MatrixMMOfficial 9631e4ca40 Initial commit
2023-11-26 08:54:06 -05:00

1157 lines
35 KiB

// This file is part of AsmJit project <>
// See asmjit.h or for license and copyright information
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Zlib
#include "../core/api-build_p.h"
#include "../core/assembler.h"
#include "../core/codewriter_p.h"
#include "../core/logger.h"
#include "../core/support.h"
#include <algorithm>
#include <tuple>
// Globals
// =======
static const char CodeHolder_addrTabName[] = ".addrtab";
//! Encode MOD byte.
static inline uint32_t x86EncodeMod(uint32_t m, uint32_t o, uint32_t rm) noexcept {
return (m << 6) | (o << 3) | rm;
// LabelLinkIterator
// =================
class LabelLinkIterator {
inline LabelLinkIterator(LabelEntry* le) noexcept { reset(le); }
inline explicit operator bool() const noexcept { return isValid(); }
inline bool isValid() const noexcept { return _link != nullptr; }
inline LabelLink* link() const noexcept { return _link; }
inline LabelLink* operator->() const noexcept { return _link; }
inline void reset(LabelEntry* le) noexcept {
_pPrev = &le->_links;
_link = *_pPrev;
inline void next() noexcept {
_pPrev = &_link->next;
_link = *_pPrev;
inline void resolveAndNext(CodeHolder* code) noexcept {
LabelLink* linkToDelete = _link;
_link = _link->next;
*_pPrev = _link;
code->_allocator.release(linkToDelete, sizeof(LabelLink));
LabelLink** _pPrev;
LabelLink* _link;
// CodeHolder - Utilities
// ======================
static void CodeHolder_resetInternal(CodeHolder* self, ResetPolicy resetPolicy) noexcept {
uint32_t i;
const ZoneVector<BaseEmitter*>& emitters = self->emitters();
i = emitters.size();
while (i)
// Reset everything into its construction state.
self->_baseAddress = Globals::kNoBaseAddress;
self->_logger = nullptr;
self->_errorHandler = nullptr;
// Reset all sections.
uint32_t numSections = self->_sections.size();
for (i = 0; i < numSections; i++) {
Section* section = self->_sections[i];
if (section-> && !section->_buffer.isExternal())
section->_buffer._data = nullptr;
section->_buffer._capacity = 0;
// Reset zone allocator and all containers using it.
ZoneAllocator* allocator = self->allocator();
self->_unresolvedLinkCount = 0;
self->_addressTableSection = nullptr;
static void CodeHolder_onSettingsUpdated(CodeHolder* self) noexcept {
// Notify all attached emitters about a settings update.
for (BaseEmitter* emitter : self->emitters()) {
// CodeHolder - Construction & Destruction
// =======================================
CodeHolder::CodeHolder(const Support::Temporary* temporary) noexcept
: _environment(),
_zone(16384 - Zone::kBlockOverhead, 1, temporary),
_addressTableSection(nullptr) {}
CodeHolder::~CodeHolder() noexcept {
CodeHolder_resetInternal(this, ResetPolicy::kHard);
// CodeHolder - Init & Reset
// =========================
inline void CodeHolder_setSectionDefaultName(
Section* section,
char c0 = 0, char c1 = 0, char c2 = 0, char c3 = 0,
char c4 = 0, char c5 = 0, char c6 = 0, char c7 = 0) noexcept {
section->_name.u32[0] = Support::bytepack32_4x8(uint8_t(c0), uint8_t(c1), uint8_t(c2), uint8_t(c3));
section->_name.u32[1] = Support::bytepack32_4x8(uint8_t(c4), uint8_t(c5), uint8_t(c6), uint8_t(c7));
Error CodeHolder::init(const Environment& environment, uint64_t baseAddress) noexcept {
return init(environment, CpuFeatures{}, baseAddress);
Error CodeHolder::init(const Environment& environment, const CpuFeatures& cpuFeatures, uint64_t baseAddress) noexcept {
// Cannot reinitialize if it's locked or there is one or more emitter attached.
if (isInitialized())
return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorAlreadyInitialized);
// If we are just initializing there should be no emitters attached.
// Create a default section and insert it to the `_sections` array.
