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// This file is part of AsmJit project <>
// See asmjit.h or for license and copyright information
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Zlib
#include "../core/archtraits.h"
#include "../core/codeholder.h"
#include "../core/formatter.h"
#include "../core/inst.h"
#include "../core/operand.h"
#include "../core/type.h"
//! \addtogroup asmjit_core
//! \{
class ConstPool;
class FuncFrame;
class FuncArgsAssignment;
//! Align mode, used by \ref BaseEmitter::align().
enum class AlignMode : uint8_t {
//! Align executable code.
kCode = 0,
//! Align non-executable code.
kData = 1,
//! Align by a sequence of zeros.
kZero = 2,
//! Maximum value of `AlignMode`.
kMaxValue = kZero
//! Emitter type used by \ref BaseEmitter.
enum class EmitterType : uint8_t {
//! Unknown or uninitialized.
kNone = 0,
//! Emitter inherits from \ref BaseAssembler.
kAssembler = 1,
//! Emitter inherits from \ref BaseBuilder.
kBuilder = 2,
//! Emitter inherits from \ref BaseCompiler.
kCompiler = 3,
//! Maximum value of `EmitterType`.
kMaxValue = kCompiler
//! Emitter flags, used by \ref BaseEmitter.
enum class EmitterFlags : uint8_t {
//! No flags.
kNone = 0u,
//! Emitter is attached to CodeHolder.
kAttached = 0x01u,
//! The emitter must emit comments.
kLogComments = 0x08u,
//! The emitter has its own \ref Logger (not propagated from \ref CodeHolder).
kOwnLogger = 0x10u,
//! The emitter has its own \ref ErrorHandler (not propagated from \ref CodeHolder).
kOwnErrorHandler = 0x20u,
//! The emitter was finalized.
kFinalized = 0x40u,
//! The emitter was destroyed.
//! This flag is used for a very short time when an emitter is being destroyed by
//! CodeHolder.
kDestroyed = 0x80u
//! Encoding options.
enum class EncodingOptions : uint32_t {
//! No encoding options.
kNone = 0,
//! Emit instructions that are optimized for size, if possible.
//! Default: false.
//! X86 Specific
//! ------------
//! When this option is set it the assembler will try to fix instructions if possible into operation equivalent
//! instructions that take less bytes by taking advantage of implicit zero extension. For example instruction
//! like `mov r64, imm` and `and r64, imm` can be translated to `mov r32, imm` and `and r32, imm` when the
//! immediate constant is lesser than `2^31`.
kOptimizeForSize = 0x00000001u,
//! Emit optimized code-alignment sequences.
//! Default: false.
//! X86 Specific
//! ------------
//! Default align sequence used by X86 architecture is one-byte (0x90) opcode that is often shown by disassemblers
//! as NOP. However there are more optimized align sequences for 2-11 bytes that may execute faster on certain CPUs.
//! If this feature is enabled AsmJit will generate specialized sequences for alignment between 2 to 11 bytes.
kOptimizedAlign = 0x00000002u,
//! Emit jump-prediction hints.
//! Default: false.
//! X86 Specific
//! ------------
//! Jump prediction is usually based on the direction of the jump. If the jump is backward it is usually predicted as
//! taken; and if the jump is forward it is usually predicted as not-taken. The reason is that loops generally use
//! backward jumps and conditions usually use forward jumps. However this behavior can be overridden by using
//! instruction prefixes. If this option is enabled these hints will be emitted.
//! This feature is disabled by default, because the only processor that used to take into consideration prediction
//! hints was P4. Newer processors implement heuristics for branch prediction and ignore static hints. This means
//! that this feature can be only used for annotation purposes.
kPredictedJumps = 0x00000010u
//! Diagnostic options are used to tell emitters and their passes to perform diagnostics when emitting or processing
//! user code. These options control validation and extra diagnostics that can be performed by higher level emitters.
