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2023-11-26 08:54:06 -05:00

1167 lines
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// This file is part of AsmJit project <>
// See asmjit.h or for license and copyright information
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Zlib
#include "../core/api-build_p.h"
#include "../core/ralocal_p.h"
#include "../core/support.h"
// RALocalAllocator - Utilities
// ============================
static ASMJIT_FORCE_INLINE RATiedReg* RALocal_findTiedRegByWorkId(RATiedReg* tiedRegs, size_t count, uint32_t workId) noexcept {
for (size_t i = 0; i < count; i++)
if (tiedRegs[i].workId() == workId)
return &tiedRegs[i];
return nullptr;
// RALocalAllocator - Init & Reset
// ===============================
Error RALocalAllocator::init() noexcept {
PhysToWorkMap* physToWorkMap;
WorkToPhysMap* workToPhysMap;
physToWorkMap = _pass->newPhysToWorkMap();
workToPhysMap = _pass->newWorkToPhysMap();
if (!physToWorkMap || !workToPhysMap)
return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorOutOfMemory);
_curAssignment.initLayout(_pass->_physRegCount, _pass->workRegs());
_curAssignment.initMaps(physToWorkMap, workToPhysMap);
physToWorkMap = _pass->newPhysToWorkMap();
workToPhysMap = _pass->newWorkToPhysMap();
_tmpWorkToPhysMap = _pass->newWorkToPhysMap();
if (!physToWorkMap || !workToPhysMap || !_tmpWorkToPhysMap)
return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorOutOfMemory);
_tmpAssignment.initLayout(_pass->_physRegCount, _pass->workRegs());
_tmpAssignment.initMaps(physToWorkMap, workToPhysMap);
return kErrorOk;
// RALocalAllocator - Assignment
// =============================
Error RALocalAllocator::makeInitialAssignment() noexcept {
FuncNode* func = _pass->func();
RABlock* entry = _pass->entryBlock();
ZoneBitVector& liveIn = entry->liveIn();
uint32_t argCount = func->argCount();
uint32_t numIter = 1;
for (uint32_t iter = 0; iter < numIter; iter++) {
for (uint32_t argIndex = 0; argIndex < argCount; argIndex++) {
for (uint32_t valueIndex = 0; valueIndex < Globals::kMaxValuePack; valueIndex++) {
// Unassigned argument.
const RegOnly& regArg = func->argPack(argIndex)[valueIndex];
if (!regArg.isReg() || !_cc->isVirtIdValid(
VirtReg* virtReg = _cc->virtRegById(;
// Unreferenced argument.
RAWorkReg* workReg = virtReg->workReg();
if (!workReg)
// Overwritten argument.
uint32_t workId = workReg->workId();
if (!liveIn.bitAt(workId))
RegGroup group = workReg->group();
if (_curAssignment.workToPhysId(group, workId) != RAAssignment::kPhysNone)
RegMask allocableRegs = _availableRegs[group] & ~_curAssignment.assigned(group);
if (iter == 0) {
// First iteration: Try to allocate to home RegId.
if (workReg->hasHomeRegId()) {
uint32_t physId = workReg->homeRegId();
if (Support::bitTest(allocableRegs, physId)) {
_curAssignment.assign(group, workId, physId, true);
_pass->_argsAssignment.assignRegInPack(argIndex, valueIndex, workReg->type(), physId, workReg->typeId());
numIter = 2;
else {
// Second iteration: Pick any other register if the is an unassigned one or assign to stack.
if (allocableRegs) {
uint32_t physId = Support::ctz(allocableRegs);
_curAssignment.assign(group, workId, physId, true);
_pass->_argsAssignment.assignRegInPack(argIndex, valueIndex, workReg->type(), physId, workReg->typeId());
else {
// This register will definitely need stack, create the slot now and assign also `argIndex`
// to it. We will patch `_argsAssignment` later after RAStackAllocator finishes.
RAStackSlot* slot = _pass->getOrCreateStackSlot(workReg);
return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorOutOfMemory);
// This means STACK_ARG may be moved to STACK.
return kErrorOk;
Error RALocalAllocator::replaceAssignment(const PhysToWorkMap* physToWorkMap) noexcept {
return kErrorOk;
Error RALocalAllocator::switchToAssignment(PhysToWorkMap* dstPhysToWorkMap, const ZoneBitVector& liveIn, bool dstReadOnly, bool tryMode) noexcept {
RAAssignment dst;
RAAssignment& cur = _curAssignment;
dst.initLayout(_pass->_physRegCount, _pass->workRegs());
dst.initMaps(dstPhysToWorkMap, _tmpWorkToPhysMap);
if (tryMode)
return kErrorOk;
for (RegGroup group : RegGroupVirtValues{}) {
// STEP 1
// ------
// - KILL all registers that are not live at `dst`,
// - SPILL all registers that are not assigned at `dst`.
if (!tryMode) {
Support::BitWordIterator<RegMask> it(cur.assigned(group));
while (it.hasNext()) {
uint32_t physId =;
uint32_t workId = cur.physToWorkId(group, physId);
// Must be true as we iterate over assigned registers.
