1512 lines
53 KiB
1512 lines
53 KiB
// This file is part of AsmJit project <https://asmjit.com>
// See asmjit.h or LICENSE.md for license and copyright information
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Zlib
#include "../core/api-build_p.h"
#if !defined(ASMJIT_NO_X86) && !defined(ASMJIT_NO_COMPILER)
#include "../core/cpuinfo.h"
#include "../core/support.h"
#include "../core/type.h"
#include "../x86/x86assembler.h"
#include "../x86/x86compiler.h"
#include "../x86/x86instapi_p.h"
#include "../x86/x86instdb_p.h"
#include "../x86/x86emithelper_p.h"
#include "../x86/x86rapass_p.h"
// x86::X86RAPass - Utilities
// ==========================
static ASMJIT_FORCE_INLINE uint64_t raImmMaskFromSize(uint32_t size) noexcept {
ASMJIT_ASSERT(size > 0 && size < 256);
static constexpr uint64_t masks[] = {
0x00000000000000FFu, // 1
0x000000000000FFFFu, // 2
0x00000000FFFFFFFFu, // 4
0x0000000000000000u, // 16
0x0000000000000000u, // 32
0x0000000000000000u, // 64
0x0000000000000000u, // 128
0x0000000000000000u // 256
return masks[Support::ctz(size)];
static const RegMask raConsecutiveLeadCountToRegMaskFilter[5] = {
0xFFFFFFFFu, // [0] No consecutive.
0x00000000u, // [1] Invalid, never used.
0x55555555u, // [2] Even registers.
0x00000000u, // [3] Invalid, never used.
0x11111111u // [4] Every fourth register.
static ASMJIT_FORCE_INLINE RATiedFlags raUseOutFlagsFromRWFlags(OpRWFlags rwFlags) noexcept {
static constexpr RATiedFlags map[] = {
RATiedFlags::kRead | RATiedFlags::kUse, // kRead
RATiedFlags::kWrite | RATiedFlags::kOut, // kWrite
RATiedFlags::kRW | RATiedFlags::kUse, // kRW
RATiedFlags::kRead | RATiedFlags::kUse | RATiedFlags::kUseRM, // kRead | kRegMem
RATiedFlags::kWrite | RATiedFlags::kOut | RATiedFlags::kOutRM, // kWrite | kRegMem
RATiedFlags::kRW | RATiedFlags::kUse | RATiedFlags::kUseRM // kRW | kRegMem
return map[uint32_t(rwFlags & (OpRWFlags::kRW | OpRWFlags::kRegMem))];
static ASMJIT_FORCE_INLINE RATiedFlags raRegRwFlags(OpRWFlags flags) noexcept {
return (RATiedFlags)raUseOutFlagsFromRWFlags(flags);
static ASMJIT_FORCE_INLINE RATiedFlags raMemBaseRwFlags(OpRWFlags flags) noexcept {
constexpr uint32_t kShift = Support::ConstCTZ<uint32_t(OpRWFlags::kMemBaseRW)>::value;
return (RATiedFlags)raUseOutFlagsFromRWFlags(OpRWFlags(uint32_t(flags) >> kShift) & OpRWFlags::kRW);
static ASMJIT_FORCE_INLINE RATiedFlags raMemIndexRwFlags(OpRWFlags flags) noexcept {
constexpr uint32_t kShift = Support::ConstCTZ<uint32_t(OpRWFlags::kMemIndexRW)>::value;
return (RATiedFlags)raUseOutFlagsFromRWFlags(OpRWFlags(uint32_t(flags) >> kShift) & OpRWFlags::kRW);
// x86::RACFGBuilder
// =================
class RACFGBuilder : public RACFGBuilderT<RACFGBuilder> {
Arch _arch;
bool _is64Bit;
bool _avxEnabled;
inline RACFGBuilder(X86RAPass* pass) noexcept
: RACFGBuilderT<RACFGBuilder>(pass),
_is64Bit(pass->registerSize() == 8),
_avxEnabled(pass->avxEnabled()) {
inline Compiler* cc() const noexcept { return static_cast<Compiler*>(_cc); }
inline uint32_t choose(uint32_t sseInst, uint32_t avxInst) const noexcept {
return _avxEnabled ? avxInst : sseInst;
Error onInst(InstNode* inst, InstControlFlow& cf, RAInstBuilder& ib) noexcept;
Error onBeforeInvoke(InvokeNode* invokeNode) noexcept;
Error onInvoke(InvokeNode* invokeNode, RAInstBuilder& ib) noexcept;
Error moveVecToPtr(InvokeNode* invokeNode, const FuncValue& arg, const Vec& src, BaseReg* out) noexcept;
Error moveImmToRegArg(InvokeNode* invokeNode, const FuncValue& arg, const Imm& imm_, BaseReg* out) noexcept;
Error moveImmToStackArg(InvokeNode* invokeNode, const FuncValue& arg, const Imm& imm_) noexcept;
Error moveRegToStackArg(InvokeNode* invokeNode, const FuncValue& arg, const BaseReg& reg) noexcept;
Error onBeforeRet(FuncRetNode* funcRet) noexcept;
Error onRet(FuncRetNode* funcRet, RAInstBuilder& ib) noexcept;
// x86::RACFGBuilder - OnInst
// ==========================
Error RACFGBuilder::onInst(InstNode* inst, InstControlFlow& cf, RAInstBuilder& ib) noexcept {
InstRWInfo rwInfo;
InstId instId = inst->id();
if (Inst::isDefinedId(instId)) {
uint32_t opCount = inst->opCount();
const Operand* opArray = inst->operands();
ASMJIT_PROPAGATE(InstInternal::queryRWInfo(_arch, inst->baseInst(), opArray, opCount, &rwInfo));
const InstDB::InstInfo& instInfo = InstDB::infoById(instId);
bool hasGpbHiConstraint = false;
uint32_t singleRegOps = 0;
// Copy instruction RW flags to instruction builder except kMovOp, which is propagated manually later.
ib.addInstRWFlags(rwInfo.instFlags() & ~InstRWFlags::kMovOp);
// Mask of all operand types used by the instruction - can be used as an optimization later.
uint32_t opTypesMask = 0u;
if (opCount) {
// The mask is for all registers, but we are mostly interested in AVX-512 registers at the moment. The mask
// will be combined with all available registers of the Compiler at the end so we it never use more registers
// than available.