//! Instruction Validation
//! ----------------------
//! \ref BaseAssembler implementation perform by default only basic checks that are necessary to identify all
//! variations of an instruction so the correct encoding can be selected. This is fine for production-ready code
//! as the assembler doesn't have to perform checks that would slow it down. However, sometimes these checks are
//! beneficial especially when the project that uses AsmJit is in a development phase, in which mistakes happen
//! often. To make the experience of using AsmJit seamless it offers validation features that can be controlled
//! by \ref DiagnosticOptions.
//! Compiler Diagnostics
//! --------------------
//! Diagnostic options work with \ref BaseCompiler passes (precisely with its register allocation pass). These options
//! can be used to enable logging of all operations that the Compiler does.
enum class DiagnosticOptions : uint32_t {
//! No validation options.
kNone = 0,
//! Perform strict validation in \ref BaseAssembler::emit() implementations.
//! This flag ensures that each instruction is checked before it's encoded into a binary representation. This flag
//! is only relevant for \ref BaseAssembler implementations, but can be set in any other emitter type, in that case
//! if that emitter needs to create an assembler on its own, for the purpose of \ref BaseEmitter::finalize() it
//! would propagate this flag to such assembler so all instructions passed to it are explicitly validated.
//! Default: false.
kValidateAssembler = 0x00000001u,
//! Perform strict validation in \ref BaseBuilder::emit() and \ref BaseCompiler::emit() implementations.
//! This flag ensures that each instruction is checked before an \ref InstNode representing the instruction is
//! created by \ref BaseBuilder or \ref BaseCompiler. This option could be more useful than \ref kValidateAssembler
//! in cases in which there is an invalid instruction passed to an assembler, which was invalid much earlier, most
//! likely when such instruction was passed to Builder/Compiler.
//! This is a separate option that was introduced, because it's possible to manipulate the instruction stream
//! emitted by \ref BaseBuilder and \ref BaseCompiler - this means that it's allowed to emit invalid instructions
//! (for example with missing operands) that will be fixed later before finalizing it.
//! Default: false.
kValidateIntermediate = 0x00000002u,
//! Annotate all nodes processed by register allocator (Compiler/RA).
//! \note Annotations don't need debug options, however, some debug options like `kRADebugLiveness` may influence
//! their output (for example the mentioned option would add liveness information to per-instruction annotation).
kRAAnnotate = 0x00000080u,
//! Debug CFG generation and other related algorithms / operations (Compiler/RA).
kRADebugCFG = 0x00000100u,
//! Debug liveness analysis (Compiler/RA).
kRADebugLiveness = 0x00000200u,
//! Debug register allocation assignment (Compiler/RA).
kRADebugAssignment = 0x00000400u,
//! Debug the removal of code part of unreachable blocks.
kRADebugUnreachable = 0x00000800u,
//! Enable all debug options (Compiler/RA).
kRADebugAll = 0x0000FF00u,
//! Provides a base foundation to emitting code - specialized by \ref BaseAssembler and \ref BaseBuilder.
class ASMJIT_VIRTAPI BaseEmitter {
//! \name Members
//! \{
//! See \ref EmitterType.
EmitterType _emitterType = EmitterType::kNone;
//! See \ref EmitterFlags.
EmitterFlags _emitterFlags = EmitterFlags::kNone;
//! Validation flags in case validation is used.
//! \note Validation flags are specific to the emitter and they are setup at construction time and then never
//! changed.
ValidationFlags _validationFlags = ValidationFlags::kNone;
//! Validation options.
DiagnosticOptions _diagnosticOptions = DiagnosticOptions::kNone;
//! All supported architectures in a bit-mask, where LSB is the bit with a zero index.
uint64_t _archMask = 0;
//! Encoding options.
EncodingOptions _encodingOptions = EncodingOptions::kNone;
//! Forced instruction options, combined with \ref _instOptions by \ref emit().
InstOptions _forcedInstOptions = InstOptions::kReserved;
//! Internal private data used freely by any emitter.
uint32_t _privateData = 0;
//! CodeHolder the emitter is attached to.
