180 lines
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180 lines
4.9 KiB
// This file is part of AsmJit project <https://asmjit.com>
// See asmjit.h or LICENSE.md for license and copyright information
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Zlib
#include "../core/assembler.h"
#include "../core/codebuffer.h"
#include "../core/support.h"
//! \cond INTERNAL
//! \addtogroup asmjit_assembler
//! \{
struct OffsetFormat;
//! Helper that is used to write into a \ref CodeBuffer held by \ref BaseAssembler.
class CodeWriter {
uint8_t* _cursor;
ASMJIT_FORCE_INLINE explicit CodeWriter(BaseAssembler* a) noexcept
: _cursor(a->_bufferPtr) {}
ASMJIT_FORCE_INLINE Error ensureSpace(BaseAssembler* a, size_t n) noexcept {
size_t remainingSpace = (size_t)(a->_bufferEnd - _cursor);
if (ASMJIT_UNLIKELY(remainingSpace < n)) {
CodeBuffer& buffer = a->_section->_buffer;
Error err = a->_code->growBuffer(&buffer, n);
return a->reportError(err);
_cursor = a->_bufferPtr;
return kErrorOk;
ASMJIT_FORCE_INLINE uint8_t* cursor() const noexcept { return _cursor; }
ASMJIT_FORCE_INLINE void setCursor(uint8_t* cursor) noexcept { _cursor = cursor; }
ASMJIT_FORCE_INLINE void advance(size_t n) noexcept { _cursor += n; }
ASMJIT_FORCE_INLINE size_t offsetFrom(uint8_t* from) const noexcept {
ASMJIT_ASSERT(_cursor >= from);
return (size_t)(_cursor - from);
template<typename T>
ASMJIT_FORCE_INLINE void emit8(T val) noexcept {
typedef typename std::make_unsigned<T>::type U;
_cursor[0] = uint8_t(U(val) & U(0xFF));
template<typename T, typename Y>
ASMJIT_FORCE_INLINE void emit8If(T val, Y cond) noexcept {
typedef typename std::make_unsigned<T>::type U;
ASMJIT_ASSERT(size_t(cond) <= 1u);
_cursor[0] = uint8_t(U(val) & U(0xFF));
_cursor += size_t(cond);
template<typename T>
ASMJIT_FORCE_INLINE void emit16uLE(T val) noexcept {
typedef typename std::make_unsigned<T>::type U;
Support::writeU16uLE(_cursor, uint16_t(U(val) & 0xFFFFu));
_cursor += 2;
template<typename T>
ASMJIT_FORCE_INLINE void emit16uBE(T val) noexcept {
typedef typename std::make_unsigned<T>::type U;
Support::writeU16uBE(_cursor, uint16_t(U(val) & 0xFFFFu));
_cursor += 2;
template<typename T>
ASMJIT_FORCE_INLINE void emit32uLE(T val) noexcept {
typedef typename std::make_unsigned<T>::type U;
Support::writeU32uLE(_cursor, uint32_t(U(val) & 0xFFFFFFFFu));
_cursor += 4;
template<typename T>
ASMJIT_FORCE_INLINE void emit32uBE(T val) noexcept {
typedef typename std::make_unsigned<T>::type U;
Support::writeU32uBE(_cursor, uint32_t(U(val) & 0xFFFFFFFFu));
_cursor += 4;
ASMJIT_FORCE_INLINE void emitData(const void* data, size_t size) noexcept {
ASMJIT_ASSERT(size != 0);
memcpy(_cursor, data, size);
_cursor += size;
template<typename T>
ASMJIT_FORCE_INLINE void emitValueLE(const T& value, size_t size) noexcept {
typedef typename std::make_unsigned<T>::type U;
ASMJIT_ASSERT(size <= sizeof(T));
U v = U(value);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < size; i++) {
_cursor[i] = uint8_t(v & 0xFFu);
v >>= 8;
_cursor += size;
template<typename T>
ASMJIT_FORCE_INLINE void emitValueBE(const T& value, size_t size) noexcept {
typedef typename std::make_unsigned<T>::type U;
ASMJIT_ASSERT(size <= sizeof(T));
U v = U(value);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < size; i++) {
_cursor[i] = uint8_t(v >> (sizeof(T) - 8));
v <<= 8;
_cursor += size;
ASMJIT_FORCE_INLINE void emitZeros(size_t size) noexcept {
ASMJIT_ASSERT(size != 0);
memset(_cursor, 0, size);
_cursor += size;
ASMJIT_FORCE_INLINE void remove8(uint8_t* where) noexcept {
ASMJIT_ASSERT(where < _cursor);
uint8_t* p = where;
while (++p != _cursor)
p[-1] = p[0];
template<typename T>
ASMJIT_FORCE_INLINE void insert8(uint8_t* where, T val) noexcept {
uint8_t* p = _cursor;
while (p != where) {
p[0] = p[-1];
*p = uint8_t(val & 0xFF);
ASMJIT_FORCE_INLINE void done(BaseAssembler* a) noexcept {
CodeBuffer& buffer = a->_section->_buffer;
size_t newSize = (size_t)(_cursor - a->_bufferData);
ASMJIT_ASSERT(newSize <= buffer.capacity());
a->_bufferPtr = _cursor;
buffer._size = Support::max(buffer._size, newSize);
//! Code writer utilities.
namespace CodeWriterUtils {
bool encodeOffset32(uint32_t* dst, int64_t offset64, const OffsetFormat& format) noexcept;
bool encodeOffset64(uint64_t* dst, int64_t offset64, const OffsetFormat& format) noexcept;
bool writeOffset(void* dst, int64_t offset64, const OffsetFormat& format) noexcept;
} // {CodeWriterUtils}
//! \}
//! \endcond