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2023-11-26 08:54:06 -05:00
// This file is part of AsmJit project <>
// See asmjit.h or for license and copyright information
// SPDX-License-Identifier: Zlib
#include "../core/archtraits.h"
#include "../core/operand.h"
#include "../core/type.h"
#include "../arm/armglobals.h"
//! \addtogroup asmjit_arm
//! \{
class Reg;
class Mem;
class Gp;
class GpW;
class GpX;
class Vec;
class VecB;
class VecH;
class VecS;
class VecD;
class VecV;
//! Register traits (ARM/AArch64).
//! Register traits contains information about a particular register type. It's used by asmjit to setup register
//! information on-the-fly and to populate tables that contain register information (this way it's possible to
//! change register types and groups without having to reorder these tables).
template<RegType kRegType>
struct RegTraits : public BaseRegTraits {};
//! \cond
// <--------------------+-----+-------------------------+------------------------+---+---+------------------+
// | Reg | Reg-Type | Reg-Group |Sz |Cnt| TypeId |
// <--------------------+-----+-------------------------+------------------------+---+---+------------------+
ASMJIT_DEFINE_REG_TRAITS(GpW , RegType::kARM_GpW , RegGroup::kGp , 4 , 32, TypeId::kInt32 );
ASMJIT_DEFINE_REG_TRAITS(GpX , RegType::kARM_GpX , RegGroup::kGp , 8 , 32, TypeId::kInt64 );
ASMJIT_DEFINE_REG_TRAITS(VecB , RegType::kARM_VecB , RegGroup::kVec , 1 , 32, TypeId::kVoid );
ASMJIT_DEFINE_REG_TRAITS(VecH , RegType::kARM_VecH , RegGroup::kVec , 2 , 32, TypeId::kVoid );
ASMJIT_DEFINE_REG_TRAITS(VecS , RegType::kARM_VecS , RegGroup::kVec , 4 , 32, TypeId::kInt32x1 );
ASMJIT_DEFINE_REG_TRAITS(VecD , RegType::kARM_VecD , RegGroup::kVec , 8 , 32, TypeId::kInt32x2 );
ASMJIT_DEFINE_REG_TRAITS(VecV , RegType::kARM_VecV , RegGroup::kVec , 16, 32, TypeId::kInt32x4 );
//! \endcond
//! Register (ARM).
class Reg : public BaseReg {
//! Gets whether the register is a `R|W` register (32-bit).
inline constexpr bool isGpW() const noexcept { return baseSignature() == RegTraits<RegType::kARM_GpW>::kSignature; }
//! Gets whether the register is an `X` register (64-bit).
inline constexpr bool isGpX() const noexcept { return baseSignature() == RegTraits<RegType::kARM_GpX>::kSignature; }
//! Gets whether the register is a VEC-B register (8-bit).
inline constexpr bool isVecB() const noexcept { return baseSignature() == RegTraits<RegType::kARM_VecB>::kSignature; }
//! Gets whether the register is a VEC-H register (16-bit).
inline constexpr bool isVecH() const noexcept { return baseSignature() == RegTraits<RegType::kARM_VecH>::kSignature; }
//! Gets whether the register is a VEC-S register (32-bit).
inline constexpr bool isVecS() const noexcept { return baseSignature() == RegTraits<RegType::kARM_VecS>::kSignature; }
//! Gets whether the register is a VEC-D register (64-bit).
inline constexpr bool isVecD() const noexcept { return baseSignature() == RegTraits<RegType::kARM_VecD>::kSignature; }
//! Gets whether the register is a VEC-Q register (128-bit).
inline constexpr bool isVecQ() const noexcept { return baseSignature() == RegTraits<RegType::kARM_VecV>::kSignature; }
//! Gets whether the register is either VEC-D (64-bit) or VEC-Q (128-bit).
inline constexpr bool isVecDOrQ() const noexcept { return uint32_t(type()) - uint32_t(RegType::kARM_VecD) <= 1u; }
//! Gets whether the register is a VEC-V register (128-bit).
