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// This file is part of AsmJit project <https://asmjit.com>
// See asmjit.h or LICENSE.md for license and copyright information
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Zlib
//! Root namespace used by AsmJit.
namespace asmjit {
//! \mainpage API Reference
//! AsmJit C++ API reference documentation generated by Doxygen.
//! AsmJit library uses one global namespace called \ref asmjit, which provides the whole functionality. Core
//! functionality is within \ref asmjit namespace and architecture specific functionality is always in its own
//! namespace. For example \ref asmjit::x86 provides both 32-bit and 64-bit X86 code generation.
//! \section main_groups Documentation Groups
//! AsmJit documentation is structured into groups. Groups can be followed in order to learn AsmJit, but knowledge
//! from multiple groups is required to use AsmJit properly:
//! \note It's important to understand that in order to learn AsmJit all groups are important. Some groups can be
//! omitted if a particular tool is out of interest - for example \ref asmjit_assembler users don't need to know
//! about \ref asmjit_builder, but it's not the opposite. \ref asmjit_builder users should know about \ref
//! asmjit_assembler as it also uses operands, labels, and other concepts. Similarly \ref asmjit_compiler users
//! should know how both \ref asmjit_assembler and \ref asmjit_builder tools work.
//! \section where_to_start Where To Start
//! AsmJit \ref asmjit_core provides the following two classes that are essential from the code generation perspective:
//! - \ref CodeHolder provides functionality to temporarily hold the generated code. It stores all the necessary
//! information about the code - code buffers, sections, labels, symbols, and information about relocations.
//! - \ref BaseEmitter provides interface used by emitter implementations. The interface provides basic building
//! blocks that are then implemented by \ref BaseAssembler, \ref BaseBuilder, and \ref BaseCompiler.
//! Code emitters:
//! - \ref asmjit_assembler - provides direct machine code generation.
//! - \ref asmjit_builder - provides intermediate code generation that can be processed before it's serialized to
//! \ref BaseAssembler.
//! - \ref asmjit_compiler - provides high-level code generation with built-in register allocation.
//! - \ref FuncNode - provides insight into how function looks from the Compiler perspective and how it's stored in
//! a node-list.
//! \section main_recommendations Recommendations
//! The following steps are recommended for all AsmJit users:
//! - Make sure that you use \ref Logger, see \ref asmjit_logging.
//! - Make sure that you use \ref ErrorHandler, see \ref asmjit_error_handling.
//! - Instruction validation in your debug builds can reveal problems too. AsmJit provides validation at instruction
//! level that can be enabled via \ref BaseEmitter::addDiagnosticOptions(). See \ref DiagnosticOptions for more
//! details.
//! - If you are a Compiler user, use diagnostic options and read carefully if anything suspicious pops out.
//! Diagnostic options can be enabled via \ref BaseEmitter::addDiagnosticOptions(). If unsure which ones to use,
//! enable annotations and all debug options: `DiagnosticOptions::kRAAnnotate | DiagnosticOptions::kRADebugAll`.
//! - Make sure you put a breakpoint into \ref DebugUtils::errored() function if you have a problem with AsmJit
//! returning errors during instruction encoding or register allocation. Having an active breakpoint there can
//! help to reveal the origin of the error, to inspect variables and other conditions that caused it.
//! The reason for using \ref Logger and \ref ErrorHandler is that they provide a very useful information about what's
//! happening inside emitters. In many cases the information provided by these two is crucial to quickly identify and
//! fix issues that happen during development (for example wrong instruction, address, or register used). In addition,
//! output from \ref Logger is always necessary when filling bug reports. In other words, using logging and proper error
//! handling can save a lot of time during the development and can also save users from submitting issues.
//! \section main_other Other Pages
//! - <a href="annotated.html">Class List</a> - List of classes sorted alphabetically
//! - <a href="namespaceasmjit.html">AsmJit Namespace</a> - List of symbols provided by `asmjit` namespace
//! \defgroup asmjit_build Build Instructions
//! \brief Build instructions, supported environments, and feature selection.
//! ### Overview
//! AsmJit is designed to be easy embeddable in any project. However, it depends on some compile-time definitions that
//! can be used to enable or disable features to decrease the resulting binary size. A typical way of building AsmJit
//! is to use [cmake](https://www.cmake.org), but it's also possible to just include AsmJit source code in your project
//! and to just build it. The easiest way to include AsmJit in your project is to just include **src** directory in
//! your project and to define \ref ASMJIT_STATIC. AsmJit can be just updated from time to time without any changes to
//! this integration process. Do not embed AsmJit's `test` files in such case as these are used exclusively for testing.
//! ### Supported C++ Compilers
//! - Requirements:
//! - AsmJit won't build without C++11 enabled. If you use older GCC or Clang you would have to enable at least
//! C++11 standard through compiler flags.
//! - Tested:
//! - **Clang** - Tested by GitHub Actions - Clang 10+ is officially supported and tested by CI, older Clang versions
//! having C++11 should work, but are not tested anymore due to upgraded CI images.
//! - **GNU** - Tested by GitHub Actions - GCC 7+ is officially supported, older GCC versions from 4.8+ having C++11
//! enabled should also work, but are not tested anymore due to upgraded CI images.
//! - **MINGW** - Reported to work, but not tested in our CI environment (help welcome).
//! - **MSVC** - Tested by GitHub Actions - VS2019+ is officially supported, VS2015 and VS2017 is reported to work,
//! but not tested by CI anymore.
//! ### Supported Operating Systems and Platforms
//! - Tested:
//! - **Linux** - Tested by GitHub Actions (any distribution is generally supported, CI uses Ubuntu images).
//! - **Mac OS** - Tested by GitHub Actions (any version is supported).
//! - **Windows** - Tested by GitHub Actions - (Windows 7+ is officially supported).
//! - **Emscripten** - Works if compiled with \ref ASMJIT_NO_JIT. AsmJit cannot generate WASM code, but can be
//! used to generate X86/X64/AArch64 code within a browser, for example.
//! - Untested:
//! - **BSDs** - No maintainers, no CI environment to regularly test BSDs, but they should work out of box.
//! - **Haiku** - Reported to work, not tested by CI.
//! - **Other** operating systems would require some testing and support in the following files:
//! - [core/api-config.h](https://github.com/asmjit/asmjit/tree/master/src/asmjit/core/api-config.h)
//! - [core/osutils.cpp](https://github.com/asmjit/asmjit/tree/master/src/asmjit/core/osutils.cpp)
//! - [core/virtmem.cpp](https://github.com/asmjit/asmjit/tree/master/src/asmjit/core/virtmem.cpp)
//! ### Supported Backends / Architectures
//! - **X86** and **X86_64** - Both 32-bit and 64-bit backends tested on CI.
//! - **AArch64** - AArch64 backend is currently only partially tested (there is no native AArch64 runner to test
//! AsmJit Builder/Compiler).
//! ### Static Builds and Embedding
//! These definitions can be used to enable static library build. Embed is used when AsmJit's source code is embedded
//! directly in another project, implies static build as well.
//! - \ref ASMJIT_EMBED - Asmjit is embedded, implies \ref ASMJIT_STATIC.
//! - \ref ASMJIT_STATIC - Enable static-library build.
//! \note Projects that use AsmJit statically must define \ref ASMJIT_STATIC in all compilation units that use AsmJit,
//! otherwise AsmJit would use dynamic library imports in \ref ASMJIT_API decorator. The recommendation is to define
//! this macro across the whole project that uses AsmJit this way.
//! ### Build Configuration
//! These definitions control whether asserts are active or not. By default AsmJit would autodetect build configuration
//! from existing pre-processor definitions, but this behavior can be overridden, for example to enable debug asserts
//! in release configuration.
//! - \ref ASMJIT_BUILD_DEBUG - Overrides build configuration to debug, asserts will be enabled in this case.
//! - \ref ASMJIT_BUILD_RELEASE - Overrides build configuration to release, asserts will be disabled in this case.
//! \note There is usually no need to override the build configuration. AsmJit detects the build configuration by
//! checking whether `NDEBUG` is defined and automatically defines \ref ASMJIT_BUILD_RELEASE if configuration overrides
//! were not used. We only recommend using build configuration overrides in special situations, like using AsmJit in
//! release configuration with asserts enabled for whatever reason.
//! ### AsmJit Backends
//! AsmJit currently supports only X86/X64 backend, but the plan is to add more backends in the future. By default
//! AsmJit builds only the host backend, which is autodetected at compile-time, but this can be overridden.
//! - \ref ASMJIT_NO_X86 - Disable X86/X64 backends.
//! - \ref ASMJIT_NO_FOREIGN - Disables the support for foreign architectures.
//! ### Features Selection
//! AsmJit builds by defaults all supported features, which includes all emitters, logging, instruction validation and
//! introspection, and JIT memory allocation. Features can be disabled at compile time by using `ASMJIT_NO_...`
//! definitions.
//! - \ref ASMJIT_NO_DEPRECATED - Disables deprecated API at compile time so it won't be available and the
//! compilation will fail if there is attempt to use such API. This includes deprecated classes, namespaces,
//! enumerations, and functions.
//! - \ref ASMJIT_NO_BUILDER - Disables \ref asmjit_builder functionality completely. This implies \ref
//! ASMJIT_NO_COMPILER as \ref asmjit_compiler cannot be used without \ref asmjit_builder.
//! - \ref ASMJIT_NO_COMPILER - Disables \ref asmjit_compiler functionality completely.
//! - \ref ASMJIT_NO_JIT - Disables JIT memory management and \ref JitRuntime.
//! - \ref ASMJIT_NO_LOGGING - Disables \ref Logger and \ref Formatter.
//! - \ref ASMJIT_NO_TEXT - Disables everything that contains string representation of AsmJit constants, should
//! be used together with \ref ASMJIT_NO_LOGGING as logging doesn't make sense without the ability to query
//! instruction names, register names, etc...
//! - \ref ASMJIT_NO_VALIDATION - Disables validation API.
//! - \ref ASMJIT_NO_INTROSPECTION - Disables instruction introspection API, must be used together with \ref
//! ASMJIT_NO_COMPILER as \ref asmjit_compiler requires introspection for its liveness analysis and register
//! allocation.