Error err = _sections.willGrow(&_allocator) |
if (err == kErrorOk) {
Section* section = _allocator.allocZeroedT<Section>();
if (ASMJIT_LIKELY(section)) {
section->_flags = SectionFlags::kExecutable | SectionFlags::kReadOnly;
CodeHolder_setSectionDefaultName(section, '.', 't', 'e', 'x', 't');
else {
err = DebugUtils::errored(kErrorOutOfMemory);
return err;
else {
_environment = environment;
_cpuFeatures = cpuFeatures;
_baseAddress = baseAddress;
return kErrorOk;
void CodeHolder::reset(ResetPolicy resetPolicy) noexcept {
CodeHolder_resetInternal(this, resetPolicy);
// CodeHolder - Attach / Detach
// ============================
Error CodeHolder::attach(BaseEmitter* emitter) noexcept {
// Catch a possible misuse of the API.
if (ASMJIT_UNLIKELY(!emitter))
return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorInvalidArgument);
// Invalid emitter, this should not be possible.
EmitterType type = emitter->emitterType();
if (ASMJIT_UNLIKELY(type == EmitterType::kNone || uint32_t(type) > uint32_t(EmitterType::kMaxValue)))
return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorInvalidState);
uint64_t archMask = emitter->_archMask;
if (ASMJIT_UNLIKELY(!(archMask & (uint64_t(1) << uint32_t(arch())))))
return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorInvalidArch);
// This is suspicious, but don't fail if `emitter` is already attached
// to this code holder. This is not error, but it's not recommended.
if (emitter->_code != nullptr) {
if (emitter->_code == this)
return kErrorOk;
return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorInvalidState);
// Reserve the space now as we cannot fail after `onAttach()` succeeded.
ASMJIT_PROPAGATE(_emitters.willGrow(&_allocator, 1));
// Connect CodeHolder <-> BaseEmitter.
ASMJIT_ASSERT(emitter->_code == this);
return kErrorOk;
Error CodeHolder::detach(BaseEmitter* emitter) noexcept {
if (ASMJIT_UNLIKELY(!emitter))
return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorInvalidArgument);
if (ASMJIT_UNLIKELY(emitter->_code != this))
return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorInvalidState);
// NOTE: We always detach if we were asked to, if error happens during
// `emitter->onDetach()` we just propagate it, but the BaseEmitter will
// be detached.
Error err = kErrorOk;
if (!emitter->isDestroyed())
err = emitter->onDetach(this);
// Disconnect CodeHolder <-> BaseEmitter.
uint32_t index = _emitters.indexOf(emitter);
ASMJIT_ASSERT(index != Globals::kNotFound);
emitter->_code = nullptr;
return err;
// CodeHolder - Logging
// ====================
void CodeHolder::setLogger(Logger* logger) noexcept {
_logger = logger;
// CodeHolder - Error Handling
// ===========================
void CodeHolder::setErrorHandler(ErrorHandler* errorHandler) noexcept {
_errorHandler = errorHandler;
// CodeHolder - Code Buffer
// ========================
static Error CodeHolder_reserveInternal(CodeHolder* self, CodeBuffer* cb, size_t n) noexcept {
uint8_t* oldData = cb->_data;
uint8_t* newData;
if (oldData && !cb->isExternal())
newData = static_cast<uint8_t*>(::realloc(oldData, n));
newData = static_cast<uint8_t*>(::malloc(n));
if (ASMJIT_UNLIKELY(!newData))
return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorOutOfMemory);
cb->_data = newData;
cb->_capacity = n;
// Update pointers used by assemblers, if attached.
for (BaseEmitter* emitter : self->emitters()) {
if (emitter->isAssembler()) {
BaseAssembler* a = static_cast<BaseAssembler*>(emitter);
if (&a->_section->_buffer == cb) {
size_t offset = a->offset();
a->_bufferData = newData;
a->_bufferEnd = newData + n;
a->_bufferPtr = newData + offset;
return kErrorOk;
Error CodeHolder::growBuffer(CodeBuffer* cb, size_t n) noexcept {
// The size of the section must be valid.
size_t size = cb->size();
if (ASMJIT_UNLIKELY(n > std::numeric_limits<uintptr_t>::max() - size))
return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorOutOfMemory);
// We can now check if growing the buffer is really necessary. It's unlikely
// that this function is called while there is still room for `n` bytes.