CodeHolder* _code = nullptr;
//! Attached \ref Logger.
Logger* _logger = nullptr;
//! Attached \ref ErrorHandler.
ErrorHandler* _errorHandler = nullptr;
//! Describes the target environment, matches \ref CodeHolder::environment().
Environment _environment {};
//! Native GP register signature and signature related information.
OperandSignature _gpSignature {};
//! Emitter state that can be used to specify options and inline comment of a next node or instruction.
struct State {
InstOptions options;
RegOnly extraReg;
const char* comment;
//! Next instruction options (affects the next instruction).
InstOptions _instOptions = InstOptions::kNone;
//! Extra register (op-mask {k} on AVX-512) (affects the next instruction).
RegOnly _extraReg {};
//! Inline comment of the next instruction (affects the next instruction).
const char* _inlineComment = nullptr;
//! Function callbacks used by emitter implementation.
//! These are typically shared between Assembler/Builder/Compiler of a single backend.
struct Funcs {
typedef Error (ASMJIT_CDECL* EmitProlog)(BaseEmitter* emitter, const FuncFrame& frame);
typedef Error (ASMJIT_CDECL* EmitEpilog)(BaseEmitter* emitter, const FuncFrame& frame);
typedef Error (ASMJIT_CDECL* EmitArgsAssignment)(BaseEmitter* emitter, const FuncFrame& frame, const FuncArgsAssignment& args);
typedef Error (ASMJIT_CDECL* FormatInstruction)(
String& sb,
FormatFlags formatFlags,
const BaseEmitter* emitter,
Arch arch,
const BaseInst& inst, const Operand_* operands, size_t opCount) ASMJIT_NOEXCEPT_TYPE;
typedef Error (ASMJIT_CDECL* ValidateFunc)(Arch arch, const BaseInst& inst, const Operand_* operands, size_t opCount, ValidationFlags validationFlags) ASMJIT_NOEXCEPT_TYPE;
//! Emit prolog implementation.
EmitProlog emitProlog;
//! Emit epilog implementation.
EmitEpilog emitEpilog;
//! Emit arguments assignment implementation.
EmitArgsAssignment emitArgsAssignment;
//! Instruction formatter implementation.
FormatInstruction formatInstruction;
//! Instruction validation implementation.
ValidateFunc validate;
//! Resets all functions to nullptr.
inline void reset() noexcept {
emitProlog = nullptr;
emitEpilog = nullptr;
emitArgsAssignment = nullptr;
validate = nullptr;
Funcs _funcs {};
//! \}
//! \name Construction & Destruction
//! \{
ASMJIT_API explicit BaseEmitter(EmitterType emitterType) noexcept;
ASMJIT_API virtual ~BaseEmitter() noexcept;
//! \}
//! \name Cast
//! \{
template<typename T>
inline T* as() noexcept { return reinterpret_cast<T*>(this); }
template<typename T>
inline const T* as() const noexcept { return reinterpret_cast<const T*>(this); }
//! \}
//! \name Emitter Type & Flags
//! \{
//! Returns the type of this emitter, see `EmitterType`.
inline EmitterType emitterType() const noexcept { return _emitterType; }
//! Returns emitter flags , see `Flags`.
inline EmitterFlags emitterFlags() const noexcept { return _emitterFlags; }
//! Tests whether the emitter inherits from `BaseAssembler`.
inline bool isAssembler() const noexcept { return _emitterType == EmitterType::kAssembler; }
//! Tests whether the emitter inherits from `BaseBuilder`.