RegMask instructionAllowedRegs = 0xFFFFFFFFu;
uint32_t consecutiveOffset = 0;
uint32_t consecutiveLeadId = Globals::kInvalidId;
uint32_t consecutiveParent = Globals::kInvalidId;
if (instInfo.isEvex()) {
// EVEX instruction and VEX instructions that can be encoded with EVEX have the possibility to use 32 SIMD
// registers (XMM/YMM/ZMM).
if (instInfo.isVex() && !instInfo.isEvexCompatible()) {
if (instInfo.isEvexKRegOnly()) {
// EVEX encodable only if the first operand is K register (compare instructions).
if (!Reg::isKReg(opArray[0]))
instructionAllowedRegs = 0xFFFFu;
else if (instInfo.isEvexTwoOpOnly()) {
// EVEX encodable only if the instruction has two operands (gather instructions).
if (opCount != 2)
instructionAllowedRegs = 0xFFFFu;
else {
instructionAllowedRegs = 0xFFFFu;
else if (instInfo.isEvexTransformable()) {
else {
// Not EVEX, restrict everything to [0-15] registers.
instructionAllowedRegs = 0xFFFFu;
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < opCount; i++) {
const Operand& op = opArray[i];
const OpRWInfo& opRwInfo = rwInfo.operand(i);
opTypesMask |= 1u << uint32_t(op.opType());
if (op.isReg()) {
// Register Operand
// ----------------
const Reg& reg = op.as<Reg>();
RATiedFlags flags = raRegRwFlags(opRwInfo.opFlags());
RegMask allowedRegs = instructionAllowedRegs;
// X86-specific constraints related to LO|HI general purpose registers. This is only required when the
// register is part of the encoding. If the register is fixed we won't restrict anything as it doesn't
// restrict encoding of other registers.
if (reg.isGpb() && !opRwInfo.hasOpFlag(OpRWFlags::kRegPhysId)) {
flags |= RATiedFlags::kX86_Gpb;
if (!_is64Bit) {
// Restrict to first four - AL|AH|BL|BH|CL|CH|DL|DH. In 32-bit mode it's not possible to access
// SIL|DIL, etc, so this is just enough.
allowedRegs = 0x0Fu;
else {
// If we encountered GPB-HI register the situation is much more complicated than in 32-bit mode.
// We need to patch all registers to not use ID higher than 7 and all GPB-LO registers to not use
// index higher than 3. Instead of doing the patching here we just set a flag and will do it later,
// to not complicate this loop.
if (reg.isGpbHi()) {
hasGpbHiConstraint = true;
allowedRegs = 0x0Fu;
uint32_t vIndex = Operand::virtIdToIndex(reg.id());
if (vIndex < Operand::kVirtIdCount) {
RAWorkReg* workReg;
ASMJIT_PROPAGATE(_pass->virtIndexAsWorkReg(vIndex, &workReg));
// Use RW instead of Write in case that not the whole register is overwritten. This is important
// for liveness as we cannot kill a register that will be used. For example `mov al, 0xFF` is not
// a write-only operation if user allocated the whole `rax` register.
if ((flags & RATiedFlags::kRW) == RATiedFlags::kWrite) {
if (workReg->regByteMask() & ~(opRwInfo.writeByteMask() | opRwInfo.extendByteMask())) {
// Not write-only operation.
flags = (flags & ~RATiedFlags::kOut) | (RATiedFlags::kRead | RATiedFlags::kUse);
// Do not use RegMem flag if changing Reg to Mem requires a CPU feature that is not available.
if (rwInfo.rmFeature() && Support::test(flags, RATiedFlags::kUseRM | RATiedFlags::kOutRM)) {
if (!cc()->code()->cpuFeatures().has(rwInfo.rmFeature())) {
flags &= ~(RATiedFlags::kUseRM | RATiedFlags::kOutRM);
RegGroup group = workReg->group();
RegMask useRegs = _pass->_availableRegs[group] & allowedRegs;
RegMask outRegs = useRegs;
uint32_t useId = BaseReg::kIdBad;
uint32_t outId = BaseReg::kIdBad;
uint32_t useRewriteMask = 0;
uint32_t outRewriteMask = 0;
if (opRwInfo.consecutiveLeadCount()) {
// There must be a single consecutive register lead, otherwise the RW data is invalid.
if (consecutiveLeadId != Globals::kInvalidId)
return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorInvalidState);
// A consecutive lead register cannot be used as a consecutive +1/+2/+3 register, the registers must be distinct.
if (RATiedReg::consecutiveDataFromFlags(flags) != 0)
return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorNotConsecutiveRegs);
flags |= RATiedFlags::kLeadConsecutive | RATiedReg::consecutiveDataToFlags(opRwInfo.consecutiveLeadCount() - 1);
consecutiveLeadId = workReg->workId();
RegMask filter = raConsecutiveLeadCountToRegMaskFilter[opRwInfo.consecutiveLeadCount()];
if (Support::test(flags, RATiedFlags::kUse)) {
flags |= RATiedFlags::kUseConsecutive;
useRegs &= filter;
else {
flags |= RATiedFlags::kOutConsecutive;
outRegs &= filter;
if (Support::test(flags, RATiedFlags::kUse)) {
useRewriteMask = Support::bitMask(inst->getRewriteIndex(®._baseId));
if (opRwInfo.hasOpFlag(OpRWFlags::kRegPhysId)) {
useId = opRwInfo.physId();
flags |= RATiedFlags::kUseFixed;
else if (opRwInfo.hasOpFlag(OpRWFlags::kConsecutive)) {
if (consecutiveLeadId == Globals::kInvalidId)
return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorInvalidState);
if (consecutiveLeadId == workReg->workId())
return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorOverlappedRegs);
flags |= RATiedFlags::kUseConsecutive | RATiedReg::consecutiveDataToFlags(++consecutiveOffset);
else {
outRewriteMask = Support::bitMask(inst->getRewriteIndex(®._baseId));
if (opRwInfo.hasOpFlag(OpRWFlags::kRegPhysId)) {
outId = opRwInfo.physId();
flags |= RATiedFlags::kOutFixed;
else if (opRwInfo.hasOpFlag(OpRWFlags::kConsecutive)) {
if (consecutiveLeadId == Globals::kInvalidId)