size_t capacity = cb->capacity();
size_t required = cb->size() + n;
if (ASMJIT_UNLIKELY(required <= capacity))
return kErrorOk;
if (cb->isFixed())
return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorTooLarge);
size_t kInitialCapacity = 8096;
if (capacity < kInitialCapacity)
capacity = kInitialCapacity;
capacity += Globals::kAllocOverhead;
do {
size_t old = capacity;
if (capacity < Globals::kGrowThreshold)
capacity *= 2;
capacity += Globals::kGrowThreshold;
// Overflow.
if (ASMJIT_UNLIKELY(old > capacity))
return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorOutOfMemory);
} while (capacity - Globals::kAllocOverhead < required);
return CodeHolder_reserveInternal(this, cb, capacity - Globals::kAllocOverhead);
Error CodeHolder::reserveBuffer(CodeBuffer* cb, size_t n) noexcept {
size_t capacity = cb->capacity();
if (n <= capacity)
return kErrorOk;
if (cb->isFixed())
return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorTooLarge);
return CodeHolder_reserveInternal(this, cb, n);
// CodeHolder - Sections
// =====================
Error CodeHolder::newSection(Section** sectionOut, const char* name, size_t nameSize, SectionFlags flags, uint32_t alignment, int32_t order) noexcept {
*sectionOut = nullptr;
if (nameSize == SIZE_MAX)
nameSize = strlen(name);
if (alignment == 0)
alignment = 1;
if (ASMJIT_UNLIKELY(!Support::isPowerOf2(alignment)))
return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorInvalidArgument);
if (ASMJIT_UNLIKELY(nameSize > Globals::kMaxSectionNameSize))
return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorInvalidSectionName);
uint32_t sectionId = _sections.size();
if (ASMJIT_UNLIKELY(sectionId == Globals::kInvalidId))
return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorTooManySections);
Section* section = _allocator.allocZeroedT<Section>();
if (ASMJIT_UNLIKELY(!section))
return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorOutOfMemory);
section->_id = sectionId;
section->_flags = flags;
section->_alignment = alignment;
section->_order = order;
memcpy(section->_name.str, name, nameSize);
Section** insertPosition = std::lower_bound(_sectionsByOrder.begin(), _sectionsByOrder.end(), section, [](const Section* a, const Section* b) {
return std::make_tuple(a->order(), a->id()) < std::make_tuple(b->order(), b->id());
_sectionsByOrder.insertUnsafe((size_t)(insertPosition -, section);
*sectionOut = section;
return kErrorOk;
Section* CodeHolder::sectionByName(const char* name, size_t nameSize) const noexcept {
if (nameSize == SIZE_MAX)
nameSize = strlen(name);
// This could be also put in a hash-table similarly like we do with labels,
// however it's questionable as the number of sections should be pretty low
// in general. Create an issue if this becomes a problem.
if (nameSize <= Globals::kMaxSectionNameSize) {
for (Section* section : _sections)
if (memcmp(section->_name.str, name, nameSize) == 0 && section->_name.str[nameSize] == '\0')
return section;
return nullptr;
Section* CodeHolder::ensureAddressTableSection() noexcept {
if (_addressTableSection)
return _addressTableSection;
sizeof(CodeHolder_addrTabName) - 1,
return _addressTableSection;
Error CodeHolder::addAddressToAddressTable(uint64_t address) noexcept {
AddressTableEntry* entry = _addressTableEntries.get(address);
if (entry)
return kErrorOk;
Section* section = ensureAddressTableSection();
if (ASMJIT_UNLIKELY(!section))
return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorOutOfMemory);
entry = _zone.newT<AddressTableEntry>(address);
if (ASMJIT_UNLIKELY(!entry))
return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorOutOfMemory);
section->_virtualSize += _environment.registerSize();
return kErrorOk;
// CodeHolder - Labels & Symbols
// =============================
//! Only used to lookup a label from `_namedLabels`.