//! \note Both Builder and Compiler emitters would return `true`.
inline bool isBuilder() const noexcept { return uint32_t(_emitterType) >= uint32_t(EmitterType::kBuilder); }
//! Tests whether the emitter inherits from `BaseCompiler`.
inline bool isCompiler() const noexcept { return _emitterType == EmitterType::kCompiler; }
//! Tests whether the emitter has the given `flag` enabled.
inline bool hasEmitterFlag(EmitterFlags flag) const noexcept { return Support::test(_emitterFlags, flag); }
//! Tests whether the emitter is finalized.
inline bool isFinalized() const noexcept { return hasEmitterFlag(EmitterFlags::kFinalized); }
//! Tests whether the emitter is destroyed (only used during destruction).
inline bool isDestroyed() const noexcept { return hasEmitterFlag(EmitterFlags::kDestroyed); }
inline void _addEmitterFlags(EmitterFlags flags) noexcept { _emitterFlags |= flags; }
inline void _clearEmitterFlags(EmitterFlags flags) noexcept { _emitterFlags &= _emitterFlags & ~flags; }
//! \}
//! \name Target Information
//! \{
//! Returns the CodeHolder this emitter is attached to.
inline CodeHolder* code() const noexcept { return _code; }
//! Returns the target environment.
//! The returned \ref Environment reference matches \ref CodeHolder::environment().
inline const Environment& environment() const noexcept { return _environment; }
//! Tests whether the target architecture is 32-bit.
inline bool is32Bit() const noexcept { return environment().is32Bit(); }
//! Tests whether the target architecture is 64-bit.
inline bool is64Bit() const noexcept { return environment().is64Bit(); }
//! Returns the target architecture type.
inline Arch arch() const noexcept { return environment().arch(); }
//! Returns the target architecture sub-type.
inline SubArch subArch() const noexcept { return environment().subArch(); }
//! Returns the target architecture's GP register size (4 or 8 bytes).
inline uint32_t registerSize() const noexcept { return environment().registerSize(); }
//! \}
//! \name Initialization & Finalization
//! \{
//! Tests whether the emitter is initialized (i.e. attached to \ref CodeHolder).
inline bool isInitialized() const noexcept { return _code != nullptr; }
//! Finalizes this emitter.
//! Materializes the content of the emitter by serializing it to the attached \ref CodeHolder through an architecture
//! specific \ref BaseAssembler. This function won't do anything if the emitter inherits from \ref BaseAssembler as
//! assemblers emit directly to a \ref CodeBuffer held by \ref CodeHolder. However, if this is an emitter that
//! inherits from \ref BaseBuilder or \ref BaseCompiler then these emitters need the materialization phase as they
//! store their content in a representation not visible to \ref CodeHolder.
ASMJIT_API virtual Error finalize();
//! \}
//! \name Logging
//! \{
//! Tests whether the emitter has a logger.
inline bool hasLogger() const noexcept { return _logger != nullptr; }
//! Tests whether the emitter has its own logger.
//! Own logger means that it overrides the possible logger that may be used by \ref CodeHolder this emitter is
//! attached to.
inline bool hasOwnLogger() const noexcept { return hasEmitterFlag(EmitterFlags::kOwnLogger); }
//! Returns the logger this emitter uses.
//! The returned logger is either the emitter's own logger or it's logger used by \ref CodeHolder this emitter
//! is attached to.
inline Logger* logger() const noexcept { return _logger; }
//! Sets or resets the logger of the emitter.
//! If the `logger` argument is non-null then the logger will be considered emitter's own logger, see \ref
//! hasOwnLogger() for more details. If the given `logger` is null then the emitter will automatically use logger
//! that is attached to the \ref CodeHolder this emitter is attached to.
ASMJIT_API void setLogger(Logger* logger) noexcept;
//! Resets the logger of this emitter.
//! The emitter will bail to using a logger attached to \ref CodeHolder this emitter is attached to, or no logger
//! at all if \ref CodeHolder doesn't have one.
inline void resetLogger() noexcept { return setLogger(nullptr); }
//! \}
//! \name Error Handling
//! \{
//! Tests whether the emitter has an error handler attached.
inline bool hasErrorHandler() const noexcept { return _errorHandler != nullptr; }
//! Tests whether the emitter has its own error handler.
//! Own error handler means that it overrides the possible error handler that may be used by \ref CodeHolder this
//! emitter is attached to.
inline bool hasOwnErrorHandler() const noexcept { return hasEmitterFlag(EmitterFlags::kOwnErrorHandler); }
//! Returns the error handler this emitter uses.
