
// If the function performs dynamic stack alignment then the stack-adjustment must be aligned.
if (hasDA)
_stackAdjustment = Support::alignUp(_stackAdjustment, stackAlignment);
// Calculate where the function arguments start relative to SP.
_saOffsetFromSP = hasDA ? FuncFrame::kTagInvalidOffset : v;
// Calculate where the function arguments start relative to FP or user-provided register.
_saOffsetFromSA = hasFP ? returnAddressSize + registerSize // Return address + frame pointer.
: returnAddressSize + _pushPopSaveSize; // Return address + all push/pop regs.
return kErrorOk;
// FuncArgsAssignment - UpdateFuncFrame
// ====================================
ASMJIT_FAVOR_SIZE Error FuncArgsAssignment::updateFuncFrame(FuncFrame& frame) const noexcept {
Arch arch = frame.arch();
const FuncDetail* func = funcDetail();
if (!func)
return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorInvalidState);
RAConstraints constraints;
FuncArgsContext ctx;
ASMJIT_PROPAGATE(ctx.initWorkData(frame, *this, &constraints));
return kErrorOk;