class LabelByName {
inline LabelByName(const char* key, size_t keySize, uint32_t hashCode, uint32_t parentId) noexcept
: _key(key),
_parentId(parentId) {}
inline uint32_t hashCode() const noexcept { return _hashCode; }
inline bool matches(const LabelEntry* entry) const noexcept {
return entry->nameSize() == _keySize &&
entry->parentId() == _parentId &&
::memcmp(entry->name(), _key, _keySize) == 0;
const char* _key;
uint32_t _keySize;
uint32_t _hashCode;
uint32_t _parentId;
// Returns a hash of `name` and fixes `nameSize` if it's `SIZE_MAX`.
static uint32_t CodeHolder_hashNameAndGetSize(const char* name, size_t& nameSize) noexcept {
uint32_t hashCode = 0;
if (nameSize == SIZE_MAX) {
size_t i = 0;
for (;;) {
uint8_t c = uint8_t(name[i]);
if (!c) break;
hashCode = Support::hashRound(hashCode, c);
nameSize = i;
else {
for (size_t i = 0; i < nameSize; i++) {
uint8_t c = uint8_t(name[i]);
if (ASMJIT_UNLIKELY(!c)) return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorInvalidLabelName);
hashCode = Support::hashRound(hashCode, c);
return hashCode;
LabelLink* CodeHolder::newLabelLink(LabelEntry* le, uint32_t sectionId, size_t offset, intptr_t rel, const OffsetFormat& format) noexcept {
LabelLink* link = _allocator.allocT<LabelLink>();
if (ASMJIT_UNLIKELY(!link)) return nullptr;
link->next = le->_links;
le->_links = link;
link->sectionId = sectionId;
link->relocId = Globals::kInvalidId;
link->offset = offset;
link->rel = rel;
link->format = format;
return link;
Error CodeHolder::newLabelEntry(LabelEntry** entryOut) noexcept {
*entryOut = nullptr;
uint32_t labelId = _labelEntries.size();
if (ASMJIT_UNLIKELY(labelId == Globals::kInvalidId))
return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorTooManyLabels);
LabelEntry* le = _allocator.allocZeroedT<LabelEntry>();
return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorOutOfMemory);
le->_parentId = Globals::kInvalidId;
le->_offset = 0;
*entryOut = le;
return kErrorOk;
Error CodeHolder::newNamedLabelEntry(LabelEntry** entryOut, const char* name, size_t nameSize, LabelType type, uint32_t parentId) noexcept {
*entryOut = nullptr;
uint32_t hashCode = CodeHolder_hashNameAndGetSize(name, nameSize);
if (ASMJIT_UNLIKELY(nameSize == 0)) {
if (type == LabelType::kAnonymous)
return newLabelEntry(entryOut);
return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorInvalidLabelName);
if (ASMJIT_UNLIKELY(nameSize > Globals::kMaxLabelNameSize))
return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorLabelNameTooLong);
switch (type) {
case LabelType::kAnonymous: {
// Anonymous labels cannot have a parent (or more specifically, parent is useless here).
if (ASMJIT_UNLIKELY(parentId != Globals::kInvalidId))
return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorInvalidParentLabel);
uint32_t labelId = _labelEntries.size();
if (ASMJIT_UNLIKELY(labelId == Globals::kInvalidId))
return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorTooManyLabels);
LabelEntry* le = _allocator.allocZeroedT<LabelEntry>();
return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorOutOfMemory);
// NOTE: This LabelEntry has a name, but we leave its hashCode as zero as it's anonymous.
le->_parentId = Globals::kInvalidId;
le->_offset = 0;
ASMJIT_PROPAGATE(le->_name.setData(&_zone, name, nameSize));
*entryOut = le;
return kErrorOk;
case LabelType::kLocal: {
if (ASMJIT_UNLIKELY(parentId >= _labelEntries.size()))
return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorInvalidParentLabel);
hashCode ^= parentId;
case LabelType::kGlobal:
case LabelType::kExternal: {
if (ASMJIT_UNLIKELY(parentId != Globals::kInvalidId))
return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorInvalidParentLabel);
default: {
return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorInvalidArgument);
// Don't allow to insert duplicates. Local labels allow duplicates that have
// different id, this is already accomplished by having a different hashes
// between the same label names having different parent labels.