return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorInvalidState);
if (consecutiveLeadId == workReg->workId())
return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorOverlappedRegs);
flags |= RATiedFlags::kOutConsecutive | RATiedReg::consecutiveDataToFlags(++consecutiveOffset);
ASMJIT_PROPAGATE(ib.add(workReg, flags, useRegs, useId, useRewriteMask, outRegs, outId, outRewriteMask, opRwInfo.rmSize(), consecutiveParent));
if (singleRegOps == i)
if (Support::test(flags, RATiedFlags::kLeadConsecutive | RATiedFlags::kUseConsecutive | RATiedFlags::kOutConsecutive))
consecutiveParent = workReg->workId();
else if (op.isMem()) {
// Memory Operand
// --------------
const Mem& mem = op.as<Mem>();
ib.addForbiddenFlags(RATiedFlags::kUseRM | RATiedFlags::kOutRM);
if (mem.isRegHome()) {
RAWorkReg* workReg;
ASMJIT_PROPAGATE(_pass->virtIndexAsWorkReg(Operand::virtIdToIndex(mem.baseId()), &workReg));
else if (mem.hasBaseReg()) {
uint32_t vIndex = Operand::virtIdToIndex(mem.baseId());
if (vIndex < Operand::kVirtIdCount) {
RAWorkReg* workReg;
ASMJIT_PROPAGATE(_pass->virtIndexAsWorkReg(vIndex, &workReg));
RATiedFlags flags = raMemBaseRwFlags(opRwInfo.opFlags());
RegGroup group = workReg->group();
RegMask inOutRegs = _pass->_availableRegs[group];
uint32_t useId = BaseReg::kIdBad;
uint32_t outId = BaseReg::kIdBad;
uint32_t useRewriteMask = 0;
uint32_t outRewriteMask = 0;
if (Support::test(flags, RATiedFlags::kUse)) {
useRewriteMask = Support::bitMask(inst->getRewriteIndex(&mem._baseId));
if (opRwInfo.hasOpFlag(OpRWFlags::kMemPhysId)) {
useId = opRwInfo.physId();
flags |= RATiedFlags::kUseFixed;
else {
outRewriteMask = Support::bitMask(inst->getRewriteIndex(&mem._baseId));
if (opRwInfo.hasOpFlag(OpRWFlags::kMemPhysId)) {
outId = opRwInfo.physId();
flags |= RATiedFlags::kOutFixed;
ASMJIT_PROPAGATE(ib.add(workReg, flags, inOutRegs, useId, useRewriteMask, inOutRegs, outId, outRewriteMask));
if (mem.hasIndexReg()) {
uint32_t vIndex = Operand::virtIdToIndex(mem.indexId());
if (vIndex < Operand::kVirtIdCount) {
RAWorkReg* workReg;
ASMJIT_PROPAGATE(_pass->virtIndexAsWorkReg(vIndex, &workReg));
RATiedFlags flags = raMemIndexRwFlags(opRwInfo.opFlags());
RegGroup group = workReg->group();
RegMask inOutRegs = _pass->_availableRegs[group] & instructionAllowedRegs;
// Index registers have never fixed id on X86/x64.
const uint32_t useId = BaseReg::kIdBad;
const uint32_t outId = BaseReg::kIdBad;
uint32_t useRewriteMask = 0;
uint32_t outRewriteMask = 0;
if (Support::test(flags, RATiedFlags::kUse))
useRewriteMask = Support::bitMask(inst->getRewriteIndex(&mem._data[Operand::kDataMemIndexId]));
outRewriteMask = Support::bitMask(inst->getRewriteIndex(&mem._data[Operand::kDataMemIndexId]));
ASMJIT_PROPAGATE(ib.add(workReg, RATiedFlags::kUse | RATiedFlags::kRead, inOutRegs, useId, useRewriteMask, inOutRegs, outId, outRewriteMask));
// Handle extra operand (either REP {cx|ecx|rcx} or AVX-512 {k} selector).
if (inst->hasExtraReg()) {
uint32_t vIndex = Operand::virtIdToIndex(inst->extraReg().id());
if (vIndex < Operand::kVirtIdCount) {
RAWorkReg* workReg;
ASMJIT_PROPAGATE(_pass->virtIndexAsWorkReg(vIndex, &workReg));
RegGroup group = workReg->group();
RegMask inOutRegs = _pass->_availableRegs[group];
uint32_t rewriteMask = Support::bitMask(inst->getRewriteIndex(&inst->extraReg()._id));
if (group == RegGroup::kX86_K) {
// AVX-512 mask selector {k} register - read-only, allocable to any register except {k0}.
ASMJIT_PROPAGATE(ib.add(workReg, RATiedFlags::kUse | RATiedFlags::kRead, inOutRegs, BaseReg::kIdBad, rewriteMask, inOutRegs, BaseReg::kIdBad, 0));
singleRegOps = 0;
else {
// REP {cx|ecx|rcx} register - read & write, allocable to {cx|ecx|rcx} only.
ASMJIT_PROPAGATE(ib.add(workReg, RATiedFlags::kUse | RATiedFlags::kRW, inOutRegs, Gp::kIdCx, rewriteMask, inOutRegs, Gp::kIdBad, 0));
else {
RegGroup group = inst->extraReg().group();
if (group == RegGroup::kX86_K && inst->extraReg().id() != 0)
singleRegOps = 0;
// If this instruction has move semantics then check whether it could be eliminated if all virtual registers
// are allocated into the same register. Take into account the virtual size of the destination register as that's
// more important than a physical register size in this case.
if (rwInfo.hasInstFlag(InstRWFlags::kMovOp) && !inst->hasExtraReg() && Support::bitTest(opTypesMask, uint32_t(OperandType::kReg))) {
// AVX+ move instructions have 3 operand form - the first two operands must be the same to guarantee move semantics.
if (opCount == 2 || (opCount == 3 && opArray[0] == opArray[1])) {
uint32_t vIndex = Operand::virtIdToIndex(opArray[0].as<Reg>().id());
if (vIndex < Operand::kVirtIdCount) {
const VirtReg* vReg = _cc->virtRegByIndex(vIndex);
const OpRWInfo& opRwInfo = rwInfo.operand(0);
uint64_t remainingByteMask = vReg->workReg()->regByteMask() & ~opRwInfo.writeByteMask();
if (remainingByteMask == 0u || (remainingByteMask & opRwInfo.extendByteMask()) == 0)
// Handle X86 constraints.
if (hasGpbHiConstraint) {
for (RATiedReg& tiedReg : ib) {
RegMask filter = tiedReg.hasFlag(RATiedFlags::kX86_Gpb) ? 0x0Fu : 0xFFu;
tiedReg._useRegMask &= filter;
tiedReg._outRegMask &= filter;
if (ib.tiedRegCount() == 1) {
// Handle special cases of some instructions where all operands share the same
// register. In such case the single operand becomes read-only or write-only.