inline constexpr bool isVecV() const noexcept { return baseSignature() == RegTraits<RegType::kARM_VecV>::kSignature; }
template<RegType kRegType>
inline void setRegT(uint32_t id) noexcept {
inline void setTypeAndId(RegType type, uint32_t id) noexcept {
static inline RegGroup groupOf(RegType type) noexcept { return ArchTraits::byArch(Arch::kAArch64).regTypeToGroup(type); }
static inline TypeId typeIdOf(RegType type) noexcept { return ArchTraits::byArch(Arch::kAArch64).regTypeToTypeId(type); }
static inline OperandSignature signatureOf(RegType type) noexcept { return ArchTraits::byArch(Arch::kAArch64).regTypeToSignature(type); }
template<RegType kRegType>
static inline RegGroup groupOfT() noexcept { return RegTraits<kRegType>::kGroup; }
template<RegType kRegType>
static inline TypeId typeIdOfT() noexcept { return RegTraits<kRegType>::kTypeId; }
template<RegType kRegType>
static inline OperandSignature signatureOfT() noexcept { return RegTraits<kRegType>::kSignature; }
static inline bool isGpW(const Operand_& op) noexcept { return<Reg>().isGpW(); }
static inline bool isGpX(const Operand_& op) noexcept { return<Reg>().isGpX(); }
static inline bool isVecB(const Operand_& op) noexcept { return<Reg>().isVecB(); }
static inline bool isVecH(const Operand_& op) noexcept { return<Reg>().isVecH(); }
static inline bool isVecS(const Operand_& op) noexcept { return<Reg>().isVecS(); }
static inline bool isVecD(const Operand_& op) noexcept { return<Reg>().isVecD(); }
static inline bool isVecQ(const Operand_& op) noexcept { return<Reg>().isVecQ(); }
static inline bool isVecV(const Operand_& op) noexcept { return<Reg>().isVecV(); }
static inline bool isGpW(const Operand_& op, uint32_t id) noexcept { return bool(unsigned(isGpW(op)) & unsigned( == id)); }
static inline bool isGpX(const Operand_& op, uint32_t id) noexcept { return bool(unsigned(isGpX(op)) & unsigned( == id)); }
static inline bool isVecB(const Operand_& op, uint32_t id) noexcept { return bool(unsigned(isVecB(op)) & unsigned( == id)); }
static inline bool isVecH(const Operand_& op, uint32_t id) noexcept { return bool(unsigned(isVecH(op)) & unsigned( == id)); }
static inline bool isVecS(const Operand_& op, uint32_t id) noexcept { return bool(unsigned(isVecS(op)) & unsigned( == id)); }
static inline bool isVecD(const Operand_& op, uint32_t id) noexcept { return bool(unsigned(isVecD(op)) & unsigned( == id)); }
static inline bool isVecQ(const Operand_& op, uint32_t id) noexcept { return bool(unsigned(isVecQ(op)) & unsigned( == id)); }
static inline bool isVecV(const Operand_& op, uint32_t id) noexcept { return bool(unsigned(isVecV(op)) & unsigned( == id)); }
//! General purpose register (ARM).
class Gp : public Reg {
//! Special register id.
enum Id : uint32_t {
//! Register that depends on OS, could be used as TLS offset.
kIdOs = 18,
//! Frame pointer.
kIdFp = 29,
//! Link register.
kIdLr = 30,
//! Stack register id.
kIdSp = 31,
//! Zero register id.
//! Although zero register has the same id as stack register it has a special treatment, because we need to be
//! able to distinguish between these two at API level. Some intructions were designed to be used with SP and
//! some other with ZR - so we need a way to distinguish these two to make sure we emit the right thing.