ASMJIT_ASSERT(workId != RAAssignment::kWorkNone);
// KILL if it's not live on entry.
if (!liveIn.bitAt(workId)) {
onKillReg(group, workId, physId);
// SPILL if it's not assigned on entry.
uint32_t altId = dst.workToPhysId(group, workId);
if (altId == RAAssignment::kPhysNone) {
ASMJIT_PROPAGATE(onSpillReg(group, workId, physId));
// STEP 2
// ------
// - MOVE and SWAP registers from their current assignments into their DST assignments.
// - Build `willLoadRegs` mask of registers scheduled for `onLoadReg()`.
// Current run-id (1 means more aggressive decisions).
int32_t runId = -1;
// Remaining registers scheduled for `onLoadReg()`.
RegMask willLoadRegs = 0;
// Remaining registers to be allocated in this loop.
RegMask affectedRegs = dst.assigned(group);
while (affectedRegs) {
if (++runId == 2) {
if (!tryMode)
return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorInvalidState);
// Stop in `tryMode` if we haven't done anything in past two rounds.
Support::BitWordIterator<RegMask> it(affectedRegs);
while (it.hasNext()) {
uint32_t physId =;
RegMask physMask = Support::bitMask<RegMask>(physId);
uint32_t curWorkId = cur.physToWorkId(group, physId);
uint32_t dstWorkId = dst.physToWorkId(group, physId);
// The register must have assigned `dstWorkId` as we only iterate over assigned regs.
ASMJIT_ASSERT(dstWorkId != RAAssignment::kWorkNone);
if (curWorkId != RAAssignment::kWorkNone) {
// Both assigned.
if (curWorkId != dstWorkId) {
// Wait a bit if this is the first run, we may avoid this if `curWorkId` moves out.
if (runId <= 0)
uint32_t altPhysId = cur.workToPhysId(group, dstWorkId);
if (altPhysId == RAAssignment::kPhysNone)
// Reset as we will do some changes to the current assignment.
runId = -1;
if (_archTraits->hasInstRegSwap(group)) {
ASMJIT_PROPAGATE(onSwapReg(group, curWorkId, physId, dstWorkId, altPhysId));
else {
// SPILL the reg if it's not dirty in DST, otherwise try to MOVE.
if (!cur.isPhysDirty(group, physId)) {
ASMJIT_PROPAGATE(onKillReg(group, curWorkId, physId));
else {
RegMask allocableRegs = _pass->_availableRegs[group] & ~cur.assigned(group);
// If possible don't conflict with assigned regs at DST.
if (allocableRegs & ~dst.assigned(group))
allocableRegs &= ~dst.assigned(group);
if (allocableRegs) {
// MOVE is possible, thus preferred.
uint32_t tmpPhysId = Support::ctz(allocableRegs);
ASMJIT_PROPAGATE(onMoveReg(group, curWorkId, tmpPhysId, physId));
_pass->_clobberedRegs[group] |= Support::bitMask(tmpPhysId);
else {
// MOVE is impossible, must SPILL.
ASMJIT_PROPAGATE(onSpillReg(group, curWorkId, physId));
goto Cleared;
else {
// DST assigned, CUR unassigned.
uint32_t altPhysId = cur.workToPhysId(group, dstWorkId);
if (altPhysId == RAAssignment::kPhysNone) {
if (liveIn.bitAt(dstWorkId))
willLoadRegs |= physMask; // Scheduled for `onLoadReg()`.
affectedRegs &= ~physMask; // Unaffected from now.
ASMJIT_PROPAGATE(onMoveReg(group, dstWorkId, physId, altPhysId));
// Both DST and CUR assigned to the same reg or CUR just moved to DST.
if ((dst.dirty(group) & physMask) != (cur.dirty(group) & physMask)) {
if ((dst.dirty(group) & physMask) == 0) {
// CUR dirty, DST not dirty (the assert is just to visualize the condition).
ASMJIT_ASSERT(!dst.isPhysDirty(group, physId) && cur.isPhysDirty(group, physId));
// If `dstReadOnly` is true it means that that block was already processed and we cannot change from
// CLEAN to DIRTY. In that case the register has to be saved as it cannot enter the block DIRTY.
if (dstReadOnly)
ASMJIT_PROPAGATE(onSaveReg(group, dstWorkId, physId));
dst.makeDirty(group, dstWorkId, physId);
else {
// DST dirty, CUR not dirty (the assert is just to visualize the condition).
ASMJIT_ASSERT(dst.isPhysDirty(group, physId) && !cur.isPhysDirty(group, physId));
cur.makeDirty(group, dstWorkId, physId);
// Must match now...
