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synced 2025-03-26 22:18:31 -04:00
733 lines
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733 lines
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__version__ = "2.0.1"
# Imports
import asyncio
import enum
import json
import uuid
from abc import abstractmethod
from datetime import datetime
from urllib.parse import quote
import aiohttp
import requests
from aiohttp import ClientResponseError
# Enums
class platforms(enum.Enum):
All = 'all'
Activision = 'acti'
Battlenet = 'battle'
PSN = 'psn'
Steam = 'steam'
Uno = 'uno'
XBOX = 'xbl'
class games(enum.Enum):
ColdWar = 'cw'
ModernWarfare = 'mw'
ModernWarfare2 = 'mw2'
Vanguard = 'vg'
Warzone = 'wz'
Warzone2 = 'wz2'
class friendActions(enum.Enum):
Invite = "invite"
Uninvite = "uninvite"
Remove = "remove"
Block = "block"
Unblock = "unblock"
class API:
Call Of Duty API Wrapper
Developed by Todo Lodo & Engineer152
- Werseter
Source Code: https://github.com/TodoLodo/cod-python-api
def __init__(self):
# sub classes
self.Warzone = self.__WZ()
self.ModernWarfare = self.__MW()
self.Warzone2 = self.__WZ2()
self.ModernWarfare2 = self.__MW2()
self.ColdWar = self.__CW()
self.Vanguard = self.__VG()
self.Shop = self.__SHOP()
self.Me = self.__USER()
self.Misc = self.__ALT()
async def loginAsync(self, sso_token: str) -> None:
await API._Common.loginAsync(sso_token)
# Login
def login(self, ssoToken: str):
class _Common:
requestHeaders = {
"content-type": "application/json",
"user-agent": "Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 10.0; Win64; x64) "
"AppleWebKit/537.36 (KHTML, like Gecko) "
"Chrome/74.0.3729.169 "
"Accept": "application/json",
"Connection": "Keep-Alive"
cookies = {"new_SiteId": "cod", "ACT_SSO_LOCALE": "en_US", "country": "US",
"ACT_SSO_COOKIE_EXPIRY": "1645556143194"}
cachedMappings = None
fakeXSRF = str(uuid.uuid4())
baseUrl: str = "https://my.callofduty.com/api/papi-client"
loggedIn: bool = False
# endPoints
# game platform lookupType gamertag type
fullDataUrl = "/stats/cod/v1/title/%s/platform/%s/%s/%s/profile/type/%s"
# game platform lookupType gamertag type start end [?limit=n or '']
combatHistoryUrl = "/crm/cod/v2/title/%s/platform/%s/%s/%s/matches/%s/start/%d/end/%d/details"
# game platform lookupType gamertag type start end
breakdownUrl = "/crm/cod/v2/title/%s/platform/%s/%s/%s/matches/%s/start/%d/end/%d"
# game platform lookupType gamertag
seasonLootUrl = "/loot/title/%s/platform/%s/%s/%s/status/en"
# game platform
mapListUrl = "/ce/v1/title/%s/platform/%s/gameType/mp/communityMapData/availability"
# game platform type matchId
matchInfoUrl = "/crm/cod/v2/title/%s/platform/%s/fullMatch/%s/%d/en"
async def loginAsync(sso_token: str) -> None:
API._Common.cookies["ACT_SSO_COOKIE"] = sso_token
API._Common.baseSsoToken = sso_token
r = await API._Common.__Request(f"{API._Common.baseUrl}/crm/cod/v2/identities/{sso_token}")
if r['status'] == 'success':
API._Common.loggedIn = True
raise InvalidToken(sso_token)
def login(sso_token: str) -> None:
API._Common.cookies["ACT_SSO_COOKIE"] = sso_token
API._Common.baseSsoToken = sso_token
r = requests.get(f"{API._Common.baseUrl}/crm/cod/v2/identities/{sso_token}",
headers=API._Common.requestHeaders, cookies=API._Common.cookies)
if r.json()['status'] == 'success':
API._Common.loggedIn = True
raise InvalidToken(sso_token)
def sso_token() -> str:
return API._Common.cookies["ACT_SSO_COOKIE"]
# Requests
async def __Request(url):
async with aiohttp.client.ClientSession(connector=aiohttp.TCPConnector(verify_ssl=True),
timeout=aiohttp.ClientTimeout(total=30)) as session:
async with session.get(url, cookies=API._Common.cookies,
headers=API._Common.requestHeaders) as resp:
except ClientResponseError as err:
return {'status': 'error', 'data': {'type': type(err), 'message': err.message}}