//! The number 63 is not random, when you perform `id & 31` you would always get 31 for both SP and ZR inputs,
//! which is the identifier used by AArch64 ISA to encode either SP or ZR depending on the instruction.
kIdZr = 63
inline constexpr bool isZR() const noexcept { return id() == kIdZr; }
inline constexpr bool isSP() const noexcept { return id() == kIdSp; }
//! Cast this register to a 32-bit R|W.
inline GpW w() const noexcept;
//! Cast this register to a 64-bit X.
inline GpX x() const noexcept;
//! Vector register (ARM).
class Vec : public Reg {
//! Additional signature bits used by arm::Vec.
enum AdditionalBits : uint32_t {
// Register element type (3 bits).
// |........|........|.XXX....|........|
kSignatureRegElementTypeShift = 12,
kSignatureRegElementTypeMask = 0x07 << kSignatureRegElementTypeShift,
// Register has element index (1 bit).
// |........|........|X.......|........|
kSignatureRegElementFlagShift = 15,
kSignatureRegElementFlagMask = 0x01 << kSignatureRegElementFlagShift,
// Register element index (4 bits).
// |........|....XXXX|........|........|
kSignatureRegElementIndexShift = 16,
kSignatureRegElementIndexMask = 0x0F << kSignatureRegElementIndexShift
//! Element type.
enum ElementType : uint32_t {
//! No element type specified.
kElementTypeNone = 0,
//! Byte elements (B8 or B16).
//! Halfword elements (H4 or H8).
//! Singleword elements (S2 or S4).
//! Doubleword elements (D2).
//! Byte elements grouped by 4 bytes (B4).
//! \note This element-type is only used by few instructions.
//! Halfword elements grouped by 2 halfwords (H2).
//! \note This element-type is only used by few instructions.
//! Count of element types.
//! \cond
//! Shortcuts.
enum SignatureReg : uint32_t {
kSignatureElementB = kElementTypeB << kSignatureRegElementTypeShift,
kSignatureElementH = kElementTypeH << kSignatureRegElementTypeShift,
kSignatureElementS = kElementTypeS << kSignatureRegElementTypeShift,
kSignatureElementD = kElementTypeD << kSignatureRegElementTypeShift,
kSignatureElementB4 = kElementTypeB4 << kSignatureRegElementTypeShift,
kSignatureElementH2 = kElementTypeH2 << kSignatureRegElementTypeShift
//! \endcond
//! Returns whether the register has associated an element type.
inline constexpr bool hasElementType() const noexcept { return _signature.hasField<kSignatureRegElementTypeMask>(); }
//! Returns whether the register has element index (it's an element index access).
inline constexpr bool hasElementIndex() const noexcept { return _signature.hasField<kSignatureRegElementFlagMask>(); }
//! Returns whether the reggister has element type or element index (or both).
inline constexpr bool hasElementTypeOrIndex() const noexcept { return _signature.hasField<kSignatureRegElementTypeMask | kSignatureRegElementFlagMask>(); }
//! Returns element type of the register.
inline constexpr uint32_t elementType() const noexcept { return _signature.getField<kSignatureRegElementTypeMask>(); }
//! Sets element type of the register to `elementType`.
inline void setElementType(uint32_t elementType) noexcept { _signature.setField<kSignatureRegElementTypeMask>(elementType); }
//! Resets element type to none.
inline void resetElementType() noexcept { _signature.setField<kSignatureRegElementTypeMask>(0); }
//! Returns element index of the register.
inline constexpr uint32_t elementIndex() const noexcept { return _signature.getField<kSignatureRegElementIndexMask>(); }
//! Sets element index of the register to `elementType`.
inline void setElementIndex(uint32_t elementIndex) noexcept {
_signature |= kSignatureRegElementFlagMask;
//! Resets element index of the register.