ASMJIT_ASSERT(dst.physToWorkId(group, physId) == cur.physToWorkId(group, physId));
ASMJIT_ASSERT(dst.isPhysDirty(group, physId) == cur.isPhysDirty(group, physId));
runId = -1;
affectedRegs &= ~physMask;
// STEP 3
// ------
// - Load registers specified by `willLoadRegs`.
Support::BitWordIterator<RegMask> it(willLoadRegs);
while (it.hasNext()) {
uint32_t physId =;
if (!cur.isPhysAssigned(group, physId)) {
uint32_t workId = dst.physToWorkId(group, physId);
// The algorithm is broken if it tries to load a register that is not in LIVE-IN.
ASMJIT_ASSERT(liveIn.bitAt(workId) == true);
ASMJIT_PROPAGATE(onLoadReg(group, workId, physId));
if (dst.isPhysDirty(group, physId))
cur.makeDirty(group, workId, physId);
ASMJIT_ASSERT(dst.isPhysDirty(group, physId) == cur.isPhysDirty(group, physId));
else {
// Not possible otherwise.
ASMJIT_ASSERT(tryMode == true);
if (!tryMode) {
// Here is a code that dumps the conflicting part if something fails here:
// if (!dst.equals(cur)) {
// uint32_t physTotal = dst._layout.physTotal;
// uint32_t workCount = dst._layout.workCount;
// fprintf(stderr, "Dirty DST=0x%08X CUR=0x%08X\n", dst.dirty(RegGroup::kGp), cur.dirty(RegGroup::kGp));
// fprintf(stderr, "Assigned DST=0x%08X CUR=0x%08X\n", dst.assigned(RegGroup::kGp), cur.assigned(RegGroup::kGp));
// for (uint32_t physId = 0; physId < physTotal; physId++) {
// uint32_t dstWorkId = dst._physToWorkMap->workIds[physId];
// uint32_t curWorkId = cur._physToWorkMap->workIds[physId];
// if (dstWorkId != curWorkId)
// fprintf(stderr, "[PhysIdWork] PhysId=%u WorkId[DST(%u) != CUR(%u)]\n", physId, dstWorkId, curWorkId);
// }
// for (uint32_t workId = 0; workId < workCount; workId++) {
// uint32_t dstPhysId = dst._workToPhysMap->physIds[workId];
// uint32_t curPhysId = cur._workToPhysMap->physIds[workId];
// if (dstPhysId != curPhysId)
// fprintf(stderr, "[WorkToPhys] WorkId=%u PhysId[DST(%u) != CUR(%u)]\n", workId, dstPhysId, curPhysId);
// }
// }
return kErrorOk;
Error RALocalAllocator::spillScratchGpRegsBeforeEntry(RegMask scratchRegs) noexcept {
RegGroup group = RegGroup::kGp;
Support::BitWordIterator<RegMask> it(scratchRegs);
while (it.hasNext()) {
uint32_t physId =;
if (_curAssignment.isPhysAssigned(group, physId)) {
uint32_t workId = _curAssignment.physToWorkId(group, physId);
ASMJIT_PROPAGATE(onSpillReg(group, workId, physId));
return kErrorOk;
// RALocalAllocator - Allocation
// =============================
Error RALocalAllocator::allocInst(InstNode* node) noexcept {
RAInst* raInst = node->passData<RAInst>();
RATiedReg* outTiedRegs[Globals::kMaxPhysRegs];
RATiedReg* dupTiedRegs[Globals::kMaxPhysRegs];
RATiedReg* consecutiveRegs[kMaxConsecutiveRegs];
// The cursor must point to the previous instruction for a possible instruction insertion.
_node = node;
_raInst = raInst;
_tiedTotal = raInst->_tiedTotal;
_tiedCount = raInst->_tiedCount;
// Whether we already replaced register operand with memory operand.
bool rmAllocated = false;
for (RegGroup group : RegGroupVirtValues{}) {
uint32_t i, count = this->tiedCount(group);
RATiedReg* tiedRegs = this->tiedRegs(group);
RegMask willUse = _raInst->_usedRegs[group];
RegMask willOut = _raInst->_clobberedRegs[group];
RegMask willFree = 0;
uint32_t usePending = count;
uint32_t outTiedCount = 0;
uint32_t dupTiedCount = 0;
uint32_t consecutiveMask = 0;
// STEP 1
// ------
// Calculate `willUse` and `willFree` masks based on tied registers we have. In addition, aggregate information
// regarding consecutive registers used by this instruction. We need that to make USE/OUT assignments.