InstSameRegHint sameRegHint = InstSameRegHint::kNone;
if (singleRegOps == opCount) {
sameRegHint = instInfo.sameRegHint();
else if (opCount == 2 && inst->op(1).isImm()) {
// Handle some tricks used by X86 asm.
const BaseReg& reg = inst->op(0).as<BaseReg>();
const Imm& imm = inst->op(1).as<Imm>();
const RAWorkReg* workReg = _pass->workRegById(ib[0]->workId());
uint32_t workRegSize = workReg->signature().size();
switch (inst->id()) {
case Inst::kIdOr: {
// Sets the value of the destination register to -1, previous content unused.
if (reg.size() >= 4 || reg.size() >= workRegSize) {
if (imm.value() == -1 || imm.valueAs<uint64_t>() == raImmMaskFromSize(reg.size()))
sameRegHint = InstSameRegHint::kWO;
case Inst::kIdAdd:
case Inst::kIdAnd:
case Inst::kIdRol:
case Inst::kIdRor:
case Inst::kIdSar:
case Inst::kIdShl:
case Inst::kIdShr:
case Inst::kIdSub:
case Inst::kIdXor: {
// Updates [E|R]FLAGS without changing the content.
if (reg.size() != 4 || reg.size() >= workRegSize) {
if (imm.value() == 0)
sameRegHint = InstSameRegHint::kRO;
switch (sameRegHint) {
case InstSameRegHint::kNone:
case InstSameRegHint::kRO:
case InstSameRegHint::kWO:
cf = instInfo.controlFlow();
return kErrorOk;
// x86::RACFGBuilder - OnInvoke
// ============================
Error RACFGBuilder::onBeforeInvoke(InvokeNode* invokeNode) noexcept {
const FuncDetail& fd = invokeNode->detail();
uint32_t argCount = invokeNode->argCount();
RegType nativeRegType = cc()->_gpSignature.regType();
for (uint32_t argIndex = 0; argIndex < argCount; argIndex++) {
const FuncValuePack& argPack = fd.argPack(argIndex);
for (uint32_t valueIndex = 0; valueIndex < Globals::kMaxValuePack; valueIndex++) {
if (!argPack[valueIndex])
const FuncValue& arg = argPack[valueIndex];
const Operand& op = invokeNode->arg(argIndex, valueIndex);
if (op.isNone())
if (op.isReg()) {
const Reg& reg = op.as<Reg>();
RAWorkReg* workReg;
ASMJIT_PROPAGATE(_pass->virtIndexAsWorkReg(Operand::virtIdToIndex(reg.id()), &workReg));
if (arg.isReg()) {
RegGroup regGroup = workReg->group();
RegGroup argGroup = Reg::groupOf(arg.regType());
if (arg.isIndirect()) {
if (reg.isGp()) {
if (reg.type() != nativeRegType)
return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorInvalidAssignment);
// It's considered allocated if this is an indirect argument and the user used GP.
BaseReg indirectReg;
moveVecToPtr(invokeNode, arg, reg.as<Vec>(), &indirectReg);
invokeNode->_args[argIndex][valueIndex] = indirectReg;
else {
if (regGroup != argGroup) {
// TODO: Conversion is not supported.
return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorInvalidAssignment);
else {
if (arg.isIndirect()) {
if (reg.isGp()) {
if (reg.type() != nativeRegType)
return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorInvalidAssignment);
ASMJIT_PROPAGATE(moveRegToStackArg(invokeNode, arg, reg));
BaseReg indirectReg;
moveVecToPtr(invokeNode, arg, reg.as<Vec>(), &indirectReg);
ASMJIT_PROPAGATE(moveRegToStackArg(invokeNode, arg, indirectReg));
else {
ASMJIT_PROPAGATE(moveRegToStackArg(invokeNode, arg, reg));
else if (op.isImm()) {
if (arg.isReg()) {
BaseReg reg;
ASMJIT_PROPAGATE(moveImmToRegArg(invokeNode, arg, op.as<Imm>(), ®));
invokeNode->_args[argIndex][valueIndex] = reg;
else {
ASMJIT_PROPAGATE(moveImmToStackArg(invokeNode, arg, op.as<Imm>()));
if (fd.hasFlag(CallConvFlags::kCalleePopsStack) && fd.argStackSize() != 0)
ASMJIT_PROPAGATE(cc()->sub(cc()->zsp(), fd.argStackSize()));
if (fd.hasRet()) {
for (uint32_t valueIndex = 0; valueIndex < Globals::kMaxValuePack; valueIndex++) {
const FuncValue& ret = fd.ret(valueIndex);
if (!ret)
const Operand& op = invokeNode->ret(valueIndex);
if (op.isReg()) {
const Reg& reg = op.as<Reg>();
RAWorkReg* workReg;
ASMJIT_PROPAGATE(_pass->virtIndexAsWorkReg(Operand::virtIdToIndex(reg.id()), &workReg));
if (ret.isReg()) {
if (ret.regType() == RegType::kX86_St) {
if (workReg->group() != RegGroup::kVec)
return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorInvalidAssignment);
Reg dst(workReg->signature(), workReg->virtId());
Mem mem;
TypeId typeId = TypeUtils::scalarOf(workReg->typeId());
if (ret.hasTypeId())
typeId = ret.typeId();
switch (typeId) {
case TypeId::kFloat32:
ASMJIT_PROPAGATE(_pass->useTemporaryMem(mem, 4, 4));
ASMJIT_PROPAGATE(cc()->emit(choose(Inst::kIdMovss, Inst::kIdVmovss), dst.as<Xmm>(), mem));
case TypeId::kFloat64:
ASMJIT_PROPAGATE(_pass->useTemporaryMem(mem, 8, 4));
ASMJIT_PROPAGATE(cc()->emit(choose(Inst::kIdMovsd, Inst::kIdVmovsd), dst.as<Xmm>(), mem));
return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorInvalidAssignment);
else {
RegGroup regGroup = workReg->group();
RegGroup retGroup = Reg::groupOf(ret.regType());
if (regGroup != retGroup) {
// TODO: Conversion is not supported.
return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorInvalidAssignment);
// This block has function call(s).
return kErrorOk;
Error RACFGBuilder::onInvoke(InvokeNode* invokeNode, RAInstBuilder& ib) noexcept {
uint32_t argCount = invokeNode->argCount();
const FuncDetail& fd = invokeNode->detail();
for (uint32_t argIndex = 0; argIndex < argCount; argIndex++) {
const FuncValuePack& argPack = fd.argPack(argIndex);
for (uint32_t valueIndex = 0; valueIndex < Globals::kMaxValuePack; valueIndex++) {
if (!argPack[valueIndex])
const FuncValue& arg = argPack[valueIndex];
const Operand& op = invokeNode->arg(argIndex, valueIndex);
if (op.isNone())
if (op.isReg()) {
const Reg& reg = op.as<Reg>();
RAWorkReg* workReg;
ASMJIT_PROPAGATE(_pass->virtIndexAsWorkReg(Operand::virtIdToIndex(reg.id()), &workReg));
if (arg.isIndirect()) {
RegGroup regGroup = workReg->group();
if (regGroup != RegGroup::kGp)
return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorInvalidState);
ASMJIT_PROPAGATE(ib.addCallArg(workReg, arg.regId()));
else if (arg.isReg()) {
RegGroup regGroup = workReg->group();
RegGroup argGroup = Reg::groupOf(arg.regType());
if (regGroup == argGroup) {
ASMJIT_PROPAGATE(ib.addCallArg(workReg, arg.regId()));
for (uint32_t retIndex = 0; retIndex < Globals::kMaxValuePack; retIndex++) {
const FuncValue& ret = fd.ret(retIndex);
if (!ret)
// Not handled here...