API._Common.cookies.update({c.key: c.value for c in session.cookie_jar})
return await resp.json()
except asyncio.TimeoutError as err:
return {'status': 'error', 'data': {'type': type(err), 'message': str(err)}}
async def __sendRequest(self, url: str):
if self.loggedIn:
response = await API._Common.__Request(f"{self.baseUrl}{url}")
if response['status'] == 'success':
response['data'] = await self.__perform_mapping(response['data'])
return response
raise NotLoggedIn
# client name url formatter
def __cleanClientName(self, gamertag):
return quote(gamertag.encode("utf-8"))
# helper
def __helper(self, platform, gamertag):
lookUpType = "gamer"
if platform == platforms.Uno:
lookUpType = "id"
if platform == platforms.Activision:
platform = platforms.Uno
if platform not in [platforms.Activision, platforms.Battlenet, platforms.Uno, platforms.All, platforms.PSN,
raise InvalidPlatform(platform)
gamertag = self.__cleanClientName(gamertag)
return lookUpType, gamertag, platform
async def __get_mappings(self):
if API._Common.cachedMappings is None:
API._Common.cachedMappings = (
await API._Common.__Request('https://engineer152.github.io/wz-data/weapon-ids.json'),
await API._Common.__Request('https://engineer152.github.io/wz-data/game-modes.json'),
await API._Common.__Request('https://engineer152.github.io/wz-data/perks.json'))
return API._Common.cachedMappings
# mapping
async def __perform_mapping(self, data):
guns, modes, perks = await self.__get_mappings()
if not isinstance(data, list) or 'matches' not in data:
return data
for match in data['matches']:
# time stamps
match['utcStartDateTime'] = datetime.fromtimestamp(
match['utcStartSeconds']).strftime("%A, %B %d, %Y, %I:%M:%S")
match['utcEndDateTime'] = datetime.fromtimestamp(
match['utcEndSeconds']).strftime("%A, %B %d, %Y, %I:%M:%S")
except KeyError:
# loadouts list
for loadout in match['player']['loadouts']:
# weapons
if loadout['primaryWeapon']['label'] is None:
loadout['primaryWeapon']['label'] = guns[loadout['primaryWeapon']['name']]
except KeyError:
if loadout['secondaryWeapon']['label'] is None:
loadout['secondaryWeapon']['label'] = guns[loadout['secondaryWeapon']['name']]
except KeyError:
# perks list
for perk in loadout['perks']:
if perk['label'] is None:
perk['label'] = perks[perk['name']]
except KeyError:
# extra perks list
for perk in loadout['extraPerks']:
if perk['label'] is None:
perk['label'] = perks[perk['name']]
except KeyError:
# loadout list
for loadout in match['player']['loadout']:
if loadout['primaryWeapon']['label'] is None:
loadout['primaryWeapon']['label'] = guns[loadout['primaryWeapon']['name']]
except KeyError:
if loadout['secondaryWeapon']['label'] is None:
loadout['secondaryWeapon']['label'] = guns[loadout['secondaryWeapon']['name']]
except KeyError:
# perks list
for perk in loadout['perks']:
if perk['label'] is None:
perk['label'] = perks[perk['name']]
except KeyError:
# extra perks list
for perk in loadout['extraPerks']:
if perk['label'] is None:
perk['label'] = perks[perk['name']]
except KeyError:
except KeyError:
# return mapped or unmapped data
return data
# API Requests
async def _fullDataReq(self, game, platform, gamertag, type):
lookUpType, gamertag, platform = self.__helper(platform, gamertag)
return await self.__sendRequest(self.fullDataUrl % (game, platform.value, lookUpType, gamertag, type))
async def _combatHistoryReq(self, game, platform, gamertag, type, start, end):
lookUpType, gamertag, platform = self.__helper(platform, gamertag)
return await self.__sendRequest(
self.combatHistoryUrl % (game, platform.value, lookUpType, gamertag, type, start, end))
async def _breakdownReq(self, game, platform, gamertag, type, start, end):
lookUpType, gamertag, platform = self.__helper(platform, gamertag)