// We don't do any assignment decisions at this stage as we just need to collect some information first. Then,
// after we populate all masks needed we can finally make some decisions in the second loop. The main reason
// for this is that we really need `willFree` to make assignment decisions for `willUse`, because if we mark
// some registers that will be freed, we can consider them in decision making afterwards.
for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
RATiedReg* tiedReg = &tiedRegs[i];
if (tiedReg->hasAnyConsecutiveFlag()) {
uint32_t consecutiveOffset = tiedReg->isLeadConsecutive() ? uint32_t(0) : tiedReg->consecutiveData();
if (ASMJIT_UNLIKELY(Support::bitTest(consecutiveMask, consecutiveOffset)))
return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorInvalidState);
consecutiveMask |= Support::bitMask(consecutiveOffset);
consecutiveRegs[consecutiveOffset] = tiedReg;
// Add OUT and KILL to `outPending` for CLOBBERing and/or OUT assignment.
if (tiedReg->isOutOrKill())
outTiedRegs[outTiedCount++] = tiedReg;
if (tiedReg->isDuplicate())
dupTiedRegs[dupTiedCount++] = tiedReg;
if (!tiedReg->isUse()) {
// Don't assign anything here if this is a consecutive USE - we will handle this in STEP 2 instead.
if (tiedReg->isUseConsecutive())
uint32_t workId = tiedReg->workId();
uint32_t assignedId = _curAssignment.workToPhysId(group, workId);
if (tiedReg->hasUseId()) {
// If the register has `useId` it means it can only be allocated in that register.
RegMask useMask = Support::bitMask(tiedReg->useId());
// RAInstBuilder must have collected `usedRegs` on-the-fly.
ASMJIT_ASSERT((willUse & useMask) != 0);
if (assignedId == tiedReg->useId()) {
// If the register is already allocated in this one, mark it done and continue.
if (tiedReg->isWrite())
_curAssignment.makeDirty(group, workId, assignedId);
willUse |= useMask;
else {
willFree |= useMask & _curAssignment.assigned(group);
else {
// Check if the register must be moved to `allocableRegs`.
RegMask allocableRegs = tiedReg->useRegMask();
if (assignedId != RAAssignment::kPhysNone) {
RegMask assignedMask = Support::bitMask(assignedId);
if ((allocableRegs & ~willUse) & assignedMask) {
if (tiedReg->isWrite())
_curAssignment.makeDirty(group, workId, assignedId);
willUse |= assignedMask;
else {
willFree |= assignedMask;
// STEP 2
// ------
// Verify that all the consecutive registers are really consecutive. Terminate if there is a gap. In addition,
// decide which USE ids will be used in case that this consecutive sequence is USE (OUT registers are allocated
// in a different step).
uint32_t consecutiveCount = 0;
if (consecutiveMask) {
if ((consecutiveMask & (consecutiveMask + 1u)) != 0)
return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorInvalidState);
// Count of trailing ones is the count of consecutive registers. There cannot be gap.
consecutiveCount = Support::ctz(~consecutiveMask);
// Prioritize allocation that would result in least moves even when moving registers away from their homes.
RATiedReg* lead = consecutiveRegs[0];
// Assign the best possible USE Ids to all consecutives.
if (lead->isUseConsecutive()) {
uint32_t bestScore = 0;
uint32_t bestLeadReg = 0xFFFFFFFF;
RegMask allocableRegs = (_availableRegs[group] | willFree) & ~willUse;
uint32_t assignments[kMaxConsecutiveRegs];
for (i = 0; i < consecutiveCount; i++)
assignments[i] = _curAssignment.workToPhysId(group, consecutiveRegs[i]->workId());
Support::BitWordIterator<uint32_t> it(lead->useRegMask());
while (it.hasNext()) {
uint32_t regIndex =;
if (Support::bitTest(lead->useRegMask(), regIndex)) {
uint32_t score = 15;
for (i = 0; i < consecutiveCount; i++) {
uint32_t consecutiveIndex = regIndex + i;
if (!Support::bitTest(allocableRegs, consecutiveIndex)) {
score = 0;
RAWorkReg* workReg = workRegById(consecutiveRegs[i]->workId());
score += uint32_t(workReg->homeRegId() == consecutiveIndex);
score += uint32_t(assignments[i] == consecutiveIndex) * 2;
if (score > bestScore) {
bestScore = score;
bestLeadReg = regIndex;
if (bestLeadReg == 0xFFFFFFFF)
return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorConsecutiveRegsAllocation);
for (i = 0; i < consecutiveCount; i++) {
uint32_t consecutiveIndex = bestLeadReg + i;
RATiedReg* tiedReg = consecutiveRegs[i];
RegMask useMask = Support::bitMask(consecutiveIndex);
uint32_t workId = tiedReg->workId();
uint32_t assignedId = _curAssignment.workToPhysId(group, workId);
if (assignedId == consecutiveIndex) {
// If the register is already allocated in this one, mark it done and continue.
if (tiedReg->isWrite())
_curAssignment.makeDirty(group, workId, assignedId);
willUse |= useMask;
else {
willUse |= useMask;
willFree |= useMask & _curAssignment.assigned(group);
// STEP 3
// ------
// Do some decision making to find the best candidates of registers that need to be assigned, moved, and/or
// spilled. Only USE registers are considered here, OUT will be decided later after all CLOBBERed and OUT
// registers are unassigned.
if (usePending) {
// TODO: Not sure `liveRegs` should be used, maybe willUse and willFree would be enough and much more clear.