inline void resetElementIndex() noexcept {
_signature &= ~(kSignatureRegElementFlagMask | kSignatureRegElementIndexMask);
inline constexpr bool isVecB8() const noexcept { return _signature.subset(kBaseSignatureMask | kSignatureRegElementTypeMask) == (RegTraits<RegType::kARM_VecD>::kSignature | kSignatureElementB); }
inline constexpr bool isVecH4() const noexcept { return _signature.subset(kBaseSignatureMask | kSignatureRegElementTypeMask) == (RegTraits<RegType::kARM_VecD>::kSignature | kSignatureElementH); }
inline constexpr bool isVecS2() const noexcept { return _signature.subset(kBaseSignatureMask | kSignatureRegElementTypeMask) == (RegTraits<RegType::kARM_VecD>::kSignature | kSignatureElementS); }
inline constexpr bool isVecD1() const noexcept { return _signature.subset(kBaseSignatureMask | kSignatureRegElementTypeMask) == (RegTraits<RegType::kARM_VecD>::kSignature); }
inline constexpr bool isVecB16() const noexcept { return _signature.subset(kBaseSignatureMask | kSignatureRegElementTypeMask) == (RegTraits<RegType::kARM_VecV>::kSignature | kSignatureElementB); }
inline constexpr bool isVecH8() const noexcept { return _signature.subset(kBaseSignatureMask | kSignatureRegElementTypeMask) == (RegTraits<RegType::kARM_VecV>::kSignature | kSignatureElementH); }
inline constexpr bool isVecS4() const noexcept { return _signature.subset(kBaseSignatureMask | kSignatureRegElementTypeMask) == (RegTraits<RegType::kARM_VecV>::kSignature | kSignatureElementS); }
inline constexpr bool isVecD2() const noexcept { return _signature.subset(kBaseSignatureMask | kSignatureRegElementTypeMask) == (RegTraits<RegType::kARM_VecV>::kSignature | kSignatureElementD); }
inline constexpr bool isVecB4x4() const noexcept { return _signature.subset(kBaseSignatureMask | kSignatureRegElementTypeMask) == (RegTraits<RegType::kARM_VecV>::kSignature | kSignatureElementB4); }
inline constexpr bool isVecH2x4() const noexcept { return _signature.subset(kBaseSignatureMask | kSignatureRegElementTypeMask) == (RegTraits<RegType::kARM_VecV>::kSignature | kSignatureElementH2); }
//! Creates a cloned register with element access.
inline Vec at(uint32_t elementIndex) const noexcept {
return Vec((signature() & ~kSignatureRegElementIndexMask) | (elementIndex << kSignatureRegElementIndexShift) | kSignatureRegElementFlagMask, id());
//! Cast this register to an 8-bit B register (scalar).
inline VecB b() const noexcept;
//! Cast this register to a 16-bit H register (scalar).
inline VecH h() const noexcept;
//! Cast this register to a 32-bit S register (scalar).
inline VecS s() const noexcept;
//! Cast this register to a 64-bit D register (scalar).
inline VecD d() const noexcept;
//! Cast this register to a 128-bit Q register (scalar).
inline VecV q() const noexcept;
//! Cast this register to a 128-bit V register.
inline VecV v() const noexcept;
//! Cast this register to a 128-bit V.B[elementIndex] register.
inline VecV b(uint32_t elementIndex) const noexcept;
//! Cast this register to a 128-bit V.H[elementIndex] register.
inline VecV h(uint32_t elementIndex) const noexcept;
//! Cast this register to a 128-bit V.S[elementIndex] register.
inline VecV s(uint32_t elementIndex) const noexcept;
//! Cast this register to a 128-bit V.D[elementIndex] register.
inline VecV d(uint32_t elementIndex) const noexcept;
//! Cast this register to a 128-bit V.H2[elementIndex] register.
inline VecV h2(uint32_t elementIndex) const noexcept;
//! Cast this register to a 128-bit V.B4[elementIndex] register.
inline VecV b4(uint32_t elementIndex) const noexcept;
//! Cast this register to V.8B.
inline VecD b8() const noexcept;
//! Cast this register to V.16B.