return await self.__sendRequest(
self.breakdownUrl % (game, platform.value, lookUpType, gamertag, type, start, end))
async def _seasonLootReq(self, game, platform, gamertag):
lookUpType, gamertag, platform = self.__helper(platform, gamertag)
return await self.__sendRequest(self.seasonLootUrl % (game, platform.value, lookUpType, gamertag))
async def _mapListReq(self, game, platform):
return await self.__sendRequest(self.mapListUrl % (game, platform.value))
async def _matchInfoReq(self, game, platform, type, matchId):
return await self.__sendRequest(self.matchInfoUrl % (game, platform.value, type, matchId))
class __GameDataCommons(_Common):
fullData(platform:platforms, gamertag:str)
returns player's game data of type dict
combatHistory(platform:platforms, gamertag:str)
returns player's combat history of type dict
combatHistoryWithDate(platform:platforms, gamertag:str, start:int, end:int)
returns player's combat history within the specified timeline of type dict
breakdown(platform:platforms, gamertag:str)
returns player's combat history breakdown of type dict
breakdownWithDate(platform:platforms, gamertag:str, start:int, end:int)
returns player's combat history breakdown within the specified timeline of type dict
seasonLoot(platform:platforms, gamertag:str)
returns player's season loot
returns available maps and available modes for each
matchInfo(platform:platforms, matchId:int)
returns details match details of type dict
fullDataAsync(platform:platforms, gamertag:str)
returns player's game data of type dict
combatHistoryAsync(platform:platforms, gamertag:str)
returns player's combat history of type dict
combatHistoryWithDateAsync(platform:platforms, gamertag:str, start:int, end:int)
returns player's combat history within the specified timeline of type dict
breakdownAsync(platform:platforms, gamertag:str)
returns player's combat history breakdown of type dict
breakdownWithDateAsync(platform:platforms, gamertag:str, start:int, end:int)
returns player's combat history breakdown within the specified timeline of type dict
seasonLootAsync(platform:platforms, gamertag:str)
returns player's season loot
returns available maps and available modes for each
matchInfoAsync(platform:platforms, matchId:int)
returns details match details of type dict
def __init_subclass__(cls, **kwargs):
cls.__doc__ = cls.__doc__ + super(cls, cls).__doc__
def _game(self) -> str:
raise NotImplementedError
def _type(self) -> str:
raise NotImplementedError
async def fullDataAsync(self, platform: platforms, gamertag: str):
data = await self._fullDataReq(self._game, platform, gamertag, self._type)
return data
def fullData(self, platform: platforms, gamertag: str):
return asyncio.run(self.fullDataAsync(platform, gamertag))
async def combatHistoryAsync(self, platform: platforms, gamertag: str):
data = await self._combatHistoryReq(self._game, platform, gamertag, self._type, 0, 0)
return data
def combatHistory(self, platform: platforms, gamertag: str):
return asyncio.run(self.combatHistoryAsync(platform, gamertag))
async def combatHistoryWithDateAsync(self, platform, gamertag: str, start: int, end: int):
data = await self._combatHistoryReq(self._game, platform, gamertag, self._type, start, end)
return data
def combatHistoryWithDate(self, platform, gamertag: str, start: int, end: int):
return asyncio.run(self.combatHistoryWithDateAsync(platform, gamertag, start, end))
async def breakdownAsync(self, platform, gamertag: str):
data = await self._breakdownReq(self._game, platform, gamertag, self._type, 0, 0)
return data
def breakdown(self, platform, gamertag: str):
return asyncio.run(self.breakdownAsync(platform, gamertag))
async def breakdownWithDateAsync(self, platform, gamertag: str, start: int, end: int):