// All registers that are currently alive without registers that will be freed.
RegMask liveRegs = _curAssignment.assigned(group) & ~willFree;
for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
RATiedReg* tiedReg = &tiedRegs[i];
if (tiedReg->isUseDone())
uint32_t workId = tiedReg->workId();
uint32_t assignedId = _curAssignment.workToPhysId(group, workId);
// REG/MEM: Patch register operand to memory operand if not allocated.
if (!rmAllocated && tiedReg->hasUseRM()) {
if (assignedId == RAAssignment::kPhysNone && Support::isPowerOf2(tiedReg->useRewriteMask())) {
RAWorkReg* workReg = workRegById(tiedReg->workId());
uint32_t opIndex = Support::ctz(tiedReg->useRewriteMask()) / uint32_t(sizeof(Operand) / sizeof(uint32_t));
uint32_t rmSize = tiedReg->rmSize();
if (rmSize <= workReg->virtReg()->virtSize()) {
Operand& op = node->operands()[opIndex];
op = _pass->workRegAsMem(workReg);<BaseMem>().setSize(rmSize);
tiedReg->_useRewriteMask = 0;
rmAllocated = true;
if (!tiedReg->hasUseId()) {
// DECIDE where to assign the USE register.
RegMask allocableRegs = tiedReg->useRegMask() & ~(willFree | willUse);
uint32_t useId = decideOnAssignment(group, workId, assignedId, allocableRegs);
RegMask useMask = Support::bitMask(useId);
willUse |= useMask;
willFree |= useMask & liveRegs;
if (assignedId != RAAssignment::kPhysNone) {
RegMask assignedMask = Support::bitMask(assignedId);
willFree |= assignedMask;
liveRegs &= ~assignedMask;
// OPTIMIZATION: Assign the USE register here if it's possible.
if (!(liveRegs & useMask)) {
ASMJIT_PROPAGATE(onMoveReg(group, workId, useId, assignedId));
if (tiedReg->isWrite())
_curAssignment.makeDirty(group, workId, useId);
else {
// OPTIMIZATION: Assign the USE register here if it's possible.
if (!(liveRegs & useMask)) {
ASMJIT_PROPAGATE(onLoadReg(group, workId, useId));
if (tiedReg->isWrite())
_curAssignment.makeDirty(group, workId, useId);
liveRegs |= useMask;
// Initially all used regs will be marked as clobbered.
RegMask clobberedByInst = willUse | willOut;
// STEP 4
// ------
// Free all registers that we marked as `willFree`. Only registers that are not USEd by the instruction are
// considered as we don't want to free regs we need.
if (willFree) {
RegMask allocableRegs = _availableRegs[group] & ~(_curAssignment.assigned(group) | willFree | willUse | willOut);
Support::BitWordIterator<RegMask> it(willFree);
do {
uint32_t assignedId =;
if (_curAssignment.isPhysAssigned(group, assignedId)) {
uint32_t workId = _curAssignment.physToWorkId(group, assignedId);
// DECIDE whether to MOVE or SPILL.
if (allocableRegs) {
uint32_t reassignedId = decideOnReassignment(group, workId, assignedId, allocableRegs);
if (reassignedId != RAAssignment::kPhysNone) {
ASMJIT_PROPAGATE(onMoveReg(group, workId, reassignedId, assignedId));
allocableRegs ^= Support::bitMask(reassignedId);
ASMJIT_PROPAGATE(onSpillReg(group, workId, assignedId));
} while (it.hasNext());
// STEP 5
// ------
// ALLOCATE / SHUFFLE all registers that we marked as `willUse` and weren't allocated yet. This is a bit
// complicated as the allocation is iterative. In some cases we have to wait before allocating a particual
// physical register as it's still occupied by some other one, which we need to move before we can use it.
// In this case we skip it and allocate another some other instead (making it free for another iteration).
// NOTE: Iterations are mostly important for complicated allocations like function calls, where there can
// be up to N registers used at once. Asm instructions won't run the loop more than once in 99.9% of cases
// as they use 2..3 registers in average.
if (usePending) {
bool mustSwap = false;
do {
uint32_t oldPending = usePending;
for (i = 0; i < count; i++) {
RATiedReg* thisTiedReg = &tiedRegs[i];
if (thisTiedReg->isUseDone())
uint32_t thisWorkId = thisTiedReg->workId();
uint32_t thisPhysId = _curAssignment.workToPhysId(group, thisWorkId);
// This would be a bug, fatal one!
uint32_t targetPhysId = thisTiedReg->useId();
ASMJIT_ASSERT(targetPhysId != thisPhysId);
uint32_t targetWorkId = _curAssignment.physToWorkId(group, targetPhysId);
if (targetWorkId != RAAssignment::kWorkNone) {
RAWorkReg* targetWorkReg = workRegById(targetWorkId);
// Swapping two registers can solve two allocation tasks by emitting just a single instruction. However,
// swap is only available on few architectures and it's definitely not available for each register group.