LabelEntry* le = _namedLabels.get(LabelByName(name, nameSize, hashCode, parentId));
return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorLabelAlreadyDefined);
Error err = kErrorOk;
uint32_t labelId = _labelEntries.size();
if (ASMJIT_UNLIKELY(labelId == Globals::kInvalidId))
return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorTooManyLabels);
le = _allocator.allocZeroedT<LabelEntry>();
return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorOutOfMemory);
le->_hashCode = hashCode;
le->_type = type;
le->_parentId = parentId;
le->_offset = 0;
ASMJIT_PROPAGATE(le->_name.setData(&_zone, name, nameSize));
_namedLabels.insert(allocator(), le);
*entryOut = le;
return err;
uint32_t CodeHolder::labelIdByName(const char* name, size_t nameSize, uint32_t parentId) noexcept {
uint32_t hashCode = CodeHolder_hashNameAndGetSize(name, nameSize);
if (ASMJIT_UNLIKELY(!nameSize))
return 0;
if (parentId != Globals::kInvalidId)
hashCode ^= parentId;
LabelEntry* le = _namedLabels.get(LabelByName(name, nameSize, hashCode, parentId));
return le ? le->id() : uint32_t(Globals::kInvalidId);
ASMJIT_API Error CodeHolder::resolveUnresolvedLinks() noexcept {
if (!hasUnresolvedLinks())
return kErrorOk;
Error err = kErrorOk;
for (LabelEntry* le : labelEntries()) {
if (!le->isBound())
LabelLinkIterator link(le);
if (link) {
Support::FastUInt8 of = 0;
Section* toSection = le->section();
uint64_t toOffset = Support::addOverflow(toSection->offset(), le->offset(), &of);
do {
uint32_t linkSectionId = link->sectionId;
if (link->relocId == Globals::kInvalidId) {
Section* fromSection = sectionById(linkSectionId);
size_t linkOffset = link->offset;
CodeBuffer& buf = _sections[linkSectionId]->buffer();
ASMJIT_ASSERT(linkOffset < buf.size());
// Calculate the offset relative to the start of the virtual base.
Support::FastUInt8 localOF = of;
uint64_t fromOffset = Support::addOverflow<uint64_t>(fromSection->offset(), linkOffset, &localOF);
int64_t displacement = int64_t(toOffset - fromOffset + uint64_t(int64_t(link->rel)));
if (!localOF) {
ASMJIT_ASSERT(size_t(linkOffset) < buf.size());
ASMJIT_ASSERT(buf.size() - size_t(linkOffset) >= link->format.valueSize());
// Overwrite a real displacement in the CodeBuffer.
if (CodeWriterUtils::writeOffset(buf._data + linkOffset, displacement, link->format)) {
err = DebugUtils::errored(kErrorInvalidDisplacement);
// Falls through to ``.
} while (link);
return err;
ASMJIT_API Error CodeHolder::bindLabel(const Label& label, uint32_t toSectionId, uint64_t toOffset) noexcept {
LabelEntry* le = labelEntry(label);
return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorInvalidLabel);
if (ASMJIT_UNLIKELY(toSectionId > _sections.size()))
return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorInvalidSection);
// Label can be bound only once.
if (ASMJIT_UNLIKELY(le->isBound()))
return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorLabelAlreadyBound);
// Bind the label.
Section* section = _sections[toSectionId];
le->_section = section;
le->_offset = toOffset;
Error err = kErrorOk;
CodeBuffer& buf = section->buffer();
// Fix all links to this label we have collected so far if they are within
// the same section. We ignore any inter-section links as these have to be
// fixed later.
LabelLinkIterator link(le);
while (link) {
uint32_t linkSectionId = link->sectionId;
size_t linkOffset = link->offset;
uint32_t relocId = link->relocId;
if (relocId != Globals::kInvalidId) {
// Adjust relocation data only.
RelocEntry* re = _relocations[relocId];
re->_payload += toOffset;
re->_targetSectionId = toSectionId;
else {
if (linkSectionId != toSectionId) {;
ASMJIT_ASSERT(linkOffset < buf.size());
int64_t displacement = int64_t(toOffset - uint64_t(linkOffset) + uint64_t(int64_t(link->rel)));
// Size of the value we are going to patch. Only BYTE/DWORD is allowed.