//! \note It's not recommended to disable features if you plan to build AsmJit as a shared library that will be
//! used by multiple projects that you don't control how AsmJit was built (for example AsmJit in a Linux distribution).
//! The possibility to disable certain features exists mainly for customized AsmJit builds.
//! \defgroup asmjit_breaking_changes Breaking Changes
//! \brief Documentation of breaking changes
//! ### Overview
//! AsmJit is a live project that is being actively developed. Deprecating the existing API in favor of a new
//! one is preferred, but it's not always possible if the changes are significant. AsmJit authors prefer to do
//! accumulated breaking changes at once instead of breaking the API often. This page documents deprecated and
//! removed APIs and should serve as a how-to guide for people that want to port existing code to work with the
//! newest AsmJit.
//! ### Tips
//! Useful tips before you start:
//! - Visit our [Public Gitter Channel](https://gitter.im/asmjit/asmjit) if you need a quick help.
//! - Build AsmJit with `ASMJIT_NO_DEPRECATED` macro defined to make sure that you are not using deprecated
//! functionality at all. Deprecated functions are decorated with `ASMJIT_DEPRECATED()` macro, but sometimes
//! it's not possible to decorate everything like classes, which are used by deprecated functions as well,
//! because some compilers would warn about that. If your project compiles fine with `ASMJIT_NO_DEPRECATED`
//! it's not using anything, which was deprecated.
//! ### Changes committed at 2021-12-13
//! Core changes:
//! - Removed old deprecated API.
//! - Many enumerations were changed to enum class, and many public APIs were changed to use such enums instead
//! of uint32_t. This change makes some APIs backward incompatible - there are no deprecations this time.
//! - Extracted operand signature manipulation to `OperandSignature`.
//! - Setting function arguments through `Compiler::setArg()` was deprecated, use FuncNode::setArg() instead.
//! - Moved `{arch}::Features::k` to `CpuFeatures::{arch}::k`.
//! - Moved `BaseEmitter::kEncodingOption` to `EncodingOptions::k`.
//! - Moved `BaseEmitter::kFlag` to `EmitterFlags::k`.
//! - Moved `BaseEmitter::kType` to `EmitterType::k`.
//! - Moved `BaseEmitter::kValidationOption` to `DiagnosticOptions::kValidate`.
//! - Moved `BaseFeatures` to `CpuFeatures`.
//! - Moved `BaseInst::kControl` to `InstControlFlow::k`.
//! - Moved `BaseInst::kOption` and `x86::Inst::kOption` to `InstOptions::k`.
//! - Moved `BaseNode::kNode` to `NodeType::k`.
//! - Moved `BaseReg::kGroup` and `x86::Reg::kGroup` to `RegGroup::k`.
//! - Moved `BaseReg::kType` and `x86::Reg::kType` to `RegType::k`.
//! - Moved `CallConv::kFlag` to `CallConvFlags::k`.
//! - Moved `CallConv::kId` to `CallConvId::k`.
//! - Moved `CallConv::kStrategy` to `CallConvStrategy::k`.
//! - Moved `CodeBuffer::kFlag` to `CodeBufferFlags`.
//! - Moved `ConstPool::kScope` to `ConstPoolScope::k`.
//! - Moved `Environment::kArch` to `Arch::k`.
//! - Moved `Environment::kSubArch` to `SubArch::k`.
//! - Moved `Environment::kFormat` to `OjectFormat::k`.
//! - Moved `Environment::kPlatform` to `Platform::k`.
//! - Moved `Environment::kAbi` to `PlatformABI::k`.
//! - Moved `Environment::kVendor` to `Vendor::k`.
//! - Moved `FormatOptions::kFlag` to `FormatFlags::k` and `DiagnosticOptions::k` (Compiler diagnostics flags).
//! - Moved `FormatOptions::kIndentation` to `FormatIndentationGroup::k`.
//! - Moved `FuncFrame::kAttr` to `FuncAttributes::k`.
//! - Moved `Globals::kReset` to `ResetPolicy::k`.
//! - Moved `InstDB::kAvx512Flag` to `InstDB::Avx512Flags::k`.
//! - Moved `InstDB::kFlag` to `InstDB::InstFlags::k`.
//! - Moved `InstDB::kMemFlag` to `InstDB::OpFlags::kMem`.
//! - Moved `InstDB::kMode` to `InstDB::Mode::k`.
//! - Moved `InstDB::kOpFlag` to `InstDB::OpFlags::k{OpType}...`.
//! - Moved `JitAllocator::kOption` to `JitAllocatorOptions::k`.
//! - Moved `Label::kType` to `LabelType::k`.
//! - Moved `Operand::kOpType` to `OperandType::k`.
//! - Moved `OpRWInfo::kFlag` to `OpRWFlags::k`.
//! - Moved `Type::kId` to `TypeId::k`.
//! - Moved `VirtMem::k` to `VirtMem::MemoryFlags::k`.
//! ### Changes committed at 2020-05-30
//! AsmJit has been cleaned up significantly, many todo items have been fixed and many functions and classes have
//! been redesigned, some in an incompatible way.
//! Core changes:
//! - `Imm` operand has now only `Imm::value()` and `Imm::valueAs()` functions that return its value content,
//! and `Imm::setValue()` function that sets the content. Functions like `setI8()`, `setU8()` were deprecated.
//! Old functions were deprecated, but code using them should still compile.
//! - `ArchInfo` has been replaced with `Environment`. Environment provides more details about the architecture,
//! but drops some properties that were used by arch info - `gpSize(`) and `gpCount()`. `gpSize()` can be replaced
//! with `registerSize()` getter, which returns a native register size of the architecture the environment uses.
//! However, `gpCount()` was removed - at the moment `ArchTraits` can be used to access such properties.
//! Some other functions were renamed, like `ArchInfo::isX86Family()` is now `Environment::isFamilyX86()`, etc.
//! The reason for changing the order was support for more propertries and all the accessors now start with the
//! type of the property, like `Environment::isPlatformWindows()`.
//! This function causes many other classes to provide `environment()` getter instead of `archInfo()` getter.
//! In addition, AsmJit now uses `arch()` to get an architecture instead of `archId()`. `ArchInfo::kIdXXX` was
//! renamed to `Environment::kArchXXX`.
//! Some functions were deprecated, some removed...
//! - `CodeInfo` has been removed in favor of `Environment`. If you used `CodeInfo` to set architecture and base
//! address, this is now possible with `Environment` and setting base address explicitly by `CodeHolder::init()`
//! - the first argument is `Environment`, and the second argument is base address, which defaults to
//! `Globals::kNoBaseAddress`.
//! CodeInfo class was deprecated, but the code using it should still compile with warnings.
//! - `CallConv` has been updated to offer a more unified way of representing calling conventions - many calling
//! conventions were abstracted to follow standard naming like `CallConvId::kCDecl` or `CallConvId::kStdCall`.
//! This change means that other APIs like `FuncDetail::init()` now require both, calling convention and target
//! `Environment`.
//! - `Logging` namespace has been renamed to `Formatter`, which now provides general functionality for formatting
//! in AsmJit.
//! Logging namespace should still work, but its use is deprecated. Unfortunately this will be without deprecation
//! warnings, so make sure you don't use it.
//! - `Data64`, `Data128`, and `Data256` structs were deprecated and should no longer be used. There is no replacement,
//! AsmJit users should simply create their own structures if they need them or use the new repeated embed API in
//! emitters, see `BaseEmitter::embedDataArray()`.
//! Emitter changes:
//! - `BaseEmitter::emit()` function signature has been changed to accept 3 operands by reference and the rest 3
//! operands as a continuous array. This change is purely cosmetic and shouldn't affect users as emit() has many
//! overloads that dispatch to the right function.
//! - `x86::Emitter` (Assembler, Builder, Compiler) deprecates embed utilities like `dint8()`, `duint8()`, `duint16()`,
//! `dxmm()`, etc... in favor of a new and more powerful `BaseEmitter::embedDataArray()`. This function also allows
//! emitting repeated values and/or patterns, which is used by helpers `BaseEmitter::embedUInt8()`, and others...
//! - Validation is now available through `BaseEmitter::DiagnosticOptions`, which can be enabled/disabled through
//! `BaseEmitter::addDiagnosticOptions()` and `BaseEmitter::clearDiagnosticOptions()`, respectively. Validation
//! options now separate between encoding and Builder/Compiler so it's possible to choose the granularity required.
//! Builder changes:
//! - Internal functions for creating nodes were redesigned. They now accept a pointer to the node created as
//! a first parameter. These changes should not affect AsmJit users as these functions were used internally.
//! Compiler changes:
//! - `FuncCallNode` has been renamed to `InvokeNode`. Additionally, function calls should now use
//! `x86::Compiler::invoke()` instead of `call()`. The reason behind this is to remove the confusion between a
//! `call` instruction and AsmJit's `call()` intrinsic, which is now `invoke()`.
//! - Creating new nodes also changed. Now the preferred way of invoking a function is to call
//! `x86::Compiler::invoke()` where the first argument is `InvokeNode**`. The function now returns an error and
//! would call `ErrorHandler` in case of a failure. Error handling was unspecified in the past - the function was
//! marked noexcept, but called error handler, which could throw.
//! The reason behind this change is to make the API consistent with other changes and to also make it possible
//! to inspect the possible error. In the previous API it returned a new node or `nullptr` in case of error,
//! which the user couldn't inspect unless there was an attached `ErrorHandler`.
//! Samples:
//! ```
//! #include <asmjit/x86.h>
//! using namespace asmjit;
//! // The basic setup of JitRuntime and CodeHolder changed, use environment()
//! // instead of codeInfo().
//! void basicSetup() {
//! JitRuntime rt;
//! CodeHolder code(rt.environment());
//! }
//! // Calling a function (Compiler) changed - use invoke() instead of call().
//! void functionInvocation(x86::Compiler& cc) {
//! InvokeNode* invokeNode;
//! cc.invoke(&invokeNode, targetOperand, FuncSignatureT<...>(...));
//! }
//! ```
//! \defgroup asmjit_core Core
//! \brief Globals, code storage, and emitter interface.
