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// This file is part of AsmJit project <https://asmjit.com>
// See asmjit.h or LICENSE.md for license and copyright information
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Zlib
#include "../core/globals.h"
#include "../core/support.h"
//! \addtogroup asmjit_core
//! \{
//! Flags used by \ref CodeBuffer.
enum class CodeBufferFlags : uint32_t {
//! No flags.
kNone = 0,
//! Buffer is external (not allocated by asmjit).
kIsExternal = 0x00000001u,
//! Buffer is fixed (cannot be reallocated).
kIsFixed = 0x00000002u
//! Code or data buffer.
struct CodeBuffer {
//! \name Members
//! \{
//! The content of the buffer (data).
uint8_t* _data;
//! Number of bytes of `data` used.
size_t _size;
//! Buffer capacity (in bytes).
size_t _capacity;
//! Buffer flags.
CodeBufferFlags _flags;
//! \}
//! \name Overloaded Operators
//! \{
//! Returns a reference to the byte at the given `index`.
inline uint8_t& operator[](size_t index) noexcept {
ASMJIT_ASSERT(index < _size);
return _data[index];
//! \overload
inline const uint8_t& operator[](size_t index) const noexcept {
ASMJIT_ASSERT(index < _size);
return _data[index];
//! \}
//! \name Accessors
//! \{
//! Returns code buffer flags.
inline CodeBufferFlags flags() const noexcept { return _flags; }
//! Tests whether the code buffer has the given `flag` set.
inline bool hasFlag(CodeBufferFlags flag) const noexcept { return Support::test(_flags, flag); }
//! Tests whether this code buffer has a fixed size.
//! Fixed size means that the code buffer is fixed and cannot grow.
inline bool isFixed() const noexcept { return hasFlag(CodeBufferFlags::kIsFixed); }
//! Tests whether the data in this code buffer is external.
//! External data can only be provided by users, it's never used by AsmJit.
inline bool isExternal() const noexcept { return hasFlag(CodeBufferFlags::kIsExternal); }
//! Tests whether the data in this code buffer is allocated (non-null).
inline bool isAllocated() const noexcept { return _data != nullptr; }
//! Tests whether the code buffer is empty.
inline bool empty() const noexcept { return !_size; }
//! Returns the size of the data.
inline size_t size() const noexcept { return _size; }
//! Returns the capacity of the data.
inline size_t capacity() const noexcept { return _capacity; }
//! Returns the pointer to the data the buffer references.
inline uint8_t* data() noexcept { return _data; }
//! \overload
inline const uint8_t* data() const noexcept { return _data; }
//! \}
//! \name Iterators
//! \{
inline uint8_t* begin() noexcept { return _data; }
inline const uint8_t* begin() const noexcept { return _data; }
inline uint8_t* end() noexcept { return _data + _size; }
inline const uint8_t* end() const noexcept { return _data + _size; }
//! \}
//! \}