ASMJIT_ASSERT(buf.size() - size_t(linkOffset) >= link->format.regionSize());
// Overwrite a real displacement in the CodeBuffer.
if (!CodeWriterUtils::writeOffset(buf._data + linkOffset, displacement, link->format)) {
err = DebugUtils::errored(kErrorInvalidDisplacement);;
return err;
// CodeHolder - Relocations
// ========================
Error CodeHolder::newRelocEntry(RelocEntry** dst, RelocType relocType) noexcept {
uint32_t relocId = _relocations.size();
if (ASMJIT_UNLIKELY(relocId == Globals::kInvalidId))
return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorTooManyRelocations);
RelocEntry* re = _allocator.allocZeroedT<RelocEntry>();
return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorOutOfMemory);
re->_id = relocId;
re->_relocType = relocType;
re->_sourceSectionId = Globals::kInvalidId;
re->_targetSectionId = Globals::kInvalidId;
*dst = re;
return kErrorOk;
// CodeHolder - Expression Evaluation
// ==================================
static Error CodeHolder_evaluateExpression(CodeHolder* self, Expression* exp, uint64_t* out) noexcept {
uint64_t value[2];
for (size_t i = 0; i < 2; i++) {
uint64_t v;
switch (exp->valueType[i]) {
case ExpressionValueType::kNone: {
v = 0;
case ExpressionValueType::kConstant: {
v = exp->value[i].constant;
case ExpressionValueType::kLabel: {
LabelEntry* le = exp->value[i].label;
if (!le->isBound())
return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorExpressionLabelNotBound);
v = le->section()->offset() + le->offset();
case ExpressionValueType::kExpression: {
Expression* nested = exp->value[i].expression;
ASMJIT_PROPAGATE(CodeHolder_evaluateExpression(self, nested, &v));
return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorInvalidState);
value[i] = v;
uint64_t result;
uint64_t& a = value[0];
uint64_t& b = value[1];
switch (exp->opType) {
case ExpressionOpType::kAdd:
result = a + b;
case ExpressionOpType::kSub:
result = a - b;
case ExpressionOpType::kMul:
result = a * b;
case ExpressionOpType::kSll:
result = (b > 63) ? uint64_t(0) : uint64_t(a << b);
case ExpressionOpType::kSrl:
result = (b > 63) ? uint64_t(0) : uint64_t(a >> b);
case ExpressionOpType::kSra:
result = Support::sar(a, Support::min<uint64_t>(b, 63));
return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorInvalidState);
*out = result;
return kErrorOk;
// CodeHolder - Utilities
// ======================
Error CodeHolder::flatten() noexcept {
uint64_t offset = 0;
for (Section* section : _sectionsByOrder) {
uint64_t realSize = section->realSize();
if (realSize) {
uint64_t alignedOffset = Support::alignUp(offset, section->alignment());
if (ASMJIT_UNLIKELY(alignedOffset < offset))
return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorTooLarge);
Support::FastUInt8 of = 0;
offset = Support::addOverflow(alignedOffset, realSize, &of);
return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorTooLarge);
// Now we know that we can assign offsets of all sections properly.
Section* prev = nullptr;
offset = 0;
for (Section* section : _sectionsByOrder) {
uint64_t realSize = section->realSize();
if (realSize)
offset = Support::alignUp(offset, section->alignment());
section->_offset = offset;
// Make sure the previous section extends a bit to cover the alignment.
if (prev)
prev->_virtualSize = offset - prev->_offset;
prev = section;
offset += realSize;
return kErrorOk;
size_t CodeHolder::codeSize() const noexcept {
Support::FastUInt8 of = 0;
uint64_t offset = 0;
for (Section* section : _sectionsByOrder) {
uint64_t realSize = section->realSize();
if (realSize) {
uint64_t alignedOffset = Support::alignUp(offset, section->alignment());
ASMJIT_ASSERT(alignedOffset >= offset);
offset = Support::addOverflow(alignedOffset, realSize, &of);
if ((sizeof(uint64_t) > sizeof(size_t) && offset > SIZE_MAX) || of)
return SIZE_MAX;
return size_t(offset);
Error CodeHolder::relocateToBase(uint64_t baseAddress) noexcept {
// Base address must be provided.