inline VecV b16() const noexcept;
//! Cast this register to V.2H.
inline VecS h2() const noexcept;
//! Cast this register to V.4H.
inline VecD h4() const noexcept;
//! Cast this register to V.8H.
inline VecV h8() const noexcept;
//! Cast this register to V.2S.
inline VecD s2() const noexcept;
//! Cast this register to V.4S.
inline VecV s4() const noexcept;
//! Cast this register to V.2D.
inline VecV d2() const noexcept;
static inline constexpr OperandSignature _makeElementAccessSignature(uint32_t elementType, uint32_t elementIndex) noexcept {
return OperandSignature{
uint32_t(RegTraits<RegType::kARM_VecV>::kSignature) |
uint32_t(kSignatureRegElementFlagMask) |
uint32_t(elementType << kSignatureRegElementTypeShift) |
uint32_t(elementIndex << kSignatureRegElementIndexShift)};
//! 32-bit GPW (AArch64) and/or GPR (ARM/AArch32) register.
class GpW : public Gp { ASMJIT_DEFINE_FINAL_REG(GpW, Gp, RegTraits<RegType::kARM_GpW>) };
//! 64-bit GPX (AArch64) register.
class GpX : public Gp { ASMJIT_DEFINE_FINAL_REG(GpX, Gp, RegTraits<RegType::kARM_GpX>) };
//! 8-bit view (S) of VFP/SIMD register.
class VecB : public Vec { ASMJIT_DEFINE_FINAL_REG(VecB, Vec, RegTraits<RegType::kARM_VecB>) };
//! 16-bit view (S) of VFP/SIMD register.
class VecH : public Vec { ASMJIT_DEFINE_FINAL_REG(VecH, Vec, RegTraits<RegType::kARM_VecH>) };
//! 32-bit view (S) of VFP/SIMD register.
class VecS : public Vec { ASMJIT_DEFINE_FINAL_REG(VecS, Vec, RegTraits<RegType::kARM_VecS>) };
//! 64-bit view (D) of VFP/SIMD register.
class VecD : public Vec { ASMJIT_DEFINE_FINAL_REG(VecD, Vec, RegTraits<RegType::kARM_VecD>) };
//! 128-bit vector register (Q or V).
class VecV : public Vec { ASMJIT_DEFINE_FINAL_REG(VecV, Vec, RegTraits<RegType::kARM_VecV>) };
inline GpW Gp::w() const noexcept { return GpW(id()); }
inline GpX Gp::x() const noexcept { return GpX(id()); }
inline VecB Vec::b() const noexcept { return VecB(id()); }
inline VecH Vec::h() const noexcept { return VecH(id()); }
inline VecS Vec::s() const noexcept { return VecS(id()); }
inline VecD Vec::d() const noexcept { return VecD(id()); }
inline VecV Vec::q() const noexcept { return VecV(id()); }
inline VecV Vec::v() const noexcept { return VecV(id()); }
inline VecV Vec::b(uint32_t elementIndex) const noexcept { return VecV(_makeElementAccessSignature(kElementTypeB, elementIndex), id()); }
inline VecV Vec::h(uint32_t elementIndex) const noexcept { return VecV(_makeElementAccessSignature(kElementTypeH, elementIndex), id()); }
inline VecV Vec::s(uint32_t elementIndex) const noexcept { return VecV(_makeElementAccessSignature(kElementTypeS, elementIndex), id()); }
inline VecV Vec::d(uint32_t elementIndex) const noexcept { return VecV(_makeElementAccessSignature(kElementTypeD, elementIndex), id()); }
inline VecV Vec::h2(uint32_t elementIndex) const noexcept { return VecV(_makeElementAccessSignature(kElementTypeH2, elementIndex), id()); }
inline VecV Vec::b4(uint32_t elementIndex) const noexcept { return VecV(_makeElementAccessSignature(kElementTypeB4, elementIndex), id()); }
inline VecD Vec::b8() const noexcept { return VecD(OperandSignature{VecD::kSignature | kSignatureElementB}, id()); }
inline VecS Vec::h2() const noexcept { return VecS(OperandSignature{VecS::kSignature | kSignatureElementH}, id()); }
inline VecD Vec::h4() const noexcept { return VecD(OperandSignature{VecD::kSignature | kSignatureElementH}, id()); }
inline VecD Vec::s2() const noexcept { return VecD(OperandSignature{VecD::kSignature | kSignatureElementS}, id()); }
inline VecV Vec::b16() const noexcept { return VecV(OperandSignature{VecV::kSignature | kSignatureElementB}, id()); }
inline VecV Vec::h8() const noexcept { return VecV(OperandSignature{VecV::kSignature | kSignatureElementH}, id()); }
inline VecV Vec::s4() const noexcept { return VecV(OperandSignature{VecV::kSignature | kSignatureElementS}, id()); }
inline VecV Vec::d2() const noexcept { return VecV(OperandSignature{VecV::kSignature | kSignatureElementD}, id()); }
#ifndef _DOXYGEN
namespace regs {
//! Creates a 32-bit W register operand (ARM/AArch64).