// Calling `onSwapReg()` before checking these would be fatal.
if (_archTraits->hasInstRegSwap(group) && thisPhysId != RAAssignment::kPhysNone) {
ASMJIT_PROPAGATE(onSwapReg(group, thisWorkId, thisPhysId, targetWorkId, targetPhysId));
if (thisTiedReg->isWrite())
_curAssignment.makeDirty(group, thisWorkId, targetPhysId);
// Double-hit.
RATiedReg* targetTiedReg = RALocal_findTiedRegByWorkId(tiedRegs, count, targetWorkReg->workId());
if (targetTiedReg && targetTiedReg->useId() == thisPhysId) {
if (targetTiedReg->isWrite())
_curAssignment.makeDirty(group, targetWorkId, thisPhysId);
if (!mustSwap)
// Only branched here if the previous iteration did nothing. This is essentially a SWAP operation without
// having a dedicated instruction for that purpose (vector registers, etc). The simplest way to handle
// such case is to SPILL the target register.
ASMJIT_PROPAGATE(onSpillReg(group, targetWorkId, targetPhysId));
if (thisPhysId != RAAssignment::kPhysNone) {
ASMJIT_PROPAGATE(onMoveReg(group, thisWorkId, targetPhysId, thisPhysId));
if (thisTiedReg->isWrite())
_curAssignment.makeDirty(group, thisWorkId, targetPhysId);
else {
ASMJIT_PROPAGATE(onLoadReg(group, thisWorkId, targetPhysId));
if (thisTiedReg->isWrite())
_curAssignment.makeDirty(group, thisWorkId, targetPhysId);
mustSwap = (oldPending == usePending);
} while (usePending);
// STEP 6
// ------
// KILL registers marked as KILL/OUT.
uint32_t outPending = outTiedCount;
if (outTiedCount) {
for (i = 0; i < outTiedCount; i++) {
RATiedReg* tiedReg = outTiedRegs[i];
uint32_t workId = tiedReg->workId();
uint32_t physId = _curAssignment.workToPhysId(group, workId);
// Must check if it's allocated as KILL can be related to OUT (like KILL immediately after OUT, which could
// mean the register is not assigned).
if (physId != RAAssignment::kPhysNone) {
ASMJIT_PROPAGATE(onKillReg(group, workId, physId));
willOut &= ~Support::bitMask(physId);
// We still maintain number of pending registers for OUT assignment. So, if this is only KILL, not OUT, we
// can safely decrement it.
outPending -= !tiedReg->isOut();
// STEP 7
// ------
// SPILL registers that will be CLOBBERed. Since OUT and KILL were already processed this is used mostly to
// handle function CALLs.
if (willOut) {
Support::BitWordIterator<RegMask> it(willOut);
do {
uint32_t physId =;
uint32_t workId = _curAssignment.physToWorkId(group, physId);
if (workId == RAAssignment::kWorkNone)
ASMJIT_PROPAGATE(onSpillReg(group, workId, physId));
} while (it.hasNext());
// STEP 8
// ------
// Duplication.
for (i = 0; i < dupTiedCount; i++) {
RATiedReg* tiedReg = dupTiedRegs[i];
uint32_t workId = tiedReg->workId();
uint32_t srcId = tiedReg->useId();
Support::BitWordIterator<RegMask> it(tiedReg->useRegMask());
while (it.hasNext()) {
uint32_t dstId =;
if (dstId == srcId)
_pass->emitMove(workId, dstId, srcId);
// STEP 9
// ------
// Vector registers can be cloberred partially by invoke - find if that's the case and clobber when necessary.
if (node->isInvoke() && group == RegGroup::kVec) {
const InvokeNode* invokeNode = node->as<InvokeNode>();
RegMask maybeClobberedRegs = invokeNode->detail().callConv().preservedRegs(group) & _curAssignment.assigned(group);
if (maybeClobberedRegs) {
uint32_t saveRestoreVecSize = invokeNode->detail().callConv().saveRestoreRegSize(group);
Support::BitWordIterator<RegMask> it(maybeClobberedRegs);
do {
uint32_t physId =;
uint32_t workId = _curAssignment.physToWorkId(group, physId);
RAWorkReg* workReg = workRegById(workId);
uint32_t virtSize = workReg->virtReg()->virtSize();
if (virtSize > saveRestoreVecSize) {
ASMJIT_PROPAGATE(onSpillReg(group, workId, physId));
} while (it.hasNext());
// STEP 10
// -------
// Assign OUT registers.
if (outPending) {
// Live registers, we need a separate register (outside of `_curAssignment) to hold these because of KILLed
// registers. If we KILL a register here it will go out from `_curAssignment`, but we cannot assign to it in
// here.