//! The returned error handler is either the emitter's own error handler or it's error handler used by
//! \ref CodeHolder this emitter is attached to.
inline ErrorHandler* errorHandler() const noexcept { return _errorHandler; }
//! Sets or resets the error handler of the emitter.
ASMJIT_API void setErrorHandler(ErrorHandler* errorHandler) noexcept;
//! Resets the error handler.
inline void resetErrorHandler() noexcept { setErrorHandler(nullptr); }
//! Handles the given error in the following way:
//! 1. If the emitter has \ref ErrorHandler attached, it calls its \ref ErrorHandler::handleError() member function
//! first, and then returns the error. The `handleError()` function may throw.
//! 2. if the emitter doesn't have \ref ErrorHandler, the error is simply returned.
ASMJIT_API Error reportError(Error err, const char* message = nullptr);
//! \}
//! \name Encoding Options
//! \{
//! Returns encoding options.
inline EncodingOptions encodingOptions() const noexcept { return _encodingOptions; }
//! Tests whether the encoding `option` is set.
inline bool hasEncodingOption(EncodingOptions option) const noexcept { return Support::test(_encodingOptions, option); }
//! Enables the given encoding `options`.
inline void addEncodingOptions(EncodingOptions options) noexcept { _encodingOptions |= options; }
//! Disables the given encoding `options`.
inline void clearEncodingOptions(EncodingOptions options) noexcept { _encodingOptions &= ~options; }
//! \}
//! \name Diagnostic Options
//! \{
//! Returns the emitter's diagnostic options.
inline DiagnosticOptions diagnosticOptions() const noexcept { return _diagnosticOptions; }
//! Tests whether the given `option` is present in the emitter's diagnostic options.
inline bool hasDiagnosticOption(DiagnosticOptions option) const noexcept { return Support::test(_diagnosticOptions, option); }
//! Activates the given diagnostic `options`.
//! This function is used to activate explicit validation options that will be then used by all emitter
//! implementations. There are in general two possibilities:
//! - Architecture specific assembler is used. In this case a \ref DiagnosticOptions::kValidateAssembler can be
//! used to turn on explicit validation that will be used before an instruction is emitted. This means that
//! internally an extra step will be performed to make sure that the instruction is correct. This is needed,
//! because by default assemblers prefer speed over strictness.
//! This option should be used in debug builds as it's pretty expensive.
//! - Architecture specific builder or compiler is used. In this case the user can turn on
//! \ref DiagnosticOptions::kValidateIntermediate option that adds explicit validation step before the Builder
//! or Compiler creates an \ref InstNode to represent an emitted instruction. Error will be returned if the
//! instruction is ill-formed. In addition, also \ref DiagnosticOptions::kValidateAssembler can be used, which
//! would not be consumed by Builder / Compiler directly, but it would be propagated to an architecture specific
//! \ref BaseAssembler implementation it creates during \ref BaseEmitter::finalize().
ASMJIT_API void addDiagnosticOptions(DiagnosticOptions options) noexcept;
//! Deactivates the given validation `options`.
//! See \ref addDiagnosticOptions() and \ref DiagnosticOptions for more details.
ASMJIT_API void clearDiagnosticOptions(DiagnosticOptions options) noexcept;
//! \}
//! \name Instruction Options
//! \{
//! Returns forced instruction options.
//! Forced instruction options are merged with next instruction options before the instruction is encoded. These
//! options have some bits reserved that are used by error handling, logging, and instruction validation purposes.