const Operand& op = invokeNode->ret(retIndex);
if (ret.regType() == RegType::kX86_St)
if (op.isReg()) {
const Reg& reg = op.as<Reg>();
RAWorkReg* workReg;
ASMJIT_PROPAGATE(_pass->virtIndexAsWorkReg(Operand::virtIdToIndex(reg.id()), &workReg));
if (ret.isReg()) {
RegGroup regGroup = workReg->group();
RegGroup retGroup = Reg::groupOf(ret.regType());
if (regGroup == retGroup) {
ASMJIT_PROPAGATE(ib.addCallRet(workReg, ret.regId()));
else {
return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorInvalidAssignment);
// Setup clobbered registers.
for (RegGroup group : RegGroupVirtValues{})
ib._clobbered[group] = Support::lsbMask<RegMask>(_pass->_physRegCount[group]) & ~fd.preservedRegs(group);
return kErrorOk;
// x86::RACFGBuilder - MoveVecToPtr
// ================================
static inline OperandSignature x86VecRegSignatureBySize(uint32_t size) noexcept {
return OperandSignature{size >= 64 ? uint32_t(Zmm::kSignature) :
size >= 32 ? uint32_t(Ymm::kSignature) : uint32_t(Xmm::kSignature)};
Error RACFGBuilder::moveVecToPtr(InvokeNode* invokeNode, const FuncValue& arg, const Vec& src, BaseReg* out) noexcept {
uint32_t argSize = TypeUtils::sizeOf(arg.typeId());
if (argSize == 0)
return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorInvalidState);
if (argSize < 16)
argSize = 16;
uint32_t argStackOffset = Support::alignUp(invokeNode->detail()._argStackSize, argSize);
invokeNode->detail()._argStackSize = argStackOffset + argSize;
Vec vecReg(x86VecRegSignatureBySize(argSize), src.id());
Mem vecPtr = ptr(_pass->_sp.as<Gp>(), int32_t(argStackOffset));
uint32_t vMovInstId = choose(Inst::kIdMovaps, Inst::kIdVmovaps);
if (argSize > 16)
vMovInstId = Inst::kIdVmovaps;
ASMJIT_PROPAGATE(cc()->_newReg(out, ArchTraits::byArch(cc()->arch()).regTypeToTypeId(cc()->_gpSignature.regType()), nullptr));
VirtReg* vReg = cc()->virtRegById(out->id());
ASMJIT_PROPAGATE(cc()->lea(out->as<Gp>(), vecPtr));
ASMJIT_PROPAGATE(cc()->emit(vMovInstId, ptr(out->as<Gp>()), vecReg));
if (arg.isStack()) {
Mem stackPtr = ptr(_pass->_sp.as<Gp>(), arg.stackOffset());
ASMJIT_PROPAGATE(cc()->mov(stackPtr, out->as<Gp>()));
return kErrorOk;
// x86::RACFGBuilder - MoveImmToRegArg
// ===================================
Error RACFGBuilder::moveImmToRegArg(InvokeNode* invokeNode, const FuncValue& arg, const Imm& imm_, BaseReg* out) noexcept {
Imm imm(imm_);
TypeId rTypeId = TypeId::kUInt32;
switch (arg.typeId()) {
case TypeId::kInt8: imm.signExtend8Bits(); goto MovU32;
case TypeId::kUInt8: imm.zeroExtend8Bits(); goto MovU32;
case TypeId::kInt16: imm.signExtend16Bits(); goto MovU32;
case TypeId::kUInt16: imm.zeroExtend16Bits(); goto MovU32;
case TypeId::kInt32:
case TypeId::kUInt32:
case TypeId::kInt64:
case TypeId::kUInt64:
// Moving to GPD automatically zero extends in 64-bit mode.
if (imm.isUInt32()) {
rTypeId = TypeId::kUInt64;
return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorInvalidAssignment);
ASMJIT_PROPAGATE(cc()->_newReg(out, rTypeId, nullptr));
return cc()->mov(out->as<x86::Gp>(), imm);
// x86::RACFGBuilder - MoveImmToStackArg
// =====================================
Error RACFGBuilder::moveImmToStackArg(InvokeNode* invokeNode, const FuncValue& arg, const Imm& imm_) noexcept {
Mem stackPtr = ptr(_pass->_sp.as<Gp>(), arg.stackOffset());
Imm imm[2];
imm[0] = imm_;
uint32_t nMovs = 0;
// One stack entry has the same size as the native register size. That means that if we want to move a 32-bit
// integer on the stack in 64-bit mode, we need to extend it to a 64-bit integer first. In 32-bit mode, pushing
// a 64-bit on stack is done in two steps by pushing low and high parts separately.
switch (arg.typeId()) {
case TypeId::kInt8: imm[0].signExtend8Bits(); goto MovU32;
case TypeId::kUInt8: imm[0].zeroExtend8Bits(); goto MovU32;
case TypeId::kInt16: imm[0].signExtend16Bits(); goto MovU32;
case TypeId::kUInt16: imm[0].zeroExtend16Bits(); goto MovU32;
case TypeId::kInt32:
case TypeId::kUInt32:
case TypeId::kFloat32:
nMovs = 1;
case TypeId::kInt64:
case TypeId::kUInt64:
case TypeId::kFloat64:
case TypeId::kMmx32:
case TypeId::kMmx64:
if (_is64Bit && imm[0].isInt32()) {
nMovs = 1;
nMovs = 2;
return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorInvalidAssignment);
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < nMovs; i++) {
ASMJIT_PROPAGATE(cc()->mov(stackPtr, imm[i]));
return kErrorOk;
// x86::RACFGBuilder - MoveRegToStackArg
// =====================================
Error RACFGBuilder::moveRegToStackArg(InvokeNode* invokeNode, const FuncValue& arg, const BaseReg& reg) noexcept {
Mem stackPtr = ptr(_pass->_sp.as<Gp>(), arg.stackOffset());
Reg r0, r1;
VirtReg* vr = cc()->virtRegById(reg.id());
uint32_t registerSize = cc()->registerSize();
InstId instId = 0;
TypeId dstTypeId = arg.typeId();
TypeId srcTypeId = vr->typeId();
switch (dstTypeId) {
case TypeId::kInt64:
case TypeId::kUInt64:
// Extend BYTE->QWORD (GP).
if (TypeUtils::isGp8(srcTypeId)) {
instId = (dstTypeId == TypeId::kInt64 && srcTypeId == TypeId::kInt8) ? Inst::kIdMovsx : Inst::kIdMovzx;
goto ExtendMovGpXQ;
// Extend WORD->QWORD (GP).