//! ### Overview
//! AsmJit library uses \ref CodeHolder to hold code during code generation and emitters inheriting from \ref
//! BaseEmitter to emit code. CodeHolder uses containers to manage its data:
//! - \ref Section - stores information about a code or data section.
//! - \ref CodeBuffer - stores actual code or data, part of \ref Section.
//! - \ref LabelEntry - stores information about a label - its name, offset, section where it belongs to, and
//! other bits.
//! - \ref LabelLink - stores information about yet unbound label, which was already used by the assembler.
//! - \ref RelocEntry - stores information about a relocation.
//! - \ref AddressTableEntry - stores information about an address, which was used in a jump or call. Such
//! address may need relocation.
//! To generate code you would need to instantiate at least the following classes:
//! - \ref CodeHolder - to hold code during code generation.
//! - \ref BaseEmitter - to emit code into \ref CodeHolder.
//! - \ref Target (optional) - most likely \ref JitRuntime to keep the generated code in executable memory. \ref
//! Target can be customized by inheriting from it.
//! There are also other core classes that are important:
//! - \ref Environment - describes where the code will run. Environment brings the concept of target triples or
//! tuples into AsmJit, which means that users can specify target architecture, platform, and ABI.
//! - \ref TypeId - encapsulates lightweight type functionality that can be used to describe primitive and vector
//! types. Types are used by higher level utilities, for example by \ref asmjit_function and \ref asmjit_compiler.
//! - \ref CpuInfo - encapsulates CPU information - stores both CPU information and CPU features described by \ref
//! CpuFeatures.
//! AsmJit also provides global constants:
//! - \ref Globals - namespace that provides global constants.
//! - \ref ByteOrder - byte-order constants and functionality.
//! \note CodeHolder examples use \ref x86::Assembler as abstract interfaces cannot be used to generate code.
//! ### CodeHolder & Emitters
//! The example below shows how the mentioned classes interact to generate X86 code:
//! ```
//! #include <asmjit/x86.h>
//! #include <stdio.h>
//! using namespace asmjit;
//! // Signature of the generated function.
//! typedef int (*Func)(void);
//! int main() {
//! JitRuntime rt; // Runtime specialized for JIT code execution.
//! CodeHolder code; // Holds code and relocation information.
//! code.init(rt.environment(), // Initialize code to match the JIT environment.
//! rt.cpuFeatures());
//! x86::Assembler a(&code); // Create and attach x86::Assembler to code.
//! a.mov(x86::eax, 1); // Move one to eax register.
//! a.ret(); // Return from function.
//! // ===== x86::Assembler is no longer needed from here and can be destroyed =====
//! Func fn; // Holds address to the generated function.
//! Error err = rt.add(&fn, &code); // Add the generated code to the runtime.
//! if (err) return 1; // Handle a possible error returned by AsmJit.
//! // ===== CodeHolder is no longer needed from here and can be destroyed =====
//! int result = fn(); // Execute the generated code.
//! printf("%d\n", result); // Print the resulting "1".
//! // All classes use RAII, all resources will be released before `main()` returns,
//! // the generated function can be, however, released explicitly if you intend to
//! // reuse or keep the runtime alive, which you should in a production-ready code.
//! rt.release(fn);
//! return 0;
//! }
//! ```
//! The example above used \ref x86::Assembler as an emitter. AsmJit provides the following emitters that offer various
//! levels of abstraction:
//! - \ref asmjit_assembler - Low-level emitter that emits directly to \ref CodeBuffer.
//! - \ref asmjit_builder - Low-level emitter that emits to a \ref BaseNode list.
//! - \ref asmjit_compiler - High-level emitter that provides register allocation.
//! ### Targets and JitRuntime
//! AsmJit's \ref Target is an interface that provides basic target abstraction. At the moment AsmJit provides only
//! one implementation called \ref JitRuntime, which as the name suggests provides JIT code target and execution
//! runtime. \ref JitRuntime provides all the necessary stuff to implement a simple JIT compiler with basic memory
//! management. It only provides \ref JitRuntime::add() and \ref JitRuntime::release() functions that are used to
//! either add code to the runtime or release it. \ref JitRuntime doesn't do any decisions on when the code should be
//! released, the decision is up to the developer.
//! See more at \ref asmjit_virtual_memory group.
//! ### More About Environment
//! In the previous example the \ref Environment is retrieved from \ref JitRuntime. It's logical as \ref JitRuntime
//! always returns an \ref Environment that is compatible with the host. For example if your application runs on X86_64
//! CPU the \ref Environment returned will use \ref Arch::kX64 architecture in contrast to \ref Arch::kX86, which will
//! be used in 32-bit mode on an X86 target.
//! AsmJit allows to setup the \ref Environment manually and to select a different architecture and ABI when necessary.
//! So let's do something else this time, let's always generate a 32-bit code and print its binary representation. To
//! do that, we can create our own \ref Environment and initialize it to \ref Arch::kX86.
//! ```
//! #include <asmjit/x86.h>
//! #include <stdio.h>
//! using namespace asmjit;
//! int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
//! using namespace asmjit::x86;
//! // Create a custom environment initialized to 32-bit X86 architecture.
//! Environment env;
//! env.setArch(Arch::kX86);
//! CodeHolder code; // Create a CodeHolder.
//! code.init(env); // Initialize CodeHolder with custom environment.
//! // Generate a 32-bit function that sums 4 floats and looks like:
//! // void func(float* dst, const float* a, const float* b)
//! x86::Assembler a(&code); // Create and attach x86::Assembler to `code`.
//! a.mov(eax, dword_ptr(esp, 4)); // Load the destination pointer.
//! a.mov(ecx, dword_ptr(esp, 8)); // Load the first source pointer.
//! a.mov(edx, dword_ptr(esp, 12)); // Load the second source pointer.
//! a.movups(xmm0, ptr(ecx)); // Load 4 floats from [ecx] to XMM0.
//! a.movups(xmm1, ptr(edx)); // Load 4 floats from [edx] to XMM1.
//! a.addps(xmm0, xmm1); // Add 4 floats in XMM1 to XMM0.
//! a.movups(ptr(eax), xmm0); // Store the result to [eax].
//! a.ret(); // Return from function.
//! // We have no Runtime this time, it's on us what we do with the code.
//! // CodeHolder stores code in Section, which provides some basic properties
//! // and CodeBuffer structure. We are interested in section's CodeBuffer.
//! //
//! // NOTE: The first section is always '.text', it can be retrieved by
//! // code.sectionById(0) or simply by code.textSection().
//! CodeBuffer& buffer = code.textSection()->buffer();
//! // Print the machine-code generated or do something else with it...
//! // 8B4424048B4C24048B5424040F28010F58010F2900C3
//! for (size_t i = 0; i < buffer.length; i++)
//! printf("%02X", buffer.data[i]);
//! return 0;
//! }
//! ```
//! ### Explicit Code Relocation
//! In addition to \ref Environment, \ref CodeHolder can be configured to specify a base-address (or a virtual base
//! address in a linker terminology), which could be static (useful when you know the location where the target's
//! machine code will be) or dynamic. AsmJit assumes dynamic base-address by default and relocates the code held by
//! \ref CodeHolder to a user provided address on-demand. To be able to relocate to a user provided address it needs
//! to store some information about relocations, which is represented by \ref RelocEntry. Relocation entries are only
//! required if you call external functions from the generated code that cannot be encoded by using a 32-bit
//! displacement (64-bit displacements are not provided by aby supported architecture).
//! There is also a concept called \ref LabelLink - label link is a lightweight data structure that doesn't have any
//! identifier and is stored in \ref LabelEntry as a single-linked list. Label link represents either unbound yet used
//! label and cross-sections links (only relevant to code that uses multiple sections). Since crossing sections is
//! something that cannot be resolved immediately these links persist until offsets of these sections are assigned and
//! until \ref CodeHolder::resolveUnresolvedLinks() is called. It's an error if you end up with code that has
//! unresolved label links after flattening. You can verify it by calling \ref CodeHolder::hasUnresolvedLinks(), which
//! inspects the value returned by \ref CodeHolder::unresolvedLinkCount().
//! AsmJit can flatten code that uses multiple sections by assigning each section an incrementing offset that respects
//! its alignment. Use \ref CodeHolder::flatten() to do that. After the sections are flattened their offsets and
//! virtual sizes are adjusted to respect each section's buffer size and alignment. The \ref
//! CodeHolder::resolveUnresolvedLinks() function must be called before relocating the code held by \ref CodeHolder.
//! You can also flatten your code manually by iterating over all sections and calculating their offsets (relative to
//! base) by your own algorithm. In that case \ref CodeHolder::flatten() should not be called, however,
//! \ref CodeHolder::resolveUnresolvedLinks() should be.
//! The example below shows how to use a built-in virtual memory allocator \ref JitAllocator instead of using \ref
//! JitRuntime (just in case you want to use your own memory management) and how to relocate the generated code
//! into your own memory block - you can use your own virtual memory allocator if you prefer that, but that's OS
//! specific and not covered by the documentation.
//! The following code is similar to the previous one, but implements a function working in both 32-bit and 64-bit
//! environments:
//! ```
//! #include <asmjit/x86.h>
//! #include <stdio.h>
//! using namespace asmjit;
//! typedef void (*SumIntsFunc)(int* dst, const int* a, const int* b);
//! int main() {
//! // Create a custom environment that matches the current host environment.
//! Environment env = Environment::host();
//! CpuFeatures cpuFeatures = CpuInfo::host().features();
//! CodeHolder code; // Create a CodeHolder.
//! code.init(env, cpuFeatures); // Initialize CodeHolder with environment.
//! x86::Assembler a(&code); // Create and attach x86::Assembler to `code`.
//! // Signature: 'void func(int* dst, const int* a, const int* b)'.
//! x86::Gp dst;
//! x86::Gp src_a;
//! x86::Gp src_b;
//! // Handle the difference between 32-bit and 64-bit calling conventions
//! // (arguments passed through stack vs. arguments passed by registers).