static inline constexpr GpW w(uint32_t id) noexcept { return GpW(id); }
//! Creates a 64-bit X register operand (AArch64).
static inline constexpr GpX x(uint32_t id) noexcept { return GpX(id); }
//! Creates a 32-bit S register operand (ARM/AArch64).
static inline constexpr VecS s(uint32_t id) noexcept { return VecS(id); }
//! Creates a 64-bit D register operand (ARM/AArch64).
static inline constexpr VecD d(uint32_t id) noexcept { return VecD(id); }
//! Creates a 1282-bit V register operand (ARM/AArch64).
static inline constexpr VecV v(uint32_t id) noexcept { return VecV(id); }
#ifndef _DOXYGEN
} // {regs}
// Make `arm::regs` accessible through `arm` namespace as well.
using namespace regs;
//! Memory operand (ARM).
class Mem : public BaseMem {
//! \cond INTERNAL
//! Additional bits of operand's signature used by `arm::Mem`.
enum AdditionalBits : uint32_t {
// Index shift value (5 bits).
// |........|.....XXX|XX......|........|
kSignatureMemShiftValueShift = 14,
kSignatureMemShiftValueMask = 0x1Fu << kSignatureMemShiftValueShift,
// Shift operation type (4 bits).
// |........|XXXX....|........|........|
kSignatureMemPredicateShift = 20,
kSignatureMemPredicateMask = 0x0Fu << kSignatureMemPredicateShift
//! \endcond
//! Memory offset mode.
//! Additional constants that can be used with the `predicate`.
enum OffsetMode : uint32_t {
//! Pre-index "[BASE, #Offset {, <shift>}]!" with write-back.
kOffsetPreIndex = 0xE,
//! Post-index "[BASE], #Offset {, <shift>}" with write-back.
kOffsetPostIndex = 0xF
//! \name Construction & Destruction
//! \{
//! Construct a default `Mem` operand, that points to [0].