if (TypeUtils::isGp16(srcTypeId)) {
instId = (dstTypeId == TypeId::kInt64 && srcTypeId == TypeId::kInt16) ? Inst::kIdMovsx : Inst::kIdMovzx;
goto ExtendMovGpXQ;
// Extend DWORD->QWORD (GP).
if (TypeUtils::isGp32(srcTypeId)) {
instId = Inst::kIdMovsxd;
if (dstTypeId == TypeId::kInt64 && srcTypeId == TypeId::kInt32)
goto ExtendMovGpXQ;
goto ZeroExtendGpDQ;
// Move QWORD (GP).
if (TypeUtils::isGp64(srcTypeId)) goto MovGpQ;
if (TypeUtils::isMmx(srcTypeId)) goto MovMmQ;
if (TypeUtils::isVec(srcTypeId)) goto MovXmmQ;
case TypeId::kInt32:
case TypeId::kUInt32:
case TypeId::kInt16:
case TypeId::kUInt16:
// DWORD <- WORD (Zero|Sign Extend).
if (TypeUtils::isGp16(srcTypeId)) {
bool isDstSigned = dstTypeId == TypeId::kInt16 || dstTypeId == TypeId::kInt32;
bool isSrcSigned = srcTypeId == TypeId::kInt8 || srcTypeId == TypeId::kInt16;
instId = isDstSigned && isSrcSigned ? Inst::kIdMovsx : Inst::kIdMovzx;
goto ExtendMovGpD;
// DWORD <- BYTE (Zero|Sign Extend).
if (TypeUtils::isGp8(srcTypeId)) {
bool isDstSigned = dstTypeId == TypeId::kInt16 || dstTypeId == TypeId::kInt32;
bool isSrcSigned = srcTypeId == TypeId::kInt8 || srcTypeId == TypeId::kInt16;
instId = isDstSigned && isSrcSigned ? Inst::kIdMovsx : Inst::kIdMovzx;
goto ExtendMovGpD;
case TypeId::kInt8:
case TypeId::kUInt8:
if (TypeUtils::isInt(srcTypeId)) goto MovGpD;
if (TypeUtils::isMmx(srcTypeId)) goto MovMmD;
if (TypeUtils::isVec(srcTypeId)) goto MovXmmD;
case TypeId::kMmx32:
case TypeId::kMmx64:
// Extend BYTE->QWORD (GP).
if (TypeUtils::isGp8(srcTypeId)) {
instId = Inst::kIdMovzx;
goto ExtendMovGpXQ;
// Extend WORD->QWORD (GP).
if (TypeUtils::isGp16(srcTypeId)) {
instId = Inst::kIdMovzx;
goto ExtendMovGpXQ;
if (TypeUtils::isGp32(srcTypeId)) goto ExtendMovGpDQ;
if (TypeUtils::isGp64(srcTypeId)) goto MovGpQ;
if (TypeUtils::isMmx(srcTypeId)) goto MovMmQ;
if (TypeUtils::isVec(srcTypeId)) goto MovXmmQ;
case TypeId::kFloat32:
case TypeId::kFloat32x1:
if (TypeUtils::isVec(srcTypeId)) goto MovXmmD;
case TypeId::kFloat64:
case TypeId::kFloat64x1:
if (TypeUtils::isVec(srcTypeId)) goto MovXmmQ;
if (TypeUtils::isVec(dstTypeId) && reg.as<Reg>().isVec()) {
uint32_t vMovInstId = choose(Inst::kIdMovaps, Inst::kIdVmovaps);
if (TypeUtils::isVec128(dstTypeId))
else if (TypeUtils::isVec256(dstTypeId))
else if (TypeUtils::isVec512(dstTypeId))
return cc()->emit(vMovInstId, stackPtr, r0);
return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorInvalidAssignment);
// Extend+Move Gp.
ASMJIT_PROPAGATE(cc()->emit(instId, r0, r1));
ASMJIT_PROPAGATE(cc()->emit(Inst::kIdMov, stackPtr, r0));
return kErrorOk;
if (registerSize == 8) {
ASMJIT_PROPAGATE(cc()->emit(instId, r0, r1));
ASMJIT_PROPAGATE(cc()->emit(Inst::kIdMov, stackPtr, r0));
else {
ASMJIT_PROPAGATE(cc()->emit(instId, r0, r1));
ASMJIT_PROPAGATE(cc()->emit(Inst::kIdMov, stackPtr, r0));
ASMJIT_PROPAGATE(cc()->emit(Inst::kIdAnd, stackPtr, 0));
return kErrorOk;
goto ExtendMovGpDQ;
return cc()->emit(Inst::kIdMov, stackPtr, r0);
return cc()->emit(Inst::kIdMov, stackPtr, r0);
return cc()->emit(choose(Inst::kIdMovd, Inst::kIdVmovd), stackPtr, r0);
return cc()->emit(choose(Inst::kIdMovq, Inst::kIdVmovq), stackPtr, r0);
return cc()->emit(choose(Inst::kIdMovss, Inst::kIdVmovss), stackPtr, r0);
return cc()->emit(choose(Inst::kIdMovlps, Inst::kIdVmovlps), stackPtr, r0);
// x86::RACFGBuilder - OnReg
// =========================
Error RACFGBuilder::onBeforeRet(FuncRetNode* funcRet) noexcept {
const FuncDetail& funcDetail = _pass->func()->detail();
const Operand* opArray = funcRet->operands();
uint32_t opCount = funcRet->opCount();
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < opCount; i++) {
const Operand& op = opArray[i];
const FuncValue& ret = funcDetail.ret(i);
if (!op.isReg())
if (ret.regType() == RegType::kX86_St) {
const Reg& reg = op.as<Reg>();
uint32_t vIndex = Operand::virtIdToIndex(reg.id());
if (vIndex < Operand::kVirtIdCount) {
RAWorkReg* workReg;
ASMJIT_PROPAGATE(_pass->virtIndexAsWorkReg(vIndex, &workReg));
if (workReg->group() != RegGroup::kVec)
return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorInvalidAssignment);
Reg src(workReg->signature(), workReg->virtId());
Mem mem;
TypeId typeId = TypeUtils::scalarOf(workReg->typeId());
if (ret.hasTypeId())
typeId = ret.typeId();
switch (typeId) {
case TypeId::kFloat32:
ASMJIT_PROPAGATE(_pass->useTemporaryMem(mem, 4, 4));
ASMJIT_PROPAGATE(cc()->emit(choose(Inst::kIdMovss, Inst::kIdVmovss), mem, src.as<Xmm>()));
case TypeId::kFloat64:
ASMJIT_PROPAGATE(_pass->useTemporaryMem(mem, 8, 4));
ASMJIT_PROPAGATE(cc()->emit(choose(Inst::kIdMovsd, Inst::kIdVmovsd), mem, src.as<Xmm>()));
return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorInvalidAssignment);
return kErrorOk;
Error RACFGBuilder::onRet(FuncRetNode* funcRet, RAInstBuilder& ib) noexcept {
const FuncDetail& funcDetail = _pass->func()->detail();
const Operand* opArray = funcRet->operands();
uint32_t opCount = funcRet->opCount();
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < opCount; i++) {
const Operand& op = opArray[i];
if (op.isNone()) continue;
const FuncValue& ret = funcDetail.ret(i);
if (ASMJIT_UNLIKELY(!ret.isReg()))
return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorInvalidAssignment);
// Not handled here...