//! if (env.is32Bit()) {
//! dst = x86::eax;
//! src_a = x86::ecx;
//! src_b = x86::edx;
//! a.mov(dst , x86::dword_ptr(x86::esp, 4));
//! a.mov(src_a, x86::dword_ptr(x86::esp, 8));
//! a.mov(src_b, x86::dword_ptr(x86::esp, 12));
//! }
//! else {
//! if (env.isPlatformWindows()) {
//! dst = x86::rcx; // First argument (destination pointer).
//! src_a = x86::rdx; // Second argument (source 'a' pointer).
//! src_b = x86::r8; // Third argument (source 'b' pointer).
//! }
//! else {
//! dst = x86::rdi; // First argument (destination pointer).
//! src_a = x86::rsi; // Second argument (source 'a' pointer).
//! src_b = x86::rdx; // Third argument (source 'b' pointer).
//! }
//! }
//! a.movdqu(x86::xmm0, x86::ptr(src_a)); // Load 4 ints from [src_a] to XMM0.
//! a.movdqu(x86::xmm1, x86::ptr(src_b)); // Load 4 ints from [src_b] to XMM1.
//! a.paddd(x86::xmm0, x86::xmm1); // Add 4 ints in XMM1 to XMM0.
//! a.movdqu(x86::ptr(dst), x86::xmm0); // Store the result to [dst].
//! a.ret(); // Return from function.
//! // Even when we didn't use multiple sections AsmJit could insert one section
//! // called '.addrtab' (address table section), which would be filled by data
//! // required by relocations (absolute jumps and calls). You can omit this code
//! // if you are 100% sure your code doesn't contain multiple sections and
//! // such relocations. You can use `CodeHolder::hasAddressTable()` to verify
//! // whether the address table section does exist.
//! code.flatten();
//! code.resolveUnresolvedLinks();
//! // After the code was generated it can be relocated manually to any memory
//! // location, however, we need to know it's size before we perform memory
//! // allocation. `CodeHolder::codeSize()` returns the worst estimated code
//! // size in case that relocations are not possible without trampolines (in
//! // that case some extra code at the end of the current code buffer is
//! // generated during relocation).
//! size_t estimatedSize = code.codeSize();
//! // Instead of rolling up our own memory allocator we can use the one AsmJit
//! // provides. It's decoupled so you don't need to use `JitRuntime` for that.
//! JitAllocator allocator;
//! // Allocate an executable virtual memory and handle a possible failure.
//! void* p = allocator.alloc(estimatedSize);
//! if (!p)
//! return 0;
//! // Now relocate the code to the address provided by the memory allocator.
//! // Please note that this DOESN'T COPY anything to `p`. This function will
//! // store the address in CodeHolder and use relocation entries to patch the
//! // existing code in all sections to respect the base address provided.
//! code.relocateToBase((uint64_t)p);
//! // This is purely optional. There are cases in which the relocation can omit
//! // unneeded data, which would shrink the size of address table. If that
//! // happened the codeSize returned after relocateToBase() would be smaller
//! // than the originally `estimatedSize`.
//! size_t codeSize = code.codeSize();
//! // This will copy code from all sections to `p`. Iterating over all sections
//! // and calling `memcpy()` would work as well, however, this function supports
//! // additional options that can be used to also zero pad sections' virtual
//! // size, etc.
//! //
//! // With some additional features, copyFlattenData() does roughly this:
//! // for (Section* section : code.sections())
//! // memcpy((uint8_t*)p + section->offset(),
//! // section->data(),
//! // section->bufferSize());
//! code.copyFlattenedData(p, codeSize, CopySectionFlags::kPadSectionBuffer);
//! // Execute the generated function.
//! int inA[4] = { 4, 3, 2, 1 };
//! int inB[4] = { 1, 5, 2, 8 };
//! int out[4];
//! // This code uses AsmJit's ptr_as_func<> to cast between void* and SumIntsFunc.
//! ptr_as_func<SumIntsFunc>(p)(out, inA, inB);
//! // Prints {5 8 4 9}
//! printf("{%d %d %d %d}\n", out[0], out[1], out[2], out[3]);
//! // Release 'p' is it's no longer needed. It will be destroyed with 'vm'
//! // instance anyway, but it's a good practice to release it explicitly
//! // when you know that the function will not be needed anymore.
//! allocator.release(p);
//! return 0;
//! }
//! ```
//! If you know the base-address in advance (before the code generation) it can be passed as a second argument to
//! \ref CodeHolder::init(). In that case the Assembler will know the absolute position of each instruction and
//! would be able to use it during instruction encoding to prevent relocations where possible. The following example
//! shows how to configure the base address:
//! ```
//! #include <asmjit/x86.h>
//! #include <stdio.h>
//! using namespace asmjit;
//! void initializeCodeHolder(CodeHolder& code) {
//! Environment env = Environment::host();
//! CpuFeatures cpuFeatures = CpuInfo::host().features();
//! uint64_t baseAddress = uint64_t(0x1234);
//! // initialize CodeHolder with environment and custom base address.
//! code.init(env, cpuFeatures, baseAddress);
//! }
//! ```
//! ### Label Offsets and Links
//! When a label that is not yet bound is used by the Assembler, it creates a \ref LabelLink, which is then added to
//! a \ref LabelEntry. These links are also created if a label is used in a different section than in which it was
//! bound. Let's examine some functions that can be used to check whether there are any unresolved links.
//! ```
//! #include <asmjit/core.h>
//! #include <stdio.h>
//! using namespace asmjit;
//! void labelLinksExample(CodeHolder& code, const Label& label) {
//! // Tests whether the `label` is bound.
//! bool isBound = code.isLabelBound(label);
//! printf("Label %u is %s\n", label.id(), isBound ? "bound" : "not bound");
//! // Returns true if the code contains either referenced, but unbound
//! // labels, or cross-section label links that are not resolved yet.
//! bool hasUnresolved = code.hasUnresolvedLinks(); // Boolean answer.
//! size_t nUnresolved = code.unresolvedLinkCount(); // Count of unresolved links.
//! printf("Number of unresolved links: %zu\n", nUnresolved);
//! }
//! ```
//! There is no function that would return the number of unbound labels as this is completely unimportant from
//! CodeHolder's perspective. If a label is not used then it doesn't matter whether it's bound or not, only actually
//! used labels matter. After a Label is bound it's possible to query its offset offset relative to the start of the
//! section where it was bound:
//! ```
//! #include <asmjit/core.h>
//! #include <stdio.h>
//! using namespace asmjit;
//! void labelOffsetExample(CodeHolder& code, const Label& label) {
//! // Label offset is known after it's bound. The offset provided is relative
//! // to the start of the section, see below for alternative. If the given
//! // label is not bound the offset returned will be zero. It's recommended
//! // to always check whether the label is bound before using its offset.
//! uint64_t sectionOffset = code.labelOffset(label);
//! printf("Label offset relative to section: %llu\n", (unsigned long long)sectionOffset);
//! // If you use multiple sections and want the offset relative to the base.
//! // NOTE: This function expects that the section has already an offset and
//! // the label-link was resolved (if this is not true you will still get an
//! // offset relative to the start of the section).
//! uint64_t baseOffset = code.labelOffsetFromBase(label);
//! printf("Label offset relative to base: %llu\n", (unsigned long long)baseOffset);
//! }
//! ```
//! ### Sections
//! AsmJit allows to create multiple sections within the same \ref CodeHolder. A test-case
//! [asmjit_test_x86_sections.cpp](https://github.com/asmjit/asmjit/blob/master/test/asmjit_test_x86_sections.cpp)
//! can be used as a reference point although the following example should also provide a useful insight:
//! ```
//! #include <asmjit/x86.h>
//! #include <stdio.h>
//! using namespace asmjit;
//! void sectionsExample(CodeHolder& code) {
//! // Text section is always provided as the first section.
//! Section* text = code.textSection(); // or code.sectionById(0);
//! // To create another section use CodeHolder::newSection().
//! Section* data;
//! Error err = code.newSection(&data,
//! ".data", // Section name
//! SIZE_MAX, // Name length if the name is not null terminated (or SIZE_MAX).
//! SectionFlags::kNone, // Section flags, see SectionFlags.
//! 8, // Section alignment, must be power of 2.
//! 0); // Section order value (optional, default 0).
//! // When you switch sections in Assembler, Builder, or Compiler the cursor
//! // will always move to the end of that section. When you create an Assembler
//! // the cursor would be placed at the end of the first (.text) section, which
//! // is initially empty.
//! x86::Assembler a(&code);
//! Label L_Data = a.newLabel();
//! a.mov(x86::eax, x86::ebx); // Emits in .text section.
//! a.section(data); // Switches to the end of .data section.
//! a.bind(L_Data); // Binds label in this .data section
//! a.db(0x01); // Emits byte in .data section.
//! a.section(text); // Switches to the end of .text section.
//! a.add(x86::ebx, x86::eax); // Emits in .text section.
//! // References a label in .text section, which was bound in .data section.
//! // This would create a LabelLink even when the L_Data is already bound,
//! // because the reference crosses sections. See below...
//! a.lea(x86::rsi, x86::ptr(L_Data));
//! }
//! ```
//! The last line in the example above shows that a LabelLink would be created even for bound labels that cross
//! sections. In this case a referenced label was bound in another section, which means that the link couldn't be
//! resolved at that moment. If your code uses sections, but you wish AsmJit to flatten these sections (you don't
//! plan to flatten them manually) then there is an API for that.
//! ```
//! #include <asmjit/x86.h>
//! #include <stdio.h>
//! using namespace asmjit;
//! // ... (continuing the previous example) ...
//! void sectionsExampleContinued(CodeHolder& code) {
//! // Suppose we have some code that contains multiple sections and
//! // we would like to flatten it by using AsmJit's built-in API:
//! Error err = code.flatten();
//! if (err) {
//! // There are many reasons it can fail, so always handle a possible error.
//! printf("Failed to flatten the code: %s\n", DebugUtils::errorAsString(err));
//! exit(1);
//! }
//! // After flattening all sections would contain assigned offsets
//! // relative to base. Offsets are 64-bit unsigned integers so we
//! // cast them to `size_t` for simplicity. On 32-bit targets it's
//! // guaranteed that the offset cannot be greater than `2^32 - 1`.
//! printf("Data section offset %zu", size_t(data->offset()));
//! // The flattening doesn't resolve unresolved label links, this
//! // has to be done manually as flattening can be done separately.