if (ASMJIT_UNLIKELY(baseAddress == Globals::kNoBaseAddress))
return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorInvalidArgument);
_baseAddress = baseAddress;
uint32_t addressSize = _environment.registerSize();
Section* addressTableSection = _addressTableSection;
uint32_t addressTableEntryCount = 0;
uint8_t* addressTableEntryData = nullptr;
if (addressTableSection) {
reserveBuffer(&addressTableSection->_buffer, size_t(addressTableSection->virtualSize())));
addressTableEntryData = addressTableSection->;
// Relocate all recorded locations.
for (const RelocEntry* re : _relocations) {
// Possibly deleted or optimized-out entry.
if (re->relocType() == RelocType::kNone)
Section* sourceSection = sectionById(re->sourceSectionId());
Section* targetSection = nullptr;
if (re->targetSectionId() != Globals::kInvalidId)
targetSection = sectionById(re->targetSectionId());
uint64_t value = re->payload();
uint64_t sectionOffset = sourceSection->offset();
uint64_t sourceOffset = re->sourceOffset();
// Make sure that the `RelocEntry` doesn't go out of bounds.
size_t regionSize = re->format().regionSize();
if (ASMJIT_UNLIKELY(re->sourceOffset() >= sourceSection->bufferSize() ||
sourceSection->bufferSize() - size_t(re->sourceOffset()) < regionSize))
return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorInvalidRelocEntry);
uint8_t* buffer = sourceSection->data();
switch (re->relocType()) {
case RelocType::kExpression: {
Expression* expression = (Expression*)(uintptr_t(value));
ASMJIT_PROPAGATE(CodeHolder_evaluateExpression(this, expression, &value));
case RelocType::kAbsToAbs: {
case RelocType::kRelToAbs: {
// Value is currently a relative offset from the start of its section.
// We have to convert it to an absolute offset (including base address).
if (ASMJIT_UNLIKELY(!targetSection))
return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorInvalidRelocEntry);
//value += baseAddress + sectionOffset + sourceOffset + regionSize;
value += baseAddress + targetSection->offset();
case RelocType::kAbsToRel: {
value -= baseAddress + sectionOffset + sourceOffset + regionSize;
// Sign extend as we are not interested in the high 32-bit word in a 32-bit address space.
if (addressSize <= 4)
value = uint64_t(int64_t(int32_t(value & 0xFFFFFFFFu)));
else if (!Support::isInt32(int64_t(value)))
return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorRelocOffsetOutOfRange);
case RelocType::kX64AddressEntry: {
size_t valueOffset = size_t(re->sourceOffset()) + re->format().valueOffset();
if (re->format().valueSize() != 4 || valueOffset < 2)
return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorInvalidRelocEntry);
// First try whether a relative 32-bit displacement would work.
value -= baseAddress + sectionOffset + sourceOffset + regionSize;
if (!Support::isInt32(int64_t(value))) {
// Relative 32-bit displacement is not possible, use '.addrtab' section.
AddressTableEntry* atEntry = _addressTableEntries.get(re->payload());
if (ASMJIT_UNLIKELY(!atEntry))
return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorInvalidRelocEntry);
// Cannot be null as we have just matched the `AddressTableEntry`.
ASMJIT_ASSERT(addressTableSection != nullptr);
if (!atEntry->hasAssignedSlot())
atEntry->_slot = addressTableEntryCount++;
size_t atEntryIndex = size_t(atEntry->slot()) * addressSize;
uint64_t addrSrc = sectionOffset + sourceOffset + regionSize;
uint64_t addrDst = addressTableSection->offset() + uint64_t(atEntryIndex);
value = addrDst - addrSrc;
if (!Support::isInt32(int64_t(value)))
return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorRelocOffsetOutOfRange);
// Bytes that replace [REX, OPCODE] bytes.
uint32_t byte0 = 0xFF;
uint32_t byte1 = buffer[valueOffset - 1];
if (byte1 == 0xE8) {
// Patch CALL/MOD byte to FF /2 (-> 0x15).
byte1 = x86EncodeMod(0, 2, 5);
else if (byte1 == 0xE9) {
// Patch JMP/MOD byte to FF /4 (-> 0x25).
byte1 = x86EncodeMod(0, 4, 5);
else {
return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorInvalidRelocEntry);
// Patch `jmp/call` instruction.