data = await self._breakdownReq(self._game, platform, gamertag, self._type, start, end)
return data
def breakdownWithDate(self, platform, gamertag: str, start: int, end: int):
return asyncio.run(self.breakdownWithDateAsync(platform, gamertag, start, end))
async def matchInfoAsync(self, platform, matchId: int):
data = await self._matchInfoReq(self._game, platform, self._type, matchId)
return data
def matchInfo(self, platform, matchId: int):
return asyncio.run(self.matchInfoAsync(platform, matchId))
async def seasonLootAsync(self, platform, gamertag):
data = await self._seasonLootReq(self._game, platform, gamertag)
return data
def seasonLoot(self, platform, gamertag):
return asyncio.run(self.seasonLootAsync(platform, gamertag))
async def mapListAsync(self, platform):
data = await self._mapListReq(self._game, platform)
return data
def mapList(self, platform):
return asyncio.run(self.mapListAsync(platform))
# WZ
class __WZ(__GameDataCommons):
Warzone class: A class to get players warzone stats, warzone combat history and specific warzone match details
classCategory: game
gameId/gameTitle: mw or wz
gameType: wz
def _game(self) -> str:
return "mw"
def _type(self) -> str:
return "wz"
async def seasonLootAsync(self, platform, gamertag):
raise InvalidEndpoint
async def mapListAsync(self, platform):
raise InvalidEndpoint
# WZ2
class __WZ2(__GameDataCommons):
Warzone 2 class: A class to get players warzone 2 stats, warzone 2 combat history and specific warzone 2 match details
classCategory: game
gameId/gameTitle: mw or wz
gameType: wz2
def _game(self) -> str:
return "mw2"
def _type(self) -> str:
return "wz2"
async def seasonLootAsync(self, platform, gamertag):
raise InvalidEndpoint
async def mapListAsync(self, platform):
raise InvalidEndpoint
# MW
class __MW(__GameDataCommons):
ModernWarfare class: A class to get players modernwarfare stats, modernwarfare combat history, a player's modernwarfare season loot, modernwarfare map list and specific modernwarfare match details
classCategory: game
gameId/gameTitle: mw
gameType: mp
def _game(self) -> str:
return "mw"
def _type(self) -> str:
return "mp"
# CW
class __CW(__GameDataCommons):
ColdWar class: A class to get players coldwar stats, coldwar combat history, a player's coldwar season loot, coldwar map list and specific coldwar match details
classCategory: game
gameId/gameTitle: cw
gameType: mp
def _game(self) -> str:
return "cw"
def _type(self) -> str:
return "mp"
# VG
class __VG(__GameDataCommons):
Vanguard class: A class to get players vanguard stats, vanguard combat history, a player's vanguard season loot, vanguard map list and specific vanguard match details
classCategory: game
gameId/gameTitle: vg
gameType: pm
def _game(self) -> str:
return "vg"
def _type(self) -> str:
return "mp"
# MW2
class __MW2(__GameDataCommons):
ModernWarfare 2 class: A class to get players modernwarfare 2 stats, modernwarfare 2 combat history, a player's modernwarfare 2 season loot, modernwarfare 2 map list and specific modernwarfare 2 match details
classCategory: game
gameId/gameTitle: mw
gameType: mp
def _game(self) -> str:
return "mw2"
def _type(self) -> str:
return "mp"
class __USER(_Common):
def info(self):
if self.loggedIn:
# Assuming 'user_info.json' is the file you've downloaded with the information.
file_path = 'userInfo.json'
# Load the JSON content from the local file.
with open(file_path, 'r') as file:
rawData = json.load(file)
userInfo = rawData['userInfo'] # Accessing the nested 'userInfo' dictionary.
identities = rawData.get('identities', []) # Accessing the 'identities' if it exists or default to empty list.
data = {'userName': userInfo['userName'], 'identities': []} # Getting 'userName' from the nested dictionary.
for i in identities: # Loop through each identity in the 'identities' list.