//! err = code.resolveUnresolvedLinks();
//! if (err) {
//! // This is the kind of error that should always be handled...
//! printf("Failed to resolve label links: %s\n", DebugUtils::errorAsString(err));
//! exit(1);
//! }
//! if (code.hasUnresolvedLinks()) {
//! // This would mean either unbound label or some other issue.
//! printf("The code has %zu unbound labels\n", code.unresovedLinkCount());
//! exit(1);
//! }
//! }
//! ```
//! \defgroup asmjit_assembler Assembler
//! \brief Assembler interface and operands.
//! ### Overview
//! AsmJit's Assembler is used to emit machine code directly into a \ref CodeBuffer. In general, code generation
//! with assembler requires the knowledge of the following:
//! - \ref BaseAssembler and architecture-specific assemblers:
//! - \ref x86::Assembler - Assembler specific to X86 architecture
//! - \ref Operand and its variations:
//! - \ref BaseReg - Base class for a register operand, inherited by:
//! - \ref x86::Reg - Register operand specific to X86 architecture.
//! - \ref BaseMem - Base class for a memory operand, inherited by:
//! - \ref x86::Mem - Memory operand specific to X86 architecture.
//! - \ref Imm - Immediate (value) operand.
//! - \ref Label - Label operand.
//! \note Assembler examples use \ref x86::Assembler as abstract interfaces cannot be used to generate code.
//! ### Operand Basics
//! Let's start with operands. \ref Operand is a data structure that defines a data layout of any operand. It can be
//! inherited, but any class inheriting it cannot add any members to it, only the existing layout can be reused.
//! AsmJit allows to construct operands dynamically, to store them, and to query a complete information about them
//! at run-time. Operands are small (always 16 bytes per \ref Operand) and can be copied and passed by value. Please
//! never allocate individual operands dynamically by using a `new` keyword - it would work, but then you would have
//! to be responsible for deleting such operands. In AsmJit operands are always part of some other data structures
//! like \ref InstNode, which is part of \ref asmjit_builder tool.
//! Operands contain only identifiers, but not pointers to any code-generation data. For example \ref Label operand
//! only provides label identifier, but not a pointer to \ref LabelEntry structure. In AsmJit such IDs are used to
//! link stuff together without having to deal with pointers.
//! AsmJit's operands all inherit from a base class called \ref Operand. Operands have the following properties that
//! are commonly accessible by getters and setters:
//! - \ref Operand - Base operand, which only provides accessors that are common to all operand types.
//! - \ref BaseReg - Describes either physical or virtual register. Physical registers have id that matches the
//! target's machine id directly whereas virtual registers must be allocated into physical registers by a register
//! allocator pass. Register operand provides:
//! - Register Type (\ref RegType) - Unique id that describes each possible register provided by the target
//! architecture - for example X86 backend provides general purpose registers (GPB-LO, GPB-HI, GPW, GPD, and GPQ)
//! and all types of other registers like K, MM, BND, XMM, YMM, ZMM, and TMM.
//! - Register Group (\ref RegGroup) - Groups multiple register types under a single group - for example all
//! general-purpose registers (of all sizes) on X86 are part of \ref RegGroup::kGp and all SIMD registers
//! (XMM, YMM, ZMM) are part of \ref RegGroup::kVec.
//! - Register Size - Contains the size of the register in bytes. If the size depends on the mode (32-bit vs
//! 64-bit) then generally the higher size is used (for example RIP register has size 8 by default).
//! - Register Id - Contains physical or virtual id of the register.
//! - \ref BaseMem - Used to reference a memory location. Memory operand provides:
//! - Base Register - A base register type and id (physical or virtual).
//! - Index Register - An index register type and id (physical or virtual).
//! - Offset - Displacement or absolute address to be referenced (32-bit if base register is used and 64-bit if
//! base register is not used).
//! - Flags that can describe various architecture dependent information (like scale and segment-override on X86).
//! - \ref Imm - Immediate values are usually part of instructions (encoded within the instruction itself) or data.
//! - \ref Label - used to reference a location in code or data. Labels must be created by the \ref BaseEmitter or
//! by \ref CodeHolder. Each label has its unique id per \ref CodeHolder instance.
//! ### Operand Manipulation
//! AsmJit allows to construct operands dynamically, to store them, and to query a complete information about them at
//! run-time. Operands are small (always 16 bytes per `Operand`) and should be always copied (by value) if you intend
//! to store them (don't create operands by using `new` keyword, it's not recommended). Operands are safe to be passed
//! to `memcpy()` and `memset()`, which becomes handy when working with arrays of operands. If you set all members of
//! an \ref Operand to zero the operand would become NONE operand, which is the same as a default constructed Operand.
//! The example below illustrates how operands can be used and modified even without using any other code generation
//! classes. The example uses X86 architecture-specific operands.
//! ```
//! #include <asmjit/x86.h>
//! using namespace asmjit;
//! // Registers can be copied, it's a common practice.
//! x86::Gp dstRegByValue() { return x86::ecx; }
//! void usingOperandsExample(x86::Assembler& a) {
//! // Gets `ecx` register returned by a function.
//! x86::Gp dst = dstRegByValue();
//! // Gets `rax` register directly from the provided `x86` namespace.
//! x86::Gp src = x86::rax;
//! // Constructs `r10` dynamically.
//! x86::Gp idx = x86::gpq(10);
//! // Constructs [src + idx] memory address - referencing [rax + r10].
//! x86::Mem m = x86::ptr(src, idx);
//! // Examine `m`: Returns `RegType::kX86_Gpq`.
//! m.indexType();
//! // Examine `m`: Returns 10 (`r10`).
//! m.indexId();
//! // Reconstruct `idx` stored in mem:
//! x86::Gp idx_2 = x86::Gp::fromTypeAndId(m.indexType(), m.indexId());
//! // True, `idx` and idx_2` are identical.
//! idx == idx_2;
//! // Possible - op will still be the same as `m`.
//! Operand op = m;
//! // True (can be casted to BaseMem or architecture-specific Mem).
//! op.isMem();
//! // True, `op` is just a copy of `m`.
//! m == op;
//! // Static cast is fine and valid here.
//! static_cast<BaseMem&>(op).addOffset(1);
//! // However, using `as<T>()` to cast to a derived type is preferred.
//! op.as<BaseMem>().addOffset(1);
//! // False, `op` now points to [rax + r10 + 2], which is not [rax + r10].
//! m == op;
//! // Emitting 'mov' - type safe way.
//! a.mov(dst, m);
//! // Not possible, `mov` doesn't provide mov(x86::Gp, Operand) overload.
//! a.mov(dst, op);
//! // Type-unsafe, but possible.
//! a.emit(x86::Inst::kIdMov, dst, m);
//! // Also possible, `emit()` is typeless and can be used with raw Operand.
//! a.emit(x86::Inst::kIdMov, dst, op);
//! }
//! ```
//! Some operands have to be created explicitly by emitters. For example labels must be created by \ref
//! BaseEmitter::newLabel(), which creates a label entry and returns a \ref Label operand with the id that refers
//! to it. Such label then can be used by emitters.
//! ### Memory Operands
//! Some architectures like X86 provide a complex memory addressing model that allows to encode addresses having a
//! BASE register, INDEX register with a possible scale (left shift), and displacement (called offset in AsmJit).
//! Memory address on X86 can also specify memory segment (segment-override in X86 terminology) and some instructions
//! (gather / scatter) require INDEX to be a \ref x86::Vec register instead of a general-purpose register.
//! AsmJit allows to encode and work with all forms of addresses mentioned and implemented by X86. In addition, it
//! also allows to construct absolute 64-bit memory address operands, which is only allowed in one form of 'mov'
//! instruction.
//! ```
//! #include <asmjit/x86.h>
//! using namespace asmjit;
//! void testX86Mem() {
//! // Makes it easier to access x86 stuff...
//! using namespace asmjit::x86;
//! // BASE + OFFSET.
//! Mem a = ptr(rax); // a = [rax]
//! Mem b = ptr(rax, 15); // b = [rax + 15]
//! // BASE + INDEX << SHIFT - Shift is in BITS as used by X86!
//! Mem c = ptr(rax, rbx); // c = [rax + rbx]
//! Mem d = ptr(rax, rbx, 2); // d = [rax + rbx << 2]
//! Mem e = ptr(rax, rbx, 2, 15); // e = [rax + rbx << 2 + 15]
//! // BASE + VM (Vector Index) (encoded as MOD+VSIB).
//! Mem f = ptr(rax, xmm1); // f = [rax + xmm1]
//! Mem g = ptr(rax, xmm1, 2); // g = [rax + xmm1 << 2]
//! Mem h = ptr(rax, xmm1, 2, 15); // h = [rax + xmm1 << 2 + 15]
//! // Absolute address:
//! uint64_t addr = (uint64_t)0x1234;
//! Mem i = ptr(addr); // i = [0x1234]
//! Mem j = ptr(addr, rbx); // j = [0x1234 + rbx]
//! Mem k = ptr(addr, rbx, 2); // k = [0x1234 + rbx << 2]
//! // LABEL - Will be encoded as RIP (64-bit) or absolute address (32-bit).
//! Label L = ...;
//! Mem m = ptr(L); // m = [L]
//! Mem n = ptr(L, rbx); // n = [L + rbx]
//! Mem o = ptr(L, rbx, 2); // o = [L + rbx << 2]
//! Mem p = ptr(L, rbx, 2, 15); // p = [L + rbx << 2 + 15]
//! // RIP - 64-bit only (RIP can't use INDEX).
//! Mem q = ptr(rip, 24); // q = [rip + 24]
//! }
//! ```
//! Memory operands can optionally contain memory size. This is required by instructions where the memory size cannot
//! be deduced from other operands, like `inc` and `dec` on X86:
//! ```
//! #include <asmjit/x86.h>
//! using namespace asmjit;
//! void testX86Mem() {
//! // The same as: dword ptr [rax + rbx].
//! x86::Mem a = x86::dword_ptr(rax, rbx);
//! // The same as: qword ptr [rdx + rsi << 0 + 1].