//! Other options are globals that affect each instruction.
inline InstOptions forcedInstOptions() const noexcept { return _forcedInstOptions; }
//! Returns options of the next instruction.
inline InstOptions instOptions() const noexcept { return _instOptions; }
//! Returns options of the next instruction.
inline void setInstOptions(InstOptions options) noexcept { _instOptions = options; }
//! Adds options of the next instruction.
inline void addInstOptions(InstOptions options) noexcept { _instOptions |= options; }
//! Resets options of the next instruction.
inline void resetInstOptions() noexcept { _instOptions = InstOptions::kNone; }
//! Tests whether the extra register operand is valid.
inline bool hasExtraReg() const noexcept { return _extraReg.isReg(); }
//! Returns an extra operand that will be used by the next instruction (architecture specific).
inline const RegOnly& extraReg() const noexcept { return _extraReg; }
//! Sets an extra operand that will be used by the next instruction (architecture specific).
inline void setExtraReg(const BaseReg& reg) noexcept { _extraReg.init(reg); }
//! Sets an extra operand that will be used by the next instruction (architecture specific).
inline void setExtraReg(const RegOnly& reg) noexcept { _extraReg.init(reg); }
//! Resets an extra operand that will be used by the next instruction (architecture specific).
inline void resetExtraReg() noexcept { _extraReg.reset(); }
//! Returns comment/annotation of the next instruction.
inline const char* inlineComment() const noexcept { return _inlineComment; }
//! Sets comment/annotation of the next instruction.
//! \note This string is set back to null by `_emit()`, but until that it has to remain valid as the Emitter is not
//! required to make a copy of it (and it would be slow to do that for each instruction).
inline void setInlineComment(const char* s) noexcept { _inlineComment = s; }
//! Resets the comment/annotation to nullptr.
inline void resetInlineComment() noexcept { _inlineComment = nullptr; }
//! \}
//! \name Emitter State
//! \{
inline void resetState() noexcept {
inline State _grabState() noexcept {
State s{_instOptions | _forcedInstOptions, _extraReg, _inlineComment};
return s;
//! \}
//! \name Sections
//! \{
virtual Error section(Section* section) = 0;
//! \}
//! \name Labels
//! \{
//! Creates a new label.
virtual Label newLabel() = 0;
//! Creates a new named label.
virtual Label newNamedLabel(const char* name, size_t nameSize = SIZE_MAX, LabelType type = LabelType::kGlobal, uint32_t parentId = Globals::kInvalidId) = 0;
//! Creates a new anonymous label with a name, which can only be used for debugging purposes.
inline Label newAnonymousLabel(const char* name, size_t nameSize = SIZE_MAX) { return newNamedLabel(name, nameSize, LabelType::kAnonymous); }
//! Creates a new external label.
inline Label newExternalLabel(const char* name, size_t nameSize = SIZE_MAX) { return newNamedLabel(name, nameSize, LabelType::kExternal); }
//! Returns `Label` by `name`.
//! Returns invalid Label in case that the name is invalid or label was not found.
//! \note This function doesn't trigger ErrorHandler in case the name is invalid or no such label exist. You must
//! always check the validity of the `Label` returned.
ASMJIT_API Label labelByName(const char* name, size_t nameSize = SIZE_MAX, uint32_t parentId = Globals::kInvalidId) noexcept;
//! Binds the `label` to the current position of the current section.
//! \note Attempt to bind the same label multiple times will return an error.
virtual Error bind(const Label& label) = 0;
//! Tests whether the label `id` is valid (i.e. registered).
ASMJIT_API bool isLabelValid(uint32_t labelId) const noexcept;
//! Tests whether the `label` is valid (i.e. registered).
inline bool isLabelValid(const Label& label) const noexcept { return isLabelValid(; }
//! \}
//! \name Emit
//! \{
// NOTE: These `emit()` helpers are designed to address a code-bloat generated by C++ compilers to call a function
// having many arguments. Each parameter to `_emit()` requires some code to pass it, which means that if we default
// to 5 arguments in `_emit()` and instId the C++ compiler would have to generate a virtual function call having 5
// parameters and additional `this` argument, which is quite a lot. Since by default most instructions have 2 to 3
// operands it's better to introduce helpers that pass from 0 to 6 operands that help to reduce the size of emit(...)
// function call.
//! Emits an instruction (internal).