inline constexpr Mem() noexcept
: BaseMem() {}
inline constexpr Mem(const Mem& other) noexcept
: BaseMem(other) {}
inline explicit Mem(Globals::NoInit_) noexcept
: BaseMem(Globals::NoInit) {}
inline constexpr Mem(const Signature& signature, uint32_t baseId, uint32_t indexId, int32_t offset) noexcept
: BaseMem(signature, baseId, indexId, offset) {}
inline constexpr explicit Mem(const Label& base, int32_t off = 0, Signature signature = Signature{0}) noexcept
: BaseMem(Signature::fromOpType(OperandType::kMem) |
Signature::fromMemBaseType(RegType::kLabelTag) |
signature,, 0, off) {}
inline constexpr explicit Mem(const BaseReg& base, int32_t off = 0, Signature signature = Signature{0}) noexcept
: BaseMem(Signature::fromOpType(OperandType::kMem) |
Signature::fromMemBaseType(base.type()) |
signature,, 0, off) {}
inline constexpr Mem(const BaseReg& base, const BaseReg& index, Signature signature = Signature{0}) noexcept
: BaseMem(Signature::fromOpType(OperandType::kMem) |
Signature::fromMemBaseType(base.type()) |
Signature::fromMemIndexType(index.type()) |
signature,,, 0) {}
inline constexpr Mem(const BaseReg& base, const BaseReg& index, const Shift& shift, Signature signature = Signature{0}) noexcept
: BaseMem(Signature::fromOpType(OperandType::kMem) |
Signature::fromMemBaseType(base.type()) |
Signature::fromMemIndexType(index.type()) |
Signature::fromValue<kSignatureMemPredicateMask>(uint32_t(shift.op())) |
Signature::fromValue<kSignatureMemShiftValueMask>(shift.value()) |
signature,,, 0) {}
inline constexpr Mem(uint64_t base, Signature signature = Signature{0}) noexcept
: BaseMem(Signature::fromOpType(OperandType::kMem) |
signature, uint32_t(base >> 32), 0, int32_t(uint32_t(base & 0xFFFFFFFFu))) {}
//! \}
//! \name Overloaded Operators
//! \{
inline Mem& operator=(const Mem& other) noexcept = default;
//! \}
//! \name Clone
//! \{
//! Clones the memory operand.
inline constexpr Mem clone() const noexcept { return Mem(*this); }
//! Gets new memory operand adjusted by `off`.
inline Mem cloneAdjusted(int64_t off) const noexcept {
Mem result(*this);
return result;
//! Clones the memory operand and makes it pre-index.
inline Mem pre() const noexcept {
Mem result(*this);
return result;
//! Clones the memory operand, applies a given offset `off` and makes it pre-index.
inline Mem pre(int64_t off) const noexcept {
Mem result(*this);
return result;
//! Clones the memory operand and makes it post-index.
inline Mem post() const noexcept {
Mem result(*this);
return result;
//! Clones the memory operand, applies a given offset `off` and makes it post-index.
inline Mem post(int64_t off) const noexcept {
Mem result(*this);
return result;
//! \}
//! \name Base & Index
//! \{
//! Converts memory `baseType` and `baseId` to `arm::Reg` instance.
//! The memory must have a valid base register otherwise the result will be wrong.
inline Reg baseReg() const noexcept { return Reg::fromTypeAndId(baseType(), baseId()); }
//! Converts memory `indexType` and `indexId` to `arm::Reg` instance.
//! The memory must have a valid index register otherwise the result will be wrong.
inline Reg indexReg() const noexcept { return Reg::fromTypeAndId(indexType(), indexId()); }
using BaseMem::setIndex;
inline void setIndex(const BaseReg& index, uint32_t shift) noexcept {
//! \}
//! \name ARM Specific Features
//! \{
//! Gets whether the memory operand has shift (aka scale) constant.
inline constexpr bool hasShift() const noexcept { return _signature.hasField<kSignatureMemShiftValueMask>(); }
//! Gets the memory operand's shift (aka scale) constant.
inline constexpr uint32_t shift() const noexcept { return _signature.getField<kSignatureMemShiftValueMask>(); }
//! Sets the memory operand's shift (aka scale) constant.
inline void setShift(uint32_t shift) noexcept { _signature.setField<kSignatureMemShiftValueMask>(shift); }
//! Resets the memory operand's shift (aka scale) constant to zero.
inline void resetShift() noexcept { _signature.setField<kSignatureMemShiftValueMask>(0); }
//! Gets memory predicate (shift mode or offset mode), see \ref ShiftOp and \ref OffsetMode.
inline constexpr uint32_t predicate() const noexcept { return _signature.getField<kSignatureMemPredicateMask>(); }
//! Sets memory predicate to `predicate`, see `Mem::ShiftOp`.