//! x86::Mem b = x86::qword_ptr(rdx, rsi, 0, 1);
//! }
//! ```
//! Memory operands provide API that can be used to access its properties:
//! ```
//! #include <asmjit/x86.h>
//! using namespace asmjit;
//! void testX86Mem() {
//! // The same as: dword ptr [rax + 12].
//! x86::Mem mem = x86::dword_ptr(rax, 12);
//! mem.hasBase(); // true.
//! mem.hasIndex(); // false.
//! mem.size(); // 4.
//! mem.offset(); // 12.
//! mem.setSize(0); // Sets the size to 0 (makes it sizeless).
//! mem.addOffset(-1); // Adds -1 to the offset and makes it 11.
//! mem.setOffset(0); // Sets the offset to 0.
//! mem.setBase(rcx); // Changes BASE to RCX.
//! mem.setIndex(rax); // Changes INDEX to RAX.
//! mem.hasIndex(); // true.
//! }
//! // ...
//! ```
//! Making changes to memory operand is very comfortable when emitting loads
//! and stores:
//! ```
//! #include <asmjit/x86.h>
//! using namespace asmjit;
//! void testX86Mem(CodeHolder& code) {
//! x86::Assembler a(code); // Your initialized x86::Assembler.
//! x86::Mem mSrc = x86::ptr(eax); // Construct [eax] memory operand.
//! // One way of emitting bunch of loads is to use `mem.adjusted()`, which
//! // returns a new memory operand and keeps the source operand unchanged.
//! a.movaps(x86::xmm0, mSrc); // No adjustment needed to load [eax].
//! a.movaps(x86::xmm1, mSrc.adjusted(16)); // Loads from [eax + 16].
//! a.movaps(x86::xmm2, mSrc.adjusted(32)); // Loads from [eax + 32].
//! a.movaps(x86::xmm3, mSrc.adjusted(48)); // Loads from [eax + 48].
//! // ... do something with xmm0-3 ...
//! // Another way of adjusting memory is to change the operand in-place.
//! // If you want to keep the original operand you can simply clone it.
//! x86::Mem mDst = mSrc.clone(); // Clone mSrc.
//! a.movaps(mDst, x86::xmm0); // Stores xmm0 to [eax].
//! mDst.addOffset(16); // Adds 16 to `mDst`.
//! a.movaps(mDst, x86::xmm1); // Stores to [eax + 16] .
//! mDst.addOffset(16); // Adds 16 to `mDst`.
//! a.movaps(mDst, x86::xmm2); // Stores to [eax + 32].
//! mDst.addOffset(16); // Adds 16 to `mDst`.
//! a.movaps(mDst, x86::xmm3); // Stores to [eax + 48].
//! }
//! ```
//! ### Assembler Examples
//! - \ref x86::Assembler provides many X86/X64 examples.
//! \defgroup asmjit_builder Builder
//! \brief Builder interface, nodes, and passes.
//! ### Overview
//! Both \ref BaseBuilder and \ref BaseCompiler interfaces describe emitters that emit into a representation that
//! allows further processing. The code stored in such representation is completely safe to be patched, simplified,
//! reordered, obfuscated, removed, injected, analyzed, or processed some other way. Each instruction, label,
//! directive, or other building block is stored as \ref BaseNode (or derived class like \ref InstNode or \ref
//! LabelNode) and contains all the information necessary to pass that node later to the assembler.
//! \ref BaseBuilder is an emitter that inherits from \ref BaseEmitter interface. It was designed to provide a maximum
//! compatibility with the existing \ref BaseAssembler emitter so users can move from assembler to builder when needed,
//! for example to implement post-processing, which is not possible with Assembler.
//! ### Builder Nodes
//! \ref BaseBuilder doesn't generate machine code directly, it uses an intermediate representation based on nodes,
//! however, it allows to serialize to \ref BaseAssembler when the code is ready to be encoded.
//! There are multiple node types used by both \ref BaseBuilder and \ref BaseCompiler :
//! - Basic nodes:
//! - \ref BaseNode - Base class for all nodes.
//! - \ref InstNode - Represents an instruction node.
//! - \ref AlignNode - Represents an alignment directive (.align).
//! - \ref LabelNode - Represents a location where to bound a \ref Label.
//! - Data nodes:
//! - \ref EmbedDataNode - Represents data.
//! - \ref EmbedLabelNode - Represents \ref Label address embedded as data.
//! - \ref EmbedLabelDeltaNode - Represents a difference of two labels embedded in data.
//! - \ref ConstPoolNode - Represents a constant pool data embedded as data.
//! - Informative nodes:
//! - \ref CommentNode - Represents a comment string, doesn't affect code generation.
//! - \ref SentinelNode - A marker that can be used to remember certain position in code or data, doesn't affect
//! code generation. Used by \ref FuncNode to mark the end of a function.
//! - Other nodes are provided by \ref asmjit_compiler infrastructure.
//! ### Builder Examples
//! - \ref x86::Builder provides many X86/X64 examples.
//! \defgroup asmjit_compiler Compiler
//! \brief Compiler interface.
//! ### Overview
//! \ref BaseCompiler is a high-level interface, which provides register allocation and support for defining and
//! invoking functions, built on top of \ref BaseBuilder interface At the moment it's the easiest way of generating
//! code in AsmJit as most architecture and OS specifics is properly abstracted and handled by AsmJit automatically.
//! However, abstractions also mean restrictions, which means that \ref BaseCompiler has more limitations than \ref
//! BaseAssembler or \ref BaseBuilder.
//! Since \ref BaseCompiler provides register allocation it also establishes the concept of functions - a function
//! in Compiler sense is a unit in which virtual registers are allocated into physical registers by the register
//! allocator. In addition, it enables to use such virtual registers in function invocations.
//! \ref BaseCompiler automatically handles function calling conventions. It's still architecture dependent, but
//! makes the code generation much easies. Functions are essential; the first-step to generate some code is to define
//! a signature of the function to be generated (before generating the function body itself). Function arguments and
//! return value(s) are handled by assigning virtual registers to them. Similarly, function calls are handled the same
//! way.
//! ### Compiler Nodes
//! \ref BaseCompiler adds some nodes that are required for function generation and invocation:
//! - \ref FuncNode - Represents a function definition.
//! - \ref FuncRetNode - Represents a function return.
//! - \ref InvokeNode - Represents a function invocation.
//! \ref BaseCompiler also makes the use of passes (\ref Pass) and automatically adds an architecture-dependent
//! register allocator pass to the list of passes when attached to \ref CodeHolder.
//! ### Compiler Examples
//! - \ref x86::Compiler provides many X86/X64 examples.
//! ### Compiler Tips
//! Users of AsmJit have done mistakes in the past, this section should provide some useful tips for beginners:
//! - Virtual registers in compiler are bound to a single function. At the moment the implementation doesn't
//! care whether a single virtual register is used in multiple functions, but it sees it as two independent
//! virtual registers in that case. This means that virtual registers cannot be used to implement global
//! variables. Global variables are basically memory addresses which functions can read from and write to,
//! and they have to be implemented in the same way.
//! - Compiler provides a useful debugging functionality, which can be turned on through \ref FormatFlags. Use
//! \ref Logger::addFlags() to turn on additional logging features when using Compiler.
//! \defgroup asmjit_function Function
//! \brief Function definitions.
//! ### Overview
//! AsmJit provides functionality that can be used to define function signatures and to calculate automatically
//! optimal function frame that can be used directly by a prolog and epilog insertion. This feature was exclusive
//! to AsmJit's Compiler for a very long time, but was abstracted out and is now available for all users regardless
//! of the emitter they use. The following use cases are possible:
//! - Calculate function frame before the function is generated - this is the only way available to \ref
//! BaseAssembler users and it will be described in this section.
//! - Calculate function frame after the function is generated - this way is generally used by \ref BaseBuilder
//! and \ref BaseCompiler emitters and this way is generally described in \ref asmjit_compiler section.
//! The following concepts are used to describe and create functions in AsmJit:
//! - \ref TypeId - Type-id is an 8-bit value that describes a platform independent type as we know from C/C++.
//! It provides abstractions for most common types like `int8_t`, `uint32_t`, `uintptr_t`, `float`, `double`,
//! and all possible vector types to match ISAs up to AVX512. \ref TypeId was introduced originally for \ref
//! asmjit_compiler, but it's now used by \ref FuncSignature as well.
//! - \ref CallConv - Describes a calling convention - this class contains instructions to assign registers and
//! stack addresses to function arguments and return value(s), but doesn't specify any function signature itself.
//! Calling conventions are architecture and OS dependent.
//! - \ref FuncSignature - Describes a function signature, for example `int func(int, int)`. FuncSignature contains
//! a function calling convention id, return value type, and function arguments. The signature itself is platform
//! independent and uses \ref TypeId to describe types of function arguments and function return value(s).
//! - \ref FuncDetail - Architecture and ABI dependent information that describes \ref CallConv and expanded \ref
//! FuncSignature. Each function argument and return value is represented as \ref FuncValue that contains the
//! original \ref TypeId enriched with additional information that specifies whether the value is passed or
//! returned by register (and which register) or by stack. Each value also contains some other metadata that
//! provide additional information required to handle it properly (for example whether a vector is passed
//! indirectly by a pointer as required by WIN64 calling convention).
//! - \ref FuncFrame - Contains information about the function frame that can be used by prolog/epilog inserter
//! (PEI). Holds call stack size size and alignment, local stack size and alignment, and various attributes that
//! describe how prolog and epilog should be constructed. `FuncFrame` doesn't know anything about function's
//! arguments or return values, it hold only information necessary to create a valid and ABI conforming function
//! prologs and epilogs.
//! - \ref FuncArgsAssignment - A helper class that can be used to reassign function arguments into user specified
//! registers. It's architecture and ABI dependent mapping from function arguments described by \ref CallConv
//! and \ref FuncDetail into registers specified by the user.
//! It's a lot of concepts where each represents one step in a function frame calculation. It can be used to create
//! function prologs, epilogs, and also to calculate information necessary to perform function calls.
//! \defgroup asmjit_logging Logging
//! \brief Logging and formatting.