if (ret.regType() == RegType::kX86_St)
if (op.isReg()) {
// Register return value.
const Reg& reg = op.as<Reg>();
uint32_t vIndex = Operand::virtIdToIndex(reg.id());
if (vIndex < Operand::kVirtIdCount) {
RAWorkReg* workReg;
ASMJIT_PROPAGATE(_pass->virtIndexAsWorkReg(vIndex, &workReg));
RegGroup group = workReg->group();
RegMask inOutRegs = _pass->_availableRegs[group];
ASMJIT_PROPAGATE(ib.add(workReg, RATiedFlags::kUse | RATiedFlags::kRead, inOutRegs, ret.regId(), 0, inOutRegs, BaseReg::kIdBad, 0));
else {
return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorInvalidAssignment);
return kErrorOk;
// x86::X86RAPass - Construction & Destruction
// ===========================================
X86RAPass::X86RAPass() noexcept
: BaseRAPass() { _iEmitHelper = &_emitHelper; }
X86RAPass::~X86RAPass() noexcept {}
// x86::X86RAPass - OnInit & OnDone
// ================================
void X86RAPass::onInit() noexcept {
Arch arch = cc()->arch();
uint32_t baseRegCount = Environment::is32Bit(arch) ? 8u : 16u;
uint32_t simdRegCount = baseRegCount;
if (Environment::is64Bit(arch) && _func->frame().isAvx512Enabled())
simdRegCount = 32u;
bool avxEnabled = _func->frame().isAvxEnabled();
bool avx512Enabled = _func->frame().isAvx512Enabled();
_emitHelper._emitter = _cb;
_emitHelper._avxEnabled = avxEnabled || avx512Enabled;
_emitHelper._avx512Enabled = avx512Enabled;
_archTraits = &ArchTraits::byArch(arch);
_physRegCount.set(RegGroup::kGp, baseRegCount);
_physRegCount.set(RegGroup::kVec, simdRegCount);
_physRegCount.set(RegGroup::kX86_K, 8);
_physRegCount.set(RegGroup::kX86_MM, 8);
_availableRegCount = _physRegCount;
_availableRegs[RegGroup::kGp] = Support::lsbMask<RegMask>(_physRegCount.get(RegGroup::kGp));
_availableRegs[RegGroup::kVec] = Support::lsbMask<RegMask>(_physRegCount.get(RegGroup::kVec));
_availableRegs[RegGroup::kX86_K] = Support::lsbMask<RegMask>(_physRegCount.get(RegGroup::kX86_K)) ^ 1u;
_availableRegs[RegGroup::kX86_MM] = Support::lsbMask<RegMask>(_physRegCount.get(RegGroup::kX86_MM));
_scratchRegIndexes[0] = uint8_t(Gp::kIdCx);
_scratchRegIndexes[1] = uint8_t(baseRegCount - 1);
// The architecture specific setup makes implicitly all registers available. So
// make unavailable all registers that are special and cannot be used in general.
bool hasFP = _func->frame().hasPreservedFP();
makeUnavailable(RegGroup::kGp, Gp::kIdSp); // ESP|RSP used as a stack-pointer (SP).
if (hasFP) makeUnavailable(RegGroup::kGp, Gp::kIdBp); // EBP|RBP used as a frame-pointer (FP).
_sp = cc()->zsp();
_fp = cc()->zbp();
void X86RAPass::onDone() noexcept {}
// x86::X86RAPass - BuildCFG
// =========================
Error X86RAPass::buildCFG() noexcept {
return RACFGBuilder(this).run();
// x86::X86RAPass - Rewrite
// ========================
static InstId transformVexToEvex(InstId instId) {
switch (instId) {
case Inst::kIdVbroadcastf128: return Inst::kIdVbroadcastf32x4;
case Inst::kIdVbroadcasti128: return Inst::kIdVbroadcasti32x4;
case Inst::kIdVextractf128: return Inst::kIdVextractf32x4;
case Inst::kIdVextracti128: return Inst::kIdVextracti32x4;
case Inst::kIdVinsertf128: return Inst::kIdVinsertf32x4;
case Inst::kIdVinserti128: return Inst::kIdVinserti32x4;
case Inst::kIdVmovdqa: return Inst::kIdVmovdqa32;
case Inst::kIdVmovdqu: return Inst::kIdVmovdqu32;
case Inst::kIdVpand: return Inst::kIdVpandd;
case Inst::kIdVpandn: return Inst::kIdVpandnd;
case Inst::kIdVpor: return Inst::kIdVpord;
case Inst::kIdVpxor: return Inst::kIdVpxord;
case Inst::kIdVroundpd: return Inst::kIdVrndscalepd;
case Inst::kIdVroundps: return Inst::kIdVrndscaleps;
case Inst::kIdVroundsd: return Inst::kIdVrndscalesd;
case Inst::kIdVroundss: return Inst::kIdVrndscaless;
// This should never happen as only transformable instructions should go this path.
return 0;
ASMJIT_FAVOR_SPEED Error X86RAPass::_rewrite(BaseNode* first, BaseNode* stop) noexcept {
uint32_t virtCount = cc()->_vRegArray.size();
BaseNode* node = first;
while (node != stop) {
BaseNode* next = node->next();
if (node->isInst()) {
InstNode* inst = node->as<InstNode>();
RAInst* raInst = node->passData<RAInst>();
Operand* operands = inst->operands();
uint32_t opCount = inst->opCount();
uint32_t maxRegId = 0;
uint32_t i;
// Rewrite virtual registers into physical registers.
if (raInst) {
// This data is allocated by Zone passed to `runOnFunction()`, which will be reset after the RA pass finishes.
// So reset this data to prevent having a dead pointer after the RA pass is complete.
// If the instruction contains pass data (raInst) then it was a subject for register allocation and must be
// rewritten to use physical regs.