inline void setPredicate(uint32_t predicate) noexcept { _signature.setField<kSignatureMemPredicateMask>(predicate); }
//! Resets shift mode to LSL (default).
inline void resetPredicate() noexcept { _signature.setField<kSignatureMemPredicateMask>(0); }
inline constexpr bool isFixedOffset() const noexcept { return predicate() < kOffsetPreIndex; }
inline constexpr bool isPreOrPost() const noexcept { return predicate() >= kOffsetPreIndex; }
inline constexpr bool isPreIndex() const noexcept { return predicate() == kOffsetPreIndex; }
inline constexpr bool isPostIndex() const noexcept { return predicate() == kOffsetPostIndex; }
inline void resetToFixedOffset() noexcept { resetPredicate(); }
inline void makePreIndex() noexcept { setPredicate(kOffsetPreIndex); }
inline void makePostIndex() noexcept { setPredicate(kOffsetPostIndex); }
//! \}
//! Creates `[base.reg, offset]` memory operand (offset mode).
static inline constexpr Mem ptr(const Gp& base, int32_t offset = 0) noexcept {
return Mem(base, offset);
//! Creates `[base.reg, offset]!` memory operand (pre-index mode).
static inline constexpr Mem ptr_pre(const Gp& base, int32_t offset = 0) noexcept {
return Mem(base, offset, OperandSignature::fromValue<Mem::kSignatureMemPredicateMask>(Mem::kOffsetPreIndex));
//! Creates `[base.reg], offset` memory operand (post-index mode).
static inline constexpr Mem ptr_post(const Gp& base, int32_t offset = 0) noexcept {
return Mem(base, offset, OperandSignature::fromValue<Mem::kSignatureMemPredicateMask>(Mem::kOffsetPostIndex));
//! Creates `[base.reg, index]` memory operand.
static inline constexpr Mem ptr(const Gp& base, const Gp& index) noexcept {
return Mem(base, index);
//! Creates `[base.reg], index` memory operand (post-index mode).
static inline constexpr Mem ptr_post(const Gp& base, const Gp& index) noexcept {
return Mem(base, index, OperandSignature::fromValue<Mem::kSignatureMemPredicateMask>(Mem::kOffsetPostIndex));
//! Creates `[base.reg, index, SHIFT_OP #shift]` memory operand.
static inline constexpr Mem ptr(const Gp& base, const Gp& index, const Shift& shift) noexcept {
return Mem(base, index, shift);
//! Creates `[base + offset]` memory operand.
static inline constexpr Mem ptr(const Label& base, int32_t offset = 0) noexcept {
return Mem(base, offset);
// TODO: [ARM] PC + offset address.
#if 0
//! Creates `[PC + offset]` (relative) memory operand.
static inline constexpr Mem ptr(const PC& pc, int32_t offset = 0) noexcept {
return Mem(pc, offset);
//! Creates `[base]` absolute memory operand.
//! \note The concept of absolute memory operands doesn't exist on ARM, the ISA only provides PC relative addressing.
//! Absolute memory operands can only be used if it's known that the PC relative offset is encodable and that it
//! would be within the limits. Absolute address is also often output from disassemblers, so AsmJit support it so it
//! can assemble it back.
static inline constexpr Mem ptr(uint64_t base) noexcept { return Mem(base); }
//! \}
//! \cond INTERNAL
ASMJIT_DEFINE_TYPE_ID(arm::GpW, TypeId::kInt32);
ASMJIT_DEFINE_TYPE_ID(arm::GpX, TypeId::kInt64);
ASMJIT_DEFINE_TYPE_ID(arm::VecS, TypeId::kFloat32x1);
ASMJIT_DEFINE_TYPE_ID(arm::VecD, TypeId::kFloat64x1);
ASMJIT_DEFINE_TYPE_ID(arm::VecV, TypeId::kInt32x4);
//! \endcond