RegMask liveRegs = _curAssignment.assigned(group);
// Must avoid as they have been already OUTed (added during the loop).
RegMask outRegs = 0;
// Must avoid as they collide with already allocated ones.
RegMask avoidRegs = willUse & ~clobberedByInst;
// Assign the best possible OUT ids of all consecutives.
if (consecutiveCount) {
RATiedReg* lead = consecutiveRegs[0];
if (lead->isOutConsecutive()) {
uint32_t bestScore = 0;
uint32_t bestLeadReg = 0xFFFFFFFF;
RegMask allocableRegs = _availableRegs[group] & ~(outRegs | avoidRegs);
Support::BitWordIterator<uint32_t> it(lead->outRegMask());
while (it.hasNext()) {
uint32_t regIndex =;
if (Support::bitTest(lead->outRegMask(), regIndex)) {
uint32_t score = 15;
for (i = 0; i < consecutiveCount; i++) {
uint32_t consecutiveIndex = regIndex + i;
if (!Support::bitTest(allocableRegs, consecutiveIndex)) {
score = 0;
RAWorkReg* workReg = workRegById(consecutiveRegs[i]->workId());
score += uint32_t(workReg->homeRegId() == consecutiveIndex);
if (score > bestScore) {
bestScore = score;
bestLeadReg = regIndex;
if (bestLeadReg == 0xFFFFFFFF)
return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorConsecutiveRegsAllocation);
for (i = 0; i < consecutiveCount; i++) {
uint32_t consecutiveIndex = bestLeadReg + i;
RATiedReg* tiedReg = consecutiveRegs[i];
// Allocate OUT registers.
for (i = 0; i < outTiedCount; i++) {
RATiedReg* tiedReg = outTiedRegs[i];
if (!tiedReg->isOut())
uint32_t workId = tiedReg->workId();
uint32_t assignedId = _curAssignment.workToPhysId(group, workId);
if (assignedId != RAAssignment::kPhysNone)
ASMJIT_PROPAGATE(onKillReg(group, workId, assignedId));
uint32_t physId = tiedReg->outId();
if (physId == RAAssignment::kPhysNone) {
RegMask allocableRegs = tiedReg->outRegMask() & ~(outRegs | avoidRegs);
if (!(allocableRegs & ~liveRegs)) {
// There are no more registers, decide which one to spill.
uint32_t spillWorkId;
physId = decideOnSpillFor(group, workId, allocableRegs & liveRegs, &spillWorkId);
ASMJIT_PROPAGATE(onSpillReg(group, spillWorkId, physId));
else {
physId = decideOnAssignment(group, workId, RAAssignment::kPhysNone, allocableRegs & ~liveRegs);
// OUTs are CLOBBERed thus cannot be ASSIGNed right now.
ASMJIT_ASSERT(!_curAssignment.isPhysAssigned(group, physId));
if (!tiedReg->isKill())
ASMJIT_PROPAGATE(onAssignReg(group, workId, physId, true));
outRegs |= Support::bitMask(physId);
liveRegs &= ~Support::bitMask(physId);
clobberedByInst |= outRegs;
ASMJIT_ASSERT(outPending == 0);
_clobberedRegs[group] |= clobberedByInst;
return kErrorOk;
Error RALocalAllocator::spillAfterAllocation(InstNode* node) noexcept {
// This is experimental feature that would spill registers that don't have home-id and are last in this basic block.
// This prevents saving these regs in other basic blocks and then restoring them (mostly relevant for loops).
RAInst* raInst = node->passData<RAInst>();
uint32_t count = raInst->tiedCount();
for (uint32_t i = 0; i < count; i++) {
RATiedReg* tiedReg = raInst->tiedAt(i);
if (tiedReg->isLast()) {
uint32_t workId = tiedReg->workId();
RAWorkReg* workReg = workRegById(workId);
if (!workReg->hasHomeRegId()) {
RegGroup group = workReg->group();
uint32_t assignedId = _curAssignment.workToPhysId(group, workId);
if (assignedId != RAAssignment::kPhysNone) {
ASMJIT_PROPAGATE(onSpillReg(group, workId, assignedId));
return kErrorOk;
Error RALocalAllocator::allocBranch(InstNode* node, RABlock* target, RABlock* cont) noexcept {
// TODO: This should be used to make the branch allocation better.
// The cursor must point to the previous instruction for a possible instruction insertion.