RATiedReg* tiedRegs = raInst->tiedRegs();
uint32_t tiedCount = raInst->tiedCount();
for (i = 0; i < tiedCount; i++) {
RATiedReg* tiedReg = &tiedRegs[i];
Support::BitWordIterator<uint32_t> useIt(tiedReg->useRewriteMask());
uint32_t useId = tiedReg->useId();
while (useIt.hasNext()) {
maxRegId = Support::max(maxRegId, useId);
inst->rewriteIdAtIndex(useIt.next(), useId);
Support::BitWordIterator<uint32_t> outIt(tiedReg->outRewriteMask());
uint32_t outId = tiedReg->outId();
while (outIt.hasNext()) {
maxRegId = Support::max(maxRegId, outId);
inst->rewriteIdAtIndex(outIt.next(), outId);
// Transform VEX instruction to EVEX when necessary.
if (raInst->isTransformable()) {
if (maxRegId > 15) {
// Remove moves that do not do anything.
// Usually these moves are inserted during code generation and originally they used different registers. If RA
// allocated these into the same register such redundant mov would appear.
if (raInst->hasInstRWFlag(InstRWFlags::kMovOp) && !inst->hasExtraReg()) {
if (inst->opCount() == 2) {
if (inst->op(0) == inst->op(1)) {
goto Next;
if (ASMJIT_UNLIKELY(node->type() != NodeType::kInst)) {
// FuncRet terminates the flow, it must either be removed if the exit label is next to it (optimization) or
// patched to an architecture dependent jump instruction that jumps to the function's exit before the epilog.
if (node->type() == NodeType::kFuncRet) {
RABlock* block = raInst->block();
if (!isNextTo(node, _func->exitNode())) {
BaseNode* prev = node->prev();
// Rewrite stack slot addresses.
for (i = 0; i < opCount; i++) {
Operand& op = operands[i];
if (op.isMem()) {
BaseMem& mem = op.as<BaseMem>();
if (mem.isRegHome()) {
uint32_t virtIndex = Operand::virtIdToIndex(mem.baseId());
if (ASMJIT_UNLIKELY(virtIndex >= virtCount))
return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorInvalidVirtId);
VirtReg* virtReg = cc()->virtRegByIndex(virtIndex);
RAWorkReg* workReg = virtReg->workReg();
ASMJIT_ASSERT(workReg != nullptr);
RAStackSlot* slot = workReg->stackSlot();
int32_t offset = slot->offset();
mem._setBase(_sp.type(), slot->baseRegId());
node = next;
return kErrorOk;
// x86::X86RAPass - OnEmit
// =======================
Error X86RAPass::emitMove(uint32_t workId, uint32_t dstPhysId, uint32_t srcPhysId) noexcept {
RAWorkReg* wReg = workRegById(workId);
BaseReg dst(wReg->signature(), dstPhysId);
BaseReg src(wReg->signature(), srcPhysId);
const char* comment = nullptr;
if (hasDiagnosticOption(DiagnosticOptions::kRAAnnotate)) {
_tmpString.assignFormat("<MOVE> %s", workRegById(workId)->name());
comment = _tmpString.data();
return _emitHelper.emitRegMove(dst, src, wReg->typeId(), comment);
Error X86RAPass::emitSwap(uint32_t aWorkId, uint32_t aPhysId, uint32_t bWorkId, uint32_t bPhysId) noexcept {
RAWorkReg* waReg = workRegById(aWorkId);
RAWorkReg* wbReg = workRegById(bWorkId);
bool is64Bit = Support::max(waReg->typeId(), wbReg->typeId()) >= TypeId::kInt64;
OperandSignature sign = is64Bit ? OperandSignature{RegTraits<RegType::kX86_Gpq>::kSignature}
: OperandSignature{RegTraits<RegType::kX86_Gpd>::kSignature};
if (hasDiagnosticOption(DiagnosticOptions::kRAAnnotate)) {
_tmpString.assignFormat("<SWAP> %s, %s", waReg->name(), wbReg->name());
return cc()->emit(Inst::kIdXchg, Reg(sign, aPhysId), Reg(sign, bPhysId));
Error X86RAPass::emitLoad(uint32_t workId, uint32_t dstPhysId) noexcept {
RAWorkReg* wReg = workRegById(workId);
BaseReg dstReg(wReg->signature(), dstPhysId);
BaseMem srcMem(workRegAsMem(wReg));
const char* comment = nullptr;
if (hasDiagnosticOption(DiagnosticOptions::kRAAnnotate)) {
_tmpString.assignFormat("<LOAD> %s", workRegById(workId)->name());
comment = _tmpString.data();
return _emitHelper.emitRegMove(dstReg, srcMem, wReg->typeId(), comment);
Error X86RAPass::emitSave(uint32_t workId, uint32_t srcPhysId) noexcept {
RAWorkReg* wReg = workRegById(workId);
BaseMem dstMem(workRegAsMem(wReg));
BaseReg srcReg(wReg->signature(), srcPhysId);
const char* comment = nullptr;
if (hasDiagnosticOption(DiagnosticOptions::kRAAnnotate)) {
_tmpString.assignFormat("<SAVE> %s", workRegById(workId)->name());
comment = _tmpString.data();
return _emitHelper.emitRegMove(dstMem, srcReg, wReg->typeId(), comment);
Error X86RAPass::emitJump(const Label& label) noexcept {
return cc()->jmp(label);
Error X86RAPass::emitPreCall(InvokeNode* invokeNode) noexcept {
if (invokeNode->detail().hasVarArgs() && cc()->is64Bit()) {
const FuncDetail& fd = invokeNode->detail();
uint32_t argCount = invokeNode->argCount();
switch (invokeNode->detail().callConv().id()) {
case CallConvId::kX64SystemV: {
// AL register contains the number of arguments passed in XMM register(s).
uint32_t n = 0;
for (uint32_t argIndex = 0; argIndex < argCount; argIndex++) {
const FuncValuePack& argPack = fd.argPack(argIndex);
for (uint32_t valueIndex = 0; valueIndex < Globals::kMaxValuePack; valueIndex++) {
const FuncValue& arg = argPack[valueIndex];
if (!arg)
if (arg.isReg() && Reg::groupOf(arg.regType()) == RegGroup::kVec)
if (!n)
ASMJIT_PROPAGATE(cc()->xor_(eax, eax));
ASMJIT_PROPAGATE(cc()->mov(eax, n));
case CallConvId::kX64Windows: {
// Each double-precision argument passed in XMM must be also passed in GP.
for (uint32_t argIndex = 0; argIndex < argCount; argIndex++) {
const FuncValuePack& argPack = fd.argPack(argIndex);
for (uint32_t valueIndex = 0; valueIndex < Globals::kMaxValuePack; valueIndex++) {
const FuncValue& arg = argPack[valueIndex];
if (!arg)
if (arg.isReg() && Reg::groupOf(arg.regType()) == RegGroup::kVec) {
Gp dst = gpq(fd.callConv().passedOrder(RegGroup::kGp)[argIndex]);
Xmm src = xmm(arg.regId());
ASMJIT_PROPAGATE(cc()->emit(choose(Inst::kIdMovq, Inst::kIdVmovq), dst, src));
return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorInvalidState);
return kErrorOk;