ASMJIT_API Error _emitI(InstId instId);
//! \overload
ASMJIT_API Error _emitI(InstId instId, const Operand_& o0);
//! \overload
ASMJIT_API Error _emitI(InstId instId, const Operand_& o0, const Operand_& o1);
//! \overload
ASMJIT_API Error _emitI(InstId instId, const Operand_& o0, const Operand_& o1, const Operand_& o2);
//! \overload
ASMJIT_API Error _emitI(InstId instId, const Operand_& o0, const Operand_& o1, const Operand_& o2, const Operand_& o3);
//! \overload
ASMJIT_API Error _emitI(InstId instId, const Operand_& o0, const Operand_& o1, const Operand_& o2, const Operand_& o3, const Operand_& o4);
//! \overload
ASMJIT_API Error _emitI(InstId instId, const Operand_& o0, const Operand_& o1, const Operand_& o2, const Operand_& o3, const Operand_& o4, const Operand_& o5);
//! Emits an instruction `instId` with the given `operands`.
template<typename... Args>
ASMJIT_FORCE_INLINE Error emit(InstId instId, Args&&... operands) {
return _emitI(instId, Support::ForwardOp<Args>::forward(operands)...);
ASMJIT_FORCE_INLINE Error emitOpArray(InstId instId, const Operand_* operands, size_t opCount) {
return _emitOpArray(instId, operands, opCount);
ASMJIT_FORCE_INLINE Error emitInst(const BaseInst& inst, const Operand_* operands, size_t opCount) {
return _emitOpArray(, operands, opCount);
//! \cond INTERNAL
//! Emits an instruction - all 6 operands must be defined.
virtual Error _emit(InstId instId, const Operand_& o0, const Operand_& o1, const Operand_& o2, const Operand_* oExt) = 0;
//! Emits instruction having operands stored in array.
ASMJIT_API virtual Error _emitOpArray(InstId instId, const Operand_* operands, size_t opCount);
//! \endcond
//! \}
//! \name Emit Utilities
//! \{
ASMJIT_API Error emitProlog(const FuncFrame& frame);
ASMJIT_API Error emitEpilog(const FuncFrame& frame);
ASMJIT_API Error emitArgsAssignment(const FuncFrame& frame, const FuncArgsAssignment& args);
//! \}
//! \name Align
//! \{
//! Aligns the current CodeBuffer position to the `alignment` specified.
//! The sequence that is used to fill the gap between the aligned location and the current location depends on the
//! align `mode`, see \ref AlignMode. The `alignment` argument specifies alignment in bytes, so for example when
//! it's `32` it means that the code buffer will be aligned to `32` bytes.
virtual Error align(AlignMode alignMode, uint32_t alignment) = 0;
//! \}
//! \name Embed
//! \{
//! Embeds raw data into the \ref CodeBuffer.
virtual Error embed(const void* data, size_t dataSize) = 0;
//! Embeds a typed data array.
//! This is the most flexible function for embedding data as it allows to:
//! - Assign a `typeId` to the data, so the emitter knows the type of items stored in `data`. Binary data should
//! use \ref TypeId::kUInt8.
//! - Repeat the given data `repeatCount` times, so the data can be used as a fill pattern for example, or as a
//! pattern used by SIMD instructions.
virtual Error embedDataArray(TypeId typeId, const void* data, size_t itemCount, size_t repeatCount = 1) = 0;
//! Embeds int8_t `value` repeated by `repeatCount`.
inline Error embedInt8(int8_t value, size_t repeatCount = 1) { return embedDataArray(TypeId::kInt8, &value, 1, repeatCount); }
//! Embeds uint8_t `value` repeated by `repeatCount`.
inline Error embedUInt8(uint8_t value, size_t repeatCount = 1) { return embedDataArray(TypeId::kUInt8, &value, 1, repeatCount); }
//! Embeds int16_t `value` repeated by `repeatCount`.
inline Error embedInt16(int16_t value, size_t repeatCount = 1) { return embedDataArray(TypeId::kInt16, &value, 1, repeatCount); }
//! Embeds uint16_t `value` repeated by `repeatCount`.