'platform': i['provider'],
'gamertag': i['username'],
'accountID': i['accountID'] # Assuming 'accountID' exists; otherwise, you might need a default value.
return data
except KeyError as e:
# Handle the case where the expected key is not found in the dictionary.
print(f"Error: A required field is missing in the data. Details: {str(e)}")
# Re-raise the exception or handle it as required for your application's logic.
raise NotLoggedIn
def __priv(self):
d = self.info()
return d['identities'][0]['platform'], quote(d['identities'][0]['gamertag'].encode("utf-8"))
async def friendFeedAsync(self):
p, g = self.__priv()
data = await self._Common__sendRequest(
return data
def friendFeed(self):
return asyncio.run(self.friendFeedAsync())
async def eventFeedAsync(self):
data = await self._Common__sendRequest(f"/userfeed/v1/friendFeed/rendered/en/{self.sso_token()}")
return data
def eventFeed(self):
return asyncio.run(self.eventFeedAsync())
async def loggedInIdentitiesAsync(self):
data = await self._Common__sendRequest(f"/crm/cod/v2/identities/{self.sso_token()}")
return data
def loggedInIdentities(self):
return asyncio.run(self.loggedInIdentitiesAsync())
async def codPointsAsync(self):
p, g = self.__priv()
data = await self._Common__sendRequest(f"/inventory/v1/title/mw/platform/{p}/gamer/{g}/currency")
return data
def codPoints(self):
return asyncio.run(self.codPointsAsync())
async def connectedAccountsAsync(self):
p, g = self.__priv()
data = await self._Common__sendRequest(f"/crm/cod/v2/accounts/platform/{p}/gamer/{g}")
return data
def connectedAccounts(self):
return asyncio.run(self.connectedAccountsAsync())
async def settingsAsync(self):
p, g = self.__priv()
data = await self._Common__sendRequest(f"/preferences/v1/platform/{p}/gamer/{g}/list")
return data
def settings(self):
return asyncio.run(self.settingsAsync())
class __SHOP(_Common):
Shop class: A class to get bundle details and battle pass loot
classCategory: other
purchasableItems(game: games)
returns purchasable items for a specific gameId/gameTitle
bundleInformation(game: games, bundleId: int)
returns bundle details for the specific gameId/gameTitle and bundleId
battlePassLoot(game: games, platform: platforms, season: int)
returns battle pass loot for specific game and season on given platform
purchasableItemsAsync(game: games)
returns purchasable items for a specific gameId/gameTitle
bundleInformationAsync(game: games, bundleId: int)
returns bundle details for the specific gameId/gameTitle and bundleId
battlePassLootAsync(game: games, platform: platforms, season: int)
returns battle pass loot for specific game and season on given platform
async def purchasableItemsAsync(self, game: games):
data = await self._Common__sendRequest(f"/inventory/v1/title/{game.value}/platform/uno/purchasable/public/en")
return data
def purchasableItems(self, game: games):
return asyncio.run(self.purchasableItemsAsync(game))
async def bundleInformationAsync(self, game: games, bundleId: int):
data = await self._Common__sendRequest(f"/inventory/v1/title/{game.value}/bundle/{bundleId}/en")
return data
def bundleInformation(self, game: games, bundleId: int):
return asyncio.run(self.bundleInformationAsync(game, bundleId))
async def battlePassLootAsync(self, game: games, platform: platforms, season: int):
data = await self._Common__sendRequest(
return data
def battlePassLoot(self, game: games, platform: platforms, season: int):
return asyncio.run(self.battlePassLootAsync(game, platform, season))
class __ALT(_Common):
async def searchAsync(self, platform, gamertag: str):
lookUpType, gamertag, platform = self._Common__helper(platform, gamertag)
data = await self._Common__sendRequest(f"/crm/cod/v2/platform/{platform.value}/username/{gamertag}/search")
return data
def search(self, platform, gamertag: str):
return asyncio.run(self.searchAsync(platform, gamertag))
# Exceptions
class NotLoggedIn(Exception):
def __str__(self):
return "Not logged in!"
class InvalidToken(Exception):
def __init__(self, token):
self.token = token
def __str__(self):
return f"Token is invalid, token: {self.token}"
class InvalidPlatform(Exception):
def __init__(self, platform: platforms):
self.message: str
if platform == platforms.Steam:
self.message = "Steam cannot be used till further updates."
self.message = "Invalid platform, use platform class!"
def __str__(self):
return self.message
class InvalidEndpoint(Exception):
def __str__(self):
return "This endpoint is not available for selected title"
class StatusError(Exception):
def __str__(self):
return "Status Error, Check if your sso token is valid or try again later."