//! ### Overview
//! The initial phase of a project that generates machine code is not always smooth. Failure cases are common not just
//! at the beginning phase, but also during the development or refactoring. AsmJit provides logging functionality to
//! address this issue. AsmJit does already a good job with function overloading to prevent from emitting unencodable
//! instructions, but it can't prevent from emitting machine code that is correct at instruction level, but doesn't
//! work when it's executed asa whole. Logging has always been an important part of AsmJit's infrastructure and looking
//! at logs can sometimes reveal code generation issues quickly.
//! AsmJit provides API for logging and formatting:
//! - \ref Logger - A logger that you can pass to \ref CodeHolder and all emitters that inherit from \ref BaseEmitter.
//! - \ref FormatOptions - Formatting options that can change how instructions and operands are formatted.
//! - \ref Formatter - A namespace that provides functions that can format input data like \ref Operand, \ref BaseReg,
//! \ref Label, and \ref BaseNode into \ref String.
//! AsmJit's \ref Logger serves the following purposes:
//! - Provides a basic foundation for logging.
//! - Abstract class leaving the implementation on users. The following built-in implementations are provided for
//! simplicity:
//! - \ref FileLogger implements logging into a standard `FILE` stream.
//! - \ref StringLogger serializes all logs into a \ref String instance.
//! AsmJit's \ref FormatOptions provides the following to customize the formatting of instructions and operands through:
//! - \ref FormatFlags
//! - \ref FormatIndentationGroup
//! ### Logging
//! A \ref Logger is typically attached to a \ref CodeHolder, which propagates it to all attached emitters
//! automatically. The example below illustrates how to use \ref FileLogger that outputs to standard output:
//! ```
//! #include <asmjit/core.h>
//! #include <stdio.h>
//! using namespace asmjit;
//! int main() {
//! JitRuntime rt; // Runtime specialized for JIT code execution.
//! FileLogger logger(stdout); // Logger should always survive CodeHolder.
//! CodeHolder code; // Holds code and relocation information.
//! code.init(rt.environment(), // Initialize code to match the JIT environment.
//! rt.cpuFeatures());
//! code.setLogger(&logger); // Attach the `logger` to `code` holder.
//! // ... code as usual, everything emitted will be logged to `stdout` ...
//! return 0;
//! }
//! ```
//! If output to FILE stream is not desired it's possible to use \ref StringLogger, which concatenates everything
//! into a multi-line string:
//! ```
//! #include <asmjit/core.h>
//! #include <stdio.h>
//! #include <utility>
//! using namespace asmjit;
//! int main() {
//! JitRuntime rt; // Runtime specialized for JIT code execution.
//! StringLogger logger; // Logger should always survive CodeHolder.
//! CodeHolder code; // Holds code and relocation information.
//! code.init(rt.environment(), // Initialize code to match the JIT environment.
//! rt.cpuFeatures());
//! code.setLogger(&logger); // Attach the `logger` to `code` holder.
//! // ... code as usual, logging will be concatenated to logger string ...
//! // You can either use the string from StringLogger directly or you can
//! // move it. Logger::data() returns its content as null terminated char[].
//! printf("Logger content: %s\n", logger.data());
//! // It can be moved into your own string like this:
//! String content = std::move(logger.content());
//! printf("The same content: %s\n", content.data());
//! return 0;
//! }
//! ```
//! ### Formatting
//! AsmJit uses \ref Formatter to format inputs that are then passed to \ref Logger. Formatting is public and can be
//! used by AsmJit users as well. The most important thing to know regarding formatting is that \ref Formatter always
//! appends to the output string, so it can be used to build complex strings without having to concatenate
//! intermediate strings.
//! The first example illustrates how to format operands:
//! ```
//! #include <asmjit/core.h>
//! #include <stdio.h>
//! using namespace asmjit;
//! void logOperand(Arch arch, const Operand_& op) {
//! // The emitter is optional (named labels and virtual registers need it).
//! BaseEmitter* emitter = nullptr;
//! // No flags by default.
//! FormatFlags formatFlags = FormatFlags::kNone;
//! StringTmp<128> sb;
//! Formatter::formatOperand(sb, formatFlags, emitter, arch, op);
//! printf("%s\n", sb.data());
//! }
//! void formattingExample() {
//! using namespace x86;
//! // Architecture is not part of operand, it must be passed explicitly.
//! // Format flags. We pass it explicitly also to 'logOperand' to make
//! // compatible with what AsmJit normally does.
//! Arch arch = Arch::kX64;
//! log(arch, rax); // Prints 'rax'.
//! log(arch, ptr(rax, rbx, 2)); // Prints '[rax + rbx * 4]`.
//! log(arch, dword_ptr(rax, rbx, 2)); // Prints 'dword [rax + rbx * 4]`.
//! log(arch, imm(42)); // Prints '42'.
//! }
//! ```
//! Next example illustrates how to format whole instructions:
//! ```
//! #include <asmjit/core.h>
//! #include <stdio.h>
//! #include <utility>
//! using namespace asmjit;
//! template<typename... Args>
//! void logInstruction(Arch arch, const BaseInst& inst, Args&&... args) {
//! // The emitter is optional (named labels and virtual registers need it).
//! BaseEmitter* emitter = nullptr;
//! // No flags by default.
//! FormatFlags formatFlags = FormatFlags::kNone;
//! // The formatter expects operands in an array.
//! Operand_ operands { std::forward<Args>(args)... };
//! StringTmp<128> sb;
//! Formatter::formatInstruction(
//! sb, formatFlags, emitter, arch, inst, operands, sizeof...(args));
//! printf("%s\n", sb.data());
//! }
//! void formattingExample() {
//! using namespace x86;
//! // Architecture is not part of operand, it must be passed explicitly.
//! // Format flags. We pass it explicitly also to 'logOperand' to make
//! // compatible with what AsmJit normally does.
//! Arch arch = Arch::kX64;
//! // Prints 'mov rax, rcx'.
//! logInstruction(arch, BaseInst(Inst::kIdMov), rax, rcx);
//! // Prints 'vaddpd zmm0, zmm1, [rax] {1to8}'.
//! logInstruction(arch,
//! BaseInst(Inst::kIdVaddpd),
//! zmm0, zmm1, ptr(rax)._1toN());
//! // BaseInst abstracts instruction id, instruction options, and extraReg.
//! // Prints 'lock add [rax], rcx'.
//! logInstruction(arch,
//! BaseInst(Inst::kIdAdd, InstOptions::kX86_Lock),
//! x86::ptr(rax), rcx);
//! // Similarly an extra register (like AVX-512 selector) can be used.
//! // Prints 'vaddpd zmm0 {k2} {z}, zmm1, [rax]'.
//! logInstruction(arch,
//! BaseInst(Inst::kIdAdd, InstOptions::kX86_ZMask, k2),
//! zmm0, zmm1, ptr(rax));
//! }
//! ```
//! And finally, the example below illustrates how to use a built-in function to format the content of
//! \ref BaseBuilder, which consists of nodes:
//! ```
//! #include <asmjit/core.h>
//! #include <stdio.h>
//! using namespace asmjit;
//! void formattingExample(BaseBuilder* builder) {
//! FormatOptions formatOptions {};
//! // This also shows how temporary strings can be used.
//! StringTmp<512> sb;
//! // FormatNodeList requires the String for output, formatting flags, which
//! // were zero (no extra flags), and the builder instance, which we have
//! // provided. An overloaded version also exists, which accepts begin and
//! // and end nodes, which can be used to only format a range of nodes.
//! Formatter::formatNodeList(sb, formatOptions, builder);
//! // You can do whatever else with the string, it's always null terminated,
//! // so it can be passed to C functions like printf().
//! printf("%s\n", sb.data());
//! }
//! ```
//! \defgroup asmjit_error_handling Error Handling
//! \brief Error handling.
//! ### Overview
//! AsmJit uses error codes to represent and return errors. Every function that can fail returns an \ref Error code.
//! Exceptions are never thrown by AsmJit itself even in extreme conditions like out-of-memory, but it's possible to
//! override \ref ErrorHandler::handleError() to throw, in that case no error will be returned and exception will be
//! thrown instead. All functions where this can happen are not marked `noexcept`.
//! Errors should never be ignored, however, checking errors after each AsmJit API call would simply overcomplicate
//! the whole code generation experience. \ref ErrorHandler exists to make the use of AsmJit API simpler as it allows
//! to customize how errors can be handled:
//! - Record the error and continue (the way how the error is user-implemented).
//! - Throw an exception. AsmJit doesn't use exceptions and is completely exception-safe, but it's perfectly legal
//! to throw an exception from the error handler.
//! - Use plain old C's `setjmp()` and `longjmp()`. Asmjit always puts Assembler, Builder and Compiler to a
//! consistent state before calling \ref ErrorHandler::handleError(), so `longjmp()` can be used without issues
//! to cancel the code-generation if an error occurred. This method can be used if exception handling in your
//! project is turned off and you still want some comfort. In most cases it should be safe as AsmJit uses \ref
//! Zone memory and the ownership of memory it allocates always ends with the instance that allocated it. If
//! using this approach please never jump outside the life-time of \ref CodeHolder and \ref BaseEmitter.
//! ### Using ErrorHandler
//! An example of attaching \ref ErrorHandler to \ref CodeHolder.
//! ```
//! #include <asmjit/x86.h>
//! #include <stdio.h>
//! using namespace asmjit;
//! // A simple error handler implementation, extend according to your needs.
//! class MyErrorHandler : public ErrorHandler {
//! public:
//! void handleError(Error err, const char* message, BaseEmitter* origin) override {
//! printf("AsmJit error: %s\n", message);
//! }
//! };
//! int main() {
//! JitRuntime rt;
//! MyErrorHandler myErrorHandler;
//! CodeHolder code;
//! code.init(rt.environment(), rt.cpuFeatures());
//! code.setErrorHandler(&myErrorHandler);
//! x86::Assembler a(&code);
//! // ... code generation ...
//! return 0;
//! }
//! ```
//! Useful classes in error handling group:
//! - See \ref DebugUtils that provides utilities useful for debugging.
//! - See \ref Error that lists error codes that AsmJit uses.
//! - See \ref ErrorHandler for more details about error handling.