inline Error embedUInt16(uint16_t value, size_t repeatCount = 1) { return embedDataArray(TypeId::kUInt16, &value, 1, repeatCount); }
//! Embeds int32_t `value` repeated by `repeatCount`.
inline Error embedInt32(int32_t value, size_t repeatCount = 1) { return embedDataArray(TypeId::kInt32, &value, 1, repeatCount); }
//! Embeds uint32_t `value` repeated by `repeatCount`.
inline Error embedUInt32(uint32_t value, size_t repeatCount = 1) { return embedDataArray(TypeId::kUInt32, &value, 1, repeatCount); }
//! Embeds int64_t `value` repeated by `repeatCount`.
inline Error embedInt64(int64_t value, size_t repeatCount = 1) { return embedDataArray(TypeId::kInt64, &value, 1, repeatCount); }
//! Embeds uint64_t `value` repeated by `repeatCount`.
inline Error embedUInt64(uint64_t value, size_t repeatCount = 1) { return embedDataArray(TypeId::kUInt64, &value, 1, repeatCount); }
//! Embeds a floating point `value` repeated by `repeatCount`.
inline Error embedFloat(float value, size_t repeatCount = 1) { return embedDataArray(TypeId(TypeUtils::TypeIdOfT<float>::kTypeId), &value, 1, repeatCount); }
//! Embeds a floating point `value` repeated by `repeatCount`.
inline Error embedDouble(double value, size_t repeatCount = 1) { return embedDataArray(TypeId(TypeUtils::TypeIdOfT<double>::kTypeId), &value, 1, repeatCount); }
//! Embeds a constant pool at the current offset by performing the following:
//! 1. Aligns by using AlignMode::kData to the minimum `pool` alignment.
//! 2. Binds the ConstPool label so it's bound to an aligned location.
//! 3. Emits ConstPool content.
virtual Error embedConstPool(const Label& label, const ConstPool& pool) = 0;
//! Embeds an absolute `label` address as data.
//! The `dataSize` is an optional argument that can be used to specify the size of the address data. If it's zero
//! (default) the address size is deduced from the target architecture (either 4 or 8 bytes).
virtual Error embedLabel(const Label& label, size_t dataSize = 0) = 0;
//! Embeds a delta (distance) between the `label` and `base` calculating it as `label - base`. This function was
//! designed to make it easier to embed lookup tables where each index is a relative distance of two labels.
virtual Error embedLabelDelta(const Label& label, const Label& base, size_t dataSize = 0) = 0;
//! \}
//! \name Comment
//! \{
//! Emits a comment stored in `data` with an optional `size` parameter.
virtual Error comment(const char* data, size_t size = SIZE_MAX) = 0;
//! Emits a formatted comment specified by `fmt` and variable number of arguments.
ASMJIT_API Error commentf(const char* fmt, ...);
//! Emits a formatted comment specified by `fmt` and `ap`.
ASMJIT_API Error commentv(const char* fmt, va_list ap);
//! \}
//! \name Events
//! \{
//! Called after the emitter was attached to `CodeHolder`.
virtual Error onAttach(CodeHolder* ASMJIT_NONNULL(code)) noexcept = 0;
//! Called after the emitter was detached from `CodeHolder`.
virtual Error onDetach(CodeHolder* ASMJIT_NONNULL(code)) noexcept = 0;
//! Called when \ref CodeHolder has updated an important setting, which involves the following:
//! - \ref Logger has been changed (\ref CodeHolder::setLogger() has been called).
//! - \ref ErrorHandler has been changed (\ref CodeHolder::setErrorHandler() has been called).
//! This function ensures that the settings are properly propagated from \ref CodeHolder to the emitter.
//! \note This function is virtual and can be overridden, however, if you do so, always call \ref
//! BaseEmitter::onSettingsUpdated() within your own implementation to ensure that the emitter is
//! in a consistent state.
ASMJIT_API virtual void onSettingsUpdated() noexcept;
//! \}
//! \}