buffer[valueOffset - 2] = uint8_t(byte0);
buffer[valueOffset - 1] = uint8_t(byte1);
Support::writeU64uLE(addressTableEntryData + atEntryIndex, re->payload());
return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorInvalidRelocEntry);
if (!CodeWriterUtils::writeOffset(buffer + re->sourceOffset(), int64_t(value), re->format())) {
return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorInvalidRelocEntry);
// Fixup the virtual size of the address table if it's the last section.
if (_sectionsByOrder.last() == addressTableSection) {
ASMJIT_ASSERT(addressTableSection != nullptr);
size_t addressTableSize = addressTableEntryCount * addressSize;
addressTableSection->_buffer._size = addressTableSize;
addressTableSection->_virtualSize = addressTableSize;
return kErrorOk;
Error CodeHolder::copySectionData(void* dst, size_t dstSize, uint32_t sectionId, CopySectionFlags copyFlags) noexcept {
if (ASMJIT_UNLIKELY(!isSectionValid(sectionId)))
return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorInvalidSection);
Section* section = sectionById(sectionId);
size_t bufferSize = section->bufferSize();
if (ASMJIT_UNLIKELY(dstSize < bufferSize))
return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorInvalidArgument);
memcpy(dst, section->data(), bufferSize);
if (bufferSize < dstSize && Support::test(copyFlags, CopySectionFlags::kPadSectionBuffer)) {
size_t paddingSize = dstSize - bufferSize;
memset(static_cast<uint8_t*>(dst) + bufferSize, 0, paddingSize);
return kErrorOk;
Error CodeHolder::copyFlattenedData(void* dst, size_t dstSize, CopySectionFlags copyFlags) noexcept {
size_t end = 0;
for (Section* section : _sectionsByOrder) {
if (section->offset() > dstSize)
return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorInvalidArgument);
size_t bufferSize = section->bufferSize();
size_t offset = size_t(section->offset());
if (ASMJIT_UNLIKELY(dstSize - offset < bufferSize))
return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorInvalidArgument);
uint8_t* dstTarget = static_cast<uint8_t*>(dst) + offset;
size_t paddingSize = 0;
memcpy(dstTarget, section->data(), bufferSize);
if (Support::test(copyFlags, CopySectionFlags::kPadSectionBuffer) && bufferSize < section->virtualSize()) {
paddingSize = Support::min<size_t>(dstSize - offset, size_t(section->virtualSize())) - bufferSize;
memset(dstTarget + bufferSize, 0, paddingSize);
end = Support::max(end, offset + bufferSize + paddingSize);
if (end < dstSize && Support::test(copyFlags, CopySectionFlags::kPadTargetBuffer)) {
memset(static_cast<uint8_t*>(dst) + end, 0, dstSize - end);
return kErrorOk;
// CodeHolder - Tests
// ==================
#if defined(ASMJIT_TEST)
UNIT(code_holder) {
CodeHolder code;
INFO("Verifying CodeHolder::init()");
Environment env;
EXPECT(code.arch() == Arch::kX86);
INFO("Verifying named labels");
LabelEntry* le;
EXPECT(code.newNamedLabelEntry(&le, "NamedLabel", SIZE_MAX, LabelType::kGlobal) == kErrorOk);
EXPECT(strcmp(le->name(), "NamedLabel") == 0);
EXPECT(code.labelIdByName("NamedLabel") == le->id());
INFO("Verifying section ordering");
Section* section1;
EXPECT(code.newSection(&section1, "high-priority", SIZE_MAX, SectionFlags::kNone, 1, -1) == kErrorOk);
EXPECT(code.sections()[1] == section1);
EXPECT(code.sectionsByOrder()[0] == section1);
Section* section0;
EXPECT(code.newSection(&section0, "higher-priority", SIZE_MAX, SectionFlags::kNone, 1, -2) == kErrorOk);
EXPECT(code.sections()[2] == section0);
EXPECT(code.sectionsByOrder()[0] == section0);
EXPECT(code.sectionsByOrder()[1] == section1);
Section* section3;
EXPECT(code.newSection(&section3, "low-priority", SIZE_MAX, SectionFlags::kNone, 1, 2) == kErrorOk);
EXPECT(code.sections()[3] == section3);
EXPECT(code.sectionsByOrder()[3] == section3);