//! \defgroup asmjit_instruction_db Instruction DB
//! \brief Instruction database (introspection, read/write, validation, ...).
//! ### Overview
//! AsmJit provides a public instruction database that can be used to query information about a complete instruction.
//! The instruction database requires the knowledge of the following:
//! - \ref BaseInst - Base instruction that contains instruction id, options, and a possible extra-register that
//! represents either REP prefix counter or AVX-512 selector (mask).
//! - \ref Operand - Represents operands of an instruction.
//! Each instruction can be then queried for the following information:
//! - \ref InstRWInfo - Read/write information of instruction and its oprands (includes \ref OpRWInfo).
//! - \ref CpuFeatures - CPU features required to execute the instruction.
//! In addition to query functionality AsmJit is also able to validate whether an instruction and its operands are
//! valid. This is useful for making sure that what user tries to emit is correct and it can be also used by other
//! projects that parse user input, like AsmTK project.
//! ### Query API
//! The instruction query API is provided by \ref InstAPI namespace. The following queries are possible:
//! - \ref InstAPI::queryRWInfo() - queries read/write information of the given instruction and its operands.
//! Includes also CPU flags read/written.
//! - \ref InstAPI::queryFeatures() - queries CPU features that are required to execute the given instruction. A full
//! instruction with operands must be given as some architectures like X86 may require different features for the
//! same instruction based on its operands.
//! - <a href="https://github.com/asmjit/asmjit/blob/master/test/asmjit_test_instinfo.cpp">asmjit_test_instinfo.cpp</a>
//! can be also used as a reference about accessing instruction information.
//! ### Validation API
//! The instruction validation API is provided by \ref InstAPI namespace in the similar fashion like the Query API,
//! however, validation can also be turned on at \ref BaseEmitter level. The following is possible:
//! - \ref InstAPI::validate() - low-level instruction validation function that is used internally by emitters
//! if strict validation is enabled.
//! - \ref BaseEmitter::addDiagnosticOptions() - can be used to enable validation at emitter level, see \ref
//! DiagnosticOptions.
//! \defgroup asmjit_virtual_memory Virtual Memory
//! \brief Virtual memory management.
//! ### Overview
//! AsmJit's virtual memory management is divided into two main categories:
//! - Low level API that provides cross-platform abstractions for virtual memory allocation. Implemented in
//! \ref VirtMem namespace.
//! - High level API that makes it very easy to store generated code for execution. See \ref JitRuntime, which is
//! used by many examples for its simplicity and easy integration with \ref CodeHolder. There is also \ref
//! JitAllocator, which lays somewhere between RAW memory allocation and \ref JitRuntime.
//! \defgroup asmjit_zone Zone Memory
//! \brief Zone memory allocator and containers.
//! ### Overview
//! AsmJit uses zone memory allocation (also known as Arena allocation) to allocate most of the data it uses. It's a
//! fast allocator that allows AsmJit to allocate a lot of small data structures fast and without `malloc()` overhead.
//! Since code generators and all related classes are usually short-lived this approach decreases memory usage and
//! fragmentation as arena-based allocators always allocate larger blocks of memory, which are then split into smaller
//! chunks.
//! Another advantage of zone memory allocation is that since the whole library uses this strategy it's very easy to
//! deallocate everything that a particular instance is holding by simply releasing the memory the allocator holds.
//! This improves destruction time of such objects as there is no destruction at all. Long-lived objects just reset
//! its data in destructor or in their reset() member function for a future reuse. For this purpose all containers in
//! AsmJit are also zone allocated.
//! ### Zone Allocation
//! - \ref Zone - Incremental zone memory allocator with minimum features. It can only allocate memory without the
//! possibility to return it back to the allocator.
//! - \ref ZoneTmp - A temporary \ref Zone with some initial static storage. If the allocation requests fit the
//! static storage allocated then there will be no dynamic memory allocation during the lifetime of \ref ZoneTmp,
//! otherwise it would act as \ref Zone with one preallocated block on the stack.
//! - \ref ZoneAllocator - A wrapper of \ref Zone that provides the capability of returning memory to the allocator.
//! Such memory is stored in a pool for later reuse.
//! ### Zone Allocated Containers
//! - \ref ZoneString - Zone allocated string.
//! - \ref ZoneHash - Zone allocated hash table.
//! - \ref ZoneTree - Zone allocated red-black tree.
//! - \ref ZoneList - Zone allocated double-linked list.
//! - \ref ZoneStack - Zone allocated stack.
//! - \ref ZoneVector - Zone allocated vector.
//! - \ref ZoneBitVector - Zone allocated vector of bits.
//! ### Using Zone Allocated Containers
//! The most common data structure exposed by AsmJit is \ref ZoneVector. It's very similar to `std::vector`, but the
//! implementation doesn't use exceptions and uses the mentioned \ref ZoneAllocator for performance reasons. You don't
//! have to worry about allocations as you should not need to add items to AsmJit's data structures directly as there
//! should be API for all required operations.
//! The following APIs in \ref CodeHolder returns \ref ZoneVector reference:
//! ```
//! using namespace asmjit;
//! void example(CodeHolder& code) {
//! // Contains all emitters attached to CodeHolder.
//! const ZoneVector<BaseEmitter*>& emitters = code.emitters();
//! // Contains all section entries managed by CodeHolder.
//! const ZoneVector<Section*>& sections = code.sections();
//! // Contains all label entries managed by CodeHolder.
//! const ZoneVector<LabelEntry*>& labelEntries = code.labelEntries();
//! // Contains all relocation entries managed by CodeHolder.
//! const ZoneVector<RelocEntry*>& relocEntries = code.relocEntries();
//! }
//! ```
//! \ref ZoneVector has overloaded array access operator to make it possible to access its elements through operator[].
//! Some standard functions like \ref ZoneVector::empty(), \ref ZoneVector::size(), and \ref ZoneVector::data() are
//! provided as well. Vectors are also iterable through a range-based for loop:
//! ```
//! using namespace asmjit;
//! void example(CodeHolder& code) {
//! for (LabelEntry* le : code.labelEntries()) {
//! printf("Label #%u {Bound=%s Offset=%llu}",
//! le->id(),
//! le->isBound() ? "true" : "false",
//! (unsigned long long)le->offset());
//! }
//! }
//! ```
//! ### Design Considerations
//! Zone-allocated containers do not store the allocator within the container. This decision was made to reduce the
//! footprint of such containers as AsmJit tooling, especially Compiler's register allocation, may use many instances
//! of such containers to perform code analysis and register allocation.
//! For example to append an item into a \ref ZoneVector it's required to pass the allocator as the first argument,
//! so it can be used in case that the vector needs a reallocation. Such function also returns an error, which must
//! be propagated to the caller.
//! ```
//! using namespace asmjit
//! Error example(ZoneAllocator* allocator) {
//! ZoneVector<int> vector;
//! // Unfortunately, allocator must be provided to all functions that mutate
//! // the vector. However, AsmJit users should never need to do this as all
//! // manipulation should be done through public API, which takes care of
//! // that.
//! for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
//! ASMJIT_PROPAGATE(vector.append(allocator, i));
//! }
//! // By default vector's destructor doesn't release anything as it knows
//! // that its content is zone allocated. However, \ref ZoneVector::release
//! // can be used to explicitly release the vector data to the allocator if
//! // necessary
//! vector.release(allocator);
//! }
//! ```
//! Containers like \ref ZoneVector also provide a functionality to reserve a certain number of items before any items
//! are added to it. This approach is used internally in most places as it allows to prepare space for data that will
//! be added to some container before the data itself was created.
//! ```
//! using namespace asmjit
//! Error example(ZoneAllocator* allocator) {
//! ZoneVector<int> vector;
//! ASMJIT_PROPAGATE(vector.willGrow(100));
//! for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) {
//! // Cannot fail.
//! vector.appendUnsafe(allocator, i);
//! }
//! vector.release(allocator);
//! }
//! ```
//! \defgroup asmjit_utilities Utilities
//! \brief Utility classes and functions.
//! ### Overview
//! AsmJit uses and provides utility classes and functions, that can be used with AsmJit. The functionality can be
//! divided into the following topics:
//! ### String Functionality
//! - \ref String - AsmJit's string container, which is used internally and which doesn't use exceptions and has
//! a stable layout, which is not dependent on C++ standard library.
//! - \ref StringTmp - String that can have base storage allocated on stack. The amount of storage on stack can
//! be specified as a template parameter.
//! - \ref FixedString - Fixed string container limited up to N characters.
//! ### Code Generation Utilities
//! - \ref ConstPool - Constant pool used by \ref BaseCompiler, but also available to users that may find use of it.
//! ### Support Functionality Used by AsmJit
//! - \ref Support namespace provides many other utility functions and classes that are used by AsmJit, and made
//! public.
//! \defgroup asmjit_x86 X86 Backend
//! \brief X86/X64 backend.
//! \defgroup asmjit_arm ARM Commons
//! \brief ARM commons shared between AArch32 and AArch64.
//! \defgroup asmjit_a64 AArch64 Backend
//! \brief AArch64 backend.
//! \cond INTERNAL
//! \defgroup asmjit_ra RA
//! \brief Register allocator internals.
//! \endcond
} // {asmjit}
#include "asmjit-scope-begin.h"
#include "core/archtraits.h"
#include "core/assembler.h"
#include "core/builder.h"
#include "core/codeholder.h"
#include "core/compiler.h"
#include "core/constpool.h"
#include "core/cpuinfo.h"
#include "core/emitter.h"
#include "core/environment.h"
#include "core/errorhandler.h"
#include "core/formatter.h"
#include "core/func.h"
#include "core/globals.h"
#include "core/inst.h"
#include "core/jitallocator.h"
#include "core/jitruntime.h"
#include "core/logger.h"
#include "core/operand.h"
#include "core/osutils.h"
#include "core/string.h"
#include "core/support.h"
#include "core/target.h"
#include "core/type.h"
#include "core/virtmem.h"
#include "core/zone.h"
#include "core/zonehash.h"
#include "core/zonelist.h"
#include "core/zonetree.h"
#include "core/zonestack.h"
#include "core/zonestring.h"
#include "core/zonevector.h"
#include "asmjit-scope-end.h"