// Use TryMode of `switchToAssignment()` if possible.
if (target->hasEntryAssignment()) {
ASMJIT_PROPAGATE(switchToAssignment(target->entryPhysToWorkMap(), target->liveIn(), target->isAllocated(), true));
if (target->hasEntryAssignment()) {
BaseNode* injectionPoint = _pass->extraBlock()->prev();
BaseNode* prevCursor = _cc->setCursor(injectionPoint);
ASMJIT_PROPAGATE(switchToAssignment(target->entryPhysToWorkMap(), target->liveIn(), target->isAllocated(), false));
BaseNode* curCursor = _cc->cursor();
if (curCursor != injectionPoint) {
// Additional instructions emitted to switch from the current state to the `target` state. This means
// that we have to move these instructions into an independent code block and patch the jump location.
Operand& targetOp = node->op(node->opCount() - 1);
if (ASMJIT_UNLIKELY(!targetOp.isLabel()))
return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorInvalidState);
Label trampoline = _cc->newLabel();
Label savedTarget =<Label>();
// Patch `target` to point to the `trampoline` we just created.
targetOp = trampoline;
// Clear a possible SHORT form as we have no clue now if the SHORT form would be encodable after patching
// the target to `trampoline` (X86 specific).
// Finalize the switch assignment sequence.
else {
ASMJIT_PROPAGATE(_pass->setBlockEntryAssignment(target, block(), _curAssignment));
return kErrorOk;
Error RALocalAllocator::allocJumpTable(InstNode* node, const RABlocks& targets, RABlock* cont) noexcept {
// TODO: Do we really need to use `cont`?
if (targets.empty())
return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorInvalidState);
// The cursor must point to the previous instruction for a possible instruction insertion.
// All `targets` should have the same sharedAssignmentId, we just read the first.
RABlock* anyTarget = targets[0];
if (!anyTarget->hasSharedAssignmentId())
return DebugUtils::errored(kErrorInvalidState);
RASharedAssignment& sharedAssignment = _pass->_sharedAssignments[anyTarget->sharedAssignmentId()];
if (!sharedAssignment.empty()) {
true, // Read-only.
false // Try-mode.
if (sharedAssignment.empty()) {
ASMJIT_PROPAGATE(_pass->setBlockEntryAssignment(anyTarget, block(), _curAssignment));
return kErrorOk;
// RALocalAllocator - Decision Making
// ==================================
uint32_t RALocalAllocator::decideOnAssignment(RegGroup group, uint32_t workId, uint32_t physId, RegMask allocableRegs) const noexcept {
ASMJIT_ASSERT(allocableRegs != 0);
DebugUtils::unused(group, physId);
RAWorkReg* workReg = workRegById(workId);
// Prefer home register id, if possible.
if (workReg->hasHomeRegId()) {
uint32_t homeId = workReg->homeRegId();
if (Support::bitTest(allocableRegs, homeId))
return homeId;
// Prefer registers used upon block entries.
RegMask previouslyAssignedRegs = workReg->allocatedMask();
if (allocableRegs & previouslyAssignedRegs)
allocableRegs &= previouslyAssignedRegs;
return Support::ctz(allocableRegs);
uint32_t RALocalAllocator::decideOnReassignment(RegGroup group, uint32_t workId, uint32_t physId, RegMask allocableRegs) const noexcept {
ASMJIT_ASSERT(allocableRegs != 0);
DebugUtils::unused(group, physId);
RAWorkReg* workReg = workRegById(workId);
// Prefer allocating back to HomeId, if possible.
if (workReg->hasHomeRegId()) {
if (Support::bitTest(allocableRegs, workReg->homeRegId()))
return workReg->homeRegId();
// TODO: [Register Allocator] This could be improved.
// Decided to SPILL.
return RAAssignment::kPhysNone;
uint32_t RALocalAllocator::decideOnSpillFor(RegGroup group, uint32_t workId, RegMask spillableRegs, uint32_t* spillWorkId) const noexcept {
// May be used in the future to decide which register would be best to spill so `workId` can be assigned.
ASMJIT_ASSERT(spillableRegs != 0);
Support::BitWordIterator<RegMask> it(spillableRegs);
uint32_t bestPhysId =;
uint32_t bestWorkId = _curAssignment.physToWorkId(group, bestPhysId);
// Avoid calculating the cost model if there is only one spillable register.
if (it.hasNext()) {
uint32_t bestCost = calculateSpillCost(group, bestWorkId, bestPhysId);
do {
uint32_t localPhysId =;
uint32_t localWorkId = _curAssignment.physToWorkId(group, localPhysId);
uint32_t localCost = calculateSpillCost(group, localWorkId, localPhysId);
if (localCost < bestCost) {
bestCost = localCost;
bestPhysId = localPhysId;
bestWorkId = localWorkId;
} while (it.hasNext());
*spillWorkId = bestWorkId;
return bestPhysId;